The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE SPRINGIELD SUNDAY REPUBLICAN: SEPTEMBER 26 1915 LOCAL INTELLIGENCE SOCIAL NEWS A SOLDIER BULGARIA AT INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE Stephen Kresteff Served in Two Bal kan Wars and Was in Battle I Against Greeks Stephen Kresteff veteran of the last two Balkan wars has entered the Ameri can International college this fall with no intention of being mixed up in any fur ther Balkan wars Any fighting Mr Kresteff does in the future will be for the United States of America He still is a A STEPHEN KRESTE firm believer however in the invincibility of the Bulgarian arms He feels positive that Bulgaria will soon enter the conflict now raging in Europe on the side cf Germany and that she will win new glories for herself in the re sulting struggle as he puts it auw prepared to meet successfully any offensive movement of Greece Rte mania Russia or all the rest of the allies Most of the Bulgarians who formerly lived in Springfield returned to the mother country in 1913 and 1914 to take part in the war against Greece Servia and Montenegro arid with very few exceptions have not returned to this country Phil lipopolis was the place of Kresteff's and early boyhood He attended the high schools of Bulgaria until in 1910 he was called to the colors for two years of compulsory military training The first Balkan war broke out in 1912 just before his time was up He did not see active service in this campaign but served his country just as effectively though not so spectacularly as a conductor on the troop trains The second Balkan was in 1913 saw him with the firing line Jong enough to help defeat the Greeks in the battle of Kockoush after which he was transferred back to his job as conductor He has been in this country nearly two years now and worked in Buffalo Prov idence and James City Pa as a black smith and in glass factories He realizes now that the way to get ahead is to get a thorough command of the English lan guage first so he has matriculated at the American International college in this city His plans for the future are not yet determined except that he will spend a year here perfecting his knowledge of the language CHANGES AT WESSON MANSION Prepare it for the Colony Use The renovation of the Wesson mansion brings pleasing results to those mem bers of the Colony club having this work in charge The women's dining room designed after the period of Louis XV is especially satisfactory: lined from floor to ceiling with white enameled cherry its carved work decorated in gold leaf its parquetried floor of white mahogany and its graceful yet startling ceiling decora tion by the celebrated Italian artist To jette produce a room of exceeding beauty In dining apartments the club is most for tunate An innovation in western New England is the palm or general dining room The spacious west porch has been enclosed with double sash its granite walls polished columns marble mosaic floor and graceful palms that give a touch of tropical elegance is further en hanced by decorated awnings reminders of famous hotels The tables are so located that patrons of the room can look upon well kept lawn planted years ago with pines blue spruce and Powering shrubs which time and nature have made well nigh perfect This at tractive dining room is entered from the on the south side and from the the old dining room ori the north side The latter with high wainscot mantel and built in sideboard of San Domingo mahogany its frieze of Gobelin tapestry and handsome ceiling is thought by many one of the most satisfactory rooms in the building SOME NEW CORPORATIONS Tn Which Local Men Are Interested Agawam Tobacco Company Organ ised Certificates of incorporation have been issued at the state house in Boston to the following companies in Springfield and vicinity: The Brookside dairy incorporated ofNorthampton capital $5000 and incor porators James Hurley Dexter rench and Albert Addis The Agawam tobacco company of Aga wam for a capital of $j000O The in corporators are Henry Perkins Harry Hinckley and Stuart Robson all of this city The Springfield deodorizing and disin fectant company incorporators rank Stone Ralph II Bontelle Philip Stone and Kendall Crocker capital stock $10000 The Dimm Semmons company of Springfield for the purpose of manufactur ing and selling automobiles and motor vehicles of all kinds incorporators I Lloyd Dimm Harry Semmons and Thomas Gloster all of this city The capital stock is $10000 and is divided into 100 shares of common at $100 a share Mr Dimm and Nir Semmons have subscribed for 48 shares each and Mr Gloster for four shares Mr Dimin is president Mr Semmons treasurer and Mr Gloster clerk of the company SUSDAT SURAG SPEECHES The Springfield equal suffrage league has engaged the municipal Auditorium for four Sunday afternoons in October for mass meetings The meetings will begin with a half hour organ concert and the following speakers will appear: October 10 Nirs lorence Kelley secretary of the league 17 President Marion Leroy Burton of Smith college: 24 Igna tius 'McNulty general agent building trades department: 31 Mrs Beatrice orbes Robertson Hale DEARBORN COWAN WEDDING Harold Cowan of This City and Miss Emma Dearborn of Effilngham Married In Westfield Harold Cowan of Springfield son of George Cowan and Miss Emma Dear born of Effingham daughter of Samuel Dearborn were married at 3 yesterday at the home of Miss Dear sister Mrs Lewis Allyn on Western avenue in Westfield Only rela tives and a few intimate friends were present at the wedding The officiating clergyman was Rev Dr Clarence Rice of St church Springfield The bride was given away by her father tie bride and bridegroom were unattended The bride's gown was of white taffeta silk with old lace trimmings She car ried a bouquet of white roses Rachael Allvn niece of the bride and daughter of Mr and Nirs I Allyn was the flow er girl and she carried pink and white ro es The wedding march was played by Miss Edith Ayres The rooms were at tractively decorated with ferns palms and the fall by Nicholas After the ceremouv a reception was held with Atwater as the caterer Mr Cowan is a graduate of the technical high school in Springfield and is now at the head of the business department at the Passaic(N J) high school Mrs Cowan graduat ed from the estfield high school in 1910 and the Westfield state normal school in 1912 Mr and Mrs Cowan will live in Passaic SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Collejye Club Plans The executive board of the Springfield college club is busy these days with plans for the coming year The first meeting which will come on October 6 at theWomen's clubhouse is intended to arouse keen college spirit in a regular to afternoon An innovation which will be of considerable interest this year is to be the which will be issued quarterly Through this the club members will be' kept informed upon the varied activities of the year and it is expected that the first number of this small paper will be in the mail about the 30th It is probable that there will be no year book this rear and in place of that will come the directory which will be in the second issue of the Bulletin' which coming quar terly will do away with the necessity of issuing a year book The earnest co operation of all members is assured for the building up of the scholarship fund which is such an important factor in the year's work of the club but at present the energies of the board are moving espe cially toward making the first gathering a success Children of the American Revolution Hold Meeting Pynchon chapter Children of the Ameri can Revolution met for the first time this fall yesterday afternoon in the chapter rooms in the Women's clubhouse The junior president Edwin Clark was pre siding officer of the day Mrs Van Deusen who has charge of Pynchon chap ter gave an outline of the work the chap ter is to do during the coming months among other things being the continuation of the study of boyhood days of the presi dents In pursuance of this plan the boy hood of Monroe will be taken up at the next meeting which will come on October 30 Mrs De Witt Mallary then gave a most interesting talk to the members about the children whom she encounters in her work among the foreign people of the city Miss Ethel Agard gave two delight ful' vocal solos and refreshments were then served John Hamilton acting as host and Eleanor Clapp as hostess The entertain ment was in charge of Glendore Root and games and a general good time were enjoved At the next meeting Rev von der Sump of Agawam will give the ad dress of the afternoon Syrett Tracy Wedding Miss Ethel I Syrett of Merrick ave nue and Raymond Tracy of upper State street son of Mr and Nirs Howard Tracy of Hartford Ct were married at noon yesterday in their new home at 820 State street Rev Dr George Rollins pastor of Hope church per formed the ceremony which was wis nessed only by members of the immediate families The' couple were attended by Miss Ruth Syrett of this city and Lester Tracy of Hartford Ct Mr and Mrs Tracy left yesterday afternoon for a short wedding trip and will be at home to their friends at 820 State street after November 1 John Oliver acted as host to the members of the Springfield Stamp club in his home on Rochelle street riday evening There were 20 members present for this regular fortnightly meeting and one application for membership was re ceived This application was laid over under the rules of the club to be acted upon at the next meeting A report of the committee on the club contest was given and accepted and the contest will soon be started After the business meet ing the usual entertainment was held tak ing the form of a series of 10 questions bearing on postage stamps and the stamp issuing countries The result of the con test was a tie for first place John Prevost and William Stone An interesting talk was then given by Nir Prevost upon the revenue stamps of the different states illustrated by his own collection The social hour was then held during which refreshments were served The next meeting of the club will come in two weeks when Herbert Wolcott will entertain the members in his home on Irvington street An enjoyable marshmallow toast was held riday night by the members of the Spring field yacht and canoe club at Calla Shasta About 100 of the club members and their friends first enjoyed the moonlight sail the river the boats leaving the club house at 8 Upon arriving at Calla Shasta two large fires were started in the open and skill in toasting marshmallows was tested Refreshments were served at the close of the toasting Several of the cot tages at Calla Shasta were specially deco rated for the occasion and were all thrown open to the club and their guests Commo dore Charles Wright had his new cot tage which is just being completed espe cially decorated with electric lights About 11 o'clock the return sail up the river to the boathouse was made An interesting event is promised for riday evening of this week when a presentation of and will be given in the clubhouse by Miss Edith Bruce Jones for the bene fit of the Lady Lowther fund The Lady Lowther fund has acquired its name be cause of the fact that Lady Lowther is president of the London branch of the Belgian prisoners in Germany and this fund will be benefited by the performance on riday NIiss Jones has given great pleasure wherever she has appeared and the presentation of this play of Sir Will iam S' Gilbert has been a favorite with her A large number of tickets have al ready been sold for riday evening and it is hoped that the performance will be well attended October 11 has been chosen as the date of the silver tea which the ways and means committee of Mercy Warren chap ter Daughters of the American Revolu tion are to hold next month The tea will be in the nature of a celebration of the 25th anniversary of the founding of the first chapter of the daughters at Washington In observance of this anniversary a pleasing program has been arranged and upon it will appear NIiss Christine Coleman of Orange a reader who comes with flattering recommenda tions There will also be musical num bers The tea is to be given at the home of Mrs A Squier at 44 Dresden street SAMUEL BOWLES 1826 1878 This Picture Will Serve to Recall a Great Personality to the Older Residents of Springfield and Western Massachusetts Who Knew and Lobked Up to the ounder of The Daily Republican His Life is Depicted by Gama liel Bradford in the October Atlantic and We Reproduce His Sketch on Pae 8 of the Second Section This Picture of Mr Bowles Will Con vey to All Our Readers Some Sense of the Very Vital Personality of the Man the hours being from '3 to 530 clock and the chapter is hoping that all mem bers and friends will be present A third in the series of social events in honor of the approaching marriage of Miss Dorothv Hastings was given by NIiss Margaret Blake and Mrs 1 Wheeler at the latter's home on Cornell street riday evening The feature of the evening was a kitchen shower which included many useful articles in aluminum ware The engagement of Miss Hastings to Leonard Atwater was announced at Christmas tpne by NIiss Dorothy Blake of Buckingham street at a pretty little aft ernoon affair and later a St Patrick js dav luncheori was given with Mrs aulkner as hostess which ended in a shower of linen articles Mrs George A Bacon was first in a field of 19 at the obstacle clock golf putting tournament held at the Country club yes terday afternoon Miss Dorothy Bowles was second and the other two prizes went to Mrs Alfred Birnie and Mrs NIurphv The obstacles were exceptionally well chosen find caused much annoyance to the contestants but were very amus ing to the spectators Mrs Edward Clark entertained the members of the Independent 500 club in her home on Plainfield street riday aft ernoon The first prize of the game was awarded to Mrs Samuel Provost of Main street West Springfield while Mrs Spaulding also of West Springfield was presented with the second favor At the conclusion of the game a buffet lunch eon was served by the hostess Miss Susie Millea daughter of Mr and Nirs Thomas NIillea of 36 Keith street and William Wilson of 44 Mattoon street were married in the rectory of the church of the Holy Name at 9 o'clock yesterday morning by Rev Thomas A McGovern Miss Beatrice Isabelle was bridemaid and Thomas NIillea brother of the bride was best man Nir and Mrs Wilson will make their home with the bride's parents Miss Margaret Wylie returned this week to her home in Calhoun Ala after a short visit here with her aunt Mrs Homer Hulbert of Marengo park hav ing come North to act as maid of honor at the Hulbert Blague wedding on the 18th Nirs other guests Mrs Westfall of Mount Vernon and NIiss Rebecca Burger of Saybrook Ct also returned to their homes this week Mrs rederick Wright of German town Pa who Jias been visiting with her parents Mr and Mrs red erick Wrignt of Wilbraham road and with her own parents Nir and Mrs George Cook of airfield street is spending the week end in North Wilbraham as the guest of Mrs Ralph Graves at the lat ter's bungalow on Wilbraham mountain Nirs Annie ox of Bethlehem Pa and Nirs Emma Berrill of Pelham Manor who have here as guests'' of Nir and Nirs Edwin NV Shattuck of Carew street are now spending 10 days with other relatives in North Hadley They are expected back in Springfield this week however for another visit before leaving for their homes Mrs A Conybeare of Ames: la with her little son John arrived riday to join her husband Prof Cony beare of the editorial department of the Phelps publishing company Mr Conybeare was until recently professor of journalism at the Iowa state college Mr and Mrs Conybeare will live at 65 High street Miss Ethel NL Cotter of Bedford alls is spending some time in the city where' she is guest of Miss Olive Geran of Avon place Miss Cotter was formerly a resident of the city and is re newing' her acquaintance here She ex pects to return to her teaching at Bedford alls about the first of October Boyle of Prince street who has been on a business trip for the past two months to Toronto Montreal Quebec New Brunswick and Nova Scotia left Toronto the 22d for Winnipeg Man and Edmon ton Alberta on his way to Vancouver Mr Boyle will visit the fair at San rancisco before returning Nirs Lilia Chatfield who has been the guest of Mrs Rose of Dex ter street for two weeks left riday for NVaterburv Ct where she will visit rela tives Mrs' Chatfield will also visit in other places before returning to her home in lorida where she expets to be in a month Dr and Nirs George Dawson and family have returned to their home on Belmont avenue after a three stav at their summer cottage in Chester Paul Dawson has now returned to Clark uni versity in Worcester for the year Mr and Mrs Joshua Brooks of Mon mouth street are expected home to mor row from the western trip which they have taken with the Daughters of the American Revolution party having left here the 1st of the month Nir and Mrs Charles Johnstone Princeton street have sent out invitations for the wedding of their daughter Ethel Nlarie to Raymond Austin of Grant street which will take place on the even ing of Wednesday October 6 Nir and Mrs George Chapin and children Barbara and Anson of Contin ental street motored out to Wilbraham yesterday to spend the week end at their summer cottage on NVilbraham mountain Nir and Mrs John Ashley of Mul berry slicer reopened their home this week coming up from Congamond lake where they have been spending the weeks since returning early in August from a trip to California and the Pacific coast Mr and Mrs Edward Davis and their son James of the Chateau have been away on a' 10 trip to the White mountains They have been making their headquarters at Bretton Woods Hi( and are expected home to morrow Miss Madeline Moore of Warriner ave nue is at Palmer college in lorida where she is a member of the faculty of the de partment of music for the winter Miss Nfoore teaches voice and piano Harold Andrew who has been spend ing the summer vacation with his parents Nir and Nirs Andrew of Allen street has returned for his senior year at the university of Michigan Nir and Mrs IL Bosworth of lorida street are expected back to morrow from Hyannisport where they have been oc cupying their cottage during the summer months Mrs James R' Miller and son James Miller Jr returned yesterday to their home on Avon place from Hyannisport where they have been spending the en tire summer NIiss Camilla Alstrora of Woodside ter race left this week for NIadison Wis where she is to enter upon the studies of the sophom*ore year at the university of Wisconsin i Mrs Loren Wood and daughter Miss Cynthia Wood of Temple street are at home after having spent the summer at their cottage at West Beach West brook Ct Raymond Dunnell of Mattoon street is taking a trip 'to St Louis Mo and upon his way west will stop off at Chicago De troit Indianapolis and other large cities Mr and Nirs Joseph Merrick of Lenox street announce the engagement of their daughter Ruth Carrie to Raymond But gess RusselLof Liberty street Nirs Emmeline A Allen of Bay' street and Mrs William Nf Nlills of NIapledell street are spend mg Li week at the bunga low of the former in Ellington Ct' Mrs Burton'D Schermerhorn and daugh ter Peggy of Malden street have re turned from a vacation spent at Bethle hem in the White mountains NIiss Sophia Buctkland of upper State street is home after having spent the summer at Bar Harbor Me and with friends in West Newton Mrs James Lynch and daughter Eleanor of NVoodside terrace are spend ing two weeks at their summer cottage at Monaiiguin Point Ct Mrs Robert Landon has returned to her home in Guilford Ct after a visit with her sister Mrs Harry ison of Magnolia terrace Mrs Josephine Eldon Macartney of East Orange announces the marriage en gagement of her' daughter Lola to Ernest Morgan of this city Harold Sloan of Mountainview street has returned to Worcester to enter upon the studies of senior year at Clark university The first meeting of the Every Other NVeek club will be held Monday in the home of Nirs Emory Perkins of os ter avenue Mr and Nirs Edward Hunt and their daughter Miss Alice Hunt are spending the week end at their bungalow in Bland ford Nirs Henry White of Crystal avenue re turned riday from a three absence at her summer cottage at Onset Mr and Nirs red Howe of West minster street have been entertaining their son red Jr and his wife of Quincy Mr and Mrs rank Winslow of Myrtle street are back from a vaca tion of two weeks at Scarboro Me Miss Mabel de'Varennes of Montrose street is in Lee where she is the guest of her sister Mrs John McAllister Arthur has returned to his home oh Dexter street after an outing of six weeks in Becket NIiss Vera Baker of Catherine street left yesterday for a short trip to New York city NIme Viger of North Main street has re turned from a four trip to New York Dr Brown has removed his office from the uller building to his residence 77 Maple trct The registrars of voters added 63 addi tional names to the list of the quali fied voters at the City hall last night Roswell Lee lodge of Masons held spe cial communication and worked the mas ter Mason degree at their meeting last night City of Homes lodge of Moose will hold theirregular meeting to morrow evening at 8 at their clubrooms on Wor thington street The ranklin county fair will be held at Greenfield Tuesday and Wednesday the 28th and 29th and plans have been made for a fine exhibition Trifling damage was done at the fire at 68 Bliss street for which a call was sent in at 5 yesterdav afternoon The: fire was set by a spark from the chimney and was confined to the shingles on the roof The aid society of aith church will hold its fall rally and reception to new members in the parish house at 6 At 3 a musical program will be given and announcements made for thee new year Refreshments will be served The national historical society of New York has elected Dr Plumb Brown of this city George Sheldon of Deerfield and Jo seph Hooker chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution of Enfield as original founders of the organization The first meeting of the reading class for the blind since it closed last spring will be held in the parlors of South Church on Maple street Saturday afternoon at 3 The readings last year were well attended and of great interest' It has not been settled who will be the reader at the meeting on Saturday The following musical program will be given at the church of the Unity this morning at 1045: Prelude Rogers: response thine Hans comb anthem the Lord my Harker: anthem the wave Christian Shelley offeratory baritone with Ashford in Guilmant Descriptions of the men charged with the murder of Nirs Elizabeth Griggs Nichols formerly Miss Griggs of this city have been sent to? the police of Spring held an 1 all neighboring towns The mur der was committed at Nirs home in New York city on September 8 and the New York police are looking for three men whom they suspect of the crime Rev Dr John Nfoore McGann of Trinity Episcopal church Chicago who has' been extended a call by Christ church of this city has also under consideration a' cqll from a church in it was learned yesterday Dr McGann made a favorable impression when he preached at All church in this city last sum mer and it was at this time that the vestrymen of Christ church decided to call him to their parish Phoenix lodge of Odd ellows enter tained four of the grand officers at their meetinglast evening They were the grand master the past grand master the grand instructor and the grand marshal Two candidates for the local lodge and one from the Ludlow lodge received the sec ond degree Two applications for member ship were received After the business meeting the members and their guests were tendered a supper in the banquet hall A Dr Clarence Ussher and Dr George Raynolds missionaries for local churches in Van Turkey who were forced to leave because of Turkish atrocities have sailed from Christiania Norway according to dis'patches received in this city yesterday and are due to arrive in ew York Oc tober 5' Dr Raynolds went to Van 40 years ago from Izmgmeadow as a mis sionary of Trinity church in this city and Dr Usriier has been the representative of the irst church in Van Charles Smith of 233 ulton street was arrested last night at Main and Carew streets for gun toting and drunk enness He was in police court yesterday morning on a charge of nonsupport and his case was continued When arrested on that charge riday night he managed to throw away a revolver The police believe that yesterday after his release he hunted up the spot where his dis carded gun lay and then made a round of friendly North end bars He was on his way home with threats when arrested again last night Regina circle Daughters of Isabella will hold its social meeting Tuesday even ing at 8 o'clock at their rooms in the Touraine 'building At the meeting the various classes will be formed namely dancing swimming dressmaking millinery and the study and dramatic club Anyone wishing to join any of these classes will report at that time so that nights con venient to all may be set Plans for the class initiation to take place in October willbe furthered and the matters of get ting a meeting hall and the change of meeting nights will be considered St Lea court of oresters at their meet ing riday evening entertained the local representative of the high standing com mittee James Benson who spoke on the good of the order The court is to have a membership contest between the and in connection with a class initiation to be held in December Chief Ranger Eleanor Mack is captain of the and Vice Chief Ranger Genevieve Dowling is captain of the The court i to have a Hal loween whist party in October which will bo in charge of Nirs Conlin NIiss Estelle Shcven Mrs Benson Miss Katherine MacDonald Miss Mary Moriar and Mrs Margaret Sweeney The "folio wing intentions of marriage have been filed in the office of the city clerk Antonio Matranga laborer and Mary Leone sorter both of 48 Tremont street Clinton rame of Throe Rivers assistant foreman and Irene Ritchie of 75 Harvard street teacher: James Skifflngton of 85 Elliott street postal clerk and Mabelle NL NIcBryde of Ware nurse: Arthur Charest of 55 Talcott ave nue machinist and Agnes Olivier of 586 Summer street Holyoke spinner: Herbert Stevens of 49 Catharine street machinist and Elsie Louise Danes of 9 Nevada ave nue at home Edgar A Beargeon of 43 Murray Hill court clerk and Ellen Sullivan of 14 Goodrich street at home The rummage sale which the equal suf frage league is to hold Wednesday will take place in the vacant store at 328Dwight street The committee in charge hope to make this a large affair and will be glad of contributions from the pub lic outgrown clothes and shoes the suits and overcoats that the men of the family have discarded waists skirts suits and gloves that are no longer serviceable to the owner hats that would be packed away in the storeroom china curtains bric a brac and countless other novelties that are no longer of use to you will be welcomed by the committee Arti cles may be sent to suffrage headquarters 243 Worthington street or they will be called for if word is sent to headquar ters telephone 2492 The following program of music will be rendered at Hone church to day: Morn ing prelude Rheinberger: an them God is my Adams anthem unto 'thy Allen response keep thy Broome offeratory trio will lay me Brown postlude Lorett evening prelude in Batiste anthem thing have I desired1: of the Marston: anthem source of every bless Schnecker offertory when night involves the Mendelssohn: postlude from 5th Guilmant The pastor Rev Dr Rollins will speak in the evening upon the ques tion recently' raised: Christianity broken A conference of men connected with the association of agricultural jour nals known as the National farm power will open in this city to morrow The Phelps publishing company will act as host and during the week will tender a banquet to the visiting delegates Those in attendance will include William Allen of Aberdeen editor and manager of the Dakota armer semi monthly Clifford Willis of Minneapolis editor and manager of the Northwest armstead weekly Hastie of Min neapolis northwestern advertising mana ger Lewis Draper and Arthur Hau bold of Chicago western advertising man agers and directors of the Orange Judd company Arthur Page of Chicago edi tor of the Orange Judd armer red Petty of Chicago editor of arm and Home western edition: A Niven edi tor and Brooks Jr advertising manager both of Orange Judd Southern arming in Atlanta Dr Charles William Burkett of New York editor of the Amer ican Agriculturist Thomas A Barrett of New York treasurer of the Orange Judd company and advertising manager of the American Agriculturist Wood of the Phelps and Orange Judd advertising department New York The Opening of opened on Thursday NIiss Helena Doughtv of New York takes the place of Miss Helen Lockwood teacher of Latin and history who resigned her position to continue her studies for the degree of Ph Miss Doughty is a Vas sar graduate who specialized in history and has done special work in Latin at the university of Michigan Miss Marion Mattice also a Vassar graduate will as sist in the English department While some of student's are taking English or special courses the majority of them are preparing for college Miss Porter and Miss Bostwick expect to at tend the 50th anniversary of the opening of Vassar college which is to be cele Sunday October 10 through Wednesday October 13 where they will meet many old girls among the Vassar alumnae Miss Porter is to be a guest of the college Miss Bostwick will be with her class of which 18 of its original 39 members expect to be pres ent The outlook classes of for the study of current events and litera ture will resume their meetings on Mon day afternoon October 4 and Tuesday evening October 5 These classes have been for years a marked feature in the intellectual life of Springfield and every thing promises for them a year of un usually interesting 'work i Chime Concert Program The municipal cliimc vcspers will be rung to night between' 630 and 730 in stead of at the earlier hour the second half of the program being planned with especial reference to fthe mass meeting in the Auditorium for the benefit of the war sufferers The tunes in the half are nearly all from Jewish and are particularly dear to the Jewish people as well as for the most part quite familiar to the general public The pro gram Will include the following: Part theme lovely are the Mendelssohn and low" Barnby bright smile haunts me come loud anthems let us in the stilly Moore for St Agnes Dykes gels of Kellar bells of Shan don "'Part the Bates Macarlane beautiful my coun Knecht the Tai rd almighty Purim chant ever glorious of Iwoff "The light Beethoven: the Lord ye heavens adore Weber heart that hath its own Schumann: rest in the Mendelssohn Sclwyn Bookings for Conrt Sanare Theater The Coiirt Square theater has announced as its opening attraction for Monday and Tuesday October 4 and 5 the Selwyu ik Co play a dramatization by Bayard Vciller of Irvin widely read stories that ran in the Saturday Evening Post John NV Cope an ad mirable character actor and Willis Swcatnam long famous for his blackface characterization will be prominent1 in the cast The stories by Cobb will be remem bered for the quaint Kentuckian and the entertaining humor of bis philosophy Ou Wednesday October 6 another Selwyn attraction Whitney ashion will play the Court Square matinee and evening This has been gotten up by Nirs Whitney a cele brated New York authority on style ami a group of 20 living models will demon strate the? latest things appropriate for wear The assortment of gar ments is said to be remarkable and the display will be staged in an effective man ner The fashion show will be open of course to both men and women Orpheus Club Trials This Week There will be voice trials for all men who desire to join the Orpheus club on Thursday riday and Saturday at the club rooms 16S Bridge street both after noon and evening Mr Bond will meet candidates from 3 to 5 in the afternoon and Mr Ahern from 730 to 9 in the even ing The trial is to give an idea of the voice quality and range and the reading ability Candidates should bring a song with which they are familiar Already over 100 have signified their intention of singing this year and the limit of 150 will soon be reached The invitation to try for a place is not confined to Springfield as the club has for many years had members from the adjoining towns and cities Rehearsals are held on Wednesday evening each week be ginning early in October and the concert is usually given the first part of Decem ber The season's activities start Tuesday evening October at the Highland hotel when the annua meeting and smoker will be held followed by a short rehearsal Clever Capture of Bicycle Thief It safe to fool with the padlock on a bicycle while in sight of a police officer with the detective instinct Acting Inspector Joseph Powers spied Daniel rancis lanagan of Mount Vernon doing that to a bicycle on Bridge street yesterday afternoon and then fol lowed him to a shop where lanagan told a story about losing his lock key and tried to get a machinist to crack the lock for him That was enough for the acting inspector lanagan went down to the police station on general principles One hour later John Carney of 17 Vinton street telephoned the police that his bicy cle had disappeared from the place he had left it on Bridge street He identified the machine as his own and Powers re ceived congratulations on executing a smooth little piece of police work 2d Regiment Men in Camps of Instruc tion Co of the 2d regiment is holding a two day camp of rifle instruction at the Bircham Bend range in Chicopee alls The men went out to the range yesterday and will return late this afternoon The hospital corps detachment of the regi ment is also holding a two day camp of instruction on the Riverside road in Aga wam The men went out to the camp yesterday afternoon and spent the night being scheduled to remain through to day NIaj A Gates is in command and the detachment has taken complete field equip ment including its new ambulance Drill and instruction in field hospital work is characterizing the camp This 'is the second camp of the sort the detachment has held this year Grand Army Men Oft for National En campnient To day Commander blastings of Wilcox Grand 'Army post is' the only delegate from Springfield to the national encampment to be held in Washington this week The main question of inter cst to the local Grand Army men to come up at the encampment is as to the advisa bility of taking the Sons of 'Veterans into the Grand Army organization The Springfield veterans are against the amal gamation of the two bodies A special car attached to the 750 train thismorn ing will take a party of 60 or 75 local people to Washington 'for the meeting Special trains will 'pass through the city later in the day bringing the contingent from Boston and the eastern part of the state Health Department Name Visitiiigf Nurse Miss Winifred A Hannigan will become the health department's home yisiting nurse on October 1 Ilers will bo the new work lately determined upon by the board of health She expected to accomplish much in instructing home keepers in sani tation aside from her nursing duties She is a graduate of the 'Springfield' hospital's training school with the class of 1912 Her appointment was made at the "health board meeting riday Dr Urgele La belle pro visional medical inspector of schools was given a permanent appointment Large Crowd Hears Equal Suffrage Address Miss Irene Boardman a Smith college undergraduate who has been prominently identified with the suffrage cause in Mas sachusetts last night at 8 ad dressed a large crowd of men and women from an automobile at the corner of Main street and Harrison avenue She outlined the reasons why men should vote on the suffrage referendum at the polls in November and was heard with deep atten tion throughout her talk NIiss Boardman has been speaking every day this week for the cause before returning to take up her studies at Smith She has given much time to canvassing for the local equal suf frage league this summer as she did last fad Union Stairway Now Open The stairway leading from the central platform at the union station to the new Dwight street underpass was opened to the public for the first' time at 330 yesterday afternoon The stairway has remained closed ever since the underpass was fin ished months ago the railroad officials refusing to open it until the street was properly laid out and accepted by the city This has receptly been done and the stairway was accordingly opened yes terday I Another Auto Stolen rom Barnes 4 Street Barnes street has clone it again A round dozen automobiles have been stolen from that short thoroughfare at the side of the Highland hotel within a year and Edward Chevrolet roadster joined the missing sometime between 8 and 9 last nighfi The machine has a black body carries a spotlight on the dash and the license' number under Massachusetts registry is 72308 The po lice spread he news wide but the rambling Chevrolet had not been recovered early this morning Drop orgers of Slate Sleet Here The two day convention of'drop forgers of Massachusetts which began here yes terday concluded its first seston at mid night in the Gilmore hotel vithout an nouncing any definite accomplishment There are about 25 delegates ptesent The convention has before it several phases of of the eight hour day crusade which ma chinists all over the country are waging and may make some important declara tions to day The pending strike at the Hendee manufacturing' company's plant involves a number of drop forgers Jitney Boarded ly Load of urniture Louis Karp runs a jitney but he'inearly went into the furniture business yesterday morning when a small express wagon gorged its load under the arch and the Karp machine temporarily took caie of the overload Not more than five minutes were required to send the furniture wagon on its way with keel upright and clew rejoicing at the ability of the wagonlto take care of its load Mr Karp took he matter in the conventional philosophic manner Nicholson Attends Corner Stone Lnj lug James Nicholson of this grand exalted ruler of the Elks attended the layl ing of the cornerstone at the new national home at Roanoke Va yesterday' The group of buildings will cost over $500 000 and will be dedicated in 1916 Prom inent Elks from all over the country par ticipated with Ruler Nicholson in the ceremony Small Blaze In Store' A fire started just before It: o'clock last night back of one of the counters in the combination grocery store and meat market run by A Wolf at 664 666 Worthington street The cause of the fire is unknown The damage was small GET NATIONAL GRANGE 1 1 Unlikely That Next Year Can he Secured for This City 1 Springfield will have to be content with entertaining the state grange here in De cember as the chances for getting the next meeting of the national 'grange are Very slim A Booth was instructed the local grange some time ago to investi gate the possibilities of inducing the na tional grange to hold its 1916 meeting in Springfield He has come to the con clusion that the case is practically 'hope less The national grange has met in the East twice during the last few years and the sentiment is strong to have the next meeting somewhere in the middle West or in New York state Boston would have first call if Massachusetts was? decided upon The grangers there have been work ing to this end for a long time and have received the indorsem*nt of more than halt the state granges already The matter will be definitely determined upon' at the national meeting to be held in California in November STORE AND BUSINESS NEWS Paul Kramer the clothier announces the opening of his new season with the largest and best stock of high grade cloth ing and furnishings he has ever carried The famous Kuppenheimer clothes which have been a large factor in building up his successful business will again be his principal line and with them be will have several other good makes at slightly lower prices Mr Kramer plans to de vote more attention this season to his de partment of furnishings carrying a very complete stock of such well known lines as Stetson hats Manhattan shirts and other quality articles Miss Nellie NIcCormick for the past three rears employed in the cloak and suit department of orbes Wallace has resitmed her position there and accepted a similar position with the Crawford Plum mer company The Lvman strect rink will resume bus iness and be at the service of the young people who are fond of roller skating Thursday evening and every afternoon and evening thereafter during the sea Liicv NL ill and NIiss Anna Shea of orbes Wallace have returned to Springfield after attending the millin ery openings in New Nork city The 'Hotel Worthy will begin to night the serving of a Sunday night dinner from to 8 30 in the main dining room A nmricai program will be furnished BORN nlnnock In this city 25thv at Wesson hospital a daughter to Clarence Jnd Pearl Paddock of 13 Northampton DIED Am In this city 24 th Winthrop LOhrl Sr 54 uneral services at Carew Ereet Bmitist ohnreh 3 tn Buridl in Oak Grove cemetery In this city 23d Margaret Grayn wifo of i Alexander Gray uneral serv home' 281 Wilbraham road to day (Sunday) nt Pv At Chicopee 25th Mrs Laura wife of Gordon 1 Rowley uneral from tn residence McKinstry avenue to sm Burial in Blandford Mass Tuesday at 11 a STONE At East Longmeadow 24th Edwin A Stone G7 uneral from his late home Pease corners to morrow (Monday) at 30 OBITUARY NOTICES CARD THANKS We wish to thank our kind friends and neighbors for their sympathy shown our recent bereavement and for the beautiful 'IAMS Mi'ttNNItJ Springfield Mass Sept 20 1915 s' i.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

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Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.