Bivariate histogram plot - MATLAB (2024)

Table of Contents
Description Creation Syntax Description Input Arguments X,Y — Data to distribute among bins (as separate arguments)vectors | matrices | multidimensional arrays nbins — Number of bins in each dimension positive integer scalar | two-element vector of positive integers Xedges — Bin edges in x-dimension vector Yedges — Bin edges in y-dimension vector counts — Bin counts matrix ax — Axes object object XBinLimits — Bin limits in x-dimension two-element vector XBinLimitsMode — Selection mode for bin limits in x-dimension'auto' (default) | 'manual' YBinLimits — Bin limits in y-dimensiontwo-element vector YBinLimitsMode — Selection mode for bin limits in y-dimension 'auto' (default) | 'manual' ShowEmptyBins — Toggle display of empty bins 'off' (default) | 'on' DisplayStyle — Histogram display style 'bar3' (default) | 'tile' FaceLighting — Lighting effect on histogram bars 'lit' (default) | 'flat' | 'none' Output Arguments h — Bivariate histogramobject Properties Object Functions Examples Histogram of Vectors Specify Number of Histogram Bins Adjust Number of Histogram Bins Color Histogram Bars by Height Tiled Histogram View Specify Bin Edges of Histogram Normalized Histogram Histogram Using Percentages Adjust Histogram Properties Saving and Loading Histogram2 Objects Tips Extended Capabilities Tall Arrays Calculate with arrays that have more rows than fit in memory. Version History R2023b: Normalize using percentages See Also MATLAB Command Americas Europe Asia Pacific

Bivariate histogram plot

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  • Bivariate histogram plot - MATLAB (1)


Bivariate histograms are a type of bar plot for numeric data that group the data into 2-D bins. After you create a Histogram2 object, you can modify aspects of the histogram by changing its property values. This is particularly useful for quickly modifying the properties of the bins or changing the display.









h = histogram2(___)



histogram2(X,Y) creates a bivariate histogram plot of X and Y. The histogram2 function uses an automatic binning algorithm that returns bins with a uniform area, chosen to cover the range of elements in X and Y and reveal the underlying shape of the distribution. histogram2 displays the bins as 3-D rectangular bars such that the height of each bar indicates the number of elements in the bin.


histogram2(X,Y,nbins) specifies the number of bins to use in each dimension.


histogram2(X,Y,Xedges,Yedges) sorts X and Y into bins with the bin edges for each dimension specified in vectors.

histogram2('XBinEdges',Xedges,'YBinEdges',Yedges,'BinCounts',counts) plots the specified bin counts and does not do any data binning.


histogram2(___,Name,Value) specifies additional parameters using one or more name-value arguments for any of the previous syntaxes. For example, specify Normalization to use a different type of normalization. For a list of properties, see Histogram2 Properties.

histogram2(ax,___) plots into the specified axes instead of into the current axes (gca). ax can precede any of the input argument combinations in the previous syntaxes.


h = histogram2(___) returns a Histogram2 object. Use this to inspect and adjust properties of the bivariate histogram. For a list of properties, see Histogram2 Properties.

Input Arguments

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Data to distribute among bins, specified as separate arguments of vectors, matrices, or multidimensional arrays. X and Y must be the same size. histogram2 treats matrix or multidimensional array data as single column vectors, X(:) and Y(:), and plots a single histogram.

Corresponding elements in X and Y specify the x and y coordinates of 2-D data points, [X(k),Y(k)]. The data types of X and Y can be different, but histogram2 concatenates these inputs into a single N-by-2 matrix of the dominant data type.

histogram2 ignores all NaN values. Similarly, histogram2 ignores Inf and -Inf values, unless the bin edges explicitly specify Inf or -Inf as a bin edge. Although NaN, Inf, and -Inf values are typically not plotted, they are still included in normalization calculations that include the total number of data elements, such as 'probability'.


If X or Y contain integers of type int64 or uint64 that are larger than flintmax, then it is recommended that you explicitly specify the histogram bin edges.histogram2 automatically bins the input data using double precision, which lacks integer precision for numbers greater than flintmax.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | logical

Number of bins in each dimension, specified as a positive integer scalar or two-element vector of positive integers.

  • If nbins is a scalar, then histogram2 uses that many bins in each dimension.

  • If nbins is a vector, then the first element gives the number of bins in the x-dimension, and the second element gives the number of bins in the y-dimension.

If you do not specify nbins, then histogram2 automatically calculates how many bins to use based on the values in X and Y.

If you specify nbins with BinMethod or BinWidth, histogram2 only honors the last parameter.

Example: histogram2(X,Y,20) uses 20 bins in each dimension.

Example: histogram2(X,Y,[10 20]) uses 10 bins in the x-dimension and 20 bins in the y-dimension.

Bin edges in x-dimension, specified as a vector. The first element specifies the leading edge of the first bin in the x-dimension. The last element specifies the trailing edge of the last bin in the x-dimension. The trailing edge is only included for the last bin.

  • If you specify Xedges and Yedges with BinMethod, BinWidth, or NumBins, histogram2 only honors the bin edges and the bin edges must be specified last.

  • If you specify Xedges with XBinLimits, histogram2 only honors the Xedges and the Xedges must be specified last.

Bin edges in y-dimension, specified as a vector. The first element specifies the leading edge of the first bin in the y-dimension. The last element specifies the trailing edge of the last bin in the y-dimension. The trailing edge is only included for the last bin.

  • If you specify Yedges and Xedges with BinMethod, BinWidth, or NumBins, histogram2 only honors the bin edges and the bin edges must be specified last.

  • If you specify Yedges with YBinLimits, histogram2 only honors the Yedges and the Yedges must be specified last.

Bin counts, specified as a matrix. Use this input to pass bin counts to histogram2 when the bin counts calculation is performed separately and you do not want histogram2 to do any data binning.

counts must be a matrix of size [length(XBinEdges)-1 length(YBinEdges)-1] so that it specifies a bin count for each bin.

Example: histogram2('XBinEdges',-1:1,'YBinEdges',-2:2,'BinCounts',[1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8])

Axes object. If you do not specify an axes, then the histogram2 function uses the current axes (gca).

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Example: histogram2(X,Y,BinWidth=[5 10])

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Example: histogram2(X,Y,'BinWidth',[5 10])


The properties listed here are only a subset. For a complete list, see Histogram2 Properties.


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Bin limits in x-dimension, specified as a two-element vector, [xbmin,xbmax]. The first element indicates the first bin edge in the x-dimension. The second element indicates the last bin edge in the x-dimension.

This option only bins data that falls within the bin limits inclusively, X>=xbmin & X<=xbmax.

Selection mode for bin limits in x-dimension, specified as 'auto' or 'manual'. The default value is 'auto', so that the bin limits automatically adjust to the data along the x-axis.

If you explicitly specify either XBinLimits or XBinEdges, then XBinLimitsMode is set automatically to 'manual'. In that case, specify XBinLimitsMode as 'auto' to rescale the bin limits to the data.

Bin limits in y-dimension, specified as a two-element vector, [ybmin,ybmax]. The first element indicates the first bin edge in the y-dimension. The second element indicates the last bin edge in the y-dimension.

This option only bins data that falls within the bin limits inclusively, Y>=ybmin & Y<=ybmax.

Selection mode for bin limits in y-dimension, specified as 'auto' or 'manual'. The default value is 'auto', so that the bin limits automatically adjust to the data along the y-axis.

If you explicitly specify either YBinLimits or YBinEdges, then YBinLimitsMode is set automatically to 'manual'. In that case, specify YBinLimitsMode as 'auto' to rescale the bin limits to the data.

Toggle display of empty bins, specified as either 'off' or 'on'. The default value is 'off'.

Example: histogram2(X,Y,'ShowEmptyBins','on') turns on the display of empty bins.


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Color and Styling

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Histogram display style, specified as either 'bar3' or 'tile'.

  • 'bar3' — Display the histogram using 3-D bars.

  • 'tile' — Display the histogram as a rectangular array of tiles with colors indicating the bin values.

Example: histogram2(X,Y,'DisplayStyle','tile') plots the histogram as a rectangular array of tiles.

Lighting effect on histogram bars, specified as one of these values.


Histogram bars display a pseudo-lighting effect, where the sides of the bars use darker colors relative to the tops. The bars are unaffected by other light sources in the axes.

This is the default value when DisplayStyle is 'bar3'.


Histogram bars are not lit automatically. In the presence of other light objects, the lighting effect is uniform across the bar faces.


Histogram bars are not lit automatically, and lights do not affect the histogram bars.

FaceLighting can only be 'none' when DisplayStyle is 'tile'.

Example: histogram2(X,Y,'FaceLighting','none') turns off the lighting of the histogram bars.

Output Arguments

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Bivariate histogram, returned as an object. For more information, see Histogram2 Properties.


Histogram2 PropertiesBivariate histogram appearance and behavior

Object Functions

morebinsIncrease number of histogram bins
fewerbinsDecrease number of histogram bins


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Histogram of Vectors

Open Live Script

Generate 10,000 pairs of random numbers and create a bivariate histogram. The histogram2 function automatically chooses an appropriate number of bins to cover the range of values in x and y and show the shape of the underlying distribution.

x = randn(10000,1);y = randn(10000,1);h = histogram2(x,y)
h = Histogram2 with properties: Data: [10000x2 double] Values: [25x28 double] NumBins: [25 28] XBinEdges: [-3.9000 -3.6000 -3.3000 -3 -2.7000 -2.4000 -2.1000 -1.8000 -1.5000 -1.2000 -0.9000 -0.6000 -0.3000 0 0.3000 0.6000 0.9000 1.2000 1.5000 1.8000 2.1000 2.4000 2.7000 3.0000 3.3000 3.6000] YBinEdges: [-4.2000 -3.9000 -3.6000 -3.3000 -3.0000 -2.7000 -2.4000 -2.1000 -1.8000 -1.5000 -1.2000 -0.9000 -0.6000 -0.3000 0 0.3000 0.6000 0.9000 1.2000 1.5000 1.8000 2.1000 2.4000 2.7000 3 3.3000 3.6000 3.9000 4.2000] BinWidth: [0.3000 0.3000] Normalization: 'count' FaceColor: 'auto' EdgeColor: [0.1500 0.1500 0.1500] Use GET to show all properties

Bivariate histogram plot - MATLAB (2)

When you specify an output argument to the histogram2 function, it returns a histogram2 object. You can use this object to inspect the properties of the histogram, such as the number of bins or the width of the bins.

Find the number of histogram bins in each dimension.

nXnY = h.NumBins
nXnY = 1×2 25 28

Specify Number of Histogram Bins

Plot a bivariate histogram of 1,000 pairs of random numbers sorted into 25 equally spaced bins, using 5 bins in each dimension.

x = randn(1000,1);y = randn(1000,1);nbins = 5;h = histogram2(x,y,nbins)

Bivariate histogram plot - MATLAB (3)

h = Histogram2 with properties: Data: [1000x2 double] Values: [5x5 double] NumBins: [5 5] XBinEdges: [-4 -2.4000 -0.8000 0.8000 2.4000 4] YBinEdges: [-4 -2.4000 -0.8000 0.8000 2.4000 4] BinWidth: [1.6000 1.6000] Normalization: 'count' FaceColor: 'auto' EdgeColor: [0.1500 0.1500 0.1500] Use GET to show all properties

Find the resulting bin counts.

counts = h.Values
counts = 5×5 0 2 3 1 0 2 40 124 47 4 1 119 341 109 10 1 32 117 33 1 0 4 8 1 0

Adjust Number of Histogram Bins

Open Live Script

Generate 1,000 pairs of random numbers and create a bivariate histogram.

x = randn(1000,1);y = randn(1000,1);h = histogram2(x,y)

Bivariate histogram plot - MATLAB (4)

h = Histogram2 with properties: Data: [1000x2 double] Values: [15x15 double] NumBins: [15 15] XBinEdges: [-3.5000 -3 -2.5000 -2 -1.5000 -1 -0.5000 0 0.5000 1 1.5000 2 2.5000 3 3.5000 4] YBinEdges: [-3.5000 -3 -2.5000 -2 -1.5000 -1 -0.5000 0 0.5000 1 1.5000 2 2.5000 3 3.5000 4] BinWidth: [0.5000 0.5000] Normalization: 'count' FaceColor: 'auto' EdgeColor: [0.1500 0.1500 0.1500] Use GET to show all properties

Use the morebins function to coarsely adjust the number of bins in the x dimension.

nbins = morebins(h,'x');nbins = morebins(h,'x')

Bivariate histogram plot - MATLAB (5)

nbins = 1×2 19 15

Use the fewerbins function to adjust the number of bins in the y dimension.

nbins = fewerbins(h,'y');nbins = fewerbins(h,'y')

Bivariate histogram plot - MATLAB (6)

nbins = 1×2 19 11

Adjust the number of bins at a fine grain level by explicitly setting the number of bins.

h.NumBins = [20 10];

Bivariate histogram plot - MATLAB (7)

Color Histogram Bars by Height

Open Live Script

Create a bivariate histogram using 1,000 normally distributed random numbers with 12 bins in each dimension. Specify FaceColor as 'flat' to color the histogram bars by height.

h = histogram2(randn(1000,1),randn(1000,1),[12 12],'FaceColor','flat');colorbar

Bivariate histogram plot - MATLAB (8)

Tiled Histogram View

Open Live Script

Generate random data and plot a bivariate tiled histogram. Display the empty bins by specifying ShowEmptyBins as 'on'.

x = 2*randn(1000,1)+2;y = 5*randn(1000,1)+3;h = histogram2(x,y,'DisplayStyle','tile','ShowEmptyBins','on');

Bivariate histogram plot - MATLAB (9)

Specify Bin Edges of Histogram

Open Live Script

Generate 1,000 pairs of random numbers and create a bivariate histogram. Specify the bin edges using two vectors, with infinitely wide bins on the boundary of the histogram to capture all outliers that do not satisfy |x|<2.

x = randn(1000,1);y = randn(1000,1);Xedges = [-Inf -2:0.4:2 Inf];Yedges = [-Inf -2:0.4:2 Inf];h = histogram2(x,y,Xedges,Yedges)

Bivariate histogram plot - MATLAB (10)

h = Histogram2 with properties: Data: [1000x2 double] Values: [12x12 double] NumBins: [12 12] XBinEdges: [-Inf -2 -1.6000 -1.2000 -0.8000 -0.4000 0 0.4000 0.8000 1.2000 1.6000 2 Inf] YBinEdges: [-Inf -2 -1.6000 -1.2000 -0.8000 -0.4000 0 0.4000 0.8000 1.2000 1.6000 2 Inf] BinWidth: 'nonuniform' Normalization: 'count' FaceColor: 'auto' EdgeColor: [0.1500 0.1500 0.1500] Use GET to show all properties

When the bin edges are infinite, histogram2 displays each outlier bin (along the boundary of the histogram) as being double the width of the bin next to it.

Specify the Normalization property as 'countdensity' to remove the bins containing the outliers. Now the volume of each bin represents the frequency of observations in that interval.

h.Normalization = 'countdensity';

Bivariate histogram plot - MATLAB (11)

Normalized Histogram

Open Live Script

Generate 1,000 pairs of random numbers and create a bivariate histogram using the 'probability' normalization.

x = randn(1000,1);y = randn(1000,1);h = histogram2(x,y,'Normalization','probability')

Bivariate histogram plot - MATLAB (12)

h = Histogram2 with properties: Data: [1000x2 double] Values: [15x15 double] NumBins: [15 15] XBinEdges: [-3.5000 -3 -2.5000 -2 -1.5000 -1 -0.5000 0 0.5000 1 1.5000 2 2.5000 3 3.5000 4] YBinEdges: [-3.5000 -3 -2.5000 -2 -1.5000 -1 -0.5000 0 0.5000 1 1.5000 2 2.5000 3 3.5000 4] BinWidth: [0.5000 0.5000] Normalization: 'probability' FaceColor: 'auto' EdgeColor: [0.1500 0.1500 0.1500] Use GET to show all properties

Compute the total sum of the bar heights. With this normalization, the height of each bar is equal to the probability of selecting an observation within that bin interval, and the heights of all of the bars sum to 1.

S = sum(h.Values(:))
S = 1

Histogram Using Percentages

Open Live Script

Generate 100,000 normally distributed random vectors. Use a standard deviation of 15 and means of 100 and 85.

x = [100 85] + 15*randn(1e5,2);

Plot a histogram of the random vectors. Scale and label the z-axis as percentages.

edges = 40:15:145;histogram2(x(:,1),x(:,2),edges,edges,Normalization="percentage")ztickformat("percentage")

Bivariate histogram plot - MATLAB (13)

Adjust Histogram Properties

Open Live Script

Generate 1,000 pairs of random numbers and create a bivariate histogram. Return the histogram object to adjust the properties of the histogram without recreating the entire plot.

x = randn(1000,1);y = randn(1000,1);h = histogram2(x,y)

Bivariate histogram plot - MATLAB (14)

h = Histogram2 with properties: Data: [1000x2 double] Values: [15x15 double] NumBins: [15 15] XBinEdges: [-3.5000 -3 -2.5000 -2 -1.5000 -1 -0.5000 0 0.5000 1 1.5000 2 2.5000 3 3.5000 4] YBinEdges: [-3.5000 -3 -2.5000 -2 -1.5000 -1 -0.5000 0 0.5000 1 1.5000 2 2.5000 3 3.5000 4] BinWidth: [0.5000 0.5000] Normalization: 'count' FaceColor: 'auto' EdgeColor: [0.1500 0.1500 0.1500] Use GET to show all properties

Color the histogram bars by height.

h.FaceColor = 'flat';

Bivariate histogram plot - MATLAB (15)

Change the number of bins in each direction.

h.NumBins = [10 25];

Bivariate histogram plot - MATLAB (16)

Display the histogram as a tile plot.

h.DisplayStyle = 'tile';view(2)

Bivariate histogram plot - MATLAB (17)

Saving and Loading Histogram2 Objects

Open Live Script

Use the savefig function to save a histogram2 figure.

histogram2(randn(100,1),randn(100,1));savefig('histogram2.fig');close gcf

Use openfig to load the histogram figure back into MATLAB®. openfig also returns a handle to the figure, h.

h = openfig('histogram2.fig');

Bivariate histogram plot - MATLAB (18)

Use the findobj function to locate the correct object handle from the figure handle. This allows you to continue manipulating the original histogram object used to generate the figure.

y = findobj(h,'type','histogram2')
y = Histogram2 with properties: Data: [100x2 double] Values: [7x6 double] NumBins: [7 6] XBinEdges: [-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4] YBinEdges: [-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3] BinWidth: [1 1] Normalization: 'count' FaceColor: 'auto' EdgeColor: [0.1500 0.1500 0.1500] Use GET to show all properties


  • Histogram plots created using histogram2 have a context menu in plot edit mode that enables interactive manipulations in the figure window. For example, you can use the context menu to interactively change the number of bins, align multiple histograms, or change the display order.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2015b

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You can create histograms with percentages on the vertical axis by setting the Normalization name-value argument to 'percentage'.

See Also

Histogram2 Properties | bar3 | discretize | fewerbins | morebins | histcounts2 | histcounts

MATLAB Command

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Bivariate histogram plot - MATLAB (19)

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Bivariate histogram plot - MATLAB (2024)
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