The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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OS THB SPRLNGK1KUD DAILY: REPUBLICAN: SAT URDAY I aV 8 1912 lb CHICOPEE WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS CHESTER THE LICENSE BOARD HEARING WESTIELD HOLYOKE THE WHITE RESERVOIR DAM end pretty soon he would be in 5 4 link 4 1 tv rs iractor being shlewulk: the A TIMOTHY KB WANT COMPANY TO STAY rasp Tr tom ia ii LB AGAWAM silk of Continued on axe 19 court i SPECIAL CANOE CLUB SUGAR EAT Smiths Spring IV a 2 S' a Ml ttl Better ruit at It ed SPRAY WITH PYROX OBITUARY at di I PALMER re tde nlnns bip labor SPECIAL NOTICES The Careful will conduct tin HRIMIELU two wecks' stay with Mrs June 1 Ml I here ehoru time ext in oi 5 in The and bo: tl ma cel The Olympia club of Grace church vented the piny "Our Ediks" at the Rollins 'The wis mid escape Chris ot its Dr subject in the Last a series of held at the morning sot dist chiirch by the girl I st local pi ned and Rooney Rogers nt lie iv ill I i ni The Hitchco*ck free academy nine play the Warren high school nine afternoon on the academy campus hers 1 shown lor so con cl it Cook iva! and nofi1 several Tie DEATH TIMOTHY KEEE it party of friends yesterday a suitable rew ard will be return of the animal the cen about I discover: tl sor reties 1 ttvr the Hol was the given nnd strong attempt should keep them 'here Hazil Mattoon the 10 ycars old dough ter of rank Mattoon of airview ave icranient The first i given at the Win Built Thicker Than Plan Culled nt the corner of Hampden and i ts early last evening The little his assailant inghetd pi driiek glancing the xlirface rm III1O id This wtis all Iamitio company have just re police st bond to Th ceivcd a large assortment of linen suits and auto coats ed the re he Was tl WAS ORMER TOWN CLERK 1 1 1 I rniii eitv and had received a number of offers from outside the city which they were con sidering The company has received word from Ne 1 rill prompt nwl gomt to cat Brook Trout promote your command induct rios committee exenanne with tne nastor Rev Mr topic will be ment of the Henry A Huntington was appointed as delegate to the annual meeting of the I Massachusetts Congregational 'conference I to be held in Holyoke' at 'the Second church on Tuesday Wednesday and Thurs day Rev Whittemore will preach in the Baptist church to morrow morning on new and in the evening there pill be a praise service and a short sermon followed by a baptismal service John Burt bad a valuable heifer killed by dogs a few days ago The select men have been notified and it is exjieeted some action will bo taken to prevent the animais rrom ooing ruriner damage DEENSE OERS TESTIMONY JThe funeral of rancis Mears was held nt the home of his father in Willimansett yesterday morning with requiem mass in the Nativity church Rev McGilli cuddy officiating The bearers were red Vigneaux of Willimansett fzonis L'Esper nnee of itchburg red Murray of New York Pierre Parry Wilfred Stanworth and Samuel Harrop of Holyoke The burial was in St Rose's cemetery South Hadley alls Zebedee Blanchette 54 died at his home 13 Prospect street yesterday morning after a long Illness He had been a resi dent of the city for the past 37 years coming io Holyoke from Canada and for the past 30 years had been employed by the Octo furniture company The funeral will be held at his late home with serv ices in the Perpetual Help church and burial in Notre Dame cemetery I i distiller on the estate st tn ho nick of work with the put the fire hre was start it which some a wav lighted to get a start rag the fact as home contract Miinlc streOl It was voted to lay treet between The team owu rimnds at Bottles and Other Missiles is supposed that the eitrn or cisraret bit person had throw hau a better chance isitaiiv the case ow 1 Vltl blaze rrrved Mis 11 meeting of th Secretary Ixcinmlh Robbie of the Spring field Young Mon Christian association will give an address tn the irst Baptisthurh to morrow evening Rev Tames Philips pastor of I he Mittinoagno Congregational church will conduct the morning services' at 1930 to morrow In the evening the pastor will give a sforeopt icon lecture nt 7 on Porto Rico lira Irene Clark of irst street Mit ttnenguc Jett Thursday night for Sliofford (J to visit her brother who is seriously krtmrt mftM jrotn bpringhw cis nee oiml names ami other excava nvtr! width found part of the ihini could ship on the contractor his advantage by in A careful perusal of a meed to by the con Tlie board of public works met yesterday and accepted 1 lie proposal of Calhihtii) A C6 for 51 Ml bushels of oats at 07V cents WilllmanRetf Itnnnuny Accident ortunat Larose of 1112 Chicopee street Willimansett who is employed by the Bos ton market in Holyoke had a rather stir ring five minutes in Willimansett just be fore 0 last evening nnd it is a miracle that he escaped as luckily as ho did He was delivering groceries and was sitting on his wagon at the side of the street when oneof the teams of the garbage collection de partment came along and the rear wheel of the garbage wagon catching in one of the wheels pt the delivery wagon the lat ter was tipped bottom side up on top of Larose This was not all the trouble for In going over the reins got tangled about Larose and 'the' delivery horse tried to run dragging Larose and the overturned wagon ihe time added for the pull on the nnd hacked tin on Larose's bodv for a short time thia time lAtrose was about exhausted and he was assisted from under the team and taken into the office of Dr Mead In spite of the handling which he had received an examination showed no serious injuries although he was cut up about the arms and hands and had received an iniurv in the back which may prove more serious than is thought at present lie was later taken to his home ined lbl 0 for Dentins Horae Anthony Symasko was fined $10 in the police court yesterday for boating a horse April 10 lie wns arraigned some time ago and the trial took place yesterday and occupied the time of the court for it large phara of the day During the trial there were several nt arms be tween the lawyers and between the law yers and the police officials and other doings which proved interesting to the audience which listened to the case The ease was not finished until about 4 in the afternoon and the fine imposed The non support case brought against red Caron was continued ns was also the cases of the two boys arraigned for breaking into 11m Cote market Two wove itncd $ll each and one was fingd SQ High School Notes The day exercises nt the high lion which wore held yesterday morning In the nuditorinm were of a different ehntai'tcr from any given before a musical street if men were playing bars of the hotels in qiies they play the game schedule for the remainder ot tlio term is as follows: May 25 Hnrdwick high school at Gilbertville: Juno high at Brimfield 5 Warren high at Warren The annttar orchestral concert of the Hitchco*ck free niademy will le given dazed re no severe her employes ei pviiic on Hampden street Collins of the company that the plant wished tlic force Id retalin th tl tl Cook was bo special preaching followed bv a Epworth league aiieti i ters tl in rat i nros action had time to spread nea re of ere prettV well tt been rnllnd tn thh iHHtfcr i liv was tuld" thatmnmit Ttt snnm lure of lie foundation rock the extra va lion was deeper than indicated would be necessary IrnT mil provided for in the specification: tractor being taid by the cubit secure tost afternoon instead scheduled for 3 The Mittineaguc Y'oung Men's tiari association will hold series of Sunday afternoon mooting? in the gymnasium hiill at to morroxt lifter iioop These meetings have had a very large attendance during tlio month that The fire than is thftf Henrv 1 ombrn uier at tne treui mat me maze started i I here are it goon mauv SfllCt Lil course yon know more Chapin and Wolcott The building will be stories in hight and 000 Work will be tlint it will be ready fall Beacon Light circle Companions of the in i 1 1 i i in i i i i i iv i i ii i i ii i i i i in i cclved four applications for Diemberbliip at last mooting Tim circle made plans to hold a whist party in the Wakc lin hall June 7 Blanche Wood captain of the degree team was present with an emblem as token of friendship by themembers of the team tie omitting traucs council matte nr nsr nnrlit nicotine tor fbe mass nioeting to be held in the city hall the 31st It is expected that Samuel Gotn pers vice president of the American fed eration of labor and other labor loaders will be present A false alarm was pulled in from box 717 at 1O5r5 last evening giving the de partment a needless chase to West Dwight and Appleton Tt appears that some young follqwp pulled in the alarm and an attempt will 'be made to learn their names The finishing room employes of the vari ous pn per mills met in the Caledonian ball lust niirht and the election of officers was postponed until nextrriday The calen der mon will meet in the Caledonian hall I Sunday afternoon and a large attendance is desired The Spanish war veterans met last night and made plans to be represented in the Memoritll dny exercises All the Spanish war veterans whether members of tbq camp or not are asked to he in line oil this day everyone to meet at the Grand Army hall at 1 o'clock' The trouble in the rag room of the Wau regan paper company was over yesterday morning the hands going back to their work at no change in the wage schedule Hawaii council degree of Pocahontas initiated one' candidate' find received five applications for membership at last night's meeting Mrs Robert Dunn has returned to New Haven atrer a Robert Neil town treasurer's office each Saturday after noon for their money John MeHugli bas sold a twn tene niont 'house at 34 Shepard street thiough the Ray Iji Bartlett agency to Thomas 1 and curbings of 1 1 0 lini aus pi es of the Degree of Honor of the (uiited Workmen There wasn attendance nnd the play was greatly enjoyed Music was furnished by the Degree of Honor or chestra The'enst included John Harper Alexander Thompson lames Weir Robert llahn John and reda Riffenbnrg Edith Bradford Mary Krause Eva Austin and Rachel Thorpe The Triangle club of Connecticut Vai ley lodge Knights of Pythias held a mili tary whist party and social in their lodge rooms last evening 25 tables lieiug in play Refreshments were served and a large flag was awarded to each member of the win ning fort Tiie committee was as fol lows: Whitlock AV A Sparrow A Watson I Ayre and A A Still The proceeds will go toward paying for tlie new robes of the lodge Court City of Holyoke oresters of America met last night and initiated four candidates and received three applications for membership The court instructed its delegates Thomas James Harty and John Downing who are to attend the convention in North Adams Tuesday on what course to take on Vari ous topics which are expected to be brought up Burns of New York State a prominent orester gave a short talk on the growth of the oresters in his state Members of the Court North Star were also present Clan McLaren lodge initiated two candi dates and received one application for membership at last meeting The following committee was appointed to ar range for the annual Scottish field day of Western Massachusetts to be Yield in Au gust: Alex letcher James 'Weir Thomas Bower and George I tochorty It has not been definitely decided whether the field day will be held in Holyoke or Spring field There will be a pictorial service entitled at Grace church to morrow even ing and illustrated songs will be sung by Mr Deardon 'The last of the series of pictorial services will be held a week from to morrow The city agents of the Holyoke and Westfield railroad met last evening and accepted the report of the' aditors on the books of the late treasurer and the books were turned over to Allen the new ly elected treasurer Suitable resolutions were adopted on the death of Par ker the late treasurer of the road The Daughters of Scotia held a whist party and dance in the Hampden I Knights of Pythias hall last night 20 tables being in play for the whist Prizes were awarded and refreshments served and a pleasant evening was spent The committee of arrangements consisted of Katherine Roy Mary McDonald AgnesRankin Laura Duggan Mary Hynd An nie and Elizabeth Clark The following decisions in civil court cases were handed down yesterday: Al bany felt company against ohn McDonnell for $5170 Holyoke coal and wood company against Daniel Hickey for $1450 Bearg Bros against Annie Pappas for $11 Plans were filed yesterday for a new 16 apartment block to be erected by Con tractor Lucien Chretiun at tlie corner of streets in klmwood 11(1 by 40 feet four will cost about $28 started at once so for occupancy in tlie nue I5 critically ill at the home vif he? parents i 4 SEND OR REE BOOK ON SPRAYING with prices etc Also see if our dealer has Pyrox on hand Wise growers are ordering early Bowker Insecticide Co 43 Chatham St Boston We aha akip from Baltimore asi! Gacituisli Untabtiabmciil on Aaaxyatn Side of Mlttineasur Agawam1 experienced a small seusatiou Thursday evening when saloon was wrecked "by four young hau been refused drinks' and who took ven geance on the establishment by smashing the glass 'on the premises with bottles rocks and any missiles' that happened to come to their hands The young mu entered the saloon nt about 1015 Ioi in the evening and asked for beer The bartender knowing them to be minors le i fused to sell them anything nnd pointed out to them the sign stating that no liquor would be sold to minors on the premises The youths grew angry at this and one of them went 'over to the sign nnd toie it from its place on tlie vVnll Meanwhile the others laid hands mi all the bottles in sight nnd begaii hurling' them at the bar tender who made hasty exit through the back door without being hit' Some of the missiles crashed into the large mu rot behind' the bar and shattered it to nnd bottles containing liquors also smashed aa! a rtn4 IrtH 'IUVLU LdUACl VYUA1U OMU ftru' dred pests NO SPOTS Pyrox pre vents or destroys fungous growths scab Llight tot etc thus producing beautiful PRIZE QUALITY fruit Leading fruit growers and ex hibitors like Hardy ot Repp Bros also Barclay of' Tyson of Penn have used Pyrox for years You know their record Pyrox is' THE ONE BEST spray srriooth creamy free from lumps' mixes easily in cold water doesn clog tne nozzles It sticks to foliage even through heavv rains remaining effect ive for months thus' saving expense of respraying All ready to use by adding water GOOD OR ALL RUITS AND VEGETABLES ii any field for i will be ipits but The regu itl Rev the irst Baptist 'o Memorial Da Order A new order relative to Memorial day I exercises was issued by the Grand Army1 at its 45th annual encampment Bells I are to bo tolled from 12 to 1205 at noon flagsxto be placed at half mast and com rades to stand with uncovered heads dur ing this period Post commanders arc to see that the order is carried out No offi cial action has been thus far token by Ta Merrick post in regard to the matter Two changes have been made in the speakers for the George 13 Clough will speak at the Wire Mill school in the afternoon nnd Jones at Bontlvillc in place of the veterans detailed The funeral of Miss Maggie Collins was held at St Thomas church yesterday morn ing Rev celebrating re quiem mass The bearers were rank O'Rourke 1 Dwyer Dwyer 1 O'Connell and IIGarvey Burial was in St Thomas ceme tery The ladies' society of the I 'irst Congre gational church Thorndike will give a play "Our Busy Wednesday evening to be followed by a social when cream and cake will be served I i Revere chapter order of the Eastern Star held a regular nieetingilast evening in Masonic ha 11 which was followed by whist party in which members nnd invited guests participated The Thorndike baseball association hold whist party and social in Union hall Tuesday evening In the grammar school league at Palmer i ycsterdaytBoudville boat Palmer 1 1 to 12 titres will bo given by John Koudriek Bangs Senator Vardaman and Dr Hen ry Van Dyke and the reading of a modern i play by Prof Crosby of Brown univer I sity The program as arranged follows: October IS of some modern play by Prof Crosby November 1 lecture "More by John Kendrick 22 lecture by Senator Vardaman January 17 Marshall Darraeh: b'ebrit arj 7 Marshall Darraeh 28 lecture by Ir Henry Van Dyke Board of VVorks Award on Admlnlslrntion In the death of 1 nnotliv Keefe 73 who died at his home on 'Huntington street at 1110 vesterdnv morning 1 rom i eam cti of the liver Chester loses her oldest busi ness man and one of her inmst highly 1 OPENING RIVERSIDE INN IA i TV guests ly covered Ear a time it was intimated that the dam was not strong enough but an inse rion by other engineers of the plans belore tin work was started seemed tn set aside i lint claim bin had a few cuts a nd bruises about tlie body and one ctn over the eye She was picked up and taken to her home of $400 been so severely commission will amended and it means committee WEST SPRINGIELD Y0U1JG MEN SMASH SALOON Investor Does not risk his funds In TctiIa ire enter prises but asks for unquestioned Time has proven first mortgage real estate loans when carefully made sure and profitable arc prepai od to fori'ish loans in nnv amount A tiug unuei the an pervislon of the Vermont State lankiug de partment Vermont Loan and Trust Company TLTNAM Gen Agt BKATTLEBORO VT mjo oil work at th precept ili hu ing the Uhureh ma nufactiiriii ttanv Io remain in the ily It is stood that the Church rompnnv is plan ning to leave received word Donoglme that tlie lease present premises would not be re I and it seems probable that the ompany may occttpy tlie ipdt street The Church ompany while a small concern employ ing but 3D men vet do a large business comparatively and the city cannot afford tn Invo Dunn nntl 110112 Itooni enpneitymirtenus tsorvb rrotle'l Lobsters hiCkrns ii land at nil lines Every lilng apt 'niss comfort nnd joy al Music by Haler's Orchest rtv A Xumbcr of Whni Culled At torney Have Many Tilts The license commission hearing dragged its slow length throughout the day yes terday with a succession of witnesses for the defense and continued well into Laurinff xvn DOt ftS ill has jdrradj i it thflt have preceded it Wit five two Shakespearian recitals and lee in outbreaks of sarcasm between i ic i 1 i i i thif wns I yers and most oi iuvnv i I heard amounted practically to a roitera I tion of the same points brought out by pn vious witnesses There was some in terest when Commissioner Bciittchamp suggested that if the affair did not onie to an 1 I'lintsl to start a suit lor time lost in it He all the commissioners ni'ss interests ire in Xovelty Store A lively little blaze was caused in the novelty store of Angus Gordon at the north end of the Chicopee bridge yesterday after noon when a child of Mr Gordon's suc ceeded in spilling some kerosene oil on the floor and later in getting some matches to play with in the same spot The com bination worked to produce a quick tire that threatened to ruin most of the store A still alarm was sent in for the fire and the department was soon on the sceneAlthough the blaze had spread well alongthe floor when the men arrived they were to get it soon under control as it hud not worked into the yet It was put but without much damage to the build or to the stock of the store nnd it effectually put an end to any match play on the premises for some time to come Meath of MIm Bltxnbcfh Cplllnn Miss Elizabeth Collins for many years a resident of Chicopee died at her home at 20 Broadway yesterday morning after a illness She was widely known in the city and had a large circle of friends She was a member of the parish of St Pat church and had always been actively connected with its work She loaves a brother John Collins of Troy and sister Miss'Tohanna Collins of the alls I The funeral will be hold nt the home this I morning at 830 o'clock followed by higfy I mass of roqiiicnvnt St Patrick's church1 nfi 9 Burial will be in St ceiuc tcry Plans for the union picnic of the Sec I A group of boys from the Young I Christian association gave a gymnastic cx I hibrtion at the Poehassic school house Tliursday night under the direction of the physical director The work of the boys I was greatly enjoyed They gave a eales I thenic drill dancing steps dumbbell drills I etc while the physical director gave spe cial dances Such as tho Jumping Jack I Mazurka and Spanish dancev The boys who took part were Leon Smith Robert I Emerson Albert Knox Raymond Gibbs I tvnrd Donovan Carlvlo Gowdv Weslev I Johnson loyd Mallory and red Starr Judge IV Kellogg gave his decision I yesterday morning tn program being presented under diree tion of Mr Craig The program was tak en from the Gertuftn cantata entitled "The Rose A quartet of local talent took thy principal parts while the high school cliorus of 150 voices put tin finish ing touches to tlie 'exorcises The quartet mis composed of Miss Beeching Miss Snow Mr Lynch and Mr Iipprnnn War ner Vnii Valkinberg tlie composer of tlie high school "Alma Mater" song was pres ent and played the song for the last nnm bcr while the school sang it Proposed HIkIi School ectiire Course Plans arc being made for the high school lecture course for the 1912 1913 season mu! fi xrpilont been arranged Marshall Darraeh This was enough excitement for uui linger uieasiire horse not liking the bits stopped running and pranced around By HAMPDEN COUNTY Annie the five years old daughter of Mr and Mrs Morris Tetiliah of 73 Ehii street was struck nnd ktmckt don it by an eltT rie The maple sugar eat given at yoke canoe dull last evening greatest success of any previously nt tho ehib boitse Over 400 attended and following the sugar eat a short program was given consisting of solos by Miss Rose Rudd dancing by Mrs Magna and Mr Wells solos by Jiiorton Hull with guitar accompaniment nnd singing by the Quaker i hortts Mt Parmenter of Spring field had charge of the maple sugar part of the program and later in the evening there was general dancing Cartier's or chestra furnishing the music for the occa sion Special cars wore provided for the guests in coming and going and the ar rangements for the affair were in the hands of the tennis committee entertainment is the first of tocial affairs whicli are to be club house during the season Ollier routine business was I'oitv and TV Quirk have now on sate The pocket scorer nnd imscbnlt book advertised on the sporting pages this issue and supply any buyer of Republican nt rents for the scorer seven riiis'for the uoCk ma rf bridge i held phone fait a cbe of tl to absent thcii i la iuv Warren church is still lu the Springfioltl hospital recovering from the effects of au opera tion undergone last week Ho is making excellent progress but it 'will be at least another week before he can be removed to his home and lie cannot occupy iiis pulpit for least two more Sundays In the meantime the services are being1 nd miriibly conducted by Prof A Evans of Northampton Mass The services of the Mittineague odist church will be held at 1030 in the morning In the evening the Epworth league will hold its anniversary tit which' Louis Slade principal of th" the Chicopee high school will speak' on bearing of education on the Chris tian life" His address be followed by the imttalntion 'of the new officers Singing will be by the young women's choir The services of tlie irst Congregational church will' be held at the usual hour 1030 to morrow morning Rev George Love will exchange pulpits ou' that day with Rev Miller of the Aga wam Congregational church The subject of Mr Miller's address has not yot'beeh announced The meeting of the "Christ inn endeavor will take place at in tho evening Mr Herbert bf the Interna tional college Springfield will address the meeting baseball team of the West Spring field high school inch had intended going to Amherst yesterday afternoon to play a game with tlie Amherst high school was prevented from doing so by the receipt of a message yesterday morning announcing that th' Amherst boys had been unable to satistaetorv grounds for tho eon The team will go to Amherst this where the game is ie old toll a Springfield i dispatched I the blaze I summoned I extinguish before the he floor 1 iter of the feet and oil blazing the lim charrod moldering imisinc indicated that the 1 1'11 1 they have been held that a largo orc morrow to hoar will speak on he the foolish" bid aril for he rock tiou done so that any ncePMinri lit flliv I nnl fivt on ii hu but was rather yesterday morning in the ease tried 'week ago of Seth Bush against the New York New Haven and Hartford railroad company This suit was to re cover $500 for damages caused to 37 years' growth of timber on 12 acres of land Much of this was chestnut The damage was caused bv a forest fire that started from sparks from an engine of the de feudant road Judge Kellogg finds that tlie timber was badly damaged and he awards Mr Bush the sum The trolly bill that has criticized by the railroad no doubt be satisfactorily comes from the wavs and in charge of Representative Harry Put nam of Westfield Mr Putnam is hbpcfnl of final action being taken this session so as not to disappoint the Western Massa chusetts people who are so anxious for its passage The hist smoko talk of tlie rieasbn tinder the auspices of the central labor union was held in central labor union hall Thurs day night nnd the principal speaker was cx Senator Daniel Mnhnncy of Hol yoke Mr Mahoney explained in detail the methods employed in the Legislature in getting laws enacted I Daniel Bates the local pension agent has received the blanks authorized under the new pension act and the passage by Congress of this act will result in ma teriiilly increasing the pensions of a largo ni oMor in i i 1 1 I till Lil i 'At mt i must make out new papers in order to re ceive the increase I The ice men are not having a busy sen son thus far1 The' and continued cold weather has caused the housewives to get along without ice and there are now only two or three teams and three men delivering iec Last year at this time hhlf dozen teams and 8 or 10 men were Imsily oinifloyeii supplying the demand The members of the woman's relief corps are getting readv for Memorial dfiy and will meet at 2 nt 1 rid ay in Grand Army ball Some are planning to fake their lunch and remain utlhe hall" for the even ing meeting Br a new arrangement the Jngliwav tn nuv nEf iht iiwn on 4 ho kJiJ instead of having the workmen go to the 1 Z'XEORGE xJ 'WESTIELD MASS Jtenl taie farms cltv homes httisM itcBi 'oiie ted Life iiisijranca Broker arid 'Notary Public' Telephone A two' woeks' mission under the direction of Rev 1 Moore and Rev Kenly of lho diocesan band will open K' aioriw Ol UK' JJ ion sermon willhr rilrt Hlt i ii i week the mission will be Jut womeD (idu tho Rornnd for men Tho service ill be hold at 5 and 8 aiu and at 7 I Tlx' children's mission will begin Sunday at 2 Inqmrv flosses will be held nt the rectory beginning at 7 Sunday night This is for firstSeommunion conhrmat ton ami non Catliolics On Thursday June Bishop ThoiMHs Beaven of Springfield will administer tlie stierameiit (fotnlirma ion Rev Albert Johnson of the Ad vent Christian church will preach to mor row morning "Assurances of power the spiritnal In the evening his topic will be lessons from the long psalm or a man who stopped to think and what came of it 'Hus is anotnev in me series of special scrmciris bti the book ojt Prof Lewis Paton of the Hartford theological seminary is to speak in tlie irst Congregational church til noon to morrow before the men's clubs of the several i burchcs on facts in relation to the excavations in Palestine while he a director of the American explorations there He will also tell of the worship of the ancient inhabitants of that country This is in connection with the study of the class of the church on orship of prehistoric Rev AV Ayres of the Central Bain ist church is to preach to morrow evening on the Lord's Rev Philip Jz rick will preach in the Methodist church to morrow morning on "Tlie enthroned At the even ing service he will preach on J'Tlie de moniac whose name was This isnjlinr in rile COHOS from tllO ministry of At noon the class will consider the subject fu ture of the negro ip the United States his Class May nud Graduation Plans of llie High School The seniors at the high' school are" mak ing plans for the several events in conuec tion with class day'and graduation Class day comes Monday June at which time a play will be given in addition to tlie usual parade in costumes The senior "prom" will come riday evening June 28 at Columbia hall following1 the graduating exercises Committees were appointed yes terday as follows: Costumes Eva Ellis I Jennie 1'ugetheiini JI Whittemore I Stone banquet Rachael Hosmer Edna Hernan Hubert aoie senior Cedric Stone Donald Drysdale 11 Whittemore I lubert Cadle Miles Tinker Ever since Contractor Young started suit against the water commissioners for al leged violation of the agreement entered into between himselt and the city for theconstruction of the dam at the While reservoir questions arise ifi the city in cer tain quarters from time Io time Recently Engineers Ellsworth and Tighe were en caged by the contractor to make measure ments nt the dam following which there was a rejiort that one section of the dain was over two feet thicker than was culled uiir IhaL than bud been plnnnril owing lh i i women sk4anQ iujmxus uad htiuiwr I I) I i 4 zxzr cl1 in ro 1 rlrit" 'T'h ry co rn to ntrkJ 1 heir I of $1495 buys suits formerly $g0 to $'2250ud Mon lay I and buys suits I bat were Lr to J2J50 appointed as cliuii'ti at that I Whits A'verv price "I anti to suit every lastc from Slfts to as a govern I and more than lod to select from may be 'seen has rented at Lamitie's street He anti arrer a I Old timecostumes song melodics will ne tearures or tne on: loots eonreri iu vwuiu bia hall next Wednesday the 22d Cnrrlen Is PisetiRrged Richard Carden also called Emery liny' was again in court yesterday morning when his case was called for being a fugi tive from justice Ironi tlie state of Con necticut Morrissey Gray appeared in his No one appeared to represent the ''Connecticut complainant jind the voting man was discharged He is'alleged to have1 a cottage near Bridge 4 4 1 "a i lirtni tiao SCHOOL CONTRACTS AWARDED I elmed to mhke anv effort to obtain extfadi tion papers A Holyoke man 'was'fined oft A Roy Mill Build for $1 OO for drunkenness find two George McLenn of bpi ingrfleld Gets I who failed to appear at 9 for drunkenness llentinK nnd Plnmliing nt Atooo I were defaulted but ill no' be bh 'Jhc contiact lor bud lm the uldition Jnnd llns to the Agawam Center and eeding Hills I 8Idewalk Bidnio Be Opened To day school buildings has been awarded to Scott I Bids will bo opened at 11 a to iay llittiueague about Sli30O exclusive of heating and plumbing and fin I ment'Toinmittee Th work mclmlos nhmt nishingz The contract for heating plumb 1 2370 square yariis xiftsKtewwlkB and 130 ing etc: has been given to George' Me 1 linear feet: of Gnnrjiin lath Iml niusr be Clean of Springfield for $4000 The addi acemnaniedtby tfcertified check for $00 tions are tobe of brick to "correspond with! This'neW worlc inCludCH the ualk on a pait the present town buildings and I of Main street the east side of him street Davis of Springfield lias taken the mason I and on a portion of North Elm street work for the company and the drawing of I brick and preparation of tiie ground in I 5 io'bai Notices 'v Agawam Center has'jilreaiiy begun 1 1 I XL'k fi in i mV rn nd expected that the work will be completed rBibch have now on stle The about September 1 time for the opening publican pocket scorer and baseball book of the schools I advertised on the sporting pages in this I issue and can suppiv any buyer of 1 he Re The women of the Congregational church I publican at IO cents for the sc er and even are planning to hold their annual straw I cents for book berry supper riday evening in church parlors Airs learned is chairman I Ttaw AtercoMilerIfciherfy real wrtata xonx of the committee and will be assisted by I pany Is offering foi sal a large lot at tv Mrs "Uampbell The dining room corner mf kranWto And Hwn wd stixxis vRh committee are Mrs airbank ahd Mrs Gl or clll eeu 7 ing at the office room 2 Elm ark block Tbe Agawam Cougregational church I voted at tne meeting on Anursday evening to iipppnr 1 1 invirurtnn pyi on i iav i irst ehnren bpringneid 275th anniversary ''iinda and Monroe Hayward delegate to represent the meeting I Robinson er ment officer at the A Belden place has recently oeen wedding trip of a few weeks Mr and Mrs Robinson are pleasantly settled in their new home 1 Rev George AV Love of the irst church I The Bates bouse nt AS Court street is to West Springfield will preach in the Con I be sold by Bates Of Tavern hill to rrntrn tionn 1 tfDttinrrnw vnArnintr in I SOttlO in tiJP Evening The tuini NO WORMS Pyrox kills alDleaf eatirig insects1 codling canker worm and kin i containing liquors were The enraged vouths then uished 'out of the room in search of tlie I bartender and failing to find him vented I their anger oir the windows of the saloon 1 which they effectually demolished with I rocks After thus wrecking the place tho I men disappeared from sight and have not I been' seen since Officer Conners of Aga I warn iff on the lookout for them but it isj the general impression that they have I town The bartender yesterday afternoon refused to give the names of the men who had caused tlie damage and the residents I of Agawam were similarly uncommunica I live Officer Conners could not be found I and it was said at his home that hehad gone' to 'Boston' The damage according I esteemed citizens Mr Keele was bt rn ia to the bartender amounts to about $50 I Springfield 4 nnd came to 3 Chester with his parents ivlivn nly i Aasmili Case in Boiler Shops yeHrs of age They imide the trip on tile An assault was made yesterday morn first train that carried pusst ngiM 1 ing upon tdward coo foreman I 1 ry 1 ct dlr ifi wo zl All car repairing of S4 Essex workman in the 1 1 ftYinpa ra thfi trouble over the task which Cook had assigned to Boyd on I tiursday Accord ing to Cook the mutter had apparently been satisfactorily adjusted and be was to tally unpreparedfor attack on him Cook was doing some work ou a boiler loaning over with his back to Boyd when the latter suddenly made a rush for him and fists blows receiv and separated tlie fusion Bovd made 1 afife to go baek fo work after a few minutes out appeared at the est Spring field police 'headquarters at" noon and de manded the arrest Bromage and ttio Sp mn nt his taaen to on $10(1 is morning Old Toll Bridge Altre 11 tire was: discovered yesterday afternoon auour clock under the floor i ne second sr I 1 Dw iiwvcr rushed to the tue'Avcst' once t' nrso tire oud Congregational Methodist 1 and Bap tist churches have been practically 'mi pleted The picnic will be held on June 22 and will be preceded by a union con ceit of the churches on May 24 at which funds will btj partially raised Tlie con cert will consist of a prolog by the primary departments of the Sunday schools selec tious by tlie church quartets and by' a male octet of the three churches unds for transportation of tho children to Riv erside grove for the picnic will be raised by it Jt is expected that the picnic will bo attended by about 350 people for ivliom basket luncheons will be furnished There will be baseball games between picked tonms athletic events for which prizes will lie given and in which entry will lie free and various other attractions A ban ner is to he given (o Hie winner of the most individual points in the inret5 The committee of arrangements made ftp of' members from' nil three churches consists of the following: Methodist Benjanitn' Simpson Henry Burnett and Thoburn Smith Congregational Holt Clyde Ohnsman and Ernest Griegs Baptist Isaac DeGowin William Allen and Carl Sheldon At a business meeting of1 the Second Congregational church 'Thursday evening Amos (Jarter was chosen a delegate to tlie 275th anniversary of tlie irst in Springfield Osmond Gorton was elect ed delegate to the annual meeting of iho Massachusetts state conference of Congre gational chinches at Holyoke next eek morrow will be observed nt tlie church as mothers' day A carnation will be pre sented to every woman attending the morn ing service and the pastor Rev A Wight will preach an appropriate sermon on "A message to The meeting of the young alliance at 7 will be led by Nichols tbe topic being The young peo ple's alliance will give a farewell recep tion in the chinch parlors Monday evening to Mr and Airs Albert Massey who are about to remove from the city Both have been promim nt in the ork of the alli ance Mr Massey being president the organization at the present time The success of the opening of tbe niilk depot for supplying pure milk to children of the city has decided Borncinski at whose store on Exchange street the de pot is being maintained to keep his store open for two periods Sunday These will be from 8 to 4) o'clock in the hjorning and from (ito 7 o'clock in the evening The schedule will begin ti morrnw and will continue every Sunday while the station is maintained Tbe beard of health is in sympathy with the scheme as it follows out their idea of keeping a constant pure supply of milk available and the plan is expected to be successful the patronage so far having indicated that there will bo a demand for all the milk that can be furnished every lr alatyChesik of tbe alls reported' yes terday the loss of a cow black1 with the exception of one foreleg and minus a horn which he liouglit two weeks ago for 850 The cow disappeared about week ago and Mr Cliesik has been io got no trace of tie was in toe enter with a search nnd said that given for the ices are pm lire of Cst tsprn reg oi for 500 bushels of oats ami criukod covtr ar $170 per A Carmody were nwaialvd for a sauitarv on' the nlnrzrnnnilsi $335 citrbitig on Hampshire Manio and Mich streets ers' new prices of $5 a day for teams were accepted Hearings on petitions for now against tho city was speaking for who have busi 1 to iticL it loss I Or ncss them to lie forced to spend the hours that are required at the city hall The hearing was featured by attempts on the part of City Solicitor O'Connor to iiieiitify the witnesses called by the de fense with the commissioners yilli the puriHise of proving them prejudiced In several cases this method was resorted to and when Attorney O'Brien for the com missioners objected he was told by the city solicitor to keep quiet and be fair Mr O'Brien objected strenuously to these remarks and when the mayor upheld tho objection of tlie city solicitor the law yer saitl that he would take decisions from the bench but now unwarranted personal criticism He also said in replying to Mr (iCounor that ho did not give him undue credit for fairness Mr purtmejJ his earlier policy of joking the city solici tor (luring tho afternoon in a witty fashion that lefl the latter entirely nt loss Tbe only other open break came when Mr O'Connor was asking a witness if he could tell from tlie games at the of holines at lhe bar tn Cincopeo Tl rCWW? 4 A mnn that play it tber in Chicopee' i iiitAv about it than 1 said Mr Brien "You ran for mayor once didnt you Elion this sally the city solicitor grew 1 A 4 110 zw horl ovnr most nmi rv wronu use of any bar in tne cn and Mr Brien said mat no ni he had The mayor then told Mr Brien tc let the citv solicitor aione auu the case continue Hindered by such in terruptions the testimony was heard I'bo first witness was Janies AVall of Holyoke whose testimony was continued from Monday Mr Wall was on tne stand from 10 when the case opened until about 3 in the afternoon with an intermission for lunch' He gave statistics as to the measurements of the various hotels and practically contradicted by his testimonv that of' the police officers who preceded' him for the prosecution He 'gave 41 ZV rxfr trio idea rnat pans vi tm iam vi Kcndall and the Columbian could seen from the street and that an entire view could be had from the driveways run ning to the rear of them He said that nt the Imperial the head and shoulders or men in the barroom could be seen front the street and that both from the street and porch an idea of the business being carried on inside could be gained Cross examination brought out the fact that his examinations had been made recently and that he did not know how things were in April land on May 1 when the licenses wore granted He calculated that about 220 square foot of the Kendall barroom can be seen from Springfield street and about 330 are invisible from that point An amusing incident regarding the ax that was presented to the mayor in view of the number of men that he has re moved occurred when he was tackmg up a plan of one of tho hotels Mr Brien remarked that the mayor was not used to the work as it was a long time since he had used a hammer and the mayor laughed and replied that he had had more experience in using an ax In contrast to the city solicitor the mayor displayed the utmost good humor and enjoyment of Mr jokes onlv showing im patience When it became evident that the hearing would drag out into the even ing The other witnesses called by the de fense in the afternoon were John Healy Dennis Haggerty Charles A Ludden and Daniel Barry Interest in the case dropped during tne artomoon uiu about the only people left in the room were the lawyers and the witnesses Hie witnesses all said about tbe same things They ere all business men of the city of excellent standing and well known most of them having been residents of Chicopee all of their lives They said that partial 'views of the Kendall and Co lumbian bars could be gained from Spring field and Exchange streets respectively but that full view could be gained from tbe drives running to the rear Each man said that it was his belief that these drives were regularly used by the people as pub lic streets although they have not been accepted by the city and one or two said that the streets have been so used for over 20 years The city solicitor strove to establish the fact that tbe people using the streets are only those having special business there and that such use cannot be regarded as constituting a public na ture for the streets in question The men also testified that there have been no chahges made in the barrooms of the hotels under discussion since the time when the case first came up in an attempt to make a better case for the hotels before the court One objection by Mr was sustained when Haggerty was asked to compare his idea of conditions at tlie Kendall with the testimony of Mr AA'all given previously One or two of the men in wnose cases me city solicitor strongly suggested that they had had talk with the attorneys for the defense before coming to the hearing that the lawyers knew what they would testify and that they them selves might have some interest in the case of the commissioners grew rather hot under his questioning but there were no open breaks The hearing was continmd from ciock in tne atrernoon witn an hour's intermission for supper ir ii distan it Os 'rriiv ere veto' airea tnat tne me time' nti of 1 lie ment had ft five minute i the I Western railroad which it iliat lime tlie Boston and Albany only ran os far as Ghester In the villagn plant by John Boyd school1 at Chester for there was only street Springfield a lie received his 'early education Later boiler room under Cook I after private tutoring he entered' AViilis 1 tho men had bad some toil seminary where he ctitnnctod bis schooling vv lieu a young tun tie nineh thrift and when1 not engaged 'with his Looks worked as a clerk in the storm of David In early numliood h' went to Ohio where ho engaged in busi ness but on the death of Mr union bi former employer lie returned to Chester and bought out the business and started his on lus own account lune i iaui of the In September 18B3 be married Mrs had Mart A Parkman Earle who survives head llini He 1)a(J every posit mn a nt trust within the gift ot his townspeople LUU 4: w)Azl 11 I 1 i ll IT Vi JIRI 1 IVU I uuziRMt feci mail overseer of the poory ntsostsnr and town clerk reasurer This latter office Iffi resigned in 1872 wiu'it he wis elected as representative to the Genei'iiL ft 4 It 'I lT a ZM I 1 (Of I IV 1 V'l Al Tt i Il I 1 zOUJl UJ CUNHHL $el I during the Cleveland administration and lk4C4L4 OHUI 1 Jd9 appear iu for in the plans Chairman 1 modv when asked regarding it said the dam wiis thicker in some points txf thArfinin nwil hv tllf COfl t'il ut that the uHcintion of tlie was iy tne oujui i liucuo lie was wasting to the rin 7 A Tr A ih' 4 ra rudriHy town hall baturdny evening A BBS I Eel Bg i I I II 4 9.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.