The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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14 THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN SATURDAY EBRUARY 3 1912 WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS CHICOPEE HOLYOKE SCHOOL INSPECTION REPORT WESTIELD THROUGH TRAINS ARE ELL DOWN ELEVATOR SHAT MANY CASES MEASLES of AGAWAM PARTY COMMITTEES 4GREE HOLDS OPTION ON PROPERTY AVOR OUR ROOM BUILDING as inance Committee's' Neiv Proposition LONGMEADOW BURTON HOUSE IS BURNED SOUTHWICK Bpet frontage and a depth of 400 feet II L'a 4 4 1 a 1 4 SPECIAL NOTICES Knox Company Must Wait a' ew LUDLOW OATMEAL NO BAPTISM RAGING IRE OATMEAL 0 WOROXOCO OATMEAL in Minnesota and was veterinary inspector qn tU Gldnoo XWI OCtOC Liquor officiated The Mayor Rivers yesterday voiced iudigna present and the hand to time of its con to her after result is the only oatmeal that comes to your table as full of ood value as when it left the harvest field the day or veiiienee is the only oatmeal scientifically cooked at the mill to preserve flavor and food value near schedule time there is TV Lincoln 417 Main st has been sell ing Krakauer pianos for over 20 years morning after only a few will be held at the home in the city that if the secured for more fre Greentield and Spring share of the Alittineague on Thursday entertainment was is sufficiently cooked by dur special steam cooking process so that twenty boiling at breakfast time is plenty This retains all the good ness and strength of the grain This keeps in all the richness too so that no other oatmeal has so fascinating a flavor De licious digestible Try it to day The Company Buffalo The class members and its that it ley on Ronton unl Maine the Cause of Move for More Through the kindness of Henry the East school had a sleighride yesterday afternoon Miss Smith's room at the Cen ter school also Miss room went for their annual sleighride yesterday aft ernoon after schooK Through the cour tesy of tiie Norcross company the primary sehool and their teacher Miss Atwood also had tin enjoyable ride Rev Alphonso Dttj of the Methodist church will take for his theme to morrow morning "Lessons from the hills carry on its affairs night were: Presi Atherton vice presi Menard Likely to Buy Division Street Site for Garnne It is expected that the property on Di vision street owned by the Magna Bros and now occupied by the Ross grain store will be bought by Victor Menard who now conducts an automobile repair shop on Dwight street find who is holding an op lion on the property AVhile the papers have not passed it looks probable that the sale will be made as the probabilities seem to be that the city will take the Holyoke water power company's projtorty between the city hall and Railroad street for the new police building within the near future making it necessary for those hav ing stores in that block to seek other lo cations It is understood that Mr Menard in lie event of his moving will have a garage built the plans for which are al ready being drawn by Reid Air Ross will probably take another location in tlje city 'But the Neyv Motor Truck Was There in Case of Need Chicopee's new $8000 motor pump sailed proudly around Market square yesterday afternoon and headed off down Exchange street on the way to its first fire Willing ness was the only thing that the handsome new piece of apparatus was able to show however as the fire was a minor one and was put out by the use of chemicals The alarm was from box 35 and was turned in at about 545 The tire was at 169 Exchange street on the third floor of a four story wooden block The block is owned by the Dwight manufacturing com pany and is used for a boarding house by Arthur Joy The fire was the result of a lump explosion The bed clothing in one room was badly burned and the woodwork was scorched There was no further dam age and chemicals were all that were needed GRIIN LICENSE SUSPENDED Cun Sell At 7 o'clock he will' give a talk on temple as Christ saw it" illustrated by model of the temple All Bible students and others are cordially invited to be present At the Congregational church to mor row Rex Wilder will speak The service will be in observance of Christian endeavor day The 7 o'clock service will be union with the' Methodist church Six of the young people from the Con gregational endeavor society availed them selves of the invitation to visit the Hart ford Ct endeavor union last evening Miss Marjorie Eletcher has gone to Hat field for a week end Mrs Robert Pease and daughter from Bristol Ct are guests at Herbert Ogden's I There will be no schools in nt the Center building Monday as the teach ers will takeythe day for visiting other schools Miss Colby the Hall Hill teacher has gone to Hartford Ct for a week end visit Gains Batrott if Mount Hermon si'hool xv ill occupy the Baptist pulpit Sunday John Cosby Injured nt the Store of Gladwin Son JohnKCosby employed as a clerk' and chauffeur for the hardware firm of Janies It Glad win Son xvas badly injured yes terday morning as the fesult'of a fall down the elevator shaft at the store" lie start ed to enter the store from the rear and evidently did not notice that the elevator xvus up one story He fell through shaft to the where he xvas dis covered in a dazed condition and bleed ing from one ear and from a scalp wound DrAI Chisholm was summoned and iie xvas taken to Noble hospital in the ambu lance It xvas found that one collar bone xvas' fractured and the hemorrhages from the car showed signs of a fracture at the base of the skull He remained dazed for some time as a result of concussion of the brain The scalp wound xvas not se rious Jf it develops there is no fracture of the skull he will uo doubt recover in i a short time This is the second time Mr Cosby has been seriously hurt Some years ago his head was badly cut and his jaw injured as the result of an explosion Sehool Nurse and an Open Air Room Heartily Recommended Dr John II Gallagher and Dr Miinnix have handed their report on school inspection for the months of October No vember and December to the board of health One of the chief recommendations of the report is the appointment of a schoM nurse The needs of ventilation and the beneficial results of having the eyes prop erly caret for are also emphasized An open air school room is also suggested The recommendations relative to a school nurse point to the fact that minor ail ments of the skin and eyes xvould be more liable to discovery under the close atten tion she xvould be able to give She could also give instruction in the treatment of simple ailments and along general simple hygienic lines Mention is made of the tact that many pupils have been provided ith glasses free of charge during the past year The trouble xvith many of the chil dren's eyes was first known as the result of the school examination and many of the cases are greatly improved by treat ment and the adoption of glasses The relief of eye strain oftenjias the result ofdoing away with listlessuess Adenoid growths and enlarged tonsils have been at tended to in a number of cases The ef fects of this treatment have been most marked and many pupils who before xvere backward have become among the bright est in the classes ft is declared to be cheaper to remove the adenoids than to give a child the extra instruction xvhichxvould otherxvise be necessary i Emphasis is laid in the report of the imr portance of examining the physical condi tion of children who apply for xvork cer tificates It is pointed out that if a child is in poor physical condition when he leaves school to go to xvork he far behind those xvho rpmain in school and have the increased advantage of healthy bodies The report advises that at least one open air school room should be es fablished in the city where those consti tutionally xveak or predisposed toward lung trouble might have instruction together with the benefits of outdoor air Plenty of air for all the children and avoidance of crowding in the rooms is also recom mended Dr Kennedy district superintend ent held the fourth quarterly conference in the Methodist church Thursday even ing ami Rev AA'' Snow the pastor was invited to remain another year The double jubilee quartet with a render from St John's Congregational church in xvill give a concert ami enter tainment in the town hall Wednesday 'cvching Mumps is quite prevalent in the village and effects the school attendance consid erably Dainty dresses for evening wear also serge dresses in a varity of styles and colors have been received this week at Lamitie's 'Hie mark down ticket still remains on every gar metn in the store Because there were so niany unable to ob tain a primrose last week Jacobs the florist is selling them aunln to day extra large ones tbeing Ijuti 10 cents each The loss on the residence of Charles xx arren on Broad street as the result of the fire Tuesday night has been estimat ed by local contractors and insurance ad justers and the total damage to house and furnishings amounts to about 59500This is based on an estimated loss of $7500 on the building and $2090 on the furnish ings There was an insurance of but $3500 on the house and $1500 on the fur niture or $5000 in all This means that only about 50 per cent of the loss is cov ered by the insurance Dr rank lanagan veterinarian has opened an office at Collins sta ble on Arnold street Dr lanagan is a graduate of Ontario veterinary college of Toronto Ont and of the Chicago veter inary college He practiced for five years i tor rue cmicago ana Norttixvestern railroad at AVinOna i rank Loomis 5G died about' 1 a ni yesterda at his home in Al undale He a life long resident of the toxvn and is the last of the family He 'had no near relatives other than cousins Ho xvas unmarried The funeral will be held at 2 to morrow in the Parks memo rial chapel Pine Hill cemetery The members of the Westfield nest of Orioles xvill join xvith the Springfield nest to morrow afternoon and go by special car to Thompsonville Ct to start a new nest in that town Upon returning to West field a collation will be served at which Supreme President Seames of Buf ra'o wm ne present The annual banquet of the Westfield club is to be held in the Park Square hotel Wednesday evening the 14th Richard Morrissey is to he toastmaster and the To morrow evening day xvill be observed over 1(Mi of the young people taking part in the program The Holyoke ministerial association xvill meet at the irst Methodist church Mon day and will discuss Sunday observance' The pastors of the Congregational church South H'idley alls and of the Baptist chtireli in Wilhmansctt xvill be added to i ne niemi ersinp The Phi Alphas held a 'meeting lit iHjrb school yesterday afternoon 1 tench chib met yestrrday afternoon neara a lecture on Switzerland whi illustrated with stereoptieon viexvs Unless the through trains of 'the Bos ton ii nd Maine railroad show a little im i rovemen as to leaving the local station somewhere apt tn be a movement set auZer xxay to petition the road for more local trains the local trains being more to be depended upon to get the wayfarer either north or south to few stations along' the lines on tilde The through trains at the pres ent time cannot seem to be depended upon in fact it has seemed to Ilolvokers that ever since the New Haven road 'has taken control of the Boston and Maine that the schedule foi a part of the train system lias almost disappeared The time honored jokes regarding railroad transportation can be applied with some truth if matters grow' tniicn worse It is being argued local trains can be quent runs between field that a large criticism will be done away xvith New Haven will be left free bring its through trains nt any night that most suits and par yesterdaj The funeral The licensing board has suspended the license of a trick and Raymond Gritllu for a period of 2(5 days beginning at closing time last evening as the result of a hearing granted Thursday night Both of the complainants A Hill of Willi mansett and Joseph Demers were absent but the testimony xvas presented to the licensing board by James Loomis at torney for the Griffins and the commission deemed it sufficient to warrant a suspen sion of the license The action of the licensing hoard is strictly consistent with tlie policy they have been following They accepted ex CitySolicitor Luther White's advice and waited until the case had bcen passed upon in the superior court They then asked the opinion of the new city solicitor Daniel O'Connor and as he advised action they have taken it both in the Duquette and Griffin cases on Sundays and the evening mail mat has been closing at be eloseil at 73 'There "was a' shert session of the court yesterday morning One inun xvho plead ed guilty of drunkenness hail his case tiled A man xvho failed to appear xvas defaulted he xvill be on hand on time to day Someone attempted to get into the Smith feed store on Elm street Thursday night but' was' frightened away The supposed thief xvas detected in the act of taking off a door ClintonClark has been confined to his home on Mechanic street for sexeral xveeks by illness WEST SPRINGIELD nf rlontha 9rt rn number of deaths of males 11 of fe frnetiire of skull 2 of liver 1 cerebral gastritis 3 hard inanition 1 mat pulmonary tubercu Diphtheria of the Knox automobile com pany 'called Ju the city of Chicopee yester day for payment df the $8000 xvhich is due on the imotorpump which has been deliv ered" to the Chicopee tire department dur (ing the week The auditor and the iniayor then looked up tlie records and found that although under the" charter the company selling the truck must bo un der' bonds no action to 'place Knox under bonds xvas taken by the outgoing administration Both Auditor' Kirby and Mayor Rivera thereupon re fused to ratify the order for payment and the money xvill be held up until the Knox' company has been placed under bond The bond will be in the form of a and xvill be in the sum of $3'KXJ for two years Mayer Rivers stated yesterday morning that the bond xvill probably have been arranged by Monday morning and payment will then be made at once L'hc aid society of the Union chureh served a supper in' the hall last evening The yonng people of the village xvent Westfield on a sleighing party after the supper i Charles ilkins has been sick during tlie past xveek with rheuma tism Harry Hammond teamster for the Strathmore paper company xvho xvas laid up the first part of the xveek having in jured his knee is nt xvork again riday evening the Springfield Young Men's Chris tian association minstrels will give an tn the hull under the auspices of the village welfare committee Rev Rollins will preach at the regular morning service in Union clinrca to morrow A Kilmer of Springfield will preach at the evening service EEDING HILLS AVill Work Together for Indorsem*nt of Suitable Men for Lighting Board The conference committee representing both the republican and democratic town committees held ji meeting Thursday night and it xvas agreed that each toxx'n commit tee should be restricted to the hiring of one vehiclij and six paid xx'orkers elec tion day A general discussion took place relative to the movement for a nonparti san municipal lighting cofliniission and tlie committee can give the public assurance that ever effort be made to indorse suitable men without regard to party af filiation CI his action xvill be received xvith great satisfaction by those xvho bcliex'e in the nonpartisanship idea for this new com mission 4 1 to morroxv morning 'I 11 A torx' xvho lin at tne automobile shoxv xvill Ireturn rails on Monday Miss Clara Bestick has returned xvork in the Spruce street school more than a absence the of eye trouble Mrs Maria 62 wife of Charles Becher died early yesterday morning at her home IS Wolcott street after ii short illness She xvas born in Germany anil had been a resident of the city for the past 40 years Mie os nesiticR us Dana a Luures ufin iinnimrAr irj Biiiihlos of Nexx' York and a sister Sirs xviii no non Jiotidnv conducting the service and the burial he in Elmwood cemetery Irene infant daughter of Mr Mrs Daniel Murphy died at her cuts home 113 Pine street morning arier a snort illness xvas held yesterday afternoon with burial in St cemetery Tire body of Sister St Cccelia has been taken to the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Lannors of: St" Arnie The burial will be in that town Bnslneas Institute Assembly pupils of the Holyoke business insti tute held their annual assembly ut AVind sor hall last evening a large attendance being present to enjoy the occasion The hall was handsomely decorated for the occasion with the school colorsrand music was furnished by Bridge's orchestra The grand inarch was led by Roy Bronson and Miss Vera Whipple the president and vice president oft the class followed by Christopher Manning a rid Hazel: Stark wenthcr Mr and Mrs A Tjarnell 1 Mr and Mrs'AV McLeod II Kelly di rected the dance program' of 18 numbers' The patrons and patronesses for the oc casion xvere Mr and Mrs A Tjarnell Mr and Mrs McLeod and Miss Luella ogelsanger of the faculty The commit tee in charge consisted of Joseph' Blitter field chairman Earl Hiebel Thomas noy Rachael Thorpe and Anna Board 'if Public Works Meeting The board of public xvorks met yester day afternoon and voted to purchase 24loi kers for the baths at the tuberculosis hospital ut $630 each and 10 xvard robes for the rooms at $97o each Thei report of the inspection of boilers showed that everything was satisfactory The' new heating plant at the city farm xvas placed in oHratinu yesterday The board will get prices for flushing carts for the streets The building inspector was instructed to prepare estimates oDthe cost of lighting the Highland school hall by electricity and the cost of an addition to the stage and to report at the next meeting Mursball Darracli in o'rhe The last lecture in the high school course was given in the auditorium last evening a large audience being present to enjoy therendition of by Marshall Darraelr The course this x'ear lias been very successful and the audiences have been the largest in the history of 'the school The English department are making plans already for the course of next year xvhich it is hoped to make oven better than this year's Marshall Dar rnch and Leland Powers xvill he txvo of the lecturers 'I'he Strike Situation The strike in the city still occupies about the same position The plater girlshave arranged for a dance to lie held in Ihe hall for the evening of the 11th There xvill be a mass meeting nt Ihe hall this afternoon at 2 at xvhieh it' is hoped to get a large share of the paper mill operatives in the city President Carey and other xvcll knoxvn labor offi cials jivill address the meeting TO DAV AND Tl NIGIIT Miles from Boston" at the Empire theater Beacon Light lodge Independence Com panions of America held a whist party and dance Inst evening in Wnkelin hall Twentyr five tables were in play nnd after the cards a dance program of 10 numbers xvas en joyed and a collation served The commit tee in charge consisted of Nellie Baker Iibbie Bnrboo Mary Smlthmst Mrs aim is iiuilSOU Clan Mnclnreu initiated two candidates at their meeting hist evening nnd receivedtwo applications for membership A Scot tish concert and bull xvill bo hold under the auspices of the chin riday evening The committee in charge consists of George Doeherty James Pratt Benjamin orbes Robert Ironside James Weir James Lees and Alexander letcher Communion will be observed at Grace church to morrow morning this being the (Kltli bimonthly coiiimiinion of the church nt which the pastor Robinson' bus officiated and at each communion added to the church 'Christian endeavor" Chapin school addition xvill meet Monday 1 crl ill brought up recentv by yiayor I ALIX VI Miss Margaret Culley of the tion over the unclean condition im xvhich he found the Chicopee alls police sta tion on a rerent tour of inspection He also declared that every effort will be niade to get the station back into a semi sanitary condition or that it leastniVC J1 th and a fresh coat of paint I lie cleaning win only cost' about $40 ac cording to the mayor It seems that Mayor Rivers went to the alls police station several days ago and he found conditions such as to disgust him He said jesterrlay that tlie walls and wood work xxere so thick xvith grease that he could scrape off the filth with knife I he floors also xvere in xvretched shape and the odor xvas bad Springfield pioxision cumpany is like a palace in parison xvith the alls police was the way the thing looked to Mayor lii vers 1 he mayor asked one of the offi cers hoxv he could endure having such a place for a headquarters and xvas told rant lie nail to accept conditions ns he found them Not only is the office is a bad condition but the cell room is also unclean alls police station xvas condemned by the board of health about a year ago Monthly Report of Bonril of Health i monthly report of the board of liealtn lias been handed in There xvere 31 deaths during the month of which 11 xx ere males and 20 There xvere II cases of contagious disease The report in detail is as I otal dl 1 uia lea Accidental dui iir a apoplexv diabetes labor 1 nutrition gitis 1 piace xvill be the Grange hall of the West Springfield grange in the White church George Sanderson pastor oftlie Mittineague Methodist church xvill preach at the morning service at 1030 to morroxv subject "The safety of religion" Llie theme tor his evening sermon at the service at 7 xvill be "The sorrowing i UI2 Ile xvinner" Tm funeral of John Clark will be held at the home 41 Hanover street on Monday at 2 o'clock The funeral will be private Burial will he at Westfield riends are requested kindly to omit send ing flowers II Bogers of the Merrick Methodist church preached yesterday noon at a xvell attended meeting of railroad men at the railroad loung Christian as soriation ln Springfield 1 he regular monthly service of the West I'rmpheld Episcopal mission will be held Alain street to morrow evening at i3O clock Rev' Charles Sniffen xvill conduct the service Programa of the Chnrches Seplias' Guillet of the Westfield state noi ma school Teaching force is to address the men class at tliqirst Congregational church to morroxv noon on "Social serv ice of the church" This xvill be the first public address Mr Guillet lias given since locating in Westfield Rev Henry Dyckman will continue his series of talks on the Bible at the vesper service to mor Key Albert Johnson of the Ad vent Christian church is to preach to mor roxv morning on "Daniel xi and the King of the North" sThis is the fifth in the series on In thecven mg there will be a praise service followed by an evangelistic service The pastor xvill speak on sin's sentence be com Rev AV 8 Ayres of the Central Baptist church xvill speak to morroxx morn ing on influence that streams fromthe and in the evening his subject xvill 'be blessedness of longing" The aid society of the church will serve sup per in the memorial building next Wednes day night Rev Al Leonard of Boston superintendent of the city missions and formerly a pastor of the local church xvill speak in the Methodist Church to morroxv morning In the evening Rex Philip rick will give the third in the series on "Life lessons from Paul" and the sub topic will be the slave of The club Bible class' will begin to morroxv noon the of "Ethical signifi cance of modern and the first topic will be of special interest for it is that of "Capital punishment" The other topics are: "Arbitration and labor dis "Child saloon" ernment by' the "The labor1 prob lem from the standpoint of tlie "The labor problem from the standpoint of the church in "Amusem*nts" new labor union "The emancipation of alien pop "Lawlessness and the "Thet future of the spirit of Sunday the 11th xrill be observed ns Sunday in the churchy An entertainment and election of officers under the nexv consti tution xvill be held' in the vestry Wednes day' evening the 14th by tlie members of the Upham men's club A committee has the entertainment in charge A Thompson S4 Yeara Old rederick A Thompson of Court stfeet observed his 84th birthday yesterday Mr Thompson is one of the veteran paper makers of the country and for nearly 42 years lias been superintendent of Crane Bros' mills He began learning the paper making business xvhen but 13: years old and thus fop 71 years he has followed" the same line of business being at the present time the veteran superintendent of the papermaking industry in active service He expects to retire in a short time and xvill take a well earned rest He is still a vigorous man and enjoys excel lent health Local Noticha' 1 Tliennnnal ebruary carpet rug and mat ting sale Is now in progress nt the Tnmbson furniture company and an unUsual opportu nity is offered to obtain floor coverings nt a great reduction The 35 cent matting Is now offered for 19 cents a yard' An address to the Methodist jicnnletnionghout the world sent by the recent ecumenical conference at Toronto to all Methodist pastors to be read in tlie phurehes xyff be read by Rev at the Methodist church to morrow morn Coburn of Indian Orchard will conduct the Epworth league meeting at 6 and John Cooper of Springfield will be one of the speakers IUv Kohlens? agent of the Massachusetts Bible society will speak at the 7 servicewiH Ve tkynto apl this Ksfer society to the Knights of King Arthur lias been formed called the Ladies of Avalon xvhieh will meet1 Tues day evening in the vestry of the Union church The organization is for social and educational purposes' Miss AlexinaJames has been appointed queen The degree team of Court Indian Leap of oresters of America will meet in Bartlett's hall to morroxv afternoon and they will work the degree on several can didates at their meeting Moadav evening The whist cltHfrmet at the home of Airs John Shean of vMaple street yesterday and Miss Evelyn Bankg won the prize at whist Rex Henrx Burden will conduct serv ices at the: Union church Sunday morning using as his theme ancient vision be come a reality" No services xvill be held in the evening Rev Wright Hermans will conduct serv ices at the Episcopal church to morrow morning EAST LONGMEADOW ive Tenement Strneture Destroyed Yesterday llorning ire Apparent ly Started rom urnace The large house known as the "big Bur ton house" owned by Adelard Archam bault of I formerly lieutenant governor of Rhode Island was' burned to ground yesterday morning betxveen and 930 o'clock The house xvas situated on Main streetabout one fourth mile north of the Center on the west side of the street and xvas built by the late Charles Burton 22 years ago at a cost of about $7500 Upon his death after a fexv years house was sold and xx as divided into five tenements The house xvas occupied by Mrs Erickson xvho had a tenement on the first floor ffnd A Bruueau who had an upper tenement The' tenements xvere vacant The fire is believed to have started from the furnace 'and xvhen discovered it had xvorked up' into the building and had a good start Practically all of Mrs Erick furniture was removed and her loss will probably be under $100 Mr'Bruneau had just time to get his wife out haff no chance to save anythin' as the stairway was on fire His loss xvas total and xvill probably be about $1500 withoutinsurance! Afri0Bruneau was in the'1 cellar about 7 and says there was noth ing to indicate anything out the xyay at that time The loss on: thej house xvhich ws a large one rjwill be fully $8000 only partially covered by insurance The town chemieab engine was sent to the fire but could do little to check the flames The barn was saved 1 'I? riends who remember Rev and Airs A Leete and knoxv their son Rev Dr AT I eete of New Haven Ct xvill be interested to hear that Dr bidestfsonAA'illiain Rockwell Leete is to be or dained'as a missionary of the 'American! board on Tuesday The services ate tc? be held in Salem where just 100 years ago in the same church the first mission aries Judson Mills and ok dained for foreign mission work There will be five other young men ar the same time AAr Leete uncle of the yonng man and Airs Leete hope to go to Salem' to attend the ceremonies Alias Naomi Colton who is now in AA'est field will reach her 84th birthday to day Miss Colton in point: of time is the oldest member of the irst church having joined in 1844 Airs Noah Bliss' is a fexv 'years her Allen was filling Born's ice house Mrs Louis Stuckert and Aliss 'Bertha Stuckert re turned Thursday AVestfield' where they attended the' birthday party of Mrs Lange of the Park Square'1 hotel AVednesday Airs Howard Lang of Salem has returned after a short visit to her mother Airs Brewer The Massachusetts librarr club have been invited toehold their midwinter meeting in the Richard Salter Storrs library at Longmeadoxv The meeting xvillbe held Thursday The morning session xvill open at 11 when Aledli i cott president of the board of trustees of' the Storrs library will give a xvord 'of xvelcome after xvhich there will bp a gen eral discussion of the list of the best hooks' of 1911 for small libraries' At 1 o'clock a luncheon xvill be served by the courtesy of the Longmeadoxv library trustees at tlie Aledlieott home The afternoon ses sion xvill open at 230 when Aliss Ida arrar will lead a discussion on histbrv xvhat the library can do to make and conserve This will be followed by a historic sketch "AA omen in literature in the United States" by Airs Alary Wells Smith xvho as the author of Captive" and Boy Cap tive" xvill be especially welcome to Long meadow xvhere tin Jiero of the last book Dr Stephen xvas the pastor of the irst church from 1718 to 1783 nearly 6Gyep rs The finance committee of the board of aldermen met last evening and considered the additional appropriation for the Nye street school and the isolation hospital section As regards the' Nye street school the' committee decided to suggest to the school committee that instead of a txx room building a four room building be erected It xvould not have to be entirely completed but two rooms could be finished for immediate use and the other txvo could be finished off as de mand came This xvould be more simple than merely building'the walls of the school so that another story might later be added It xvould also save the expense of tearing off the roof xvhen time came for building the addition The Nye street building commission xvas at the meet ing and approved the plan as did the finance committee The plan xvill probably be submitted to the school committee and also to the board of aidermen It xvas the general opinion among mem berS of thj finance committee that it would tie nest to nave Mr Brien or tne noaru of health find out xvhere hospitals such as the one Chicopee must build are located in places of similar size and then that a junket be arranged and these places looked over so it hat the local committee can gain some idea of xvhat is needed jit was sug gested that the best location? for 'such a hospital xvould be on the poor farm grounds The building could be mainly forThe treatment of tuberculosis ainL' have a wing for the treatment of other con tagious diseases state will pay $5 a week for all cases of tuberculosis treated xvhieh are really forced upon the care of a Representative "Daniel Buckley was present at the meeting and gave a short talk on the prospects for the annexation of to Holyoke The commit tee took no action upon that question 'i BE PAID WHEN BONDED Mrs Nellie Doherty was called home on Tuesday from a visit to Afrs red Birge in Suffield Ct by the illness of Coolex A Griffin Airs Charles Thwing returned to Putney on day after a visit xvith her sister Mrs Nel son Stevens Aliss Aland Gillett is visiting her friend Airs Jesse Stebbins in Nexx' ington Aliss Effie Devereaux Is spending the xveek in Holyoke Mr and Airs Edward Perkins of Suffield Ct spent xvith Mrs AA" Healy Aliss Dorothy Galpin returned from Hartford Ct on Tuesday Aliss Dorothy Dresser received on Thurs day evening the sad news of the death of her brother Alvin Dresser Jr who died on Wednesday night of diphtheria in Chi cago Aliss Pearl Bugbee returned from her school in Granville last evening having been granted a two months leave og ab sence She will leave to day for North Adams xvhere she xvill take a special course nt the state normal school Superintendent Josiah AIcCann conducted a meeting in the grammar school room yVsterday The first grade pupils Aliss rances Cook teacher were in troduced to show their proficiency' The grange xvill hold an meet ing Tuesday ex ening when several groxv Hampdcn News Contlnnerl on Pace 15 reading club and the club xvill hold meetings Monday The folloxving decisions in civjl court cases xvere handed down yesterday Jolm Popp against Patrick for 81052 James Hamilton against Coe for $1827 Oscar Beauchemin against Napoleon Roy and Octave for SOO The Cohun musical play Aliles from Boston" has been given an inter esting and capable presentation at the Empire this week and xvill close its run this ex'ening The attraction for next xveek will be for the Goose" and a benefit performance xvill be given on Monday evening for the aged home The 11th annual reception of the Thomp son business school xvill be held in Wind sor hall AVednesday evening Bridge's or chestra xvill play and II Kelly has been secured to direct the dance program The police department have about 10 sleds at the station been stolen and reOovered by the officers and axx'ait the claims tneir owners our sleds have been laimed and taken axvay Uncns tribe of Red AIen are holding a bazar in the Wnkelin hall and will continue it the last three days of next week A large attendance is being secured The board of water commissioners niet' yesterday afternoon and xvorked on the annual report of the department xvhich xvill be ready soon Air and Airs AA'illiam Marra hax re turned from their trip and xvill take apart ments in the Ranger block on Hampden street The club composed of the men teachers in the several schools xvill have a supper nt the Holyoke club this evening AAork is being carried forward in re modeling the store in the Elmer Beebe block formerly occupied by the shop The regular meeting of the protective association has been again post poned and is now scheduled for riday evening The Chopin band will give a concert and dance in the city hall this ex'ening xindgr the leadership of Short Only two cases xvere heard in police court yesterday morning One xvas fined $6 nnd one xvas probated Local attorneys have received invitations for the banquet of the Hampden county bar to be held at Springfield 'Joseph Lynch has returned to his studies at Holy Cross college after a few days spent tn the city Dr has returned to the city after a few days spent Provi dence I The evening high school orchestra will nota tneir rehearsal Tuesday evening Arthur Greaney has taken a position traveling salesman for a Boston firm carcinoma or i 1 debility due to rheumatism and Hn inei ia henrt illsiuisn iiiuiuu'u iuja 1: meningitis 1 tubercular inenia (ueuaiouia losls 4 strangulation 1 diseases 4 menlses 3 scarlet fever 2 total 11 Michael Lyons Will Recover Michael Lyons the 15 old who was seriously injured at the Belcher Tay lor factory early last xveek by being caught tn the shafting is on the xvay to recov ery It has been determined that there are no bones broken nnd tlie case xvill not be so serious as had been supposed The accident xvas kept extremely quiet for sev eral days after it occurred The Lyons boy xvas caught in the shafting and whirled completely around but the gears of the machine cut the coat in such a xvay as to partly free him and make his rescue possible He is being attended by Dr Manuix "1 lie meaning of conversion xvill be the' topic of the 'morning sermon atlthe irst baptist church to morrow The Lord's supper and a reception to members xvill foiloxv the morning service In the ing the subject will be "The key of Ihe' junior endeavor socle tx meeting at vIo "'ill be led by Aliss Alabel There xvill be a uftvtiu'' of Baptist young people of the citv at 8 clock in the exemug A special endeavor day program xvill be carried out xvith ad dresses by Rev Air Hooper of AVilliman Tjtt ahd Air Burdette of the Central Baptist The bovs of the three Protestant churches of the alls will have a sleighride Alonday The wom ens social union xvill give a concert ri day evening the 16th Kex Charles' A sermon tqpie at tlie Second Congregational church to morrow morning xvill be "AA'hat the church lsL''or Join Eiils pastor of the Lmtarian church xvill address the voting peoples alliance at 7 in inpr There xvill be holy communion at Grace Episcopal church to inbrroxv morning at1030 clock Rex Alvin Knell willpreach and there will be Sunday school as usual There xvill he prayer in the evening at 7 Alderman John Dupuis ha bought a building lot on Taylor street with 300 uxum kJ! ftMl IPI xle states that he to hiiilj bvt has Kiven no further specifications The commission having charge of the Lliapin school addition xvill meet Alonday night to consider the matter of insr ection I XUK VX IJit? VllillHU 5 1 and Miss Mary Moriarty of the illimansett sehool are obliged to remain away from xvork because of illness Superintendent Gray of the Chicopee' public sehoos is in Randolph xvhere he will Mehver txv lectures on number xvork before a teachers' association Dr McGown president of the American International will preach at the Third Congregational church to morroxv morning The party from the Stevens Duryea fac tory xvho have been in Chicago rtf' fhn ixfxi Li i to the i nieptmg of the Cbngregii tional ladies aid societv Thursday afternoon the resignation of Airs Learned as direc tor was received and Mrs Phinnev xvas elected as one of the directors of thesociety tor the ensuing year Airs Campbell holds the jHisition of first director on the list The visiting commit tee of the Congregational church xvill meet luesday evening xvith Air and Airs John Merrell to organize for xvork and to con fer xvith the pastor Rev Aliller in reference to the The Springfield I omona grange will meet xvith the AA'est Springfield grange on sessions opening at 1030 a and 2 Rex Il AA hittemore will preach in the Bap tist church Sundax morning on chil dren of the xvorld versus the children of light" The union service in the evening xvill be in the Baptist church and the paster Rex will preach The funeral of John Burke who died on xuiirxiiay i illness will be held at the home this morning folloxveil by requiem high mass at the church of the Immaculate Con ception in AVest Springfield The burial will he in St Michael's Mrs Ro sati who died in Springfield on Wednes day was a resident of Agawam in her girlhood and xvill be remembered as Pru dence Dodge the family occupying the place then oxvned by Airs Helen Uf ford on Suffield street Arthur Bailey has gone to Brattleboro on business connected with the prop erty of his late brother Martin A Bailey Lewis Naughton was pleasantly sur prised Thursday evening by 20 of bls friends the occasion being his 37th birth day and instrumental music and games and congratulations made the evening an enjoyable one Howard Pond has passed the re quired examination and entered the high school in Springfield The students of the grammar school went on a sleigh ride to Suffield Ct yesterday afternoon Spread of Disease Charged to Lack Care on I'art of' Parents A number of cases of measles have ap peared among the children of the toxvn during the past xveek or txvo and several of the doctors of the toxvn feel that the spread of the is due to a lack of care on the part of the parents in 'keeping their children isolated from others during the course of the illness and convalescence The disease is not ordinarily a dangerous i one and does not cause alarm in any such degree as did the appearance of the cases of scarlet fever a short time ago and the result is that insufficient is taken to prevent further cases the disease is not one to be feared ordinarily the health authorities are unwilling to let it get a start in the schools and on this ac count they xvish to bring to the attention of the parents the fact that the only xvayo insure safety is to keep the children xvho are ill axvay from others until they lire xvell over the disease and no signs of its effects remain umigation in the schoolrooms cannot be successfully em ployed to check the spread of measles as in the case of scarlet fever so that the entire reliance has to be placed on the guarding of the eases themselves There have been cases of the disease in the Merrick schools and a large number are reported to have caught the disease xvho attend the school in Mittineague: The disease cannot be definitely traced to these sources but as the school makes the largest gathering place for the children it is felt that the greatest care should be exercised there The teachers are xvarned to keep a flmrp xvatch for the appearance of any sign of the disease in one of the children and to insist that the pupil be taken out of school immediately and kept out until it' has either been proved that the trouble is not measles or until the child has entirely gotten over its effects A bad feature in connection xvith the spread of the disease is that most of the cases have not been reported to Health Agent Alorrill He said yesterday that he had not heard of any need for protection against measles and that the Mittineague cases had not come to his knoxvledge at all Alr AIorrilJ is inclined to feel that such a state of affairs is uniardonable The resourcefulness of the local growers of calabash gourds for pipes Oscar Kaep pel and Edxvard Alann has produced a nexx' invention in the manufacture of the pipe bowls This consists in the forming of a natural ferrule xvhere the pipe stem is inserted to take the place of the silver or ivory ferrule that is used on all pipes of this sort A successful process for doing this consists in binding the part of the pipe xvhieh is to form the stem xvhile it is growing xx ith strong paper pasted in the shape desired for the ferrule tlie gourd is cut from the plant and the paper is removed the boxvl thus pre sents a natural ferrule ready for the in sertion of the a clouded am ber stem and tlie natural color of the gourd instead of the ordinary metal fer rule it is thought that a pipe of distinctive and handsome appearance can be pro duced The series of revival meetings which have been conducted at the Alerrick Aleth odist church during the past xveek have proved most successful The meeting on Thursday night xvas most largely attend ed the meeting being conducted by Rex George 11 Rogers pastor of the church assisted by IS Christian workers from Springfield Mrs George Rogers and Samuel Paul sang and George Evans accompanied them on the piano There xvas also a cornet solo by Edxvard Cam pion Last night Rev Snoxx ofeeding Hills was the preacher and nn other well atteixded meeting xvas held The series will be continued during next xveek on Tuesday Thursday and riday evenings the sieakers and program to he announced later Rex George Love of the irst Con grega tional church xvill preach nt the morn ing service at 1030 to morrow on the sub ject The regular evening service at 7 o'clock xvill be in charge of the Christian endeavor society Tne men's brotherhood will hold its regular meeting after the morning service at 12 The King's Daughters society of tlie church xvill meet on Alondav evening at 8 o'clock with Airs James Chapin of 261 road Springfield Tlie wom guild xx ill meet on Tuesday afternoon at 3 xvith Airs Alnrinus of316 Main street The women's missionary society meet on Thursday afternoon at 3 with Airs Delxvin Pease of 42 street Rev Atherton of the irst Baptist church xvill preach at the morning service at 1030 o'clock to morroxv on the theme loyalty to the perplexed" A special service in charge of the Chris tian endeavor society xvill be held in the evening at 7 the subject for the being "Walks and talks xvith Jesus by the sea of Galilee" There xvill be a program of special music for the serv ice Tlie regular meeting of the Christian endeavor society will precede the service meeting at 6 o'clock in charge of red Al Brown president of the society in the Central Baptist church of The class of the irst Baptist Church met Inst evening with the pastor Rev Atherton to consider the or ganization of the class into a body defi uneiy junura ior txime study uuav niui pro anniE growth has been so flourksbin seemed best to form it into an organiza tion xx itu omcers to Those last dent Rex dent A AA Randall: secretary George AV Bath treasurer John Gilmore Rev AA illiatn 'Snoxx of uelling Hills will occupy the pulpit of the Merrick Methodist church at the service at 1030 to morroxv morning in exchange xvith Rex George II Rogers pastor of the church who xvill preach at eeding Hills Rex Air Rogers xvill tireaclint the 1TI 41 I I clock in his oxvn church The regular meeftntr of i unviuu 4X aKU xvill The sleighride of the members of the Christian endeavor society of the irst I ConftrcgaHonal cliureli will start from the at (141 this evening A large partv is expected to gather for this event The I hist ehahce to join the party is by notifiea tion of the chairman of the social com mittee before 10 olclock this morning the telephone call being 920 1 Aliss Nancy Roberts entertained the i members of the Autumn embroidery chib at the home of Mrs Nettie Beebe of 23 1 A IUUI OL4WL 4UIIUII AVAhini? A furnished by several of tlie members nnd refreshments were served tlie table being decorated in red and white xvith white chrysanthemums The regular midyear admissions to the i 1st grade of the public schools will be I made during next xveek It is the custom 'to nlloxx childre tie flirx crrswlti xx'brk in the toxvn schools in the middle of the sc hool year as xvell as 'nt its start in September Such scholars are not 'illoxved to pass on to the 2d grade in June how ever hut have to 'wait until the folloxving ebruary for promotion The Springfield Pomona grange will entertained bx the Springfield grange in a meeting to be hold on meeting xvill be in txvo sessions the morning one being nt 103(1 and the afternoon at 2 The meeting speakers xvill be Joseph Elx of I field and Joseph A Lawson Albanx 1 Lexvis Allyn of the Westfield normal school has accepted an invitation to speak at the National educational association gathering next July anil his address comes the 9th The subject will be "Teachin" of Beginning to morrbxv tliei'genera dcliv erx nnd stamp xvindow nt 'the post office xvill be open only frotndO to 1030 a son Albert Johanna Alerkol of Holyoke The funeral xvill be hold Monday Rex' Henry reeh conducting the service and the burial will IaMaaaaBBBBaaaneauaaBBBaaBaMgMa.

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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.