Thomas Limit Club Berkeley Cardinal- Totalipresent Legacies - FS_VulaPurrfectest_UOSCPUSOFC1 (2024)

Chapter Text

Disclaimer: I don't own anything, nor do I make any profits off this whatsoever. I own only my Self-Insert and OCs/Original Story Concepts and Dimensional/God Tiers; the rest are the property of their respective owners. This story is rated MA for mature adults; graphic content and hardcore smut is to be expected. Viewer discretion is strongly advised.

Thomas LCBC2- Supreme Omnidony of All Things

Book 1: Omnipresent Legacies

Chapter 7: The Unova Region- Pokémon Game Universe- Floccesy Town

Night had long since fallen over Floccesy Town as the Pokémon Center's own Nurse Joy remained blissfully oblivious to what was transpiring in one of the guest's rooms that they were staying in for the night. Not that she could've known that Thomas AKA Nate LCBC2 himself had modified the room he was staying in into a full-blown mirror dimension of Mega Omega Omnisphere proportions, or that he was currently caught up in a desperate struggle against 6 of the most supremely all-powerful Pokémon to have forever existed in the ZOF itself.

In the protective sphere that Mafalda operated in and used to monitor the progress of the battle; there was a rather large amount of commotion taking place as the still unconscious Stoutland lied in a heap on the ground; his wounds long since healed by the Golden Mew with amethyst eyes but remaining asleep for the time being. Her eyes were fixated on the massive bubble of liquid crystal displaying a projection of the ongoing battle in front of her; aware of the fact that some of her fellow members of TLCBC2's entire roster were manifesting within her sphere to watch as well.

Her mouth twitched upwards slightly upon sensing Omneon and a rather… unique reincarnation of Ash LCBC2's former starter Raichu also appeared on the scene. Said Raichu wore a leather biker jacket and had diamonds coming out of his ears and even one of his teeth. The f*cking 6-pack on him was unreal, and he looked like some 30-year-old human male. He had studs on his jacket, wore a diamond-studded band around his left foot, and wore a metal ring around the end of his tail. Pretty impressive assets for a Raichu all around; not that Mafalda herself was in any position to talk. C-Cup breasts hidden beneath patches of fur on her chest, 4-feet-tall with properly useable arms, and gorgeous amethyst eyes; she was definitely sexily toned as well.

"Alright everyone, place your bets! I'm betting against our new Trainer and fully believe he'll get stomped out there. Anyone who wants to bet against me is more than welcome to do so!" MOchu himself obnoxiously proclaimed as Mafalda quirked an eyebrow. That actually sounded interesting and more than a few of the Pokémon present were curious as well.

"I'm guessing we're not betting money, so what are the stakes?" One brave female Pachirisu dared to ask in her adorably squeaky voice. MOchu's answering grin was unnervingly predatory, and the Pachirisu backed away slightly as MOchu himself noticed a lot of really sexy female Pokémon currently present; his diamond tooth glittering as a lecherous smile split his face.

It was possible many of them expressed more than just a professional interest in their new Trainer, and MOchu was intending on taking advantage of that. Hell, there was a Lopunny, Latias, Meloetta, Mesprit, and surprisingly an Espurr of all things, which was unexpected because TLCBC2 cloned most or even all of his Pokémon from Ash LCBC2, and all of Ash's Pokémon were fully evolved. Perhaps his Male and Female Meowstic got it on at some point, and this Espurr was the result.

"Oh, that's quite easy cuties. The losers have to do anything the winners desire, and when I say anything; I f*ckin' well mean it!" He exclaimed with an insane gleam in his eyes. His obvious perversions and lechery were off-putting even for the girls, and as Supreme Omnidonae tier Pokémon themselves, they understood what it was like to be insatiably horny. Still, that didn't stop the likes of Latias aka Tia LCBC2 or Meloetta LCBC2 from taking that bet.

"We'll take that bet, and I'm willing to bet our new Trainer can still surprise us all. You're on MOchu." Tia said with a sweet smile as the dragoness and he shook paws on it, Meloetta next as she too decided to bet in Thomas's favor.

"I have faith in our new Trainer too; I'm honestly surprised and a little insulted on his behalf that you don't." Meloetta scolded him in a defensive tone, and MOchu smirked.

"He's the bitch who made me into the sort of MOchu that would bet against him. I'm just playing the cards he dealt me, and besides, the outcome of this bet and the battle make no difference to me in either case." MOchu snarked snidely in response. Meloetta shook her head with furrowed eyebrows, not understanding why her Trainer rewrote this Raichu's personality as that of such an asshole, but hoping she won the bet if only to prove to him that he was misjudging their Trainer. She was planning on forcing him to acknowledge that Thomas was the best Trainer they could've ever asked for besides Ash to look after them; she wasn't interested in sex between them… just that.

Espurr went up to him and shook hands as well, sealing the deal as she gave him a catlike smile. "Count me in as well. I don't really care about the outcome either way, but I'd like to see whether or not our new Trainer has what it takes to prove you wrong. Color me intrigued enough to take your poor attempts at baiting MOchu." She smiled sweetly at him, which MOchu returned with a lecherous grin. She wasn't intimidated quite as much though, and merely walked back away to return her attention to watching the projected battle video up above them.

MOchu looked around him at everyone else present, an expectant look on his face as Lopunny didn't take the lure, and neither did anyone else for that matter. Even Mesprit wasn't interested in getting dragged into MOchu's shenanigans, nor was Celebi, Jirachi, or any of the other mythical Pokémon who had come by to watch. "Oh really now, no more takers, that's disappointing…" He drawled almost as though bored beyond compare.

Mafalda surprised everyone by floating over to him and shaking his paw, a dangerous gleam in her amethyst eyes that honestly made even MOchu a little apprehensive. "I'll take all of you on; I'm betting it's a draw." She remarked in an all-knowing tone brimming with complete confidence; her words surprising everyone as much as her actions did. Even MOchu sobered up a bit seeing the look in her eyes, finding himself almost hypnotized by their luminosity.

"Um… okay, why a draw just out of curiosity?" MOchu couldn't help but wonder. The odds of a draw occurring was the least likely scenario out of all of them. In order for that to happen, Thomas would have to be knocked out of the battle at the same time as all of the remaining Pokémon he was fighting.

Mafalda's expression was unflappable, and her tone full of mystique. "Just a strong hunch…" She answered him vaguely, and MOchu swallowed somewhat audibly. While he was confident Mafalda couldn't have known the actual outcome of this fight; since manipulating the probability and controlling the infinite possibilities of a Supreme Omnidony's personal timeline was damn near impossible, he was still a little unnerved by how certain she sounded of the outcome. Predicting the outcome via Future Sight or some other method shouldn't have been possible either, but Mafalda sounded almost too sure.

"Okay then…" He hesitantly stated as she floated away once again to continue monitoring, the battle in full display via a huge projection bubble in the space above where they all stood. Somehow, he had the distinct impression he was going to regret making a bet against the metallic golden-furred Mew.

He felt somewhat better however when Omneon shook paws with him using one of her ribbons. "I'll bet against Thomas with you, and don't worry… I'll do anything you want me to no matter the conclusion." She purred in a seductive whisper, and MOchu was not ashamed to admit he honestly shuddered with pleasure. Omneon was never this promiscuous in their previous existences, and his eyes were once more glued to her ass as she walked away from him with an obviously deliberate sway in her toned and sexy hips.

"Damn minx…" He stuttered, before opting to look up and watch the battle continue on as TLCBC2 found his next opponent in the form of Zoroark's absolute powers of illusion.


Virbank City was much more than just some no-name metropolitan environment; it served as the border between two entirely various parts of the still expanding Unova Region. Given that the Southwest area of the Region had only recently established contact with the mainland, Virbank's port and subsequently its inter-continental boating industry was every bit as essential to Unova's economy as Castelia's own docks and industries were. Skyla's family had their air travel, but Virbank's recently built docking bays to transport passengers on fairies in and out of the Region had massively boosted the city's overall importance and value to the rest of the Region; a fact its inhabitants were immensely proud of.

Virbank had so many people both coming and going that it was hard to discern individuals no matter how distinct they happened to be. This was a fortunate situation for one Trainer who came flying in on a Braviary; one of the strongest of its kind in the Region. 20-year-old Rosa Mei was not strictly speaking a well-known figure in Unova, but as Riolu Girl she'd garnered one of the largest fan base followings in the entire Region; rivalled only by Elesa and surpassed only by Nancy herself who was without a doubt the most famous face in all of Unova aside from the legendary Champion herself Hilda. On top of that, while she wasn't necessarily well known and tended to stick to a certain level of anonymity; her battling prowess was so formidable that she was the talk of many people.

Known to many as the next Hilda; Rosa was a genius and a prodigy when it came to all things Pokémon battling. Some would even say it came as naturally to her as breathing did. Not that she didn't have to bust her ass as well as her Pokémon's asses to get where she was now; she started her journey later than normal at 15 and spent her entire life before then reading up on all things Pokémon and specifically about move pools, abilities, and everything else that applied to battling… even things like the long theorized symbiotic and synergetic relationship between Trainers and their teams. Everything that could've helped her and her Pokémon to improve their skills in combat; she learned it. She even learned how to incorporate contest-style fighting into her training regimens thanks to Nancy's tutelage and own considerable expertise on the subject. Now at 20-years-old, she had taken Unova's Gym Leaders and Pokémon League by storm.

Since Hilda had long since left the Region to travel abroad; that created a power vacuum in the Pokémon League, one that Rosa and the current stand-in champion Iris were more than happy to fill. In the ultimate battle of the Pokémon League, Rosa had dominated the Dragon Trainer but had instead opted not to take on the responsibilities of Regional Champion, and so left Iris with the official title. Iris contacted her regularly, often commenting how Rosa was the rightful champion currently.

Rosa rebutted by saying she didn't feel right taking the spot until she could beat Hilda herself someday, and Iris was more than happy to respect that. At the end of the day, they were both trying to fill the void left by Hilda the day she up and left without a word to anyone; though some believed she was pursuing her own dreams elsewhere or trying to find N. And so Rosa trained, and trained, and trained some more; partaking in both the Battle Subway and the Battle Institute on a daily basis, the Trainers there rumored to be stronger than Regional Champions themselves and in a class of their own.

She was currently breaking record winning streaks at the Battle Subway and had over 300 straight wins in her current Super Doubles Train streak, 100 straight wins in her Super Singles, and a world-record setting streak of over 9999 straight wins in the Super Triples; which was her all-time favorite battling format.

Considering the counter for one's winning streaks capped out at 9999, she had to continue counting her wins past that in her head and on paper, and because of this absurd number she was regarded as one of the most famous Trainers in the entire Battle Subway. The Subway Bosses were seriously considering passing on their job to her, and Rosa was seriously considering taking it. She loved the Battle Subway, and the Super Trains always managed to offer her the Champion-caliber battles she and her Pokémon partners so desperately craved.

She gave a contented stretching of her arms as she jumped off Braviary and recalled the Flying/Normal-type Pokémon in a beam of red light. She had between 30 and 50 different species of Pokémon on her person; all of them Regional Champion-level at minimum. She had her main six including her Unova Starters; her Contrary Serperior, Reckless Emboar, Shell Armor Samurott whom was also able to transport her across water via Surf, her Sheer Force Braviary for flying around the Region as needed, her Audino which she'd recently acquired a Mega Stone for, and her Anger Point Krookodile.

The rest were in storage in the portable PC storage system in her bag that she carried with her at all times; a recent addition to many Trainers' item rosters that was revolutionizing the prospect of Pokémon journeys. Not having to stop at a Pokémon Center constantly to swap out different Pokémon from your best teams was absolutely incredible, and Rosa was the first in line to grab one of these portable PC Storage Systems for herself.

Add to that the fact that Pokémon weren't just stuck in a digitized state in Cyber Space; because aside from the normal PC's ability to instantly heal all deposited Pokémon it also had the unique function of providing Super Training and other features a Pokémon could use. It even had a spa and full on hot tubs for the Pokémon to soak in, as well as a fully digitized berry field full of different types of berries that grew year round.

"Mm, home sweet home." Rosa casually remarked in her naturally sweet voice; glad to be back in the very same place she'd first taken up residence in upon moving to Unova at 15 to live independently of her parents. Her parents hadn't minded one bit given how driven she was and how determined she had been to start her journey in Unova for reasons even she didn't fully understand, and as long as she paid all of her expenses and utilities as needed they would continue to support her decision. She was the legal age of majority now in any of the Regions, and had accumulated a massive fortune due to her massive success as both a competitive battler and an actress.

She landed directly in front of the Pokestar Studios exactly as she instructed Braviary, and was pleased to see that no one milling about the city seemed to notice her. She was happy about this because nobody knew who she was underneath the mask of Riolu Girl, and she intended to keep it that way. A cloak of anonymity was important in her line of work; keeping the paparazzi away from her doorstep was necessary, and something both her costars and fellow sensation Nancy could relate to.

Elesa didn't seem to shy away from the media like they did, but both Nancy and Rosa sought to keep their private lives as just that; so Nancy kept her true name as Yancy a secret and used the stage name to cover her identity.

Rosa on the other hand, didn't need any other stage name other than Riolu Girl, and to this day nobody had any idea who she was underneath that mask because even in the after-credits of her movies she'd been given permission to use the pseudonym Whitley as a cover when people wanted to know who the actress for Riolu Girl was. Whitley was well-known as a pseudonym by now, and many had tried and failed to get her real name out of her, but Rosa had remained tight-lipped and uninformative about the whole thing. She and Yancy both believed they had a basic human right to privacy in their downtime, and so most of the interviewers and fans they had left them alone.

The director of the entire studio saw her walking through the front gate and beamed at her with surprised delight; greeting her with a megawatt smile and an over-the-top handshake. "Ah, Rosa, welcome… we weren't expecting you until tomorrow morning. Ever the early Pidove I see." He chuckled fondly, and Rosa couldn't help but smile. She and the Director went way, way back to her very first days as an upstart Pokémon Trainer and budding actress in training.

"I got finished up at the Battle Institute quicker than I expected, and I had time to kill so I thought I'd pop by early." She replied as she and the Director walked further in; Rosa smiling and saying a polite hello to all of the staff workers she recognized from years of performing here.

"Honestly, Rosa, you're almost too good. Beating all 5 trainers in a row so easily, and in record time I might add; what was your overall score this time?" He asked her, and Rosa arched an eyebrow while smirking, making him sweat drop.

"Another perfect set of victories, no Pokémon fainted or sustaining much of any damage in all 5 battles." She obligingly informed him, and the director sighed in amusem*nt; clearly having been half-expecting such a response anyhow.

"I swear; you're the most battle-hungry youth I've ever encountered. It's amazing you still manage to get anything else done, but your acting skills are phenomenal. I know I've said this to you many times before Rosa, but you're one of the most inspired and driven individuals I've ever had the pleasure of meeting." He praised her sincerely, and Rosa flushed slightly; beyond flattered by his compliments.

"I appreciate that more than you know Director Takashi." She replied sheepishly; not so overly confident that she failed to have a good attitude while battling Pokémon. As the Elite Four Member Grimsley once said, there were bad ways to win and effective ways to lose. She wanted to be the kind of victor who inspired her opponents in battle to reach for the stars themselves; meeting Grimsley had only reinforced that desire of hers tenfold.

"Think nothing of it dear, trust me… you more than deserve it. The fact you manage to stay so humble and no get a swelled head in spite of your amazing prowess is all the more reason to swamp you with the praise you deserve." He chuckled.

"Flattery will get you nowhere Director, though I do appreciate it all the same." She quipped, and they both shared a laugh while heading up to his office to discuss business and why she'd been called back to Pokestar Studios at this time.

He seemed to have read her mind, because he smirked as he led her up into his office in the building adjacent to the theater itself. Rosa didn't even hesitate to make herself comfortable and at home as she sat in the rolling chair and put her legs up on his desk; her position as the number one actress in the entire studio allowing her to get away with a lot, even if she was under contract technically.

"Would you like me to buzz you in some refreshments from the secretary downstairs?" The director offered her politely, only for Rosa to shake her head.

"I already ate back in Nimbasa City at the Crystal Steelix. Nancy recommended it to me as it's the best 5-star Restaurant in all of Unova and one of the best in the world. It honestly floored me not only how good the food was, but how expensive it was and by extension how expensive Nancy's tastes are. Then again, her status as the Region's foremost popstar and idol sensation is not even her only source of income; her family is filthy rich to." Rosa informed him surprisingly lengthily, and Takashi chuckled at her words.

"You know, it's kind of ironic that you bring up Nancy as she is the reason I've brought you back here despite your two-weeks paid vacation not being up just yet. We won't need you for long and you can return to your vacation once it's done, but before we get started on discussing the details can I just say thank you for coming on such short notice Rosa? I really appreciate how lenient you are and have been." He informed her as Rosa sat there and listened intently while nodding understandingly; silently urging him to continue as he cleared his throat and adopted a more business-like demeanor.

"We're going to be featured on Nancy's talk show and we want you to be personally interviewed by Nancy herself under your alias as Riolu girl. She reassured us she wouldn't ask you anything on record that you didn't want the paparazzi to know, but with such a golden opportunity to increase our ratings I couldn't say no. Of course, that all depends on how you feel as well. I understand you and Nancy are really good friends and I was hoping that I wasn't being too presumptuous to think you wouldn't have an issue with this." He smiled, looking somewhat unsure now as Rosa threw her head back and laughed; surprising him.

"Are you kidding me, this is awesome! Nancy's talk show is the highest rated TV program in all of Unova; most people would sell their souls to have the opportunity to even speak to her. Granted, she and I are friends, but I've always admired her to, and I think it would be nice to see her again. She's been really busy lately so we haven't had time to talk much or hangout. When will she be getting here?" Rosa concluded her responding statement with a question of her own as Takashi smiled and breathed a slight sigh of relief.

He had kind of overstepped a little bit when he took the initiative and agreed to this interview on Rosa's behalf before consulting her, but he had done so based on the reasonable assumption she'd be all for it, and Nancy was pressed for time the day she made the suggestion so he'd agreed without really thinking it through. Granted, he did have someone downstairs try to contact Rosa, but she had been unavailable, and since it was technically her paid vacation she was allowed to turn her X-Transceiver off during that timeframe; so he had taken the initiative and it had paid off in a big way. If they hadn't have known each other for as long as they did he wouldn't have dared take such a risk, but he was equal parts overjoyed and relieved when his risky gambit paid off.

"Tomorrow morning at 6 AM sharp; she was expected to arrive here before you were supposed to in order to help get everything set up for when you flew in on that Braviary of yours." He responded, remembering she had asked him a question as Rosa nodded and a smile crossed her face. Nancy was without a doubt the most famous out of the top three idols in Unova consisting of herself, Rosa as her favorite comic book hero Riolu Girl, and Elesa.

There was also a poll made one time about whom the general consensus of Unova's population considered to be the most beautiful; a bet Elesa had initially proposed, and which Rosa and Nancy agreed to out of sheer curiosity to know what the people thought. Afterwards they had all done their absolute best to strut their stuff on stage at Nimbasa City's beauty pageant, and Nancy had won by a landslide even against Elesa's superior expertise in the field; her innocent beauty as an adorable pinkette winning out over Elesa's more mature and provocative style. Rosa wasn't surprised to find she'd come in dead last; much preferring to be heroic and dynamic rather than a girl of endlessly radiant beauty any day of the week. Still, she was surprised as she fully expected Elesa to win.

Elesa herself was stunned by Nancy's landslide victory as well, but then again as far as superstars go the pinkette was pretty much a jack of all trades. She could sing like the legendary siren Meloetta herself, dance professionally, act on par with Rosa, hold her own in a worldly beauty pageant against the likes of Elesa and other top tier supermodels, and she was even a Pokémon Contest Master on par with Wallace and his Niece Lissia.

She could do Pokémon Showcases in Kalos almost as well and had competed in the Master Class Performance against the Kalos Queen herself and Kalos Champion Serena; narrowly losing to the blonde in the finals. Frankly, Nancy was such a skilled megastar in every sense of the word; that she was a household name on a global scale, an achievement neither Rosa nor Elesa had managed to accomplish as of yet.

On top of all that, she was also a skilled battler; not anywhere near Rosa's league, but her Pokémon were all remarkably well trained and Yancy caught them with some really rare abilities. Her Spinda alone could give Rosa quite a trying time whenever the two of them battled each other, but it was also great for support when they tag-teamed in the Battle Subway's Super Multi Trains as that Contrary Skill Swap onto one of her Close Combat or Superpower users like Bravery was absolutely lethal.

Not to mention Spinda herself also had the ability to use Superpower as well. Every time they got together Nancy would talk her ear off about all of the new Pokémon she had caught in her travels, and Rosa would soak it all up like a sponge that couldn't get enough water.

Nancy was the only person in the entire world Rosa knew who was probably more driven to excel than she was, and Rosa could scarcely fathom how she managed to do it all and still find time for her private life as Yancy as well. The fact that she was also only 17-years-old was absolutely staggering to contemplate.

Rosa hadn't really believed in the concept of Arceus-given talents for a long time, but if anyone had that kind of divine talent it was Nancy. But more than that, she was just so incredibly driven and put all of her heart and soul into mastering every aspect of being a superstar and teenaged sensation. It was truly inspiring, and Rosa wasn't ashamed to admit she probably harbored more respect for the younger girl than almost anyone else.

"Damn, I'm honestly looking forward to it." Rosa admitted finally after drifting off for a solid minute; Takashi chuckling as he clapped his hands in a jovial manner.

"Fantastic, we'll get everything ready for the big event, and until then I'm sure you'd like to get some sleep or something. I'm sure the Pokémon Center would be happy to have you." He smiled at her as Rosa shook her head; surprising him slightly as she giggled.

"I kind of already spent the day yesterday lounging around in bed and sleeping. Being only 20-years-old and in really decent shape is useful because I can get away with pulling all-nighters. Also, I've never been much for sleeping anyways. I think I'm going to take a look around and reacquaint myself with the old neighborhood. I might also go over to the next town and see Alder in Floccesy; it's been a while since I've chatted with him or Benga. Don't worry though, I understand I'm on a deadline and I'll be back in time for the interview." She reassured him before he could even think to protest, and Takashi nodded in acceptance as Rosa got up from her seat and walk out the door; knowing that the two of them had little else to discuss for the time being. She had her X-Transceiver in any case so he could call her if something came up.

She knew it was too early to be seen walking out of the entrance to the Studio and managed to slip out without being seen, which was just as well, because while some areas of Pokestar were open to the public all the places that were wouldn't be open right now… which meant she had to be careful when walking in or out so someone didn't see her and put two and two together.

"Man, the lengths I go to in order to guard my identity under the mask." She whispered to herself with a giggle, looking at the small city around her and trying to spot anywhere she might be able to hang out until Nancy came by to feature her on her talk show. It was only just past midnight, and Nancy wasn't due to show up for over another 5 hours; so she had lots of time until then to do whatever. She decided to pull an all-nighter just for the hell of it; she was young enough to get away with it without consequence so long as she didn't make a habit of it. Deciding on a whim to turn westward in the city and head towards the gateway building between Virbank and Route 20, Rosa was off on foot at a respectable pace; feeling a compelling urge to visit Alder that was beyond her understanding.


"You've definitely gotten stronger young man; the strength of the next generation never ceases to awe and fascinate me!" Alder himself roared with bellowing, joyous laughter from within his dojo-area that sat to the north of Floccesy Town. Said dojo was barely left standing due to the battle that had just taken place here, but thankfully the former Champion of Unova had more than enough money to hire a construction crew to repair it. This was the price one paid to have high-caliber Pokémon battles, and a price Alder had more than enough saved up to pay for time and time again.

"You did well gramps, but I'm still stronger." His grandson Benga shouted back equally as enthusiastically, a boy after Alder's own heart as his Latios stood floating above ground in the ruinous terrain of the dojo's floors. The two relatives shook hands out of pure sportsmanship, Benga chuckling as he locked eyes with his grandfather: the difference in height between them a thing of the past.

"You haven't lost your touch though, and clearly age hasn't diminished your skills old man." Benga bantered in a teasing tone as Alder chuckled and gave the young man a good slap on the back; a friendly gesture as the two of them enjoyed each other's company and Benga's Latios sweat-dropped at their loud and boisterous nature.

"What can I say… every time I see a strong Trainer my Pokémon and I get all fired up? I may not be able to partake in such battles on a regular basis anymore, but I always try to keep my razor's edge as honed as I can in my current state." Alder replied, and Benga returned Latios while looking to and fro at the dojo around them. Having long since sent the two preschoolers home after commenting on their training; Benga and Alder had decided to let loose since it was just the two of them now plus their Pokémon, and as expected Benga won the battle.

Floccesy Town's population had barely so much as flinched when a rumbling akin to trains going by shook their houses in response to the Champion-caliber battle; though the fact that both were doing this at past midnight would not have gone over as well if Alder's Dojo wasn't built a ways out of town. Had they built this place any closer; the shock waves and tremors generated by their fight would've been more akin to an Earthquake or level 9 Magnitude attack.

The student had long since surpassed the teacher, and Alder was getting just a bit too old to be hyper focusing on trying to keep up now. It was best to just take things nice and slow and steady now; he and his Pokémon had a good run, but they were content with where they were at now.

"This place is gonna need fixing again." Benga commented humorously as the both of them smiled and Alder decided to fill Benga in on what's been happening.

"I came upon a new veteran Trainer yesterday evening that I think you might enjoy battling. He and his team radiated power, and I could tell he was rather like you… young and extremely prodigious, one of those wunderkind types ya know?" Alder informed him as Benga arched an eyebrow; evidently intrigued by this.

"Did he give you his name?" He asked, hungry for information as Alder nodded and smiled at the boy's youthful enthusiasm.

"He said his name was Nate, and he moved into Aspertia City recently. He's already befriended Hugh and his sister Arya and has agreed to help Hugh with locating that missing Purloin of his sister's. He's actually back at Floccesy Town now and is staying at the Pokémon Center for the night. He seemed a reasonable man, and I doubt he would object to you dropping by to say hello to him." Alder told him somewhat lengthily as Benga nodded with an eager smile.

"Awesome, new competition; between you, him, and Rosa I've got a lot of possible rivals!" Benga excitedly exclaimed, their conversation halted by an all-too familiar voice speaking up from the broken doorway that served as the entrance to the dojo; said doorway torn off its hinges now splinters and all.

"Aww, I'm flattered Benga. I'd offer you a quick battle right now but not only is this place in shambles, but I'm also kind of on a clock. I had time to kill before I'm due to appear on set at Pokestar Studios, so I decided to come by. It is good to see you two again." Said Rosa as she stepped over some broken floorboards with a cheeky smile on her face, Alder and Benga both beaming back at her in a friendly greeting.

"Hey, talk about speak of the devil, huh Rosa?! I mean, what are the odds?!" Benga bellowed with a welcoming smile, and Alder snorted with amusem*nt as the pretty brunette eyed both of them with a look neither of them could properly discern.

"Indeed Benga. Long time no see boys. How have you two been faring, and what's this I hear about new competition?" She added.


Christopher Morley once said that 'no one appreciates the very special genius of your conversation as the dog does.' That and other such quotes about dogs being man's best friend all flittered across my infinite mindscape and brains at a breakneck pace as I found myself picking up where I left off after knocking out my Stoutland with a well-aimed Ultra-Power attack. You might all be wondering why I made such a big deal out of Zoroark's attack on my psyche a little bit ago, but I can honestly tell you that while I loved all of my animals; Lord Stanley's Pup had an incredibly special place in my now infinite number of ceaselessly beating hearts.

I wasn't necessarily angry or vengeful in any sense of the word, but I can guarantee you Zoroark hit below the belt with that illusion of his, and I was going to return the favor. Unfortunately, defeating Zoroark and his bevvy of illusions along with the rest of my Team was looking to be one helluva wall to climb right about now.

"An Ascension Form Arceus huh… I know these are illusions technically but that doesn't mean anything when they become part of this Mirror Dimension's reality. Still, don't think this will stop me Zoroark!" I exclaimed with an almighty roar as I stood across the space terrain from the perfect likeness of my Arceus Arion in his strongest form.

Ascension Form Arceus was arguably one of the most busted of my original Pokémon form concepts from back in the day; his ability alone was the single most powerful ability of all in Supreme Omnidony terms or any other, and he was an Omni-type Pokémon to boot. Add to that his limitless move pool including the ability to use all punching moves, and you had a Pokémon with Smeargle's versatility, foundational power-levels comparable to the strongest of Supreme Evolutions, and the very aptly named Meta Pokémon Manipulation ability.

I had to admit, seeing one of my earliest Ultra-Verse Pokémon concepts in the flesh for the first time was yet another ridiculously awesome part of being the ultimate Self-Insert, and I couldn't wait to see how I stacked up against it now that I had similar powers myself. Ascension Arceus looked relatively similar to the other Arceus forms, but with two distinct differences.

One being that his cross-shaped wheel and his hooves were a boundlessly polychromal blend instead of just one color; an indication of his Omni-type status, and two being the tendrils of golden energy sprouting from his back and wheel in a very Tangrowth-like fashion only without them being rolled up into a ball around his body and extending outwards instead. I knew they also had unlimited reaching capacity so they could pursue me endlessly no matter how much I ducked, weaved, and dodged his attacks; a useful feature in all honesty, and one that would be hard to counter.

The tendrils each ended in fists and allowed Arceus to use any and all moves including punching ones, which was typically impossible for the Alpha Pokémon to utilize, but with his legendary One Thousand Arms that limitation was entirely voided. Thankfully for me, I also had his main ability in the form of Meta Pokémon Manipulation; so I was on an even playing field with this illusionary version of Ascension Arceus.

I immediately took evasive maneuvers as the Arceus charged at me; a metallic sheen covering its head and body as I realized it was using Iron Head. Given that I had Omni Guard as one of my abilities; Iron Head was one of the few types of moves that could hit me for super effective damage right now, and so I flew away from the colossal equine being at a breakneck pace through the void as it continually charged at me.

It was as I flew past the Pokémon world's sun that Zoroark's illusion decided to mix it up and get a little fancy; the Ascension Arceus glowing brilliantly with the golden-white light that indicated his Meta Pokémon Manipulation manifesting. I smirked confidently as I decided to fight fire with fire, and manifested my own version of that ability while still flying all over the place and boosting my speed via Sovereign Simplicity-enhanced Agility. I didn't use any of the glowing theatrics that my opponent used when manifesting that ability, and preferred to be more subtle about it instead so as to catch Zoroark off guard. Making full use of my Hyper-Competency in all fields; I managed to acquire an infinite level of skill in the art of subtlety and sneakiness… along with the art of catching an opponent off balance. Basically, I instantly became the ultimate Grandmaster of Ninjas across the ZOF; without any need for formal training or self-study beforehand.

My senses were perfectly aware of the Arceus illusion attempting to invert the type matchup system. My smirk widened as I decided to use mine in order to sneakily change every move used by Arceus and by extension every other one of my opponents into Steel-type moves without him or Zoroark being any the wiser; rendering him and hopefully the others effectively useless in the current matchup system. I also used this ability to make it so that every Steel-type move used against me not only did zero damage but also increased all of my stats by an infinite number of stages; each stage representing an infinite multiplication in power themselves rather than the normal 50 percent increase.

"Take this!" I heard Zoroark exclaim through his illusionary Arceus as its tendrils all thrashed outwards towards me in a potent combination attack. I could see a barrage of Drain Punch, Focus Punch, Force Palm, Dynamic Punch, Cross Chop, Storm Throw, Power-Up Punch, Sky Uppercut, Sacred Sword, Secret Sword, and Roar of the ZOF, Omni Mega Omega Omnisphere Wrecker, Clangorous Soulblaze, and Twister attacks all screaming through the vacuum towards me.

Some of the tendrils reached outwards to strike me physically while the others shot beams of draconic energy from their palms in a very Kamehameha fashion. One of them even grew scales and osteoderms which began to rasp and grind together like a Sidewinder as it fired off the signature Z-Move of Kommo-o at me for x infinity super-effective damage. Every single one of the Fighting-type moves would've hit me for x4 super effective damage as well; given the fact that the type matchup system was inverted by Zoroark's Arceus only moments ago. Unfortunately for both the illusion and Zoroark; they were about to be in for a helluva nasty surprise as I floated there in the dead of space with a manic grin splitting my face.

My arms were held out wide as if to welcome the onslaught with love and acceptance as every single attack struck home and resulted in a massive explosion the outshone the Sun itself and eventually overtook it; detonating the entire solar system and the Milky Way Galaxy beyond that so that literally nothing remained; not even dark matter. In total violation of the laws of conservation; matter and cosmic energy were completely destroyed on the galactic scale.


Back in the viewing chamber created by Mafalda; MOchu was looking a bit too smug for everybody's liking upon watching the massive explosion that spawned as a result of their Trainer foolishly opting to try and tank that attack head on. "Ain't no way he's getting back up after a hit like that! I told you bitches that he's out of his league and bit off more than he can chew! And now here's the proof for y'all to see!" He exclaimed excitedly; literally salivating at the mouth as the thought of being able to make Mafalda, Tia, Espurr, and anyone else who betted against him do whatever he wanted pervaded his mind. He looked to and fro in anticipation for Thomas's unconscious body to materialize in here and for the match to be declared over, but grew increasingly nonplussed when there continued to be no sign of Thomas LCBC2.

"What's the matter, I thought you had this locked MOchu?! Perhaps you underestimated our Trainer." Mafalda cooed at him with a knowing smile, one which made him narrow his eyes at her in suspicion.

"You f*cking puss*; what did you do?!" He hissed, and she smirked broadly.

"Who, Moi, I did nothing MOchu. It is as I said, you seriously underestimated him. Keep watching everyone; Thomas LCBC2 isn't out of the match just yet… not by a long shot." She giggled fondly as everyone excitedly waited for the explosion of infinitely brilliant light and energy to finally dissipate. MOchu was the only one not looking forward to this now, and was growing increasingly worried about his chances of winning this bet as the orb of light grew smaller and smaller as though imploding on something or perhaps it was being absorbed. He shook his head and recovered from his stupor; a self-satisfied smirk on his face.

If his Trainer proved him wrong, then good for him; no matter the outcome the Raichu was confident he would have the last laugh in the end. Omneon watched him out of the corner of her eye; a smile of amusem*nt etched on her face as a slight blush dusted her cheeks. One thing she was grateful to her new Trainer for was the opportunity to know and fall in love with her original self's mate all over again in their new lives together.

He was definitely a co*cky little asshole who fit all of the worst bad boy stereotypes, but she was surprised to find that didn't bother her in the slightest. Quite the contrary actually; it just added to his allure in her eyes, and she would have him for herself in the end. Of course, he was free to fool around with other mates on the side all he wanted, but she found herself wanting him as her Primary Pokémon mate once again. She turned her attention back to the display bubble above them in the chamber, and watched with fascination as the light finally dissipated and their new Trainer was revealed unharmed.

"Well, I'll be damned; I don't know what hat trick he pulled just now but he seems way stronger than before now." Tia LCBC2 the Latias remarked with an appreciative whistle; she and the others speculating on what methods he could've used in order to turn the damage caused by those attacks into healing and stat boosters instead. The excitement in the atmosphere was dialed up by eleven as their Trainer fought back against the illusion at long last, and the entire Mirror Mega Omega Omnisphere vibrated and thrummed in response as even Mafalda's private viewing chamber felt the effects of that blow. The excitement only continued to mount as a result, and even MOchu started to wonder if Thomas LCBC2 might somehow turn this duel around.


I gave a loud war cry as the illusory version of Ascension Arceus evaporated into total nonexistence with a satisfying boom; the result of my maximally overcharged Ultra-Power attack which was not only an infinite attack and defense modifier by itself, but was also made even more infinitely potent in its effects by both my Perfect Contrary and Sovereign Simplicity abilities; which increased the original attack and defense modifier of my move by an endless set of infinities again. This overwhelmingly overpowered Fighting-type attack; coupled with my recent absorption of the illusory Arceus's barrage of attacks granted me an unbelievable advantage in this battle now.

If I felt like a God before, it was nothing compared to how I felt now; power unquantifiable surged through my form as I was haloed in the boundaryless incandescence of an infinite number of Mega Omega Omnisphere's. "YESSSSSSSSS! I FEEL LIKE I CAN TAKE ON THE ENTIRE ZOF AND ALL OF ITS SUPREME AND ZENITH OMNIDONAE RIGHT NOW AND WIN!" I screamed as my voice rattled the vacuum of space; unable to believe how intoxicating this rush of power felt or how much energy I felt over-saturating every particle of my being and Hive Mind.

I shot off across the universe in a literal blaze of glory. A f*cking Astrophysical Quasar jet streaked behind me in a kaleidoscope of colors and purest cosmic energy; one far longer than the norm and growing ever more elongated as I continued to increase the gap between me and the former Milky Way's likeness. I flew right through the churning turmoil of chaos at the heart of the Pokémon Universe and prepared to tear into my next adversary, who I hoped was Zoroark. I extended my senses outwards in all directions while flying to encompass the whole of our Mirror Dimension; batting aside Zoroark's attempts to redirect me or otherwise block my search for him and tearing through his network of illusory powers like a hot knife through half-melted butter. I was coming for him, and there was nothing he could do to stop me even as I saw Serperior flanking me on my left in a superluminal slithering motion while Swoobat and Throh flanked me from overhead and on my right respectively.

"Think you can take all three of us?!" Serperior quipped with a competitive smile even as she slithered across the outer space terrain at sufficient enough speeds to keep pace with me.

"Come find out!" Was all I said, and with that the three of them attempted to box me in from above and on both of my sides correspondingly. I flew to the side as Serperior attempted to intercept me in the middle of my flight path; effectively sidestepping her as I launched a full-powered, flying haymaker at Throh. The sumo wrestler Pokémon expertly blocked my punch with one of his arms, attempting to throw me off balance with a Storm Throw attack as I recovered quickly and let my recent alteration of everyone's attacks via Meta Pokémon Manipulation turn his own power against him.

Throh was knocked back spaceward by my natural immunity to his turned Steel-type Storm Throw attack; his attempts to toss me inside of the critically hitting storm of his fighting aura rendered useless as the storm was instead absorbed by my body. I grinned savagely at him as his own attack increased every one of my stats by another infinite set of infinite stages thanks to the inverted type matchup system coupled with my own fancy manipulations along with my Sovereign Simplicity.

"What did you do?" Throh couldn't help but wonder. I smirked back at him with complete confidence.

"You're a master tactician and expert on all UV-based Pokémon moves and abilities; you figure it out." I bantered, but I didn't even give him the chance to work it out as I used my own knowledge of Type Inversion Matchup systems to my advantage.

"Diamond Storm, Splintered Stormshards, and rotating Head Smash drill combo!" I yelled my attack plan as was only polite; manifesting Z-Power for the first time this fight and augmenting it to Supreme Omnidony levels as Throh's eyes widened with dread. I flew towards him at blinding speeds while rotating my body in a drill-like fashion; the power of Head Smash materializing as a white-hot aura around my body as the OHKO powers of Horn Drill was added into the mix and painted the white energy encasing my body as a multicolored Spiral Energy attack. The rotational spiraling of my body acted as an irresistible gravity funnel for the manifested asteroid belt of Diamonds and Splintered Stormshards to orbit around and add to my onslaught as Throh could only stand there in time Dilation and bear witness to the inevitable.

However, I was caught off guard when Swoobat literally swooped in at the speed of the ZOF's fastest Hummingbird and intercepted my attack before it could hit Throh. The collision that followed resulted in two colliding spiral energy attacks that formed a Particle-Horizon-sized infinity symbol of pure, omnipotent energy; one that grew endlessly larger and larger as the struggle continued without a decided victor.

"I'm impressed, your Unaware ability lets you go toe to toe against an otherwise more powerful opponent due to being ignorant of their stat mods, but tell me Swoobat… how far will that unawareness take you?" I taunted him with a snicker, confident he could hear me even through the silence of the vacuum and the infinite decibel sound of clashing drills of spiral energy.

Despite my bravado I was surprised by how well Swoobat was doing. His Simple boosted Calm Minds and Amnesias allowed him to boost his own stats infinitely while basically ignoring my own stat mods, at least to a certain degree. I'm sure some part of him was aware of how badly I outclassed him in raw power, but due to the nature of his first ability that awareness was sealed away to give him a temporary edge. Unfortunately, Unaware had one fatal flaw; well, two if you counted the fact that he was equally unaware of my stat drops as well, but the main flaw of the ability was that it was a state of mind rather than a state of actual matter, power, or energy differentials.

Swoobat's ability to maintain that obliviousness was entirely dependent on his own willpower; it didn't subtract from my stat boosts but rather ignored the effects of said boosts, and unfortunately that ignorance was only ever temporary. Even still, he continued to collide with me using his own considerable psychic abilities; using Psychic to create a pink spiral construct of energy around him that attempted to match my own. Unfortunately for my poor Swoobat, not only was I immune to such an attack due to my using Meta Pokémon Manipulation earlier, but I had the edge over him in terms of raw power, and that disparity would only grow more apparent even to one with my Psychic and Flying-type's considerable ability.

See, the ability Unaware was developed by certain Pokémon as a survival instinct to block out pain caused by stat boosted or superior opponents in terms of raw power; thus allowing the Unaware Pokémon to defend or escape until it could lick its wounds and heal itself as it were. Unfortunately, the greater the difference in power and the longer one tried to maintain this mindset; the more difficult it was to hold it indefinitely. Holding it indefinitely was normally not a problem for this particular Swoobat; especially when he was up against a non-Supreme-Omnidony-tier adversary, but the problem was that he was this time, and I had no intention of losing this fight.

I gave a gritty scream of pure determination as my spiral drill attack began to quickly overtake my rival's. Throh was using the distraction provided by Swoobat to buff his stats via the Sovereign Variants of Bulk Up and Z-Work Up simultaneously; sensing that the only way to muscle through my current immunity to his every move was to buff his stats to a higher level than my own.

Swoobat was forced to break off the connection between our two attacks and try to dodge, but I came in way too fast even when he tried to use another Simple Boosted Sovereign Agility variant. Slamming into him with the full force of a type inverted Head Smash, Diamond Storm, and Splintered Stormshards combination attack wasn't enough to do him in on their own; it would hurt like hell even with him being able to resist the meteoric blasts buffeting his body, but he would tank them relatively easily.

No, what did him in was me adding Horn Drill into the mix last minute and purely on a whim. My not calling out the name of the fourth attack in my combination was enough to catch Swoobat off guard. Throh had taken the opportunity to attack me from another angle as the Psychic/Flying-type bared the full brunt of my OHKO attack at Supreme Omnidony levels; viewing Swoobat's KO as a necessary sacrifice as my spiral energy merged with his residual psychic energy to form a fully-fledged infinity symbol. This neon signature of my people had grown way beyond its former galaxy-cluster scaling, and was blown to the proportion of an entire Super Omega Omnisphere within my Mirror Dimension; brightening the entire Mirror Dimension beyond that with a polychromal ultra-luminescence.

The second this attack struck Swoobat however, the impossibly gigantic double helix shattered like glass with explosive results. The shards carrying onwards in every conceivable direction and detonating on contact with every alternate Omega Omnisphere and Super Omega Omnisphere in their trajectory; creating a cosmic scaled fireworks display that would've been brought against me and my Pokémon as the most heinous act of Omnicide were it not for the fact that this was a lifeless imitation of my entire Mega Omega Omnisphere and nothing more. I inwardly applauded the brilliance of my design for this Mirror Dimension; the explosion also having the desired effect of knocking out my second Pokémon for the battle.

Swoobat floated aimlessly in the space beyond the Super Omega Omnisphere's before he promptly vanished as an iridescent gold light enveloped him and teleported him away to Mafalda's created sanctuary. It was easy enough to deduce that she had secluded herself somewhere removed from this dimension while also being able to keep an eye on it and supervise like I asked her to. I had to admit, she was doing a bang up job, but I didn't have time to appreciate her brilliance for long as I had a vastly supped up Throh to deal with now, and Serperior hadn't attacked me again since slithering alongside me.

I could sense immediately that they were both gearing up for another attack and planned to take me together now that they'd gauged my current power-level better through Swoobat. It didn't take me long to realize they were buffing their own stats in order to gain enough power to bypass my immunity to all of their attacks; that was the way Supreme Omnidonae mechanics worked after all. No ability, no matter how strong was an absolute infinity; this included Pokémon abilities and moves.

Sovereign Variants were designed with the sole purpose of giving Pokémon and Trainers of our caliber the ability to enhance their base power and effects to a proportionately infinite level as our ever-expanding abilities; because a 100 percent increase by a regular Swords Dance would not be anywhere near high enough a power buff to make any sort of difference in a battle of our people's magnitude.

But being able to multiply our powers and stats by some uncountably infinite margin or even set of margins… that could make all the difference and disparity in the ZOF and beyond. Being able to continually increase the already infinite potency of our every attacks and abilities made Pokémon much more relevant and deadly even in the Supreme Omnidonae tier, and trust me they were a tricky lot to deal with even without that absurdly OP advantage.

My hearts were racing literally a million miles per Planck Instant inside my chest; a testament to my current rush of adrenaline and other brain elements that were both human and inhuman in nature alike. I braced myself for the inevitable continuation of the fight as Serperior and Throh both double-teamed me, and I grew a smile as the snake-like Grass-type wrapped me up in her constricting coils and started putting the squeeze on me as Throh delivered another, much more infinitely powerful Storm Throw that managed to somewhat bypass my current level of immunity to the entire type matchup system.

Serperior held me in her seemingly unbreakable grasp and tightened her body around mine all the more as I attempted to wriggle myself free from her; unaffected by the massive storm generated by Throw tossing me about even as she and I flew asunder together in a tightly interwoven pretzel. I winced slightly at the first sensation of true pain I'd felt nearly this entire battle; my eyes widening upon sensing their powers increasing to a slightly higher degree than my own.

Serperior turned up the charm as well and gained a literally supernatural allure as she bombarded me with her Sovereign Captivate attack. I was only able to partly resist it as my Omni Guard reflect some of it back to her, but that had the opposite of the desired effect as half of it went into lowering my special attack while the other half heightened hers thanks to her Contrary ability. Now, I bet you're all wondering why my own Sovereign variant of Contrary had no effect on her use of that move just now; it was because the power-level of that attack exceeded the effectiveness of my ability right now. If I was going to get out of this situation with my ability to keep fighting still intact; I would have to get pretty creative right about now.

Unfortunately, I was further hindered from making any smart moves by Throw delivering a now 4x super effective Focus Punch straight into my gut; knocking the wind out of me and ejecting spittle from my mouth as I was sent hurling away from him in a now semi-conscious state and with Serperior continuing to lower my stats with more of her Sovereign Captivate; going all out with her hold on me both literally and figuratively as I fell almost completely under her power.

She had me right where she wanted me, and was currently flicking her tongue inside of my ear and around my earlobe as her tail travelled south and toyed with the hem of my pants as a significant bulge began to form there. Serperior was without a doubt the hottest snake in the entire Pokémon universe; at least in my opinion… an opinion she was now capitalizing on as she combined my attraction to her species with the overall effectiveness of her Captivate attack.

I knew if she caused me to climax by jerking me with that tail of hers; I likely would've never had a more powerful and intense org*sm up until that point, but that same org*sm would make the effect of her move so incredibly overcharged that it would drop my Special Attack to absolute zero impotency, and with it… any chances I had of winning this duel would be pretty much over.

The part of me that was still uninfluenced by her allure honestly questioned whether that was a bad thing if I was going to get so lovingly serviced by my hotter-than-heaven-and-hell-combined Serperior, but the fact she was only using sex as a way to amplify the effects of her move made me want to muster up any pride I might've had in my abilities as an LCBC2 Counterpart to turn this around on her somehow. If she was going to go this far, I didn't want it to be only because she wanted to win no matter the cost; like, screw me because you're actually attracted to me bitch or not at all. Even I had some self-respect; enough to realize this was not at all cool.

Why in the world had I created Pokémon who were so willing to fight dirty and go below the belt? Why were they so willing to do anything in order to beat me? Were they really that desperate to disapprove me as their new Trainer, or was this their own perverse way of testing me in ways other than my battling prowess? It could've been they were testing my willpower; a Supreme Omnidony's libido was so formidable it was often an exploitable weakness even against an enemy with a pretty face and a quick handjob. Given my newness and inexperience as an LCBC2 Counterpart; she probably wanted to make sure I was as prepared to deal with this kind of attack as much as possible.

With these thoughts in the last strands of my mindscape that still remained crystal clear, I racked my brains for a possible way out of this. This wasn't going to be easy, but I was confident I could find a way out of this if I just thought. That's when it hit me, and my eyes widened slightly in a pure 'Eureka!' moment. Maybe the key wasn't to overthink this at all, maybe the key was to stop thinking altogether and let this happen, or to put it another way; maybe the key was to enter a state of Omninescient Oblivion.


Back in Mafalda's protected sphere; the golden-furred, amethyst-eyed Mew was currently blushing up a storm at the p*rnographic display between her Trainer and Serperior up on the projection. She found herself wishing it her was her giving her Trainer a tailjob out there, but without the added twist of it being a test of his willpower… she literally just wanted to f*ck him. "Jeez, he's really hung… isn't he?" Tia the Latias LCBC2 commented blithely from somewhere behind her, and Mafalda nodded mutely in agreement. His Supreme Omnidony Deification had been most kind to Thomas; that was for damn sure. Of course, she didn't know if that was an attribute he acquired solely in his form as Nate LCBC2, or if it applied to all three of his manifestations currently existing. She intended to find out when and how she could.

MOchu ruined the moment slightly by guffawing uproariously. "He's also getting his bitch ass pwned by Serperior's Captivate attack!" He pointed out, and Mafalda shook her head with a knowing smile on her face. While MOchu was right that predicting the outcome of a Supreme Omnidony battle was near impossible; that didn't change the fact that she had done so… being whatever she had become when Thomas instructed her to take on the powers of both an Omni IB ZOF Master and a Supreme Omnidony had altered her in some way compared to the norm for their kind.

She didn't really understand what was happening, but it was like her Omni IB ZOF Master Status was carrying over to her Supreme Omnidony side, and if that was the case she'd eventually become a fully-fledged Omni LCBC2 Counterpart. This begged the question of how Thomas knew such a loophole in the LCBC2 Counterpart system existed, but that was another question for another time. She opted for now to keep watching the battle and maybe confront Thomas about it another time. And hey, at least it was benefitting her ability to Future Sight the outcome of this battle.

"You're really determined for him to lose for someone who says he doesn't give a sh*t about the outcome." She responded to MOchu finally, and the Raichu shrugged.

"It's called playing the Devil's Advocate sweetheart; someone has ta with all of you bettin' he'll win. At least you're keeping things interesting by bettin' on a draw Goldilocks." He said in a semi-serious manner, and Mafalda shrugged in return; not entirely certain what was going on through that head of his but not really caring at the moment.

"Just keep your eyes peeled and watch; it's about to get even more interesting I daresay." Mafalda said while winking at him and Omneon cheekily. MOchu couldn't help but shiver a little; something about Mafalda's confidence was unnerving to him. That and the fact she could likely take him apart without the slightest effort made him equal parts apprehensive and eager to find out how skilled she would be in the sack. That aside however, he returned his attention to the display bubble projecting the battle, and true to Mafalda's word he wasn't disappointed by what he saw happen next.


Ah, the beauty of my concept of Sovereign Move Variant concepts; there was Incomparably Serene Nirvana for Calm Mind, Frenetic Lightsaber Warzone for Swords Dance, Ultraluminous Posterior for Tail Glow, Omnimalevolent Plan for Nasty Plot, Colossal Carapace Crunch for Shell Smash, and finally Omninescient Oblivion for Amnesia to name a few that I've managed to come up with cool sounding names for over my years as a mortal. At least, such was my own personal opinion. Using what was left of my rational mind from Serperior's continuous use of her Sovereign Captivate Variant; I commanded my abilities to put me in the mental state that follows the use of Omninescient Oblivion.

Such a peel-back on the layers of my infinite mindscape put me in a completely unknowing state; uncountable levels beneath the threshold of my usual omni-consciousness. I forgot everything about anything, including my own name and the taste of bread, and things that would classify me as a true amnesiac which many doctors believed was impossible. No longer did I know things either intuitively or with personal memories involved; I was completely and utterly unaware. My entire mindscape was wiped completely clean, and I entered the most blissful state of unknowingness I could ever remember being in; not that I remembered much of anything while in this state.

There was something strange however, something my unconscious mind refused to let go of for some reason even I couldn't have worked out. All I could remember was a pair of the most beautiful faces I ever remembered seeing; with the sweetest smiles and pinkest hair I've ever seen… one of the girls had blue cornflower eyes while the other one had heterochromal, heart-shaped eyes with identically shaped pupils. For some inexplicable, unquantifiable reason; these two unknown pinkettes whom I've never met before remained forever locked in my psyche, and I would later question this as I became aware once more. For now however, I was slowly but surely accomplishing what I set out to do with my Sovereign Amnesia Variant.

This mental state or lack thereof turned out to be exactly what I needed to not only resist the allure of her Captivate attack due to not even being aware of it but also buff my Special Attack stat back to the level it was originally at. Used in tandem with a silent Omnimalevolent Plan, Ultraluminous Posterior, and Colossal Carapace Crunch on a purely instinctual level and I was already way, way past my optimum levels of infinity.

I snapped back to my senses just in time to deliver an insanely overpowered Sovereign Overheat, which outlined my entire body in a white-hot glow that burned hot enough to forcefully transform entire Omega Omnispheres surrounding us into Kugelblitz event horizons just by the sheer overexposure to my attack. Serperior held on for as long as she could to try and ensnare me further, but her body went slack from the pure heat she was forced to endure; knocked out cold and drifting through the Realm of Absurdities before she even had a chance to work in tandem with Throh properly. Mafalda promptly teleported her to safety and I was wreathed in an all-consuming, all-powerful Kugelblitz of my own making; my iridescent amber eyes locked on Throh's position as the Fighting-type sweat-dropped both nervously and a little bit due to the heat I was giving off.

Having buffed significantly higher than he was in the time it took for me to defeat Serperior; I knew this still wasn't much of a contest as he and I stared each other down… my continuous use of the Sovereign Overheat boosting my special attack by an infinite margin even further still thanks to my Perfect Contrary ability being back in full swing. Captivate would be very, very unlikely to work on me like that again now, but thankfully Serperior was already removed from the fight, and I had a feeling Throh would go down quickly to as long as I fought smart and didn't get too co*cky.

"3 down, 3 to go!" I exclaimed with a cheeky smile, unable to believe how far I had gotten already, and Throh narrowed his eyes.

"Your winning streak stops with me." He retorted in his gruff voice, and I beckoned him with the 'come at me' gesture famous for taunting people.

The both of us ran at each other; two simultaneous ripples of distortion spreading out from our bodies with only the space of the void and the surrounding Omega Omnispheres to serve as a terrain for our feet. We met each other in the center of our respective positions and caused the entire Super Omega Omnisphere to literally meltdown as a result of our collision! The massive multicolored orbs all imploded like balloons swelled with too much air before transforming into spirals of jet black with white-hot ergospheres orbiting their event horizons. These singularities were caused by an imbalance of matter and thermal energy within the Super Omega Omnisphere itself, said imbalance caused by none other than me and Throh. The boundlessly intense concentration of light, heat, and energy of the collapsing Totalities became self-trapped within their own event horizons.

My hearts raced at top speeds as my adrenaline spiked and my body began to feel the pure, almighty blaze it was giving off to… making me feel feverish in the best possible way. The burst of power and superheated light suffused the Super Omega Omnisphere we currently fought in with enough heat to turn every one of its infinite Totalities of existence into a Kugelblitz; adding yet more fuel to my ever-increasingly all-powerful Overheat attack as I flew back from the collision with Throh completely unharmed, and he brushed himself off with little more than a few ashes and soot tarnishing his red skin.

I floated on the spot as he flew at me with a Storm Throw; attempting to overpower my earlier use of Meta Pokémon Manipulation to turn all moves used against me into Steel-type ones and invert the Type Matchup System as well. Unfortunately for him, my power-level was much, much more infinitely high than his was, and I knew it to. Deciding to stop dragging this out and increase my winning streak from 3 to 4; I extended the aura of my Sovereign Overheat outwards to envelop Throh.

When I didn't feel the concussive force of his attack forcing its way through the heat wave or him attempting to move any further through it I pulled the attack back inside of myself, and I saw Throh just floating there in the perfect vacuum; as unconscious as Serperior had been only moments before. I gave a fist-pump and whooped out loud at my landslide victory, though I fully expected to have to bust my ass from here on out. I couldn't help feeling ecstatic even as I constantly reminded myself not to get a swelled head. If things kept up at this rate though, not only would I have won the entire battle but I would be able to point out the obvious flaws in my Pokémon's teamwork.

They seemed to have a problem attacking me as a unit and insisted that they could each beat me on their own; a mentality that was proving to be a costly mistake for them, or maybe they all just wanted to test me to see how I did in a one-on-one battle. That to me seemed the more likely answer; given how experienced I knew Ash LCBC2's Pokémon to be I knew they'd have no problem attacking me in tandem.

With that reassuring thought in my head I opted to keep searching my Mirror Dimension for any sign of Zoroark; watching in silent awe as the Omega Omnispheres were converted into white-hot black holes all around me… I laughed at the unexpected oxymoron. It's kind of funny, but when there weren't any lives at stake like in this place; the destruction of entire Totalities of Existence at a time was actually a beautiful spectacle to behold. Not that that made destroying their life-filled brethren before their time okay in any way, shape, or form.

Returning my focus to the battle, I decided to draw both Typhon and Zoroark out kicking and screaming, and promptly manifested my glowing aura of Sovereign Overheat outwards; expanding it to infinity and beyond countless times over until the whole of my Mirror Dimension sans Mafalda's sanctuary was converted into forms of matter and energy too hot for human minds to have a name for. The entire Mega Omega Omnisphere of the Mirror Dimension was converted into a colossal Kugelblitz of a size and proportion that made even my eyes bug out slightly, but I managed to absorb its energy and unwind the Singularity itself as I left nothing and nowhere for them to hide. I didn't have to wait for long either, and narrowly dodged a Sovereign Night Daze that blasted my way and exploded into a supermassive discharge of dark energy behind me.

Zoroark came levitating onto the scene to greet me with a savage smile on his face, and I was momentarily stunned when my last attack didn't draw out Typhon as well. It made me dread to think what he could've been doing, but I didn't have time to dwell on that as Zoroark fired another Night Daze off and I was forced to dodge once more… not wanting to take a chance with that attack hitting me right now.

"If you wanted to do something dramatic to force me out into the open; congratulations, you've succeeded TLCBC2… you may not be glad that you did." He growled at me, and I smirked back at him while doing a quick scan of his power levels. He and I were honestly pretty even, which was startling for me to consider as I had been doing nonstop power-ups this whole battle. No doubt he had made beneficial use of his Omnimalevolent Plan attack to shore up his own offenses; bringing them down to bear against me.

Mafalda was working to restore the Mirror Mega Omega Omnisphere to its former glory all around us so that our battle didn't accidentally destroy the actual ZOF beyond it; returning it to equilibrium so as to better contain our battle. She recreated all the Super Omega Omnisphere's, Omega Omnispheres, and every omniverse, multiverse, Hyperverse, etc. contained therein each of them.

"Well, that was the plan, and I think you'll find I'm quite glad of this outcome Zoroark." I quipped back at him; the two of us going hog wild as we flew at each other full throttle… the tempo and pacing of the battle going way, way up as we punched, kicked, dodged, parried, twisted, and spun at each other at ludicrous speeds. He blocked my attempt to deliver a haymaker across his jaw and followed up with a right hook from his other arm. I ducked under it and delivered an uppercut straight into his chin… sending him flying upwards away from me in slow-motion as I sped up my inertial reference frame as fast as it could go.

I could see the spiraling motion of the Super Omega Omnisphere's nearest me remain suspended in space-time. I flew in behind Zoroark as he continued flying from the explosive blast of my uppercut. I promptly followed up with an attempt to deliver a precisely measured blow to his temple, but he caught onto what I was doing and sped himself up accordingly; just in time to dodge my attack as he flew away. A shimmering mirage of afterimages trailed behind him as I tore after him across the entirety of our Mega Omega Omnisphere Mirror. A perpetually all-embracing astrophysical jet streaked behind my form in a spectrum of colors that completely defied any understanding of the concept.

Thus began the ultimate cosmic-scaled game of cat and mouse, and I multitasked while continuing to endlessly pursue him across our entire Mega Omega Omnisphere. I was making use of one of my favorite stat boosters AKA Ultraluminous Posterior. This caused my ass to literally glow in unlimited colors; the sensation akin to a burning hot series of mini prostate org*sms that set my heart throbbing, my brains' chemical elements surging, and my Special Attack skyrocketing to even higher levels; at least in my case. My move blended so well with my quasar jet that Zoroark wouldn't have known I was even using it, and that was if he were even able to focus on such a detail right now as I continued to slowly but inexorably close the distance between us.

"f*ck dammit all, you're so persistent!" Zoroark cussed as we circled a couple of Omega Omnispheres, dove headfirst into the mouth of a Super Omega Omnisphere Sized volcano just as it erupted and took both itself and the two Super Omega Omnisphere's nearest it down with it. Our bodies displaced the endless spewing of lava frothing through the volcano mouth; tunneling through the molten plasma as it erupted in the opposite direction. Zoroark and I weren't even fazed or slowed down. And so our chase continued as we tore an asshole through the volcano and caused it to blow both its top and its bottom; our game continuing onward into an ice storm far beyond the volcano comprised of negative infinite degrees below absolute zero temperatures… basically a Super Omega Omnisphere sized version of the boomerang nebula, with a far colder climate.

The Kelvin scale would have you believe two things; one was that nothing could be colder than Absolute Zero, and two all forms of atoms would cease motion at that temperature. Both were debunked as Zoroark and I flew through the wild and the winds of a Super Omega Omnisphere that completely violated the Kelvin scale and didn't decelerate our molecules in the slightest.

I finally cornered him at the very center of our Mirror Dimension- where a swirling vortex of unimaginable power that served as the Trans Omni Omega Omnispherical Heart or Core- spiraled and churned like the frothing mouth pit that it was. True to the nature of a cornered animal, or any being actually; Zoroark was willing to do whatever it took to stop me chasing him, and fired a barrage of Night Dazes at me, while following up with a Sovereign Foul Play that turned all of my power against me. The Night Dazes hit their mark with explosive contact, but were simply absorbed as I increased my power endlessly thanks to my Meta Pokémon Manipulation still being in effect as well as Zoroark's illusion from earlier.

I attempted to the dodge the Sovereign Foul Play; knowing it would damage me more if there was a great disparity in our respective power-levels, but Zoroark must've sensed what I was trying to do and altered his course accordingly, just in time to crash into me with the raw power of a 100 billion Mega Omega Omnisphere's comprised entirely of dark energy… a much bigger ZOF than the one currently existing as we flew backwards from our collision. Every particle of my body ached horribly, and I think Zoroark managed to break some bones as well, but I refused to go into shock or fall unconscious. I was healing fast and diverted some of my overall power into accelerating the process even further.

I sensed my opponent closing in with another, more powerful Sovereign Foul Play, and I knew that if that attack hit me again then the duel was over. I had to resist the urge to panic as I worked my healing powers overtime; the torn muscles knitted and the broken bones mended along with my closing lacerations and even a disintegrated arm or leg regrown. f*ck I was a mess, and I was surprised Mafalda hadn't tried to declare me unfit to battle after that, but I guess the fact I was still conscious meant I was still technically considered good to go. My ability to block out pain seemed to have surprised her as well, but when I felt her concern in the back of my mind I reassured her I was alright.

Zoroark's attack was closing in on me fast, and I finished healing just as he struck my locale once again; a massive obscuring wave of black energy enveloping the battlefield and blotting out the results. Nobody could see whether or not he hit me, but all was revealed when the obscuring cloud of infinite blackness dispersed, and I was revealed having disappeared in a whirl of speed just in a nick of time to dodge the attack. My hearts were pounding ferociously in my chest and I was hunched over in the Realm of Absurdities with my hands on my knees while panting slightly, but I was still in this fight, and already my indefatigable stamina was overtaking my momentary fatigue as I bore a toothy grin.

"Whew, Jesus Christ LCBC2 almighty that was close." I sighed with relief, and I could feel Mafalda and some of my other Pokémon cheering me on now as Zoroark looked nonplussed that I had managed to dodge him so narrowly. He then smiled at me in obvious approval, a gesture I found rather welcoming.

"I have to admit, that was some impressively timed, do-or-die dodging Thomas. Even when I played dirty and did everything I could to win against you; you still didn't give in. If you defeat me now; I can honestly take pride in the fact that I was beaten by a worthy Supreme Omnidony adversary." He complimented, and I chuckled.

"Your illusions are definitely tricky to deal with, and your actual attacks are nothing to sneeze at either. Honestly Zoroark, I'm as surprised as you are that I seem to be a natural at being a Supreme Omnidony. Your words mean a lot, especially coming from a Zoroark as powerful as you are." I replied, and he nodded as the two of us grinned at each other, easing into a more sportsmanlike atmosphere.

I clenched my fists; deciding that it was time for the kiddy gloves to come off. Zoroark seemed to have the same idea in mind as I launched a volley of Sovereign Psycho Boost attacks; the multicolored spheres of pure Psychic-type energy hurtling towards Zoroark at superluminal speeds. Such a barrage of Type-Inverted super effective attacks would've been more than enough to defeat him, and they boosted my special attack stat by an uncountably endless margin with each successive use to. Zoroark however, countered with a Focus Blast barrage; the singularly pigmented orbs meeting my iridescent ones with Omni-Omni-Novae being the result of their every collision, and matching my attacks move for move. Because even though my attacks grew more powerful with each successive use; Focus Blast could match their power due to being super effective against Psychic-types right now in the current matchup system.

Still I continued to fire my barrage with unerring accuracy; my hands outstretching and retracting with each burst of power that came erupting through my crackling fingertips, my body haloed in the same kaleidoscopic lights that my Psycho Boost attacks were made up of, and my special attack soaring to heights unimagined as I only continued to grow more and more powerful than I ever dreamed of becoming. Zoroark realized what was happening too late; didn't see the way his Focus Blasts struggled more and more each time to disperse my Psycho Boosts quickly enough and was too slow to make up the difference with a poorly timed combination of Focus Blast and Omnimalevolent Plan, and unfortunately for him; he was too late to stop the inevitable now. My strategy for this move had paid off, and he didn't see what my strategy was until I was already too powerful to stop. My Psycho Boosts were more than powerful enough currently to tear a bloody swath through his Fighting-type moves and sail towards him unimpeded by his counterattacks; inverted type matchup systems be damned.

The results of my Psycho Boosts hitting him were catastrophic; thousands upon thousands of the polychromal orbs striking him each with the force of a billion, trillion Mega Omega Omnisphere's and growing steadily more powerful still. The central singularity of the Mirror Mega Omega Omnisphere was literally singing with rapture in my presence right now as I gave it the over-exposure of power and energy of a lifetime. I finally let up when I knew for absolute certainty there was no way Zoroark was still standing.

And to my great relief my instincts turned out to be right as Zoroark was finally brought down. There wasn't an inch of his body that wasn't covered with swollen cuts and bruises, and one of his eyes was screwed shut due to the bruise above it as his body began to instantly self-heal but too late. He was already unconscious and declared unfit for combat; unlike when I suffered such grievous injuries and somehow had the willpower to remain conscious… Zoroark just didn't have the willpower it would seem.

My eyes lit up with absolute elation at the prospect of bringing down 5 out of my 6 Pokémon thus far. I was content with my placement now that I brought down Zoroark. Whatever the results from here on out happened to be, I was perfectly alright with them. That didn't mean I wouldn't shoot to go all the way, hell no… but I wouldn't put up a fuss if I didn't win at this point either. Honestly, I was kinda taxed for lack of a choosier term since I was by definition inexhaustible. It was more like my fighting spirit was satiated for the time being.

Zoroark's body became outlined with a dazzling golden light that was Mafalda's psychic energy signature; watching him disappear with said light in order for my all-powerful Mew to further accelerate his recovery process. That left just me and Typhon my Complete Form Kyurem as the last two still standing. I did a quick mental synopsis of everything I knew both Typhon and other Complete Form Kyurem to be capable of; to remind myself of what I was up against. A combination of Perfect Contrary, Sovereign Mold Breaker/Turboblaze/Teravolt, and Total Status Negation were the three abilities he was running, which meant he would be able to use his attacks on me regardless of my own abilities and negate my indirect stat boosters to.

I looked all around for any sign of my final opponent; who was no doubt aware he'd finally run out of time to hide away doing whatever he was doing. I wasn't fooled for even a second; his hiding was most definitely a strategy to continuously power himself and his abilities up. I continued to extend my Omni Senses to encompass the whole of my Mirror Dimension; coming upon a blind-spot in my scanning that I hadn't sensed before. And as I zeroed in on it and transported myself over to its locale; I was suddenly struck by a series of Sovereign Draco Meteors faster than I could react to, and I screamed in pure, unadulterated pain as the attack ripped right through my Omni Guard and my type inverted matchup system as though they weren't even there.

Barely conscious now as the smoke cleared to reveal me brought to my knees in the void; I watched as a blank space in front of me shimmered and dispersed from existence like a desert mirage as Typhon was revealed before me in all of his Draconic, Godly glory. "I had a feeling I could count on you to put up a decent fight kid; just as I knew my teammates would expend their energies pushing you to the brink and give me time to bolster my already considerable forces.

I've gotta hand it to you Thomas; your mastery of your abilities is truly inspiring given such an abbreviated time having them, and you've even got me making use of my omnipresence to train as you have been. The results are insane just as you've predicted; that I can honestly say, and I thank you for giving me new insight on how to increase my abilities in a new and unprecedented manner, but this is the end of the road for you." He roared as the very dark matter and energy surrounding us vibrated in response to his reverberation.

A red down covered his body to indicate his absurdly boosted special attack stat from that last Draco Meteor, and I was so wholly encompassed by my all-consuming pain that I don't know how I managed to find the strength to stand up then and there. That last attack alone had been enough to devastate me, and I knew it was do-or-die now as I was on my last legs.

"I cannot believe how powerful you are Typhon; I couldn't be prouder to call you my Pokémon and my friend, but if you think I'd just roll over and accept defeat… you don't know me very well yet. That's okay though, I've always believed true greatness can more often than not spawn from humble beginnings, and I've always had to struggle and push myself back in my mortal life. And what we do in life echoes in eternity; why should I stop pushing myself in my new life as a Supreme Omnidony?! Just who the hell do you think I am?!" I roared back at him; summoning another Leaf Storm which I tossed at him in the form of a giant space tornado for super effective damage.

Kyurem was able to dodge by flying upwards and above it but was surprised when I immediately jumped up with him and followed up with a combination attack consisting of Sovereign Leech Life for super effective damage, Giga Drain which was also super effective, and a flurry of super-fast Drain Punches as I screamed while bashing my fists directly in his face; quickly enough for my arms to be rendered as indiscernible blurs even from my perspective. The goal of this combination attack was to help accelerate my recovery process while also doing chip damage to Typhon; since my status moves were all sealed away and I couldn't access them for this fight, I had to implement certain… other methods.

Kyurem gave a grunt of annoyance and brought one of his massive claws down towards me in an overhead Dragon Claw attack that cleaved the very Super Omega Omnisphere behind me in two; one which proved to be super effective in the type matchup system and which also bypassed my Omni Guard and Meta Pokémon Manipulations. I crossed my arms in front of my face and took a defensive stance. The attack did unbelievable amounts of damage and tore through off both my arms like a knife through hot butter; managing to leave a massive triple gash across my chest as well as I screamed blue bloody murder in pain.

There was blood floating everywhere in the fabric of the Absent Realm, and chunks of my flesh from both my arms drifted asunder as well as I was still somehow conscious. I hadn't even gone into shock and was surprisingly okay despite my missing limbs; don't get me wrong, it hurt like hell and like nothing I've ever felt before, but somehow my ability to cope with pain had been brought up to the same level as my other aspects of existence as an LCBC2 Counterpart.

Typhon wasn't done however and attempted to follow up with another Dragon Claw as I managed to somehow dodge on instinct and flew away as fast as I could manage while trying to regenerate my arms. I called upon my Meta Pokémon Manipulation powers while retreating for what seemed the first time this fight as Typhon shot after me in hot pursuit. Using my Meta Pokémon Manipulation powers to cheat the Kyurem's Total Status Negation ability; I made use of my Transform move to turn into an Amalgamation form Deoxys… one which combined the attributes of Attack, Defense, and Speed forms to create a sort of perfect form for the DNA Pokémon with the same attack as his attack form, the same defense as defense form, and the same speed as speed form. My Regeneration powers started working much, much faster as my equally enhanced speed allowed me to stay way ahead of Typhon for the time being.

Closing my eyes and concentrating on the power of Supreme Evolution now within me; I became awash in a blinding white orb of light with a rainbow infinity symbol and felt my enhanced transformation taking place on a cellular and beyond subatomic level. My entire body burned as I felt myself growing taller and my base stats soaring to unprecedented heights even for a Deoxys as my ever-changing pair of arms became all four pairs simultaneously instead to signify all the different forms at once.

My ability/abilities swiftly transitioned from a simple Pressure ability to Perfect Contrary, Supreme Power the Sovereign variant of Pure Power which doubled my base attack by an infinite margin every infinitesimal Planck Instant fraction. I was also able to use my Meta Pokémon Manipulation to give myself that exact ability even in my current form; something deeper than gut instinct told me that Ascension Arceus's ability might just save my bacon one day, maybe even save the whole of the ZOF.

Supreme Amalgamation Deoxys wasn't normally able to have Meta Pokémon Manipulation as one of its abilities; so I bent the rules just a teensy bit. Along with that, I also gained the most important ability of all for this battle… one shared in common with Supreme Mewtwo Z which was known as Omni Ability Negation; one which would instrumental against Typhon and would get me back to a more even playing field with him as I negated all of his abilities. Of course, I would have to play keep away until I could get my power on a similar level as him; otherwise my ability would hold no power over him.

Typhon grew tired of this game of cat and mouse and summoned a never-ending arsenal of Draco Meteors that impeded my path and began to fly at me from all directions; very akin to that dodge the asteroids video game from my childhood, only much faster and more numerous asteroids than even the hardest possible settings that could be programmed into that game. I fired Sovereign Psycho Boost after Psycho Boost at each incoming meteor; attempting to blow them up and increase my offensive capacity at the same time. Unfortunately, although my stats were continuously climbing; Typhon had obviously made the disparity between us absurdly long as he continued to watch me struggle to fend off the Draco Meteors.

It was as I was blowing them to smaller and smaller bits as they kept coming at me that I got a brilliant idea. I then used my Double Team Shadow Clone technique to start multiplying my current form as Deoxys. What was originally one of me became tens of thousands, billions, octillions, ad infinitum. Typhon's eyes actually widened as the entire Mirror Dimension was overrun by innumerable copies of my Supreme Amalgamation Deoxys form; each one complete with all the powers of the original and capable of multiplying the sum total of all of my copies' powers as a joint unit. We became a nigh unstoppable one-Deoxys-army; all of them firing Sovereign Psycho Boosts in every conceivable direction as Typhon couldn't even dodge… there was literally no space for him to do so as I was literally taking up nearly all the space in the Mega Omega Omnisphere that he wasn't occupying currently.

Some of my copies followed up with Ultra-Power on my instruction as I became my own Supreme Omnidony Nexus interconnecting all of my bodies at the base… bombarding Typhon from all sides a billion times over as the Complete Form Kyurem grunted and eventually roared with pain at my ceaseless attack. I was doing it, I was finally getting the edge on Typhon, and I knew I needed to capitalize on this as hard as I could until the big behemoth finally went down. He was only visible as a rippling, faceless phantasm amidst the vast army of Supreme Deoxys and attacks my loyal guerrillas dealt him with. Every attack dealt by every single one of my clones enhanced the overall power of our collective whole; each one of my clones growing more and more powerful, durable, faster, and smarter with each executive attack as well.

Typhon finally counter-attacked after several moments of bearing the brunt of my onslaught, and when he did I was nonplussed to find my army of clones now being counter-assaulted by an army of Typhon clones. Such was the breadth of our combined and respective numbers now that Mafalda was forced to expand the Mega Omega Omnisphere proportions of our Mirror Dimension to double its original sum; giving half to Typhon and half to me as our two all-powerful armies lead an all-out, Celestial war against one another that set the highest heavens ablaze and left no Planck length of our entire Mega Omega Omnisphere untouched at any given time.

It was simply incredible that we managed to find the space in which to fight; given that our presences had to be causing an imbalance of mass and energy the Mega Omega Omnisphere over. But somehow, the space expanded around and between our two armies just enough that we were able to discern who was who and who to attack. Copies of Typhon bit, clawed, or smashed into my clones with Zen Head-butts for super effective damage, whereas clones of myself tentacle jabbed, eye-gouged, Ultra-Power tackled, or otherwise dispersed his army one by one. The casualties eventually started to pile up on both sides until our respective numbers descended from absurdly infinite to just shy of a billion, and so on and so forth.

By time there was only one of us left though; the respective sets of infinite power-ups we both received while operating through all of our Shadow Clones stayed with us. I tackled him with a Leaf Storm funneling around me with much more confidence than ever before… having spent a relativistic eternity warring ceaselessly with him and learning all of his different moves and fighting styles through our respective clone armies. Typhon gave a cry of pain as I hit him with the super effective attack; my Omni Ability Negation now strong enough to negate all of his abilities for the duration of the battle so long as I continued boosting while fighting. He managed to shake me off though, and delivered a Dragon Claw to my cut, but I surprised him when it did nothing and instead turned to a Steel-type move which healed me and increased all of my stats instead yet again.

I caught his expression and grew a confident smirk; I can't believe this, I think I might have actually had a chance to win this entire match… it certainly looked that way to me at least. That is until Typhon pulled away and did something that surprised me in turn. He used an Ultraluminous Posterior and Omnimalevolent Plan combo; a dark cloud of infinitely wicked thoughts appearing above his head while his massive, draconic tail became haloed in the light of a 100 billion Omni-Omni-Creations.

He continued to use these stat boosters even while attacking me with Psycho Boosts of his own; bypassing my immunity to all attacks due to his level creeping up and surpassing my own as I fired back with my own Psycho Boosts to bridge the gap yet again. And so began our power struggle once more as we continuously and ceaselessly bombarded each other with multicolored spheres to try and edge each other out, but our respective powers continued to be too similar in magnitude, depth, range, breadth, etc. It was simply impossible for either of us to get the distinct advantage over the other as I gave a cry of frustration and finally decided to use my finishing move in a last ditch effort.

The ultimate stat boosting move in terms of my physical attack, and one which would hopefully increase my abilities to a high enough level to fully counteract Typhon once and for all. Hopefully it coupled along with my ever-increasing base attack would be enough to clinch this. My countenance became much more severe, and I adjusted my visor which had been thrown ever so slightly askew during the match; my current manifestation as Nate LCBC2 literally radiating resolution and grit determination.

"SOVEREIGN… BELLY DRUM!" I screamed theatrically; speaking aloud the name of my all-time favorite stat boosting attack except perhaps Extreme Evoboost or Z-Geomancy. While continuing to fire my barrage of Psycho Boosts from my Attack Form Deoxys hands; my Defense Form Deoxys hands created a drumbeat by slapping on my belly over and over again to hype up my fighting spirit and attacking prowess to the ultimate level. This allowed me to increase my physical attack stat to any maximum level I desired no matter how absurd, and even had a full restore effect on my health and energy-levels as well… unlike its normal and even Z-Move variant.

Deciding to increase my attack to infinite sets of infinities above and beyond that of Typhon's sum total power value; I folded back that disparity between us, sequenced it endlessly, and then proceeded to loop that sequence itself endless times over once again. I then looped that loop ad infinitum over and over and over and over again… finally allowing myself to stop when I was sure there was no way in hell Typhon could make up the difference between us now. My body was bathed in the light and energy of a ZOF comprised of incalculable sets of uncountable Mega Omega Omnispheres… way, way more than enough to wipe Typhon out.

I did it, I had finally, finally won, and I really couldn't believe it either, but I had to attack now; otherwise I ran the risk of Typhon bridging our current gap. I… I… I… ugh! I didn't feel so good suddenly as I fell to one knee; so oversaturated with power that it was actually taking its toll on my Supreme Omnidony existence. Given that I only had two LCBC2 Titles to work with presently; there was a limit there somewhere to how much I could increase my powers by in one sitting before my body became unable to adjust to the massive influx of energy rushing through me. Typhon capitalized on my weakness and used the one move that could've saved him in this circ*mstance.

"Omni Thief!" He called out, his body exuding an omni-bypassing ghostly aura that I knew would be able to hit me full force and steal all my stat boosts while adding them to the damage toll… and there was nothing I could do about it as I knelt there panting slightly. This allowed Typhon to administer what would appear to be the finishing blow, but little did he know I had one more ace up my sleeve. And it all depended on me tanking this blow; because whether or not he stole the effects of my stat boosts… my current base levels had already started adjusting to the power I was endowing myself with. I was able to learn from this experience and adapt to it, I guess I really was a natural.

I grit my teeth and attempted to block out the nigh unendurable pain that lanced through my entire nervous system as Typhon the Kyurem dealt me a seemingly finishing blow of the Super Effective variety; Omni Thief's effects allowing him to bypass the effects of both my total attack immunity and the type inversion system in place. I felt all the stat boosts I'd spent this entire battle collecting leave me in those very moments, but my base power changed to match my current boosted levels just in time for me to suppress the battle damage slightly as Kyurem gained all of my stat boosts on top of his own and did massive damage to me.

The massive explosion of dark matter that resulted from his striking me was enough to rip a hole in the fabric of our Mirror Dimension. Mafalda would have a helluva time patching that up; especially once it began to draw in every one of the Super Omega Omnisphere's and every level below it as well as Typhon and I floated unmoving within its ergosphere. When the storm of impenetrable blackness let up; I was revealed to be on my last legs and brought down to both my hands and knees while panting… broken, battered, and bruised all over as Typhon's last attack brought me to the breaking point, but still not enough to knock me out. Typhon's eyes widened in actual horror at my absurd display of willpower, "I don't believe this, what's it going to take to finally take you down kid?!" He exclaimed questioningly, and I smiled somewhat darkly as I locked gazes with him.

"I'm not done yet either… Sovereign, Omni-Bypassing… Reversal and Omni Counter combo!" I shouted out in a strained voice; given how fatigued I was, I was amazed I could muster up the energy to speak even a single word of that. I was drawing on reserves of power now that I didn't even know I possessed, and Typhon and I both knew it to as he could do nothing but take my attack head on. Like me, his body was still adjusting from the overwhelming surge of power that came from stealing my stat boosts, and for once I was the one capitalizing on it and not him. My attack landed without error or any miscalculation on my part; generating yet another explosion for the umpteenth time as I felt more than heard Kyurem's roars of pure pain… the vibrations in the void he generated while uttering said noises my only indicator that my attack had landed at all at this point.

f*ck man, I was so exhausted it wasn't even funny; I'd never been so tired or beaten down in all of my life, but I had done it. I did it, and when the concentrated blast of energy and Fighting-type power finally dispersed; Typhon was revealed to be finally unconscious and lying adrift in the deepest reaches of space. I didn't get to yell out or celebrate my impossibly hard-earned victory; for in the next perceivable instant everything went black, and I to lost consciousness just in time for the match to be declared a draw. Hey, all things considered; I could've done a lot worse. I was already happy with the outcome before I faced Typhon anyways; so the draw was definitely not something I would gripe about. I had no regrets from this battle, and was proud to say I had the time of my life fighting it. These thoughts greeted me in the endless realms of my unconscious mind; not quite so unconscious as it would've been in human terms.


When I regained consciousness mere seconds later with Mafalda's help; it felt like an eternity had passed me by. In relativistic terms; that very well could've been the case, but I digress. As my eyes opened I saw myself transfixed by my golden Mew's amethyst gaze; positively radiant as she beamed down at me with approval and I slowly sat up. I didn't bother to ask what happened, as I knew full well I had just tied with all 6 of my Pokémon in an all-out brawl; that much was readily apparent to me. Instead, I opted to ask the other obvious question.

"Are the others okay?" I asked in a concerned tone; knowing there was little to fear but wanting to make sure just in case.

Mafalda giggled at me, "Why don't you ask them yourself?" She cooed at me with a gesture of her finger to indicate the space on my left. I stood up without any of the residual shakiness or rubber-legs sensation a normal person could expect after being knocked unconscious; already fully restored and having gained an unbelievable experience gain/power boost due to my constant stat boosting and defeating of my Supreme Omnidonae Pokémon one by one during the match.

While standing up and surreptitiously noting Mafalda's interesting choice for an isolated dome within our Mirror Dimension; I saw Typhon, Zoroark Serperior, Throh, Swoobat, and Stoutland all conversing together and discussing their respective roles in the battle and what their game plans had been, and how I had managed to defeat them all one-by-one. I felt my entire body glow with the warmth of pride as I heard the way they all complimented my fighting prowess and spirit; I had hoped to impress them, and I managed to accomplish just that.

"Yep, he did that with me to; I used Foul Play and reduced him to a series of bruises and bodily injuries, and he was still conscious!" Zoroark told the rest of them as Typhon chuckled.

"The kid showed not only extraordinary resilience but absurd amounts of willpower and fighting spirit that I'm honestly sad to say puts our previous Trainer's devotion to this lifestyle to utter shame. It was like he was born for this." The Kyurem stated in accordance with Zoroark as I could swear I almost felt tears gathering at the corners of my eyes. These guys were just so many levels of awesome, and I think we all proved something to each other today. I could sense that a lot of my other Pokémon had bared witness to our battle as well and were passing along the details to those who hadn't even as my Unovian team members spoke.

Sensing my massive case of the feels, Mafalda smiled and nuzzled against my cheek affectionately while purring. I laughed and pulled her close as our actions got the attention of my Unova team and some of the other Pokémon milling about as they came over to greet us with smiles of varying sizes and types etched on their faces. "Great job out there kid; you were fantastic! I can officially say I'm proud to call you my Trainer now, and anytime you need or even just want me to battle on your behalf from here on out I'll be there." Typhon promised me as I nodded with an appreciative smile on my face; my gratitude knowing no bounds as my other team members took the opportunity to congratulate me as well.

"You were awesome Thomas; you totally kicked my ass and displayed a fighting spirit to match even the mightiest of Fighting-types I reckon." Throh said as I chuckled, and we gave each other a high five.

"You made wonderful use of your Perfect Contrary ability and the others as well; you even took full advantage of my inverted Type Matchup system via my illusory Ascension Arceus in such a roundabout manner. Admittedly, even I was caught off guard with how sneaky you were about it and didn't even realize you had done anything at first; it took me almost all of the remaining battle to work out what you had done and how you kept absorbing all of our attacks and boosting your stats with them. You've aptly demonstrated the sneakiness and sly tactics of the most well trained Dark-types." Zoroark praised me lengthily as I blushed sheepishly and Mafalda giggled while wrapping her tail around my hand and holding it quietly.

Swoobat spoke up next. "You were fast, strong, calculating, and you took advantage of the one drawback of my Unaware ability. You were nothing short of incredible." He stated quickly while fluttering around energetically like a hummingbird. I was getting a little overwhelmed by all of the praise being sent my way at this point and had to reel myself in before I said or did something to make a complete and co*cky ass of myself.

"You were amazing, and completely derailed my plan regarding Captivate without my even knowing it. Try not to take my methods too personally; I was simply testing your willpower, and you did a fantastic job. Don't think this is the end for us either; because I can't say I'm not interested." Serperior winked at me saucily as my blush increased tenfold and Mafalda's eyes gained a devilish gleam as she shot the Grass-type a sly, knowing smile; one which Serperior returned as Stoutland finally got his chance to say his piece.

"I know what methods Zoroark employed now, and I'm honestly glad you were able to overcome that. If I were Stanley, I reckon I would be proud to call myself your loyal and loving dog right now. I'm actually surprised you haven't visited the afterlife to speak with him now that you can." Stoutland yipped happily as I smiled and brushed a stray tear from my eye.

"I'm honestly seriously considering it; as a matter of fact Stoutland, you inspired me. I'm gonna go and talk to him later today, but first things first… we have a journey in Unova together that's barely just gotten started. I wanna at least make it to the next town before I even think about visiting my old friend Stan the man." I said in response as my Pokémon gave a collective cheer; now significantly more invested in what I had to offer them in this ongoing journey of ours now that I had proven myself.

I noticed my Unova Team, Mafalda, and I weren't the only ones in this space either; I saw my Latias Tia, Meloetta, Mesprit, Diancie, Lopunny, and surprisingly an Espurr that I suspected was bred by my male and female Meowstic. All of them were Pokémon I was extraordinarily attracted to, and all of them were female as well; so it surprised me that they were all here and expressing varying degrees of interest in me.

I would have to ask Mafalda about that later, but I also saw two others present as well, and I gave an amused smile of playful exasperation as MOchu strutted onto the scene along with Omneon shyly walking alongside him; a blush on her face as I caught her eye and smirked. I could sense the dynamic between her and MOchu growing more romantic in nature just as it had done in their previous existences, and I snorted; some love bonds just refused to die it seemed.

"Ah, good to see you both looking so well… MOchu, Omneon; how have you both been faring? Enjoying the new lifestyles and personalities I gave you; I take it?" I asked with an arched eyebrow; indicating MOchu's choice of attire and his abundance of diamonds and the studded rings and sh*t. Honestly, I am so glad of the time Stephan and I spent designing his character together, or rather the IB Version of him. I guess I just felt compelled to highlight his asshole tendencies even further in our case out of respect for the amount of fun and laughter Stephan and I had imagining him and the sh*t he would get up to.

No doubt if he could see him now, my old friend would approve of my LCBC2 Version of MOchu. Oh, speaking of which, I had better find a way to get in contact with my mortal world without tipping ZLCBC2 off that a Supreme Omnidony was contacting people from an Earth Prime. No sense in giving him weapons and people he could use against me anymore than I had to.

Omneon giggled and smiled up at me with her eyes shining while MOchu smirked. "Congratulations Goldilocks looks like you win the bet. Which means you get to make us do anything you want to do; me, Omneon, and these girls over here to, and I do mean anything. Try not to be too depraved now!" He cackled, indicating Tia, Meloetta, and Espurr who looked surprised and a little apprehensive for what my Mew had planned for them.

I turned to Mafalda with a questioning look. "You guys bet on this?" I asked with a sigh escaping my nostrils; why had I expected anything less? Mafalda giggled with a Mareepish blush overtaking her face while MOchu snickered; having gotten the last word in the end and I could sense his satisfaction with the results either way.

"Well… I… um…" The Golden Mew stammered embarrassedly; having not anticipated MOchu turning the tables on her like that for winning the bet.

I could sense the little f*cker of a Raichu took magnificent pleasure in outing this bet of theirs to me; so that I would make things a little extra awkward for Mafalda. Sensing that this was what he was intending when he low-key ratted her out to me just now, I turned to Mafalda with a dangerous gleam in my eyes. "Well, I hope that you make it a good one; whatever you end up making them do I mean." I said with an evil smile, and MOchu's jaw dropped as Mafalda recovered from her fluster and threw him a very superior look which had all of us laughing at his expense.

"It's a f*cking conspiracy I swear; everyone wants a piece of the MOchu!" The Raichu proclaimed while throwing his arms upwards into the air dramatically. With that settled, and my case of wanderlust pervading my being once again; I decided the time had come to resume our journey through Unova now that I had finished battling. First things first however, I cleared my throat and got everyone's attention.

"Now that we've finished our sparring session; I want every last one of you to work on mastering your Omnipresence and using it to enhance your training and fighting experience. The more we work towards this common goal of perpetual self-improvement; the better our odds of beating Zeneptron when we finally face him. I do hope we don't have to worry about him for a while yet, but in case we do it is imperative that we utilize as many methods for self-transcendence as we can.

You're all free to do as you please now though; so don't let our need to train take away from the fun and experience of it all. And don't hesitate to ask me should any of you want or need anything; okay, thank you again, have a wonderful time everyone!" I concluded my speech with a radiant smile as all of my Pokémon gave a collective cheer by way of response to my heartfelt words.

With that wrapped up, I moved this Mirror Dimension elsewhere for possible later use and gave a somewhat relieved smile as my room in the Pokémon center was returned to normal and I was once again back in the world of Pokémon in Unova's own Floccesy Town. I'd spent the entire night sitting in my meditative pose and the early-morning sun was creeping through my window as it rose above the treetops and painted the floor of my room an azure-gold cross.

I gave a contented sigh and a stretch of my arms; feeling refreshed and rejuvenated despite not sleeping a wink all night. I could feel it, I could feel all of the stat boosts I accumulated being added to my overall power-levels… my body had learned from the experience and now I could safely handle all of those stat boosts and then some. It was strange hitting my limit of boosting capacity last night, but I guess there was always going to be a limit there somewhere; no matter how limitless those limits happened to be. Well, unless one was an Omni LCBC2 Counterpart; then they could amplify the strength of their omnipotence truly without end.

With that out of the way and my training regimen passed along to the entirety of my Pokémon roster; I stood up off the floor on which I had been meditating; not really able to recall if I had started out there or on the couch or bed when I first created the Mirror Dimension but shrugging as it really didn't matter much. I went down the network of hallways and followed my way back to the main lobby of the PC where Nurse Joy was just doing her morning runs; her eyes widening with surprise upon seeing me up and alert at the crack of dawn.

"Goodness me, you don't sleep in late, do you?" She chuckled, and I shook my head.

"Too much to see and do; it honestly drives me crazy that I've got to go to sleep at all." I replied, and she smiled sweetly at me before I handed her the key to my room.

"I tidied up and relocked the door on my way out; I had time to kill." I admitted, and she practically beamed at me. A lot of the people who stayed the night left blankets and pillows tossed all over the place and didn't bother to clean up after themselves; particularly if they were young teenagers who no longer had to worry about overbearing parents breathing down their necks.

I was a teenager once, and I knew how frustrating it could be to deal with me or with others my age at times. Of course, I knew maintaining the residence was part of her and her fellow staff member's job, but it definitely made her job easier when the Trainers and Pokémon staying here showed some tidiness of their own. Being 40-years-old had to have made me a little bit mature at least; though I was still a kid in all the ways that mattered… the best ways really.

"Thank you, that was nice of you." She said appreciatively as I nodded with a smile; having always found Nurse Joy to be attractive… especially since she was a pinkette.

"Thank you as well for providing me lodgings for the night. I feel great after a good night sleep, but I'm afraid I must continue my journey so I can no longer impose on you sadly. It was nice to meet you Nurse Joy; I do hope we see each other again, though I'm sure we will at some point or another." I said my farewells with a smile, catching her response as I started heading for the door.

"No problem, it's my job. And are you sure you don't want me to take a look at your Pokémon?" She asked me with all of the kindly bedside manner I'd come to expect from her innate character.

"Nah, but if I'm ever in the neighborhood again I'll be sure to ask you to give them a checkup." I said back to her as I walked out the door; catching her own farewell as the automatic doors shut behind me. I chuckled when my super hearing let me catch her make a comment under her breath about youth not being the only impetuous type of people; oh if she only knew.


After a long overdue visit with Alder and Benga, during which she caught with them over a cup of Roserade petal leaf tea; Rosa was ready for her reconnecting with another dear friend whom she hadn't been able to have lunch with in a long, long time due to their hectic and busy lives. During her conversation with Alder and his grandson; Rosa learned more about the mysterious Nate who had moved to Aspertia City and whom she longed to have a battle with. From what little Alder told her of him; his team radiated power, perhaps power enough to challenge her even. This intrigued Rosa to know end, and she found herself grilling the former Regional Champ for every detail she could think of.

She asked Alder what he looked like and ignored the knowing smile on his face; passing it off as her wanting to be able to identify him so as to test his skills in battle. Of course, she wasn't disappointed when he gave her a description of him either; from what Alder described, he sounded absolutely gorgeous. Not that she was interested in that; she valued strength and kindness above all else, and she knew Alder was aware that she'd had no dates or romantic life to speak of until this point.

She couldn't help it though; she lived and breathed for the art of Pokémon battling and her career as an actress. Besides that, most guys were only interested in her for her fame and fortune, and even when they weren't they were only interested in getting in her pants. She supposed Benga could've been a possible dating choice, but they had only ever been able to see each other as friends and she didn't see that changing anytime soon.

The one relationship she had was with Nancy/Yancy's costar Christoph aka Curtis and that was a disaster. He was gorgeous, and extraordinarily kind if a bit timid for her liking, but he wasn't adventurous in the sack the select few times Rosa tried to get him into cosplay and other such things, and the two of them had nothing in common and next-to-zero chemistry after their first time together. Eventually, they both decided to do the mature thing and split up amicably, and Rosa was proud to say she still saw Curtis as a very dear friend; the both of them had frequent contact with one another whenever they had time. Yancy liked him as a friend as well, though they were never interested in each other that way despite people shipping them as their ideal celebrity couple.

Case in point, she just didn't have much of any interest in a romantic relationship. She saw this stranger Nate as a possible rival; anything beyond that was still up in the air for her as she hadn't even had the chance to meet him yet. Thanks to Alder's Intel; she knew Nate was staying the night in Floccesy Town's Pokémon Center, and would more than likely pass through Virbank City along the way later today. She had plenty of time to schedule a possible meet-and-greet; for now though, she had a job to do, and she found herself at Pokestar Studios in her Riolu Girl getup. The outfit was form-fitting to subtly hint at her curves and her hard-earned, well-maintained figure. Due to her training day in and out with her Pokémon; she had a toned but smooth body. One could bounce a Pokedollar off her belly yet find themselves surprised by how soft and smooth her skin was at the same time.

Rosa's mind was brought back to the present as she was sitting in the interview chamber of the Studio. It was a simple enough space; with cushy chairs sat by a fireplace and a comfortable atmosphere about it. Pokestar spared no expense with designing the layout of its facilities; wanting those who worked here and those who watched their productions to be as comfortable and as at home as possible. Still, that didn't stop Rosa from drumming her fingers on her knee with anticipation and slight nervousness. She hadn't seen Nancy in a solid few months at least and hoped her first time seeing her in that long went well. It was a well-known fact that Nancy and Riolu Girl were the best of friends; some of those weird, perverted types even thought they were going lesbo behind the scenes, which… Rosa couldn't even bring herself to fully dispute. Yancy was that f*cking gorgeous; she was one of those types who made Rosa question whether she was only interested in guys. Of course, beauty was also in the eye of the beholder, but obviously the general consensus of people in Unova felt the same way if they voted for Nancy over Elesa in that beauty pageant.

As if on cue, the door to their interviewing chamber opened up and Nancy stepped in with a shy but genuine smile. Rosa breathed a sigh of relief; able to discern by the look on her old friend's face that their long-lasting lapse in conversations was forgiven. Nancy herself was an absolute masterpiece of divine artistry to look at; with her light pink hair done up in a curly side ponytail with light blue ends and her side fringe extending to the right.

She wore a hot pink headband with a cream and pink colored bow as an added accessory. Her pink earpiece for her talk show was placed, as usual, over her left ear. She wore a white dress with a golden sash around her slim, toned waist; it's hot pink straps partially obscured by her furry white collar that turned into a pink Pokeball symbol which hung over her collarbone; two ribbons extending outwards from underneath said Pokeball. To complete the ensemble, she wore a pair of white and hot pink wristbands.

Rosa's eyes lit up as she stood with a smile and arms held open wide. Nancy was already crossing the distance between them to throw her arms around the slightly older girl; Rosa surprised by the pinkette's earnestness as Nancy nuzzled lovingly against her cheek. "Oh man, it's so great to see you~! Did you miss me, did you miss me~?!" She crooned in her naturally melodious and sing-song voice, as Rosa sighed with bliss at being able to see her again for the first time in such a long while.

"Likewise, and of course I did." Rosa whispered in accordance; glad Nancy still believed in pleasure before business as she continued to hold the embrace until the pink-haired girl opted to let go. She didn't let go and had to be tentatively reminded of her deadline by her manager and Rosa's alike as Nancy stepped away from her hesitantly. There was a slightly bashful smile on her face as she and Rosa shared a good-natured laugh at her antics.

The two of them found their seats over by the fireplace and made themselves cozy; Nancy's cameraman and manager on standby for when she deemed the interview to be ready for conducting. Rosa had to commend her friend for how loyally her manager and everyone followed her lead; until the pink-haired idol gave the signal, everything she and Rosa spoke of beforehand was completely off the record and their private discussion.

"How have you been?" They both asked the same question simultaneously, blushing awkwardly when Nancy decided to be courteous and let Rosa spill the details first.

"Oh, you know, same old same old… kicking ass at the battle facilities and enjoying my time off on my paid vacation." Rosa said with an adoring smile as Nancy flushed awkwardly; feeling bad for bringing Rosa in on this when she was technically supposed to be off for her break. Rosa caught that though because she swiftly added.

"Hey now, none of that, I was perfectly within my rights to refuse, but I wouldn't pass up a chance to see you again Nancy. What about you, how have you been? You look just as beautiful as ever." Rosa reassuringly stated; the two of them having gotten into the habit of addressing each other by their stage names even when in their private conversations. The less likely their chances were of having their private lives leaked to the public, the better, and Rosa could approve of Nancy's natural paranoia in this case.

"Thank you; that means a lot to me that you would say that, both wanting to see me and that you think I'm beautiful I mean… ahaha! I've been good, busy as all get out, but I've been keeping busy and having fun wherever and whenever I can. Speaking of which, I was out in Hoenn on a business trip recently, and I happened to find the time to grab me one of these. Have a little looksee if you want~!" Nancy giggled as she reached into her bag and brought out something that made Rosa's eyes bug out.

"A Mega Stone?!" She exclaimed in a whisper-shout, and Nancy nodded in affirmation.

"Yes, a Mawilite to be precise. I decided it was time my Mawile and I learned how to achieve this power. I've been working overtime to improve my skills as a Trainer and a battler among other things, and I've caught several Pokémon and even bred a couple whom I would be happy to trade you if you like. I know you'll take good care of them Riolu Girl. I also know that I may never be as good as you are at battling Pokémon, but I'm willing to do my best. Spinda and I have been waiting to show you more of what we can do together, and I look forward to when we next battle." Nancy proclaimed a little boastfully as she grabbed a Pokeball out of her purse and released her Mawile; whose eyes lit up at seeing the disguised Rosa and promptly jumped into her lap. Rosa couldn't help but giggle at this as Nancy smiled at how trustworthy her friend was to all of her Pokémon.

Nancy brought out her keystone which was hung around her neck; the necklace hidden beneath her dress and fluffy collar. "I have a keystone now to, and I've had that mega stone fashioned into a bracelet for Mawile to wear. Go on sweetheart and try it on for me~." Nancy cooed in pure delight as one of her favorite Fairy-type Pokémon tentatively took the bracelet and fashioned on her right wrist; snapping it closed and smiling up at her Trainer. It was a perfect fit.

Rosa whistled appreciatively. "Damn, I'm kind of jealous right now Nancy. Mega Mawile has one of the highest naturally physically offensive presences in the world thanks to her Huge Power ability. Coupled with a couple of Swords Dances and a decent amount of training, and you can sweep almost anything; though be careful because she's a bit of a glass cannon where Fire-type attacks are concerned. No offense of course Mawile; with enough training the sky's the limit on what you can do, and type matchups don't mean a thing if you're powerful enough and work hard at it." Rosa advised Nancy expertly while also giggling at Mawile's reaction. She took great offense to being referred to as a glass cannon and stuck her tongue out at Rosa through the giant second mouth sprouting out the back of her head.

Nancy giggled as well before returning Mawile and grabbing a pen out of her bag; appreciatively jotting down Rosa's advice on a personal notepad she kept on her for any advice on battle strategies her friend could offer her. She had accumulated quite an extensive list by now, and Rosa snickered. "I see you're up to your usual standards of preparedness. Arceus Nancy, how many years now have you been jotting stuff down whenever I go off on one of my Pokémon tangents? Hell, you have a notepad on hand for almost every situation.

I swear you're like the most driven and organized person I've ever known. I honestly don't know how you do it all. You're like a natural born person for the role of a megastar; it's an Arceus-given talent I'm kind of envious of." Rosa found herself admitting as Nancy paused between writings in her notepads to register her friend's words; a blush overtaking her as she found herself unexpectedly and lovingly praised by one of her best friends. Did she not realize how great she was also; she inspired the pinkette every day more than Yancy could honestly express with words.

"I'm not any of that Rosa; I'm just a natural born overachiever. Believe me, I didn't make it as an idol overnight; I got to where I am now through hard work and determination and drive. I've always believed that a truckload of heart will take you further than all the natural talent in the world, and believe me… you wouldn't recognize me when I first started out; there wasn't a lick of natural talent in my blood. I stumbled, and I fell, and eventually I got to the point I am now, but I'm still learning. You've actually inspired me so much these past years we've known each other; befriending you is one of the best decisions I've ever made.

You gave me the confidence to be myself, and helped me to find my hidden passion for things like Pokémon battling and other hobbies I've picked up. And you know what, I wouldn't be the battler I am today without you. Much of what I've accomplished today I owe entirely to you, and to Elesa, to my family, and our managers of course." She said, indicating said men who smiled in acknowledgement on the other side of the room. They then continued conversing as Nancy and Rosa themselves did; the cameraman waiting patiently for his cue to start recording the interview, and giving Rosa and Nancy a thumb up and a smile.

He honestly loved his job, and getting to see Nancy so happy to see her friend again was a reward in itself. Everyone on the two girl's respective sets loved them to pieces, and the people of Unova adored them as well. Granted, there were always some hateful assholes that were never satisfied or always had something to gripe or complain about, but for the most part their fanbase was extraordinarily loyal, and they were great to their fans in turn.

Rosa herself smiled and blushed at the praise and reverence Nancy lavished her with; feeling honored that she had helped make this woman into the amazing person she turned out to be. "I'm glad to have been a part of your journey and to partake in the success in your career however small my role might have been. I guess we both inspired each other, huh? I can't wait to battle you Nancy, but until then I guess we should get our interview started, huh? Not that we don't already know pretty much everything about each other." Rosa smirked as Nancy giggled.

"Agreed, you ready there Buddy? Let the cameras roll now; I think it's time we got this show on the road~!" Nancy sing-sang as the cameraman now christened as Buddy nodded; taking that as his cue to get the ball rolling as the tripod camera flashed red to indicate a soon-to-start recording. Giving his usual hand signals to give the two of them a 3-second window to prepare whatever they were going to say in their heads; Buddy pressed record on the professional video camera and the light flashed from red to green as Nancy started right away.

One of the best things about the pink-haired idol's talk shows was there were no pre-planned scripts or controlling of what was said. Everything said came directly from the heart and was completely improvised; which only made Yancy seem that much more genuine to her audience, as scripted lines were almost always able to be heard in a person's voice if anyone knew the undertones to look for. Of course, the show's editors had to spend a great deal of time editing certain footage; as not everyone Nancy and her guests talked about was considered viewable for all audiences. Thankfully, different episodes of her show came with different ratings anyways so usually it was largely unnecessary to over-censor much of anything.

"Great to see you all again, people and Pokémon of Unova; this is your show host Nancy, and I'm here today with a very special and honored guest who I'm pretty sure you all know and love every bit as much as I do! Please give a warm welcome to Riolu Girl; who has kindly taken time off of her much deserved paid vacation to make this interview possible! Riolu Girl, have you anything to say to your adoring fanbase~?" Nancy hummed delightedly as Rosa smiled and waved at the camera.

"Good to see you all again, Riolu Girl here; I'm so psyched out of my mind for their interview! I couldn't fly here fast enough when I heard our studio was going to be featured on Nancy's talk show. Not only is her show rated number one in all of Alola, but her and I go way, way back as well. And as for my fanbase, all I can say is I'm so happy to have garnered any fanbase at all. Truth be told, I didn't expect to be any good at acting when I first tried out for the role of Riolu Girl; who remains one of my favorite childhood superheroes. To be able to play her is a dream come true, and the fact I've got so many of you out there supporting my role means the world to me." She graciously stated to everyone at large; well aware of the fact she was on camera and likely every household in all of Unova and even elsewhere in the world could see her now. That was an unnerving prospect even for her.

Nancy giggled at her friend's infectious enthusiasm; something Rosa would claim came from her but that wasn't true. She had it inside her all along; Nancy just helped her cultivate it if only a little bit. "Speaking of dreams coming true; we did a poll last week and determined that many of your fans are curious as to whether there's anything else you like doing. Would you care to share? Do bear in mind you have no obligation to tell us anything, but are on record if you should choose to do so." Nancy reminded her kindly, as a way of gently reassuring Rosa there's no pressure; a gesture Rosa couldn't help but appreciate. Nancy was not only a sweetheart she was as real and as sincere as they come; not a deceitful or underhanded bone in her body. She didn't think Nancy would've pressured her for a story even if her life was on the line.

"Well, I do like Pokémon battles; whether it's watching them or partaking in one or two myself from time to time. Though, to be honest, I'm not very good. Can you imagine that, Riolu Girl not being adept at Pokémon Battles? Can you say irony?" Rosa lied, and Nancy giggled with an imperceptibly knowing look in her eyes. She knew as well as Rosa did that they both shared a common interest in keeping their personal lives private; this was Rosa's indirect way of saying what she liked without betraying the fact that she was actually really, really good at it. Such an admission would've narrowed down the list of possible girls who could've been hidden underneath the mask. By saying she wasn't very good, Rosa hoped to protect her civilian identity for a little longer. She knew better than anyone that those who did well in the battle circuits were the ones that stood out the most. By identifying herself as not very good; she automatically got crossed off that list of elites… which in turn protected her actual identity.

"A lot of your fanbase will be overjoyed to hear that; especially since many of them are fond of Pokémon battling and Riolu Girl themselves. And hey, at least you're trying; remember that a truckload of heart will always take you further than natural talent without fail. While we're on the subject of polls however; a lot of people were curious if there's a special man in your life, or woman. This is a time of acceptance and open-mindedness after all, and a lot of people are pretty open-minded to the idea of you being gay, bi, asexual, or aeromantic. I'm actually surprised by the number of people wanting this information, and again; you're under no obligation to share anything Riolu Girl." Nancy couldn't retain her professionalism at this one and cracked a smile. She and Rosa had spent many countless hours discussing their nonexistent love lives, and would often tease each other about being married to their work.

"As you know, opportunities for dating a real and honest soul are pretty thin on the ground when you're an actress or a pop star in your case Nancy. Because while this is a time of acceptance and open-mindedness as you put it; a lot of people are naturally inclined to idolize us to the point that they don't understand we are actual people underneath it all. We cut, we bleed, and eventually, we die. We can get our emotions toyed with and our hearts stomped on just as easily as everyone else, yet for some odd reason; this notion seems to escape a great many people from what I've seen.

A lot of them only value us for our money or our fame and not as individuals, but hey… I'm willing to bet there are more genuine people out there to; I guess I'll just have to keep looking and keep an open heart as well. We've gotta be optimistic in these trying times I suppose, and while I haven't been in a relationship in quite some time that doesn't mean I've given up on the search for my soulmate. For the record, I am neither asexual or aeromantic despite that sounding like a very freeing notion, but I am heterosexual at the very least and quite possibly bi-curious; for anyone who is interested in knowing.

Being wired both ways definitely doesn't limit one's options quite as much I reckon; though I guess that's a matter of subjectivity and opinion really." Rosa chuckled with a sly smile that could be seen through her mask; one Nancy caught as she had to force herself not to blush. She knew full well about Rosa's bi-curiosity and the fact she had more than once seen the pinkette herself in a romantic light. And honestly, Nancy couldn't say she hadn't checked Rosa out at times either; she was a really, really good-looking girl.

Rosa wasn't done yet though, and decided to ask Nancy a question of her own. "What about you? Is there anyone the prodigious superstar and idol Nancy has her eye on as of late? I always say we're both too married to our work for our own good, but I can't help but wonder if you've been able to update your status as it were?" Rosa smirked at her as Nancy grinned right back at her; a teasing smile on her face.

"Sorry, but this superstar as you call her doesn't kiss and tell~." The Pinkette winked, and Rosa took that to mean she hadn't found anybody yet. Oh well, maybe Elesa had better luck in that department than they both did.

"Another poll the fanbase was really interested in is what the great and powerful Riolu Girl looks for in her ideal soulmate? What qualities or attributes should he or she possess were you to find such a person?" Nancy continued as Rosa took a moment to reflect and contemplate her answer before turning to the pink-haired girl and the camera with a smile.

"My ideal soulmate would be someone of great strength as a Pokémon trainer and strength of character as well; the kind of person who could be a hero of justice in real life and not just on some television screen. But that person couldn't get away with simply being strong; they'd also have to possess unfailing kindness and an endless supply of compassion for all living things. Strength is important to me in my ideal mate, but being able to spend our time together just laughing and having fun with someone who's great company is even more important still." Rosa confided openly and honestly as Nancy nodded with an approving smile; unable to resist the temptation to supply her own ideals for a soulmate, if such a concept could even prove to be real.

"I know you didn't ask me this, but I felt compelled to say something anyways. My ideal soulmate is rather like yours; with strength and kindness, but also with outstanding courage and a larger-than-life personality fraught with enthusiasm and a completely natural high on life itself. I want someone who I could spend all night talking with about everything, anything and nothin', or just someone who I could listen to all day. Someone of exceptional intelligence and minority viewpoints and a different way of seeing the world compared to the norm.

I would want them to be fun, adventurous, and open-minded as well as unbiased and willing to try new and exciting things. I want someone with an endless sense of fun, adventure, and even misadventure; who isn't afraid to make a complete fool of themselves just for laughs. I want someone different, unique, and all kinds of special; that's what I want~." Nancy admitted with a longing sigh as Rosa gave an appreciative whistle.

"Damn, your ideal soulmate puts mine to shame." She quipped, and Nancy responded by sticking her tongue out at her childishly.

The pink-haired idol was just about to continue their interview when something else happened that was going to put Nancy's show ratings through the roof, and not necessarily in a good way. It all started when one of the secretaries from downstairs came bursting through the doorway in a right state. Rosa and everyone else need only look at him for a second before they realized something was seriously wrong; he was trembling and his eyes were wide with fear, his pupils dilating as he got their attention the cameraman rolled the recorder on him automatically… knowing an opportunity when he saw one and not about to miss this.

"Sirs, madams, it's… Team Plasma, they're back, and they've taken over the city!"


I grinned when I saw Hugh running towards Alder's dojo just as I concluded my stay there for the time being. I had gotten to meet Alder again and his grandson Benga for the first time ever in real life, and while I wanted to battle the younger of the two; I was glad when Alder's grandson decided to hold out until I could make my way up to the top of Black Tower to face him there. I was kinda good on battles now thanks to sparring with my Team; at least until I faced Team Plasma in the Floccesy Ranch, which I was as giddy as a schoolgirl to participate in.

I figured Hugh had that situation well in hand but would want me around in case he needed backup; which is what I promised to provide him in the matter of Team Plasma. So I waited by the Dojo for now where I knew I would be close by if he needed me. And he had my X-Transceiver number as well; so that made things even easier still for him to contact me. While taking my time to greet Hugh once again for the first time in what seemed a long while; I reflected back on the conversation I had with Alder and Benga.

I was surprised when they mentioned Rosa to me and that when they told her about me in turn she expressed an interest in me as a potential rival. That was awesome actually; I was already planning on devising a way to recruit her as a possible LCBC2 Counterpart, and here the universe was delivering her to me as an act of providence practically. The fact that I also had romantic and lewd fantasies regarding her notwithstanding; I honestly needed all the help we could get. And if Rosa was blessed with a natural potential for candidacy as an LCBC2 Counterpart then I had to try and capitalize on it without making her feel coerced or stripped of her free will in any way.

I sighed slightly, that would be a difficult thing to do, and I honestly believed easing her into this whole situation was the best policy for right now. First things first, continue my Pokémon's training as well as my own and help Hugh along while doing so. There would be ample opportunities for recruitments later, and while I was all business regarding our people's war with Zeneptron; I would be damned if I didn't have a fun and joyous time while fulfilling the directive of my Hive Mind.

I was glad I was already in Rosa's crosshairs though; it would give me ample opportunity to meet up with her and maybe become a friend to her… which to me was infinitely more precious than any recruitment option could ever be. It was my main reason for wanting to become a Supreme Omnidony; to get out there and make lots of lifelong friends and maybe even lovers from across the ZOF, to use my powers for good and to do great things. To play together, fight together, and establish common bonds with a myriad of people and Pokémon across the infinite web of multiverses.

I suppose it sounds silly, but I wanted to be adored and accepted as whom I was and what I had so lovingly turned into by people from all types of realities, and I guess find people I shared certain commonalities with. Above all though, I wanted to travel the endless seas of time and space; to meet people from countless different cultures and walks of life and experience worlds, times, and places no one else could even dream of back in my world.

I wanted to see it all, and if I got to use my powers to make the ZOF a better place in the process of doing so; then all the better for it. I wanted to take whatever kindness, compassion, and love I had to offer, that my Supreme Omnidony existence highlighted with boundless luminosity, and share it with the rest of the ZOF. That was my dream, my sad and nerdy dream, and I finally had the power to fulfill it on the all-embracing scale I could only ever imagine before.

My eyes widened as I returned to the present; Hugh's demeanor was even more panic-stricken than I had envisioned during this scenario. I smiled inwardly to myself at this; he really did care about Pokémon. To see him so worked up about a Herdier lost in its own ranch and stolen by a Team Plasma grunt did my hearts a world of good. I remembered distinctly that the ranchers' laid back attitude had been cause for more than a little fuss on Hugh's end; saying something about how their Pokémon may have been lost forever. Admittedly, he was right to feel that way since a grunt from the resurgent Team Plasma was behind the disappearance.

While I knew it would all work out in the end; I still couldn't help feeling concerned for Hugh. This was all very real and very scary to him; especially as a newbie Trainer. He finally reached me and had to squat with his hands on his knees to catch his breath; having hauled ass to get to me for reasons I still didn't completely understand. Even for a situation such as a missing Pokémon; it surprised me how frantic Hugh was, and I had the weirdest feeling something bigger was going on right now than even I had foreseen.

"Everything alright there Hugh?" I couldn't help but ask, and Hugh looked up at me with a disbelieving look; like he couldn't believe I just asked him such a thing.

"No, everything is definitely not alright. Team Plasma… they're back in full force, and according to the news they've taken over Virbank City including Pokestar studios!" Hugh shouted with mounting panic, and my eyes widened in genuine horror.

'But that's… that didn't happen in BW2 or the remakes of Black and White with Complete Form Kyurem. I know the universe is trying to throw me some bones, but giving me the option of playing the hero on such a large scale and so soon into my journey seems a bit much.' I thought to myself in stunned disbelief; honestly taken aback by this anomalous, non-canon turn of events.

'All the more reason to seize this opportunity to get in the good graces of people like Rosa, didn't Alder say she had business in Virbank City today? This could be your chance to show her what Supreme Omnidonae are all about; now get going already… a hero's work is never done after all.' Mafalda telepathed in response to my thoughts, and I sighed. She definitely had a point; I would have to take this wildcard scenarios as they came and use whatever opportunities they gave me to hype up the lifestyle of my people to Trainers like Rosa and people like Hugh as well.

"Then what are we waiting for, let's go! We've got a city to liberate." I said as Hugh nodded grimly; the both of us mentally and emotionally preparing ourselves to do whatever had to be done.

"The emergency news broadcast said one of the Team's Sages is leading the assault; a guy named Bronius. His Scolipede single-handedly took down the Gym Leader Roxanne's Pokémon and with it the only hope for freeing Virbank City from his control." Hugh informed me as the two of us prepared to make haste for the next town, only for the still splintered doors to Alder's dojo to burst open and for the ex-Champion himself to come sprinting out of it at a pace that could've rivalled that of a man less than half his age.

Hugh sighed with relief at seeing the Champion running towards them. "Oh, thank goodness you're here as well Alder. It's Virbank City, it's…" Hugh started but Alder overshot him; his barely concealed anger hidden beneath the surface as he regarded us with a smile of relief as well.

"I know Hugh; I saw the emergency broadcast just now. I was literally about to storm Virbank and take it back from those Team Plasma rapscallions, but I'm a bit too old to be getting involved with things like this anymore; at least by myself. Can I count on you two to do everything you can to help?" He asked us, and we both nodded without hesitation.

"You bet!" Hugh and I exclaimed in perfect sync, and he nodded; our declarations clearly doing him a world of good as he looked at us both with a grim smile.

"I guess it's time to see what you're both made of then, huh? I'd feel bad asking you to help us as well Hugh since you're still wet behind the ears, but we need all the muscle we can get our hands on. Team Plasma doesn't mess around and has its share of psychopaths and cold-blooded killers on its payroll to. I've fought them once, two-years ago, and I can honestly tell you they're filled to the rim with extraordinary Trainers as well, loathe though I am to admit as much. If either of you two sees one of the Sages though, my advice is to run.

Each and every one of them is Regional Champion caliber at minimum, and I'd reckon Ghetsis is at least several notches above that. Well, okay, I'd imagine you're up to the challenge Nate, but as for you Hugh; stick to Nate like glue and do everything he says, alright?!" Alder bellowed at us in his usual boisterous fashion as we both nodded again, and Hugh gulped somewhat nervously. This was quite a lot more bigtime than he was able to safely deal with currently, but he felt safer with me around; that was something I could sense in him. It honestly flattered me that he felt that way; I guess us veteran Trainers really did have a responsibility to look out for the young ones.

With that out of the way, Alder summoned a Braviary from a Pokeball clipped to his belt; the ball popping open to reveal the flying type post-haste as they took off without the former Champ needing to give the bird any instructions. That intuitive understanding between Trainer and Pokémon was easy worth for me due to my unnatural circ*mstances; I didn't really have to work for it, and the fact that my Pokémon could all speak any language helped even further. So the fact that Alder and his Pokémon got to where they are through sheer training and devotion and heart made me want to redouble my own efforts in order to compensate for our lack of any real need to start from zero as it were.

"Alright Hugh, brace yourself and get ready. Come on out Swoobat!" I exclaimed as a Pokeball burst open at my command from on my belt and the Psychic and Flying-type LCBC2 Counterpart flew on the spot, ready for action and not needing any instructions to take us to where we needed to go. He understood the situation for what it was the moment I told him to appear, and Hugh watched in wonder as it became outlined in a blue psychic energy before all of our surroundings distorted and coalesced between a myriad of different shapes and environments across the Pokémon world before finally settling on Virbank City just outside the Pokémon center and around the back side of it.

"Whoa, that was fast, what was that… teleport? I didn't know Swoobat could learn Teleport." Hugh whispered in an awed tone.

"It can't." I said simply, causing him to form question marks above his head.

"Then what did he do just now?" He asked me, and I smirked.

"Simple boosted Calm Minds used in tandem with Psychic to achieve quantum entanglement through pure omni-kinetic force. Now pipe down, I need to get a synopsis for the situation here." I shushed him in a teasing manner as Hugh pouted good-naturedly but didn't protect as my all-seeing eyes scanned the vicinity.

"Okay, so we've got Team Plasma goons barring every entranceway to every home and building including the Pokémon Center and Pokestar studios." I pointed out as I did a quick head count from our current position as Hugh looked around for any grunts he could potentially pick off.

"Let me unleash my rage! I'm ready for em!" He roared, but I shook my head.

"Not yet, we need a plan of attack Hugh. This is one of those moments where clear heads and rational minds save the day. Just blindly unleashing your rage is all fine and good when it's just the grunts, but these guys are being directed by a Team Plasma Sage, and if even half of what I've heard of these guys is true you do not want to be messing with them unless you're at least Champion Tier. Right now, the places of strategic value are the Pokémon Center, the Pokémon Gym, the Virbank City Pier, and Pokestar Studios. Once we free up those places; the rest will follow. Since I need you to stay with me, we can only hit up one place at a time, but with Alder here as well we can hit two places at a time. Do you follow me so far?" I asked him for clarification as he nodded.

"Good man, now, first things first; we're going to head to Pokestar studios for now." I said, and Hugh looked at me confusedly.

"Why there?" he asked, and I smiled before pointing something out; what looked like a very distinct Braviary swooping down towards the Virbank City Gym.

"Because Alder is here and he's closer to the Gym and the pier than we are. The Pokémon center isn't as high as a priority right now since Alder and I are the ones fighting and we both likely carry an assload of Full Restores. I know I do, and they will fulfill our need for now if our Pokémon need restoration. Freeing up the pier, the gym, and Pokestar Studios takes priority, and we've gotta hammer at these guys with everything we've got." I strategically stated; effectively devising a game plan as Hugh and I grinned savagely. Now that we got the details worked out; it was time to curb stomp some grunts. Little was I aware that something else lay on the horizon for me besides battling Team Plasma and impressing Rosa, something… unquantifiable. I guess some things were meant to be on a level that even I could never have anticipated.


"Nancy, what do you think you're doing?! This is insane, you can't fight Team Plasma; certainly not on your own." Both the Pinkette's manager and Rosa agreed on this. The girl always was an overachiever, but now she was biting off more than she could chew.

"I know that, but someone has to take a stand against them, and since you left your Pokémon at the PC I have little choice in the matter Rosa. Please let me do this; I can help, my Pokémon and I are much, much stronger now than we have been in the past!" Yancy exclaimed with conviction lacing every syllable of her statement. Rosa sighed, if she had anticipated this happening she would never have left her Pokémon to be given a thorough checkup by Nurse Joy, but there's no way she could've known. It was only the seriousness of the situation that made Yancy slip up and address Rosa by her real name, but no one was around, and nobody said anything about it. In the grand scheme of things, maintaining one's private life was of little consequence right now.

Rosa hated not being able to help, and she hated having to place the entire burden on her best friend even more. But the second she caught that nuance of pure determination in Yancy's tone; she also knew that her friend was indeed much stronger just as she claimed. She couldn't help but smile with absolute pride; pride for her friend and pride for the fact that she had in some ways inspired this positive change within her friend.

"You're right, and I believe in you." She finally relented, and while Yancy beamed at her unwavering faith her manager and subsequently her uncle had a vastly different point of view.

"You're both insane, you know that?! But whatever, I know I can't stop either of you from doing what you have to do! Just promise me you two will be careful out there, will ya?" The overweight and gentle man requested of them with a pleading look, and they both nodded with reassuring countenances about them.

"We will~!" They chorused in perfect sync.

Rosa's own manager spoke up as well. "I would be more comfortable if you had your own Pokémon with you to back Nancy up Riolu Girl, but as my esteemed colleague just pointed out; we can't stop you, and wish you the best of luck. Be careful though; Team Plasma was extremely dangerous the last time they rose to power and who knows what they're like now." He said his piece, and when the girls gave their reassurances once more both managers saw them off as the cameraman Buddy followed them.

"I hope you two don't mind me filming this; the public deserves to know that Team Plasma is back. And besides, if all turns out okay then this would put your show's ratings through the roof Nancy. I can just imagine it now; popstar and leading teen sensation Nancy drives the resurgent Team Plasma out of Virbank City! Your fans would revere you like never before, and you'd be a true hero to many as well. On my word of honor; I'm not missing this for the end of the world. Go forth Nancy, and show them what you and your Pokémon can do!" He exclaimed excitedly as Nancy blushed slightly before nodding in acceptance of his accompanying them, and Rosa also couldn't deny that a cameraman on the scene would be handy for other reasons as well. They were broadcast live all over the Region, which meant they had front row seats as to the misdeeds of this new Team Plasma. Providing coverage and news of the goings on in Virbank City was their civic duty at this point, and they weren't about to disallow freedom of the press at this point; not when their information and coverage could save lives.

It turns out all they had to do to run into some Team Plasma grunts was take the elevator down to the main floor. Sure enough, a large gathering of grunts was there waiting for them in the main lobby; one big enough to house a Pokémon Gym stadium and one that the grunts were overrunning as they saw the new arrivals and released Pokémon of all types en masse. Doing a quick head count; Yancy saw they were breaking out the heavy artillery with fully evolved Pokémon such as Krookodile and Stoutland and things like Swoobat and other heavy-hitters.

She gave a sly grin, seeing a lot of Pokémon with intimidate as their ability, and already knew that her Spinda was going to benefit a great deal from that ability. "All civilians line up to the left and remain quiet and unresisting until we conclude our business here. All authority figures and city leaders will surrender or be met with force for their resistance; cooperate, and no one will be hurt." One of the grunts proclaimed in a boisterous, menacing tone as one of the Stoutland growled viciously to further accentuate the point.

Said Stoutland sensed the new arrivals and growled even more threateningly than before; a couple of the grunts taking notice of Rosa, Yancy, and Buddy who was looking a little unnerved to be in this situation. He was Yancy's best and most trusted cameraman though, and had been in a lot of unplanned, improvised situations with her together that turned out to be a giant success for her career. So he grew a pair of man balls and continued filming unhindered.

There were several staff workers, custodians, and secretaries lined up to the left as instructed; all of them under the employ of Pokestar Studios and powerless and frightened beyond belief, their eyes wide with horror. There was a kindly old man hiding in the corner who did good and honest work as a custodian for the place, having worked well past his retirement age with his beloved partner Garbodor to make enough for a comfortable, albeit later retirement than the norm. Rosa had had a lot of really nice conversations with him, and knew full well he wouldn't hurt anyone. Presently, he was shaking like a leaf and looked entirely too old and sickly to be caught up in this bullsh*t. Yancy was sick to her stomach at the sight of these people and their arrogance. She would make them regret coming to this place looking for trouble; especially when she and Rosa were just beginning to catch up like old times. Be it her damnation; Yancy would make them regret coming here.

A few of the grunts noticed started advancing on them now and recognized her and Rosa on sight in their guises. "That goes for celebrity bimbos as well sweetcakes; line up like everyone else if you two don't want any trouble." One of the grunts ordered her and Rosa as Yancy's left eyebrow rose dangerously high. A savage smile then split her gorgeous features, and she thumbed Spinda's Pokeball and enlarged it to fit the palm of her hand; feeling her partner's burning desire match her own from within the device.

"Well I guess I'm just a dumb celebrity bimbo then because trouble is what I'm here for." Yancy retorted savagely as she released her Spinda in a burst of white light. The infamous Normal-type Pokémon danced onto the scene in its usual unpredictably awkward manner of locomotion, and the hilarity that the grunts displayed at the sight of such an unimpressive looking Pokémon was paramount.

"She can't be serious can she?! A Spinda against all of us, that's plain stupid girl!" One of the grunts cackled madly, but one of the smarter ones shook her head; eying Spinda and Yancy warily.

"Don't underestimate her; Spinda can be devilishly tricky little assholes, and I've seen Nancy's talk show to where she talked about her Pokémon one time. This thing has Contrary; it's most rare ability." She informed them all as Yancy's savage smile broadened; an expression that somehow managed not to mar her otherworldly beauty. In fact, for some people; this darker, more savage side to a much loved celebrity would even be considered highly alluring to some people.

"So one of you has half a brain cell to their name; I'd say I was flattered you did your homework on me, but a compliment from the likes of you… makes me wanna shower." Yancy shuddered to prove her point, and she did indeed feel somewhat dirty that these lowlife scumbags had read up on her.

"Enough of this, let's take her boys!" The female grunt exclaimed, obviously a cut above the rest of them as Yancy got to work as well.

"Stay alert Spinda!" He instructed her partner, her trusted partner nodding with uncharacteristic attentiveness for her species. Any Pokémon, no matter their inherent nature; was able to recognize when the situation at hand was a serious one, and Spinda was no different. Seeing that she was about to battle; the camera started rolling and the people who were milled up to the left of the atrium started cheering her on. The old man who was Pokestar Studio's most devoted and well-loved custodian was particularly enthusiastic, and for such an old guy looked to be pretty healthy all things considered. Gone was his former concern for his and his fellow employees' safety; for in his experience of the youth of the current generation had ways of amazing and confounding him with their battling prowess.

A red down covered her Pokémon's body to indicate a drastically boosted attack stat; one that made Yancy smile and the female grunt curse as their own Pokémon's collective mass of Intimidate abilities was used against them. "Krookodile, all of you use Rockslide, Stoutland, use Odor Sleuth and Play Rough in tandem, the rest of you attack in a freestyle!" The female grunt ordered all of the Pokémon; obviously the one spearheading this coup as Yancy saw the incoming volley of falling rocks materialize above where Spinda stood, quickly formulating a counter-method that would hopefully be able to do some significant damage to one or more opponent without hurting Spinda too badly.

Rosa meanwhile, had to just sit there under the guise of Riolu Girl and watch her best friend battle for her, and she hated it. She was supposed to symbolize heroism and justice; both as Riolu Girl and as a top tier Trainer, but she was on the sidelines all because of a decision to leave her Pokémon at the PC on this particular day. Sometimes, fate could be really cruel, and she could only hope that Yancy could hold her own.

"Dodge using Rapid Spin and use Superpower on the Stoutland nearest you!" Yancy exclaimed, the command taking the female grunt off balance and admittedly Rosa to.

Spinda complied all too readily; literally spinning out of harm's way while rotating like a top or spiraling drill. She then proceeded to ram into the exact Stoutland Yancy told her to hit with unerring accuracy while exhibiting a horrifyingly strong, tangible fighting spirit that made the very polarity of the earth shift the tiniest bit and caused small pieces of the floor to rise up off the ground. The Stoutland crumpled to the floor in one hit with a howl of pain, and Spinda Rapid Spun her way back to Yancy's side in a protective stance as if to shield her from danger; a red down covering her body once again to indicate another attack boost along with a defensive boost.

"What the… how did you get a Spinda with the move Superpower; only the ones caught in the Island of Dream's Rugged Mountain can do that!" The female grunt sputtered with shock; Spinda using Superpower on, yet another Stoutland that got to close to her Trainer and dropping it just as easily as the first one.

Rosa was surprised by this as well. She knew full well that while Yancy caught her Spinda with her hidden ability; it had most certainly not been in the Island of Dreams. That island was a place only the Regional Champion or someone equally qualified could visit. And as rich and powerful as she and her family were, Yancy didn't fit that bill.

Seeing the mass confusion on both sides; Yancy decided to explain. "Under normal conditions you'd be right, but with lots of training and a can-do attitude; I was able to teach my Spinda Superpower naturally. That's the thing you and your team don't get; Trainers and Pokémon can accomplish anything they set out to do as long as they do it together. Your ideologies regarding the freedom of Pokémon and they not needing Trainers is built on a lie, all to justify the goals of one heinous man who wishes nothing more or less than to consolidate all the power in the world for himself. Your loyalty to Ghetsis is wrong; your entire team's motto is a sham, and you've all met your match this day." Yancy stated in a tone laced with conviction, passion, and spirit; traits that were sadly undervalued by many in the world today.

Had Team Plasma had even an ounce of compassion; then Yancy's heartfelt speech and valor would've no doubt touched their hearts; hell, it certainly touched Rosa's as well as all of the witnesses to their battle. Unfortunately, these grunts had little to no room for compassion, and were only interested in following the orders of their superiors to try to oppress and control everyone else.

"You fools don't get it do you? Team Plasma no longer stands for the liberation of Pokémon; we knew it was a fool's errand and one only our former King would believe in. That was just a front; all we want is control all the power, money, and Pokémon in the world. Anything and everything else is just a waste of time to us." The female grunt responded with a conniving smile on her face. Yancy sighed at the continued dimwittedness of these people; she may not have agreed with N's goals but at least his heart had been in the right place. He genuinely believed Pokémon were better off without human interference, and in the case of some people he'd probably been right, but even he saw in time that humans and Pokémon were better off together. Even the idealists could not turn a blind eye to the irrefutable truths that were right in front of them, not forever at least.

"If that's the case, then I'm going to take a great deal of satisfaction of sending you lot packing. You made a very poor decision coming here to look for trouble; because trouble is exactly what you're going to get." Yancy said through gritted teeth, and with that Spinda responded to her heart and the battle resumed as her first ever Pokémon fought like a demon.

The female grunt ordered more Rockslides from the Krookodile and Retaliate attacks from the remaining Stoutland. Retaliate was a move that gained power the more fallen comrades there were in a prolonged battle, and even with +2 defense Yancy knew better than to let that attack hit her Spinda as she commanded it to dodge once again and go for one of the Krookodile this time.

"Superpower again!" She shouted with a fist pump.

"sh*t, Krookodile, use Protect!" The grunt swore as a protective green sphere materialized around the Dark and Ground-type that Spinda was going for, but unfortunately for him Yancy was ready to deal with that to.

"Use Assist while mixing it with Superpower Spinda!" She cried out, and Spinda somehow heard her even as she closed the distance between her and the nearest Krookodile and activated the attack as instructed. Yancy knew the odds of Assist landing on the right move amongst her team was slim to none in any normal circ*mstances, but she had faith Spinda knew which one they needed to pull out of their hat as much as she did, and promptly worked towards that goal with their feelings aligned. For reasons unknown, they managed to land on exactly what she and Spinda needed to KO the Krookodile despite the protective orb enshrouding it.

"Un-f*cking-believable; Spinda managed to grab the Feint attack that Nancy's Persian uses!" Rosa's eyes widened as the effects of Krookodile's Protect was lifted just in time for Spinda to deliver a one-hit-knock-out Superpower attack straight into its gut… the polarity of the world shifting ever so slightly stronger this time as the Krookodile was catapulted 10-feet straight into the air and landed on the floor in a sorry looking heap; out cold and cratering the ground with meteoric impact.

The female grunt's eyes widened as the male grunt who had given her control of his Krookodile promptly returned him; equally as stunned by the display as everyone else was. "Holy sh*t, talk about luck of the draw! Nancy's never done anything like that before! Maybe I underestimated her!" Rosa exclaimed in disbelief as Buddy continued to record the scene. He'd been present for most if not all of Yancy's battles prior to this one, and even he could acknowledge she was displaying a level of skill way beyond her usual range.

"Damn, I hate to admit it but that was some impressively spooky sh*t there just now. What kind of voodoo magic are ya working there brat?" The female grunt questioned Yancy with what could only be grudging respect, and despite the seriousness of the situation the pinkette had to smile. Perhaps these people weren't as all bad as she figured; maybe they just wanted to feel powerful for a change when all the world did was deal them a poor hand… if some of these people were rejects looking to shine, she could honestly say she sympathized. Not that she agreed with their terrorist methods or anything, but it did paint them in a less unflattering light at least.

"I'm honestly not sure myself; Spinda has never been able to do anything like that before. I guess we both have a knack for working well under pressure." Yancy admitted, and the female grunt seemed to acknowledge her in a new light as well.

"And here I thought you were just another pretty face fed on the silver spoon, but you've actually got some hidden talents in there somewhere." The Grunt said back to her, and Yancy shrugged.

"That's me in a nutshell, a natural born overachiever, ahahaha~." She sing-sang, and the female grunt shook her head.

"Touching though this scene may be; you're proving to be a thorn in my side when it comes to interfering in our affairs. And while I may respect your power wretch that alone doesn't hold water when you stand between Team Plasma and our goals." She stated in a matter-of-fact tone, and Yancy nodded understandingly.

"Then let us continue and give this crowd a battle to remember." Yancy said in a sportsmanlike tone as the crowd of onlookers cheered at the unanticipated civility between the two women from opposing sides.

"Finally, something we can agree on!" The grunt shouted back to her in accordance. What happened over the period of the next 10 or so minutes was a surprisingly one-sided affair that ended with Yancy's Spinda single-handedly sweeping the rest of the Pokémon the grunts had on hand; though not without sustaining some damage of her own and not without suffering from mild fatigue. That didn't matter though as the danger had passed, and the female grunt looked nonplussed at her sound defeat as Yancy cheered and everyone else followed suit.

"I wouldn't celebrate yet young miss. Though I commend your bravery; there's a fine line between that and stupidity. And honestly; I thought I taught you grunts better than that. As the old proverb goes; if you want something done right do it yourself… trite but true I suppose." An aristocratic and accented voice sounded as the automatic doors slid open to reveal one of the former Team Plasma's seven sages. Yancy and Rosa's eyes narrowed in recognition of this man; Spinda unable to express such a visage due to her natural swirly eyes.

"So, Giallo makes a triumphant return to Neo Team Plasma! What happened to seeing the light and the error of your ways; what happened to all of your proclamations of Team Plasma being unable to change the world? Didn't the fact that your king lost and our hero Hilda won mean anything to you clowns?" Yancy stated with narrowed eyes as the ancient and wizened man scrutinized her very carefully.

"You're very well informed about the transgressions of the old Team Plasma faction, I admit." He responded simply, and Rosa couldn't help but pipe up as well; wanting to say her piece.

"What changed? Why are you throwing in with their lot again? You know, aside from Ghetsis I had at least a modicum of respect for the rest of you Sages, but now I'm starting to wonder if I was giving you too much credit." Rosa aka Riolu Girl hissed.

Giallo sighed tiredly at the uppity brats; having expected this reaction to his return to Neo Team Plasma and not in the mindset to deal with it. "I wouldn't expect any of you to understand my reasoning, but long story short Ghetsis has a new plan; a new and truly flawless plan… an unstoppable plan that will allow us to rule the world unobstructed. We're here in search of an important item that is vital to these plans. Once we find what we're looking for or fail to do so after overturning all of Virbank City; we will quietly take our leave until such a time as we are able to conquer Unova. I'd suggest you all enjoy your temporary freedom in the meantime; we're not here as conquerors just yet, but we will be back when the final stages of our plans are complete." He explained to them in a negotiating tone that did nothing to reassure them.

"If you and yours are planning to take over the Region again now that Hilda is gone; you'd better be prepared for someone else to rise up in her stead. When the chips are down; Unova will give us another hero to help take you all down once again. Maybe this time you'll all get the memo and actually stay silent after getting your butts kicked a second time." Yancy shot back at him; ready to defend the people of Unova to her dying breath if need be, but hoping it didn't come to that.

Giallo sighed once again, growing weary of this idol's snarky and sanctimonious platitudes. "The day I, a Sage of Neo Team Plasma, lose to some rich daddy's girl armed with nothing but her songs of togetherness and cheer, is the day Team Plasma truly loses all hope of redemption. Go Scolipede, teach this entitled, self-important brat what true power is all about!" He said with surprising determination. What followed that command was a Pokeball bursting open in an orb of white light and a far-larger-than-normal, battle hardened Scolipede with scars from wars appearing on the dinted floor of the main foyer.

The intimidating sight did little to impose Yancy or her Spinda, but Rosa felt a shiver of fear run through her on behalf of her friend. The Sages were extremely dangerous, and devoted enough to their goals to do whatever it took to fulfill them; even going so far as to take a life. That was why Ghetsis chose them, and what made them so dangerous; their utter devotion and blind faith to Ghetsis's so called perfect plans at the expense of everything else. They honestly believed their leader to be a messianic figure; a true son of Arceus or the original Dragon of Unova itself, and would do absolutely anything for him, literally anything.

"Please be careful Yancy." Rosa whispered under her breath; offering up a quick prayer to any god that might've been listening that they got out of this mess alive. Selfish though it may have seemed, she had so much left to live for, and believed Yancy did as well as the pinkette spoke up one last time.

"Alright Spinda, this is it! This is the bigtime! Let's give it all we got!" She yelled spiritedly, and with a cry of determination Spinda was off in a show of speed that made Giallo quirk an eyebrow but did little to actually impress him as he initiated a counter-command sequence, and thus a long and grueling grudge match begun.


To the chagrin of everyone present within the head of management office building at Pokestar Studios; Yancy and her team of Pokémon were brought to their knees single-handedly. All of her precious partners; from Spinda to Gastrodon, Gardevoir, Togekiss, Persian, Spiritomb, Wobuffet, Bastiodon, Snorlax, Ursarang, Rhyperior, and even her newly Mega Evolved Mawile were swept in two-shots or less by a single Scolipede… one single, ridiculously overpowered Scolipede.

Her previous fight with the grunts was nowhere near close to encapsulating the sheer difference in power-scaling between the Sages and their many underlings. She was soundly and utterly defeated in the same manner as when she battled Rosa, and more to the point… she failed. She failed to protect the city, failed to drive off Team Plasma, failed her family, homeland, and friends as well as her Pokémon, and worst of all… she failed herself. Battles she couldn't afford to lose weren't any fun, and this one just f*cking tanked in the worst way possible.

"You did well child, you fought bravely and gallantly, and with a skill-level matching any Elite Four member. No doubt that's a testament to professional tutelage received from birth and a lifetime of grandeur and wanting for nothing; a lifetime sadly denied too many of us who are infinitely more deserving of such a life. Unfortunately, you know nothing of real power, or the struggles and hardships many of us endure to acquire it. This is woefully obvious in your team; because while you are competent in terms of your attacks and verbal commands, that alone will only take you so far.

You have the skill, but your Pokémon lack the raw power necessary to really get the most out of your considerable abilities. Your talents and skills are wasted on such weak specimens; just as their own potential strengths are wasted on a Trainer with no desire to enhance their abilities as well as you refine their technique for contest battles and the like." Giallo proclaimed in a grandstanding manner; preaching his ministrations as though he were a priest attempting to bring the day of enlightenment unto others.

Yancy winced, that comment of his had stung more than she cared to admit, and the worst part was she couldn't even dispute it because he was right; he had beaten her soundly and without effort. And not because his skills were any greater than hers, but because she cared extraordinarily little for power or augmenting her team's abilities to the optimum level. She refined their techniques and taught them the best of her difficultly honed skills for things like contest battles, but in terms of raw power she was indeed sorely lacking and it bit her in the ass this time.

Rosa had to speak up on her best friend's behalf; compelled to say something in spite of the overwhelming odds. That Scolipede of his was giving off such an intense aura that it set the air throbbing with a level of power that honestly rivalled her very best, but that didn't stop her from voicing her thoughts.

"You're wrong; Nancy has only shown us a prelude of what she can do so far, her journey as a Trainer has only just begun. For a girl who has only been a Trainer for little over half-a-year; she's done amazingly well for herself and her team in such a short time. Just because today's battle ended in your favor doesn't mean Nancy's potential prowess and strength is incomparable to your own; so I'd thank you not to make her feel like a bag of sh*t by standing there spouting pious inanities when your only victory here was beating down a rookie Trainer far less than half your age and experience." She viciously stated on behalf of her friend as the bystanders all cheered in response to her words, Nancy/Yancy looked behind her to flash Rosa an appreciative smile, and Scolipede hissed threateningly while Giallo reared back like he had been slapped.

The one thing he couldn't stand above all else was recalcitrant youth who didn't know when they were beaten. He felt white-hot rage boiling his blood at the masked hero's words; feeling an irrational spike of anger that belied his normally calm and composed demeanor as he turned to the masked hero with a blazing look, instructing his Scolipede non-verbally.

Yancy and Rosa's eyes both widened in horror as the massive Poison and Bug-type stampeded towards her with the intent to impale her via Megahorn. Rosa was not ashamed to admit she screamed with abject terror during those moments; especially when Yancy put herself between them without hesitation and at a rapidity that would take them both years later to realize should've been impossible, but at the moment they were both too terrified out of her skulls to process anything that was happening around them.

"YANCY!" Rosa screamed so loud she rendered her voice hoarse with just that one word; unable to believe or comprehend that her friend would give her life for her like that without even hesitating, their lives flashing before their eyes as they could see nothing but the greens of Scolipede's Megahorn now. So wholly transfixed and rooted on the spot with fear they were; that they didn't realize that the blow which should've snuffed out their lives by now never came, or the fact that they were both airborne and held tightly and protectively in the arms of a new arrival on the scene.

"Damn, talk about being a Deus Ex Machina, and here I thought I was fresh out of my ability to instigate contrived plot twists. Nice view though; a guy can definitely get used to this." A strong and infinitely animated sounding male voice spoke aloud from awfully close to both Yancy and Rosa's ears. It was right next to them actually as they slowly and painstakingly opened their eyes… unable to wrap their heads around the inescapable fact that they'd just been somehow miraculously saved. Shock and hopelessness for their survival slowly and unavoidably gave way to joyous alleviation and renewed faith in whatever higher powers they believed in.

They both turned as a unit to get a good look at their rescuer who held them in a rather compromising way with their arms wrapped snugly around their slim waists. When they did, both of them started to blush uncontrollably in perfect unison; for the person they beheld was nothing short of gorgeous. Brown eyes alight with playful amusem*nt and quiet confidence and strength, and no small amount of intelligence hidden in their depths as well. Similarly colored and shaded hair barely kept out of his eyes by a visor and an eager and peppy grin a mile wide with chiseled, immaculate facial features and arms with lean-muscled biceps and an attire choice that was largely blue in coloration.

Yes, they were both rather starstruck in those moments, and not just because he was an absolute looker, but because he was literally their knight in shining armor in this scenario. Although most girls nowadays wouldn't admit it; many of them still secretly loved those fairy tale scenarios depicting the knights and princesses of old. At least, Yancy and Rosa both still did, and many of the fans they'd had the chance to commune with at length had admitted as much as well. And honestly, there was nothing wrong with that; just so long as every girl remembered they needed to be their own hero from time to time as well.

Unbeknownst to either of them or the fascinating stranger still holding onto them; Yancy's eyes briefly flashed with a pink light, and her eyes transitioned into literal heart shapes in both the pupils and irises almost imperceptibly before the impossible display of seeming literal magic was gone just as quickly. Giallo and his Scolipede were experiencing a completely different kind of emotion altogether; shock which quickly turned to anger at seeing yet another upstart brat impeding his quest to take this city for his own. His only consolation was he was doing an adequate job of distracting these mutinous ignoramuses while his other grunts completed their thorough sweep of the city for any sign of what they were searching for.

"Who has interfered, identify yourself at once!" Giallo demanded hostilely as the enigmatic individual seemed to realize he was being spoken to, and promptly released the two girls he was holding onto as if burned by them.

"Sorry." He said sheepishly to both of them without even addressing the Team Plasma Sage at all, causing literal steam to erupt from his ears as Rosa and Yancy both smiled at their savior.

"Are you two alright? That was cutting it a little close there; even for me." The young man whispered in a genuinely concerned tone as the two girls exchanged a look before settling on an answer together.

"We're alright." Yancy said appreciatively.

"Thanks to you honestly; I don't know how you got to us so fast from seemingly out of nowhere, but we'd be toast without you. On behalf of all of Pokestar Studios, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts." Rosa aka Riolu Girl whispered with immeasurable graciousness; unintentionally laying it on a bit thick as the man flushed sheepishly. His eyes seemed to widen when he caught on to who it was he just rescued, and both girls chuckled. Clearly he knew who they both were and only just caught on to the fact that he had two of the hottest celebrities in all of Unova forever indebted to him.

"Believe me, the pleasure is all mine; Unova would be utterly lost without you two. I would say I would've run interference faster if I had known it was you two that I was inadvertently rescuing, but the truth is I would've done that for anyone." The man said in a surprisingly even and measured tone; one which intrigued them both. It was almost as if he was withholding the true depths of his knowledge about them, or how fond he truly was of following their careers. He was a grudging fanboy no doubt.

"If I might interrupt?" Giallo interjected nastily as the stranger and two girls turned their attention back to him; the latter two narrowing their eyes at his willingness to commit cold blooded murder just moments before. Any belief they had in the possible redemption of this particular Sage was gone like a fart in the wind.

"Oh yes, quite alright actually; hello there old timer." The younger man replied as his full attention was now on the Scolipede and his master.

"Who exactly are you?" He seethed through gritted teeth, and Rosa and Yancy's rescuer shrugged with surprising nonchalance.

"Well, that is the question." He responded evasively.

"I demand to know who you are!" Giallo roared in a threatening tone, and the look on the younger man's face when he levelled his gaze at him made the Team Plasma Sage's anger instantly disperse in favor of a primordial fear, an instinctual urge to run and hide and hope to Arceus that he could weather the oncoming storm.

"Are you so certain you wish to know? Names carry a certain weight to them, an untold power if you will." The old man wrapped up in younger flesh stated plainly, and Giallo managed to shake himself free of that primal urge to run for the hills and glare heatedly at him.

"Enough of the mind games; if you won't identify yourself, then I'll have no choice but to have Scolipede here finish what it started." The Sage threatened in what he hoped was a dangerous tone. Unfortunately for him, the other male was not impressed, nor was he the least bit amused.

"You know, extremists like you who are willing to commit cold blooded murders in the name of your heinous aspirations really piss me off something fierce. And for the record, my name is Nate. That's all the name I need in this world, everything you need to know about me. So, I take it you're not just going to up and leave this fine establishment if I ask nicely, huh?" The now identified Nate said in a matter-of-fact tone as both Yancy and Rosa exchanged a smile; mutually glad they had a name to identify their savior by from here on out. Rosa was smiling for another reason though, and that was the fact that she knew who this person was. To think that the enigmatic veteran Trainer Alder mentioned to her in passing would turn out to be her savior. Life certainly did like to throw its share of curveballs at its residents.

Giallo shook his head with great displeasure. "Did I ever mention I hate children? Especially today's children; they're so obnoxious and self-righteous and entitled; you all think that this can last, but it won't. Team Plasma's day will cometh, and when it does we'll ascend to the status of deities. In the meantime however, I will lament the seriously falling standards of today's children's upbringings while I beat the ever-living tar out of you Nate. Why, in my day… at least children had the decency to respect their elders to a certain degree, but now it's like you all think you understand how things work. Oh well, I suppose if it's any consolation; I'll be able to reeducate your generation once I and my team take over the world and take all of its power for ourselves." The champion-level trainer declared with an arrogance that honestly didn't surprise Nate at this point.

"Yeah, keep talking asshole; as the old saying goes… out with the old and in with the new!" He retorted bitingly as Giallo once again saw red and ordered a Megahorn from Scolipede without waiting for Nate or the two girls to make a move.

Yancy and Rosa were forced to relive the trauma of almost dying at this big behemoth's hands, but felt safe and secure somehow with Nate standing here with him; like nothing in the entire world could ever touch them while he was here. Maybe it was just the emotional high that came with him rescuing them before, but they already felt completely secure in his presence for reasons even they didn't fully comprehend.

Nate grew a savage smile as he expertly plucked Typhon's Master Ball from his current roster belt, not even bothering to toss it on the ground as the ball burst open with an orb of sparkling, iridescently glittering lights. The form that materialized from the state of digitization within the Master Ball grew and grew and grew seemingly without end until it finally revealed a massive draconic being that just barely managed to fit inside the building without hitting its head on the higher-than-average roof of the main floor.

Everybody's eyes widened including Scolipede's who immediately broke off from the midst of his lethal stride towards the three humans to dodge an incoming swipe from the massive creature's truck-sized clawed hands. The dragon gave a loud roar that rattled every building and infrastructure in every corner of the world simultaneously; the power it possessed literally radiating off of it in undulations of pure, unfathomable, and peerless might. Everyone knew instinctively that such strength could only have belonged to one of the truly godlike legends, and unlike everybody else that beheld this sublime, incandescent figure; both Nate and Giallo knew what manner of creature it was.

"Impossible… how could this child… have captured…" The Team Plasma Sage stuttered in mixed horror, stunned silence, and disbelief so pure and unrefined he didn't even know it was possible to feel it at this magnitude.

"What… Pokémon is that~?!" Yancy exclaimed questioningly and with naturally tuneful surrealism. This honestly felt like something straight out of her wildest and most fanatical dreams ever, and even those failed to do justice to the true breadth of this behemoth standing right in front of her.

"I don't know! I've never seen it before!" Rosa whispered, equally as wonderstruck upon being totally and wholly eclipsed by this creature's vast, all-embracing presence. Such an admission on her part was a rarity in itself as well; for there were very few species in the world of Pokémon Rosa had never seen before, let alone heard of in the whispers and folktale of myths and legends.

"Boy, tell me… how did you capture that Pokémon?" Giallo inquired in a desperate tone; unable to believe there was more of Kyurem's kind out there as Nate gave him an all-knowing smile that sent shivers down his spine.

"Your secret weapon on board that frigate you and your team cherish so much isn't the only one of its kind Giallo, and mine is a much higher level to. Say hello to everyone Typhon." Nate proclaimed theatrically as the Kyurem snorted with thinly veiled amusem*nt at his new Trainer's antics. He was definitely bolder than Typhon's previous Trainer had been and had a certain flourish and flair for the dramatic that he wished Ash had more of honestly.

"Greetings." He said simply and in perfectly fluent English as everyone gave a start in response to that.

"Damn, and he talks to." Rosa guffawed, bellowing with laughter at the sheer illogicality of this situation. Her shock threshold was as high as it could get, and she'd believe almost anything at this point. Her cameraman was working overtime to take in every detail and get it all down on video as well; broadcasting this whole development to all of Unova. Yancy herself knew only one thing; her show was going to be the talk of the century across the entire world. This was huge; this was bigger than the time when Red himself became the youngest Pokémon Champion in history, or when Sinnoh and the entire world were almost overwritten by the powers of Spear Pillar and Dialga and Palkia. This was the kind of story that was literally world-changing in the biggest ways possible. No doubt this would be on the Worldly news network within the hour; probably even sooner than that.

Meanwhile, Giallo was trying to regain as much of his lost control over the situation as he could; what the boy Nate told him was certainly newsworthy, and no doubt Ghetsis would want all the details from him personally. Even his grunts, who were defeated earlier, looked on in unmasked awe at the legendary being most didn't even know the name of; let alone the fact that it actually existed. Ghetsis had wanted to keep it that way so they could capture Kyurem quietly and without concern for opposition.

Hell, the only other people who knew of its existence wouldn't have been the slightest bit opposed to its sudden disappearance, but now this Nate and his own, somehow more completed version of Kyurem than the black and white forms that Ghetsis had somehow acquired illustrations of threatened to ruin all of their meticulously crafted plans… again. Ghetsis and the other sages long theorized that Kyurem could've been the original Dragon of Unova, but whatever it looked like and whatever item may have been required for its full reversion back to its completed form had passed out of all knowledge… even the most obscure scriptures and texts Ghetsis could lay his fingers on.

But seeing it now in all of its majesty and splendor made Giallo honestly fear for the sanctity and safety of their operations. How this Nate person had acquired it in such a completed form was unknown to him, and even if he were to risk Team Plasma's secret weapon becoming public knowledge by asking the young man for that information; it was unlikely he would just give it to him free of charge. The creature standing before him was the perfect amalgamated fusion of Kyurem, Reshiram, and Zekrom; with who knows how many untold abilities and a plethora of powerful moves and God knows what else.

He brought to mind Ghetsis's teachings; about how even the Gods of their world were able to be captured and made to do the bidding of 12 to 14-year-olds and so on. Pokémon were Pokémon, no matter how extraordinary they may have been; none of them were universally powerful or omnipotent. As though sensing his thoughts, the Kyurem turned its soul-piercing gaze on him; snorting derisively in response to his thoughts. "The arrogance of man is thinking nature is in his control, and not the other way around." Typhon quoted, his words having an impact on everyone present as Nate gave a cheeky smile.

"Well put my good friend. I'll give you one chance to surrender Giallo; I would strongly advise you take this opportunity to run. Even at plus 24 attack, 36 defense, and plus 27 speed; your Scolipede's overall power and individual abilities absolutely pales in comparison to that of Typhon's even at his most basic, foundational level." Nate called out to him as everyone's eyes widened again at this proclamation. Yancy honestly looked back and tried to visually recollect how many stat boosts that Scolipede had accumulated while battling her roster; astounded when her mental mathematics arrived at more or less the same exact numbers as Nate just uttered.

"You can tell a Pokémon's stat boosts just by looking at them?!" Rosa exclaimed in a surprised tone, and when Nate nodded in confirmation her eyebrows quirked. That was a nifty little parlor trick if she ever saw one.

"It doesn't matter how strong you think your Pokémon is. A Pokémon is a Pokémon; no matter their folklore or their power tier. All Pokémon are within the capturing range of a well-placed Master Ball. You cannot argue with what is a known, indisputable fact. Scolipede, let's get em! Use Rollout!" He commanded as Scolipede hastened to comply despite his paramount terror of fighting the most uphill battle of his life against a seemingly invincible opponent.

"Ooh, good strategy there; not only is it super effective against a Pokémon of Typhon's unique duo-typing, but it is also one of the hardest hitting moves in the whole of the Pokémon world… well, once it's had enough time to build up momentum and power. Typhon, Draco Meteor if you please, and don't bother with the Sovereign Variant; the regular version is more than enough… especially when Contrary is involved." He instructed at such a fast pace that Scolipede wasn't even halfway across the distance between it and the Complete form Kyurem, and most of everyone present could hardly follow what was being said.

Typhon reacted instantly and summoned an onslaught of flaming blue meteors of vast draconic energy from a hole in the fabric of space-time; one that superimposed on the entire roof of the main floor. Scolipede was instantly buffeted explosively and didn't even get a chance to cry out in protest as it was catapulted into the ground at Giallo's feet unceremoniously; out cold before it even hit the proverbial dirt. Everyone's eyes popped out of their skulls as true to Nate's word; Typhon was illuminated by a deep and crimson down that indicated a sharp increase to his Special Attack instead of the harsh lowering one usually expected when attacked by Draco Meteor.

"Un-f*cking-believable!" Rosa stammered; it felt like she was saying that a lot today as Giallo looked on in horror and intensely silent incomprehension as he returned his Scolipede without another word. Never had his Scolipede been so thoroughly trounced in just one attack and given that it was the sole and ridiculous over-leveled occupant of his team; he had no alternative but to withdraw. As if on cue, the doors slid open and one of the grunts from over at the gym came rushing in to find Giallo staring dejectedly at his first and only Pokémon's Pokeball.

"Sir, we have a problem; the former Unovian Champion is on the war path to free the gym and the pier from our control. We've already suffered many KO's and he shows no sign of fatigue at our numbers." He informed the Sage dutifully like the mindless drone he was. His eyes threatened to burst forth from their sockets upon seeing the towering monstrosity standing near the back of the room towards the elevator; everyone on camera for all of Unova to see as the grunt pointed at Typhon with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Holy f*ck man! What is that thing?! I've never seen a Pokémon like that before! What's going on?!" He fired one rapid question after another as Giallo sighed and turned to him with an authoritative look in his eyes.

"None of your concern for now grunt, just tell me you managed to find something. Please tell me something has gone right on this otherwise unsalvageable day." He pleaded as the grunt shook his head in a displeased way.

"Sorry sir, no sign of any such items fitting your specifications." The grunt informed him as the Sage sighed with obvious disappointment. Nate took the opportunity to speak up once again; working out what this whole entire AU turn of events had been about as his infinitely brilliant assortment of brains all fired their synapses at an absurd rate.

"If I may hazard a guess as to what this whole endeavor has been about; it's regarding Typhon here and the whole and complete form you now see him in. I'd wager Ghetsis found out about black and white but hasn't figured out how to merge to two together yet." He deduced as Giallo turned to regard the young man with a contemplative stare. This Nate's knowledge was dangerous… too dangerous. The depths of it were absolutely staggering to contemplate and made him perhaps the biggest threat to Team Plasma's goals since Hilda herself.

"I don't suppose you're going to enlighten us as to how you were able to accomplish this?" Giallo asked him; knowing it was unlikely the kid would spill the beans but wishfully thinking that maybe he could goad him into getting a swelled head or something and sharing information he ought not to. Nate gave him that damn infuriating smile once again; that all-knowing smile that said he knew exactly what the Team Plasma member was thinking. Rosa and Yancy continued to listen to the exchange with growing confusion; along with everything else. They were only able to determine that Nate knew something about this Typhon Pokémon that Team Plasma didn't, and they wanted that information to.

The fact they didn't know much of anything that was happening now, or what legendary Pokémon Typhon was, was driving them both insane. It wasn't that it was unheard of for Trainers to have Legendary and even Mythical Pokémon, but rare was it when they came across a Legend they didn't know of, in a form that's never before been seen. Buddy was having the time of his life taping this; damned if he missed a single shot of the action and knowing he would make a bloody fortune off this footage along with everyone else on the scene. He and Yancy had an earpiece directly connecting them to their manager, and both he and Rosa's manager Takashi could hear everything that was happening as well; the both of them wanting to be down there with them where all of the action was, but understanding intuitively that they would only get in the way.

Battling was not their forte, though they both enjoyed hearing about the exploits of their favorite girls. Takashi could already see the hidden stardom within Nate; he already had the drama and the theatricality bit nailed, and he was exuberant with passion and a real-life hero of justice. What better candidate was there to play the Riolu Kid; the male counterpart of Riolu Girl? He could already see the bottomless potential of a duality role between both Nate and Rosa as both superheroes respectively.

"Sorry to disappoint but no; I can say however that it was via a method you and your team will never get your hands on. Not that you believe me of course, but you'll see I was right in due course. I guess every Icarus has to touch his sun before he can be brought back down to Earth with the rest of us weary mortals." Nate responded merrily, and Giallo sighed; well, at least he tried.

"We'll figure it out on our own then. Alright everyone, move out and withdraw for now. We're leaving this City with its freedom intact… for now. But make no mistake; we'll be back to finish what we started, and the next time we do so will be as conquerors. And you…" He emphatically gesticulated at Nate, a maniacal look in his eyes.

"Don't think your transgression here will go unpunished. All exists for the sake of Team Plasma, and your Typhon is under our ever-watchful eyes now. Nate, was it? I will remember your name; so do us all a favor and hold onto that Kyurem for now… rest assured we will be coming for it later. Such godlike creatures do not belong in the hands of insignificant beings like you." He threatened, but even as he looked menacing, and the grunts started running for the door as though they were all too happy to beat a hasty retreat; Nate continued to look unintimidated.

"It is not your place or anyone else's to make such an uncorroborated allegation Giallo. I'm letting you all go just this one time to report back to your boss on your recent failures. But I'm warning you all now; threaten me or my friends again, and there will be nowhere in all of time and space, in heaven and hell, or in the greater web of realities beyond this multiverse where you and yours can hide from me." Nate said in a dangerous tone; every word accentuated with a subtle but all-too noticeable undertone of killing intent. Something told Yancy that was a promise and not a threat, and even though it wasn't directed at them she and Rosa shuddered just as hard as Giallo did when he heard those heart-stopping words of pure terror-inducement. What in the world was this kid?

He didn't bother sticking around to find that out, and Nate, Yancy, and Rosa remained on edge even for several moments after the last of the grunts filed through the sliding doors; half-expecting everything to go to sh*t again. They all breathed a collective sigh of relief when all continued to be still and silent; a more relaxed atmosphere settling on all of Virbank City at once when the storm finally passed them over and Team Plasma was finally driven out of the city.

Rosa and Yancy turned to Nate as one as he himself turned his attention towards the crowd of civilians and staff workers for the studio with a genuinely kind and concerned look. "Whew, sorry about all that; is everyone okay?!" He called out to everyone in the exceptionally large room as Typhon grew uncomfortable with all of the eyes locked on him and promptly returned himself to his Master Ball. Just because he enjoyed his master's openness regarding everything didn't mean he was comfortable with prolonged exposure to prying collective eyes; there was still too much of Ash LCBC2's training about fading into obscurity and not interfering in the affairs of mortals for him to completely change his views overnight. Still, a part of him enjoyed being cast in the limelight and being able to flex his powers. He would have to work harder to overcome the carry-overs from his previous existence; obviously his new Trainer was very different in overall mentality than his old one.

Everyone seemed to regain their composure as the Complete Form Kyurem disappeared, and registered Nate's concerned tone for the first time as a cheer of absolute elation erupted throughout the entire building and by extension the entire city. Buddy threw a triumphant fist into the air while keeping one ear on the two managers who were already up to their noses with good things to say about the quite possibly literal Godsend.

Nate was practically beaming with radiance at this point as the disguised Rosa and Yancy received their share of thanks and praise as well. No doubt the entire Region of Unova was similarly celebrating this formerly unsung hero; now cast into the limelight as the most amazing Pokémon Trainer to ever grace their Region since Hilda herself. And, if rumors were to be believed; with legendary Pokémon of his own comparable to Hilda's Reshiram and N's Zekrom. He was honestly just trying to help, and if outing himself and his bevy of Legendary Pokémon was what it took then so be it. Granted, he still wasn't entirely used to having whole legions of people screaming his name in utter reverence; he would have to work even harder than ever before not to get a ridiculously overinflated ego.

He turned to surreptitiously examine the disguised Rosa and Nancy/Yancy; reflecting back on his play-through of Pokémon Black and White 2… ashamed to say he hadn't even known about Yancy's existence until their remakes many years later. A part of his inner child longed to explore and reexamine every part of those old and retro classic DS games; so as to see for himself what a great character he missed out on the last times he skimmed through those games. What was worse was that she was a pinkette, and in his objective opinion she had to be the most beautiful pink-haired person he'd ever seen in his entire life.

And f*ck almighty did Rosa ever look hot in that getup as Riolu Girl; the form-fitting costume hugged her curves very closely and didn't leave much to the imagination. He still couldn't believe how he had managed to unintentionally save both their asses earlier; he hadn't even thought about what he was doing when he first walked in the door to Pokestar Studios and saw Scolipede moving in for the kill; he just reacted via super speed and grabbed them both before anyone could've seen him move. Thankfully, everybody had been too wrapped up in their own horror at what was happening to take notice of him covering impossible distances in the blink of an eye.

Despite his theatricality earlier and his blatant display of the most powerful Pokémon in all of Unova; he would rather keep his Supreme Omnidony existence under wraps for the time being. His parting threat of Giallo may have been showcasing that lifestyle in a very plain way, but few if any people were going to connect those dots as there was nothing for them to connect. Most if not all mortals came to the more believable conclusions first and foremost; even Sherlock Holmes himself said one had to eliminate the impossible in order to find the truth, but as someone who was the impossible, Nate could honestly say that more things abounded in the ZOF than were dreamt of in even his philosophy. Case in point, the humans and Pokémon alike would find it easier to believe he was just making a mostly empty threat to employ scare tactics against the enemy than the fact that he was literally Sovereign Omnipotence incarnate.

He smiled again as everyone came over to swamp him, Yancy, and Rosa with love and praise for their heroic egresses. Nate took note of one particular-looking old man of the custodial variety as he offered Nate a hearty handshake, which he accepted with aplomb. "Young man, in all my years of employment at this studio I have never in my life seen anything like what you have shown us here today. Virbank City and the rest of Unova owes you an unpayable debt, and don't let all the haters of today's world let you think or feel otherwise." He stated in a voice laden with thankfulness, and Nate grew a sincere, megawatt smile.

"That means a lot sir; thank you so much. My actions here today were all worth it just to see kindly gentlemen like you able to continue living free and unencumbered by Team Plasma's quest for unchallenged power." Nate said with a level of sincerity that touched the hearts of everyone present; including Yancy and Rosa… both of whom were thinking along the same lines. This guy was too genuinely, unfailingly kind to be real, and yet the proof was right in front of them as their hearts ticked just a little bit faster at the display. Once the crowd of milling civilians and staff workers dispersed finally; Nate was left to deal with two girls on the cusp of fangirling him despite being people of sufficient celebrity status themselves as well as a cameraman with entirely too much footage at his disposal to put the LCBC2 Counterpart on every list both good and bad imaginable across the entire world. He inwardly grimaced at the thought.

"Nancy, Riolu Girl, I think it's safe to say we'll be years going through all the footage I've caught on tape today, and people will still be talking about this decades from now. As for you Nate, can I just say thank you? I know you've probably heard it enough times already but thank you for everything you've done." Buddy thanked him as well, and Nate nodded politely in acknowledgement before he decided to ask for a favor from the frankly amazingly brave cameraman.

"And can I just say I commend you for your boldness; it takes balls to be able to record the things that you did and that's a rare trait to find these days. No doubt you'll be heralded as the only cameraman on the scene of this historic event also; your footage is undoubtedly already worth a vast fortune by now, and I hate to have to ask you this when I know you're giddy with anticipation to show this to your editors, but I have to ask you for a favor I'm afraid. Can you hold off on showing that to anyone until I've had time to give an official statement to the proper authorities or whoever is qualified to reassure me that I'm not in any trouble legal or otherwise?" Nate requested politely as Yancy and Rosa exchanged a smile. He was showing remarkable restraint for a man who seemed to thrive when thrust into the spotlight. That took a level of professionalism and composure most actors needed years to hone.

Buddy thought about it for all of 5 seconds before he nodded and smiled. "That sounds fair enough; though I can't deny I'm already antsy to get the ball rolling. This is the kind of story that makes careers. By the way, my name is Buddy; I'm the one and only cameraman on Nancy's payroll, and I take pride in that fact." He greeted Nate with another handshake which Nate grudgingly accepted. The formalities involved with accepting thanks and praise was honestly a bit tiring; not that he was complaining of course, but people who vied for this kind of attention had no clue how overrated it could be.

"I'm sure you are, and nice to meet you Buddy. You already know my name." Nate replied briskly as Buddy nodded in affirmation and parted ways from their group for now to go and discuss matters with Yancy's manager; taking the elevator and disappearing from view as it closed on him with a soft ding.

This left Rosa, Yancy, and Nate just by themselves. "So… that happened." Rosa drawled with amusem*nt.

Nate snorted with mirth. "Probably the biggest oversimplification of the century I reckon." He noted, and Rosa chuckled before she reached out for a handshake as well with a snicker escaping her lips. He rolled his eyes good-naturedly before accepting it; not giving her the satisfaction of knowing she irritated him with the gesture as she smirked knowingly.

"Good to meet ya Nate; I heard about you from Alder and Benga in passing already. I'm glad to know they weren't exaggerating. Oh, and thanks for saving my bacon earlier on to." She greeted him while Yancy was currently in a spirited discussion with her manager who wanted all the juicy details and to talk with Nate himself. The LCBC2 Counterpart turned to her with a predatory smile that sent an unexpected thrill through her entire body; now that was a hot-as-f*ck look if she ever saw one.

"Likewise… Rosa." He said in a knowing, self-satisfied tone; so glad he could out her identity without her being able to say she didn't give him an opening to do so. Her eyes immediately widened.

"How did…" She broke off with amazement; Yancy's eyes also widening as she heard their conversation while trying to get off the phone with her manager so she could talk to Nate a little bit herself.

"Alder and Benga told me about a prodigious Trainer by the name of Rosa; it's hardly a deduction worthy of praise, especially since you gave me everything I needed." He smiled a smug little smile as Rosa sighed in disbelief; she would need to be much more careful next time.

"I just exposed my civilian identity to a near stranger, didn't I? Damn, that's gotta be the first one in years. What do I have to do to ensure you maintain your silence about it I wonder?" Rosa quipped in a tone that was minimally playful; maximally flirtatious and downright suggestive with not-so-hidden innuendos.

"Tempting though that may be I wouldn't be much of a hero if I took advantage of such a glorious and unwitting opportunity, now would I? Your secret is safe with me of course, what else was I going to respond with?" He fired back just as quickly, and Rosa whistled appreciatively as she looked over at the disguised Yancy, who thankfully seemed fortunate enough to keep her own identity intact.

"Hey Nancy, you better get off that phone cuz you're gonna like this one. He's smart, like scary smart, and he's quick to!" Rosa giggled as Yancy rolled her eyes while continuing to speak to her manager; proving that she had indeed heard her while Rosa and Nate continued to chatter on amicably about nothing.

"So, care to share what type of legendary Pokémon you have there? I heard you mention the names Kyurem and Typhon, but I don't know which identity is the nickname and which is the species designation. That's honestly a first for me, and don't worry… I'll keep your secret if you keep mine." Rosa promised him enticingly as Nate chuckled, winking cheekily at her.

"I'd prefer to keep that under wraps for now; at least for the time being. I'd imagine all will be revealed in due course, however. I even recall mentioning as much to that crazy old man and his Scolipede." He impishly tutted her, and Rosa pouted at him cutely.

"You're no fun." She moaned.

"Yes I am, and I can tell you think so as well." He knowingly stated, and she relented that as fact.

"True." She agreed.

They turned their attention over to Yancy who finally gave up trying the gentler approach and promptly hung up on her manager. She was heading upstairs to see him and Rosa's manager right now anyways, along with Rosa, and they asked her to bring Nate along for the ride no matter what it took. A little dramatic way of putting it in her opinion, but she could understand it she supposed. She had to restrain herself from gushing over him like the same kind of obsessive fangirl she once claimed to detest. She wanted a man in her life with a larger-than-life persona, and that was exactly what she got; on a scale beyond what she could ever have imagined. Of course, whether or not he was still single was hard to say for certain, and she knew practically zilch about him to.

"Whew, sorry about that you two; my manager spent the last 5-minutes grilling me for every last detail I could recall. He and my friend's manager here are very anxious to meet you Nate, and I am glad you're here as well. You're probably wishing by now that you never have to hear these words again, but I'm honestly indebted to you. I owe you my life and the life of my best friend here to. Words cannot express how deeply my gratitude runs for you right now." She told him, unable to keep the slight admiration out of her tone as Nate blushed up a crimson storm from embarrassment and fluster.

"And I'll say once more that it was my pleasure Nancy. Yes, I know who you both are, though media is not really my kinda thing anymore. Your reputations precede you both though; I'd have to have been living under some seriously secluded rock to not know who you are." He replied in a respectful tone that was laced with just a touch of residual embarrassment. It wasn't every day he met celebrities, let alone be given the golden opportunity to save them. He had been hoping to impress Rosa in a more indirect manner, but he certainly wasn't going to complain with how much he interfered just now; not if it put him in these girls' good graces. Besides, it wasn't just them; an entire city could sleep soundly tonight because he drove an organized crime syndicate clear out of their midst.

Nancy could read the subtle nuances in his behavior to sense he was trying to be modest and not get too swelled a head. She could also see that his eyes were determinedly staring at her face and not traveling further downward, which was a truly impressive display of restraint and respect on his part that not a lot of other males would've had the courtesy to do when in her company. The fact that he was thinking about checking her out though was flattering; considering his actions today he could probably garner a pretty sizable and devoted fanbase of his own. She looked forward to seeing more of him in the days to come, and would do her absolute best to follow his journey through Unova.

"I know you must be exhausted, but if it's not too much trouble; my manager and Rosa's here would like to have a word with you?" Nancy/Yancy requested of him with a sweet smile.

Nate sighed with the ghost of exhaustion, an echo from his mortal life that he wasn't completely rid of yet. "Very well, I guess you two will have to put up with me for a little while longer then. Lead the way Nancy." He said resignedly, and Nancy giggled adorably while Rosa simpered mischievously.

"I'm still kinda miffed that I dropped the ball on my private identity like that, but I guess it can't be helped. I bet this is the longest day ever for you huh Nate. I know it's been one of those days for me at least." Rosa said as she accompanied him and Yancy onto the elevator and clicked the button while waiting for it to come and admit them.

"You aren't kidding; if this wasn't the longest day of my life, I don't even wanna think about reliving the winner anytime soon." He agreed.

"We've all had days like that I'm sure." Yancy said in a knowledgeable tone. The elevator door opened, and they all walked in together while pressing the button that would take them to the top floor where the managers were waiting for them. The automatic doors closed behind them and the elevator began its ascension as Nate couldn't help but comment on something that was nagging at him for a while now.

"You two are being extremely nonchalant considering everything you just saw… almost disturbingly so actually." He confided, and both girls exchanged a smile.

"I forgot; Alder said you were a newcomer to Unova didn't he? We've seen some pretty crazy things here in this Region in recent years." Rosa responded as Nate chuckled.

"A fact that seems to be a constant among the Regions as of late; the distortion of space-time in Sinnoh, the rise of the youngest Regional Champ in history back in Kanto, the resurgence of Team Rocket in Johto and their second disbandment at the hands of another upstart Trainer with similar humble beginnings as Red, the awakening of Primal Groudon and Kyogre as well as Mega Rayquaza and Deoxys in Hoenn, the awakening of Xerneas and Yveltal from Kalos and also the deflowering of the Ultimate Weapon from 3000-years in the past, um… pardon the v-card-based double-entendre there girls. Oh, and then there's that situation in Alola with Solgaleo." He lengthily said as both girls exchanged surprised smiles; impressed by the depths of his knowledge.

"You certainly know a lot about what goes on in other regions." Yancy couldn't help but state the obvious whereas Rose snorted at the deflowering comment with amusem*nt.

"Jeez, even when engaging in dirty pun humor like you just did you manage to be exceedingly polite and respectful while doing so. Give your mother my compliments next time you speak to her because she definitely raised you right." She smiled while winking at him impishly. She was definitely interested in him now; who he was, where he came from, who his mother was, and even what he looked for in an ideal mate.

Nate chuckled at the statements by both girls. "Well I have travelled all over the world. And will do Rosa; next time I see her I'll let her know you said that." He replied briskly; making a mental note to try and find a way to contact his mortal mom and family without giving them heart attacks due to the shock of what happened to him and what he'd been up to this entire time. He also reminded himself yet again to write a letter to Elliot, Stephan, Jakob, and Azrael. Of course, he would have to limit his contact with his home planet until he could be sure that he could safeguard it against the looming, ubiquitous threat of Zeneptron LCBC2.

"That's amazing; I've actually been all over the world myself due to business trips. My job keeps me pretty busy~." Yancy chirped cheerily in delight, but their conversation was halted from progressing any further by the soft ding of the elevator indicating they arrived. Both Rosa and Yancy were surprised it took as long as it did; with how high-end these elevators were they shouldn't have been able to squeeze in as much conversation as they did before they got to their destination.

Nate's eyebrows rose slightly at this as well. 'Hmm, interesting… I must've dragged us all into Supreme Omnidony Relativity without even realizing it. It's funny the things one's unconscious mind will do without their permission.' He mentally mused in a contemplative tone, before he shrugged it off and resumed his trek with the two gorgeous girls straight into the office of Rosa's manager.

"Ah, Nancy, Riolu Girl; how wonderful to see you both again. We were so worried and felt helpless to do anything about it. Neither of us are Trainers, and we didn't have a prayer of taking on even one of those grunts in Team Plasma. It gives me no small joy to see you both safe and sound, and to give thanks to this brave young soul who stepped in to not only save both your lives but also send those f*ckers packing; pardon my language sorry." Takashi said in a jovial tone as his eyes fell on Nate and appeared to be sizing him up.

"So, I take it you are the one we both have to thank for our charges' safety?" Yancy's manager asked Nate who nodded slowly and somewhat shyly; not wanting to boast but not wanting to lie about his involvement with any of this either. The overweight man nodded solemnly before the severe expression was replaced by a happy one and he stood up and walked over to the surprised LCBC2 Counterpart to give him the most vigorous handshake he'd ever gotten in his life.

"Young man, you have my deepest thanks!" He exclaimed as Nate audibly groaned and both Yancy and Rosa burst out laughing. The managers looked confused, and Nate rolled his eyes before explaining to them it was an inside joke and apparently Rosa and Nancy found it funny for reasons he couldn't put his finger on.

"I know you've grown tired of hearing this, but seriously… thank you so much. Nancy isn't just my celebrity charge; she's also my niece. That means she's family and as members of one of the richest and most powerful families in Unova and by extension the world I'd like to extend to you all our thanks as well. You need only ask Nate, and if it is within our power it shall be granted. I'm sure Nancy's mother and father would agree. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't feel right if we didn't give you some form of reward for your heroic conquest." The pinkette's now identified uncle stated as Nancy and Rosa smiled again, and Nate shook his head; surprising everyone present including Nancy and Rosa.

"I'm sorry sir, and I'm flattered by your offer, but I can't accept. I didn't do what I did to garner any form of praise or prize. I wouldn't feel right about it at all; I just did what anyone half decent would've done." He modestly and chivalrously declined the man's exceedingly generous offer. Some small, twisted, inexplicable part of him was semi-tempted to ask for Nancy herself to take as his mate, but that would be utterly depraved and wouldn't be a good way to start off with her; if there was in fact any way to start off with her or Rosa or Yume who he was having to deal with in an entirely different world that was his most recently visited one.

"I think you'd be astounded how many people wouldn't have had the courage to step up as you did young man, but I guess I can respect your wishes… for now. Though I'd imagine Nancy's parents would have a difference of opinion once they get in touch with you, and I'm sure they will to." He chuckled as Nancy found herself continually surprised by this man's humble modesty. It wasn't that there wasn't a vain bone in his body; she could sense quite the opposite was true, but he had such an iron grip on that ego of his that he might as well have been the most unpretentious individual on the planet.

"Should such an eventuality occur, I will do my very best to decline their generous offers as well." He insistently replied.

"That means a lot to me that you wouldn't try and cash in as it were Nate. Most people would sell their souls to be in the kind of situation you're in right now, ahaha~." Nancy giggled musically as Nate smiled at her with an expression in the fathomless pools of his eyes that she couldn't discern.

"I'm not most people you guys; I can promise you that much." He said to everyone at large as the rest of the meeting with the managers went down much of the same way as Rosa's manager Takashi took the opportunity to properly greet the remarkable young man and give him the praise he so rightfully deserved; however he insisted he didn't need it.

It was as they were heading into the late afternoon hours that Rosa's manager brought up another matter he'd been wishing to discuss with Nate since he had him here. "I should also mention that while I wasn't there watching your battle with Giallo Nancy and her cameraman both had an earpiece that we were able to listen in on you guys with. Whilst battling you demonstrated a tremendous aptitude for acting; your theatricality, intonations, and improved hero speeches were on point to a degree that I think our Riolu Girl here would honestly say is top notch. If I were to be so bold; I would like to offer you the chance to join us here at Pokestar Studios. The role of Riolu Kid the male counterpart of Riolu Girl has been sadly vacant from our moves lately due to nobody being fit for the role, but I can see the potential for superstardom in your eyes.

What say you young man… you interested in a budding acting career? It would give you more time on set with Riolu Girl here, and I'm sure she could show you the ropes as it were. Is that okay with you Riolu Girl?" He generously offered the surprised Nate while glancing questioningly at Rosa for an answer as well. She was tempted to shout hell yeah but refrained from doing so. She didn't want to make Nate feel pressured or anything, but she also found him interesting enough to want to get to know him better and maybe figure out if the two of them were a good match while she was at it.

Nate meanwhile, had a decision to make, and had to admit that out of all the potential career choices he could've gone for in his current state of omnipotence; acting wasn't one he expected to have a knack or a calling for. That wasn't to say he wasn't potentially interested; just that he hadn't given it much thought. He knew an opportunity like this didn't come around every day, and regarded Takashi with a meditative look.

"I give you my word that I'll think about your offer long and hard, should it remain open for the foreseeable future. For the time being though, my main focus is just seeing the sights and maybe partaking in the battle facilities at Nimbasa as well as the White Treehollow and Black Tower." He stated plainly, and while her manager looked disappointed by this Rosa turned to Nate with eyes wide.

"Hey, I love those battling facilities; maybe we can go multi together on the super trains!" She emphatically stated with glee, and Nate nodded in acceptance of her offer.

"It's a date." He impertinently quipped in response, and Rosa smirked while Nancy/Yancy glanced surreptitiously at both her best friend and Nate; surprised and secretly somewhat envious of how quickly they were both hitting it off.

Takashi sighed with mild displeasure at having his offer rejected, but took it well. He hoped that Nate would reconsider with time, and opted to respect his wishes from here on out. After everything he'd done for Virbank City and the Studio; it was the least Takashi could do. "I'm looking forward to seeing you here again if ever the urge should hit you. Feel free to check out any of our blockbuster hits at the home theater in the building adjacent to this one. I'm sure Rosa would be happy to see you here again as well." He said with a pleasant business smile as Nate LCBC2 nodded.

"Thank you all for your hospitality and warm welcome. I know this isn't the last we've seen of Team Plasma but for tonight you can all rest easy at least. I'll be sure to check in from time to time, and I would be glad for Rosa and Nancy's company here and wherever Nancy is stationed whenever they can spare a moment or two." He replied pleasantly as Yancy smiled; happy that she hadn't been excluded from his list of people he'd be glad for the company of.

Nate sighed with what appeared to be relief when it seemed there was nothing else that needed saying. "Anyways, I hate to cut this all short, but I'm exhausted after what was arguably the longest day of my life. I'm still not entirely sure how I feel about outing Typhon to the general public, but I'd do so again in a heartbeat if it meant better protecting everyone and putting the fear of a higher power in those Team Plasma dicks. If there isn't anything else, I would ask that you please excuse me; I'm long overdue for a stay at the Pokémon center here. I know it's a bit early and technically only noon, but I feel like I've squeezed an eternity into that short timeframe; relativity can be a hassle sometimes." He yammered as he begun to slowly but surely unwind from the high stress tension of the day. Takashi and Yancy's manager both nodded understandingly.

"No, we should be good for now, but if it's not too much trouble, could I maybe ask for your X-Transceiver number? That way I could call you if anything comes up." Takashi requested as Nate nodded agreeably and recited his number which he memorized off by heart; the director of Pokestar Studios jotting it down on a notepad he fished out of his desk, planning to add it to his personal contacts list later on.

"Okay, well, I'm gonna go and sleep the afternoon away back at PC." Nate declared with a stretching of his arms that had both girls sitting on either side of him surreptitiously glancing at his briefly highlighted figure; a healthy coloring of pink dusting their cheeks while doing so.

"I'll go with you actually if you don't mind Nate? I actually left my Pokémon there for a thorough examination including my portable PC storage box. I still can't believe I choose today of all days to make absolutely certain my Pokémon were in tip top shape for my next rounds at the Battle Subway; I was absolutely no help whatsoever during this crisis. I honestly felt so useless." Rosa sighed in a dejected tone.

"Don't beat yourself up over too badly; it's not like you can see the future Rosa… you had no way of knowing what would've happened. Besides, you sell yourself short from what I've seen; cuz I distinctly recall you taking a stand against Giallo with some craftily worded speeches even without your Pokémon. You do the role you play in your movies justice Rosa, and not on the big screen, but in the real world." Nate reassuringly stated as Rosa nodded in acknowledgement of his words and Nancy smiled at him to as she came to a decision as well that very moment.

"Wait just one minute you guys… I'm coming to, that is… if you don't mind the extra company Nate, ahaha~." She softly spoke in her signature sing-song voice; Nate's smile broadening to mile wide proportions as he accepted her offer with an eager nod. Nancy caught her manager/uncle's eye with a pleading look; hoping he was okay with this as he nodded with a knowing smile and a cheeky wink that made her flush up a storm.

"The more the merrier as they say." Rosa cited, and with that the three of them got up from their seats and headed back out the supervisory office, down the hall, and back towards the elevator which they waited for after pushing the button.

"The paparazzi are probably stationed outside waiting for the big scoop. If that's the case and they start buttonholing you for details; just keep saying no comment and walking past them, alright?" Nancy advised Nate with obvious experience in the field as he nodded semi-listlessly in response to her words.

"Sheesh, it's amazing how much one's actions can kick up a fuss and stir up drama. All I did was step in and put a stop to Team Plasma, it's not like I saved the world or anything; though I guess saving an entire city is impressive in itself." Nate groaned in mild exasperation as Rosa chuckled and Yancy gave a close-eyed smile.

"So, aside from partaking in battles and seeing the sights, were there any other goals you had in mind during your stay here in Unova? We have all have kinds of amazing sights and facilities you can't find in other regions, and I'm sure with your talent you could take our Gyms and Pokémon League by storm to." Nancy continued speaking with him while Rosa kept silent for now; content to let the pinkette have her time with him now and just listen to whatever came out of their mouths as they went back and forth. Both girls were surprised by how comfortable they felt with him already, and by how normal and real he acted around them. He didn't hype them up or act like they could do no wrong; he treated them not as celebrities on a pedestal but as normal, everyday people. It was refreshing and oddly titillating in a way.

"Hmm, can't say that I've given it much thought; the offer for an acting career earlier threw me for a loop and made me realize I had other talents outside of battling so I need to give that some thought. As for the gym challenge; I specifically opted to exclude that from my list of things to do. I've already taken more gym challenges and defeated more Leagues than I can shake a stick at in all honesty. I wanted to mix it up this time, and besides, I can take my Pokémon's training way further with facilities like the Battle Subway and the Black Tower/White Treehollow than I ever could with any Pokémon League. I also heard about Champion trainers like Red, Blue, and other legends receiving an invite to Unova for some sort of new battle facility through the grapevine and wanted to see for myself what that was all about." He answered her as Rosa and Yancy's eyes widened in surprise that he had somehow heard of the Pokémon World Tournament that was still being organized over by Driftveil City. Not many people knew about that even in Unova, never mind other Regions.

"You continue to surprise me with how well informed you are." Yancy admitted, and Nate chuckled. Rosa had something to add regarding what he said about his goals for this Region, a mischievous smile on her face.

"I'm honestly curious how you feel right now knowing you've got two of Unova's most desirable female idols practically hanging off both your arms? Any plans to build a collective Nate?" Rosa asked in such an utterly lewd tone it should've been illegal.

"Rosa! Honestly, that's not the sort of question you ask people~!" Yancy squeaked adorably in protest. They had gotten off the elevator onto the ground floor at this point, and pinkette was blushing up a storm at what the conversation between them now entailed.

"It's okay Nancy, and to answer your question Rosa; it honestly feels amazing. Also, yes, I do actually hope to have a collective as you so eloquently referred to it as. I am a polygamist after all, honest to heaven and hell Rosa; it's like you can read my mind." He said back to her in a surprisingly serious tone as Yancy's blush deepened and Rosa arched one of her eyebrows.

"You're very upfront about your intentions and desires, aren't you?" She asked him with a giggle, and Nate shrugged airily.

"I fail to see the attraction in beating around the bush. I've always been honest and direct to the point that I can come across as tactless at times. Being autistic is funny, but it certainly gives me a unique perspective on things." He casually replied.

"Honestly, I can respect that. May I ask what your reasoning is for wanting a collective; besides the general appeal most men attach to the idea I mean?" Rosa couldn't help but wonder; noting his autism as an interesting twist… looking at him now she could actually see the mannerisms that indicated as such, but until he said what he was she couldn't even tell the difference. It made her want to get inside his head a little bit; figure out what his perspective on things was and what his reasoning might've been. Yancy continued to blush at the equal parts naughty and slightly taboo topic of conversation, but she continued listening as well as she was quite interested to hear what his thoughts were and why he wanted such a relationship with certain women. She hoped Rosa was right and that it wasn't just for the simple and oftentimes barbaric reasons most men used to justify wanting a harem.

"You mean aside from the evolutionary advantages entailed with having that kind of a relationship? People seem to have this crazy notion that romantic and sexual attractions ought to be geared towards a singular recipient of such strong feelings, and yet the very nature of humanity and Pokémon as well is that they love collectively and multitudinously. Familial and platonic love entails more than one recipient, as does the unconditional love one sees in steadfastly loyal Arcanine or Stoutland, so why not romantic? The only reason I can think of is humans have attached a largely unnecessary emotional significance to the idea of monogamy and our love for the idea of being the one and only for someone. I've never understood that concept; why do people have to assume that just because someone loves more than one person romantically it undervalues their love for either individual?

It doesn't mean we don't love the first person; it just means we have room in our hearts for a second as well, and we should all be glad people are capable of having room in their hearts for more than one person either romantically or through any other type of love. Besides, it's not evolutionarily advantageous to dump all of your romantic feelings onto one person; change happens, tragedy happens, people make choices, and those choices affect everyone else. If one were to lose someone they love romantically to death prematurely; would they continue to remain steadfast and loyal to that person's memory?

Well, they can but it isn't healthy for them to do so; people move on, their feelings change, and love itself is an infinitely complex emotion which allows us to feel a romantic attraction to others based on all sorts of foundations. For example, if I were to wager; I could potentially form a romantic attraction to Rosa here based on our obvious mutual love for Pokémon battling and battling facilities, as commonalities between two like-minded souls can often become one of the simplest foundations for a romantic attraction.

But I might have a romantic attraction towards someone like Nancy for a completely separate reason. It's actually pretty basic and fundamental knowledge when you think about it; albeit the type most people don't really bother much with when they've accepted adherence to a societal expectation." He concluded his lengthy statement with a breathy sigh that was more for show than anything; Yancy and Rosa amazed by the sheer breadth of his speech just now and equally stunned they managed to listen to all that without nursing a headache. Rosa had never met a better-spoken individual in her life, and she'd seen many, many different people in her time. Yancy meanwhile, was positively enraptured by Nate's apparent genius. Hearing him go off on a tangent regarding the benefits of polygamy was actually fun to listen to; even if she may not have felt as strongly as he obviously did about the idea itself.

"While that's all very craftily-worded and surprisingly valid; you didn't actually explain what you personally want from a relationship like that." Rosa pointed out once she recovered from her information overload at the hands of this eccentric genius. She'd heard that autistic people were notorious for their eccentric viewpoints and higher-than-average IQ, but could see how true that was for the first time today. They also were able to excel at whatever they fixated on; putting them at the top of their respective fields with whatever they chose to do more often than not. Come to think of it, that may have explained why his Pokémon were so well trained for battle. Just his Typhon alone absolutely destroyed Giallo's Scolipede with a single devastating strike; which also begged the question of where he attained that draconian Legendary Pokémon from in the first place.

"You didn't ask me what I personally want; you asked to better understand my logic and reasoning for wanting a collective was. Personal wants and needs are not the same thing as logical reasoning. But since you asked, I guess at the end of the day… all I really want is to be adored; to make lots of lifelong friends whether romantic or otherwise, and to use my significant prowess as a Trainer to enhance the world of Pokémon even further as well. I want to not be able to feel my arms every morning because I've got a wonderful bedmate sleeping on each of them, to engage in all kinds of kinky orgies whenever the urge or desire hits us, to spend all night on the couch watching movies together, going to partake in or watch Tournaments together, and just all around living the life of luxury and splendor together.

I want to live like a king and my girls the queens and spoil all of them rotten beyond belief, and to rise above the human way of thinking regarding relationships in general since Pokémon themselves have no issue whatsoever with polygamy. I know it sounds silly, or even a bit primitive to some people, but I just want to be that one special person who does everything right when it comes to having a collective and be surrounded by people who love me on all sides every day. I want to give all the love and care I have to give to all the people I am able to give it to. That's my dream or one of my dreams anyways. You two are more than welcome to say I'm crazy or something; believe me, I won't take offense." Nate responded with such genuine and sincere passion that both girls were honestly touched by his words. Rosa even nodded at his statement in approval, humming in thought as Yancy beat her to the punchline.

"That sounds like it might actually be fun. So long as you treat every woman in your collective as if she's the queen of the world I see no issues personally. Hell, while polygamy is still a bit of an uncomfortable subject in today's world; it isn't an illegal taboo either. I guess if things like same sex relations and Pokephilea can be accepted; then polygamous relationships can be as well, especially the way you intend to go about it.

Your intentions are surprisingly pure and noble for someone who so openly expresses a desire to form a harem. You must really like girls, and not only as means of sexual pleasure either; you sound like you would wholeheartedly treat your girlfriends like actual people and not just as your playthings. Though I imagined you'd be a source of envy and even outright jealousy to other men." She noted with a surprising lack of filters on her words and a surprisingly teasing smile as Nate blushed and Rosa said her piece as well.

"Honestly, yeah, I can get behind a dream like that. I also admire your ambition there Nate; looking after the needs of multiple women is not going to be easy, I can tell you that much." She giggled when she saw his pricelessly stunned reaction; glad she managed to catch the practically omniscient young man off balance as the three of them made their way to the city outside. Rosa was glad that her disguise was still in place as camera flashes started going off in their faces. It was best in her opinion that nobody except Yancy, Nate, her managers, and some of Yancy's crew for her talk show knew her civilian identity for now; especially now that she had Nate in her corner.

A guy like him was a very obvious danger magnet, and would invite challenges from all over the world just by his raw strength alone, and as powerful of a Trainer she was… Rosa didn't believe he was powerful enough to take on the whole world and expect to win. Oh, if only she knew how great of a misconception she made with that thought. Though if she had known, she could honestly say it probably wouldn't have changed anything… even all the way back then. Still, for the time being she was just happy and feeling blessed to be alive; a tribute to Nate's insanely good timing that bordered on divine intervention. She would be dead and buried by now if it wasn't for him; so she was willing to look the other way regarding various blind-spots in her understanding of who he was and where he came from.

As for Yancy, she was still reeling from everything that was said and done; having not had time to properly absorb it all and just wanting this day to be over already. She got her ass handed to her, failed to protect the city and failed her Pokémon, and as if that wasn't enough… Nate had to come along and save the day because she wasn't a powerful enough Trainer. She made a silent vow to herself right then and there to never be powerless in such a dangerous situation again. She may not ever be as good as Rosa or Nate, but she was definitely more willing to step it up after today.

She wanted to be more than just some superstar; all her life she dreamed of a life of significance, of making a name for herself beyond her title as a member of the richest family in all of Unova. That was why she worked so hard and was such an overachiever; because deep down inside she wanted more out of life. Now though, she found a new goal to strive towards and that was improving her Pokémon's strength; she didn't know why but becoming a Trainer was looking to be a wonderful occupation fraught with limitless potential.

One could indeed make all the difference in the world with Pokémon by their side, and she wanted to be the kind of person who made an actual difference when it really mattered. Singing a song or dancing with the stars was easy, but when the chips were down and a threat loomed over the Region; the people needed more than a superstar… they needed a hero and a champion. That was something she realized she could bring them as much as Nate and Rosa did, and that was something she wanted desperately. She wouldn't abandon her uncle or her job as a megastar, but she would definitely be rescheduling certain things and reshuffling certain priorities. Right now, improving her strength as a Trainer took the highest priority right now, and she would be damned if she let herself fail the Unova Region a second time; because Deus Ex Machina Nate might not be around to bail her out next time.


Man, was I glad that this unbelievably long day of mine was finally settling down; apparently when an autistic mind was brought up to Supreme Omnidonae levels of infinity that made my capacity for sensory overloading proportionate to my abilities. So much had happened, so many battles sequences and screaming mortals were squeezed into the span of a few hours that even one of my indefatigability was hard-pressed to keep from letting the ghosts of fatigue from my mortal existence carry over on the eternal side of the spectrum. It's funny how I could be both inexhaustible and completely done for the day at the same time; funny little paradoxes and self-contradictory states of affairs like that added to the zest of life as what I was currently.

'Still can't believe you outed me to the entire Region; no doubt this is already world-shattering news.' Typhon chuckled telepathically as I gave a small half-smile in response. Nancy AKA Yancy and Rosa were accompanying me to the PC as we battled our way through a mob of paparazzi and declared ourselves unwilling to comment time and time again. Eventually the news hounds from who knows where got the hint and left us be for the time being; though I knew this wasn't the end of this… not by a long shot.

'I guess so, but I am glad I did. Did you get a good look at that Team Plasma Sage's face? He was practically sh*tting himself at the sight of you.' I couldn't help but mentally chuckle as an addition to my initial reply to my Kyurem. Things were going to get hectic and crazy, and I was likely never going to get a moment's peace now unless I used my powers to escape for a bit. I also toyed with the idea of modifying everyone's memories of the events, but I couldn't change events that I participated in regarding my defeat of Giallo; he would likely use that gap in his memory as an excuse to attack the city again, and we'd be right back at square one.

I stopped my train of thought momentarily as I caught sight of Hugh at the back of the crowd of interviewers. "Hey, there ya are man." I waved him over to us as Nancy and Rosa looked confused by my having a friend here as the porcupine-haired young man meandered over to us with relief in his eyes as he saw me unharmed.

"Nate, I'm glad to see you're alright. Looks like we won, huh?" He chuckled lightly as he noticed the disguised Rosa and Yancy standing on either side of me and he shook his head with mirth. I chuckled and gave him a thumb up as he decided to add something else.

"You're lucky, a lot of people would do anything to have the opportunity to play the knight in shining armor Nancy or Riolu Girl, never mind both at the same time. Nice to meet you two and an honor as well; my sister loves you both to pieces." Hugh greeted them politely as Rosa and Yancy smiled back at him.

"Likewise, and here, give your sister this for us will you?" Yancy giggled cutely before reaching into her bag and pulling out a notepad before writing on it with a pen; making sure to get her name from Hugh before doing so. 'To my number one fan Arya, thank you for the support, sincerely yours, Nancy.' She wrote out on the paper before passing it to Rosa who also signed it and the pinkette tore the piece of paper cleanly out of the notepad and passed it to Hugh with a sheepish smile.

"Sorry I don't have a fancier pen or paper, but this is all I had on hand." She actually apologized, and I was honestly floored by her genuine kindness as Hugh accepted the amazing gift; knowing he was about to make his sister's day.

"Are you kidding, this is AWESOME! Thank you both so much!" He shouted in his usual excitable manner as I decided to give my pal his due credit as well.

"Hugh here knocked the Team Plasma grunt guarding the entranceway to Pokestar Studios with a well-placed haymaker; I would never have made it to you two in time to save you both without him." I admitted as Hugh flushed sheepishly and both girls looked surprised by this before beaming at the deep blue-haired young man.

"Thank you very much; I suppose we owe you our lives as well~." Yancy melodically thanked him.

"Oh, it was no big deal, and nowhere near as epic as what Nate here did. Typhon was every bit as awesome as I imagined dude." Hugh stammered with genuine humility. We were standing near the entranceway to Pokestar Studios as I asked my friend the next obvious question.

"So, now that the city's safe, what are you gonna do now?" I asked him, and Hugh chuckled.

"Well, the gym in Aspertia City is finally open for business so I'm gonna head over there and challenge the Leader for my first official Gym Badge. Alder headed back to his dojo near Floccesy Town and asked me to tell you well done and keep your head on straight or something like that. The day is still young though so I wanna keep working on improving my skills so next time something bigtime like this happens I'll be better prepared to help you deal with it. My contributions were kinda minimal, and I could never have beaten Giallo like you did; in one move I might add." Hugh answered in a surprisingly lengthy statement as I nodded and Yancy giggled.

"A sentiment I can't help sharing actually." The pinkette agreed with him, and Rosa sighed; still feeling bummed out about not being able to help or being able to be part of the action.

"What about you guys?" Hugh asked them, and I answered him.

"Gonna go to the PC here and sleep off my exhaustion; been on the go since exceedingly early this morning and even I have my limits. I'll be in touch with you just as soon as I can though. Be sure to call me next time anything like this happens to." He nodded before turning to Yancy and Rosa with a smile.

"You guys are lucky to actually; Nate here's a good guy, at least from what I know about him." He told them, effectively being my wingman as I smirked and both girls exchanged a smile as Hugh took his leave and beat a hasty retreat further down the street to hopefully make Floccesy Town by sundown. We watched him go for a couple of seconds, before Yancy made a comment.

"Your friend seems really nice." I nodded in agreement with her statement.

"He is."

"I guess we should get going to." Rosa said, and with that we resumed our slow gait across the smoothly paved roads that made up Virbank's city streets. I got back to contemplating my train of thought from before.

For better or worse, unless I was willing to get blood on my hands and slaughter all of Team Plasma; I would have to just suffer through the ramifications of playing the hero. Besides, I was rather enjoying the stupefied looks on people's faces as they saw me walking on by with two of Unova's most desirable bachelorettes all but hanging off my arms. Sometimes, being a hero could be hard, and other times it could be extremely rewarding. This time was most definitely the latter.

"I still can't believe that the two random people I saved were you guys; I mean, what are the bloody odds right?!" I stated in an astonished tone, one that was 100 percent genuine as the three of us strolled casually down the streets of Virbank from Pokestar Studios to the PC while sticking out like sore thumbs. There were crowds of civilians who had seen the live broadcast of my exploits compliments of Buddy, and while I managed to diffuse a potential bomb by asking him to hold out on going to his editors; the fact is all the raw footage was there for the world to see.

I just hoped that my decision to let Team Plasma walk away for now didn't land me in trouble with the authorities, but I doubted it. The number of times a member of an evil crime syndicate managed to inexplicably vanish in plain sight of the player of Pokémon games was insane. Hell, I could skate by on the excuse that I didn't want to run the risk of more people getting hurt by attempting to impede Team Plasma's strategic retreat. Honestly, it was a small concern at the very most, and I just wanted some time to myself before that broadcast was televised to the whole rest of the world, which I knew it would be.

"No kidding, but I'm not gonna lie and say I'm ungrateful. You really saved us back there." Yancy whispered with a slightly disheartened look on her face. I was tempted to ask her what was wrong but didn't want to come across as intrusive. If she wanted to talk about it, she would, and would more than likely discuss it with Rosa when it was just them again since this universe's version of them seemed to be like BFFs; which I thought was mightily convenient. Examining Yancy closely out of the corner of my eye; my omni senses and perception were amazing me with what they showed.

I could already tell she and her Pokémon had enormous untapped potential for LCBC2 candidacy. This potential could one day possibly outstrip even Ash LCBC2's mate Yellow, making Yancy the strongest female LCBC2 Counterpart thus far; not that there was a lot of us to compete for that title as of yet. I did hope to change that up slightly; not just because we needed the added muscle, but because I wanted someone to share my new existence with.

With a comfortable silence stretching on between the three of us we reached the Pokémon Center after bearing the brunt of several passersby; the males eying me with varying degrees of envy as I even heard one guy call me a lucky son of a bitch. I was amazingly surprised by how tame the atmosphere here was; maybe because people in Virbank City saw stars like Riolu Girl all the time thanks to the Studio it was easier for them to regard us as regular, everyday people. This place always did strike me as kinda laid back and devil-may-care, aside from the minor argument between Roxie and her father in the BW2 games of course.

The automatic doors slid open as the three of us walked inside as a unit, my head ducking slightly underneath the doorframe since I was 6'8" tall in my Nate LCBC2 form. Neither Yancy nor Rosa seemed the least bit surprised by the fact that I towered over both of them significantly; maybe they just hadn't registered it yet. Given everything that happened, no doubt they needed time to process everything. Sleep would be a wonderful thing for that I'd wager.

The disguised Yancy and I stood back and waited while Rosa went to get her Pokémon party and portable PC back from Nurse Joy; the Nurse of this City and Nimbasa being the only two people besides her family and friends who knew her true battling prowess. She planned to keep it that way as Nurse Joy handed her back her party of 6 and her portable PC box back to her; all of which the brunette paced into her bag as I made small talk to Yancy. I sensed something was still eating at her slightly but didn't pry, nor did I violate her privacy by looking inside her mind. I could easily work it out though; people were extraordinarily easy for me to read now given my absurd amounts of intuitiveness.

"So, what kind of Pokémon do you have?" I asked her as a way to break the ice, and Yancy grew a small but sincere smile as she told me, and I whistled appreciatively at the extensive list. I already knew her lineup and Rosa's off by heart, but they didn't know that, and I wanted to try and get her mind off whatever was bugging her even if only for a moment.

"Damn, you're packing some serious heat there Nancy. No wonder you were able to sweep all of those Team Plasma Goons. You can take pride in the fact that it took one of the Sages to finally put a stop to your reign of terror." I whispered at her in my usual infinitely vigorous voice, and despite herself Yancy grew a smile at my words.

"I really did do well, huh?" She admitted, and I nodded.

"For someone, whose career as a Pokémon battler isn't even their main preoccupation; I can honestly say you did extraordinarily well. Not to mention you have more than the standard 6 for your Pokémon lineup; that takes skill Nancy." I reassuringly stated, deducing that this was a part of what was bothering her as Yancy beamed at me before a frown suddenly crossed her admittedly gorgeous features as something seemed to occur to her.

"Wait, you saw my battles against Team Plasma?" She accusingly questioned me as I chuckled understandingly and nodded.

"I was there the whole time, but I saw you had things well in hand and didn't want to steal your thunder unless my need to step in was overwhelmingly necessary. I've always tried to give as many people their chance to shine as possible, and you most certainly did shine Nancy." I explained to her; understanding why that might've seemed sketchy to her as Yancy's suspiciousness immediately evaporated at my explanation.

"I actually appreciate that honestly." She admitted graciously, and I smiled as Rosa began to make her way back to us after explaining some of what happened to Nurse Joy and getting the situation of what happened to the PC in return.

"Nurse Joy was just telling me that the Team Plasma Grunts were only stationed outside the door and didn't let anyone in or out. They didn't accost her, or the Trainers trapped inside as long as they kept quiet, and thankfully no one was hurt here. I was worried about that honestly." Rosa informed us both as Yancy and I breathed a synchronous sigh of slight relief.

"I'm happy to hear that actually; I guess even Team Plasma grunts have some principle." I chuckled as Yancy walked up to the Nurse now instead and left me with Rosa in her place.

"I noticed you made Nancy smile just now. I've known her long enough to know she's always tried to get the most out of every one of her endeavors; so losing to Giallo in such a one-sided fashion is no doubt making her feel like she's a failure. I don't know what you said but thank you; it seemed to help her a bit." Rosa whispered to me appreciatively as I shrugged.

"I only offered a hand and some kind words; you and Nancy stand tall on your own two feet, and will continue to do so for a long time yet I bet." I modestly replied, and Rosa smiled and shook her head; having clearly expected such a response from me by now.

"You must have one helluva easily inflated ego if you work this hard to try and retain some humility." Rosa remarked, and I gave a wry grin at her.

"Oh, you have no idea. I'm something of an egotist to be honest, and I've spent a lifetime trying to keep that part of me under lock and key." I admitted, and Rosa threw her head back and laughed; my own smile widening. She definitely had a nice laugh.

"At least you're big enough to admit your faults. I'm actually glad you have some to be honest; the idea of you being so perfect in every way makes you seem less… human." She told me plainly as I hid a smile. She had no idea just how inhuman I really was, but just because I was no longer human from a genetic standpoint didn't mean I wasn't human in all the ways that mattered ultimately. Hell, even the way I thought and felt about certain things was still remarkably human, and I wasn't about to betray the principles I had stood by for the past 40-years of my mortal existence.

I saw Yancy giving a smile and a wave as Nurse Joy took her Pokeballs from her and Rosa and I made our way up to her. I was just about to get ask Joy to book me a room and part ways with the girls when Rosa got her attention first. "Could we get a room for three please, and with one bed?" Rosa requested bold as brass as my eyes popped out and Yancy's face flushed a deep and lovely maroon.

"Rosa! Are you out of your mind?!" Yancy/Nancy whisper-shouted in an equal parts embarrassed and heated tone; not seeming to be on board with this idea as I just continued to stand there and gawk with slacken jaws.

Rosa shook her head with a sly smile on her face. "Not at all actually, we all need to stick around until your Pokémon are all done healing anyways Nancy, and we could all use this opportunity to take a good, long nap as well. It's a win-win." She reasoned, and I snorted; she probably thought that actually sounded like a compelling argument.

"We can do all that without having to share a bed~!" Yancy squeaked adorably, her natural sing-song voice honestly enticing to me in a way that I had never believed possible. Yep, that was exactly the counter-rebuttal I expected the pinkette to make, and Rosa giggled.

"The lady doth protest too much methinks." She quoted, and my eyebrow rose in intrigue while Yancy spluttered.

"Hmm, interesting, they have Hamlet on this planet." I muttered under my breath, dragging both girls out of their argument as they looked at me questioningly; wondering what I was saying as I caught them staring and chuckled.

"Sorry, sorry, was just thinking out loud about something random. Go on then." I assured them as they returned their focus back to what they were discussing as Nurse Joy watched our youthful camaraderie with a patient smile on her face; evidently able to wait it out until we or rather the girls came to an arrangement. I didn't make much of any statements towards it; I was content either way, though I would probably lean towards sharing a bed as well and something inside of me didn't enjoy the prospect of ganging up on Yancy with a majority opinion. Besides, she was well within her rights to refuse if it made her uncomfortable; I wasn't the type to take things like that personally or as an insult.

"Whether I doth or not is irrelevant; we only just met him Rosa, and you want us to sleep with him?! There's lines you do not cross, no matter if someone saved your life or not." Yancy rebuked in an intelligent manner. Seriously, what was it with Unova and its philosophically profound characters? As stated before, I couldn't wait to carry a conversation with N and Colress respectively.

Yancy seemed to realize that very moment that her words might've been seen as offensive, for she turned back around to address me with a kind smile on her face. "Not that I assume the worst of you or think you'd do something depraved, but you understand treading on the side of caution with near-strangers, right Nate?" She asked me as I gave her a thumb up and an understanding smile.

"You're talking to the king of paranoia here Nancy; trust me, if anyone gets it it's me. I ain't offended or nothin' and my veering on the side of caution saved my ass on more than one occasion." I compassionately responded before turning to address the pretty brunette in the Riolu Girl attire. "And Rosa, be nice and stop pestering her. I have no expectations of her regarding that as of this moment." I added in a playfully admonishing tone as Rosa rolled her eyes and Yancy beamed at me before seeming to completely change her mind about something.

"Oh, what the hell, what's life without a little risk; give us the room Nurse Joy." Yancy confidently told the nurse as she smiled with an amused headshake and gave us the key to a room fitting our specifications as I stood there slack-jawed for the second time in little over 5 minutes. My mind was numb with shock as we headed down the network of hallways in search of the room number that matched our keycard.

"You didn't have to change your mind like that you know." I said to her once it was just the three of us alone, and Yancy/Nancy nodded in agreement with me.

"I know, but I wanted to." Was all she said, and I drew a deep breath and exhaled through my nose. This day was certainly full of surprises, and I was about to share my bed with not one but two insanely gorgeous girls. Finding our room took little to no effort, and we found ourselves greeted with a suite-sized room that was typically reserved for Champions or celebrities; the king-sized bed looking more heavenly than I cared to admit as Rosa and Yancy brought their bags over to the simple wooden coffee table by the couch and brought out a set of pajamas each.

"Good thing you two know my identity already because A, this costume is kind of stuffy when worn for extended periods and B, it's not exactly made for sleeping in." Rosa commented idly as she took her pajamas out of her bag and went to change in the bathroom first. Yancy and I were once more left alone together as she sat upright on the leather couch with that downhearted expression still on her face.

"You know, I don't wish to pry but if you wanna talk about what's obviously eating at ya, I'm more than happy to lend a listening ear. Who knows, I may even be able to relate. I also know from personal experience that it's therapeutic to talk about it." I gently whispered to her as I kept my distance, not wanting to spoke her by popping a squat on the couch beside her. She seemed to come to a decision, and nodded solemnly while turning her head to lock her cornflower blue eyes on mine

"Actually, yeah, I would like to talk about it. I guess I just feel stuck in a rut ever since I got my butt kicked by that Team Plasma Sage. You ever feel like a failure when you were unable to effect a change when the big stuff was going down?" She asked me, and I smiled; that was something I could definitely relate to.

"More than you know." I admitted, and she looked surprised by this as I took a chance and sat on the couch without sitting too close to her; respecting her personal space for now as I heard the shower running and Rosa stepping in without a care in the world and the bathroom door somewhat ajar. Steam started to billow into the lounge slightly as Yancy and I chuckled; both of us equally amazed by how laid back and comfortable Rosa was in her own skin. Obviously, she knew the brunette a lot better than I did; so it probably came as no surprise to her that Rosa would take an impromptu shower without bothering to ask if Yancy wanted to change yet also. Of course, she left the door open, so Yancy could've gone in there with her to change at any given point.

Back to the subject we were discussing, I decided to be as forthcoming with Yancy as I could and impart some of my own experience regarding her issue onto her. "My whole life I've spent wishing I had a life of significance you know." I admitted as Yancy looked at me in a state of complete shock, making me wonder if I had said something wrong. When I saw I had her undivided attention however, I continued speaking.

"When I was first diagnosed with my autism spectrum disorder; the doctors told my family I would never speak or have a concept of humor, so when I defied both of those expectations it became ingrained in me to continue to do so for the rest of my life. I aspired to new heights and in time I developed a healthy fixation on the idea of Pokémon battles; studying all I could to learn all there was to know on the subject prior to starting my Journey, and at 15-years-old I was ready to begin traveling to capture and battle Pokémon like I've always dreamed." I told her, knowing that I was omitting certain details and carefully editing others, for obvious reasons of course, but I still hated the subterfuge. I know easing these people into my infinite complexities was oftentimes necessary, but I didn't like having to be less than 100 percent forthcoming about every minute detail of my life. It just wasn't in my nature to be deceitful; I always was a hopeless romantic sap who wore my heart on my sleeve or hearts now I suppose.

Yancy giggled at the irony of my story. "Your backstory sounds strikingly similar to Rosa's, albeit without the elements of autism in her case. Don't tell her I told you this, but I think your Typhon alone is stronger than any of her Pokémon just based on what I've seen." She smiled as we shared a chuckle and Rosa continued to shower contently in blissful obliviousness to our conversation.

"Your secret opinion of my Typhon's power value compared to her Pokémon is safe with me." I promised with a flourishing lip zipping motion done to further accentuate my point as she smiled and laughed lightly.

"So, have you ever felt unsure about something when you were busy surpassing expectations?" Yancy asked me tentatively, and I nodded.

"I feel unsure sometimes to; everybody does. But, if you have time to feel unsure; you should just try making a move. Even if that ends in failure, at least you'll be left with something. There's nothing you can do that is pointless; only when one does nothing at all does their lives lose their significance." I sagely stated as Yancy nodded, registering my words.

"Don't get me wrong, I love my job as a superstar and talk show host, but when I was back at that Studio defending the values of Trainers and Unova against those terrorists, a change overcame me. I felt like the heroes of myths and legends, and wondered to myself if this is how Red felt the first time he squared off against the Team Rocket Boss. I just felt like I had a higher calling in life than what I had as a career, and for the first time in my entire life I honestly felt like I was making enough of a difference to quiet that voice in the back of my mind that always says I could do so much more. To be able to defend everybody's dreams like that; I never want that feeling to end, and I find myself wanting to help out more now that Team Plasma is back. Have you ever aspired for a greater purpose like that; so strongly that it burns you up inside that you're always so powerless to do more?" She asked me, and my eyes widened. Her life and her thought processes were scarily similar to mine, like freakishly so.

"Oh Nancy, if only you knew how much I felt that way. I'm going to tell you something that I probably shouldn't just yet, but I've always strived for the unattainable and gifts no humans could ever dream of possessing. Don't tell anyone that I told you this, but I am closer to that aspiration of mine than you can even begin to imagine, and Pokémon like Typhon are only the slightest preview of my firepower."

"I grew up wanting to accomplish boundless wonders beyond imagining, and now that I have the power to do so I don't ever want to lose that power. Infinite possibilities are open to me now, and I just… I want to take all the love, happiness, and kindness I have at my disposal and share it with the rest of the world. My gifts, my knowledge, my prowess as a Trainer, all of it and more are things I want to showcase and demonstrate. My dream to form a collective is part of that innate desire to share what I have with as many people as I can possibly share it with. All I can say to you right now is keep dreaming big Nancy; because it's better to reach for the stars and settle on the mountaintop than to aim for the foothills and wind up falling in the pits." I sagely responded to her as Yancy looked reverently at me as she hung on my every word; not fully aware of their significance or impact which was just as well really.

"Well said." She whispered, appreciating my words probably more than I knew. And I nodded as the two of us settled into a comfortable silence. Rosa got done in the shower after only a couple of more minutes afterwards and came out of the bathroom in her Lilligant onesie which looked absolutely adorable on her. It was nice seeing her without the coverage provided by her Riolu Girl costume, and her face was super pretty as well so that was a bonus as she caught my eye and smirked.

Yancy took her turn in the bathroom getting changed and came out much sooner than Rosa wearing loose-fitting white sweatpants and a matching white nightie with pink hearts patterning it and her typically crazily-styled hair let down with the blue tipped locks hanging by her left ear. In this more casual getup, she looked insanely cute and sexy, but more to the point she looked almost indistinguishable from her civilian alter-ego, so much so that I would've been able to put two and two together effortlessly even if I wasn't armed to the teeth with foreknowledge and had met her mild-mannered identity tomorrow for whatever reason.

It was a damn shame though, I was really kind of hoping I would be able to find her lost X-Transceiver and be able to connect with her that way, or that I would get to know her as Yancy first. But I liked getting to know her this way to, and it wasn't like I didn't already know every one of her phone calls in BW2 word for word and off by heart anyways. At least this way, things were kept semi unpredictable and fresh.

Rosa and Yancy seemed to notice my complete lack of any bag or packsack for the first time now as they idly wondered what I would be wearing for pajamas. "Aren't you going to get changed, where is your bag for that matter? I don't think I've seen you wearing one this entire time." Rosa noted astutely, and I nodded with a cheeky smile as I fished out my Astral Gem from underneath my shirt around my neck.

"This is all I need when it comes to carrying my stuff in a quick and easy way; behold my Astral Gem. A pocket universe with infinite interior dimensional expansions and an endless abundance of storage space for both my items and my Pokémon. Think like the ultimate in terms of portable PC storage systems." I explained to them as both Yancy and Rosa's eyes widened at the absolute marvel of my gemstone as the latter recovered first and whistled.

"Damn, will wonders never cease with you?" She rhetorically questioned, and I smirked in a slightly self-satisfied way.

"That's amazing; you could make a fortune with those." Yancy's eyes were shining with awe.

"That's true, although they're really rare; I'm talking rarer than Mega Stones or Z-Crystals. It took me many, many years to finally find one, and when I did I was overjoyed. No offense, but I'm not inclined to share it; not after all the time and effort I put into finding it." I said back to her as the two girls smiled beautifully at me.

"Hey, it's yours; you can do whatever you want with it." Rosa said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Anyways, I'm just gonna go and change now as well; be back in a Castelia City minute." I announced as I went over to the bathroom and shut the door behind more before shrugging and opting to just transform my attire with a flick of my wrist. My visor and normal clothes disappeared as my brown hair fell down and partially obscured my chocolate-colored eyes. I was wearing a black tee-shirt with a rainbow, double helix infinity symbol etched on the chest. I was in my stocking feet with black socks, and I wore black sweatpants to complete the ensemble and match the rest of my look. Deeming myself ready for my nap with the two girls waiting in the other room; I opened the bathroom door and smiled upon seeing Yancy and Rosa both admiring my simple tastes in clothing. I could tell Yancy was trying to refrain from commenting that my tastes in clothing were a tad dark and dull, but that thought changed when she saw the unique symbol decorating my chest.

"Damn, cool looking infinity symbol there Nate; somehow I feel like it fits you." Yancy told me, and Rosa hummed in agreement as I walked over to them with a soft and tender smile on my face. I still wasn't sure why they were both so willing to share a bed with a near-stranger; even if said stranger saved their lives, but I wasn't planning on trying anything with them, so I just kept my mouth shut for once and let the girls do as they pleased.

Rosa climbed into the bed on the right side while I got under the covers and made room for Yancy on the other side by sliding into the dead center; the king-sized bed more than big enough to accommodate all of us despite my 2-meter-tall frame. Yancy crawled into bed last and the both of us huddled under a shared blanket that I was amazed could fully cover all three of us. With the lights turned off by a clap of our hands; I closed my eyes and willed myself into a dreamless sleep. The last thing I was aware of in the waking world was both Rosa and Yancy snuggling close to me and nuzzling against my higher-than-normal body heat temperatures, fulfilling my fantasy of late-night spooning with multiple girls, or mid-afternoon in this case. I gave one final sigh of blissful content before sleep claimed me and we were all out like the lights above us.

Thomas Limit Club Berkeley Cardinal- Totalipresent Legacies - FS_VulaPurrfectest_UOSCPUSOFC1 (2024)
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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.