Demons | Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Wiki (2024)

Demonsare the main Enemyin Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Demons are malign and evil creatures that haunt Golarion, a planet at war between the Worldwound- a wasteland undercontrol ofthese creatures-and the ordinary world.
Demonsare born of the sinful souls of one or more mortals, and are conditioned by the perversion and wrongdoings during their life. They take different shapes and forms, mostly growing out of a larvae-shaped creature.
Besides a few exceptions, Demonsare able to teleport between places known to them withinthe same plane of existence. However, they cannot move between planes. This ability, together with theinterplanar rift in the Worldwound,allowsDemonsto travel to Golarion and then spread like a plague.In order to stop the demonic invasion, the Wardstones, a protective barrier that prevents teleportation outside the Worldwound, were created.

Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Demon Types

Demonsare malign, destructive creatures that come from the Abyss, one of the planes on the Outer Sphere ruled by evil and chaos. Demonsoriginated as the conjunction of sinful mortal's souls and the essence of the Abyss itself. Originally, souls of the wicked and perverse sentenced by Pharasma's Court to the Abysswould manifest themselves as larvae-shaped creatures with a human face, piling up in masses of flesh. Larvae creatures that survive long enough not to be the prey of bigger creatures become Demons.

Each Demon is born of the sinful soul of one or more mortals,and conditioned by the perversion and wrongdoings during their material life. They take different shapes and forms, and even though mostgrow froma larvae-like appearance, some are not larvae-derived Demons, as is the case with beings born of copulation orby evolution.Demonspossess different degrees of strength and power,and even though they often fight each other (given they are naturally chaotic), this constitutesa hierarchy in which lower rank Demonsrespond to more powerful, dominant ones, all the way up to Lord Demons.

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Dretch (Sloth Demon)

Born of the souls of lazy and evil people. Weakest of the Demons, placing it in the lowest layer of the hierarchy. Its offense is based on hiding, and has the ability to cast a sickening cloud. Can be defeated with just a cold iron weapon and protection from poison. Dretches posses the Damage Reduction (DR) ability, reducing received damage by common weapons.

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Formed from the souls of arsonists and pyromaniacs. This humanoid goat-looking creatureis at the lowest tier of Demonswith teleportation abilities, althoughtheir magical abilities elevate them among the rest of low-rank demons. Brimoraks love setting in fire everything they see, and an organized group of themcan bemortal toan unprepared party.

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Babaus comefrom the souls of serial killers, maniacs, and others who took pleasure in the art of murder. Their appearance is that of a horned skeleton with skin coated in vile, reddish slime, which is extremely dangerous to animal companions and unarmed fighters.Babaus tend to prefer stealthy attacks to open confrontations.Babaus can easily suppress protective magic.

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Nabasu (Death Demon)

Nabasus are born from the souls of gluttons, cannibals, and those who consume carrion and drink blood. They are a mix between humanoids and a bat with leathery wings, sharp fangs, and claws.Nabasus have the ability of a Death-Stealing Gaze, which drains the life ofthose who make eye contact with it, to then come back as ghouls under their control.

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Vrock (Wrath Demon)

Vrocks areborn from the souls of malicious and wrathful mortals,like criminals and hired killers. They are a mixture ofa vulture and a human, and are constantly surrounded by a cloud of feathers and demonic spores. These sprout upon contact with the skin, inflicting excruciating pain, which can only be cured with a BlessSpell or Remove Sickness. Various Vrocks have the ability to"Vrock-and-roll" dance,bringingan electrical storm that could level a small town, depending on the amount of Vrocks.When joining a battle,they usually emit aloud scream that may stun and paralyzemortals who hear it.

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Marilith (Pride Demon)

Mariliths are born from the souls of powerful mortals who were consumed by pride and arrogance. These creatures have a snake-like body with a female torso and head, as well assix female arms.They hold abladed weapon in each of its six arms. In terms of hierarchy, Mariliths are greater Demons that serve as advisors, generalsand concubines to theDemon Lords.

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Balors are the most powerful force in the entire demonic host other than Demon Lords, often granted with the highest positions in the demonic armies and the command of lesser demons legions.Theyare born of multiple souls of the most powerful and cruelest villains. These massive creatures arearmed with a flaming sword and a fiery whip,and upon defeat theyexplodein hopes of killing opponentssurrounding them. Some Balors rule over their own dominions, and sometimes even grant divine powers to their mortal servants.

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Abrikandilus are born from the souls of mortals who used to destroy works of art and things of beauty out ofmere envy. These demonic creatures look like malformed hunchbacks with forked rat tails. In combat, Abrikandilus act as foot soldiers who areurged to destroy any and all displays of beauty to demoralize the enemy. Their bite is truly horrible and can leave mutilating wounds that don’t heal for a long time.

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Vermleks are born from the souls of those whofind pleasure in desecrating corpses like grave robbers, necromancers, and necrophiles.Theselarge, four-tailed worms are most commonly seen inhabiting bloated human bodiesby wearing themlike clothesor using them as a mean of transportation.Although being expendable troops in Demon armies,Vermleks are able to control dead bodies and infiltrate the mortal communities. They tend to avoid warfare.

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Schir (Spite Demon)

Spite Demonsare born from the souls ofthose who committed, or framed others of heinous crimes for the sake of petty vengeance. Schirs look like humanoids with the legs and head of a goat and even though they may not be too sharp, are strong, hardy, and hungry for battle.Spite Demons constitute the backbone of the demonic hordes,and use stinking bardichesto infect their victims with terrible diseases.
Schirs are not fooled byinvisibility spells and perform charging attacks.

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Incubi are born from the souls of sad*sts, sex criminals, and rapists. Their look is that of a muscular and attractivehumanoid with silky-smooth skin, curving horns, and wings decorated with piercing and tattoos. These creaturesprefer to act as advisors, executioners, and masters of torture to more powerful demons. They wieldtwo weapons and have magical abilities, making them truly formidable opponents. Incubi can easily assume the form of any humanoid of any gender,making excellent spies and saboteurs.

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Succubi are bornof souls depraved by lust.They look likegorgeous womenwith leathery wings, tail, and tiny horns. Similar toIncubi,Succubi are not fond of combatand prefer seducing mortals with unholy gifts and sinful pleasuresto bring them to their demise. Although very similar toIncubbi, Succubi's approach is more subtle and soft and not as aggressive.

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Invidiak (Shadow Demon)

Invidiaks are born from the souls of mortals steeped in envy and jealousy, and they are the main source of stories about "demonic possession", as they are ableto take over the bodies of enemies and manipulate them like living puppets. Its form is ever-shifting, blending in with the surrounding darkness, with distinct leathery wings, glinting fangs and a lot of sharp claws.Invidiaks are deadly in melee combat and immuneto ordinary steel. They also possess powerful magic,giving them the ability to materializeforms from the Shadow Plane. The weakness of a Shadow Demon lays on sunlight, as it becomes helpless when exposed to it.

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Kalavakus (Horned Demon)

Kalavakuses are born from the souls of slavers. Their look is that of a massive, muscular beast covered head to toe in pointed horns. Evenin the Abyss,Horned Demons are still slave traders as they possess a variety of means of enslaving both souls and wills. On top of this, when their opponent’s soul is possessed, itsdeath nourishes the Kalavakus with power and heals its wounds.

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Coloxus (Fly Demon)

Coloxus come from the souls of vain and narcissistic mortals whose egocentricity led to disaster or tragedy. Theylook like humanoid figures with fly head and wings.Coloxus oftenserve as envoys and diplomats to mightier demons and are known for being patient and refined. They consider themselves as the elite of the "high society" of demonkind.Fly Demonshavepowerful magic spells andusually fight from behind the backs ofmore powerful demons.

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Omoxes are born from the souls of mortals whoprofane objects of beauty and worship with filth and excrement.These creatureslook like formless masses of slime and filth thatsometimes manifest in vaguely recognizable human forms. Dangerous at range or in melee combat, their strike coats enemies in a filthy slime that restricts movement.

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Glabrezu (Treachery Demon)

Glabrezus are born from the souls of traitors. These Demonsare bulky monsters with chitin-covered claws on the outside. They are cunning and cruel manipulators that use their ability to grant wishes to mortals as an instrument of temptation and degradation, twisting the mortal's wish in a way that would make its fulfillment bring the greatest amount of suffering and ruin. Glaberzus possess strong illusion magic that lets them take on anyappearance they desire. They can cast powerful spellsand are brutal melee combatants.

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Oolioddroocome from the souls of those who controlled the minds of innocents to make them commit horrific misdeeds.These creatureslook like a sickly female figure with the head of a moth, dragonfly wings, and a long proboscis. Oolioddroo are known to implant larvae into the brains of their victims in order to manipulate their mind. They are frail physicallyso they fight by means of their magic and the creatures they’ve enslaved.

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Nalfeshnees are born from the souls of covetous rulers. These demonic creatureslook like massive beasts with the head of a boar and a set of tiny wings. Nalfeshnees are a wealth of unholy knowledge, andare unequaled in their understanding of the inner workings of the Abyss as a living organism. Their allegiances typically lie not with some demon lord, but rather with the Abyss as a whole. A caste of Nalfeshnees known as Curators, act as sentinels and keepers of the Rift of Repose: hidden corner of the Abyss where the souls of slain Demon Lords gather.

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Born from the souls of mortals who used seduction to push their own kind to sin, Lilitus look like alluring women with horns, hooves, a snake tail and a face with no eyes.These creatures are ableto wear other people like clothes so, like Succubi, prefer infiltrating mortal communities and destroying them from within.Lilitus handlepowerful magicand clever psychological manipulation. They often answer to a Demon Lord,and perform tasks that typically do not involve brute force.

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Originally created bythe Mother of Beasts, Lamashtu, Vavakias are born from the souls of mortals who violated other creatures' souls in some way in their lifetime, such as enslaving or consuming them. These creatures have the lower body of a giant four-legged dinosaur, and their upper body is a demonic humanoid torso, while their head resembles that of a dragon.Vavakias serveas the strike force that penetrates enemy defenses and annihilates their fortifications. Their breath can incinerate mortals and drive them mad. Vivakas are extremely dangerous and can easily turn nations to ruins.

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Cambions do not grow from larvae, they come from an abominable union between Incubi and mortals. Their appearance is that of a red-skinned, horned humanoid with a forked tongue. The greatest numbers of Cambions can be encountered in the Porphyry City, Alushinyrra, the realm of the DemonLord Nocticula, as this Lordfavors those who take newborn Cambions under their protection, thus allowing them to reach maturity.

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Quasit are tiny winged Demons with twisted horns. They are not larvae-derived creatures, instead Quasits manifest themselves through a familiar-summoning ritual performed by a spellcaster, sacrificinga small fragment of their soul, which then serves as the catalyst for the beast'sbirth.In case the Quasit outlives its master, it claims their soul and seeks to find its way back to the Abyss.

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A Vrolikai (final stage in the evolution of aNabasu) is a large monster with four arms that resembles a bat. It possesses all the abilities of a Nabasu andare some of the mightiest demons in the Abyss. Generally serve directly under a DemonLord.

Demon Characters in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous

Some Demonshave a specific role in the game'snarrative, being characters often related with other NPC's storyline, or the main character's itself. These characters, unlike other Demons, have special dialogues and take a bigger role in the game's chain of events. The following section contains these Demoncharacters, description and type.

Demons | Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Wiki (25)Minagho

Lilitu Demon and ex-lover of Staunton Vhane who influenced him to steal the Sword of Valor from Drezen, causing itsfall.

Demons | Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Wiki (26)Baphomet

Baphomet is a Demon Lord. Its appearance is that of a demonic minotaur. It's massive in size, with large hornsand sharp teeth. Baphomet carries a magical glaive.

Demons | Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Wiki (27)Areelu Vorlesh

The "Architect of the Worldwound". Half-Succubus and servant to Deskari, a Demon Lord.Responsible for opening the inter-planar rift between Golarion and The Abyss.

Demons | Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Wiki (28)Othirubo

Leader of the Tieflings. Alchemist and half-fiend.


Savamelekh is among the first Demons the player meets in the game.

Demons | Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Wiki (2024)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

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