How much should you save vs. invest? (2024)

In the pursuit of any financial goal, it’s smart to stop and consider whether to save or invest the money you set aside for it.

It used to be true that you needed $1,000 or more to start investing in the stock market. If you didn’t have that much, the decision was made for you: Save. Nowadays, you can invest in an index fund that tracks the return of the S&P 500 for just $1 (called a fractional share), setting yourself up for a potential return that beats inflation—and then some.

Insight from Alissa Krasner Maizes, founder of Amplify My Wealth, an investment advising firm in New York

“While investing in a diversified portfolio representative of the entire market will likely yield a greater return on your investment than a high-yield savings account over time, there is also a correlating risk with that potential gain.”

Here’s what you should know about the risks and rewards of saving and investing.

Saving vs. investing: Which is better?

Saving and investing are often lumped together as the sole alternative to spending money, but each strategy has its own advantages and disadvantages.

In general, you should save to preserve your money and invest to grow your money. Depending on your specific goals and when you plan to reach them, you may choose to do both. “When deciding whether to save or invest your money, it is essential to prioritize determining when you will need it,” says Maizes. “For shorter-term goals, it is best to ensure your money is easily accessible and not likely to fluctuate in value significantly.”

Here’s a high-level comparison of saving and investing.

Minimal risk. Savings account balances have no risk of declining. Plus, FDIC insurance protects your money in the unlikely event that your bank or credit union goes under.Higher risk. When investing, you could lose money, break even, or earn a return—there are no guarantees.
Predictable returns. Yields on savings accounts usually only fluctuate if the federal reserve increases or decreases interest rates, which happen at set intervals throughout the year.Fluctuating returns. Investing offers the potential for high returns, but they may not stick around for long. Financial markets constantly fluctuate.
Immediate access. Transferring money into and out of your savings account is as easy as logging in to your bank’s website or walking into a bank branch. Barriers to access. Investment accounts may charge penalties or taxes, or both, for withdrawing investment gains early.
Good for short-term needs. A savings account is the ideal spot for an emergency fund or cash you need within the next three to five years.Good for long-term goals. Investing can help you grow money over the long term, making it a strong option for funding expensive future goals, like retirement.

When it’s important to save

Saving money is best when you have immediate or near-term expenses that your monthly income wouldn’t cover on top of your usual spending. It can take time to build up savings for dedicated expenses, but doing so means you avoid taking on high-interest debt because there’s a guaranteed pot of cash to pull from.

“When you save your money, you know exactly what your return will be. While you will lose purchasing power due to inflation, you know your return won’t be lower than that,” says Laurie Itkin, a financial adviser and wealth manager at Coastwise Capital in San Diego.

Here are a few reasons to save money:

  • Unexpected emergencies: More than half of Americans are unable to afford a $1,000 emergency expense, according to a Bankrate survey. Setting aside cash in a savings account beforehand can prevent you from turning to credit cards or other expensive borrowing options when a crisis arises.
  • A home or car down payment: When buying a house or a car, a larger down payment can help you qualify for a lower interest rate and better loan terms. If you’re planning to make one of these purchases within the next three years, it’s best to keep your money intact and accessible in a savings account, rather than risk losing it in an investment.
  • Travel spending: An upcoming vacation where you’ll be spending more than you typically would at home is a good reason to build a cash cushion in a savings account.
  • Homeownership expenses: The cost of owning a home doesn’t end when you get the keys. There are property taxes, insurance, and home maintenance costs to plan for.

How to start saving

Choosing which account to open for your savings can be as important as how much you save. “I advise my clients that any money they are going to need to spend in the next two to three years should not be invested in stocks,” says Itkin. “You do not want to have to sell during a bear market and risk losing principal.”

Various financial products, from a high-yield savings account to a certificate of deposit (CD), can offer similar flexibility to a checking account, but with a much higher rate of return. When you don’t need to access your money soon but still want to avoid the risk of investing in the stock market, a government bond could be a good fit.

Here are the top savings vehicles to consider for your money:

  • High-yield savings accounts: Like a checking account, you have free rein to deposit and withdraw your money when you use a high-yield savings account, making it a good option if you need ongoing access. Online banks and credit unions tend to offer high-yield savings accounts in place of traditional savings accounts, which pay an average of 10 times more interest on your balance.
  • Money market accounts: Similar to high-yield savings accounts, money market accounts come with additional ways to access your balance, such as an ATM card or checkbook.
  • CDs: This is a savings vehicle that offers a higher interest rate than a bank savings account because the money is locked up for a period of time that you choose, usually one, three, or five years. And not only is the APY higher, it’s usually fixed. That means you’ll earn the same amount for the entire CD term, rather than being subject to variability as with a standard savings account.
  • Treasury bills: So-called T-bills are low-risk, short-term government bonds. You can buy T-bills in $1,000 increments and cash in, with interest, in short order. Terms range from a few days to one year.
  • I bonds: Another type of low-risk government bond that ties its interest rate to inflation and can last up to 30 years. You can redeem an I bond after 12 months, but you’ll lose some interest if you redeem it before five years. You can buy I bonds on for as little as $25 or up to $15,000 a year.
  • EE bonds: Government bonds that are designed for long-term savings, EE bonds earn interest monthly with the guarantee that your balance will double in 20 years. They have the same purchase limits as I bonds.

After you’ve picked an account type for your savings, it’s time to shop for the account itself. Here are a few things to look out for to make sure you’re maximizing your return and keeping your money safe:

  • Fees: Monthly maintenance fees can eat into your balance. Most online banks no longer charge these recurring fees.
  • Minimum deposit or balance requirements: Many banks will let you open a savings account with $5 or less, but some may require a higher balance to earn the top APY or charge a fee if you don’t meet the minimum daily balance.
  • APY: The APY refers to how much your balance will grow over time. It takes into account how often the interest that you earn compounds.
  • Term length: CDs and bonds have specific term lengths, unlike savings accounts. These enable the banks, credit unions, and Treasury to offer a higher rate, since they get to hold on to your money for longer.
  • Early withdrawal penalties: Since CDs and bonds have specific term lengths, there will also be penalties for cashing in early. In many cases, you’ll lose the last three months of interest.
  • Possible tax consequences: The interest you earn on savings is usually taxable, but how much depends on the financial instrument you use. Interest earned on government bonds is exempt from state and local taxes.
  • Insurance: Be sure to choose an FDIC-insured bank or NCUA-insured credit union for protection in the event of an institutional failure.

When it’s important to invest

For financial goals that are at least three to five years away, the benefits of investing generally outweigh the risks.

“When setting aside money for a long-term goal, there is a greater likelihood that if an investment’s value decreases, there is still time for it to recover,” Maizes says.

Here are situations when it makes sense to invest:

  • Securing your retirement: Social Security benefits only replace about 37% of the average retiree’s previous income, and very few Americans have access to pension plans anymore. Investing your own money in stocks and bonds, beginning as early as possible, gives your money the chance to grow beyond low, single-digit APY you can earn in a savings account.
  • To build generational wealth: If one of your goals is to pass assets on to the next generation, investing can help you grow and ultimately preserve the value of your wealth over many years.
  • To generate income: Investing in bonds, dividend-paying stocks, or real estate can produce a recurring income stream while also growing your principal investment.
  • You have excess cash: If your savings accounts are flush and your income covers your current expenses, consider putting some of the extra cash to work so that your purchasing power isn’t eroded by inflation.

How to start investing

As with saving, certain investment vehicles are better suited to specific goals than others.

If you’re planning for retirement or building wealth to pass down to your kids or grandkids, for example, you have decades of investing ahead of you. An account that’s designed for long-term use can minimize taxes on your earnings along the way.

There are three main types of accounts you can use to invest:

  • Brokerage: These are often referred to as taxable accounts, because the earnings are subject to taxation when you collect them. You can open a brokerage account through a robo-advisor or at an investment firm such as Fidelity or Charles Schwab.
  • Retirement: While you can invest for any goal in a brokerage account, there are specific accounts designed for retirement goals that let you set aside some of your income before it’s taxed and defer any subsequent taxes on investment earnings, unless you take out the money before you retire. Popular accounts include IRAs and 401(k)s.
  • Education: A 529 savings plan can help you grow the money you’re planning to use for a child’s future high school or college expenses without paying taxes on the investment earnings. Some state plans even offer tax breaks when investors contribute. You can open a 529 plan at a retail firm and choose how to invest your money in stocks, bonds, or funds.

As with savings accounts, there are a number of factors to consider when shopping for an investment account. Look out for management fees, investment minimums, investment offerings, and withdrawal and contribution rules.

“When choosing to invest, do not overlook the correlating expenses that will impact your ability to reach your goals sooner rather than later,” Maizes says. Opting for a broadly diversified portfolio of low-cost index funds and ETFs is the best way to reduce the costs of investing—including risk—while still benefiting, she adds.

Frequently asked questions

How much of your salary should you save vs. invest?

How much to put toward savings versus investing depends on your current needs and your future goals. If you’re unable to cover three to six months’ worth of expenses with savings, it’s best to prioritize that before beginning to invest for long-term goals like retirement.

What are 3 differences between saving and investing?

Saving is for preserving your money, while investing is for growing it. When you save money in a bank account or CD, you earn a steady amount of interest and keep your principal intact. When you invest in the stock market or real estate, your returns can fluctuate from day to day. Also, you can withdraw savings from a bank account virtually anytime, whereas money you invest through a brokerage or retirement account may have some barriers to access.

Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about saving vs. investing.

How much should you save vs. invest? (2024)


How much should you save vs. invest? ›

Baskir says that “saving is to walking what investing is to running.” He adds that it's vital to “have enough saved up for a rainy day, typically equal to three to six months worth of expenses in the event of a layoff, health issues,” or other unexpected changes to a financial situation before investing.

How much money should I save vs invest? ›

invest? How much to put toward savings versus investing depends on your current needs and your future goals. If you're unable to cover three to six months' worth of expenses with savings, it's best to prioritize that before beginning to invest for long-term goals like retirement.

How much should I have saved and invested? ›

Fidelity's guideline: Aim to save at least 1x your salary by 30, 3x by 40, 6x by 50, 8x by 60, and 10x by 67. Factors that will impact your personal savings goal include the age you plan to retire and the lifestyle you hope to have in retirement.

What are two reasons to save instead of invest? ›

Saving provides a safety net and a way to achieve short-term goals, while investing has the potential for higher long-term returns and can help achieve long-term financial goals. However, investing also comes with the risk of losing money.

What is the original amount of money saved or invested? ›

Principal: The original amount of money deposited or invested.

What is the 70 30 rule in investing? ›

What Is a 70/30 Portfolio? A 70/30 portfolio is an investment portfolio where 70% of investment capital is allocated to stocks and 30% to fixed-income securities, primarily bonds.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

Is 20k in savings good at 30? ›

If you're looking for a ballpark figure, Taylor Kovar, certified financial planner and CEO of Kovar Wealth Management says, “By age 30, a good rule of thumb is to aim to have saved the equivalent of your annual salary. Let's say you're earning $50,000 a year. By 30, it would be beneficial to have $50,000 saved.

Is saving $1000 a month good? ›

Saving $1,000 per month can be a good sign, as it means you're setting aside money for emergencies and long-term goals. However, if you're ignoring high-interest debt to meet your savings goals, you might want to switch gears and focus on paying off debt first.

Is $50,000 in savings good? ›

If you're nearing retirement with just $50,000 in savings, the reality is that you're frankly not in the best shape. The average 60-something has a retirement savings balance of $112,500, according to Northwestern Mutual. Even that, frankly, isn't a ton of money.

Why invest and not save? ›

If you don't need the money for at least five years (or longer) and you're comfortable taking some risk, investing the funds will likely yield higher returns than saving. If you're eligible for an employer match in your retirement account, such as a 401(k).

What happens if saving is more than investment? ›

When planned savings is more than planned investment, then the planned inventory would fall below the desired level. To bring back the Inventory at the desired level, the producers expand the output. More output means more income.

What is the biggest reason people choose not to save and invest? ›

They could be completely afraid to invest. It could be that their risk tolerance is very low. Maybe they just don't think they want or need any additional funds. Being content is another reason that someone wouldn't invest.

How much cash should you keep at home? ›

In addition to keeping funds in a bank account, you should also keep between $100 and $300 cash in your wallet and about $1,000 in a safe at home for unexpected expenses. Everything starts with your budget. If you don't budget correctly, you don't know how much you need to keep in your bank account.

How much money should you keep in your checking account? ›

The general rule of thumb is to try to have one or two months' of living expenses in it at all times. Some experts recommend adding 30 percent to this number as an extra cushion.

How much is too much in savings? ›

So, regardless of any other factors, you generally shouldn't keep more than $250,000 in any insured deposit account.

What is the 70% rule investing? ›

Basically, the rule says real estate investors should pay no more than 70% of a property's after-repair value (ARV) minus the cost of the repairs necessary to renovate the home. The ARV of a property is the amount a home could sell for after flippers renovate it.

Is it worth investing $20,000? ›

For this reason, adding to your retirement pot could well be the best investment for £20k, but only if you're happy to lock up the cash until you retire. If you don't already have a personal pension, such as a Sipp, it might be worth setting one up. You can compare the options available using our handy online tool.

Should I save or invest in my 20s? ›

Start saving and investing today.

When you're in your 20s, time may be your most valuable asset. Consider saving 10% to 15% of your pre-tax income for retirement, but even if you only have a smaller amount to invest each month, it may still be worth it. Time in the market is key. Get started as soon as you can.

How much money do I need to invest to make $3,000 a month? ›

Imagine you wish to amass $3000 monthly from your investments, amounting to $36,000 annually. If you park your funds in a savings account offering a 2% annual interest rate, you'd need to inject roughly $1.8 million into the account.

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