Ledger-Enquirer from Columbus, Georgia (2024)

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Ledger Enquirer Monday May 41998 CAROL KLEIMAN STOCKS INTEREST Our cancer policy Produced by Media General inancial Services Inc Richmond VA 23219 Thomas McDaniel Andrea Thomas Linda Bolt have The two groups seem far apart on the subject of the glass ceiling even though necessary to know what each other thinks if the barriers to women are to come down! Obviously time to start listening to each other 1 stock market short sellers pos ing online as employees of a company have put out informa tion to affect stock prices That kind of problem must be ad dressed quickly Alexander said and sometimes the next day is too late When a company replies Al exander said it should avoid being sucked into arguments it win especially about such hot button issues as abor tion or gun control One good thing about the proliferation of anti company Web sites is there are so many of Carol Kleiman writes for the Chicago Tribune Expert Quality Aircraft Maintenance first quarter six months nine months fiscal year them according to Alexander is so much noise hard to hear the he says "The more boycott sites you have the more it diffuses the Alexander said the search engine Yahoo has so many anti company sites been grouped under Opin start to get the good and the bad and you have time to get into the Alexan der said impression is less damaging than if there was one really good New York Stock Exchange American Stock Exchange Over the Counter not applicable negative earnings cannot be calculated irm serves as online watchdog for companies 1 DOLL and Jet A fuel available on site! eWatch monitors the groups Web sites and rooms for publicly traded panics I Smart companies will employee policies that cover online communications Alexan der said or some companies that means they monitor women say their main obstacles are male stereotyping of them and preconceptions about their ability to manage Only 25 percent of the CEOs agree Sixty four percent of the CEOs say women been the long enough to qualify for advancement Only 29 percent of the women agree humphries mindsprinqcom LaGrange CallawaylKirport LaGrange GA 888 285 3025 HUMPHRIES Jggfcg John Gray author of Are rom Mars Women Are rom clearly states that women and men are planets apart when it comes to communicating with one another And Deborah Tannen author of Women: Talking asserts just as effectively that humans know how to talk to the opposite gender Even though you may think getting through both writers emphasize you still may be solar systems away from really being heard Assuming this is true and sure it is when you apply the concept of a universal communications gap to the world of work you may find an answer to a familiar question: Why do largest companies have so few female CEOs? Only 2 percent of CEOs are women even though women are almost half of corporation managers Could it partly be due to the miscommunication Gray and Tannen suggest? The answer may be yes and why: A recent national survey reveals a and profound between what female executives and male CEOs say about the notorious glass ceiling The survey of 325 male CEOs and 461 female executives (the latter vice presidents and above but not CEOs) of the top 1000 companies was conducted by Belle Rose Ragins associate professor of management at Marquette University in Milwaukee and Bickley Townsend and Mary Mattis executives of Catalyst a nonprofit research and consulting firm in New York The study published in the Academy of Management Executive concludes that CEOs no way of understanding the corporate environment faced by their female employees or change to occur CEOs must have a clear understanding of the subtle and overt barriers women face in their Unfortunately it look as though they do although women have been talking for years about what they believe keeps them back And it look as though women understand going through the minds of CEOs either even though they have been equally outspoken Some findings of the study: Eighty two percent of the CEOs say a glass ceiling because women lack experience in management or line jobs Only 47 percent of the women agree ifty two percent of the lnight Ridder Tribune News Service There are 40 million Internet users and hard for compa nies to keep an eye on all of them So they hire folks like those at eWatch in White Plains NY to do it for them James Alexander director of user chat com Liberty National fb Life Insurance Company 6400 Main Street Suite 100 (just past Country's Bar Que on Weems Rd) 322 2033 Cancer can cost a lot The cost of cancer be measured in dollars and cents Not when your family is the one afflicted by it why Liberty cancer coverage is such a bargain Because what it protects is priceless Genders communicating through corporate glass ceiling ACR Group Inc 219 210 28 27 416 34 167 160 14 107 HC 0 1 07 1 S6 ALACInc 6631 96 6 297 6725 1651 1684 126 416 524 27 7 118 159 AmSouthBancorp 4163 25 41 149 4263 1129 1980 164 184 296 10 19 131 226 'Armtron0World 8475 4 14 134 9000 2875 1001 247 455 102 HC 23 191 186 ASAHodinslre 3775 44 27 327 4088 1275 573 191 189Q 39 10 12 164 200 6075 25 82 9 6850 3075 24384 150 287 0 156 5 22 HC 212 BollSouthCorp 6475 18 43 150 6869 2519 4983 50 348 0 339 20 22 184 186 BoeingCo 5175 21 58 57 6050 1669 17243 175 68 0 1000 HC 11 HC HE Caglc'tlncA A 1175 36 41 44 2463 715 11 22 87 2955 11 10 133 135 CwmlkaCInamuA 3050 6 60 63 3538 1288 119 104 176 0 120 HC 0 HC 173 Carmlka Cinemas A Car mike Cinamaa A 3050 6 60 63 3538 1288 119 104 1760 120 HC 0 HC 173 CoeaColaBottllng 0 6113 12 49 114 6975 1700 17 21 179 35 HC 16 221 341 Coca ColaCo 7619 35 53 142 8138 1875 14096 56 159 0 67 16 8 293 479 CompassBancshrs 0 4825 18 31 103 5400 1384 531 80 234 153 11 22 114 206 CottonStataaUla 0 1750 14 33 147 1956 277 106 165 98 0 290 22 9 84 179 Cousins Properties 3050 54 21 41 3375 1425 252 79 1560 83 18 47 216 196 DaltaAlrUnasIne 11300 37 39 50 2950 3950 3419 430 1203 313 HC 2 HC 94 ExsonCorp 7563 29 93 236 7588 2806 17790 72 327 0 56 13 22 153 231 IrstUnlonCorp 6094 18 71 189 6363 1863 18975 298 299 159 9 24 117 204 lowerslndustrlas 2156 20 99 49 2631 712 2015 228 42 417 4 21 245 513 orlunaBrandsInc 3763 2 88 15 4225 1801 1629 95 13 0 955 32 22 175 HC OanaralMlllsInc 6800 17 93 51 7825 4938 5567 352 248 142 3 31 217 274 CaorglaPacMeCp 7838 43 178 290 7869 3916 3043 333 141 0 365 HC 26 HC 556 HBOACo 0 5806 21 61 210 6375 209 11013 517 79 0 756 HC 1 HC 735 HlttonHotelsCorp 3188 30 6 72 3581 1038 7692 312 97 0 940 12 10 259 329 IntaUlgantSvstems A 406 15 73 168 794 138 31 61 141 1000 HC 0 HC HE 7 Interfaceinc 4075 40 36 405 4575 975 1183 490 167 0 295 19 7 156 244 0 856 53 117 144 2013 625 864 148 11 0 HE HC 0 HC 778 IntermetCorp 2063 6 83 179 2375 475 217 86 165 0 124 HC 8 HC 133 Interstate Bakeries 3213 45 39 140 3800 581 2476 337 165 618 17 9 239 195 JohnH Harland 1794 29 143 146 33X0 1413 564 181 600 HE HC 17 HC 299 Johnstonlndustrles 575 121 10 313 1375 425 58 54 81 1000 HC 70 HC HE doneslntercabla 0 1988 97 64 169 2025 925 98 191 HA HA HA 0 HA HA KMartCorp 1794 18 3 560 2575 575 9442 193 51 HE HC 0 HC 352 Knlght Ridderlnc 5888 35 39 132 5913 2325 1187 119 325 0 258 25 14 162 181 Lanceinc 0 2163 17 34 178 2725 1519 443 148 1020 214 HC 44 HC 212 Lowe sCosInc 6956 15 3 459 7688 1206 3898 223 205 199 26 3 225 339 MeadCorp 3425 13 45 223 3769 1875 2071 196 151 0 107 16 19 142 227 MatromedlalnU A 1650 23 15 737 1950 575 1865 273 148 HE HC 0 HC 111 HatlOataCp 4075 80 41 128 4750 884 1477 438 171 1000 HC 7 HC HE HatlonsBankCp 7819 22 58 286 8500 2169 14445 203 417 64 14 19 105 188 Li HorlolkSthm 3394 9 118 113 4175 1948 2849 76 211 0 99 8 24 153 161 nOsfordlnd 3619 34 68 114 3875 1438 105 119 268 481 1 22 263 135 JC 7194 19 69 193 7788 3538 2550 102 312 387 4 30 159 231 'X PepsICoInc 3938 97 119 86 4481 1463 37400 243 1330 773 9 13 282 296 ReglonsInanclal 0 4375 28 45 37 4813 1481 1625 115 215 188 11 21 131 203 1 Rollinslnc 1994 15 42 15 3075 1825 373 112 160 1000 HC 30 NC HE iRussellCp 2700 26 2 17 3850 2200 414 114 1220 422 1 21 191 221 SCISystsInC 4063 44 161 67 5338 631 3992 667 204 283 37 0 195 199 Sclentiflc Atlanta 2425 46 272 448 2613 888 5831 741 87 1351 NC 2 NC 279 Sears Roebuck 5819 11 1 286 6525 2081 4866 123 287 0 112 NC 16 101 203 ServiceMerch 206 59 84 33 1538 150 1995 200 06 0 NE NC 0 NC NE 4413 25 10 35 5913 2163 1916 172 1600 380 6 24 172 276 SouthernCo 2644 2 47 22 2869 1700 8645 96 149 0 75 0 51 140 177 1 I SouthTrustCp 0 4269 6 4 9 4513 1107 2832 177 203 134 12 18 113 210 I ar i SunTrust 8160 32 77 142 8225 2069 1392 66 324 0 141 12 12 137 252 SynowusInancial 3519 9 68 75 3888 667 962 55 93 177 18 13 197 378 I Total Syst Scs 3138 8 27 268 3463 359 174 13 38 0 188 20 1 548 826 5275 22 54 12 6131 2625 2150 175 29 0 1000 NC 24 NC NE UnlonCarblde 4819 23 37 122 5681 1600 4566 325 600 0 279 41 19 118 96 I UtdTechnol 9888 8 46 358 9981 2188 3406 148 438 0 177 NC 15 160 226 VulcanMatls 11731 26 74 149 1969 4025 243 71 6530 203 25 18 150 180 WachovlaCp 8613 19 15 62 9019 3013 1532 74 294 195 5 20 146 293 I Wal MartStores 5063 8 17 284 5394 1909 13810 62 156 173 11 6 216 325 WestvacoCp 3031 4 30 36 3750 1976 587 58 157 0 142 18 29 212 193 Worthlngtonlnd 0 1809 12 22 96 2350 1501 1237 128 98 54 5 29 202 186 Bl 77 1 ui employee postings or others it means they must monitor them and that employees could be fired for violating the policy 1 Companies that see online postings defaming their compa res fire off a response or engage in put ting out positive information under another identification Instead Alexander said they sjiould try to figure out how rpuch the information is going to hurt Some domains have few browsers others are very big sites that get thousands of hits a day Ask whether the person doing the posting is credible and likely to be believed Alexander said Next he said determine what xfrill be affected Is the posting likely to hurt customers or employees? Will it jeopardize safety or cause some financial h'arm? If a company decides it mustct on the information it should do so quickly Alexander said There have been instances when a I i wit L6cA a i Each day everyday all the hews delivered right to your doorstep Iedger Ehquirer 4 MWKMdbli wwwsynovuscbmcbt Equal Opportunity Lender Member DIC and the ability to make smart business decisions and choosing the right banking partner is just one of them If you have your own business or you're planning to start one you need a business banker that will work for you You need rv 4 BUSINESS BANKING SERVICES not saying their growth and success are exclusively attributed to their banking with us Just because we offer an array of products and services designed to benefit just about I any business mean the business is going to make it a combination of things A vision A relentless pursuit of that vision eresting ming is small businesses who bank with us stay small for long Columbus BwKANDlkisr We Work or You Ifiy yWgJW "jSW Hiinu UH Ik 's'w iwVuX'Mftfc' WffiA 3k i 1 Mr 4 I fir JS 1 Cancer can cost a lot The interesting thing is a lot of small businesses who bank with us stay small for long.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.