About ONS business surveys - Office for National Statistics (2024)

Table of Contents
1. ONS and Statistics Office for National Statistics (ONS): who we are and what we do How many business surveys does ONS conduct? Who uses the data produced? What are the benefits of statistics? 2. Selection for ONS Surveys How was my business selected? Should we be receiving ONS business surveys? What does ONS consider to be a large or small business? What is the difference between employment and employees? My business employs fewer than ten people, will I get selected? How many businesses are in each survey sample? How long will I have to complete the survey? Why has my business been selected for more than one survey? Is our selection process fair? 3. Completing your survey Will my data be kept confidential? What if I don’t want to provide ONS information under the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)? Why can't you get the data you need from my VAT returns? Can I provide estimates? What if I don't have any data to report? My business is in administration or receivership – do I still need to complete the questionnaire? Can I send my data in via email? Can I complete the survey online? Why have I received a reminder when I have already returned my questionnaire or data? Why are the return dates so early? What is ONS doing to reduce the impact of its surveys on businesses? 4. Do I need to complete the survey? What authority does ONS have to conduct its business surveys? Can I be exempt from completing the survey questionnaire? Is there an appeal process? What will happen if I do not complete the questionnaire? Will I get paid for completing an ONS business survey? Will I be fined if I return my questionnaire late? What will happen if I provide false data? How will you know whether the data I provide is false? 5. General survey information What is the difference between “survey” and “questionnaire”? Why is my data important? Can I give ONS feedback on the design of its questionnaires? 6. Contact us What if I wish to make a complaint? What if I need further help and information? How do I change the contact within my business? How can I get a duplicate copy of the questionnaire? FAQs

1. ONS and Statistics

Office for National Statistics (ONS): who we are and what we do

ONS is the executive office of the UK Statistics Authority. It is the UK's largest independent producer of official statistics and the recognised national statistical institute of the UK. Familiar economic statistics we produce are the Retail Sales Index, Gross Domestic Product and the UK Balance of Payments. It also provides a wide variety of social statistics including crime, migration and demography, as well as conducting the ten-yearly population census for England and Wales.

How many business surveys does ONS conduct?

We conduct around 82 different surveys of businesses, organisations and local authorities in the UK, issuing around 1.4 million questionnaires to about 325,000 businesses out of a total of around 3 million.

We also conduct a number of other business surveys in conjunction with other government departments such as the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.

Who uses the data produced?

The data collected from these surveys is imperative for government, Treasury, financial institutions and other external forecasters. It informs policy-making decisions, helps to monitor the economy and is a primary measure of inflation.

The data are also used by businesses, universities, the media and the public to monitor the government's performance and gain a better understanding of the UK economy.

What are the benefits of statistics?

Statistics play a major role in monitoring the UK economy and setting interest rates. From a business perspective they provide a vital source of information for identifying trends in the market, as a benchmark for company performance and as a guide to market developments.

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2. Selection for ONS Surveys

How was my business selected?

Businesses are selected from the Inter-Departmental Business Register (IDBR), which is a register of businesses in the UK that are registered for PAYE, VAT or with Companies House.

Selection depends on several factors, for example, the number of people employed, how many other businesses are operating in the same industry and the size of those businesses. Generally, large businesses (usually defined as having 100 plus employment) will always be included in a survey sample because the information they provide can be quite significant. We select a number of medium and smaller businesses (usually on a rotational basis) because they perform differently, giving more balance and integrity to our results.

Should we be receiving ONS business surveys?

You should be receiving surveys if you are a:

  • business
  • organisation
  • local authority or local education authority
  • education establishment
  • charitable organisation
  • church

Under Section 17 of the Statistics of Trade Act 1947 anyone carrying on an undertaking, whether or not it is for profit, and including local and public authorities, is legally required to complete ONS business survey questionnaires.

What does ONS consider to be a large or small business?

As a general rule:

  • large businesses – 100 employment or more
  • medium businesses – 10 to 99 employment
  • small businesses – fewer than 10 employment

What is the difference between employment and employees?

Employment is the number of employees and working proprietors.

Employees are the number of people employed by the business.

My business employs fewer than ten people, will I get selected?

Yes, small businesses are also selected for our business surveys, as trading patterns in micro businesses can vary greatly from large businesses. Collecting their data means we achieve comprehensive and meaningful statistics which are representative of an industry.

How many businesses are in each survey sample?

This varies from survey to survey. We set the size of each survey sample at the minimum level needed to produce representative and accurate results for government and other users.

How long will I have to complete the survey?

We cannot give a definitive period of selection for any of its business surveys as this depends on a number of factors:

  • the number of businesses available in each size-band
  • changes to employment levels within individual businesses
  • how many cease to trade and how many new businesses are generated

Additional information about our business surveys can be found on the List of all business surveys page.

Why has my business been selected for more than one survey?

Our business surveys are conducted independently of each other, therefore it is possible for a business to be selected for more than one survey at a time.

Is our selection process fair?

Yes. Our sampling procedures are based on the principle that, over time, businesses of a similar size and within the same industry have the same probability of being selected.

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3. Completing your survey

Will my data be kept confidential?

ONS takes their legal obligation to protect data very seriously and we uphold this in both the staff we employ, their training, the procedures we adopt and the IT equipment we use.

Your data will be treated in strict confidence in line with the provisions of section 39 of the Statistics and Registration Services Act 2007, Data Protection Legislation (including the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018) and the Code of Practice for Statistics.

The data you send to us will not be disclosed to any unauthorised personnel. It will only be seen by those who need to be aware of them for compiling statistical data. Unauthorised disclosure of data would be a disciplinary and, in some cases, a criminal offence.

The information your business provides is regarded simply as a representation of the industry to which it belongs. The resulting analyses are used only for statistical and research purposes, and show no information to identify companies; only aggregated totals are published. No individual business data can be identified unless that business has specifically given its permission.

For further information about ONS's policy on how we store and use the data we collect please visit our website.

What if I don’t want to provide ONS information under the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?

ONS processes personal data in accordance with the GDPR. As ONS collects data from organisations for statistical purposes under the Statistics of Trade Act (STA) 1947, once an organisation is selected to complete a business survey it is legally required to provide us with the requested data. This legal requirement still applies under the GDPR. Failure to complete and return the outstanding questionnaire is a criminal offence that may result in legal action.

For further information, please visit our Data Protection page.

Why can't you get the data you need from my VAT returns?

We are continually seeking to reduce the impact of its surveys on businesses. Improving access to data to support the production of official and National Statistics, and statistical research, for better decision making is a key objective of the UK Statistics Authority and ONS. The Digital Economy Act 2017 has established a legal gateway for HMRC and other government departments to share data with ONS to support UK statistics, for example data held by HMRC on VAT, PAYE Real Time Information and Corporation Tax data. It is anticipated that once these legal gateways are operational, there should be a noticeable reduction in the burden imposed on businesses by ONS's statistical surveys.

Can I provide estimates?

Yes, we do not expect you to go to any great expense or spend an inordinate amount of time obtaining the information required. Informed estimates are sufficient for our needs since we are measuring changes in the economy using data aggregated from the information received from all businesses within that survey sample.

What if I don't have any data to report?

Reporting a genuine zero return is as valid as any other figure as we are measuring business trends.

My business is in administration or receivership – do I still need to complete the questionnaire?

Ideally yes. Businesses in administration or receivership can still trade. If you are unable to supply the information it would be helpful if you could inform us of the name and address of the administrator or receiver.

Can I send my data in via email?

ONS policy is to maintain the confidentiality of all data and emails are not always a secure form of communication.

However, we are now willing to accept data via email for surveys we conduct in paper format. This is a temporary measure because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

If you complete any ONS business surveys online and have a Secure Data Collection account this is the method that should be used to contact us.

Please be advised that any data emailed to us is done so at your own risk. If in doubt please contact us to explore other options to support your data transfer.

Can I complete the survey online?

We have developed a basic facility to allow businesses to submit data securely online, however, this is currently only in use for a very limited number of our surveys and is still in the development stages. We conduct around 82 business surveys and as a survey moves to our Secure Data Collection service, we will notify you by letter. The development of electronic questionnaires is a strategic objective for ONS and is the subject of a major programme at present.

Why have I received a reminder when I have already returned my questionnaire or data?

Reminders are created automatically at a certain point (usually the day after the return by date). If a business returns a questionnaire very near to the return by date it means that the reminder and completed questionnaire can “cross in the post”.

Using automated reminders is the most efficient way for ONS to remind a business to return their questionnaire given the number of business surveys we currently process.

Why are the return dates so early?

For some surveys, the timetable for producing data is very short to give an early indication of what is happening in the economy.

What is ONS doing to reduce the impact of its surveys on businesses?

We are committed to reducing the impact through a number of initiatives:

  • investigating data sharing with other government departments to reduce survey activity
  • consulting with the organisations that represent small businesses through the Federation of Small Businesses which provides the opportunity for business representatives to discuss issues of concern regarding ONS
  • regularly reviewing all surveys to ensure that they are still required and if so, that the demand they place on businesses is kept to the minimum necessary to maintain the quality of its outputs
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4. Do I need to complete the survey?

What authority does ONS have to conduct its business surveys?

Most ONS business surveys are conducted under Section 1 of the Statistics of Trade Act 1947, so your business is required by law to provide the information requested.

Can I be exempt from completing the survey questionnaire?

No. Once selected a business is legally obliged to complete the survey because it is conducted under the provisions of the Statistics of Trade Act 1947

Is there an appeal process?

No. There is no appeal process, nor can you be exempt from selection for ONS business surveys. However, if you think that there are circ*mstances that we need to be aware of, please contact us as soon as possible.

What will happen if I do not complete the questionnaire?

Failure to comply could lead to prosecution at a Magistrates Court with a fine up to a maximum of £2,500 (last up dated by section 17 of the Criminal Justice Act 1991). If this happens you will still need to complete the questionnaire.

Will I get paid for completing an ONS business survey?

No. Although ONS appreciated the time and effort you take to complete our surveys, it is unable to offer payment as completing the survey is a legal duty and not a service.

Will I be fined if I return my questionnaire late?

All business surveys have a deadline by which data must be submitted in order for it to be used for statistical purposes. Although ONS itself does not levy fines for late receipt of data, failure to supply data in a timely way could ultimately result in court action which could result in penalties of up to £2,500.

What will happen if I provide false data?

Ultimately, ONS must rely on the integrity of its respondents to supply reliable information but to knowingly provide false information [or to provide it recklessly] is an offence under the Section 4 of the Statistics of Trade Act 1947 which can result in legal action. On conviction, penalties incurred can vary from a maximum of £4,000 and /or three months imprisonment, to an unlimited fine and two years imprisonment.

How will you know whether the data I provide is false?

For most of our surveys we have various validation checks built into the processing systems which identify any “atypical” values entered in response to a particular question. Any anomalies are queried with businesses and they are either corrected, or a note is made to explain why the anomaly has arisen.

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5. General survey information

What is the difference between “survey” and “questionnaire”?

For ONS purposes:

  • survey is a method used to collect information from a sample of individuals or businesses
  • questionnaire is the research instrument/document which gathers information

Why is my data important?

The only way to measure the economy is to ask those people who generate revenue. Therefore, as a business, the information you provide is important.

Can I give ONS feedback on the design of its questionnaires?

Yes. We appreciate the time you take to complete our questionnaires. If there is anything which you find confusing or difficult we would like to know.

Please email our Respondent Feedback Team bdd.respondent.feedback.team@ons.gov.uk

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6. Contact us

What if I wish to make a complaint?

Please write to:

Respondent Feedback Team
Office for National Statistics
Cardiff Road
NP10 8XG

or email: bdd.respondent.feedback.team@ons.gov.uk

What if I need further help and information?

If you need help with a particular business survey, please call our Respondent Relations Team. You will find the contact number on the front of your questionnaire or in the survey contact list below. Please be aware that calls may be recorded for quality and training purposes.

Alternatively, you can provide feedback by contacting the Respondent Feedback Team by emailing bdd.respondent.feedback.team@ons.gov.uk

However, if you require assistance in navigating the website or need assistance in finding a particular publication, please contact our Customer Contact Centre on 0845 601 3034 (email: info@statistics.gov.uk).

How do I change the contact within my business?

You can provide the new details in one of the following ways:

  • in the red box on the front of your survey questionnaire which you will find alongside the current address details
  • or, telephone our Respondent Relations Team using either the telephone number which appears on the front of your survey questionnaire or the number identified in the list

How can I get a duplicate copy of the questionnaire?

If you have misplaced your questionnaire you can contact the Respondent Relations Team. Table 1 provides a list of the surveys and the relevant contact numbers. Please note, if the survey is online, you will be asked to enter the three-digit survey ID. Please be aware that calls may be recorded for quality and training purposes.

If you cannot find the survey you are looking for, please see our list of all business surveys page where you will find a telephone number for each individual survey team.

Annual Surveys
Survey NameTelephone numberSurvey Code
Annual Acquisitions and Disposals of Capital Assets Survey0300 1234 931171
Annual Business Survey0300 1234 937 or 0300 1234 931 for online respondents202
Annual Inward Foreign Direct Investment Survey0300 1234 931 062
Annual Outward Foreign Direct Investment Survey0300 1234 931063
Annual Purchases Survey0300 1231 217010
Annual Railways Investment Survey0300 1234 931194
Annual Survey of Goods and Services0800 804 8046180
Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings0300 1234 938141
Annual Survey of Insurance Companies: General Business Balance Sheet01633 456971106
Annual Survey of Insurance Companies: Long-Term Business Balance Sheet01633 456971105
Annual Survey of Insurance Companies: Long-Term Business Income and Expenditure01633 456971107
Annual Survey of Insurance Compnaies: General Business Income and Expenditure01633 456971108
Annual Survey of International Trade in Services0300 1234 931058
Business Register and Employment Survey0300 1234 944221
Digital Economy Survey0300 1234 931187
Government Research and Development Survey (GovERD)0300 1234 931500
Investment Trusts: Annual Return of Liabilities and Assets and Overseas Income and Interest Paid01633 456972119
Low Carbon and Renewable Energy Economy Survey01633 651890007
Management and Expectations Survey0300 1234 931092
National Balance Sheet0300 1234 931199
Property Unit Trusts: Annual Return of Liabilities and Assets01633 456972122
Survey of Environmental Protection Expenditure01633 651890147
Survey of Research and Development carried out in the UK (BERD)0300 1234 931002
UK Innovation Survey0300 1234 931144
UK Manufacturers' Sales by Product (Prodcom) 0300 1231 216014
Unit Trusts: Annual Return of Liabilities and Assets01633 456972117

Download this table Annual Surveys


Monthly Surveys
Survey NameTelephone numberSurvey Code
Business Insights and Conditions Survey0300 303 5948283
Index Numbers of Producer Prices (PPI): Provision of Price Information0300 1234 219161
Monthly Business Survey - Production and Services0300 1234 931009
Monthly Business Survey - Construction and Allied Trades0300 1234 931228
Monthly Business Survey - Retail Sales Index0300 1234 931023
Monthly Survey for Export Prices Indices: Initial Price Provision0300 1234 219188
Monthly Survey for Import Prices Indices: Initial Price Provision0300 1234 219189
Monthly Survey for Index Numbers of Export Prices - Price Quotation Return0300 1234 925133
Monthly Survey for Index Numbers of Import Prices - Price Quotation Return0300 1234 925156
Monthly Survey for Index Numbers of Producer Prices - Price Quotation Return0300 1234 928132
Monthly Survey of Building Materials: Bricks0300 1234 931074
Monthly Survey of Building Materials: Concrete Building Blocks 0300 1234 931073
Monthly Survey of Consumer Credit Grantors0300 1234 931127
Monthly Wages and Salaries Survey0300 1234 931134
Vacancy Survey0300 1234 931182, 183, 184, 185

Download this table Monthly Surveys


Quarterly Surveys
Survey NameTelephone numberSurvey Code
Acquisitions of Foreign Companies, Shares and Assets by UK Companies Survey01633 456223090
Acquisitions of UK Companies, Shares and Assets by Other UK Companies Survey01633 456223 088
Acquisitions of UK Companies, Shares and Assets by Foreign Companies Survey01633 456223 089
Business Register Survey0300 1234 922241
Disposals of Foreign Companies Shares and Assets by UK Companies Survey01633 456223 090
Disposals of UK Companies Shares and Assets by Foreign Companies Survey01633 456223089
Financial Services Survey: Quarterly Return of Assets and Liabilities01633 455770266
Financial Services Survey: Quarterly Return of Income and Expenditure01633 455770267
Financial Survey of Pension Schemes0300 1234 931093
Investment Trusts: Quarterly Return of Transactions01633 456972120
Property Unit Trusts: Quarterly Return of Transactions01633 456972123
Quarterly Acquisitions and Disposals of Capital Assets Survey0300 1234 931019
Quarterly Balance Sheet Survey 0300 1234 935086
Quarterly Business Survey0300 1234 931139
Quarterly Fuels Survey0300 1234 931024
Quarterly Inward Foreign Direct Investment Survey0300 1234 931064
Quarterly Outward Foreign Direct Investment Survey0300 1234 931 065
Quarterly Public Sector Employees Survey – Civil Service0300 1234 931169
Quarterly Public Sector Employees Survey - Local Authorities0300 1234 931160
Quarterly Public Sector Employees Survey - Public Bodies0300 1234 931165
Quarterly Stocks Survey0300 1234 931017
Quarterly Survey for Services Producer Price Indices0300 1234 928061
Quarterly Survey for Services Producer Price Indices - Initial Price Provision0300 1234 219116
Quarterly Survey of Building Materials:
Sand and Gravel (land-won)
01633 456030066
Quarterly Survey of Building Materials: Concrete Roofing Tiles0300 1234 931068
Quarterly Survey of Building Materials: Sand and Gravel (Marine Dredged)0300 1234 931076
Quarterly Survey of Building Materials: Slate0300 1234 931071
Quarterly Survey of Insurance Companies: General Business Income and Expenditure01633 456971104
Quarterly Survey of Insurance Companies: General Business Transactions and Balances01633 456971102
Quarterly Survey of Insurance Companies: Long-Term Business Income and Expenditure01633 456971103
Quarterly Survey of Insurance Companies: Long-Term Business Transactions and Balances01633 456971101
Quarterly Survey of International Trade in Services0300 1234 931057
Quarterly Survey of Pension Funds: Income and Expenditure 01633 455177112
Quarterly Survey of Pension Funds: Transactions and Balances01633 455177111
Quarterly Welsh Business Survey0300 1234 921350
Survey of Research and Development Carried Out in the United Kingdom0300 1234 940210
Unit Trusts: Quarterly Return of Transactions01633 456972118

Download this table Quarterly Surveys


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About ONS business surveys - Office for National Statistics (2024)


Do I have to complete the office for the national statistics survey? ›

Although ONS appreciated the time and effort you take to complete our surveys, it is unable to offer payment as completing the survey is a legal duty and not a service.

Is Office for National Statistics legit? ›

The Office for National Statistics is the UK's largest independent producer of official statistics and the recognised national statistical institute of the UK.

Do I have to fill out the annual business survey? ›

Annual Business Survey (ABS)

The ABS includes all nonfarm employer businesses filing Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax forms as individual proprietorships, partnerships, or any other type of corporation, with receipts of $1,000 or more.

Is ONS a reliable source? ›

We are the largest independent producer of official statistics in the UK and our statistics are impartial and free of political control. We are a part of the UK Statistics Authority, a non-ministerial government department that is accountable directly to the UK Parliament.

Do I have to respond to the Office of National statistics? ›

No-one has to take part if they do not want to, but for us to paint an accurate picture of our society, it is vital that we interview as many people as possible, from all walks of life.

What happens if you don't do the census survey? ›

The census law (Title 13, United States Code, Section 224), coupled with the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 (Title 18, Sections 3551, 3559, and 3571), provides for penalties of up to $5,000 for failure to report, and $10,000 for intentionally providing false information.

How successful is the Office for National Statistics? ›

A 2016 Public Confidence in Official Statistics survey reported that trust in ONS is very high (90%).

What information does the Office of National statistics collect? ›

We are the UK's largest independent producer of official statistics and its recognised national statistical institute. We are responsible for collecting and publishing statistics related to the economy, population and society at national, regional and local levels.

Do businesses have to complete the census? ›

Is this survey mandatory? Yes, your response is required by law.

What questions are asked on the annual business survey? ›

Each year new questions will be submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for approval. Employer businesses will be asked questions about the sex, ethnicity, race, and veteran status for up to four persons owning the majority of rights, equity, or interest in the business (Section B of the questionnaire).

Is the 2024 census mandatory? ›

Am I required to respond to this survey? I already completed the 2020 Census. Yes, you are required by law to respond to this survey. The 2024 National Census Survey is used to plan the upcoming 2030 Census and is not the same as the 2020 Census.

Which census surveys are mandatory? ›

Response to the survey is required by law because the American Community Survey is part of the decennial census, replacing the "long form" that previously was sent to a percentage of households once every 10 years. Learn more about what would happen to the American Community Survey if it was not required.

Is the Office for National Statistics part of the government? ›

The Office for National Statistics is the UK's largest independent producer of official statistics and the recognised national statistical institute of the UK.

Who funds the Office for National Statistics? ›

The UK Statistics Authority (UKSA) and its executive office (the Office for National Statistics (ONS)) does receive government funding through the Parliamentary Supply process but also generates income from revenue contracts with our customers, who are primarily other government departments.

Who runs ONS? ›

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is an Executive Agency of the UK Statistics Authority. It is led by the National Statistician and reports into the UK Statistics Authority Board.

How do I opt out of office for national statistics? ›

The purposes for which personal data are processed

We may do this using a third-party, but your details will never be retained by them. If you don't want to receive these communications, you can opt out by emailing us at srs.customer.support@ons.gov.uk.

Can you opt out of the census? ›

Participation is mandatory, as described in Title 13 of the U.S. Code. Refusal to respond can result in a fine. However, no one has been prosecuted for failing to respond to the census since the 1970 Census.

Are US census surveys mandatory? ›

Response to the survey is required by law because the American Community Survey is part of the decennial census, replacing the "long form" that previously was sent to a percentage of households once every 10 years.

Is statistics survey mandatory? ›

If Statistics Canada contacts you for the Labour Force Survey, a business survey or an agricultural survey, you are also obligated to participate pursuant to the Statistics Act. For other Statistics Canada surveys, participation is voluntary.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.