All Pokemon Ruby Cheats (Full Tested List!) (2024)

All Pokemon Ruby Cheats (Full Tested List!) (1)


  • 1 How Do You Use Pokemon Ruby Cheats?
    • 1.1 Enabling Cheat Codes in Pokemon Ruby
    • 1.2 Troubleshooting Pokemon Ruby Cheats
  • 2 Pokémon Ruby Cheats
    • 2.1 Item Cheat Codes
      • 2.1.1 Unlimited Rare Candies cheat
      • 2.1.2 Unlimited Master Balls Cheat
    • 2.2 Party Pokémon Ruby Cheat Codes
      • 2.2.1 Level 100 Pokemon
      • 2.2.2 Max Stats
      • 2.2.3 Unlimited HP
      • 2.2.4 Max HP
      • 2.2.5 Max Attack
      • 2.2.6 Max Defense
      • 2.2.7 Max Speed
      • 2.2.8 Max Special Attack
      • 2.2.9 Max Special Defense
    • 2.3 Wild Pokémon Cheat Codes
      • 2.3.1 Encounter Legendary Pokemon
      • 2.3.2 Wild pokemon modifier Cheat Code
        • Wild pokemon Index Codes
    • 2.4 Battle Cheat Codes
      • 2.4.1 Catch Enemy Trainer’s pokémon
      • 2.4.2 Unlimited PP
    • 2.5 Miscellaneous Cheats
      • 2.5.1 Infinite Money
      • 2.5.2 Complete Pokedex
      • 2.5.3 Obtain All Badges
      • 2.5.4 Walk through walls cheat
  • 3 Conclusion

This post was last updated on May 1, 2024

The third-generation entries are possibly some of the most loved out of all the Pokémon games, and they’ve definitely received the most tinkering from the community. Since these games have yet to fall out of fashion, we’ve got plenty of amazing Pokémon Ruby cheats you can immediately start using to enhance your gaming experience.

How Do You Use Pokemon Ruby Cheats?

Pokemon Ruby, along with Sapphire and Emerald, are some of the best-made Pokémon games out there, at least when it comes to hacking. Since cheat codes are essentially a beginner’s version of programming, it’s beyond simple to start using cheat codes in Pokemon Ruby right now.

In fact, the hardest part of all of this is finding the codes, and we’ve done that work for you. All you need to do is take these codes and load them into whichever emulator you’re using, or if you’re a bit more old-fashioned, your Gameboy Advanced.

Realistically though, most of us are going to be using some sort of emulator. Fortunately, that means you’ll likely already have access to a cheat cartridge since most emulators come preinstalled with Action Replay Gameshark and other code appliers.

If you don’t have an emulator or a ROM of Pokemon Ruby, go grab those basic supplies and then catch us in the next section for a quick walkthrough.

Enabling Cheat Codes in Pokemon Ruby

Pokémon Ruby cheats work the same as they would in any other game. You input codes in the ‘cheat code’ area of your emulator, make sure they’re applied and then enjoy as you take full control over your game. In this section, we’ll walk you through that process step-by-step.

We start by going into your settings and finding ‘cheats’, ‘cheat codes’, or some similarly named option. When you click that, you should get a pop-up box that looks something like the image below.

All Pokemon Ruby Cheats (Full Tested List!) (2)

With that opened up, we can start actually adding cheat codes so we can get to the good stuff. To do so, use the following steps:

  1. Click ‘Add Gameshark’. Since the codes we’re using are all Gameshark codes, we’ll want to make sure our emulator knows it.
  2. Name your new code. Trust us, when you start using even more than five codes you’ll want to make sure they’re named for easy access.
  3. Type or paste your code into the box on the right. Most emulators make it very clear where your codes should go, such as the example’s “Enter codes here…” prompt.
  4. Click ‘Add’. This will attach the code you’ve written to the name you’ve created. If you accidentally just created a new code, don’t worry. Just go back and make sure the name on the left is highlighted when you click ‘Add’.
  5. Check the box next to your new code. Checked codes will be applied to the game, while unchecked codes will sit dormant.
  6. Possible Step: Enable codes. Some emulators have a different setting that turns all codes on and off. If you want your codes to run and you have this setting, you’ll need to make sure codes are enabled.

It’s important to remember that when we use cheat codes, we’re tampering with how the game is supposed to work. If Game Freak wanted us to have unlimited rare candies, they would’ve given them to us.

So, when we use codes, we need to be careful. Too much tampering can lead to glitches, game crashes, and even corrupted save files. Remember: save your game often, do not apply too many codes at the same time, and turn off codes when you’re done using them.

Troubleshooting Pokemon Ruby Cheats

The Pokémon Ruby Gameshark codes we use here are incredibly precise strings of letters and numbers, so a lot can go wrong with even relatively small errors. If you’ve run into a problem, don’t worry, there are some simple steps we can take to resolve the problem.

  1. Make sure your codes are applied. It might seem simple, but it’s incredibly easy to forget to check a box.
  2. Ensure your code is input correctly. Just one wrong character can lead to a code not working or working in an entirely unexpected manner.
  3. Make sure you’re using the write cheat cartridge. Generally, this means to make sure your code was applied as a Gameshark code, but you also might want to try using it through a different code applier. As we said, every emulator is different.
  4. Lighten the load on your game. If you have too many codes running, it’s very possible that they might be conflicting with each other. Reducing the number of applied codes is often a quick fix to any problems you might be running into.

Alright! Now that we’ve got the basics covered, let’s get to the codes themselves!

Pokémon Ruby Cheats

We’ve put together a list of Pokémon Ruby cheats that you’re sure to love. Naturally, we’ve also tested them all, so we can ensure you that what you read is what you’re going to get.

Remember, all of these codes, unless otherwise noted, are Gameshark codes. While they should technically work through other cheat cartridges, you’ll want to stick with Gameshark for guaranteed performance.

Item Cheat Codes

These cheat codes will allow you to get whatever items you need to enjoy the game.

Unlimited Rare Candies cheat

What better way to start our list off than with a classic rare candies cheat? This code will place 99 Rare Candies in your PC. If you pull them all out and exit the PC, there will always be 99 more Rare Candies there to take their place.

280EA266 88A62E5C

Unlimited Master Balls Cheat

This cheat works exactly the same as the Rare Candies cheat, just replacing the ‘Rare Candy’ item with the ‘Master Ball’ item. You’ll definitely want to be using this cheat with others on our list since easily catching shiny pokémon and legendary pokémon is best done with a Master Ball.

91B85743 27069397

TMs and Hms

Enter these codes to unlock various TMs and HMs in Pokemon Ruby.

Focus Punch: 87E1D568 733CE392

Dragon Claw: AFFC928E 509932B6

Water Pulse: 016E19DE 75C25DE1

Calm Mind: 664B55E0 E3B9ADBE

Roar: 65689C19 E0F8EE35

Toxic: 34FA78EE DF2F9673

Hail: 5219C016 837AA1FB

Bulk Up: D9FF21EF 1E0944EE

Bullet Seed: AF90BCB1 E93C8C8F

Hidden Power: 1005412B B196BDB0

Sunny Day: 15B2D27F 2947AA48

Taunt: 1573DF09 BCDE2B56

Ice Beam: E029E841 6918E5A2

Blizzard: 811F83E6 1600B2DE

Hyper Beam: 7F58EBA8 46EF36AF

Light Screen: ACAE9A73 43567E91

Protect: FEBDD9BA 711ECC96

Rain Dance: D611EE66 00008B2B

Giga Drain: 18B0AB2A D7B9E3E8

Safeguard: 2BE8D3B0 FD4E4A72

Frustration: 54268584 FD346B4E

Solarbeam: D268698C C224D8E2

Iron Tail: BBF66105 DF4B9B13

Thunderbolt: 4E834EE4 53BF5FC4

Thunder: 1186081B 0925F6DE

Earthquake: 40B763B9 30FA9092

Return: F35612E8 DF5A3388

Dig: E142FCC3 27F93269

Psychic: 334ADA15 00DD173C

Shadow Ball: 848DF53E 11C03BCB

Brick Break: 7E7C1393 4EA124C2

Double Team: 595504D3 5812DDC0

Reflect: 7F54FD32 38D42C04

Shock Wave: 3262C606 CA96F2AC

Flamethrower: 699901C1 D4146993

Sludge Bomb: 38EA2ABC 9F825022

Sandstorm: BAF06A65 76DE2DA7

Fire Blast: 437D8EDD D96C39A5

Rock Tomb: 8B8AB1E7 E5D9327C

Aerial Ace: FDDDD994 1F12CAD4

Torment: EB7B7AC8 CD87A01D

Facade: 400A2E08 BB674CEF

Secret Power: 817340AB 669E1252

Rest: 290EDB0B 033716EA

Attract: 00A2067E 3393D58D

Thief: 1A70058D 0F06F296

Steel Wing: D5280C4F 4EDF6B5A

Skill Swap: D17032BA 105033D8

Snatch: 7002427B BA4E993F

Overheat: E59D1903 1D2D1C5A

Cut: B77739FC 26D71E64

Fly: 6625764E 75091013

Surf: F337F6FE C824F891

Strength: B036BEB1 097E5C89

Flash: F2B1C76A F6DB27B6

Rock Smash: 2E914FA6 D9EFE74A

Waterfall: 3C22A077 6CB5D966

Dive: C7AC2C1B DD487A35

Party Pokémon Ruby Cheat Codes

These Pokémon Ruby cheats will allow you to modify certain aspects of pokémon that are already in your party.

Throughout this section, you’ll see that most of the ‘max stats’ codes end in ’03E7′. In hexadecimal, this translates to 999, which is why all of the supposed max stats will go to 999.

This is obviously great, but if you want your pokemon’s stats to be a bit more realistic, you can use a decimal-to-hexadecimal converter to replace those last three digits.

For our own coding purposes, we tend to use ‘0226’. This gives us a whopping 550, which sits among the upper limits of actual stats you’d see on a level 100 pokémon.

Level 100 Pokemon

There’s no need to use any rare candy if you simply set the levels of your pokémon. Again, you can modify this code by changing the ’64’ at the end to a lower number. Here are a few options just to make your life easier:

  • Level 50 – ’32’
  • Level 36 – ’24’
  • Level 70 – ’46’

No matter which level you choose, one thing is for sure: this is definitely a quicker method than employing a Rare Candy code.

First Pokemon Cheat Code:

330043B4 0064

Second Pokemon Cheat Code:

83004418 0064

Third Pokemon Cheat Code:

8300447C 0064

Fourth Pokemon Cheat Code:

830044E0 0064

Fifth Pokemon Cheat Code:

83004544 0064

Sixth Pokemon Cheat Code:

830045A8 0064

Max Stats

First Pokemon Cheat Code:

430043B6 03E7
00000007 0002

Second Pokemon Cheat Code:

4300441A 03E7
00000007 0002

Third Pokemon Cheat Code:

4300447E 03E7
00000007 0002

Fourth Pokemon Cheat Code:

430044E2 03E7
00000007 0002

Fifth Pokemon Cheat Code:

43004546 03E7
00000007 0002

Sixth Pokemon Cheat Code:

430045AA 03E7
00000007 0002

Unlimited HP

First Pokemon Cheat Code:

830043B6 03E7

Second Pokemon Cheat Code:

8300441A 03E7

Third Pokemon Cheat Code:

8300447E 03E7

Fourth Pokemon Cheat Code:

830044E2 03E7

Fifth Pokemon Cheat Code:

83004546 03E7

Sixth Pokemon Cheat Code:

830045AA 03E7

Max HP

First Pokemon Cheat Code:

830043B8 03E7

Second Pokemon Cheat Code:

8300441C 03E7

Third Pokemon Cheat Code:

83004480 03E7

Fourth Pokemon Cheat Code:

830044E4 03E7

Fifth Pokemon Cheat Code:

83004548 03E7

Sixth Pokemon Cheat Code:

830045AC 03E7

Max Attack

First Pokemon Cheat Code:

830043BA 03E7

Second Pokemon Cheat Code:

8300441E 03E7

Third Pokemon Cheat Code:

83004482 03E7

Fourth Pokemon Cheat Code:

830044E6 03E7

Fifth Pokemon Cheat Code:

8300454A 03E7

Sixth Pokemon Cheat Code:

830045AE 03E7

Max Defense

First Pokemon Cheat Code:

830043BC 03E7

Second Pokemon Cheat Code:

83004420 03E7

Third Pokemon Cheat Code:

83004484 03E7

Fourth Pokemon Cheat Code:

830044E8 03E7

Fifth Pokemon Cheat Code:

8300454C 03E7

Sixth Pokemon Cheat Code:

830045B0 03E7

Max Speed

First Pokemon Cheat Code:

830043BE 03E7

Second Pokemon Cheat Code:

83004422 03E7

Third Pokemon Cheat Code:

83004486 03E7

Fourth Pokemon Cheat Code:

830044EA 03E7

Fifth Pokemon Cheat Code:

8300454E 03E7

Sixth Pokemon Cheat Code:

830045B2 03E7

Max Special Attack

First Pokemon Cheat Code:

830043C0 03E7

Second Pokemon Cheat Code:

83004424 03E7

Third Pokemon Cheat Code:

83004488 03E7

Fourth Pokemon Cheat Code:

830044EC 03E7

Fifth Pokemon Cheat Code:

83004550 03E7

Sixth Pokemon Cheat Code:

830045B4 03E7

Max Special Defense

First Pokemon Cheat Code:

830043C2 03E7

Second Pokemon Cheat Code:

83004426 03E7

Third Pokemon Cheat Code:

8300448A 03E7

Fourth Pokemon Cheat Code:

830044EE 03E7

Fifth Pokemon Cheat Code:

83004552 03E7

Sixth Pokemon Cheat Code:

830045B6 03E7

Wild Pokémon Cheat Codes

These codes will allow you to change certain aspects of the wild pokémon you encounter.

Encounter Legendary Pokemon

If you’re just looking to get your hands on a strong legendary pokemon, you don’t even need to look at our wild pokemon modifier cheat below. Just enter these codes and you’ll be face-to-face with the legendary pokémon of your dreams.

Be sure to take a Master Ball with you. Even if you’re encountering these pokémon at level 3, you’ll still need a Master Ball in order to come close to catching a legendary.


A2E564FE 0FB58A54
530823D9 16558191
B8BABB07 1279065D


A2E564FE 0FB58A54
530823D9 16558191
813E577F C64AB1BA


A2E564FE 0FB58A54
530823D9 16558191
5A8E3C77 1F661F0B


A2E564FE 0FB58A54
530823D9 16558191
649DA11D AC382E6A


A2E564FE 0FB58A54
530823D9 16558191
13EAA696 65095035


A2E564FE 0FB58A54
530823D9 16558191
A10710E4 E472D0F8


A2E564FE 0FB58A54
530823D9 16558191
5B01BDB2 183D8C74


A2E564FE 0FB58A54
530823D9 16558191
D25A4A77 A675F69A


A2E564FE 0FB58A54
530823D9 16558191
4EECFE9F 27D82240


A2E564FE 0FB58A54
530823D9 16558191
3D68FB8B 4B323185


A2E564FE 0FB58A54
530823D9 16558191


A2E564FE 0FB58A54
530823D9 16558191


A2E564FE 0FB58A54
530823D9 16558191
B8E60141 9846F68D


A2E564FE 0FB58A54
530823D9 16558191


A2E564FE 0FB58A54
530823D9 16558191
F655438D 3AA5C717




A2E564FE 0FB58A54
530823D9 16558191
F45F5684 50826322


A2E564FE 0FB58A54
530823D9 16558191
9924490F 674355D7


A2E564FE 0FB58A54
530823D9 16558191
B0EF6EE8 A714B8D9


A2E564FE 0FB58A54
530823D9 16558191
89CF0941 3F293D81


A2E564FE 0FB58A54
530823D9 16558191
88F7CB8E EE360350

Wild pokemon modifier Cheat Code

All Pokemon Ruby Cheats (Full Tested List!) (3)

The wild pokemon modifier code allows you to select which pokémon you want to encounter. Simply change XXX to the index code for the desired pokémon and voila, your random battles are no longer random.


Wild pokemon Index Codes

001 Bulbasaur

002 Ivysaur

003 Venusaur

004 Charmander

005 Charmeleon

006 Charizard

007 Squirtle

008 Wartortle

009 Blastoise

00A Caterpie

00B Metapod

00C Butterfree

00D Weedle

00E Kakuna

00F Beedrill

010 Pidgey

011 Pidgeotto

012 Pidgeot

013 Rattata

014 Raticate

015 Spearow

016 Fearow

017 Ekans

018 Arbok

019 Pikachu

01A Raichu

01B Sandshrew

01C Sandslash

01D Nidoran?

01E Nidorina

01F Nidoqueen

020 Nidoran?

021 Nidorino

022 Nidoking

023 Clefairy

024 Clefable

025 Vulpix

026 Ninetales

027 Jigglypuff

028 Wigglytuff

029 Zubat

02A Golbat

02B Oddish

02C Gloom

02D Vileplume

02E Paras

02F Parasect

030 Venonat

031 Venomoth

032 Diglett

033 Dugtrio

034 Meowth

035 Persian

036 Psyduck

037 Golduck

038 Mankey

039 Primeape

03A Growlithe

03B Arcanine

03C Poliwag

03D Poliwhirl

03E Poliwrath

03F Abra

040 Kadabra

041 Alakazam

042 Machop

043 Machoke

044 Machamp

045 Bellsprout

046 Weepinbell

047 Victreebel

048 Tentacool

049 Tentacruel

04A Geodude

04B Graveler

04C Golem

04D Ponyta

04E Rapidash

04F Slowpoke

050 Slowbro

051 Magnemite

052 Magneton

053 Farfetch’d

054 Doduo

055 Dodrio

056 Seel

057 Dewgong

058 Grimer

059 Muk

05A Shellder

05B Cloyster

05C Gastly

05D Haunter

05E Gengar

05F Onix

060 Drowzee

061 Hypno

062 Krabby

063 Kingler

064 Voltorb

065 Electrode

066 Exeggcute

067 Exeggutor

068 Cubone

069 Marowak

06A Hitmonlee

06B Hitmonchan

06C Lickitung

06D Koffing

06E Weezing

06F Rhyhorn

070 Rhydon

071 Chansey

072 Tangela

073 Kangaskhan

074 Horsea

075 Seadra

076 Goldeen

077 Seaking

078 Staryu

079 Starmie

07A Mr. Mime

07B Scyther

07C Jynx

07D Electabuzz

07E Magmar

07F Pinsir

080 Tauros

081 Magikarp

082 Gyarados

083 Lapras

084 Ditto

085 Eevee

086 Vaporeon

087 Jolteon

088 Flareon

089 Porygon

08A Omanyte

08B Omastar

08C Kabuto

08D Kabutops

08E Aerodactyl

08F Snorlax

090 Articuno

091 Zapdos

092 Moltres

093 Dratini

094 Dragonair

095 Dragonite

096 Mewtwo

097 Mew

098 Chikorita

099 Bayleef

09A Meganium

09B Cyndaquil

09C Quilava

09D Typhlosion

09E Totodile

09F Croconaw

0A0 Feraligatr

0A1 Sentret

0A2 Furret

0A3 Hoothoot

0A4 Noctowl

0A5 Ledyba

0A6 Ledian

0A7 Spinarak

0A8 Ariados

0A9 Crobat

0AA Chinchou

0AB Lanturn

0AC Pichu

0AD Cleffa

0AE Igglybuff

0AF Togepi

0B0 Togetic

0B1 Natu

0B2 Xatu

0B3 Mareep

0B4 Flaaffy

0B5 Ampharos

0B6 Bellossom

0B7 Marill

0B8 Azumarill

0B9 Sudowoodo

0BA Politoed

0BB Hoppip

0BC Skiploom

0BD Jumpluff

0BE Aipom

0BF Sunkern

0C0 Sunflora

0C1 Yanma

0C2 Wooper

0C3 Quagsire

0C4 Espeon

0C5 Umbreon

0C6 Murkrow

0C7 Slowking

0C8 Misdreavus

0C9 Unown

0CA Wobbuffet

0CB Girafarig

0CC Pineco

0CD Forretress

0CE Dunsparce

0CF Gligar

0D0 Steelix

0D1 Snubbull

0D2 Granbull

0D3 Qwilfish

0D4 Scizor

0D5 Shuckle

0D6 Heracross

0D7 Sneasel

0D8 Teddiursa

0D9 Ursaring

0DA Slugma

0DB Magcargo

0DC Swinub

0DD Piloswine

0DE Corsola

0DF Remoraid

0E0 Octillery

0E1 Delibird

0E2 Mantine

0E3 Skarmory

0E4 Houndour

0E5 Houndoom

0E6 Kingdra

0E7 Phanpy

0E8 Donphan

0E9 Porygon2

0EA Stantler

0EB Smeargle

0EC Tyrogue

0ED Hitmontop

0EE Smoochum

0EF Elekid

0F0 Magby

0F1 Miltank

0F2 Blissey

0F3 Raikou

0F4 Entei

0F5 Suicune

0F6 Larvitar

0F7 Pupitar

0F8 Tyranitar

0F9 Lugia

0FA Ho-Oh

0FB Celebi

115 Treecko

116 Grovyle

117 Sceptile

118 Torchic

119 Combusken

11A Blaziken

11B Mudkip

11C Marshtomp

11D Swampert

11E Poochyena

11F Mightyena

120 Zigzagoon

121 Linoone

122 Wurmple

123 Silcoon

124 Beautifly

125 Cascoon

126 Dustox

127 Lotad

128 Lombre

129 Ludicolo

12A Seedot

12B Nuzleaf

12C Shiftry

12D Nincada

12E Ninjask

12F Shedinja

130 Taillow

131 Swellow

132 Shroomish

133 Breloom

134 Spinda

135 Wingull

136 Pelipper

137 Surskit

138 Masquerain

139 Wailmer

13A Wailord

13B Skitty

13C Delcatty

13D Kecleon

13E Baltoy

13F Claydol

140 Nosepass

141 Torkoal

142 Sableye

143 Barboach

144 Whiscash

145 Luvdisc

146 Corphish

147 Crawdaunt

148 Feebas

149 Milotic

14A Carvanha

14B Sharpedo

14C Trapinch

14D Vibrava

14E Flygon

14F Makuhita

150 Hariyama

151 Electrike

152 Manectric

153 Numel

154 Camerupt

155 Spheal

156 Sealeo

157 Walrein

158 Cacnea

159 Cacturne

15A Snorunt

15B Glalie

15C Lunatone

15D Solrock

15E Azurill

15F Spoink

160 Grumpig

161 Plusle

162 Minun

163 Mawile

164 Meditite

165 Medicham

166 Swablu

167 Altaria

168 Wynaut

169 Duskull

16A Dusclops

16B Roselia

16C Slakoth

16D Vigoroth

16E Slaking

16F Gulpin

170 Swalot

171 Tropius

172 Whismur

173 Loudred

174 Exploud

175 Clamperl

176 Huntail

177 Gorebyss

178 Absol

179 Shuppet

17A Banette

17B Seviper

17C Zangoose

17D Relicanth

17E Aron

17F Lairon

180 Aggron

181 Castform

182 Volbeat

183 Illumise

184 Lileep

185 Cradily

186 Anorith

187 Armaldo

188 Ralts

189 Kirlia

18A Gardevoir

18B Bagon

18C Shelgon

18D Salamence

18E Beldum

18F Metang

190 Metagross

191 Regirock

192 Regice

193 Registeel

194 Kyogre

195 Groudon

196 Rayquaza

197 Latias

198 Latios

199 Jirachi

19A Deoxys

19B Chimecho

19C Pokémon Egg

19D Unown

Battle Cheat Codes

These helpful cheats are what you need to take complete control over any battle you end up in.

Catch Enemy Trainer’s pokémon

This Ruby cheat lets you throw pokeballs at another trainer’s pokemon. However, it doesn’t automatically let you catch them, so you’ll probably also want to use the unlimited master ball cheat we have listed above.

B6C5368A 08BEAFF4

6FD608D0 B9151D51

084197CA 3EA6DE4F

8E883EFF 92E9660D

Unlimited PP

This cheat code provides unlimited PP to whichever pokémon you have sent out.

32024AA4 00FF

32024AA5 00FF

Miscellaneous Cheats

This section is reserved for Ruby cheats that don’t quite fit into a neat category.

Infinite Money

Infinite money cheats make Pokémon games a breeze. Whether you just want to stock up on healing items or you’re looking to fill up your Coin Case, this is the code for you.

E51E97C3 7858E4EB

Complete Pokedex

If you’re looking to fill out your Pokedex without a complete collection of pokémon from the Hoenn region, this code will get the job done for you.

767CB1FC DD748434
1285CF69 1834F175
DBB87FCA 6276D975

9A732B89 F770B329
DBB87FCA 6276D975
1F0A9164 737E93CD

DBB87FCA 6276D975
200DBA91 E6D90173
DBB87FCA 6276D975

Obtain All Badges

This Ruby cheat will automatically give you all 8 badges, along with any privileges that might come along with them.

A12FCE77 0C1EC556

Walk through walls cheat

The walk through walls cheat is well-known by pokémon fans worldwide. Quite simply, it allows you to walk through walls.

More accurately, this code lets you walk where you’re not supposed to. Sure, that means you can walk through walls, but it also means you can walk through trees, over water, through ledges, and so much more.

Be warned, this code can easily create some glitches for you, so be careful and save often.

E03B0649 5D67050C

78DA95DF 44018CB4


With these Pokemon Ruby cheats you’ll be able to modify this classic game to your heart’s content. Find whichever pokemon you want, turn them into incredibly powerful allies, and conquer the Hoenn region with ease. Oh, and remember to have fun.

All Pokemon Ruby Cheats (Full Tested List!) (2024)
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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.