Foundations of Education and Instructional Assessment/Educational Philosophy/Plato - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (2024)

Philosophical Leaders in Education: Plato

By Laira Stewart


  • 1 Targets
  • 2 Overview of Plato
  • 3 Socratic Method
    • 3.1 Here are some Videos on Plato
  • 4 Dialectic Method Example
  • 5 Thoughts on The Republic
    • 5.1 Here are some other interesting links on Plato
  • 6 Summary
  • 7 References
  • 8 Questions

Targets[edit | edit source]

1. Readers should be able to define the Socratic method
2. Readers should be able to give an example of the dialectic method
3. Readers should be able to describe Plato’s educational thought as outlined in The Republic

Photo: Plato

Read a short biography or read a more detailed one.

Overview of Plato[edit | edit source]

Considered by historians to be one of the most influential minds of Western thought, Plato described the Socratic method of instruction and further developed this dialectic method in his later years. (Smith, 1997). The Socratic method is basically a learning method using a question and answer dialogue between the teacher and student. The idea is that the ensuing debate exposes flaws in reasoning and brings forth a better understanding of the issue. Plato improved on the Socratic method in his later years and developed a philosophy of education as outlined in The Republic that became the hallmark of a European liberal arts education.

427 to 347 BC. Plato was born in Athens in 427BC. When his father died, his mother married, Pyrilampes, a friend of Pericles. Plato began to pursue a political career, but became disillusioned with the politics of the time. Evidently, he was good at athletics, poetry and drama. In 409 BC he met Socrates, and according to Plato, he was one of Socrates more outstanding students. Socrates did not follow the then current trend of the Sophist method of teaching which used rhetoric or persuasion to dictate learning to their students. The Sophists asked high fees for their teaching while Socrates charged nothing. Plato, while mistrustful of the Sophists did share their interest in investigating values rather than physical science. In 399 Socrates was brought to trial for corrupting the minds of youth because of his skepticism regarding religious deities. He was convicted and sentenced to death. Socrates committed suicide rather than face execution. Plato wrote about the trial and Socrates decision not to try to escape from prison. After this Plato traveled extensively studying religion, geometry and astronomy. In 387 BC he returned to Athens and founded a university that included philosophy, physical science, astronomy and mathematics. Plato also developed a philosophy of education for prospective rulers requiring them to be philosophers first and rulers second as detailed in The Republic He is thought to have died at the age of 80 in 347 BC. (GradeSaver).

Socratic Method[edit | edit source]

Here are some Videos on Plato[edit | edit source]

These links will take you to some very interesting videos about Plato and Socrates.

1. Watch this clip,Plato The Encyclopedia Channel. YouTube.
2. Watch this clip, Socrates How Stuff Works.
3. Watch this clip, Socratic Method in Law school Pacific McGeorge School of Law Faculty. YouTube.

The Socratic method is a dialectic method of teaching, named after the Greek philosopher Socrates, in which the teacher uses questions to get the student to think about what he/she already knows and to realize what they do not know. This question and answer session stimulates the brain, engages the learner, and can bring new ideas to life. As one educator stated, “Think of it as the relentless pursuit of truth through unceasing questions. To engage in dialectic method, establish your goal to clearly understand truth and get on with it.” (Kern, 2008).

Today, law schools are trying to find better ways to teach their students the important concepts they will need in the future. The Socratic Method is one of the ways a lot of teachers have found to be most useful. Since the Socratic Method is the basis for which courts handle cases, it seems only fitting to have the students at a law school learn that way. In a court room a series of questions are asked to get the judge and/or jury to see the truth of the situation at hand. The teacher likes using the Socratic Method in their classes because they believe it helps the students get into the mind set of being a lawyer, plus they believe it helps the students learn and retain the information better. "One of the principle benefits that the Socratic Method confers is to allow large bodies of students to engage in "active learning." "Students learn better when they are actively involved in the learning process" rather than passively taking notes and the teacher dispenses information." (Jackson, 2007).

Dialectic Method Example[edit | edit source]

The benefits of this method are that the student becomes engaged in the learning process and contributes in developing the answers (led by the teacher). This is in contrast to didactic learning in which the teacher tells the student what they need to know.

Begin with a question that has several possible answers or is ambiguous so that you can begin asking the question in different ways until the students reason out the answer you wish them to learn. Then encourage them to ask themselves other responses.

For example: High School class discussion after reading the Noah’s Ark story from the Old Testament:

Teacher: What is a covenant?

Possible answer: An agreement.

Teacher: I agree to meet you for lunch, is that a covenant?

Go to this link for a specific example that was used in a 3rd grade elementary math class.

Possible answer: Sort of.

Teacher: What was the covenant God made to Noah?

Possible answer: God promised never to destroy the world by a flood.

Teacher: Does a covenant imply something more than an agreement?

Possible answer: A promise

Teacher: Yes, a covenant is an agreement with a promise. I make an agreement to meet you for lunch and I promise to be there no matter what.

Notice in this example the student has come up with the answer. If the teacher had simply told the student the definition of a covenant, chances are the student would simply not care to remember the meaning. In this example, the student is more likely to remember the meaning since he/she was involved in finding the answer.

Thoughts on The Republic[edit | edit source]

Plato believed that a teacher must care deeply for the student and have a good understanding of the subject being taught. In The Republic Plato outlines a lifelong learning process for rulers that begins with learning to read, write and do mathematics at age six. As the child grows music and sports are added. At age 18 military services are added. At age 30 the ruler should study philosophy and politics. It is not until age 50 that the ruler should rule. This lifelong liberal arts education would ensure that the ruler had experience and wisdom in order to make just decisions. The Republic is mostly about defining justice and the different types of justice. Only a philosopher-King can dispense the appropriate justice. This method of instruction became useful during the Middle Ages in the royal classes, and can be seen in the British royal family today. The British males are required to do military service, attend university, and work in civil service for many years before they take over the role of King. An interesting note is that the current Queen of England, Elizabeth, was reluctant to hand over the reins to Phillip until after he had a wife and family, and has not yet retired. (Jowett)

Here are some other interesting links on Plato[edit | edit source]

These links will take you to some very interesting videos about Plato and Socrates.

1. Click this link, Plato Biography Kraut.
2. Click this link, Plato Outline Kemerling.
3. Click this link, Socratic Method in Law Schools Jackson.

Summary[edit | edit source]

Both the Didactic and Dialectic methods are necessary for teaching. There are many times when telling the student what he/she needs to know is the only way to impart information. However, the dialectic method is essential for engaging students in interactive learning, in giving them some ownership of discovery in the learning process. The dialectic method can provide an opportunity for debate of issues, exploration of ideas and use of higher thinking skills. Since the object of learning is to be able to discern and make decisions based on knowledge, the dialectic method is critical for growth of knowledge.

References[edit | edit source]

Anderson, Ronald D. (1994). Issues of Curriculum Reform in Science, Mathematics and Higher Order of research, [Abstract]. US Department of education. Retrieved from,M1

Garlokov, Rick. The Socratic Method:Teaching by Asking Instead of by Telling. Retrieved September 22, 2008, from

GradeSaver. Plato. (n.d.) Harvard College. Retrieved October 5, 2008, from

How Stuff Works. A Discovery Company. Ancient Greece: Socrates and Plato. (n.d.)[Video File]. Video posted to

Jackson, Jeffrey D. ,Socrates and Langdell. (May 17, 2007). Legal Writg: Is the Socratic Method a Proper Tool for Legal Writg Courses?. California Western Law Review, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp.267–308, Available at SSRN:

Jowett, Benjamin. The Republic by Plato. Available from

Kemerling, Garth. (Last updated on 9 August 2006). Plato. Philosophy Pages. Retrieved October 5, 2008, from

Kern, Andrew. Two Methods of Instruction. Articles from The Classical Teacher. Retrieved September 22, 2008.

Kraut, Richard. (March 20, 2004). Plato. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved October 5, 2008, from

Plato. (n.d.) The Internet Encyclopedia for Philosophy. Retrieved September 22, 2008, from

Smith, Mark K. (First published May 8, 1997. Last update: April 11, 2008). Plato. From

University, of Chicago, The Law School. The Socratic Method (n.d.) Retrieved September 22, 2008, from

YouTube. (July 13, 2008). Plato - Encyclopedia channel. (n.d.) [Video File]. Video posted to

YouTube. (August 22, 2008). Pacific McGeorge School of Law Faculty on the Socratic Method. (n.d.) [Video File]. Video posted to

Questions[edit | edit source]

1. Plato’s foremost contribution to education was:

a.Teaching royalty the proper way to dress

b.Use of the dialectic method

c.Use of the didactic method

d.Writing about Socrates life

2. An example of the dialectic method is:

a.Asking students what they know about widgets

b.Telling student about how a widget works

c.Telling students the history of the widget

d.Telling students why widgets are necessary

3. The best way to explain Plato’s educational ideal for a ruler as outlined in The Republic is:

a. A philosopher has the knowledge needed to bestow justice.

b. A philosopher should advise the king or ruler.

c. Justice can only be learned by hard work.

d. Justice is wasted on the old.

4. What is not an essential ingredient for the success of Plato’s method.

a.Asking a question

b.Caring about the student

c.Deep knowledge of your subject

d.Explain the answer

Correct Answers: 1)b 2)a 3)a 4)d

Foundations of Education and Instructional Assessment/Educational Philosophy/Plato - Wikibooks, open books for an open world (2024)


What are the 7 philosophical foundations of education? ›

The document outlines seven philosophies of education: essentialism, progressivism, perennialism, existentialism, behaviorism, linguistic philosophy, and constructivism.

What is the foundation of education Plato? ›

Plato believed that education should develop the soul and refine innate knowledge through cultivating virtues. He emphasized a three-part curriculum and different types of education for rulers, soldiers, and other classes.

What are the three major contributions of Plato to education? ›

Plato established the first formal school in Europe called "The Academy". He developed it into an education complex containing primary, secondary and higher education. He also began the first Nursery education in Athens. He was the first to introduce the ideas of equal educational opportunity for male and female.

What does Plato say about the curriculum? ›

Plato believes that the highest goal of educational curriculum is the knowledge of good. interest in education. Education should be both physical and mental growth.

What are the stages of education according to Plato? ›

Plato's education system has two stages. Primary education includes physical education, intellectual education,moral education. Primary education is till age of 20 years. Higher education generally emphasized on advance education, philosophical education.

What was the scheme of education for Plato? ›

For Plato, the primary education was till the age of eighteen and would be confined to the guardian class, followed by two years of compulsory military training and then followed by higher education for those who qualified.

What are the 8 philosophical foundations of education? ›

This document discusses different philosophies of education including idealism, realism, pragmatism, existentialism, postmodernism, perennialism, essentialism, progressivism, and critical theory. For each philosophy, implications for today's classroom teachers are provided.

Who are the 6 philosophical thoughts on education? ›

These six main areas of educational philosophy are perennialism, essentialism, behaviorism, progressivism, reconstructionism, and existentialism. These philosophical areas evolved and broadened from the four classical views of philosophy to shape to the different styles of teachers in today's schools.

What is Plato's famous quote? ›

Truth is the beginning of every good to the gods, and of every good to man.” “Knowledge without justice ought to be called cunning rather than wisdom.” “The first and greatest victory is to conquer yourself; to be conquered by yourself is of all things most shameful and vile.”

What did Plato believe in education? ›

Plato regards education as a means to achieve justice, both individual justice and social justice. According to Plato, individual justice can be obtained when each individual develops his or her ability to the fullest. In this sense, justice means excellence. For the Greeks and Plato, excellence is virtue.

What is Plato's theory? ›

In basic terms, Plato's Theory of Forms asserts that the physical world is not really the 'real' world; instead, ultimate reality exists beyond our physical world. Plato discusses this theory in a few different dialogues, including the most famous one, called 'The Republic.

What is Plato's philosophy summary? ›

Plato believed all truth, understanding, and beauty comes from the ideal; within the phenomena, we cannot experience the truth of things as our senses perceive only illusions in this physical world. Beliefs on ethics - questioned the nature of goodness, truth, and justice.

What were Plato's main beliefs? ›

Plato believes that conflicting interests of different parts of society can be harmonized. The best, rational and righteous, political order, which he proposes, leads to a harmonious unity of society and allows each of its parts to flourish, but not at the expense of others.

What is Plato best known for? ›

What is Plato known for? Plato's most famous work is the Republic, which details a wise society run by a philosopher. He is also famous for his dialogues (early, middle, and late), which showcase his metaphysical theory of forms—something else he is well known for.

What are the main contributions of Plato to education? ›

He also stressed the need for an all-round education - physical, moral, intellectual and social. He was the first to divide education into the formal levels which we now commonly use and to assign to them appropriate ages and curricular contents. Plato also wrote lots of books that are in use today.

What is the teacher's role according to Plato? ›

Plato regards teaching as guidance into objective knowledge through the reasoned understanding of causes. Confucius regards teaching as leading self-cultivation. Buber sees the role of teachers as building a relationship with their students.

What curriculum did Plato suggest? ›

Plato in his 'Republic', (book- v, chap. - xxvi) suggested few general principles and rules for curriculum development of educational institution. He has chosen few particular disciplines for primary and Higher education such as art and literature, grammar, mathematics, logic, geometry, Astronomy and physical science.

What is the Plato learning system? ›

Developed at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, PLATO, or Programmed Logic for Automated Teaching Operations, was a revolutionary system based around the novel idea of computer learning, setting the stage for the internet and remote teaching being done now.

What are the two aims of Plato education system? ›

Plato's aim of education was human perfection and he emphasized mental development. He suggested curriculum including bodily development, music, and philosophy. Aristotle believed education's aim was individual happiness and welfare. He advocated a curriculum including gymnastics, music/literature, and mathematics.

What was Plato's conclusion on education system? ›

Conclusion: Although Plato's philosophy of education in “The Republic” was aimed at the high class and minorities in society, he directed people to access an education that was natural and suitable to their inherent natural abilities.

What is Plato's ideal state? ›

According to Plato 'Ideal state based on the chief aim of. education is wellbeing and harmony of the state' Where most of the persons are must be. educated and they have gathered work on his qualities and there no quarrel and turmoil. those state is called ideal state.

What are the 7 philosophy of teaching and their meaning? ›

This document discusses seven philosophies of education: essentialism, progressivism, perennialism, existentialism, behaviorism, linguistic philosophy, and constructivism. Each philosophy varies in its view of the learner, objectives of teaching, recommended curriculum, and teaching strategies.

What are the 7 philosophy of education ppt? ›

- The document discusses 7 philosophies of education: essentialism, progressivism, perennialism, existentialism, behaviorism, linguistic philosophy, and constructivism. - For each philosophy, it provides information on why teachers teach according to that philosophy, what content is taught, and how teaching is done.

What are the main foundations of philosophy? ›

Philosophy ('love of wisdom' in Ancient Greek) is a systematic study of general and fundamental questions concerning topics like existence, reason, knowledge, value, mind, and language. It is a rational and critical inquiry that reflects on its own methods and assumptions.

What are the philosophical foundations of teaching and learning? ›

One such influential philosophy is idealism, which posits that ideas and mental constructs are fundamental in shaping reality. Idealism's impact on education has been profound, as it provides a unique lens through which to understand the purpose of teaching and learning.

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