Great Financial Gifts for Kids for the Holidays (2024)

Looking to give a holiday gift that will help set a young one on the right financial path? A savings bond or 529 account contribution probably won’t be the gift that gets the most attention when opened, but it just might end up being the most appreciated. Parents, grandparents, and other interested adults can give financial gifts to children that can help secure their future, whether it helps them save for a first car, college, or a down payment on a house.

Key Takeaways

  • If you're looking to change it up this holiday season, you may want to consider a financial gift instead of the usual stocking stuffers for a child.
  • Financial gifts can help young people understand investments and appreciate savings through firsthand experience holding stocks or bonds.
  • You can purchase a digital savings bond as a gift through the TreasuryDirect website.
  • Savings bonds, 529 account contributions for education, gifting shares of stock, and, of course, an envelope full of cash are all ideas for financial gifts.
  • Because tax laws are complicated, it is prudent to work with qualified tax professionals to minimize any tax consequences related to the giving of financial gifts.

Financial Gifts

Financial advisor and partner with TBH Global Asset Management Sam Davis said that financial gifts have merit beyond the obvious monetary rewards. “Parents and grandparents should consider making financial gifts because they can help children achieve something that would otherwise not be possible,” Davis said. “This can include things like medical school, which has now become unaffordable for many, or helping a child get through a short-term hard financial situation. It can also include, however, things like trips around the world, which can help better a child's understanding of global dynamics.”

Whether your financial gift helps a child pay for college, travel across Europe for the summer, or sparks an interest in saving and investing, the young person can thank you because, as Davis notes, “You are personally invested, physically and financially, in the things that are important to them.”

Remember, as of 2023, any gift over $17,000 per year per individual may be subject to a federalgift tax. The amount rises to $18,000 a year for 2024 to reflect inflation adjustments.

Savings Bonds

Savings bonds make excellent financial gifts because they can grow steadily by earning interest. Treasury securities are types of debt instruments that include Treasury bills, notes, bonds, Treasury inflation-protected securities (TIPS), and savings bonds. Most Treasury securities are called “marketable” securities because they can be bought and sold in secondary markets after they are purchased from the Treasury.

Savings bonds differ from other Treasury securities in a few ways:

  • Savings bonds are “non-marketable” and therefore cannot be traded on a secondary market.
  • Minors can own savings bonds.
  • Savings bonds are available for purchase as gifts.

The money you pay for a savings bond represents a loan to the U.S. government. In exchange for the loan, the savings bond continues to earn interest for up to 30 years. Any time after 12 months, the savings bond can be redeemed for its face value, plus any interest it has earned; however, if the bond is redeemed before it is five years old, you will forfeit the last three months’ interest.

Savings bonds are available as Series EE or Series I bonds, both of which accrue interest monthly and compound interest semi-annually. The biggest difference between the two is the interest rate you receive. Series EE bonds issued on or after May 1, 2005, earn a fixed rate of interest. The interest rate of Series I bonds is based on both a fixed rate of return and a variable semiannual rate, indexed for inflation. EE bonds are guaranteed to double in value from their issue price no later than 20 years after their issue date to reward longtime bondholders.

You can purchase a digital savings bond as a gift through the TreasuryDirect website, a secure, web-based system operated by the U.S. Department of the Treasury. Although the process is a bit more complicated than it used to be when you could purchase paper savings bonds with the help of financial institutions, here are the basics for buying digital savings bonds:

  1. Go
  2. Log into your TreasuryDirect account (or open one in your name).
  3. Purchase the type of savings bond you wish (Series EE or Series I), in the desired denomination ($25 to $10,000).
  4. Deliver the savings bond gift to the recipient’s TreasuryDirect account.
  5. Print out a gift certificate to give to the recipient.

You will need to know the recipient’s legal name, Social Security number, and TreasuryDirect account number. For a minor under 18 years old to receive a savings bond as a gift, the parent or legal guardian must set up a Minor Linked Account within their own TreasuryDirect account. If the child’s parent/guardian does not set up an account (for whatever reason), you can still buy the bond, hold it in your own account’s “Gift Box,” and transfer it at a later date.

The reason you need to provide the child’s Social Security number is that the bond applies to the recipient’s annual bond purchase limit, not yours. The annual purchase limit for savings bonds is a combined $10,000 in Series EE electronic bonds, $10,000 in Series I electronic bonds, and $5,000 in paper Series I bonds.

529 Contributions

It’s no secret that post-secondary education is expensive. According to the College Board, the average cost of tuition and fees (not including room and board) for the 2023-2024 school year was $11,260 for in-state public colleges, $29,150 for out-of-state public colleges, and $41,540 for private, not-for-profit colleges.

“One of the best ways to help a child financially while limiting your own tax liability is the use of 529 college plans,” Davis said. A 529 College Savings Plan is a tax-advantaged plan that allows families to save for future college expenses. These are typically state-sponsored investment plans, and each state has different requirements and benefits, including tax advantages. There are two types of 529 plans: savings and prepaid plans.

  • 529 Savings Plans:These plans work similarly to other investment plans such as 401Ks and IRAs for retirement in that your contributions are invested in mutual funds or other investment products. As a state-sponsored investment plan, the state coordinates with an asset management company (such as Vanguard) to handle the investment according to the state's plan features. The owner of the account (i.e., the parents) deals directly with the asset management firm, rather than with the state. The beneficiary (your child or grandchild) is the person for whom the account is set up and who will use the money for college.
  • 529 Prepaid Tuition Plans:Prepaid tuition plans, also called guaranteed savings plans, are administered by states and higher education institutions. They allow families to plan for future college expenses by prepaying tuition and locking in today's tuition rate. The program pays future college tuition at any of the state's eligible institutions. If the student goes to an out-of-state or private college or university, an equal amount of money is distributed.

“I strongly advise my clients to fund 529 plans for the unsurpassed income tax breaks,” Davis said. “Although the contributions are not deductible on your federal tax return, your investment grows tax-deferred, and distributions to pay for the beneficiary's college costs come out federally tax-free. Rules for 529s do vary by state, and I would encourage everyone to understand their state’s rules. For example, your own state may offer some tax breaks also (such as an upfront deduction for your contributions or income exemption on withdrawals) in addition to the federal treatment."

In December 2019, President Trump signed the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act (SECURE Act), designed to improve the retirement system for Americans. Part of the act made changes to 529 plans that broadened the educational institutions eligible for their use.

Now, qualified higher education expenses, for which 529 plans may be applied, include expenses for apprenticeship programs. The act also has introduced distributions for “Qualified Education Loan Repayments,” which can be used to pay the principal and/or interest of qualified education loans, limited to a lifetime amount of $10,000. This limit is per person, but an additional $10,000 may be distributed as a qualified education loan repayment to satisfy outstanding student debt foreachof a 529 plan beneficiary’s siblings.

Other Types of Financial Gifts

Savings bonds and 529 contributions are just two of many different financial gifts that are appropriate for children. You can also consider givingthe following:

  • Stocks:You can gift or transfer stock you already own, or you can purchase individual shares through an online brokerage that supports stock gift-giving (such GiveAShare, among several others). Often, you can even obtain a paper stock certificate for the shares to give to your loved one.
  • IRA contributions:If the child has earned income from a job, you can fund their annual IRA contribution up to the allowable amount.
  • Cash:Coldhard cash is always a welcome gift, but it might be most effective if it is money earmarked for a specific purpose, such as paying for a car or summer camp or to pay down an adult child’s debt (such as student loan or credit card debt).
  • Financial advice:A trip to a qualified financial planner can help even young children understand the value of money, savings, and investing.

Can I Give Stock as a Gift?

Yes. Stocks can be given to a recipient as a gift through transferring a stock certificate, or through a broker, allowing the recipient to benefit from any gains in the stock's price.

What Is a Gift Tax?

Gift tax is a tax on the transfer of property by one individual to another where the donor receives nothing, or less than full value, in return. For 2023, the annual exclusion is $17,000, and it increases to $18,000 for 2024.

Can I Buy Savings Bonds Online?

Yes. You can purchase a digital savings bond as a gift through the TreasuryDirect website, a secure, web-based system operated by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

The Bottom Line

For 2023, you are allowed to give up to $17,000 per year to as many people as you want, without any tax consequences to you. This amount increases to $18,000 for calendar year 2024. This can include a gift to a 529 account. Because tax laws are complicated, work with qualified tax professionals to determine what tax implications, if any, your financial gift may have.With such planning, choosing this type of present for a child can ensure that you can bestow financial gifts while at the same time minimizing tax consequences.

Great Financial Gifts for Kids for the Holidays (2024)


Great Financial Gifts for Kids for the Holidays? ›

Savings bonds

Savings bonds
Series EE Bonds are interest-bearing U.S. government savings bonds guaranteed to at least double in value over their typical 20-year initial terms. Some Series EE bonds pay interest beyond the original maturity date, up to 30 years from issuance. › terms › serieseebond
, 529 account contributions for education, gifting shares of stock, and, of course, an envelope full of cash are all ideas for financial gifts. Because tax laws are complicated, it is prudent to work with qualified tax professionals to minimize any tax consequences related to the giving of financial gifts.

What is the best financial gift for a child? ›

Financial Gifts for Kids & Babies
  • Shares of Stock. ...
  • Custodial Account. ...
  • Certificate of Deposit. ...
  • Savings Bonds. ...
  • Donation to a Charitable Organization. ...
  • Prepaid Debit Cards. ...
  • IRA Contribution. ...
  • Personal Finance Books. Sometimes, the best financial gift is a gift of education.
Feb 13, 2024

How do you ask for money instead of gifts for Christmas? ›

Be Clear About Your Intentions

Share the reasons behind your request, whether it's to save for a specific item or experience, or to have the flexibility to choose your own gifts. By explaining your intentions, you help others understand the purpose behind your request and increase the likelihood of a positive response.

How much money do parents usually spend on their kids for Christmas? ›

Meanwhile, 35% of parents plan to spend between $50 and $150 per kid, while 12% are budgeting between $150 and $200. Just 19% of American parents say they'll spend more than $200 on each child's gifts. 11% responded that they weren't yet sure on how much they would be forking out for festive gifts.

How much money to give a 12 year old for Christmas? ›

In my family, for example, we set a budget and go from there—and many families do the same. According to a November 2022 study, most parents are budgeting $220 for each child—with the highest budgets for 7 to 12-year-olds, though 28% of those surveyed are trying to keep it below $100.

What is a clever way to give money as a gift? ›

Top 10 fun ways to give money 🎁
  • A money pizza, with bills as “slices” and coins as “toppings.” Use a normal pizza box as the gift box!
  • A diploma made of cash to celebrate a graduation.
  • A candy bar made of money.
  • A box of chocolates with cash instead of treats.
  • A money rosette or money wreath.
  • A money cake or donut.
Feb 13, 2023

What is the best money gift? ›

Contributing to a “529” education-savings plan, or a qualified tuition program, for a child or grandchild is a good gift option because those after-tax contributions grow tax-free, and distributions are tax-free as long as the money is used for the beneficiary's qualified education expenses, financial advisers say.

How do you ask for money instead of gifts wording? ›

As we start our lives together, we kindly request your contributions in the form of cash gifts. In lieu of traditional gifts, we would be grateful for any cash contributions towards our honeymoon. We are humbly requesting monetary gifts to help us start our married life together.

What do you say when giving money for Christmas? ›

"Include a note to the person that shows that you've given this some thought, and that there's meaning behind it," Swann says. "If they're an avid gardener or into sports, you could say, 'Here's to your next golf game,' or 'Here's a little something to help you as you expand your garden.

What is the average number of gifts a child receives for Christmas? ›

There is no magic number but the general consensus seems to be between three gifts potentially up to around five. There will be many factors that contribute to this decisions; how many children you have, presents other family members may buy, how old your children are and, of course, budget.

How much does the average family spend on a child at Christmas? ›

With parents of children aged 7-12 spending the most, at £472 per child and parents of children aged 0-6 spent the least, at £368 per child. This makes the average amount spent on Christmas gifts per child coming in at £420. Start your kids' money journey today!

How much should grandparents spend on Christmas? ›

Make a list of your grandkids and split the money evenly between each kid. This is a great way to figure out how much to spend if you don't want to overthink it or you want to be totally fair. For example, if you've got $1000 for 8 grandkids, that works out to around $125 each.

What is a good budget for Christmas gifts for kids? ›

Gifts based on age?
  • Add together the ages of your kids. Terry, 5, + Susie, 7, + Johnny, 10 = 22.
  • Divide the Christmas budget total for the kids by the sum of their ages. $440/22 = $20.
  • Take the number from Step 2 and multiply by each child's age. $20 * 5 = $100. $20 * 7 = $140. $20 * 10 = $200.
Nov 14, 2023

How much does the average middle class family spend on Christmas? ›

Trend in November readings from 1999 to 2023 in average amount Americans expect to spend on Christmas gifts each year. Current $975 is up from $867 in 2022 and is the highest in the trend. The dollar estimate was over $800 in 2006 and 2007 before dropping during the recession to below $700.

Is it OK to give kids money for Christmas? ›

Parents and grandparents should consider making financial gifts because they can help children achieve something that would otherwise not be possible,” Davis said.

What is the most precious gift you can give your child? ›

The Greatest Gifts Parents Can Give Kids
  1. The gift of self-confidence. ...
  2. The gift of empathy. ...
  3. The gift of creativity. ...
  4. The gift of perseverance. ...
  5. A gift of discovery. ...
  6. The gift of forgiveness. ...
  7. The gift of silliness. ...
  8. The gift of teamwork.

How much money should a parent give their child? ›

A good weekly allowance for a child can be $1 to $2 for each year of their age. You need to consider what you can afford. Also, decide what they'll be required to do to earn it.

Is a financial gift to a child taxable? ›

Taxes and Exclusions

It is important to note gifts of money or property may be subject to federal gift or estate tax, depending on the value of the gift and the way it is given. If tax liability is incurred, it is the donor - not the recipient - who pays the tax.

What is a good way to get money as a kid? ›

Ways to earn money as a younger kid
  • Do chores and odd jobs around the house or neighborhood.
  • Babysit, walk dogs and feed pets for pay.
  • Sell your stuff in person or online.
  • Sell lemonade in the summer or hot cocoa in the winter.
  • Teach others a skill.
  • Find local gigs through Nextdoor.
  • Freelance.
  • Tutor your peers.
Dec 5, 2023

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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