APUSH Unit 8 main concepts Flashcards | Knowt (2024)


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Cold War

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Cold War

  • tension between the US and the soviet union

  • neither engaged in open warfare; more of a battle of ideologies

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Causes of the cold war

  • soviet communism wished to spread outwards, and the US was very opposed to it and wanted to contain it; wished to make the world democratic capitalist

  • when wwii was over, allies agreed that central and eastern European countries would hold free elections this upset joseph Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union, so he kept troops in those countries and created a buffer zone between Russia and Germany

  • another post-war agreement was that germany was divided into occupation zones (british, french, soviets, and us), and berlin was divided the same way. but the section with the soviets just quickly became another communist state, where the soviets wished to keep germany weak, rather than build them back up as a democratic capitalist country. Western powers also had control over Berlin, which was inside the Soviet’s zone

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  • US’s response to communism

  • money was poured into containing the spread of communism

  • advocated for in the Truman doctrine

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Truman doctrine

  • issued by president harry Truman

  • advocated for the containment of communism by lending support to any country that was threatened by soviet communism

  • issued as a result of soviet pressure on turkey and Greece to accommodate soviet goals

  • marshall plan

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Marshall plan

  • developed by George Marshall

  • allocated almost 13 billion dollars in financial aid for European countries to rebuild

  • strategic because the idea was that if nations had a healthy economy, they would be more likely to choose democracy rather than communism

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Nuclear proliferation

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Berlin Blockade

  • Stalin blocking the western power’s enterance into the western part of berlin

  • soveit blockage of canals and roads and railways by which western powers supplied western berlin

  • goal was to absorb west berlin into the soviet occupation

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response to berlin blockade

berlin airlift

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North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

  • nato members entered a military alliance in order to resist any aggresive actions of the soviet union and not be outdone by such an alliance

  • soviets formed a counter-alliance called warsaw pact for communist nations

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Korean War

  • Korea was a Japanese colony before the end of WWII, but divided along the 38th parallel after the war. The Soviets dealt with the North and the US dealt with the South.

  • North Koreans invaded South Korea using soviet munitions and supplies, causing tension. The UN sent troops to support the South (mainly American troops). Were able to push back the northern koreans near the southern border of China, and China sent troops to repel the UN troops back

  • Korea ended up basically the same

  • a proxy war between the US and the soviet union

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What war was a direct result of truman’s containment policy?

The Korean War

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Second red scare

  • fear of soviet communism after WWII

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How did the second red scare (post WWII) effect labor unions?

The federal government required people too pledge loyalty to the US and swear that they were not communists

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Tadt-Hartley Act of 1947

  • in response to massive waves of labor union strikes across the nation

  • made it more difficult for workers to strike

  • union leaders were made to pledge that they were not members of the communist party

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Federal Employee Loyalty and Security Program

  • executive order from truman

  • federal employees had to swear that they were not communist or fascist

  • also made provisions for federal investigations into the political affiliations of federal workers

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un-american activities committee in the house of representatives

  • began to search for communist influence in american society, such as Hollywood

  • especially feared film industries, where messages could be spread

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Hollywood Ten

  • 10 prominent Hollywood directors

  • singled out as communists and were summoned to testify in congress, but they refused to go and were held in contempt of congress and had short prison sentences

  • ended up on the Hollywood blacklist

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Joseph McCarthy

  • claimed to know the names of hundreds of communists that had infiltrated the state department

  • significantly contributed to the red scare

    • exacerbated the fear so much that the phenomenon became known as “McCarthyism”

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Rosenberg Case

  • Aug 29 1949, soviet union tested its first atomic bomb. People thought Soviets had to have stolen scientific info in order to build it

  • Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were accused of espionage that resulted in the atomic plans being stolen, as they were known communists

  • they were executed in 1953 as a result

  • subsequent research concluded that at least Julius was a soviet spy, but the rest wasn’t proven

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Economy post WWII

Increasing and productive

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Reasons for increasing economic growth post-wwii

  • spike in productivity during the war

  • massive federal spending on infrastructure (interstate highway system)

  • servicemen’s readjustment act of 1944

  • the baby boom led to increased demand for housing construction

  • suburbanization

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Servicemen’s readjustment act of 1944 / gi bill

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Population of the 1950s/post-WWII

booming; “baby boom”

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suburban community built by William J Levin; right outside major cities, where he mass-produced low-cost homes organized and sprawling identical lots

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Interstate Highway act (1956)

created fast-moving highways that gave people the occasion to travel quickly from suburbs to urban areas

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Migration post WWII

  • sun belt states in the south and the west

  • interstate migration made it easier for Gis who came to seek opportunities in the defense industry

  • major economic and political clout shifted to the sunbelt states

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why was culture post WWII hom*ogeneous?

  • often a result of McCarthyism; people needed to confirm so people didn’t label them as communist

  • television presented “ideal” american lifestyles, which made Americans adhere to common values

  • advertising- advertisers became psychological and exploited people’s need for belonging and status; led to credit cards

  • rock n’ roll became popular in the young generation

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  • rebelled against the mass culture of the 1950s/post WWII

  • group of poets who rebelled through their poetry

  • ex: jack kerouac and his book “on the road” which was a stream of consciousness type poem and rejected standard poetical meter, or J.D. Salinger’s “catcher in the rye”

  • usually championed a life of spontaneity and freedom

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Executive Order 9981

banned segregation in the united states armed forces; issued by president truman

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24th amendment

abolished the poll tax

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Brown v board of education

overturned plessy v ferguson, saying separate WAS NOT equal, and that separate educational facilities were inherently unequal. Resulted in schools being integrated.

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Massive movement of ____ after WWII, which both the US and the Soviet Union went crazy trying to gain influence over


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Political reality of Vietnam pre-vietnam war

  • North: communist under the leadership of Ho Chi Minh

  • Southwest: democtatic with ties to the US

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Domino Theory

  • Eisenhower

  • said that the U.S. support of South Vietnam was critical because if it feel to the communists, then it would be like a domino effect and the rest of the nations in that region would soon become communist

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Kennedy’s involvment with the Vietnam War

  • sent military advisers, claiming they weren’t there to fight but to support the southern government

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Lyndon B Johnson’s involvment with the Vietnam War

  • president during the gulf of tonkin incident

    • used as justification for the gulf of tonkin resolution

  • strategy was step by step escalation

    • applied pressure little by little

  • Tet Offensive led to him requesting even more troops sent to Vietnam (200,000 more), but his advisers turned against him

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Gulf of tonkin incident, gulf of tonkin resolution

  • north Vietnamese fired on a U.S. battleship in the gulf of tonkin

  • Johnson used the incident as justification for U.S. military involvement

  • led to the gulf of tonkin resolution → gave the president a blank check to exercise whatever powers necessary to protect american interests in the region

    • not a declaration of war

  • did lead to more military involvment in the region

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Gulf of tonkin criticism

  • debates in america on if the executive branch abused its power by conducting foreign policy with military action apart from congressional approval

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criticisms of the vietnam war

  • American troops were dying by the thousands for a cause that seemed vague; in wwii the enemy was clear (fascism totalitarianism), but in Vietnam, it wasn’t

  • congress never officially declared war

  • anti-war protests were erupting as a part of the civil rights movement

  • Johnson’s administration’s campaigns of disinformation on the war; Johnson painted a rosy picture of the war, but America saw it wasn’t the case

    • first televised war, which showed the difference

    • led to the credibility gap

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tet offensive

  • broke Johnson’s ability to continue step by step escalation

  • massive surprise attack by the North which inflicted heavy casualties on US troops

  • US counter-attacked, which led to even more deaths

  • Johnson and his staff requested 200,000 more troops be sent to Vietnam, but Johnson’s advisers turned against him

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Richard Nixon’s involvement in the Vietnam War

  • goal was to reduce US involvement WITHOUT looking like we were defeated

  • introduced vietnamization

  • led to the end of the war

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  • provided for the removal of american troops from veitnam while still lending financial aid and munitions to carry out the war for themselves

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Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society

  • extension of FDR’s New Deal

  • wanted to combat povery and racial discrimination

  • implemented Medicate and Medicaid, lobbied for the Economic Opportunity Act, and expanded antipoverty programs (job corps, housing projects, increased tax revenues)

  • signed the voting rights act of 1965, established the equal employment opportunity commission, and lobbied for the civil rights act of 1964

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Liberalism peaked in

1960s under Johnson’s great society

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Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955)

  • Montgomery, Alabama- public transport was segregated by state laws and company policy

  • Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white customer, leading to her arrest

  • her arrest led to a city-wide bus boycott, which lasted for almost a year. Due to the financial pressure, the bus company ended the segregation policy

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  • one of the most powerful voices for the non-violent civil rights movements

  • thought the best way to enforce change was by means of civil disobedience to unjust laws

  • learned from gandhi’s campaigns

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  • members would enter restaurants and sit at lunch counters which were for white customers only and demand service

  • met with mass arrests

  • ended up on the front of national newspapers and led to increasing pressure, which led to change in policies

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bull connor

  • public safety commissioner of montogmery alabama

  • did not tolerate MLK and the

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March on Washington (1963)

  • more than 200,000 civil rights activists gathered on the lawn of the Washington monument in front of the Lincoln memorial

  • King delivered the "I Have a Dream” speech

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Malcolm X

  • advocated for civil rights

  • tried to persuade black Americans that integration with white society was not the way to go about freedom, but that freedom involved separatism and militarism

  • basically wanted to counter white violence with black violence

  • led to the rise of black militant groups (ie, Black Panthers)

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Civil Rights Act of 1964

made discrimination on the basis of race, religion, or sex illegal

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voting rights act of 1965

prohibited racial discrimination in the voting booth by outlawing literacy tests and poll taxes; authorized the federal government to oversee voting in counties which had historically low black voter turnout

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After MLK Jr was assassinated and the civil rights movement closed, what erupted at the end of the 1960s?

race riots

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Youth’s conflict with vietnam in 1960s

  • college organizations sprang up with opposing viewpoints on America’s involvement in the vietnam war

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Young Americans for Freedom

  • Conservative

  • goal was to support America’s involvement in Vietnam because it meant the containment of communism

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Students for a democrat society

  • left/liberal

  • believed in the port huron statement- stressed participatory democracy and direct government action most important

  • challenged the prevailing norm that every effort should be made to stop communism

  • did not support US involvement in the Vietnam War

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why did college students care about the Vietnam War?

  • Once they graduated, they would be the ones up for being drafted

  • many viewed it as an immoral war

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Kent State Massacre (1970)

  • students of Kent state university were protesting escalation in Vietnam during Nixon’s presidency for several days

  • vandalism and looting had occurred in the midst of it

  • national guard was sent as a result in order to keep peace

  • when the national guard attempted to disperse the protesters, protesters responded by hurling rocks, which resulted in one national guardsman open firing on the crowd; other guards followed suit

  • four students ended up dead and 10 others wounded

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Counterculture movement

  • movement by young people that sought to cast off social restraints and overturn cultural norms

  • rebellious styles of clothing, experimental drug use, etc

  • most visible manifestation was the hippie movement in San Francisco

  • ex: Woodstock Music Festival (1969); almost 400,000 people attended. Some were naked, many were high, and they listened to counterculture (“untuned”) music for says

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Sexual revolution

  • became increasingly normal to engage in casual sex with multiple partners, rather than reserving it for the act of marriage and monogamy

  • increased access to birth control

  • roe v. wade established the right to privacy and gave women the right to abortions (now overturned)

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Most desirable resource during 1968-1980


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1973 American’s support of isreal cost them dearly with respect to

middle eastern oil; oil-producing Arab nations formed the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to control oil exportations and prices and dramatically decreased oil exports to america AND raised the prices

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What type of energy did the US switch to as a way to curve the dependence on oil?

nuclear energy

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three mile island in Pennsylvania (1979)

  • nuclear reactors on three mile island melted down paetially

  • tons of radioactive waste was released into the surrounding environment

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why did nuclear energy never advance as a popular energy source in the US?

  • accidents like Chernobyl and the three mile island incident

  • fear that the soviet union’s encouraged regarding the safety of nuclear energy

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Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

  • created by president nixon in 1970

  • job was to manage pollution control programs such as pesticides and regulate industries known for their pollution

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clean air act 1963

law aimed at controlling air pollution on a national scale; controlled by the epa

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campaign of berry goldwater for president in 1964

  • conservative

  • young americans for freedom group were instrumental in his campaign

  • coined the phrase the “new right” (resisted the onslaught of liberalism, were proud of their religious values, were openly populist, and were openly anti-egalitarian meaning they believed men and women had designated roles)

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Job birch society

  • group of conservatives who opposed communism and adovcated for limited government

  • spun out right-wing conspiracy theories

  • more radical conservatism

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William f buckley

  • represented a more moderate conservatism

  • influential magazine called the National Review

    • denounced the John Birch Society

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Bound with the conservative movement was the growth of the

religious right

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religious right

  • large group of conservative Christians

  • organized to oppose liberal and progressive trends

  • issue that caused passion in this group was the roe v wade decision in 1973

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moral majority

  • founded by Jerry Falwell, a pastor and evangelist

  • melded Christianity with conservative politics

  • argued against separation of church and state

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James Dobson’s Focus on the radio program

  • argued for reintroduction of prayer into schools

  • encouraged people to resist the expansion of gay rights

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Nixon’s plan to fic the economy in the 1970s

  • cutting federal spending

    • (only made things worse lol)

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Watergate scandal

  • Nixon was reelected in 1972, but the men hired by his re-election committee were caught breaking into the Watergate office complex which housed the democratic party’s headquarters

  • they attempted to bug phones and steal documents

  • Nixon denied any knowledge of this, but after investigation, it showed that he knew and endorsed it, despite lying

  • Nixon was forced to resign

  • caused major distrust in the government

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equal rights amendment

  • proposed constitutional amendment to make sure women were on equal footing with men

  • thanks to conservatives, the amendment was never ratified

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Bakke v. University of California

  • over affirmative action

  • Bakke argued that he was being discriminated against as a white person after he didn’t get into the iniversity, because 16 sports were for minorities

  • case decided that minority quotas were unconstitutional and violated the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment

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The feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan

  • explored the boredom and imprisonment of the traditional housewife during the 1950s and 60s

  • showed how women were expected to give up their needs for the sake of the family

  • proved that women DID want to work and get education and be PEOPLE

  • kicked off a new wave of the women’s equality movement

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Title IX

  • banned any discrimination on the basis of gender in respect to education

  • helped secure funding for women’s sports teams both in high school and college

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Self-determination act

gave american indians much more autonomy over their lands, education, and law enforcement

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  • raid at a gay bar, stonewall

  • lgbtqia activists fought back and resisted these laws

  • led to major lgbtq movements across america

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.