Crossroad multiverse - Chapter 5 - D_rissing, nightmaster000 (2024)

Chapter Text

(Royal wood´s elementary school)

Even with the presence of literal gods in the city, school was...normal..for those that didnt had the luck to have a divine past life...sure the groups might be smaller and some had to adjust but at the end life went on for the "normal folks"

"Ok class since today we will have the honor of hosting the godly exhibition i think we could go over some facts about our more blessed members of society" Miss Johnson said at her class.

Though as the class excitedly chatted about this Lincoln just sat in his seat with a small frown head in his head feeling more irritated than anything at this announcement.

Not that he hated godly kids..but the way she said that didnt felt good to him.

"Now although the reason why when a kid reach age 10 he or she comes to its godly powers is unknown, we do know WHY is important to identify and began their training" she explained "anyone can tell me one of the reasons?"

At that one student in the back raised their hand.

"to make sure they can safely control their powers?" they asked after Mrs. Johnson pointed at them.

"good answer Trent and you are right" said Miss Johnson "one of the main reasons to know if you are a god kid or not is to have a safe environment to practice and learn control your powers" she explained "after all could you imagine you having the power to create earthquakes, tsunamis, make volcanos yet not knowing how control them? it would be a disaster to say the least"

"Don't I know it." Lincoln thought glumly to himself as each time one of his sisters first awaken their powers was always.....hectic to say to the least. He thought with a internal wince recalling some of the near disaster the first time they unlocked their powers.

Everyone remember Hera as the goddess of marriage or the queen of the gods (something Lori liked to have everyone remember) but she was also the goddess of stars...being awaked at 3 AM because a bad dream almost made your sister go super-nova wasnt fun at all.

And the others following their awakenings were hardly any better suffice to say that growing up as the middle siblings to 10 sisters half of them godly the other half guaranteed to be the same wasn't easy....not one bit...for more than reason.

And Lisa´s tantrum when she was 2" he groaned "Krakatoa came short before her"

"Ok the second reason? anyone?" Miss Johnson called.

"Monsters!" called a girl with long hair and dressed a pink turtleneck sweater "they can smell gods"

"Correct Saddie" said the teacher "monsters and beasts have the innate ability to smell and track those of godly blood" explained the teacher "meaning they must also be found and train as soon monsters will began to smell and chase them"

And there lead to one of the more complicated if not dangerous issues in living in a household with so many god kids...monsters.

Some of them hardly any different than wild animals besides more supernatural abilities, others possessing a brutal blood thirsty cunning, and a rare few as intelligent if not more so than humans.

Though Lincoln own encounters with monsters had always been a bit....strange to be honest.

The strangest one came a little after he was declared...normal...his parents thought would be a good idea for the family to go out on camping, he was depressed and went out for a walk without telling someone ending lost in the forest and falling into a ravine. That was already got worst when he come across one of the most dangerous creatures of mythology.

A nemean lion

Impervious to weapons, 5 times bigger than the normal lion and BIG claws and fangs.

Lincoln´s fall awoke it from its nap. At first the little boy thoguht he was a goner..yet the lion simply sniffed him...gave a cat version of a confused look...then turned to see the top of the ravine.

Next thing he knew, the lion took it from the back of his shirt and jumped all the way up; then took running until it reached the edge of the camping zone deposited him on the ground before turning around and returning to the deep forest.

He'd never told anybody what happen honestly he wasn't sure how, not to mention he didn't think anyone would believe him, hell it happen to him and he still didn't it himself sometimes!

"And thats not counting the time i was kidnapped by gorgons" said Lincoln as THAT was even weirder as the snake women almost seems to act..mother-like with him (while they turned the rest of the people on the mall they were into stone)...he couldnt ask anything as Lynn (and other gods) arrived to smash those three into dust.

"And there was that time with that harpy girl." Lincoln thought with a flush remembering how a harpy that appeared around his age just seemed so keen on him even giving him a lot of shiny jewelry while rubbing against him.

Monsters were an issue..but they only seems to want to attack his sisters..while him..they acted like that..or simply ignored him.

It was honestly a bit weird...but at the same time kinda cool. made him feel special...he didn't know why monsters acted like that around him...but it honestly made him sometimes just for a moment...believe he was and could be a special as his sisters.

That he was someone worth noticing!

"Ok now..any other reason?" asked miss Johnson pulling him out his thoughts "anyone?"

silence fell on the class.

"sigh...whatever" another voice called, this one belonging to a girl with light brown hair tied into a braid wearing a yellow elbow-sleeve T-shirt, blue pleated skirt, a bow on the side of her hair, and brown Mary Jane shoes with tall white socks. "because if not they could go Berserker" she said in flat annoyed tone.

"Exactly Jordan" said the teacher not even addressing her tone "Berserker mode usually is caused by a great spike of anger or similar negative feelings which will force the god kid into its primal form...transforming him into a similar version of its godly predecessor but totally out of control..lashing against anything and anyone" explained miss Johnson "Kids are susceptible to it between the first 2 years after their 10 birthdays reason why they have to wear special enchanted limiters to keep their powers under control so the berserker mode dont happen"

At that some of the class exchange nervous looks while Lincoln winced as this factor was one of the major reasons besides their powers that some advocated against God Kids saying that they were a danger left locked up at best while at worst....honestly he didn't even want to think about it.

"yes yes..its scary" called the teacher "fortunately, after all the old godly relics were found the cases of berserker kids are few and scarce...and Royal woods is proud that none of its new gods have gone through one" she added with a smile "And we must remember that at the end of the day despite their great gifts god kids are still people the same as you and me." she told them with a encouraging smile.

"Tch yeah sure..just like us" Jordan said in low tone "only with bigger egos and fancy toys"

And despite himself Lincoln, who had heard Jordan words, couldn't stop a amused snort of agreement.


"Ok class time to lunch...remember the last period of classes will be cancelled for the exhibition so remember to be out there to cheer on your favorite deity!" miss Johnson called with a smile.

"Favorite deity ..yeah " Lincoln muttered out with a scowl as more and more lately while trying to act like everything was fine he couldn't stop the growing anger and resentments.

And he knew he shouldnt feel those..sure Lynn was overbearing and annoying with her overprotectiveness acting as if he couldnt do anything just because she was the reincarnation of the god of strength...and Lori always acting like she was better than anyone just because she was "a queen of gods"...and the less he talk about his youngers and how they sometimes talk about "not wanting to end up like him" really sting.

But at the end he loved them...they were family.

yet this frustration...anger...this rage he felt was getting harder to keep inside for some reason.

All he wanted was to be seen! Not just be a after thought if even that! So what if he was normal human did that really make him any less special or important than his sisters!

Didn't he matter too?!

"Hello Lincoln" a soft voice brought him out his thoughts "what have bring a dark cloud on your soul?"

Walking next to him was a girl with a slender figure, with pale skin, long black hair (with a bang over one of her eyes) plus mascara and purple eyeshadow. She was wearing a long dark purple dress, black belt with a white skull and dark purple fingerless gloves.

"Huh?" Lincoln gave a blink at the voice before seeing who spoke, "Oh hey Haiku.." He said with a sigh greeting his sister Lucys best friend, "Just...really not looking forward to today." He admitted with a slight scowl.

"ummm I think I know how you feel" said the girl walking next to him "old firendships lost to fame and glory..the feeling of betrayal eating you from inside out"

And she knew what she was talking about...Like Lincoln she lost her club as only her and her friend Dante were declared humans...well she still had to take the ritual, but he later moved out town leaving her alone.

"Hey at least you still have Lucy.." Lincoln told her with a frown before adding with a sigh, "For however long that lasts." He said with a mutter.

"umm Lucy is 8 right? still 2 more years to treasure memories before the evil light of godhood take her away" the girl put her head on lincoln´s shoulder as they walked.

He didnt mind to be honest...after losing Clyde and the others Haiku and him became somehow close...after accidentaly meeting a couple of time in their "alone tree", as they call the most seclude part of the school, they somehow clicked...both finding someone to talk about...Haiku actually enjoyed Lincoln´s own talent for poetry and arts..and in turn Lincoln finding someone who spend time and be around.

"Well even if that happens..I'm sure...Lucy won't just cut you out of her life." Lincoln tried to tell her though his tone was weak he once thought the same with Clyde and the others....and look how that played out

"And hey.." Lincoln shot Haiku a strained smile, "it'll be your turn to take the ritual next year.." He said giving a weak laugh "so who might be special to." He told her looking away while subconsciously clenching his fists.

"Ummm" the girl looked at him with a sad smile "you are special Lincoln Loud...whatever you see it or are special" she said again looking away fro a moment as a blush appeared on her face.

"I..thanks Haiku.." Lincoln said feeling strangely warm before giving a sad sigh, "i'm glad someone thinks i'm special." He said in a low bitter mutter while giving a slight scowl.

"If the traitors cant see you are special" called the goth girl again "then they are the ones that arent" she added

Lincoln give her a was small...but for Haiku it almost seem to bright him up.

"Thanks Haiku...really." Lincoln looked gratefully to her, "it really does mean a lot."

"Nothing to thank" said Hiku "only helping...someone special to remember he is" she said after a pause.

"Thanks all the same." Lincoln told her with a smile before giving a sigh, "you think we'll be able to skip out on the big event today?" He asked looking down the hall as he leaned against a locker, "For once i'd even take detention over dealing with a whole day about the oh so great god kids."

"I wouldnt mind that" said Haiku "although...for what I heard they already installed the monsters pavilion behind the school...wouldnt mind give them a look" she said pulling up a notebook "could use them as inspiration"

"Ah right...the monsters." Lincoln said with a nervous wince honestly besides dealing with his sisters never mind potentially his old friends or a few potential other unwanted faces the monsters exhibit was the other major reason he was nervous about today.

If he got too close to them would someone notice something off?

"umm well..." they never have been violent to "I suppose a quick look wont hurt" he said after a bit "plus Lisa build the cages so we should be safe"

"And your sister does good work." Haiku acknowledge with a nod before adding with a snort, "though i'm guessing she still has to learn about boundaries?" She observed with an arched brow easily recalling the reasons of how Lisa went through the ritual years earlier than she was supposed to.

As baby she was natural curious..and it seems able to escape her mom´s clutches...enter the sacred vault and cut herself.

And once she was found..she was already playing with the hammer and anvil creating small automatons.

"Yeah can still mom near heart attack from that incident." Lincoln said with a slight amused snort.

Haiku smiled at Lincoln´s giggle.

"Then...lets go?" she asked "now probably everyone will be at lunch"

"Lead the way my lady." Lincoln said giving off a dramatic bow.

Haiku smiled and curtsey to him before both rushed out the school.

(School yard)

Just next to the school a big tent have been installed. cars and vans were around but no one else

"weird" said Lincoln i thought we would meet some agents from GODA here" said Lincoln before turning to the audience "thats the God Observation and Defense Agency...its an intelligence/defense agency formed by the UN to deal with anything god related...from helping contain treats they fight to simple things like set this exhibitions" he huffed "god fanboys with A LOT of money as they helped build up the academies" he then turned to the tent and talk to Haiku "they should be here keeping an eye on things...wonder why the place is empty?"

"Maybe they're on lunch break." Haiku said with a shrug, "If your sister´s equipment has the monsters contained they probably don't see much reason to stick around." she reasoned.


Lincoln narrowed his eyes...that sounds logical...but something didnt feel right.

"Lets...just be careful" he said as both kids rushed to the entrance.

Inside was a big space filled with cages...they seem normal steel bar cages..yet between them the kids could see small arcs of energy crossing the spaces. plus the doors to them were steel looking with digital locks

Inside of each cage they could see a collared monster.

"Those looks like the chain Lisa showed me this morning" said Lincoln approaching a cell with a group of bronze colored birds..each had a cuff in a leg "its suppose to make the creature tied to it tamer"

"Hmm interesting.." Haiku muttered looking at the chain, "though part of me isn't sure if I approve of leashing and controlling such lovely creatures of darkness like this." she admitted with a slight frown.

"ummmm" Lincoln part he gets why...but also a part of him agreeded with her.

The duo kept looking around finding some interessant creatures.

A cyclops.

Some trolls.

An orthrus

A kelpie

All those and more were seen by Haiku and Lincoln eyes though many of the creatures inside found their own gazes going to the two particularly Lincoln.

"Psst hey Pain." a low voice whispered out unheard from one of the cages "check out the white haired kid." They said hurriedly with an undertone of eagerness.

"Ugg...already is time to start acting as clown again?" asked a second tired voice "I thought the exhibition wont start in like two hours or so"

"No it hasn't started yet!" The first voice snapped slightly irritated, "We've got to early peekers.." They explained hurriedly, "But one of of them feels really weird...and kinda familiar too?" they added in a slight thoughtful tone.

"Familiar?" now the second voice asked curious "what are you..." he blinked noticing Lincoln and Haiku " right..he felt...familiar..."

" think maybe we owe him money?" The first voice asked thoughtfully trying to figure out why something about this kid seemed so familiar.

As they were talking Lincoln noticed something.

"its that...a chimera?!!" he called in awe and some fear.

It was...the legendary monster part lion, part goat and part snake...a lion head and goat head at the front and the tail was a living snake.

"It is.." Haiku breathed out with an undertone of awe.

"This is so cool!" Lincoln said actually finding himself feeling excited.

Chimeras were one of the most dangerous creatures on the green pantheon...three heads...two could breath could poison...inmune to arrows...and it was waking up and looking at him...

Wait what?

Yes the chimera just awoke and all three heads were looking at him.

And for some reason as Lincoln stared back into those eyes he felt a connection of some kind with it.

"Lincoln?" Haiku asked a bit confused by the sudden silence.

Before her eyes widen as the Chimera got up approaching the bars staring silently at Lincoln and then...bowing?!

"ok...tell me I´m not the only one who is seeing that!" one of the voices called in shock.

"Im seeing it cant believe it" said the other.

Though they weren't the only ones watching as a pair of eyes was observing the scene with a dark gleam.

"So you are the king" they said with a dark chuckle.

A shadowy hand moved on the darkness.

Lincoln and Haiku were quite in awe seeing one of the most dangerous beasts in greek mythology bowing to Lincoln.


When a female yell called everyone´s attention.



"Jordan?" Lincoln said recognizing the voice.

"It came from there" said Haiku and both moved to check.

And they soon came upon the scene the scene of their classmate Jordan glaring with hate at a form that both of them disdained and recognized, "Ah come on babe is that any way to greet the love of your life"

It was a boy with short redish-brown hair and fair skin and fleckles.

He was dressed in a golden armor over a white toga, golden sandals and a long blue cape...all with the symbol of Lightning visible to all to see.


Immediately Lincoln felt a deep hate sparking inside him.

"You and I are nothing Mccann!!!" yelled Jordan with angry tears in her eyes "NOTHING!!"

However the boy simply smirked.

"funny I remember you calling me the best thing that's ever happen to you" He added teasingly voice filled with smugness as Jordan clenched her fists.


"Hahahahaha Im one of the king of the gods sweety" mocked the boy "its natural i have many girls before me" he added with an uncaring tone "and really a morty girl like you should be honored that i'm giving you even this much attention" Chandler added with a laugh unknowingly causing Lincoln teeth to grit and his fists to tighten.


Unseen to them ALL the monsters suddenly began waking up.

"Im NOT going to be just another girl to you Mccann!!!" Jordan yelled "I dont care how special you think you are you are nothing but a pathetic loser to me!!!"

This caused Chandler to scowl.

"Loser.." He repeated before lashing out and grabbing Jordan by her arm "LOSER!?" He snapped glaring into her eyes, "I'M A GOD YOU STUPID MORTAL BITCH!" lighting cracked on his skin and his eyes turned white.

Jordan gave a step back with some fear.

"Maybe i have been to soft with you!!" called Chandler in anger "maybe its time to remember your place...BENEATH ME!!!"

He took a step to her his hands cracking with power.

Jordan was about to cry for help.

"HEY!!! MESS WITH SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE!" Lincoln cried revealing himself.

This Chandler to freeze and shoot the boy a befuddle blink.

"Larry?" He asked with a confused tilt of his head before giving a scowl, "This doesn't have anything to do with you!" He snapped while Jordan gave Lincoln a look that was a mixture of surprise, relief, yet worry, "Scram because Hera's little brother or not.." Chandler raised a glowing crackling hand, "i'll fry you good." The Zeus reincarnate finished in a vicious grin.

"Her name is Lori and MY NAME is Lincoln!" called the white haired boy feeling his anger grow by only seeing this bully "And funny, I remember when you tried to make moves on her after you found your god that ended again? oh yeah with her literally kicking stars onto your groin!!!"

At this Chandler growled while the energy around him seemed to intensify.

"Shes mine!" He snapped glaring with hate at this uppity mortal "She's meant to be wife, my property, and she will learn her proper place just like this stupid bitch and you!"

"Being Zeus really got to your head you know that!" called Lincoln getting angrier; around them all the monsters began growling "wake up just because you share the name and powers doesnt mean you are HIM!!"

"I"M HIS REINCARNATION!" Chandler screamed out his voice actually gaining an echo as his eyes glowed with energy, "HIS POWER, HIS AUTHORITY, HIS THRONE, ALL OF IT IS RIGHTFULLY MINE!"

"Sheesh this kid has issues.." One of the voices from earlier whispered managing to observe the scene from nearby.

"Shh be quiet it's getting good!" The other said back while eagerly watching the drama. "ohh wish i smell that?"

"sniff..sniff...yeah..smells like....the sea?"

Both were confused.

Chandler was ready to attack Lincoln who, surprisingly, seems to be standing his ground and getting angrier.

Jordan, still surrpised and shocked, was being pulled by Haiku to get away.

And in that moment.



The doors of ALL the cages sparked...and opened.

This causing Lincoln, Haiku, Jordan, and even Chandler to freeze especially when the creatures started to leave the cages with growls and hisses as their collars and chains also fell off.

"Oh...f*ck." Jordan whispered out paling, "maybe if we don't move they can't see us?"

Chandler stated desperately as much to himself as to the others as the aura around him fell away and he looked on with wide eyed fear because power of Zeus or not he DID NOT like his odds against all those monsters by himself if they attacked.

Lincoln also looked in worry around him..he knew some if not all of this monsters..some from greek but others from other pantheons..all dangerous.

From his left emerged a giant white bull fire on his eyes (The Cretan bull)

Next a trio of what looked like blue monkey/dog hybrids with sharp teeth and long tails that ended on hands (Ahuizotls) approached looking at the kids in hunger

Slithering close was a giant cobra with two wings on its head (A Wadjet) hissing tasting the air.

A pair of trolls came around too followed by another bull, this one colored red and with 6 horns (a Hadhayosh) and a literal scorpion-man

"I' to suggestions." Haiku said in a low tone to the others glancing warily around them, "Because as much as I appreciate the creatures of darkness and look forward to my soul journeying to the other side.."

she licked his lips, "This is not a situation I enjoy."

Over the cages landed the birds they saw at entering (Stymphalian birds) followed by a harpy.

" pesants can stay...Im leaving!!!" called Chandler summoning a cloud on a crack of lighting.

BIG mistake

The beasts, feeling the goodly power, charged in.

"RUN!!!!" Called Lincoln.

At that Lincoln quickly grabbed Haiku and Jordan by their hands and took off running as fast he could while Chandler attempted to book it in the opposite direction....emphasis on attempted.

As the cyclops from early rose up and bath him away.

Ironically this might have help him as he was sent against on of the walls of the tent.

"Ugggg...." groaning he noticed the monsters approaching "crap!"


And used his power to make make a hole on the tent rushing out....and being followed by the creatures.

With a majority chasing after him rather than the other three.

"Hehe looks like the kid bit off more than he could chew" One of the voices chuckled out as a small shadowy form approached the hole.

"Hmm but about the white haired kid?" The other asked as another small shadowy form joined their companion, "you think we should lend a hand?"

"If he is who i think he is I dont think he will need us..but I said we follow him just to be sure" a tall shadow called back.

"Huh.." However the stouter shadow gave a confused blink toward him, "Who is he?" They asked scratching at their head, "I mean we talking Achilles or something?" Causing the taller shadow to give a groan.

Crossroad multiverse - Chapter 5 - D_rissing, nightmaster000 (2024)
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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.