Electronic hyperpolarizability calculation without the periodic images error for a large nonlinear molecule (4 pages) (2024)

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Plasmon polaritons in photonic metamaterial Fibonacci superlattices (4 pages)

Reyes-Gomez, E. / Raigoza, N. / Cavalcanti, S.B. / de Carvalho, C.A.A. / Oliveira, L.E. et al. | 2010

print version


Twin distortions of the Peierls instability (4 pages)

Li, M. / Lin, X. et al. | 2010

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Linear-scaling moment-based electronic structure calculation (4 pages)

Qin, T. et al. | 2010

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Optical evidence of strong coupling between valence-band holes and d-localized spins in Zn~1~-~xMn~xO (4 pages)

Sokolov, V.I. / Druzhinin, A.V. / Gruzdev, N.B. / Dejneka, A. / Churpita, O. / Hubicka, Z. / Jastrabik, L. / Trepakov, V. et al. | 2010

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Magnetic polarons in Eu-based films of magnetic semiconductors (4 pages)

Storchak, V.G. / Eshchenko, D.G. / Morenzoni, E. / Prokscha, T. / Suter, A. / Ingle, N. / Heiss, W. / Schwarzl, T. / Springholz, G. / Kallaher, R.L. et al. | 2010

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Dominant spin relaxation mechanism in compound organic semiconductors (4 pages)

Bandyopadhyay, S. et al. | 2010

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Accurate defect levels obtained from the HSE06 range-separated hybrid functional (4 pages)

Deak, P. / Aradi, B. / Frauenheim, T. / Janzen, E. / Gali, A. et al. | 2010

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Giant thermopower and figure of merit of semiconducting polaronic nanolayers (4 pages)

Alexandrov, A.S. / Bratkovsky, A.M. et al. | 2010

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Pure dephasing of double-quantum-dot charge qubits in freestanding slabs (4 pages)

Liao, Y.Y. / Chen, Y.N. et al. | 2010

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Suppressed spin dephasing for two-dimensional and bulk electrons in GaAs wires due to engineered cancellation of spin-orbit interaction terms (4 pages)

Denega, S.Z. / Last, T. / Liu, J. / Slachter, A. / Rizo, P.J. / van Loosdrecht, P.H.M. / van Wees, B.J. / Reuter, D. / Wieck, A.D. / van der Wal, C.H. et al. | 2010

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Perturbative treatment of the multichannel interacting resonant-level model in steady-state nonequilibrium (4 pages)

Borda, L. / Zawadowski, A. et al. | 2010

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Anisotropic magnetoconductance of a InAs nanowire: Angle-dependent suppression of one-dimensional weak localization (4 pages)

Liang, D. / Du, J. / Gao, X.P.A. et al. | 2010

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Dynamic response of a mesoscopic capacitor in the presence of strong electron interactions (4 pages)

Hamamoto, Y. / Jonckheere, T. / Kato, T. / Martin, T. et al. | 2010

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Elastic strain relaxation in GaN/AlN nanowire superlattice (4 pages)

Landre, O. / Camacho, D. / Bougerol, C. / Niquet, Y.M. / Favre-Nicolin, V. / Renaud, G. / Renevier, H. / Daudin, B. et al. | 2010

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Two-dimensional Coulomb solid with interaction anisotropy (4 pages)

DaSilva, C.J. / Rino, J.P. / Damasceno, P.F. / Sherman, E.Y. et al. | 2010

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Effect of electrostatic screening on apparent shifts in photoemission spectra near metal/organic interfaces (4 pages)

Helander, M.G. / Greiner, M.T. / Wang, Z.B. / Lu, Z.H. et al. | 2010

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Effects of ion bombardment on a two-dimensional target: Atomistic simulations of graphene irradiation (4 pages)

Lehtinen, O. / Kotakoski, J. / Krasheninnikov, A.V. / Tolvanen, A. / Nordlund, K. / Keinonen, J. et al. | 2010

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Calculation of optical matrix elements in carbon nanotubes (4 pages)

Goupalov, S.V. / Zarifi, A. / Pedersen, T.G. et al. | 2010

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Sequential population of adsorption sites driven by surface stress (4 pages)

Sander, D. / Meyerheim, H.L. / Tian, Z. / Niebergall, L. / Negulyaev, N.N. / Mohseni, K. / Stepanyuk, V.S. / Felici, R. / Kirschner, J. et al. | 2010

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Geometric structure of TiO~2(110)(1 x 1): Confirming experimental conclusions (4 pages)

Busayap*rn, W. / Torrelles, X. / Wander, A. / Tomic, S. / Ernst, A. / Montanari, B. / Harrison, N.M. / Bikondoa, O. / Joumard, I. / Zegenhagen, J. et al. | 2010

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Electronic hyperpolarizability calculation without the periodic images error for a large nonlinear molecule (4 pages)

Takimoto, Y. / Otani, M. / Sugino, O. et al. | 2010

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Characterizing low-coordinated atoms at the periphery of MgO-supported Au islands using scanning tunneling microscopy and electronic structure calculations (4 pages)

Lin, X. / Nilius, N. / Sterrer, M. / Koskinen, P. / Hakkinen, H. / Freund, H.-J. et al. | 2010

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Triangle defect states of hexagonal boron nitride atomic layer: Density functional theory calculations (4 pages)

Yin, L.-C. / Cheng, H.-M. / Saito, R. et al. | 2010

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Carbon nanotube: A low-loss spin-current waveguide (4 pages)

Guimaraes, F.S.M. / Kirwan, D.F. / Costa, A.T. / Muniz, R.B. / Mills, D.L. / Ferreira, M.S. et al. | 2010

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Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy: A route to the identification of the tip-apex structure (4 pages)

Vitali, L. / Borisova, S.D. / Rusina, G.G. / Chulkov, E.V. / Kern, K. et al. | 2010

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Dynamics of quantum tunneling: Effects on the rate and transition path of OH on Cu(110) (4 pages)

Davidson, E.R.M. / Alavi, A. / Michaelides, A. et al. | 2010

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Intrinsic feedback and bistable switching in Y-branched nanojunctions (4 pages)

Reitzenstein, S. / Worschech, L. / Hartmann, D. / Forchel, A. et al. | 2010

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Manipulating and squeezing the photon local density of states with plasmonic nanoparticle networks (4 pages)

Girard, C. / Dujardin, E. / Marty, R. / Arbouet, A. / Francs, G.C.d. et al. | 2010

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Bistability, softening, and quenching of magnetic moments in Ni-filled carbon nanotubes (3 pages)

Diniz, E.M. / Nunes, R.W. / Chacham, H. / Mazzoni, M.S.C. et al. | 2010

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Two-dimensional electron liquid state at LaAlO~3-SrTiO~3 interfaces (4 pages)

Breitschaft, M. / Tinkl, V. / Pavlenko, N. / Paetel, S. / Richter, C. / Kirtley, J.R. / Liao, Y.C. / Hammerl, G. / Eyert, V. / Kopp, T. et al. | 2010

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Conductance of a phenylene-vinylene molecular wire: Contact gap and tilt angle dependence (8 pages)

Bilic, A. / Crljen, Z. / Gumhalter, B. / Gale, J.D. / Rungger, I. / Sanvito, S. et al. | 2010

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Effect of thermal fluctuations of spin density wave order parameter on the quasiparticle spectral function (7 pages)

Khodas, M. / Tsvelik, A.M. et al. | 2010

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Electronic structure and excitonic absorption in BaCuChF (Ch=S, Se, and Te) (9 pages)

Zakutayev, A. / Kykyneshi, R. / Schneider, G. / McIntyre, D.H. / Tate, J. et al. | 2010

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Temperature-dependent photoemission on 1T-TiSe~2: Interpretation within the exciton condensate phase model (9 pages)

Monney, C. / Schwier, E.F. / Garnier, M.G. / Mariotti, N. / Didiot, C. / Beck, H. / Aebi, P. / Cercellier, H. / Marcus, J. / Battaglia, C. et al. | 2010

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First-principles simultations of structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of vacancy-bearing Fe silicates (7 pages)

Chatterjee, S. / Saha-Dasgupta, T. et al. | 2010

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Distribution of the local density of states as a criterion for Anderson localization: Numerically exact results for various lattices in two and three dimensions (8 pages)

Schubert, G. / Schleede, J. / Byczuk, K. / Fehske, H. / Vollhardt, D. et al. | 2010

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Analytical continuation of imaginary axis data using maximum entropy (10 pages)

Gunnarsson, O. / Haverkort, M.W. / Sangiovanni, G. et al. | 2010

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Multiple scattering calculations of relativistic electron energy loss spectra (6 pages)

Jorissen, K. / Rehr, J.J. / Verbeeck, J. et al. | 2010

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Temperature-dependent Urbach tail measurements of lutetium aluminum garnet single crystals (7 pages)

Letz, M. / Gottwald, A. / Richter, M. / Liberman, V. / Parthier, L. et al. | 2010

Electronic transport in doped SrTiO~3: Conduction mechanisms and potential applications (14 pages)

Spinelli, A. / Torija, M.A. / Liu, C. / Jan, C. / Leighton, C. et al. | 2010

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Terahertz responses of the high-temperature metallic phase and photoinduced metallic state in the ferroelectric charge-ordered organic salt alpha -(ET)~2I~3 (6 pages)

Nakaya, H. / Itoh, K. / Takahashi, Y. / Itoh, H. / Iwai, S. / Saito, S. / Yamamoto, K. / Yakushi, K. et al. | 2010

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Energy transfer mechanism for downconversion in the (Pr^3^+, Yb^3^+) couple (6 pages)

van Wijngaarden, J.T. / Scheidelaar, S. / Vlugt, T.J.H. / Reid, M.F. / Meijerink, A. et al. | 2010

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Charge transfer, valence, and the metal-insulator transition in Pr~0~.~5Ca~0~.~5CoO~3 (5 pages)

Knizek, K. / Hejtmanek, J. / Novak, P. / Jirak, Z. et al. | 2010

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Josephson effect through a multilevel quantum dot near a singlet-triplet transition (20 pages)

Lee, M. / Jonckheere, T. / Martin, T. et al. | 2010

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Space group theory and Fourier space analysis of two-dimensional photonic crystal waveguides (11 pages)

Mock, A. / Lu, L. / O Brien, J. et al. | 2010

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Phonon renormalization from local and transitive electron-lattice couplings in strongly correlated systems (13 pages)

von Oelsen, E. / Di Ciolo, A. / Lorenzana, J. / Seibold, G. / Grilli, M. et al. | 2010

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Few-photon optical diode (5 pages)

Roy, D. et al. | 2010

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Z~2-slave-spin theory for strongly correlated fermions (14 pages)

Ruegg, A. / Huber, S.D. / Sigrist, M. et al. | 2010

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Extension of exact-exchange density functional theory of solids to finite temperatures (12 pages)

Greiner, M. / Carrier, P. / Gorling, A. et al. | 2010

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Evidence of mobile carriers with charge-ordering gap in epitaxial Pr~0~.~6~2~5Ca~0~.~3~7~5MnO~3 thin films (5 pages)

Singh, U.R. / Chaudhuri, S. / Dutta, A. / Budhani, R.C. / Gupta, A.K. et al. | 2010

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Doping and dimensionality effects on the core-level spectra of layered ruthenates (6 pages)

Guo, H. / Li, Y. / Urbina, D. / Hu, B. / Jin, R. / Liu, T. / Fobes, D. / Mao, Z. / Plummer, E.W. / Zhang, J. et al. | 2010

print version


Giant Coulomb blockade magnetoresistance in magnetic tunnel junctions with a granular layer (5 pages)

Zhang, X.-G. / Wen, Z.C. / Wei, H.X. / Han, X.F. et al. | 2010

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Chirality dependence of the K-momentum dark excitons in carbon nanotubes (9 pages)

Vora, P.M. / Tu, X. / Mele, E.J. / Zheng, M. / Kikkawa, J.M. et al. | 2010

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High-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study of the electronic structure of EuFe~2As~2 (7 pages)

Zhou, B. / Zhang, Y. / Yang, L.-X. / Xu, M. / He, C. / Chen, F. / Zhao, J.-F. / Ou, H.-W. / Wei, J. / Xie, B.-P. et al. | 2010

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Generalized Lifsh*tz-Kosevich scaling at quantum criticality from the holographic correspondence (7 pages)

Hartnoll, S.A. / Hofman, D.M. et al. | 2010

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Optical second harmonic generation in the centrosymmetric magnetic semiconductors EuTe and EuSe (15 pages)

Kaminski, B. / Lafrentz, M. / Pisarev, R.V. / Yakovlev, D.R. / Pavlov, V.V. / Lukoshkin, V.A. / Henriques, A.B. / Springholz, G. / Bauer, G. / Abramof, E. et al. | 2010

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All deformation potentials in GaN determined by reflectance spectroscopy under uniaxial stress: Definite breakdown of the quasicubic approximation (11 pages)

Ishii, R. / Kaneta, A. / Funato, M. / Kawakami, Y. / Yamaguchi, A.A. et al. | 2010

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Magnetic anisotropy of epitaxial (Ga,Mn)As on (113)A GaAs (11 pages)

Stefanowicz, W. / Sliwa, C. / Aleshkevych, P. / Dietl, T. / Doppe, M. / Wurstbauer, U. / Wegscheider, W. / Weiss, D. / Sawicki, M. et al. | 2010

print version


Lattice location study of ion implanted Sn and Sn-related defects in Ge (6 pages)

Decoster, S. / Cottenier, S. / Wahl, U. / Correia, J.G. / Vantomme, A. et al. | 2010

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Effect of inversion asymmetry on the intrinsic anomalous Hall effect in ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As (7 pages)

Werpachowska, A. / Dietl, T. et al. | 2010

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Carrier-induced refractive index change and optical absorption in wurtzite InN and GaN: Full-band approach (10 pages)

Bulutay, C. / Turgut, C.M. / Zakhleniuk, N.A. et al. | 2010

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Class of tunable wide band gap semiconductors gamma -(Ge~xSi~1~-~x)~3N~4 (8 pages)

Boyko, T.D. / Bailey, E. / Moewes, A. / McMillan, P.F. et al. | 2010

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Selective excitation of exciton transitions in PTCDA crystals and films (10 pages)

Gangilenka, V.R. / Titova, L.V. / Smith, L.M. / Wagner, H.P. / DeSilva, L.A.A. / Gisslen, L. / Scholz, R. et al. | 2010

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Magnetization reorientation in Ga~xMn~1~-~xAs films: Planar Hall effect measurements (6 pages)

Chung, S. / Lee, S. / Liu, X. / Furdyna, J.K. et al. | 2010

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Predicted band structures of III-V semiconductors in the wurtzite phase (13 pages)

De, A. / Pryor, C.E. et al. | 2010

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Electronic structure and volume effect on thermoelectric transport in p-type Bi and Sb tellurides (5 pages)

Park, M.S. / Song, J.-H. / Medvedeva, J.E. / Kim, M. / Kim, I.G. / Freeman, A.J. et al. | 2010

print version


Spinodal decomposition and secondary phase formation in Fe-oversaturated GaN (7 pages)

Talut, G. / Reuther, H. / Grenzer, J. / Mucklich, A. / Shalimov, A. / Skorupa, W. / Stromberg, F. et al. | 2010

print version


Exchange interactions in europium monochalcogenide magnetic semiconductors and their dependence on hydrostatic strain (15 pages)

Sollinger, W. / Heiss, W. / Lechner, R.T. / Rumpf, K. / Granitzer, P. / Krenn, H. / Springholz, G. et al. | 2010

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Temperature dependence of hom*ogeneous broadening of the 1S paraexciton in Cu~2O (8 pages)

Brandt, J. / Felbier, P. / Frohlich, D. / Sandfort, C. / Bayer, M. / Stolz, H. et al. | 2010

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Optical injection and control in germanium: Thirty-band k·p theory (13 pages)

Rioux, J. / Sipe, J.E. et al. | 2010

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Temperature dependence of electron spin relaxation in bulk GaN (5 pages)

Buss, J.H. / Rudolph, J. / Natali, F. / Semond, F. / Hagele, D. et al. | 2010

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Continuously tunable band gap in GaN/AlN (0001) superlattices via built-in electric field (5 pages)

Cui, X.Y. / Carter, D.J. / Fuchs, M. / Delley, B. / Wei, S.H. / Freeman, A.J. / Stampfl, C. et al. | 2010

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Effective field theory and projective construction for Z~k parafermion fractional quantum Hall states (7 pages)

Barkeshli, M. / Wen, X.-G. et al. | 2010

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Cavity quantum electrodynamics with semiconductor quantum dots: Role of phonon-assisted cavity feeding (14 pages)

Hohenester, U. et al. | 2010

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Terahertz photoresponse of AlInSb/InSb/AlInSb quantum well structures (4 pages)

Gouider, F. / Vasilyev, Y.B. / Bugar, M. / Konemann, J. / Buckle, P.D. / Nachtwei, G. et al. | 2010

print version


Quantum transport in weakly coupled superlattices at low temperature (12 pages)

Lhuillier, E. / Ribet-Mohamed, I. / Nedelcu, A. / Berger, V. / Rosencher, E. et al. | 2010

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Computational study of an InGaN/GaN nanocolumn light-emitting diode (9 pages)

Bocklin, C. / Veprek, R.G. / Steiger, S. / Witzigmann, B. et al. | 2010

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Charge hopping revealed by jitter correlations in the photoluminescence spectra of single CdSe nanocrystals (7 pages)

Fernee, M.J. / Littleton, B. / Plakhotnik, T. / Rubinsztein-Dunlop, H. / Gomez, D.E. / Mulvaney, P. et al. | 2010

Scanning tunneling spectroscopy of a dilute two-dimensional electron system exhibiting Rashba spin splitting (9 pages)

Becker, S. / Liebmann, M. / Mashoff, T. / Pratzer, M. / Morgenstern, M. et al. | 2010

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Time-dependent model for diluted magnetic semiconductors including band structure and confinement effects (10 pages)

Morandi, O. / Hervieux, P.-A. / Manfredi, G. et al. | 2010

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Symmetry crossover in quantum wires with spin-orbit interaction (5 pages)

Kaneko, T. / Koshino, M. / Ando, T. et al. | 2010

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Structural properties and energetics of intrinsic and Si-doped GaAs nanowires: First-principles pseudopotential calculations (9 pages)

Ghaderi, N. / Peressi, M. / Binggeli, N. / Akbarzadeh, H. et al. | 2010

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Stability, structural, and electronic properties of atomic chains on Yb/Ge(111)3 x 2 studied by STM and STS (9 pages)

Kuzmin, M. / Laukkanen, P. / Perala, R.E. / Punkkinen, M.P.J. / Ahola-Tuomi, M. / Lang, J. / Vayrynen, I.J. et al. | 2010

print version


Picosecond charge variation of quantum dots under pulsed excitation (9 pages)

Kazimierczuk, T. / Goryca, M. / Koperski, M. / Golnik, A. / Gaj, J.A. / Nawrocki, M. / Wojnar, P. / Kossacki, P. et al. | 2010

print version


Cooperative recombination of electron-hole pairs in semiconductor quantum wells under quantizing magnetic fields (12 pages)

Jho, Y.D. / Wang, X. / Reitze, D.H. / Kono, J. / Belyanin, A.A. / Kocharovsky, V.V. / Solomon, G.S. et al. | 2010

print version


Trap density of states in small-molecule organic semiconductors: A quantitative comparison of thin-film transistors with single crystals (13 pages)

Kalb, W.L. / Haas, S. / Krellner, C. / Mathis, T. / Batlogg, B. et al. | 2010

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Optical detection of quantum Hall effect of composite fermions and evidence of the nu =3/8 state (5 pages)

Bellani, V. / Dionigi, F. / Rossella, F. / Amado, M. / Diez, E. / Biasiol, G. / Sorba, L. et al. | 2010

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Generation of bonding and antibonding photonic modes in laser-induced photonic double quantum wells (5 pages)

Sadeghi, S.M. / Li, W. et al. | 2010

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Multiparticle interference in electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometers (19 pages)

Kovrizhin, D.L. / Chalker, J.T. et al. | 2010

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EPR study of carbon and silicon related defects in carbon-rich hydrogenated amorphous silicon-carbon films (9 pages)

Kalabukhova, E.N. / Lukin, S.N. / Savchenko, D.V. / Shanina, B.D. / Vasin, A.V. / Lysenko, V.S. / Nazarov, A.N. / Rusavsky, A.V. / Hoentsch, J. / Koshka, Y. et al. | 2010

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Spin channels exploring finite superlattices: Vertical and lateral transport (10 pages)

de Dios-Leyva, M. / Marques, G.E. / Drake, J.C. et al. | 2010

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Molecular dynamics prediction of thermal conductivity of GaN films and wires at realistic length scales (13 pages)

Zhou, X.W. / Jones, R.E. / Aubry, S. et al. | 2010

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Interference of magneto-intersubband and phonon-induced resistance oscillations in single GaAs quantum wells with two populated subbands (6 pages)

Bykov, A.A. / Goran, A.V. / Vitkalov, S.A. et al. | 2010

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Magnetoasymmetric transport in a mesoscopic interferometer: From the weak to the strong coupling regime (16 pages)

Lim, J.S. / Sanchez, D. / Lopez, R. et al. | 2010

print version


Sufficient conditions for two-dimensional localization by arbitrarily weak defects in periodic potentials with band gaps (9 pages)

Parzygnat, A. / Lee, K.K.Y. / Avniel, Y. / Johnson, S.G. et al. | 2010

print version


Spin-dependent transport in waveguides with spatially modulated strengths of the Rashba and Dresselhaus terms of the spin-orbit interaction (9 pages)

Krstajic, P.M. / Rezasoltani, E. / Vasilopoulos, P. et al. | 2010

print version


Anomalous spin-related quantum phase in mesoscopic hole rings (6 pages)

Jaaskelainen, M. / Zulicke, U. et al. | 2010

print version


Universal scaling in transport out of equilibrium through a single quantum dot using the noncrossing approximation (6 pages)

Roura-Bas, P. et al. | 2010

print version


Dynamical equilibrium between magnetic ions and photocarriers in low Mn-doped single quantum dots (8 pages)

Clement, T. / Ferrand, D. / Besombes, L. / Boukari, H. / Mariette, H. et al. | 2010

print version


Exact wave functions for an electron on a graphene triangular quantum dot (13 pages)

Rozhkov, A.V. / Nori, F. et al. | 2010

print version


Asymmetric diffusion at the interfaces in Fe/Si multilayers (5 pages)

Gupta, A. / Kumar, D. / Phatak, V. et al. | 2010

print version


Linear tuning of charge carriers in graphene by organic molecules and charge-transfer complexes (6 pages)

Sun, J.T. / Lu, Y.H. / Chen, W. / Feng, Y.P. / Wee, A.T.S. et al. | 2010

print version


Optical conductivity of metal nanofilms and nanowires: The rectangular-box model (12 pages)

Kurbatsky, V.P. / Pogosov, V.V. et al. | 2010

print version


Deflection of suspended graphene by a transverse electric field (5 pages)

Wang, Z. / Philippe, L. / Elias, J. et al. | 2010

print version


Edge states in a honeycomb lattice: Effects of anisotropic hopping and mixed edges (8 pages)

Dahal, H.P. / Hu, Z.-X. / Sinitsyn, N.A. / Yang, K. / Balatsky, A.V. et al. | 2010

print version


Adsorption of small hydrocarbon radicals on single walled carbon nanotubes of finite length (8 pages)

Wu, J. / Hagelberg, F. et al. | 2010

print version


Molecular dynamics simulation of thermal boundary conductance between carbon nanotubes and SiO~2 (7 pages)

Ong, Z.-Y. / Pop, E. et al. | 2010

print version


MgO/metal interfaces at low coverage: An order N, semiempirical Hartree-Fock simulation (11 pages)

Noguera, C. / Godet, J. / Goniakowski, J. et al. | 2010

print version


Excess energy and deformation along free edges of graphene nanoribbons (7 pages)

Lu, Q. / Huang, R. et al. | 2010

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Dynamical screening of the exciton resonance in conjugated polymers/carbon nanotubes composites (6 pages)

Luer, L. / Hoseinkhani, S. / Meneghetti, M. / Lanzani, G. et al. | 2010

print version


Structural and frictional properties of graphene films on SiC(0001) studied by atomic force microscopy (7 pages)

Filleter, T. / Bennewitz, R. et al. | 2010

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Spectroscopic ellipsometry of graphene and an exciton-shifted van Hove peak in absorption (6 pages)

Kravets, V.G. / Grigorenko, A.N. / Nair, R.R. / Blake, P. / Anissimova, S. / Novoselov, K.S. / Geim, A.K. et al. | 2010

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Ion-irradiation-induced amorphization of cobalt nanoparticles (8 pages)

Sprouster, D.J. / Giulian, R. / Araujo, L.L. / Kluth, P. / Johannessen, B. / Kirby, N. / Nordlund, K. / Ridgway, M.C. et al. | 2010

print version


Violation of the Wiedemann-Franz law in quasi-one-dimensional organic crystals (5 pages)

Casian, A. et al. | 2010

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Anisotropy of the Stone-Wales defect and warping of graphene nanoribbons: A first-principles analysis (7 pages)

Bhowmick, S. / Waghmare, U.V. et al. | 2010

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Plasticity in carbon nanotubes: Cooperative conservative dislocation motion (8 pages)

Chen, S. / Ertekin, E. / Chrzan, D.C. et al. | 2010

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Electronic states of Ag thin films with a laterally periodic insertion of stacking faults (12 pages)

Kobayashi, K. / Uchihashi, T. et al. | 2010

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Structural transformations of carbon chains inside nanotubes (5 pages)

Warner, J.H. / Rummeli, M.H. / Bachmatiuk, A. / Buchner, B. et al. | 2010

print version


Phonon-mediated desorption of image-bound electrons from dielectric surfaces (19 pages)

Heinisch, R.L. / Bronold, F.X. / Fehske, H. et al. | 2010

print version


Statistics of radiation emitted from a quantum point contact (12 pages)

Lebedev, A.V. / Lesovik, G.B. / Blatter, G. et al. | 2010

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Quantum transport through resistive nanocontacts: Effective one-dimensional theory and conductance formulas for nonballistic leads (11 pages)

Darancet, P. / Olevano, V. / Mayou, D. et al. | 2010

print version


Epitaxial Fe-Ge thin films on Ge(111): Morphology, structure, and magnetic properties versus stoichiometry (13 pages)

Jaafar, R. / Berling, D. / Sebilleau, D. / Garreau, G. et al. | 2010

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High stability and electronic structures of noble-metal covered W(111) atom perfect pyramidal tips (5 pages)

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Ab initio thermodynamics calculation of all-optical time-resolved calorimetry of nanosize systems: Evidence of nanosecond decoupling of electron and phonon temperatures (5 pages)

Banfi, F. / Pressacco, F. / Revaz, B. / Giannetti, C. / Nardi, D. / Ferrini, G. / Parmigiani, F. et al. | 2010

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Predicting order-disorder phase transitions of O/Pd(111) from ab initio Wang-Landau Monte Carlo calculations (8 pages)

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Band structure dependence of hot-electron lifetimes in a Pb/Cu(111) quantum-well system (8 pages)

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Effects of twin and surface facet on strain-rate sensitivity of gold nanowires at different temperatures (7 pages)

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Supported bimetallic Pt-Au nanoparticles: Structural features predicted by molecular dynamics simulations (10 pages)

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Interference in transport through double barriers in interacting quantum wires (6 pages)

Wang, S. / Zhou, L. / Zeng, Z.Y. et al. | 2010

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Relativistic embedding method: The transfer matrix, complex band structures, transport, and surface calculations (11 pages)

James, M. / Crampin, S. et al. | 2010

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Dynamical properties of a vibrating molecular quantum dot in a Josephson junction (6 pages)

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Simulation of the growth of metal nanoclusters on the MgO(100) surface (8 pages)

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Graphene nanoengineering and the inverse Stone-Thrower-Wales defect (9 pages)

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First-principles study of the optical absorption spectra of electrically gated bilayer graphene (7 pages)

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Density functional theory investigation of 3d, 4d, and 5d 13-atom metal clusters (14 pages)

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Calculated cleavage behavior and surface states of LaOFeAs (9 pages)

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Mesoscopic persistent currents in a strong magnetic field (11 pages)

Ginossar, E. / Glazman, L.I. / Ojanen, T. / von Oppen, F. / Shanks, W.E. / Bleszynski-Jayich, A.C. / Harris, J.G.E. et al. | 2010

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Suppression of weak antilocalization in InAs nanowires (4 pages)

Roulleau, P. / Choi, T. / Riedi, S. / Heinzel, T. / Shorubalko, I. / Ihn, T. / Ensslin, K. et al. | 2010

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Electron density and transport in top-gated graphene nanoribbon devices: First-principles Green function algorithms for systems containing a large number of atoms (17 pages)

Areshkin, D.A. / Nikolic, B.K. et al. | 2010

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Dynamics and phase diagram of the nu =0 quantum Hall state in bilayer graphene (11 pages)

Gorbar, E.V. / Gusynin, V.P. / Miransky, V.A. et al. | 2010

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Tuning properties of nanoporous Au-Fe alloys by electrochemically induced surface charge variations (7 pages)

Mishra, A.K. / Bansal, C. / Ghafari, M. / Kruk, R. / Hahn, H. et al. | 2010

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Nanotube-based nanoelectromechanical systems: Control versus thermodynamic fluctuations (15 pages)

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Surface and grain-boundary scattering in nanometric Cu films (12 pages)

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.