Buttam AnneuRetaiitt 10! At Trimptrtatlti It Sefcaalajattraetlia, 6iRral PERSONAL DAKCiHG Mlilttn W. in LA. SHIP MOVEMENTS AT HARBORS HERE .3 Compiled kr UhM Exchange. Rf "to steamship HmMnlM for deck tlm rat, reservation and port at eaH AUCTION CALENDAR wsTii aa Latin rhythms In a It Sitaatia Wantaw, Man anon time with tne aid of a Latin jrgtcM'QPsI, Reas. Inf.
CR-51812. 30 Arthur Murray dance lessons, Pr. BANKING. Bmttmt an easier alt- pty. wm aeu at loss.
DU-24501 TRUE CLAIRVOYANT 36 yrs. experlenee palm, crystal or purchio raadlng, 62. Warn gravely, auggest wisely, explaina fully, if In trouble or doubt, consult this bora medium. Hrs. It m.
-7 p.m. daily. Bun. 11-2. Closed Mou.
14617 S. Vermont B' cm vessels ros yesterday Arrived Press Operate Da to Sail M0DA TV Cameramen, crodnction. Dav-nlta GOING AST Drive new ear from Ctifcag ta Los Angela. Tak-a any route. We pay part car expense.
SAUNDEfiS SYSTEM 637J BUNSET. HI-4108. 803 WILBrUHE. MA-605a9. CARS TO PORTLAND AND SEATTLE Company has several ears to move north drive as your own, pay gaa only, take family, friends.
Ml-8886. RESPONSIBLE business man with local bank es other references will drive your car to Eastern points pay all ga at oil. AT-2-6677; WANT responsible parson on bus. or vac. to drive my new car from Detroit aft.
Feb. 22. On, R.1. Feb. 23...
American -telecasting. eW Bunset mate, Canadian, marries, 64, toor-oughly experienced in banking and general business. Seeks employment In property menaaemcot preferably In country and where periodic absentee ownership requires experienced Sun and integrity coupled with unimpeachable background and highest references. Oleum 1 Union Oil Co. Duncan Bay Canadian Gulf Una Feb.
24. Feb. 33 Thaatrleal SLOG. how so employed. Good Portland States Una Portland Oil Corp.
Astoria J. Olson. Co. Baa Pacific Transport Una Sea Mexican Petroleum Corp. San Francisco.
Navigation Co. Coo Bar Oliver J. Olson Co. Rainier Lbr. Co.
San Royal Mail Una Baa Luckenbech Lines AT5TO Auct. Won. eve, 7:34. loA ears, $26 up. Sea Ad.
404. Ales SUverthorne. w.jegerson SlACHlNERY 1334 X. 6th Bt. Ostrln.
Anetr. Bee Clasa 376. TUESDAY RtrOB 10:30 a.m. 2157 Washlna. ton.
X. C. Jenkins. Aoetr. 8c Claaa.
340. rORK'tflikB 1951 W. ADAktS W. J.ORRXLL Auet. Sea Class.
349 jURNITURE 1417 W. Vashlnaton. Morrey Levi. Auctr. 8ee Class.
349 ACTOR COACH Seeking new faces for motion pictures ti TV. Private eoaohlng. GEOROie BRAND. By appt. OR-14QI Frt.K) aT 6nc ASLION PHOTOGRAPHIC TV DOROTHY FARRIER, recora.
wisn to enange, good reas. Refs Inout T. A Rot ll.lm Feb. 23 Feb. 24 Feb.
24 indefinite Feb. 27 Feb. 24.. Feb. 25 Feb.
23 Feb. 23 Fete. 23 Feb. 22 Feb. 22 Fab.
23 fri (i Living Truth. Healing pr con-versatloa. Pre for the "asking. Btrictlly eonfidea. Try roar faith.
10 a.m.-3 m. dally for limited Jf Whler Hot Springs. OJal, Caiif Phlal 266L DORMANT AMShON? MONEY? FAME? ADVENTURE? ALL problems have answers. NO CONSULTATION Call OLadatona 2475 for appt, CHAtflKhandy man. etc Ex-Air 1 Teasel sWrtb A.
C. Rubel m. Ill Atoniene (Swed.) LB-9 Charlea X. Dent LB- ChirlH S. Jones (Tkr.) LB-76 Cynthia Olson L8-81 China Transport Cecal 11 so (Mex.
Tkr.) JOT 3 Haaaiiaa Farmer ........15 Karen- Olson 224 I Lumberlady Loch Ryan Br. .190 Methew Luckenbech Manchuria (Dan.) LB-3 'i Marina Runner 57 4' Minnaota (Tar.) Oleum (Tkr.) Oliver Olsoa 22 Rruzan Marti (Jap.) .....101 Risang er (Nor.) LB-4 Stenvec Singapore 341 i Sunnyville (Nor.l Santa Maria (Tkr.) ISO thorps major witn slight Back injury. Sal. etrs. Box Time DeiMaaUea Ester Bar Ban Francises Baa Francisco Seattle Olympla Saa Francisco Honolulu Empire Rainier Liverpool Brooklyn Copenhagen Hueneme Seattle Port Ban Luis Baadoa Yokohama Vancouver Francisco San Diego Yokohama San Francisco Fushlkl Aviation, Salts, tirvio 14 Ban rrancuco.
East Asiatic co. DTJ-77281. 2226 W. Feb. SO Feb.
23 Feb. 2i Feb. 2 a Feb. 21 Feb. 20 Feb.
20 Feb. 2a' Feb. 22 Feb. 23 Feb. 21 Feb.
21 Feb. 18 Feb. 19 Feb. 21 Feb. 23 Feb.
21 Feb. 21 Feb. 23 Feb. 1 Feb. 19 Feb.
17 Feb. 20 Feb. 15 Feb. 20 Feb. 30 CHAUFFEUR, 36.
whlt7rmanerS Yokohama. Privatm Vocal Auditions position. Kererencaa. CA-30nvg. intehsTl: 36 "Tftsl 1 srw' Far last Una Texaa Co.
Union Oil Co. Oliver J. Olson Co. N. Y.
K. Una Interocean Una WEDNESDAY Estero Sar Oleum Coos New CAPABLE. PULL CHO. ANY OP- BONANZA NC3332V. staerebl aose wheel-large starter.
Total time leae than 650 hours. Always haagarsd. Xlnt mint ICflnA Df.41Ql Light Opera. After 10 a DU-27S45 Feb. 23 Feb.
22 Feb. 25 fcrtA IIU.i. tHJ'tl ,4, XV i "I SCREEN TESTS London CLEANING ellicea. for eve. onlv Ero RelT- AQ-3m San Francisco.
eve. 7:3. bank A rt. own. ears.
Be Ad, 404. Alex Uvrthorne, Anctr, 625 W.Jegerson FORN. 1922 W. AdamsTTaorrl ZM. 8.
Oladsteln, Auctr. Sea Clasa. 349. THURSDAY PIPER J3 8800 Piper" J4 1550 CLEAN IN o'ff'lcelt. iImm bdi.
Films. PR-6773. r.ve. ua. rers.
Kg-v Indefinite Feb. 25 Feb. 23 Feb. 24 Feb. 23 Feb.
23 Indefinite oua riiiK at oncs vtkfosa (Pan. Tkr.) lit Horn Kong. Una Union Oil Co. Sungal Texas Co. San Frencisoe.
Fad. si Hoesh. Una Yokohama Mitsui Una Honolulu. Merchant Steam. Nsv.
CLEANING of all fends, gardenir. ft bouse painting. KB-s; .0 COLLEGE graduate, 25, veteran. Vt-Wonoeeri IDut.l 180 Waro Maru (Jap.) Tunc Tsla (China 160 7144 BUNSET. Hg-8578: HE-1329.
intersiat 6600. super Cruiser 81450. Waco Bi Plans SI600 East Lens Beach Airport Sunset Beach. Lexington 63143. BEKCH BONANZA Model 35.
Serial D1380. 87250. Clean. Renewed, paint. Many ex- -ABB10 PnOTtJOHAPHIC TV CAROLINE UONETTI, LTD, HUdson 2-2345.
6607 Bunset Blvd. vnrTlTYsTK LONFXY? 4 Leaf riov.i- nAmA f*ckumnut i9ii vi. ADAtea, A. M. AbelL Anetr.
Bee Clasa 349. FRIDAY In West. Est. 47 yra. Magaain sent rersonaaie.
wmeiy traveieo. xxaer. In aalUna field Wonld ba intereaLed VESSELS DVB TO ARRIVE LAST NIGHT (a p.sa. Midnight) 17 pears successful Arracrlng and Vocal Csaehing Career. Hollywood.
In any Said of endeavor with op- Operster Da to Ball Deatfatatlaa USED CUD BUYS Tgtb to fi cation Berth Thur Sat. at Sun. 3374w.plk Long Beach, L.B. T04J36 or 65748 por. Have car.
Will handle good volcea. DU-81709 Riverside. Call 8350 or 91426J. f*ckNl'l'Ukfi 4705 So. Kormandle.
Calhoun Auctioneer. Be Clasa 349. .151 CONSTRUCTION. Project mgr. or Zompoe (TVr.) Le Baul (Ft.) BONG writera, your songs played for Fort San Lula TTnlon Oil Co.
Feb. 4 Saa Fran. Una Fab. 24 VESSELS DUE TO AKBlYat ALONE? Call DU. 8-3466 Po const, euot.
xor met nomae or sou. major music puDiisners. Bring vo- Lost and Faiat desire position with, progressive Perry time only. Reduced prtee. Santa Monica Aviation.
Municipal Airport, Banta Monica. EK-78714. 2 copies. Mob. As S-30 lirm; cost 01 rer.
Manhattan. 3938 Bunset. 10-10 lncl. sun. tntrodua.
All age. A licensed social club. Frances DeMont, 430 Bo. Western CONTR" BRACELET. Jad as (old, Vic Bev.
SINGERS.WANTED ADMINISTRATIV1 ASSISTANT riuis. rep, it. itewaro. xtt-o4. CAMtSA movie; Qreyhoiind bus sta- Wew commercial record CO.
OL-4313. ALL metal Lu scow be 61198i BT-13. 450 hrs. 61500; Aeranca S62S. Long Beach 408405: Nev.
rtewarq. vv-iiji Child Models in Dsmand loo a. Vermont Ave. pu-93544 1822 CASSIL PL. QL-2479 A NEW WAY OF LIFE LINK.
TRAINER. AN-38622 1 10 yrs. accounting and btuinaes background. 2 t-Corporat tax plaaalnc St fta-clal negotiation, work a corporation controller. 3 Labor union contract settlement WHY BE ALONE? 228 hr.
T.f rla SINGERS. Coacb dp musical director will hear you Ac guide career. No rfee for consultation OL-85Q7. Frederiekja, 6272 Yucca. HI-7357 Berth Freaa OperaUr Da to Sail DestlBatlea ......111 Avon Oil Co.
Feb, 24 Avon ....107 San Fran. Dorio Brilppa. A Trad. Feb. 94 San Fran KUavenesa Llna Feb.
24 Manila 16 Vancouver Shipor. Co. Feb. 24 Portland Korlolk Q. M.
Uvanoa Feb. 24 Yokohama loco Imperial Oil Co. Feb. 23 Estero Bar .101 Vancouver Batuenay Terminal Feb. 23 San Fran.
Quaker Lino Feb. 25 Baltimore 173 Estaro Bar Texaa Co. Feb. 24 Bstero Bar San Fran. Kawasaki Kerr B.A.
Una Feb. 24 Cape Town San Fran. Westfal-Larsen Co. Feb. 28 Buenaventura VESSELS AKKIVED YESTERDAY (to ..) Berth Vessel, Freaa Berth Vessel, Praia Berth .....224 Klalto (Itat).
Mobil Lumberladr. Rainier .....150 Atomena Duncan Bar Charles S. Dent, Portland LB-9 .....159 Herman Fraach. Coos Bar Anc Charles S. Jonea (Tk Portland LB-5C unk.
Will demons. LO-60525. CAT. yaUoir tiier mala. Lib, reward.
CI-4-4111 or CI-26060. CHIHUAHUA, in Dec, tan mala. Row. Int. lead rec.
M'J-0813. CLIP. "DIAMONDS RTJBIES, lost vicinity ot ROMANOFF'S Restaurant, Bev. Bills. Feb.
S. Liberal rewara. Boa: Time. DOO, co*cker Spaniel. 4 fern.
Black with whit mark on breast "Lady," lost vie. Denslaw ti Bunset ,1 Associated. 3 Apollo BougatnvUl (Nor 4 i Bennington i Cnosa (Pan.) Imperial Edmonton (Tkr.) tltl. Montana Rhode Island (Tkr.) Belsaa Maru (Jan.) i airanier v- i Taasak rraaa Rarea Olsons Onoa Bar Oleum (Tkr). Oleum awailan Farmer.
San Fran, ichaal J. Ooulandrla, Kara pa a rAoniun juuusb CHRISTINE MALLON STUDIOS 1552 N. HIOHLANQ AV ni-uii II Baauty Sopgastlona experience. 4 cost, construction. largest.
Oldest Club, Endorsed by ministers. Low fa. Writ CLUB ELITE, Bj)XJLLosAngeles S3. Cat LOOKING for someone who Is looking for you? Write Personal Acquaintance fierrtee. Ine.
Bn a a DTafCTOR wants new personalities sailing experience aa general TKS Howard Steam Cabinet makea rou look At feel your best. Foe minor to qeveiop lor movies. TV. Br.Z3918 ager ot forest products co. 6 Corporate re-ez sanitation aches Arpslns.
BR-26983. BR-25235 OUBUS Att. HICOUCCO 5 PC Reward. Aria. 97424.
PERSONAL Intro, Glenoaks fioc ClubJ JEJ.omgowitn yoca4 S25 TW-2967 bankruptcy A( refinanctbg procedure developed la aa aceeuatiag WKiK.i.i.o at creass lines remov. ed. Nu method, trial treat. PR-2854 WRINKLES crease lines remov- SCREEN Star Douglas Powley accept, ine dramatli- ituri.nt, r-o i an DOO LOST Feb. 13.
WlUbire area. Blk. 4s wht. male. Lee.
pup. No tail. Child's pet. mo. eld.
flame Freckles. Please call. WH-4051. practice. IS SEEKTNG: eq.
wa metnoo. trial treat. PR-2854 JEWISH INTRODUCTIONS'. GL.4830 JEAN BELTER. 7166 SUNSET BL.
Lonely? Writ golden WIST VESSELS SAILED YESTERDAY (T a.sa.) SONGWRITERS! NEW SONGS NEEIji EP FOR TV NOW! HO-95052 1 Affiliation witn. as- Tedas 25 Placed In Movies-TV since May DOO. Boxer. Lost. U.
3 yrs. Pawn coL Dark square faoa. Ana. to gressive co. Position where bnegtnsttom mai.itre liirifwaunt ta naeeamarv.
by studio drama -1683 oacn. coach. 3 ttiuiii box 7t-. pan fOR PERSONAL INTRODUCTlONB Clara Lane, 842 8. Bdwy.
MA-7705. SJEETFRIEND8 PRANCES WltLs Vessel. Far Tiase John Good Portland :10 a.m. Nevadan. Brooklyn 6 15 a.m.
Berianier Antwerp 6:55 a.m. Olympla Maru N. York TOO a.m. John Paul Jones, Yokohama 7:00 a.m. VeeseL Far Tlaa Fmolre State.
San Fran 12:50 a.m. Twin Falls Victory. Mobile 3:00 a.m. Oscar 8. Straus TTkr.i.
P'tld. 4:45 a.m. Ticonderoca Seattle 4:50 a.m. Oraldlwvd (Br.l, Yokohama 5:10 a.m. 3 Connection future will be Vaael Far Time Mankato Victory, Saa Fran.
7:15 a.m. Edward L. Shea Avon 10:05 a.m. Siranda (Tkr.i. Vancouver 12:25 p.m.
MlnatHlan. Manaanillo 1:05 p.m. Evi Uvanoa London 1:20 p.m. Mormacspruee. Yokohama 1:30 p.m.
dependent on anility. WRITE BOX K-24. TTUIf Weapon. Child's pet. Rew.
HE-4952. DOO, SABLK POMERANIAN 11 year, lost via. of VIEW PARK. Reward AX-23578. DOO, Dachshund Ion hair male, Lttl Natlsi II Pers.
lntrod. 1532 Venice Bl.RI-3075 W'm "vE Aln wr'g' 11 NATIONAL VAN LINES lower Return Rates LICENSE I.C.C. 42866 Direct Cross -Country Mover WE Blanket- Wrap Everything Ha CratingNo Hidden Charges MICHIGAN 1126 COOK, Chinese, exp good driver; Falrport, Saa Juan 7:10 a.m. Macaiester Victory. N.
York 5:45 a.m. NOT res pons, for suiy debts but Personal Loans II orownisn req. Jtawarq. uu-aaaua, aowttstaire. a-x rei, a yr.
na a pl ace. MA-1186. Rm. 135. Wing.
my own, ciwooq Birosail Br, LOCATION OF BERTHS Outer Harbor. 34 to 73: Ban Pedro. 74 to 98: West Basin. 101 to 149; WUmlnatoa. ISO to SOS; Terminal la land.
30o to 241; Lone; Beaoh. Pier A-l to LB-101. ta. A-l exp. lie ass t.
-or wan NOT responsible tor any debts but my own. Cleveland Morrow. yng, cm, vut ot town. o- a.m. N5 responsible for any debt DOO, Welsh blk.
at tan male. Reward. Fl. 3S993. PI.
39088, DOO, Boxer, red, brown mala. Vie. 104 ac Western. Feb. 5.
Rew.PL-10121 f5Sb. Colile7Sabla as white. Male. "Robby." Reward. BR-21765.
DOO. Wh. Peke, Tie. No. H'wood.
Lib. DISHWASHER. Bus boy exp. Pari FREE YOURSELF OF uu. my own, jjonsuq J.
uooper. CASH FOR TAXES $25 TO $2000 or luu time, kmi. iuency. suwiavi. NOT responsible for any debts but s.
no jnTESAJSUNDAYS.NOrmendr 7909 my own, 11am w. Bruce, nosition. ii.sa nr. AA-jvvi9 rew. Pi-7V3 (ASTROLOGICAL I FORECAST NOT responsible for any debts but ELECTRICAL General Foreman RETURN LOADS AT LOW RATES NO CRATING VANS WAITING REPUBLIC! VAN LINES looking for employment with reli GLASSES lost, black case.
7 A Plow-er or St. ear. PR-6278. nrft jl ON SALARY. FURNITURE, AUTO.
AT PERSONAL. We like to say TP-6101. Toll Pre Zenith 6101. able construction strm. saucstew to handle large industrial Ac commer NOT respons.
for any debts but HIV Own. Burton Ppmhertnn JEWELRY. PUt. diamond watch, la- Flood Control Channel Work Set for Reseda COAST TO COAST KOT responsible for any dets Rama van erlein to ifesMnatfon GAS AND BLOATING DUE TO CONSTIPATION If you want real relief from "Cranky Bowels" or that feeling of fullness in the abdomen get EVAC-U-GEN. today.
Chew the candy flavored tablet tonight, feel out my own, joe u. Bancnez. HOWARD VAN LINES PL-15141 NOT responsible for any debits but die. rubr, pearl tt oiamond rinc, Socket watch. Vic.
Del Mar. Feb. 10. ewMls MA-6578L MILITARY; paper in envelope, VAL-DABLX. perUlnln to Major Warren X.
Cain. Vicinity of Union Station. Reward. NO-14452. 48oS Santa cial installations both as to procurement of material At direction of manpower.
Fifteen years top construction experience la electrical installation. Ten rear associate member American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Age 35. W. J.
(Bill) Beach. 162i X. sL, Sacra- a.no. w4 7 BY CARROLL RIGHTER ALL Vets Van 6c Storage. Low rates.
All point. Free est. DTJ-35555 ALLIED VAN LINES return 48Btate, Bev. Hills Transfer at Btg. BR-2112I NOT responsible for any debts put my own, unaries nan.
aionicsci. -res- to empioyea men or women. Personal offers all these benefit: 1. 1-Vislt loan phone first 2. You select best payment date.
3. Wide variety ot payment plana. 4. Between payday loans, 5. Lunch hour service Phone.
Write or Come la Today. CP TO 24 MONTHS TO REPA? PERSONAL Financo Company 29 convenient afflea In T. a Dootpri, Dantlstt, Chlra. SO rofaulonal larviots 10 iLECTRlcLAN. io in.1 Wuiirisl MONDAY, FEB.
23 I ARIES (March 21 to. April 19) PHOTOS, colored. Horn Interiors. Lost. Reward.
Max "glNOi-GftEEN CARVED BTONB" Bilver aettlns. boat in Beverlv Hill. "Fit as Fiddle" tomorrow. Get maintenance exp. uvvrij New Method DU-87048 Ground 'will be broken for NOVELS, aborts, screen plays, TV, stories, articles all type Boosted.
HgWAKU. K-aaobt. a 35c or $1 family size package at any drug store or write for a Free nsmlM. idMti. aircraft, nlatino.
reviseq. box jl-hb, limes. the first unit of the Aliso Creek Forget that idea that th family RINO. man'a 14 K. T.O.
dla. cluster. Per urinary Js marrlase problems, weak glands, loss of vitality at all clinical matters. Young doctor ln- BOTH phone mad service, S5 mo, auto, screw, radar, stamping sUes. uesg sip mo.
601 B.vermt. PU-B7104 tool, xounary exp. wompetitiTe ew- flood control channel In Reseda and West San Fernando Valley FREEuppSof EvACUGn Lost 216 rlc. International Airport. Reward.
REYNOLDS, MA-93 131 feurr, BRAWNlJrTABRrrBT3r: LOCK'S BOX. Lost Prl. vie. of vrces unusual cases. KgauLTg.
lUan. AH production At design. GHOST WRITING, Edit. Rewrite and 84S will accept your erratic snenani-I gans. All will work out well If you make a conscientious effort JaJJC' Research.
Colleg gs graa. Afc 1057 CONFIDENTIAL DU-277 1 4. 222 W. 9th St. Tft-2188 607 8.
Hill (3rd floor) TR-9831 tXECtTTTVE 'Grid: gfECIALISTS in Property Mcemt send us a. post card or letter Philharmonic. Raw. Tinder reverse charge. rR-74518.
next March 16, Supervisor Roger W. Jessup announced 610 8. Broadway (5th II.) MA-2288 with your name, address, and the bus. Capable, In tell. Age 36.
Seas to ezDlaln vour present flnan cor. wasnington-FigueroA Rl-6151 Cor. Manchester-Vermont PT-217Kfc WATCU. lady's Elgin, plat, case bracelet. 106 vie.
67 As Ver- Interesting, cnaiienging oppty. Patanta and iBvantiont 12 yesterday. name of your favorite Drug Store EVERT DAT TEE TOS PdsSsW tm Urgest Selection ti 0 I BUYS As jwhert MA-oza. BO-auao. eras, cial state.
Blood Tssts, Physical Xams Urinary Js allied disorders. RESULTS! with Difficult Cases BLOOD URINARY Premarital teT penicillin. Dally 10-4. Mon. Thurs.
tU 7. Dr. Sargent, 326 W.3. Rm. 611 WOMEN'S disorders.
Surg. RT-4533. moni. wo quest, new. Tit-loll, Hlywd.
1638 N. Cahuenga HO-97217 Hlghld. Pk. 6307 N.Fig'roa. CL-62168 FURNITURE SALESMAN In addition to the principal and this "wonder laxative" will be sent vou absolutely FREE WRISTWATCH.
Lady Hamilton, vie 6th.Weatlake. Rew. eves. TAURUS (April 2d' to May 20): A Huntington Pk.bZ18 Facing LA-1261 Inalewood. 140 N.
riR.77117 Patonts Inventions Wanted Royalty basis or msrket for yon, fully protected. 258 BO. BERENDO. TOP GRADE works, bridges will be built Write: WALKER, CORP N. Hlywd.
4806 Lankerahtm 6U-15155 Glendale, 201 E. Broadway CI-23177 over Sherman and Stra- pr. Eva Whitweu. 854 K. western.
worry ursio jum i -to exerdse self-control. Im- Leading salesman, large L.A. store 9 yra. Also exec. exp.
desires em p. live store that advertise. 1326 Crenshaw. RE-23269 ajn. sk after 6 p.m.
94 Asphalt Paving INC. Dept. Box 1320, Syracuse 1. N.Y. thern; Saticoy and Van Owen ALL CASES All teits.
Penicllfla7TDr. Kalaa. D.OR. 200, 618 8. Hill, 10-7.
uienaaie. 2ju w. tiroaoway ci-32178 Burbk. SIS N. Ban Fern'do CH-86697 MHSINCJISIQN WB LOCATS INVESTIOATX Pre consultation.
Pred Hartman A Assoc Box 185. Olendala. CH-52373. TRACK missln pars. 825.
DD-8S479 Freeman-Philips. 2610 W. 8th St. virw sun. only.
Power mow- Alhambra, 236 E. Main AT-24166 parking lota, resident, and a foot bridge installed areas i -xerms. uavts. 1 1 -x 1114 Sanitarians, rlosp. Hemts II err.
Renovator at sm. crawier tracuir prove your health by trying to remain relaxed through it all; in this way you keep other calm, t-'; too. at Hart St. rasaaena, is M. Euclid BY -63101 Long Beach, 813 Americas B.
71241 Banta Monica. 1435 4th at. EX-509R3 vitn m.rt.r srmner ae oozer Diaae. ERIVEWAYS. Beau.
New or renewed. L. E.Mullen.700 N.Farlng Ptrsonals The main channel be 60 also color coating. j.n-o;w. erry, GARDENER, spring cleanup, pruning.
DRIVEWAYS, parking lota, resident, areas. Terms. lap chase. YO-1138. feet wide and 10 feet deep.
It Planting, renovatma. nev jwh. BEVERLY SANITARIUM i i 602 So. Kingslsy tt yon can walk upstairs, can take you. 865 per mo.
Also bed patient. Reasonable. Television Xlnt food. lanascaping. usu a.m..
aju-dojbj ANYONC knowlnx th whereabout of RHODA MILLER plea contact Alice Vandyard. 1710-A N. Grand t. 6Enxi (May 21 to June 21): Get will drain flood waters from a GARDENER; exp. Japanese-Amer Homa Sanr Aitirat'n, Bpr.
IS Ban Pedro. 836 8. Pee. Pn TE-30497 Van Nuys, 6648 V. Nuye 8T-S3183 El Monte, 509 W.
Valley 1 FO-02514 Arcadia, 133 E. Huntn. Dr. DO-72149 Culver City. 9439 Culver Bl.VE-95204 8.F.
818 San Fernando. Em. 17181 187 S. Hawthorne Bl. OS-62297 1441 Mareellna ave.
Torrance 1734 4130 Loa Cerritos Diagonal, Laka-wood Village Lone Beach 66436 rjenerai maintenance. Aji-iapa Bt. Louis, Missouri. ALTERATIONS As carDentrv. narti.
GARDENER. 1st clasa. 20 yra. exs. i off by yoursen ana tnmK out a L- better.way to handle your irk- mewnm wntlriAa A niifst.
rnri- ACCTS. Also fully qualified xp. Man- UU-gS337 tiona. shelves, cabinata. rjalntlna.
Full or part. Anywnere.Rei.ci-4HQ4 four-mile foothill area of the Santa Susanna Mountains and bring them directly to the Los Angeles River bed. GEN. Manager. 25 yra.
Woodworking axenai, iecnnicai. Bales at on ice Personnel. Call MI-15M. "FORTY PLUB ASSN." Est. 1938.
No ehartes. plaster BR-24014, carpenter7callme i i ultation with a powerful sup- "I QUIT 160 UNITS INSULIN DAILY," SAYS J. Jay Elston of 211 Carlson Blvd. "I was diabetic for 9 year and took 160 units of insulin daily. I took Dr.
Wing's treatments for weeks and was able to stop insulin altogether. In 3 months I was discharged." "It has been over a year that I have not taken insulin or medicines. I am eating all I want anytime I want and am feeling fine. Anyone who wishes to see how well I am is welcome to drop exp. tnoro xxuge.
au pnaaea. uu. grad. Age 49. Now amp.
but avalL a-i worx. uen. Maintenance. HOMESTEAD LODGE Rice accommodations for eld. ek conval.
senile. Singles dbles. 24-hr. nursing eara. Grad.
nurse In charge. Enclosed yard. AL-6290 Buslntu Annoanotmints 10 immeq. dua i uflra, 6529 Eastern ave. KI-7269 RESEDA.
7042 Hi Reseda Bird CARPENTER, exoert at remodeline. Dlckena S3109 G.L atudent seeg work to help themselves stay In scboeL What do you offer? Second Unit Planned Jessup disclosed that plans lounuationa, repairs, eaoinet work. TU build anything. RB-3-5350 7200 SO. ALVAftADO uuth uai.
Tweedy Blvd (At Otlsl LOsan 9-8822 CARPENTER. A-l. reMlhln. rmhlneLS. Graduates Now Available Coxy aeeom.
for eld. eonval. 24- poors, saciving, vmaottL BORROW $500 AT nr. care, rtcaa. rates.
uu-flbso CARPENTER, A-l. fast. Stores, of- i FOR FTJLL-TIME POeTTIONS STUDENTS AVAIL. PART TDatS for construction of the second unit of the Aliso Creek channel, from Strathern St, north to Don'f lef Anybody YOW TAXPAYERS BK INFORMED ON GOVERNMENT SPENDING! GET "1 HE PACTS! AVAILABLE NOW! THE DISSENTERS HANDBOOK Send SI to Congressional Reporter sanitarium. 24-hr.
nurse staff. Semi-invalid, senile. convaU elder- nces, etc. ua. uo-s76.
NS-5S835. norUTTD 1 iy. juompiete care. uu-wit5j. WlLSHlRI AT HARVARD.
Hnnnv MORRIS PLAN Payments as low as 25.7 per month for 24 months. Loans from 8100 to $10,000. 6th SDrtna ara-Ki-n Sale Business Administration Advertising Accounting Merchandising Foreign Trade Commercial Art Journalism Fashion Arts int. Decorating in at my rabbit farm for a chat" www Vmw ianlt carpenter, A-l. reliable; cabinets.
nurse In eng. 6150. DU-iO043 V-m o. gUCIVIOg. WUIQOW.
UU- tO i It! the flood control debris basin above the Southern Pacific tracks are in preparation. (Signed) J. Jay Elstoa. Dr. Wing.
CEMENT WORK, ALL TYPES. City i WOODBURY COLLEGE D.C, Los Angeles office open only Tues. Than. 10-12 2-6. Sat 10-1.
PSORIASIS VICTIMS LOANS, 825 to 82000. Prompt service CONSUMERS CREDIT CO sidewalks violations corrected. 36 mo. pay. HO-92059.
NO-22S63 CEMENT WORK, PAtlOSTWALKS, TOPE PROMPT SERVICE. TJt-8491, The ground-breaking cere GLENHAVEN GUEST S6ME for derly amb. ladiespecial diet If req. ELDEBLYCLAI3919' Od. food.
Nice yard. TOP. 23938! VACANCY. Attractive home. Wllshire porter wui cuminaie tuei ueeu or reckless spending.
fcAXCER (June 22 to July 21): A ,4 potent friend comforts you aft-a er hlgheMips, officials or family members act in an Inconsiderate I manner; it was not their fault; they acted because of pressure f- upon them, LEO (July 22 to Aug. 21): Hold fast to a steady; down-to-earth f-vxpert who alone has solid understanding In the midst of itha confusion which now sur-x. rounds you; follow his advice and quiet your nerves. (Aug. 22 to Sept.
22): For. get all-the petty little wrangling going on about you; expand your viewpoint to include more 1423 S. Vermont Ave: DU-2-2801. Hopeless New Discovery! Pre Trial offer. Writ PIXACOU BAND Compositor, sillied, sober Continuous exo 30 yeara.
fitera. 307 W. 8th 8th Fir. MI-8811. Ol-tU.
ir, BlUAiUl JUBO. 1 U-l 730. 13 Tlie Ctj "CEMENT WORK OP AtlFTTHtsSr- loans Yao-sisno tsnx cieveianq za. Ohio, 4355 8. Western Ave.
AX-27236 FORGET special dateet Wa remind epee in am all jqds. ixpT PR-4550, Pomona office, 900 E. Holt Ave open only Weds, and Fri, 10-12 2-6. 9-3910. Write for Free Booklet, HANDYMAN, 30.
fua. pk tnv. aist, convai. or eld. dp-73838.
mony will take place at Sherman Way and Wilbur Ave at 10 a.m. March 16, with William G. Lauesen, president of the Re HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CQRPf JEWELRY LOAMS CEMENT work. Patio specialist. gen, risa k-.
janit B-i33B5v wains, eteps. rn-uao BU. 30ns. bt man, eena detail. ISO in coin for each reminder wanted.
Group reminder special rates. Burfac Re-m mdera, P.O. Box 8449. Metro. Bt.
RANDYMAII. wash walls. firs BEAU, new pri. rm. with be.
for bed patient. 1st Or. Reg.nurae. DU-20043 PRI. resld.
Pood to suit Individ. Kind LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry, etc. BOULEVARD LOAN CO. GfT786.
61.25 fcr. 4- fare. KB-381Q9. eve. "Regain Health, Advertisem*nt EANDY irlan.
Clean housa-vindows tnougntrnif wo. rtouywa. pq.as543 AfiT Exhibition A collection of fine jioiiy wooq warner giqg. seda Chamber of Commerce, as chairman. BOARD INO hemea for the Med.
Free tioors. oaq lobs, psint. JXjitL7W 1 jol LOANS WE ALSO ijtlY ril CEMENT wkT All types." Lie? Ac Day or Eve. WBV78S5. CLEAN I clean! clean 1 1 bet you sever saw such a cleaner.
Lie. at app. One of the best. Unless you have very exp. help, tip over your doors are very dusty.
Wall need wiping down. Carpets need spotting. Bilver seeds HOTEITTOP EXEC' gold, furs. MARKWELL oi miormation or placemen, uu-zsiw. WED Ac -amb.
natienta. 24-hr. nurR- water colors oy the American artist Huoer, Feb. 32 thru March 1. Bte-fano-a.
1361 8. Hawthorne Haw-thorn. Weekday 7 p.m.-lO p.m. Others on the committee In lu i a mu. atn noor.
tu-9291. Irh ealloer at personality. Good contacts. Available now. HE-2701.
C7FCHD CT DSALC5 mg care. Q4g a. Barvarq. uu-auixo 65 years loaning to discriminating DEST ELI Feer, tmy ttreeMHieJs fee iLLNT. CARE.
GOOD FOOD. LARGE n50 for 76 TI. id a.m.-xo p.m. sueubB. onop us.
Also OUT. AU-9648 LINCOLN JEWELERS, 315 W. 6 DU-97786, KWMa. sito ur. old man.
SI25. Rm. at Bd. Agey. AD-46778.
STAY HEALTHY CLEAN clude Hugo Carlson, Tom Morris, Harry L. Cady, William E. Mason, Charles Neff, Fred Whit- aligning, weu you snow tne rest. lease can me. RE-5525.
CLEAN buildings, odces. homes. Sohaols.iattnictieniQantral 15 Meet Old Friends, mac New One CRYSTAL TURKISH BATHS Interpreter or ere. nderiy gen- tleman speaks ROMANIAN, RUS Air TrantportitloB 12 Modern equipment. PA-6S77.
GASIUDIGESTIOH comprehensive goals than ever 313 8. MAIN. MA-9-9S9X mire Jr. and Leland Pickering. CLEAN walla, windows, mvt flr SIAN.
GEKMAN At SfANlUil. lTana-lator in some. PI-83S14 GIRLS, look fabulous In an Indian wax. a proi. men.
ad-19B03. JANITOR, exo. Night work, clean FLOOR, any tvoe. A to Ronumm Mlnty-flavored taoiata anelt in your mouth. At dnia-atoraev sari, now learn irom Rajan ol India, authentic Hindu designer.
For appt. CR-4113S baroer anopa. oil ices. etc. A-A-aujl FLY Airline Asks before; maKe new associations, I alSO.
treBA (Sept. 23 to Oct, 22): Keep yourself steady and stay away ashjslSjoJIeWR-lTej GARDEN lawn renov, tree removal. JEWELER. A-l all around, for store nam rubbish, top sou. PA-1241 or lactory.
aox limes. Amitone )ENING ItSTffiPfApie HAIR REMOVED Jerome, 358 8. Bdwv.R 207.MA-6518 LIQUOR clerk, part time, eve- Ac wk. APPROVED FOR VETERANS TV RADIO ELECTRONICS AUTOMOTIVE DIESEL MACHINE SHOP Low Pay Plan Stay on Your Jos DAY OR NIGHT CLASSES EFFECTIVE GRADUATE SERVICE Classea Limited Enroll NOW NATIONAL SCHOOLS Technical Training Since 1905 4000 8. Figueroa Bt.
AD-49061 THE Lawns At Clean Up WE-10740. ends- is yrs. exo from all who are in a bad hu- GARDKNINn OT.KANTSn np MAID, exp. Cook, generaCS days FORllurry-Vlferry Stomach JHauling Hubbish. AD-10595 UNREDEEMED turs.
Save SO to 70 MarkweU As Co. 707 8. Hill. 8th floor. BALLARD A BALLARD.
315 W. St. New Service American Airlines has filed Keis. cease map. Agency.
ms-Aioai, Skycoach jamtok service wanted by new Buyer appralaeri diamonds. Jewelry, antiques for generations. SU3-SOUSE TO desn-ea work in no tel. apt. nous or lge.
store bid. Xlnt ref. OX-95859 servicing co. la. L.A.
area. Bonded as Insured. DU-20998. MASONRY walls, garden as retaining WAY FREE USE OF A PIANO MAN. chauf.
lie. Work after 4. an application with the Civil then you can discover how 1. to have happier emotional rela-' tions and more funds for Uons. 5 15CORPIO (Oct 23 to Nov.
2i): A colleagua takes time to study your pftfaent tensions and gives Women ibi.l, mi. contractor. u-ciD07. OVERHEAD gar. doors "installed, sals.
Part time, call alter 3 wy-ktzj. NEWSPAPERMAN. 15 vrs elD seeks Learn Power Sewing OFFERS year-round la your hom. can RB-3-2123. $50 DOWN FURSShES YOUR HOME BROTHER BOB'S, 6190 ATLANTIC aj.ou.
aois. e7.au. oj coioraao, S.M. EX-47966; eve4 AR-3399S. editorial or related work where common sense is asset.
RE-39219, PAT VT Jt. nfnu OFFICE man, mldage, alert, but good MEN 30 yrs. exper. inter. 6t exter.
Ins. BARGAINS in new oc used turn. EMPLOYMENT UPHOLSTERING Aeronautics Board to schedule Denver on flights between Los Angeles and Chicago, also San Francisco and BltUUlUK. PU-2 1H57. typist, cierx.
Kais. now tap. Avail. 2 wka. WUsh.
dist or out you thej (best answer to your '3 present anxieties; make no PAINTiNn Jtr PiprnniNRnin Kicnara K. Le. 3rd at La Brea. ANTIQUES, WE BUY SEfjT" OS REPAIR. I.
JAPTTf vm-RinK city prer. Long lormeriy FALSE TEETH That Loosen Need Not Embarrass Manr wearer of falsa teeth bava auf-fered real embarrassment because their plata dropped, slipped or wobbled at just the wrong time. Do not live in fear of this happening to you. Just sprinkle a little FASTEETH. the aikalin (non-acid) powder, on your Plata.
Holds false teeth mora firmly, an they feel mora comfortable. Doe not aonr. Cheeks "plat odor" (denture breath). Gat FASTEETH at any dnut store. Ad vi Uaeiueut Wallpaper cleaning.
43uar. A-l work. OFFERS LIFETIME SECURITY TRAIN YOUR SPARE TTMlt JUJt iiama CALL COLLECT STANLEY 7-2626 4-Engino Skymasttr WOlt STOP CHICAGO $70 changes witnout aia co-opera- RATTAN Purn. 4pe. bar $99.95 DFFTCE-supplies, purchasing, store Csly 8c 1331 S.
Olive. PR-5431 ntr rei. (BUI) PL-I4723, PAINTING, DECORATING i. ''Live As let live prices." jngc. i yrs.
exp, i-erm. raaioant. MANAGERS SCHOOL The application of the na jv-io. imp PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec.
PAINTlNQ Ai PAPERHAlfOINa-" APT. HOTEL, MOTEL ASSOC. PAY GOOD. Many Positions Open. SECTJRXi porrwniir i oio no.
1 1 Art wtiBa. juiicitBnciHA PIANOS. ator a piano in yourma freel PA-167 DON'T SAY YARN3 BAY "GOODMAN" YARNS BED-wrrTiNa btopped BEDCO MiTTrrnr) Rs.imw Perform your personal du- Mil. OS SULX. Reas.
prices. Free est. PL-02967, 8 YEAR EXPERIENCED MAN TO MANAGS YOUR PROPERTY. Can Miss Bang. 3780 W.
6. DU-74468 PAINTTNG, A better Job for less or tion's largest air carrier would make possible new direct service to more than 25 key cities covering nearly 25 of the nation's population, American spokesmen American Barber Colleges we oo it ior notningi PA-763Q CLASSIFIED ADS placed anywhere. Qnallfled tne. Tax, capital gains, apt. law, puron.
act. Its. plumber, bidg. malnt. engr.
Bona- PAINT, paper Int. At ext. Plaster estahuhhru nv ien paten, tteaa. rree est, ins. AH-Z6017 Modern.
Aceredited, app'd. for vet. ONE STOP aoia. now in enarge ei 40Q unit. For write Box H-85, Time.
UftiiU wiug WSHTAUB. TR-8983 stop BEowartiMdr ENURTONS CO. BR-23194 TIRED? ACHING FEET? BACK? vtta -it rrzr i ties methodicauy, regaining me confidence of an Impatient com-panlon who wants to throw "J-xrver present gains; work hard. i CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan.
20): A pitched battle at home over an associate is best handled by PAPERING ALBO. OR-4720. patternmaker grader. LEARN to speak Spanish At French fluently At without accent from experienced graduate of the University In addition to Los Angeles PAINTING, Interior At exterior, $10 averaee rm. Pre est.
KT-m-rn eressea, sportswear, can pp-7-9657 CASH on lecacie A trusts. NO FEEsI RESTAURANT Mgr. age 52. 37 yrs. and San Francisco, major in PHNTlNG, paperhanging.
Neat, clean oi aaexico. ear saoiuonu lniorma. neira aoj. eery, aia w. 7.
VA-1159, -Oon CaU CR-31812, dustrial and marketing areas in court. STV. UU-JBOUI, PAINTING, very reas. Take sm. fobs.
exp, ciuos, careieria at amer. expert food, labor Ac overhead. 12 yrs. present lob In East. Further Weaver's Training School inviting all to a place of enter- FALSE teeth rellner.
tl.50 Dental Plate Control. 842 8. Bdwy R. 230. CA8H FOR DIAMONDS.
Gold, Silver. the East, Midwest and South Very neat work. AD-38475, anytime. lniormation. write box j-bb.
Times. tainment where all worries are Offers fun course for 6100 to first five enrolling this month. Free trial SALES Rep. Florida resident, re- urn, an. ran Hiywd.
at Vina. 0 CODE A protectioa notw Rw PAINTING, exterior, interior, clean, fast At reasonable. PL-36035. PAINT entire home. Kltch.
tlSTBt east would be covered by the new service, it was pointed out. lesson. 333 a. Bdwx. mu-7397.
sponsiBie, capable, aesires cosrtaet with firm' interested in Florida rap. GET. OUT OF DEBT TR-8881 forgotten and fun is had. aOUARIUS (Jan. 21 to Feb.
19) BARTENDING SCHOOL aiu. i oo it. umui. uu-3iitB5. SALES sales rnemt.
25 "yrs. 'fool PAPER, 810 a room, side walls, paper J'KEt nationwide claasifled service. Nelspn's Advertising. MU-1563 Learn dsv or eve. Pre nleeament ad TefT Box K-66.
Times; inci. wasn patterns rii-u37. Becoming angry about your ap- Cash Asked to Improve Major school. 257 s. spring, HIGH school diploma at home.
Meets WE BUY DIAMONDS FOR MORE ABE FUER8T, 222 W. 8. MU-7069. STENO. Thoro exo.
Dntn. BOX H-5. TIMES. rArAnnsfluut, painter, uc V.a, 1 fll CHOICE BKEIS 5in couexe entrance red. Free Booklet American School.
Box G-171. Times. STUDENTS for after 1 n.m. At week PLASTERING Ac stucco. Spec, on parenuy enaiess cnores wui only serve to Increase your blood pressure; improve things at home by being more affec- ends.
Now in TV training. HO-96347 smaii jooa. neas. free esti. -10-51097 Railroad Crossing The City Council has been PERSONNEL MANAGERS TRAINED.
ROOPS COATED A RF.PAIRF.n SUPERVISOR exper'd. electronic 1941 8. LA CIENEQA. VE-9770a. HE ma Cash for legacles7NO FEES" ANY watch or clock repaired.
Part made. Swiss specialist. 1068 W.6 Bt. semblv. Od.
refs. ROT P-L21- Timaa. Itching cf Dry Eczema New roofs, tile, asbeatos siding. Licensed, guaranteed. RE-8094.
Why scratch and sniffer hopeleealy? Medicated RaaiDol Ointment ricA us lisslis actma ha plao of miaainf natural oilaaof tana, aoothoa and fiva ionc-laatlnf ralisf to dry. hchy. kri-tassd skimTTry sal TV-RAdTo Adv. or Span- asked to appropriate $8450 for uonata there. jree placement service.
DU-80331. Institute of Industrial Relations. EARN IN6W5EKS ATHQMElT THE REWEAVINO INS'l'lTU'IE 707 8, Broadway, Rm. 403. TU-588S.
CLERKSTrainees, Exec, Hskprs. WHTTCOMB HOTEL SCHOOL isn college xraa. 3a. t-peaxmg perfect Eng. Good voice.
Exp. In meet ROOFS repaired, painted installed. DIRECT ACTORY SERVICE Ask for Mr. Hiaains. AN-3MR1 Improvement of the Woodley ing PUSllC.
DCL. T.JO Ave. crossing over the South DIAMONDS AND) JIWItKY MAN'S DIA. RING. 2.2S KARATS.
FLAWLESS. APPRAIS. S117B. SandblastTng. neat at "clean: or ait.
p.m. Vina URninwiv BT.nEit AVISH. Ml. 675. PHILADELPHIA $85 Other Daily Flights fq SEATTLE 39 WASHINGTON.
CALIF. Representing u. 8. Government licensed Independent carrier Excursion ern Pacific Co. railway tracks.
YOUNG EXECUTIVE -PISCES (Feb. 20 to March 20): Avoid making any unnecessary fwnmitments that you are now i being persuaded to make; your security is at stake; look at your present assets and you will see Must sell. Call HI-8377. REASONABLE Clean remove all fire violations. Wfi buy diamonds, cold, silver Js fur Since 1903 Markwell Co 707 (Tin.
Btti floor MAN AGERSvV No its llmii: MISS KAY. 3727 6th. DU-7727S PROP. crse. PHOTO TDTfTOnly 825 707 8.
Broadway. Rm. 403. TU-8B88. LEARN, tool as die designing, full or Clean-up work of any kind.
Also "Hot flashes" of of life stopped painting. mi-6919 art. 5, MUST sell exquisite genuine pearl At with rontin duties geeks unusual opportunity to serve as personal representative er In other confidential capacity. Impeccable refer-eaeeg will be furnished. BacWrround Includes: USAF service- Ftylng Officer, draft exempt.
College at private schooling. Are 31. Married with family. Correspondence invit- this. part time.
aai p. Vermont. Sitaation Wanttd, Man 86 oismona iaay piaunum ring, cost 83000. Sac. 8750.
EX-34346 WANT 3-4-CT. DIA. Trade for well-sectired 2nd Trust rwrf WK.fiK47n PSYCHOLOGICAL testing Tutoring Center QHI Imner.nn ACCOUNTANT. Office Mar. tvrje: rOUB CHILD IS BORX TO- DA Today's child will al- LEARNPower Sewing imanie-agea, notaDiy successful in or strikingly relieved in 63-80 of the eases "In doctors feslsl DIAMONDS 'tc JEVVIYBARGAINS.
unemDioTRL ttuu n. Main K.tn. zma. eq. write boa j-3a, TiMta.
many neias; seeks pleasant environment where he can give good account of himself next 24s vrs.t HEAL ESTATE" INSURANCE Course: YOUNG man. age 26. Wants sales 1 ways want to be on the move. Teach earlV that no person or con CStn 1LWATJ TEX LARGEST Selectioii evext dat m. weinstein a.
719 Koosevelt Bide. LADY'S Dla. Platinum Wrist Watch. 82 full-cut atones. Bacrlf.
8U-11514. Former instr. Purdue unlv.DU-72364 too msiae or outsiae. isaiary was. bondsble, trustworthy; salary needs BOX 56.
TIMES. FABASENA, BARBERS in demand. Learn at MOLERS, 268 S. Main St. MU-6082.
moaest. hk-7863. Ask for Hank. YNG. married vet.
Soma collere. DETECTIVES dition can be controlled until one has achieved self-mastery. The ACCOUNTANT (CONaTSOCnOXl Will's, learn trade. Reas. Kr.nsiR TV servicing, electronics.
Day nlte classes. Amer. 5606 BUNSST WE HAVE exper. men in all linea. Those suffocating "heat waves" alternating with nervous, clammy leelines and accom ASS DETECTIVES PHONE VA-B377 24 HOURS 639 Bo.
Spring L.A.. San Diego youngster has a great deal of ex Controller, office mgr. 7 yrs. with last employer. Multl-mllllon projects.
Finest A. rets. Age 39. Want 1KB BALVATION ARMY. MA-2614.
cess energy which it would be perm. poa. witn yng. progressive co. wiell to channel into outward ac men searn iv.
women electron! assembly, Calif. 1111 W. Pico 25.000 taught to drive. CourseTifTSS 827 SO. Free pickup.
HE-8758. MARSHA-TOY SCHOOL 707 S. BROADWAY panied often by restless irritability and nervousness are SHoatleii Wmted, Caaplaa IT Avail, lmmeq. BYcamore zzasi. acct.
pnLL CHAlinr bSIpr. GARDENING SUPPLIES FREELaree pine tree. Haul tt away, it'a your. 1290 Bunset Plaaa Hollywood. CR-42468 tivity so healthy outlets like sports Thoro exp.
lncl. close books, finan REFINED coL. axcL maid, waitrasa. Ushould be provided ana encour practical nura. (Man coo at di cial tax reports.
Ban rern. Vallev or Hlvwd. nref. Kn-13n3 HYPNOTISM QfFICt. StCRETARI AL aged.
Merchandising would be an well-known to women sunenng the functionally-caused distress ol middle life You want relief from such suf ICCT. BKKPR. 6 yrs. exp. Including BELF-HTPNOSIS for self-help.
45 yrs. etician), reels, car. ntgniy recommended. Colling EmpL Agency, 80S E. Walnut.
Pasadena. SY-31I86. SHORTHAND IN 6 WEEKS Aper. im ns. pnv.
aJU-jaoB, a.m. excellent vocational outlet. t. Cajrrrltht, US3V General Featorea Corp. supervision.
2 yrs. loa. can eve. afu er 6:15 at Bqndays, DU-93501. LEARN Ui hvnnotiaa aalf At other JAP.
girl at TJ.C-LJt. work for room ACCOUNTANT, ensux. any Doara, also jap. male stud, desire Tawny, Ph.D, 2610 W. 8vPU-83630.
fering. And chances are you wore near AR-vsina. INCOM1 TAX rsitton witn ruture area, yra sra. Dearea. UoTEL as apt.
managara. ReUab! at ficatxea SPEEDWRITING Oregg, Bruahnp Typing. PBX Day and Eves. Guest Claaaea. Specially designed short course.
FOR A SCHOOL XX YOUR AREA CALL VA-8187 Sawyer Bonool, 707 Bdwy. 7th fir. Park Building Planned NORTH AMERICAN AIRLINES 4 ENGINE N.Y. $80 CHICAGO $70 ROUND TRIP SPECIAL TR-0711 available Pt tlme.Acct, co-operative. LO-Stsrrj ittt-RIVENUE deputy.
Tax reports since 1919. REASONABLE. By ap-point, only. 1033 a.Falrtajt.WY-8861 can get iz. xnriurng reuen Thanks to two jamou Lydia Pinkham medicines! tax, auait reasonaoifn yix-uijus, a nkriv The Recreation and Park Dtn Sttiatlsii Waatad, Want! II After 6 WE-32356 income Tax Serrca-Accf.
partment is preparing to call ADVERTISING, FUND Raising at 30-dav course. Free niaAement mvIm Compound and Tablets brought ADDRESSING aa typing by disabled wives. Our 8T-7asYl. ABDRESPIKft. niThlM At.nn 631 SO.
OIJVB L.A. fofi bids for construction of a WINNER SWITCHBOARD SCHOOL hii w. Btn nr. western nii.x.NiKi recreation building at Barring- try- Low rat. DU-4g404.
Promotional. Yng, 32 yra. Thoroly exp. eil phases fund raising at publicity for charitable dc non-profit org. ALBO exp.
la SALES at Spec Prom for Radio at TV. Box F-19. Time. B-AY 8 PBX. Typing A Recept.
School 154 N. WESTERN. HE-7463. TAX SERVICE, bkkpf Dr's As Attys. specialty.
Ofc. or nome. Gene McAtec RI-70241, OR-7026 Income t'ax'prepared, si up 2325Wth, DU922Lx17965eve FORMER REVENUE AGENT. 675 So Vermont. Open 9-9 p.m.
S3 A up AIR-WAY TRAVEL, 323 W. 6th St. Nif ADr-8177 Day A-l 335 PX7 ctotm loCbTHeeB AIR -TERMINAL. 6T-73117. tort Playground, 333 Harrington How Lydia Ptnkhsun'f work It act through woman' tym-pathetic nervou tyttem to givt relief from the -hot flathet" and ether functionally-caused du-fresset of "ehunge of life." iii-osr course, rree riacemept Miss Kav.
3727 6TH Dn.7757 Aiyuiwcomu at (i Ernie, a e. i-cient. Pickup at deUver. AX-33265. APT.
HOUSE OR HOTElTWORK. REPR. irmflm 'Ave. wks. course.
ISWiltX ADV. agency. Young man. lite, exp. BOOKKEEPER.
F.C, Mfg. At retali arc. araiting. omee trainee or Bai- rv aecnnriarv Meuav PA.917Q Aato Transportation II Business rrep Bcnooi. in bill TRADES AND PROffSSION JS PERSONAL ADVISORS Mm COlDSTrsitlinsss exp.
cc rec ace. cash, payroll, taxes, billing journals gen. ldeeer. PAL stmt. at.iiwi ARTISTS Model Male tThrT8C eves.
BOX K-208. TIMES. TIT.IES USED CAD EES MALE ATTENDANT reliei irom sucn distress in 63 ana 80 (respectively) of the cases tested. Complete or striking relief I you say? Not the many thousands of women who know from experience what these Lydia Pinkham medicines can do! Their action actually Is very modern. They exert a scientifically calming, toothing effect 1 Try Lydia Pinkham's on the basis of medical evidence! See if you, too, don't gain blessed relief from those terrible "hot flanhes" and weakness so common la "changs of Ufa." "MYSTERY LADY OP RADIO FAME." Featured with Riplev Authentic World Fair.
REPS. CALL NEW. 59473. ASSOC. Rep res.
with labor-public "reL. (TS ASmiH AT ITS IEST una. minmi. puuiic speaxing. legislative at legal background.
Reas. remuneration. Box H-156, Times. Physical, Financial, Emotional. Sprl- BKFR.7"l.c..
ofc thoro rn- of? Payroll, tax reports. pja. BKPR. Competent err. mgr.
II yrs, exp. Trial baU taxea, Aft. 10 a.m. nrT-aafV7i N.Y. Any route.
Late car. Take 2-3. Big demand. high wages In rest homes. Institutions, etc.
Preparatory nursing course trains you In snare time at home. High school not required. Por free write Wayne School of Practical Nnrslnw. Unr TTyjw Don't put tt offf Get Lydia Pink-ham's Vegetable Compound or new, improved Tablets with added iron (trial size only 594). Wonderful too for the functional pains, cramps, "dragged-out" feelings and other discomfort of monthly menstrual periods! ATTORNEY, young.
execAbllity. Will Kei s. WEW. 69671 CHICAGO. Route 66.
Lata carTiake 2 or 3. Iilin s.tsni fecty. p.pf- train ior career pos. BARTENDER: THOROUGHLY TRAINED. CfOOTJ EDUCATION.
WOBK 3-8 WTItHTfl A WW CtM n.ui rrop. bj Astro-Humperoiogy. ADVICE SCIENTIFIC READINGS, 1-7 D.mSTSO BUNSET. CR-50439. PRINCE JUNO, the Man dTMvs-tary.
Solv alj problems. GL-4291. MAHGO PSYCHIC ADVTSOR ConlidentlaL Rl-78638. SfEC HAN IC ALLY minded men look BONDETTdriver wanted to drive 'SO Ford from L.A.-N.Y. VE-99164 CPL.
leaving for N.Y. 1 6pl. to axn. office mrVmtT '1HW1ST, rS. CP AT- FTOUF.F4.
PTJOlf, yr i' t-t 1 So5hLA.r. fa- position. N.Y. xper.AD-4a6-,6 into Hcirigeratmn Air conditioning as a profitable future a-Tear. Utilities fast.
Box J-92. Times, neip crive. x-Jta. AR-93795. tTfui.
oienoaia ci-a-ajt, sttliii iitats 0k ijsij)l Jiaaintfoi giU gi aii lAl tdl llTEi ml "i $tl set uflt jjtt, jn fss) sjOsi rtfci siHUi iflT'iea iAi SwV jiwsai isgt 0k l.Fajtw itssj i sj ift tTi ft iSfflUli Is ff sll Wlhl 0 ilf st ftl jiffli isgsti Jo sff S. Ssl fl "ll llA sftll ITl -Tlli AT lsrtTri'tll iff llflmf ifm Hl- infi i An ffT (Iftl Sswfltlj. ssty.ltf! Jf I Tlnjrtnillsl, 0tli jfttj ejfan..