The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (2024)

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Triple H

Posted: Apr 15 2024, 03:01 AM

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (23)

Group: WWE Owner

Posts: 7869

Points: 11779

Handler's Name:Jessica

Alignment: Heel

Finisher 1:Pedigree

Finisher 2:N/A

Color Code:Green

Theme Music:King of Kings - Motorhead

Other Characters:Alexa Bliss, Julia Hart, Raven, Renee Young, Stephanie McMahon, Toni Storm, Triple H

Tag Team:Shawn Michaels

Faction:Corporate Structure

Relationship:Stephanie McMahon

RP Permission: Yes, but not attacks

Member Inventory: View

Member No.: 2
Joined: 30-July 18

Awards: 7

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (24) The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (25) The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (26) The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (27) The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (28) The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (29) The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (30)

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (31)
WWE Presents: Wrestlemania XL

Where: Houston, Texas
Arena: NRG Stadium
When: Sunday, April 14th, 2024

WrestleMania XL! Host: The Undertaker
WrestleMania XL! Theme: Beyoncé - MY HOUSE
WrestleMania XL! Anthem Singer: Beyoncé

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (32)

As the cameras at WrestleMania XL turned on the camera briefly pans over NRG Stadium, in Houston, Texas the site of WrestleMania XL before focusing on Samantha Irvin who was standing in the middle of the ring ready to announce the award winning songstress Beyoncé who would be kicking off WrestleMania XL with America the Beautiful.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (33)

Samantha Irvin: Ladies and Gentlemen, please stand and remove your hats for the singing of America the Beautiful by the multiple time platinum recording artist, Beyoncé!

As the WWE Universe stood on their feet and removed their caps. Beyoncé stepped on the stage at WrestleMania and began to sing in WrestleMania tradition her rendition of America the Beautiful.

O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (34)

O beautiful for pilgrim feet
Whose stern impassioned stress
A thoroughfare of freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America! America!
God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law!

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (35)

O beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife.
Who more than self their country loved
And mercy more than life!
America! America!
May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness
And every gain divine!

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (36)

O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

After the singing of America the Beautiful from Beyoncé and a special WrestleMania opening that you won't see the scene cut to the announce teams for the evening. The WWE Universe roared with approval for the woman who sang her rendition of America the Beautiful officially kicking off the biggest show of the year WrestleMania XL!

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (37)

Renee Young: Thank you Beyoncé!

Corey Graves: That was beautiful but now I am ready to get to the action.

Michael Cole: As am I Corey, So, without further a due ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to WrestleMania XL, From Houston, Texas!

Standing on the stage before the crowd at Mania Johnny TV smirks as he has a microphone in his hand.

Johnny TV: Are we having a hell of a night Houston?

The crowd pops loud at the mention of their city. Johnny smirks and paces the ring as he looks the crowd over from both sides.

Johnny TV: Ladies and Gentlemen I am out here because I have news to share with you. You see I am going to stand here proudly and reveal my new co-host for Dirt Sheet 2.0! Now I bet none of you even guessed correctly. See I’ve seen the posts that it would just be someone from STATIC. Your first choices was Edge then Giulia and finally you said Matt Jackson. In those staples of selection you made the mistake of not thinking outside of the box. In fact the person I am talking about understands working with others. They understand about the term teamwork and being on the same page. Now they aren’t going to walk out here with me tonight this is just me announcing them. Are you ready to find out who it is?

Having the fans' attention had Johnny in their good graces for the moment. The crowd had shouted YES! loudly. As they did say it on the screen above and behind Johnny TV it showed a picture of Jimmy Uso.

Johnny TV:Jimmy Uso! He will be the man that sits beside me every week to replace The Miz. He will be the man that comes out of nowhere that will salvage the past and be better than The Miz ever was. Looking at this future we can finally rid ourselves of all the Mizfits. Me and Jimmy know the real world and how harsh it can be. We understand partners not being at our sides and being enemies eventually. But we will get along this isn’t some stupid episode of Miz’s past for The Real World. So take that news and let it sink in. Dirt Sheet 2.0 will soon begin hosted by Johnny TV and Jimmy USO!

The crowd cheered the combo as Johnny took the microphone with him as he waved the crowd off before heading backstage. Johnny would hand the microphone to a member of the crew backstage as he headed down the hallway. He knew that Giulia was getting ready for her match so Johnny entered. Taking a seat on the couch in the STATIC locker room Johnny waited.

Johnny TV: Hey babe you done getting ready yet? I know you have to deal with Kay Lee Ray tonight.

Giulia: Hey,yes I am ready. As I always am. Kay Lee is a great wrestler,she's a former Women's Champion, I know how good she is. She wouldn't be in the Queendom, otherwise. But like I said, she's just one Queen. I'm the one, the only Warrior Goddess. And I'm planning on continuing my reign as Goddess Champion. To make this title,THE title in women's wrestling.

She smirks, showing him all the confidence she has in herself, in her capabilities, to get the job done. To get the Goddess Championship higher in the hierarchy in the eyes of everyone. As Giulia had come into his view he nodded with approval seeing the championship around her waist.

Johnny TV: I know tonight is an important night again. Three of us in STATIC could be champions at Wrestlemania. Me and Edge may get our chance to wear tag gold. This time last year I was in that four way elimination match for the Intercontinental Championship. It came down to me and Adam Page. It failed me and there I was with empty hands. Tonight it doesn’t matter but I won’t have my hands empty either way.

Johnny sat there with a smile as Giulia looked a little confused.

Johnny TV: Well if I win the Tag Team Championships that gives me something more to hold and even if I don’t I still have you to hold in my arms. As much as the titles mean to me there is nothing more on this planet that means more to me than you. That is the outright truth. I’ve finally learned to put my outright trust into Edge despite Gangrel trying to be in his ear.

Standing to his feet Johnny would look at his jacket over in the corner that said Johnny STATIC. He grabbed it and threw it in the trash and brought out another jacket that had the Johnny TV logo on the back. Draping that over the couch he nodded with approval.

Johnny TV: Baby this is a year of change for all of us and we are going to get our dreams. You and I are the couple that everyone is going to have to match. Not Roman Reigns and Nikki Bella. Not Swerve Strickland and Tay Melo. And sure as hell not Adam Cole and Britt Baker. The facts are the facts because we are the ones on the rise and continuing it. Johnny TV doesn’t lose a ratings war and I promise the top of the line is soon going to be us sitting number one in our divisions.

Giulia: I agree. We are two gods among humans and are going to prove it into this year of change. I'm gonna defend this title against all the upcomers, making it the most coveted prize in all wrestling. As you will for tag wrestling with Edge. We don't need to listen to the static to be good. I've become a champ thanks to betting on myself. And I don't plan on changing. Let's become the power couple of WWE, love.

Johnny would wrap his arm around Tay as they both sat together looking at the monitor to watch whatever match was currently coming up.

Johnny TV: Well before we have to deal with people let’s sit back and enjoy the show. Besides, taking a minute with you is worth every moment I can ever have. I’m glad you’re ready for this as much as I am. Soon to be a golden couple together.

Johnny would sit there with his arm over Giulia and they were seeming confident in themselves in a night that was set to be monumental in history.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (38)

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (39)

Kickoff Match 1: Cross Brand Match
Hardcore Match
Hardcore Championship

Eddie Kingston © -Vs- Bryan Keith

Eddie Kingston and Bryan Keith stand in the middle of the ring as the referee rings the bell and the match is underway. Suddenly, the lights go out in the arena.

Pat McAfee: Did someone forget to pay the electrical bill?!

Corey Graves: I highly doubt it’s that, McAfee.

Suddenly, “Shadow Moses” by Bring Me the Horizon begins to play through the sold out arena and the lights come back on as Jimmy Jacobs’ titantron lights up the stage and the fans on hand all break out into cheers.


Tom Phillips: It has been nearly three years since the last time we saw Jimmy Jacobs compete in a WWE ring, but it looks like we may be getting a treat here with the Hall of Famer!

Nigel McGuinness: First we were blessed enough to have the Pastor return to us, and now we get The Zombie Princess back too?! Someone pinch me, I have to be dreaming.

As Nigel finishes speaking out from behind the curtain comes WWE Hall of Famer, Jimmy Jacobs and the crowd erupts into cheers again showing their respect and love for the Hall of Famer, who they weren’t sure would ever grace them again.

Renee Young: You’re definitely not dreaming, Nigel. It looks like Jimmy is back and he’s dressed for a fight!

Renee was right, Jimmy was dressed in his ring gear and had a steel chair in hand, looking like he’s going to join the match. He makes his way down the ramp as Eddie Kingston barks at the ref about Jimmy and Bryan Keith stands in the center of the ring, ready for anything. Jimmy gets to the ring and slides in and as Eddie turns around to turn his attention to Jacobs, Eddie is hit in the head with the chair that Jimmy was carrying! Eddie stumbles backwards and finds himself leaning in the corner.

Pat McAfee: What a wicked chair shot from Jacobs, he definitely did not come to play today, boys.

Jimmy reels back to hit Bryan as well but Keith has already started toward Jacobs. Keith slides behind Jimmy and grabs him around the waist, hitting him with an exploder suplex. Sending Jimmy flying into the center of the ring. As Keith gets back up, he grabs the chair that Jimmy was holding and turns back around toward Kingston. As he does, he’s met with a knife edge chop to the sternum! Keith drops the chair and the sound of the chop echoes throughout the arena.

Nigel McGuinness: That brings back some bad memories.

Renee Young: That had to have hurt, did you hear the sound of that chop?!

Keith drops down to one knee and Eddie grabs him bu the head, planting him with a DDT right onto the steel chair! Eddie goes for the cover.



Keith kicks out at 2 put Jacobs also recovers and breaks up the pin at 2. Suddenly all three men are down for a second.

Corey Graves: Wait a second, who the hell is that?!

From off camera, someone slides into the ring and stands in the middle, pushing her hair out of the way and revealing herself to be Nikkita Lyons!

Renee Young: Looks like Nikkita didn’t want to miss out on the fun!

Nikkita, with a kendo stick in hand, begins to hit all three men, one after the other with the kendo stick as the crowd cheers on. They were all buzzing for a great night and this was a good way to start it. Nikkita drops the kendo stick and grabs Bryan Keith, lifting him to his feet. She spins him around and locks her arms around his waist and brings him up and over for a german suplex! As he hits the mat, she is quick to get back to her feet and as she does, She sees Jimmy get up as well. She kicks Jimmy in the gut and places his head between her legs and brings him up and back down for a sitout powerbomb! Nikkits goes for the pin.



Jimmy kicks out at 2.

Tom Phillips: Nikkita hasn’t been in this match long but she is certainly making her presence felt, these boys are being shown who really runs thing ring right now.

Nikkita gets to her feet and looks at Eddie. He is getting to his feet and she goes to hit him with a big boot, but Eddie dodges and instead kicks her in the gut and lifts her in vertical suplex position and brings her down for a Falcon Arrow! Eddie gets back to his feet and is spun around by Bryan Keith but Eddie grabs Bryan and throws him overhead hitting him with an exploder suplex and Keith lands in the corner. Keith sits up in the corner and as he does, Kingston runs from an adjacent corner and hits him across the jaw with a running boot. Keith slumps into the corner. Eddie turns around right into a cutter from Jimmy out of nowhere! Jimmy goes for the pin.



Eddie kicks out at 2.

Michael Cole: This is fast paced action right out the gate! Eddie looks like he wasn’t prepared for Nikkita or Jimmy to join this match!

Nigel McGuinness: Of course he wasn’t ready for this, Michael! He was scheduled to face Bryan Keith, how could he have known who else was going to come out of the woodworks!

Renee Young: Well, that’s what happens when you’re Hardcore Champion, and a good Hardcore Champion is ready for anything at all times!

Corey Graves: I wouldn’t say that too loud, Renee, you wouldn’t want Eddie to hear you.

Jimmy gets back to his feet and looks around at the carnage, but one person is missing from his sight, he turns around and Nikkita is behind him as she grabs his arm and irish whips him at the ropes and as Jimmy rebounds, she tries to hit him with a clothesline, but Jimmy ducks and hits the ropes again, coming back toward her and hitting her with an arched big boot! Nikkita hits the mat and Jimmy looks around for the chair that he had brought earlier. He grabs it and puts it on top of Nikkita. He runs to the corner and gets on the top rope and as he gets there Nikkita springs up with the chair in hand and throws it right in Jimmy’s face!

Pat McAfee: Holy God that has to hurt! Jimmy took a steel chair right to the kisser!

Jimmy reels backwards and falls from the top rope out to the floor where he lays motionless. Back in the ring, Nikkita turns around and sees Eddie back on his feet. She approaches him and spins and as she tries to hit him with a spinning backfist, she connects, but Eddie hits her with one of his own! Both of their fists connect with each other’s faces at the same time and both of them hit them mat hard. This gives Bryan Keith an opportunity as he makes his way to his feet!

Michael cole: Bryan Keith is all alone in the middle of the ring, he’s got a huge advantage right now!

Keith walks over to Nikkita and jumps in the air dropping his knee right onto her face, he goes for the pin.



Nikkita kicks out at 2! Keith then turns his attention to Eddie who is making his way back up to his feet. Keith grabs the steel chair and slides it over toward Eddie. Keith runs toward Eddie and grabs his head while he is still on one knee and plants him with a snap DDT into the chair!

Tom Phillips: Some payback for Bryan Keith to Eddie Kingston!

Bryan then lifts Eddie and looks like he wants to put this one away! Bryan kicks Eddie in the gut and hooks both of his arms, using all the strength he has to pick him up and drop him with the Emerald Tiger Driver! Because of the size difference, it wasn’t the cleanest, but it’ll do. As Bryan gets up to go for the pin, he hears something behind him and turns around and is hit by a Lyons Roar! Keith hits the mat and Nikkita hits him with a Split Legged Drop into a pinfall!




Samantha Irvin: Here is your winner, and NEW Hardcore Champion, NIKKITA, LYONS!

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (40)

Wrestlemania has finally arrived, the biggest night of the year in sports entertainment. The night where all the hard work done throughout the entire year finally pays off. Coming back from a brief commercial break as the cameras are set upon the backstage area. Making her way into the arena is Mandy Rose, a smug smirk upon her face. She may not be involved in a championship match tonight but if she plays her cards right… that golden opportunity could be just around the corner.

Dragging her luggage behind her as the click clack of her high heels echoes down the long corridor. Her steps come to an abrupt halt as she stands before the person she despises the most, the person whom she recently suffered a loss against. A silent stare down between both women as they both stand their ground .

Mandy Rose: Are you lost ? Or are you looking to get your ass kicked before we cross paths inside that ring?

Mandy would ask as she stares Thunder Rosa down waiting to see if she would attempt anything but she only got a grin from Thunder Rosa who looked her up and down, trying to piece something together.

Thunder Rosa: You look familiar, but I can't quiet place you. Maybe you're the one that's lost?

Thunder Rosa feigned that she didn't know the other woman. Her brows furrowed as she "searched her memories" trying the place her but she gives no indication that she remembers. Was it childish? Yes. Did Thunder Rosa care? No.[/color]

Mandy would roll her eyes, she had better things to do than to waste her time with the likes of Thunder Rosa.

Mandy Rose: Awww … see your stupid little games mean nothing to me. If you were someone who was somewhat on my level then maybe I would consider it somewhat insulting. But let’s be honest here… you actually look lost. In fact why don’t you go grab a broom or a mop and make yourself useful because if there’s anyone who doesn’t belong inside that ring tonight….

Mandy would look Thunder Rosa up and down before having a laugh at her expense.

Mandy Rose: All you gotta do is look in the mirror .

Thunder Rosa would playfully shrug her shoulders. She didn't really care if it was taking time out of Mandy Rose's day. It was all the better if it did, honestly. The Two found a bone it pick with one another since joining the WWE. The pretense of not knowing who Mandy was had worn off. The comment about the mop brought a fire of passion to her eyes.

Thunder Rosa: And I suppose thay last week when I best you, that is just further evidence that I don't belong in the same ring as you? Just like how tonight, it's not going to matter how may other superstars are in that ring with us, I'm going to make it my mission to make sure that it's you that I take out to earn my victory. What will you be saying then?

Mandy was clearly already under Thunder Rosa's skin. It didn't seem like it took much.

A evil little smirk would appear on the face of Mandy Rose as she knew now her job had been accomplished. She managed to strike a nerve and she loved it. She would listen to Thunder Tosa speak and tried her best to hold the laughter in.

Mandy Rose: You consider your little fluke victory over something to be proud of? You truly are pathetic you know that?

A chuckle would then escape the lips of Mandy Rose who would now take a step closer towards Thunder Rosa.

Mandy Rose: I’m glad you’re going to be focused on me tonight sweetheart because you have every right to be seeing as I will be your biggest threat out there tonight. I am going to make damn sure that if I go down… I’m taking you down right along with me. This is not your night, this will not be your Wrestlemania moment and the sooner you accept that… the better of you’ll be.

A soft tsk sound came from Thunder Rosa as he head shook in disappointment at Mandy.

Thunder Rosa: It is no less than what I expected from you. If I best you a thousand times you would claim it a thousand different flukes. That is fine. I do not need your approval nor your adulation and I do not seek it. The problem we have, you and I. It us that I do not and will not tolerate being disrespected. Tonight, when i go out there and best you and everyone else.

Thunder wet her lips sizing Mandy up once again. She stepped closer to her.

Thunder Rosa: I know it will not he over between the two of us. I know it won't be over until I eliminate you one on one, and even then, I know it will not be enough for you. Know this, Mandy Rose, when those business between you and I is over, you remember just what Thunder Rosa can do.

Mandy Rose: You are most definitely right , this doesn’t end tonight, maybe not even next week or the one one after that. You know when it will end?… when I become champion and you are forced to step back, get in line and watch me take over and dominate. Until then… get used to these little encounters because I’m not going anywhere sweetheart except straight to the top where I belong.

Mandy Rose would lock her eyes onto Thunder Rosa both women now being face to face and neither backing down.

Mandy Rose: Now if you will excuse me… I’ve got a match to get ready for. There are some of us who actually take pride in our appearance, but I wouldn’t expect a circus reject to understand.

Thunder Rosa: Then it will never end.

It came out as a hiss, Thunder Ross determined to see to it that Mandy never reached the level she thought she was at. Mandy would walk by Thunder Rosa to get ready, and Thunder would look back after her, gritting her teeth telling herself to save it to for their match as the scene ends.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (41)

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (42)

Kickoff Match 2: RAW Match
Future Championship Opportunity

Chelsea Green (1) & Charlotte (3) -Vs- CM Punk & Sonya Deville (2) -Vs- Sting & Mandy Rose (4) -Vs- Solo Sikoa & Jamie Hayter (5) -Vs- Jimmy Uso & Fallon Henley (6) -Vs- Tony D'Angelo & Alexa Bliss (7) -Vs- The Rock & Tay Melo (8) -Vs- Seth Rollins & Thunder Rosa (9)

Winners: Seth Rollins & Thunder Rosa

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (43)

The scene opened up to the backstage area here at WrestleMania, the crowd was a buzzing, everyone was having a great time enjoying the show up until this point. Many new WrestleMania moments were being made as Cathy Kelley stood there, a bright smile on the young brunette's face.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (44)

Cathy Kelley: Hey guys, Cathy Kelley here and what an incredible WrestleMania we've had thus far and things are only just getting started. We've still got plenty more WrestleMania moments in store for the WWE Universe.

???: You damn right, we do.

The camera quickly shifted to the left of Cathy Kelley and there stood LA Knight, a smirk on his face as this was quite the surprise as after all the last time everybody saw LA Knight he was getting run over by an unknown assailant in a car. Everybody's been asking who the culprit was nor were anybody expecting to see LA Knight here at WrestleMania. LA Knight would give Cathy a casual nod of his head before turning his attention to the camera.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (45)

LA Knight: Houston, Texas... LET ME TALK TO YA!

The crowd here in Houston would erupt with a resounding ‘YEAH’

LA Knight: The last time you saw the Megastar he was getting run over in the parking lot by some mysterious assailant. That was almost three weeks ago and here we are three weeks later and still standing right here, is the Megastar. Whoever it was behind the wheel of that car thought that was gonna be the end of L… A… Knight

The crowd would let out another resounding ‘YEAH’ chant as LA Knight would shake his head.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (46)

LA Knight: NAH! NAH!

LA Knight shot a quick glance towards Cathy Kelley who still had that bright smile on her face.

LA Knight: I really hope whoever it was behind that wheel comes to the realization of the sheer mistake they made and it's gonna haunt him or her...

LA shrugged a bit, before continuing.

LA Knight: For the rest of their damn life! That mistake wasn't targeting me, nah nah!

Knight would point towards the camera.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (47)

LA Knight: The mistake was ya didn't get the job done! And that's gonna cost ya because it's gonna lead to you getting your ass STOMPED by the Megastar...

LA would do his signature finger pointing taunt.

LA Knight: L… A… Knight YEAHHH!!

The crowd again would chant along with him.

Cathy Kelley: LA, do you have any suspects or suspicions as to who was behind the wheel of that car that night?

LA let out a small chuckle as he glanced down at Cathy.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (48)

LA Knight: I've got my suspicions, it doesn't take no genius to connect the dots or read between the lines or look at the circ*mstances. I have a little confrontation with the Final Boss, the Rock. I get a little under his skin and the next thing you know I'm getting run over in the parking lot.

Knight licked his lips a little.

LA Knight: By no means am I saying that the Rock was the one behind the wheel, but it don't mean that it wasn't a member of his little family, his little Bloodline goonies he's surrounding himself with and it damn sure doesn't mean that he didn't orchestrate it because what? He feels as though I disrespected him? I didn't acknowledge him? I “snubbed” him.

Knight shook his head as he turned his head towards the camera.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (49)

LA Knight: Cry about it, dummy. YEAHHH!!

Cathy Kelley: Some are saying that the Icon, Sting was able to get a good look at the driver of the car, have you had any conversations with Sting about it?

LA Knight: No I haven't had any conversations with Sting in regards to it and hey if Sting did get a good glimpse at who was the behind the wheel of that car, then cool he can make my job a lot easier when it comes to tracking down that son of a bitch. But at the same time, I don't need anybody's help, I'm fully capable of handling my own business, with all due respect to the Stinger. I've always fought my own battles, never in my life have I asked nor wanted anyone but me fighting my battles, nah nah... that's just not how I'm wired.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (50)

Cathy Kelley: What if it turns out that The Rock and the Bloodline weren't involved at all in this?

LA gave Cathy a bit of a look.

LA Knight: Then I guess they can consider themselves lucky, regardless of that whoever did it... whoever was involved in it, the Rock... the Bloodline, it doesn't matter. Because they're gonna find out what everybody already knows...

Knight paused briefly.

LA Knight: Whose game this is?! With everybody sayin'...

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (51)

LA Knight: L… A… Knight YEAHHH!!


LA Knight would wink towards the camera before walking off as the scene would fade out.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (52)

The camera pans to a bustling backstage area filled with the vibrant energy of WrestleMania XL. The focus shifts to Noam Dar and Tyler Bate in a secluded corner, both dressed in their wrestling gear.

Noam Dar: So, big man, tanight's the night, eh? Kenny’s nae just a wee stroll in the park, but that belt’s stayin’ right where it is.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (53)

Tyler Bate: Absolutely, Noam. Kenny's tough, but I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. Been studying his matches, and I know his weak points. I got this, mate.

He readjusted his IC title.

Noam Dar: Sharp lad.

Tyler Bate: Enough of me though. You've not exactly got a quiet night...

Noam Dar: Aye. Five dafties keen tae bash my brains in over a briefcase. Sounds like a cheap horror movie script, eh? I'll snatch that case and be off before ye know it.

Tyler Bate: Just make sure you watch your back in that ladder match. Those are career-limiting matches.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (54)

Dar nods in agreement, remaining coy.

Tyler Bate: Right. Game face's on.

Noam Dar: We're here.

Tyler Bate: Ready?

Noam Dar: Got a helmet?

Tyler Bate: Shut it. Let's go in...


The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (55)

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (56)

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (57)

Kickoff Match 3: Smackdown Match
Future Opportunity Battle Royal

Carmelo Hayes -Vs- Jake Anderson -Vs- Oba Femi -Vs- David Finlay -Vs- Orange Cassidy -Vs- Pastor William Eaver -Vs- PAC -Vs- Finn Balor -Vs- Johnny Gargano -Vs- Bryan Danielson

Mike Rome: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is a SmackDown Men’s battle royal! This match will continue until nine men have been thrown over the top rope, and there is only one man left standing. The winner of the match will become the number one contender for the Universal Championship, while the runner up will become the number one contender for the United States Championship!

The match starts as all ten men look around at each other. In one corner, the Nigerian Prince stands leaned against the corner as he talks some strategy with Apollo Crews, his new right hand man. Suddenly as the match starts, PAC walks over to Carmelo Hayes and the two men start to throw right hands at each other. Orange Cassidy and Johnny Gargano tie up in another section of the ring, Bryan Danielson and Finn Balor start to hit each other with knife edge chops, which leaves David Finlay and Jake Anderson, who similar to Femi, are talking strategy, staring dead at Femi in his corner, and the Paster, who watches this all take place and sees the two men who have haunted his dreams recently squaring up. Suddenly, as the Gargano and Cassidy work their way over to the ropes and are leaning against it, the Pastor runs up to both of them and grabs both of their legs, dumping them both over the top rope as they both hit the floor simultaneously, shocked by what has just occurred. Pastor Eaver kneels in the ring and drapes his arms over the second rope. He makes the sign of the cross with his hand, touching his forehead, then chest, then each shoulder, and puts both hands together in a praying motion. He looks up to the heavens and then over at the Leviathan at ringside.

Mike Rome: Orange Cassidy and Johnny Gargano have been eliminated

As This is happening, David Finlay and Jake Anderson have turned their attention to Oba Femi, the man responsible for sending both of them tumbling through the barricade just weeks ago on SmackDown. They take turns hitting Oba with hard right hands to the head, but after a minute, Oba roars and sends both men flying backward as he explodes out from underneath them both. In another part of the ring, PAC has gotten the upperhand on Carmelo Hayes as Melo stumbles backward while PAC hits him with hard right hands. Melo eventually finds himself leaning in the corner and PAC runs at him, trying to hit tim with a pump kick, but Melo moves out of the way and PAC’s leg flies over the top rope as he is hung up in the corner. Melo takes advantage of the situation and grabs PAC’s other leg and throws him over the top, sending him spilling out to the floor below.

Mike Rome: PAC has been eliminated

Back in the ring, Danielson has Balor on one knee after a hard knife edge chop to the sternum, but Balor battles back up and he looks Balor straight in the eyes and hits him with one more which sends Balor down onto both knee as he sits back, reeling a bit. Danielson takes this opportunity to begin to hit Balor with a few shoot kicks to the chest, as Balor’s chest begins to glow red from the punishment he has been taking. Danielson backs up to hit Balor with a hard roundhouse kick to the head, but Balor ducks it and gets to his feet. As Danielson turns around, Balor hits him with a slingblade and takes Bryan down to the mat! Finn starts to hype himself up and waits for Danielson to get to his feet. As he does, he runs at him and hits him with a running front dropkick that sends Danielson flying into the corner. Danielson hits the turnbuckle and falls to the ground, in perfect position for Balor. Balor looks around the ring, seeing if the coast is clear and he decides that it is. He runs over to the corner and climbs to the top rope, but just as he gets there, Oba Femi rebounds off one of the ropes and as the rope vibrates under Balor’s foot, it causes him to lose his footing and fall, landing crotch first onto the top turnbuckle. While wincing in pain, Balor sees Danielson get to his feet and Danielson hits Balor with a hard roundhouse kick to the head and this sends Balor falling to the floor on the outside.

Mike Rome: Finn Balor has been eliminated

With Danielson standing tall and looking down at Balor, Oba Femi runs up behind Danielson and clubs him over the back of the head and then tosses Bryan over the top rope, allowing him to join Balor on the floor.

Mike Rome: Bryan Danielson has been eliminated

Oba turns his attention back to the two Syndicate members who are trying to do their best to chop at the big man and take him down. Oba tries to hit Jake with a lariat but Jake ducks and dropkicks the back of Oba’s knee causing him to kneel down.While this is happening, David is climbing to the top rope and as Oba rises to his feet, David jumps off the top rope and hits Oba with a diving european uppercut which sends Oba stumbling backwards into the ropes. Jake runs at Oba an hits him with a superman punch with takes him down to one knee and then David hits him with a thrust kick to the jaw that sends him down to the other. The two men back up slightly and hit him with the Clip! Oba finally falls to his back, being taken down for the first time in this match. Jake and David lift him to his feet and lean him against the ropes and back up, attempting to clothesline him over the top rope, but he just won’t go over. They back up to the other side of the ring while Femi is still collecting himself and talk quickly. They both look over at Oba and nod at each other. As they are about to make their move though, they are met with a large Nigerian man clotheslining them and sending them both over the ropes at the same time as they both fall to the floor on the outside and look at each other, frustrated. Oba falls to his knees.

Mike Rome: David Finlay and Jake Anderson have been eliminated

Elsewhere in the ring, Pastor and Melo have started to brawl. The Pastor irish whips Melo into the ropes, but Melo jumps off the second rope and hits Pastor with a springboard clothesline, taking the Blessed in the World down to the mat. Melo then runs the ropes again and bounces off of them, hitting him with a springboard leg drop! Feeling he’s closing in on an elimination, Melo picks the Pastor back up and attempts to throw him over the top rope, but Eaver reverses and sends Carmelo over the top rope instead! But Melo hasn’t hit the floor, instead, he’s hanging by the top rope, trying not to be eliminated. Melo skins the cat and gets back into the ring and as Pastor turns back around he’s hit with a double knee facebreaker! Melo gets back up as Pastor hits the mat and as Melo turns around, Oba grabs him and launches him, Biel throwing him across the ring. Melo grabs his back but slowly makes it back to his feet in the corner and Oba charges at him, hitting him with a european clothesline in the corner! Melo sinks further into the corner and as Oba turns around and walks around a bit, he approaches Melo again but Melo gets out of the corner and hits Oba with a superkick! He hits him with another! Oba gets sent to one knee and he hits him with a third sending Oba to the mat. Melo turns around to run the ropes again but this time Pastor is there to hit him with a Clothesline from Heaven! Melo hits the mat hard but so does Pastor as all three men lay on the floor. The first one to make it to their feet though is Pastor as he grabs Melo and throws him over the top rope to the floor as Pastor hits the mat.

Mike Rome: Carmelo Hayes has been eliminated

Pastor looks over at Oba after raising to his feet and sees that its just the two of them left and he smiles a bit. He walks over to the big man, extending one hand out in front of him and placing the other behind his back and looks for a mutual show of respect from the large Nigerian. Apollo yells from the outside to Oba who just laughs and puts both hands on his waists. He is confident, as he should be after being so dominant in the match, and he decides there’s no harm in shaking Pastor’s hand as he grabs it and squeezes tight, as if trying to break the Pastor’s hand. The Pastor yelps a bit in pain and looks over to Eli Cottonwood on the outside who gets up on the apron to try and do something, but Oba lets go of Eaver’s hand and runs at Cottonwood, hitting him with a shoulder tackle and sending him flying off the apron. As Femi turns back around, Pastor is right there and hits him with the POPE-ISH HAMMER! Femi reels backward slightly and the Pastor looks a bit shocked that it did not take him off his feet. He backs up and runs at Oba again, hitting him with another Pope-ish hammer, but it still doesn’t take the Big Nigerian off his feet. Bastor backs up one more time to hit him again but as he gets closer to Femi, Oba hits him with a polish hammer of his own which sends the Pastor down to the mat. Oba yells “HUU” almost barking at the crowd as a lot of them bark back in response. He looks down at the Pastor, who is trying his best to recover from being clubbed with what must have felt like tree trunks over the head. Oba picks the Pastor back up and lifts him onto his shoulders. Oba brings the Pastor over to the corner of the ring and tries to hit him with a snake eyes, but the Pastor squirms out of Oba’s hold and lands behind him, pushing him into the corner. Oba turns himself around in the corner and is met with a running back elbow from the Pastor! Oba starts to lose his senses a bit as he walks out of the corner, holding onto the ropes and he leans on them right in the middle of this side of the ring and Pastor sees his opportunity, he backs up a bit and runs at Oba to hit him with a Clothesline from Heaven, but just as he reaches Oba, Oba throws him up into the air and brings him down for a Falling Pop-Up Powerbomb! Oba then picks the Pastor up off of the floor and throws him over the top rope, ending the match.

Mike Rome: Pastor William Eaver has been eliminated and will be the number one contender for the United States Championsip. Therefore your winner of the match and number one contender for the Universal Championship, OBA FEMI!!

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (58)

Our scene opens during the preshow. After a brief recap of some of the upcoming matches and rivalries, the camera shifts back to the pre-show table, occupied right now only by RAW backstage interviewer and reporter, Cathy Kelley, who couldn’t contain her excitement. A smile from ear to ear adorns her face.

Cathy Kelley: Ladies and gentlemen, after months of anticipation, we’re finally here at the biggest WrestleMania of all time! I'm Cathy Kelley, and joining me right now is none other than the 2023 and 2024 Royal Rumble winner, Doctor Britt Baker...D.......M......D!

The camera cuts to the backstage area, where Britt Baker stands with a radiant smile. We can hear the crowd very loud and clear chanting the three letters along with Cathy as she introduces her guest.

Cathy Kelley: Britt, later tonight you will be going one-on-one with the current Women’s Champion, Tiffany Stratton. I have to ask, how are you feeling?

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (59)

Dr. Britt Baker, DMD: I’m feeling pretty good, Cathy. I am feeling absolutely unstoppable. I feel on top of the world, which I know is not a very common thing to say as the challenger. Some might even say I'm being arrogant. But the truth is, I’ve worked my ass off to get to this point. People might be tired of hearing this, but I’m a three-time Women’s Champion. Tag Team Champion. A hardcore legend. I won two Royal Rumbles to be here. The time for me to show the world that I belong at the pinnacle of this industry is behind us, I already did that multiple times. Tonight, I'm not here to prove myself; I'm just here to collect.

Cathy smiles and nods.

Cathy Kelley: Well, your confidence is certainly inspiring. Now, looking ahead to your showdown with Tiffany Stratton, one thing we gotta remember is that Alexa Bliss will be acting as the special referee for the match. You haven’t really commented on Alexa’s presence in the match before, so I was wondering, how do you think her officiating is going to impact your match with Tiffany?

Britt smiles and shakes her head as she listens to Cathy’s question.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (60)

Dr. Britt Baker, DMD: Let’s make sure we’re calling a spade a spade, Cathy. There’s a lot of speculation online about who Alexa will favor during the match, or if she’s going to call things down the middle. But the truth is, Alexa’s presence in the match is nothing but an excuse that Tiffany has at the ready for when I beat her for that title. Everybody knows that she has her phone on standby, and as soon as the match is over she’s gonna run to e-social to make yet another post that will age like milk, about how she didn’t truly lose and how it was all Alexa’s fault.

She chuckles before continuing.

Dr. Britt Baker, DMD: Tiffany and her ten fans in attendance might be expecting a Montreal-level screwjob because of what happened at the Elimination Chamber, but they fail to remember that I also ended Alexa’s reign as Champion a couple of years ago. Alexa Bliss and I aren’t friends. She has as much reason to dislike me as she does Tiffany. So, as far as I'm concerned, she's a non-factor in our match. And if she even thinks for a second about becoming one, I'll make sure she and everyone else learns that the D.M.D. controls her own destiny in that ring. No distractions or outside factors will stop me from reclaiming what's rightfully mine.

Cathy Kelley: Alright, Britt. Before we wrap up, do you have any final words for your opponent?

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Dr. Britt Baker, DMD: Oh, for sure, Cathy. Let me make something very clear, because there were a lot of people questioning what my stance was about Tiffany when I said I “respected her” a few weeks ago. They think I’m going soft, or that this somehow means I’m gonna let her walk over me. I said it before and I’ll say it again. I respect Tiffany as a competitor in the ring. I mean, sure, when it comes to her personality, she’s about as interesting as watching paint dry. She's a one-note act. She’s probably the least compelling Champion we’ve ever had. So much so that she relies on name-dropping her boyfriend and constantly surrounds herself with him at every turn, because she knows the only hope she has to appear remotely interesting is by keeping someone around 24/7 who’s an even bigger charisma vacuum than she is...

The crowd reacts strongly at Britt throwing shade at Tyler. She tries to maintain a serious expression but can’t help but smile a bit before continuing.

Dr. Britt Baker, DMD: But as I was saying, I respect her work inside the ring. Whether you like her or hate her, the truth is, she's proven herself there. It takes a lot of skill to walk out of the Elimination Chamber as the Champion... and that is exactly why I’m taking her very seriously.

She looks down at the camera.

Dr. Britt Baker, DMD: I’m taking her so seriously, in fact, I’m gonna give her the full, unadulterated version of the Dr. Britt Baker experience, which means I'm not gonna pull my punches. Every time I hit her, it’s going to be with the intention of breaking her nose. With the intention of knocking another tooth down her throat. If she was upset about me breaking one of her nails at the Rumble, she’s gonna absolutely hate me when I stomp on her hand until I break every single one of her perfectly manicured fingers. I hope she realizes how lucky she is that Pastor William Eaver was inducted into the Hall of Fame this year and that the Undertaker is hosting Wrestlemania because now we have enough qualified personnel in the building to administer her last rites and give her a proper burial once I'm done with her.

Britt’s expression becomes more intense, this time as if she was speaking directly to Tiffany.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (62)

Dr. Britt Baker, DMD: You thought Asuka was bad, Tiffy? I’m gonna show you true violence. I’m going to put you through the worst pain you’ve ever experienced in your life. I’m going to make you bleed. I’m going to rip your jaw...

Finally, a subtle smile appears on the corner of her lips.

Dr. Britt Baker, DMD: Put it simply... I’m going to beat the living sh*t out of you.

With those last words, Britt walks off camera as the scene fades to black.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (63)


Triple H

Posted: Apr 15 2024, 03:02 AM

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (67)

Group: WWE Owner

Posts: 7869

Points: 11779

Handler's Name:Jessica

Alignment: Heel

Finisher 1:Pedigree

Finisher 2:N/A

Color Code:Green

Theme Music:King of Kings - Motorhead

Other Characters:Alexa Bliss, Julia Hart, Raven, Renee Young, Stephanie McMahon, Toni Storm, Triple H

Tag Team:Shawn Michaels

Faction:Corporate Structure

Relationship:Stephanie McMahon

RP Permission: Yes, but not attacks

Member Inventory: View

Member No.: 2
Joined: 30-July 18

Awards: 7

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (68) The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (69) The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (70) The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (71) The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (72) The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (73) The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (74)

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (75)
WWE Presents: Wrestlemania XL

Where: Houston, Texas
Arena: NRG Stadium
When: Sunday, April 14th, 2024

WrestleMania XL! Host: The Undertaker
WrestleMania XL! Theme: Beyoncé - MY HOUSE
WrestleMania XL! Anthem Singer: Beyoncé

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (76)

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (77)

Oh, who they came to see? Me
Who rep like me? Don't make me get up out my seat
Uh, oh
Uh, oh
Who let my goons out that house? Uh, huh, who?
Who let my goons out that house? Uh, uh, who?
Oh, oh

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (78)

Who let my goons out that house? Uh, uh, who?
Who out there talkin' all that mouth? Uh, uh, who?
Me and my thug bae gon' slide tonight (slide tonight)
Call the paparazzi, ain't got clips to hide tonight (boom, pow)
Cash out this pain, call Lorraine (Schwartz)
Then take me to Tiffany, I want forty-four karats on my fangs (bling, ah)
I want pink diamonds on my belly chain and my nipple rings (grrah)

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (79)

I'm grabbin' grain, sippin' sideways on this candy paint (damn, damn)
I'm done savin' this money, tonight we gon' ball out (we gon' ball out)
You can catch me highsidin', drinkin' brown liquor 'til I fall out ('til fall out)
Playa, who let these goons out the house? Huh, huh, who?
Who out there talkin' all that mouth? Huh, huh, who?
Who they came to see? Me
Who reppin' like me?

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (80)

Don't make me get up out of my seat
Don't make me come up off of this beat, huh
Oh (uh, oh, watch out, watch out, watch out)
Oh-oh-oh (uh, oh, watch out, watch out, watch out)
Oh-oh-oh (uh, uh-uh-uh)
Uh, uh-uh-uh
Who let my goons out of that house? Uh, uh, who?
Who let my goons out of that house? Uh, uh, who?

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (81)

I'm hearin' whispers (oh), -ers
Who let my goons out of that house? Uh, uh, who? (Whoa)
Who out there talkin' out their mouth? Uh, uh, who? (Whoa)
Oh (ooh, ah)
(House, house)
When I grow up, I'm gon' buy me a (house)
Make love in the (house)
Stay up late in this (house)

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (82)

Don't give a f*ck about my (house)
Then get the f*ck up out of my house
Get the f*ck up out my house
Get the f*ck up out my house
Get the f*ck up out my house
Get the f*ck up out my house
I grew up in this (house)
I blew up in this (house)
I'm too up in this (house)

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (83)

With the Pre-Show was over and the main show at WrestleMania XL was about to begin.

As WrestleMania officially came onto the air, and the announcement of the inductees into the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2024, suddenly the mood in the arena changed as the theme of the WWE Owner, and RAW General Manager, Triple H played over the public announce system to kick off WrestleMania XL.


The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (84)


The unmistakable theme of the WWE Owner, Triple H blasted over the public announce system as the Game himself emerged from the backstage area and began walking down the entrance ramp to address the WrestleMania crowd.

Samantha Irvin: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome coming down the aisle the Owner of the WWE and General Manager of Monday Night RAW, Triple H!

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (85)

Triple H continued to make his way down to the ring as the WWE Universe waited for WrestleMania to officially begin. Finally, Triple H had made his way down to the ring and Samantha Irvin surrendered her microphone to him so as Triple H could begin to address the WWE Universe.

Triple H: Ladies and Gentlemen… Are you ready?... NO! NO… I said… ARE YOU READY!

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (86)

Triple H: Are you ready for WRESTLEMANIA XL!?

Triple H continued to work on hyping up the capacity crowd in attendance at WrestleMania XL.

Triple H: Because I sure as hell am. This is a very special year in the history of the WWE. Before we reach Unforgiven, we will have celebrated our 19th year in this industry… 19 years. And Survivor Series? Survivor Series will be our 20th! 20th edition of that event as we begin our younger into year 20.

As we approach 20 years of the WWE E-Fed one has to wonder… how much longer will this ride last?

Triple H: But that’s all down the road… and right now we are solely focused on WrestleMania! Adam Cole and Drew McIntyre! Tiffany Stratton… Britt Baker. Ricky Starks… Karrion Kross… The list goes on and on we have a great show for you tonight and we have a great night for everyone.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (87)

Triple H: So, I’ll ask you again… Are you ready? Welcome to WrestleMania X…


The unmistakable arrival of The Undertaker was heralded by the sounding of the gong. The arena took a dark tone as the lights went dark.

Michael Cole: Oh My! And after that welcome to WrestleMania by Triple H we are getting the first appearance of the host of this years WrestleMania… The Undertaker!

Samantha Irvin: Ladies and Gentlemen… please welcome to WrestleMania XL! The Legendary! Undertaker!!


The gong sounded again as the arena remained encased in darkness. But as the lights of the arena turned back on it was The Undertaker, already standing in the ring with the WWE Owner, Triple H. As Triple H extended his hand out to shake the Undertaker’s hand the Undertaker also extended a hand back to Triple H, but it was not his hand he was looking to grasp. As The Undertaker wrapped his hand around the neck of Triple H and hoisted him in the air only to be violently brought back to the mat with a massive CHOKESLAM!!

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (88)


Pat McAfee: HOLY sh*t!

Tom Phillips: The Undertaker just chokeslammed the owner of the WWE, Triple H!

But The Undertaker wasn’t done there as The Undertaker continued a brutal assault on his friend Triple H pummeled him with right hands until blood drenched the fists and forehead of Triple H.

Corey Graves: Someone needs to stop this… what a horrible way to kick off WrestleMania.

Renee Young: And the question has to be why… why did The Undertaker just attack Triple H?

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (89)

As WWE Officials and workers rushed down to the ring to stop the assault, Stephanie McMahon also dove into the ring as she jumped on the broken body of her husband to prevent the Undertaker from inflicting any further damage.

Nigel McGuinness: I don’t know how smart of a move this is by Stephanie McMahon. She’s laying atop Triple H and telling the Undertaker to bugger off.

The Undertaker only smirked at Stephanie as he looked down and viewed his handy work.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (90)

The Undertaker: Rest in Peace, Triple H… Oh, and Welcome to WrestleMania.

The lights of the arena went black once again as the Undertaker disappeared from the ring leaving the lingering question as to why, why would he brutally assault Triple H to start WrestleMania?

Michael Cole: Uh, ladies and gentlemen, I don’t quite know what to say but while the trainers and EMTs tend to Triple H and clear the ring for the first match… I don’t know… do we have anything in the back we can cut to?

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (91)

And on that cue the cameras cut to a video package of WrestleMania.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (92)

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (93)

Match 1: Cross Brand Match
Singles Match
Goddess Championship

Giulia © -Vs- Kay Lee Ray

The bell rings, as Kay Lee Ray stares across the ring at the WWE Goddes’s Champion in Giulia. They lock up, and Key quickly takes her down. Giulia quickly retreats from the ring to recover. Giulia enters the ring and stomps Kay’s feet before throwing her down by the hair. Kay rolls out of the ring and regroups. Kay gets in the ring, and they lock up. The crowd is loudly changing to Kay. They tussle down on the mat before rolling out of the ring. They get to their feet at ringside, and Kay shoves her. Giulia punches back at Kay and gets her in the ring. Giulia goes for a handspring back elbow, but Kay avoids it. Giulia quickly answers back with a dropkick. Kay rolls out of the ring to recover. Giulia goes for a suicide dive, but Kay pops up on the apron to superkick her. Kay knocks her back and gets in the ring for a suicide dive. Kay clutches her knee at ringside. Kay gets Giulia in the ring and covers for a pinfall.




Tom Phillips: Kickout from the champion and it looks like Giulia is going to have to rethink her strategy thanks to the former Smackdown Women's Champion in Kay Lee Ray.

Corey Graves: Giulia may be in over her head but I don't see her going down like this, not when the Goddess Championship is on the line tonight at the biggest show in WrestleMania.

Giulia rolls out of the ring, so Kay hits a baseball slide. Kay goes for another baseball slide, but Giulia blocks it and slams Kay’s knee into the ring post. Giulia hangs off the apron while applying a kneebar to Kay. Giulia releases and attacks the leg in the center of the ring. Giulia puts Kay in the corner, but Kay boots her back. Giulia charges again and blocks a boot before hitting a dragon screw. Kay is clutching her knee in pain. Giulia rolls her onto the mat and double stomps the midsection for a pinfall.




Michael Cole: Kay Lee Ray now with the kickout and it looks like that dragon screw could of almost messed up with her knee.

Pat McAfee: If that's the case, the advantage goes straight to the champion. Now Giulia needs to be relentless and continue to strike in order to retain the Goddess Championship.

Kay rolls out of the ring and collapses at ringside for a little bit. The crowd continues to chant for Kay Lee Ray. Giulia sets up for a dive off the apron, but Kay pulls her down. Giulia punches Kay down and goes to whip her into the barricade, but Kay turns it and sends her into the timekeeper’s area. Kay grabs for Giulia, but Giulia knocks her back. Giulia goes for a dive off the barricade, but Kay counters into a Canadian Destroyer on the floor! Kay quickly gets Giulia in the ring and covers for a near fall. Kay rocks Giulia with a knee to the face before beating her down in the corner. The referee backs Kay up rather than disqualifying her. Kay lifts Giulia and hits a swinging side slam for a near fall. Kay slowly climbs to the top rope, but Giulia punches her in the face. Giulia then springboards off the ropes to dropkick Kay off the top rope to the floor. Giulia goes to the top rope and hits a moonsault block to Kay at ringside!

Nigel McGuiness What a moonsault block from Giulia to Kay Lee Ray on the outside of the ring!

Rene Young: Now can she take advantage of the situation and get the win here tonight? The more this match keeps going, the more it favors Kay Lee Ray!

Giulia gets her in the ring and hits a missile dropkick for a two-count. Giulia is getting frustrated. Kay and Giulia trade waistlocks. Kay goes for a back suplex, but Giulia flips through. Kay quickly follows up with a sunset flip into the turnbuckles. Kay covers for a two-count. Giulia quickly drops Kay on the apron. Kay tries to fight her off, but Giulia pulls Kay into the ring and hits a German Suplex. Giulia rolls through and hits a high German Suplex with a bridge for a near fall. Giulia heads to the top rope and goes for an Moonsault, but Kay gets her feet up! Kay goes to the top rope for a flying elbow drop, but Giulia avoids it and applies a crossface! Kay quickly rolls her over for a two-count. Kay pops up and uppercuts her, but Giulia quickly puts her back in the crossface submission. Kay reaches for the bottom rope, but Giulia rolls her into the center of the ring and applies an STF. Kay elbows Giulia in the face before Giulia can lock her hands. Kay slams her with a Gory Bomb!



Giulia kicks out!

Tom Phillips: Another KICKOUT from the champion

Corey Graves: Obviously that's not the case at all Phillips, Giulia is showing her relentless but Kay Lee Ray is not done yet!

Kay sets up for another Gory Bomb, but Giulia begs her off. Giulia then floors the challenger with a straight right hand. Giulia laughs at Kay, so Kay pops up and punches her in the face. Kay talks trash to Giulia, so Giulia slaps her down. Kay gets up, and they begin brawling. Giulia counters out of Gory Bomb with a roll-up for a two-count. Giulia crushes her with a double underhook backbreaker. Giulia goes to the top rope and hits a Missile Dropkick!



Kay kicks out! Giulia cannot believe it. Giulia punches away at Kay and hits a standing moonsault. Giulia goes to the second rope and hits another moonsault block. Giulia goes to the top rope for an Over the Moonsault but lands on her feet when Kay moves. Kay goes for a Superkick, but Giulia flips through it! The crowd is in shock. Giulia charges, but Kay almost turns her inside out with a clothesline. Giulia tried to flip but barely rotated and landed high on her neck. Kay drops Giluia with a back suplex and heads to the top rope. She crushes her with a flying elbow drop and follows up with a Swanton Bomb!




Mike Rome: Here is your winner and NEW WWE Goddess Champion, KAY…LEE…RAY!!!

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (94)

It would be after the mixed tag team match with many teams having been entered. Standing backstage all by herself by this point was Tay Melo. Finally Jamie Hayter would be walking through the backstage curtains into the back area. Tay would look at Jamie with glaring eyes then stepping forward she would push Jamie toward the wall.

Tay Melo: Well if it isn’t Jamie! I saw you in the match and I got to admit something. Seeing you out there even though I may not have won but I get to stand here right now with you and let you know I am about to beat your ass. I’m tired of everyone not taking me seriously Jamie so I’ve decided you’re going to be my example that I send to the rest of the locker room. You should consider that high praise from a certified martial artist.

After pushing Jamie that is when Tay would start to move closer.

Tay Melo: I wasn’t done with you the first time we met up and I think it is about time I laid your ass out. You try to be one of the toughest women in this locker room. I think I show you what a tough woman really looks like. Maybe some medical treatment at the end of the night will help after I leave your head ringing.

Jamie looks at Tay with a raised eyebrow. The look on Jamie’s face says it all. It’s as if her facial expression is saying, “What kind of sh*t are you on?”

Jamie Hayter: “You’re gonna beat my arse? You? Seriously, you? The one that dances like an idiot all the time. Yeah, okay. Sure. Mm-hmm. Right. Why don’t you take your uncoordinated blubber butt and moonwalk the f*ck out of here?! I’ve proven before that you can’t beat me. You couldn’t even beat an egg. If I were dead, I’d still kick your arse.”

Jamie says with a smirk as she pie-faces Tay.

Jamie Hayter: “You won’t do a bloody thing to me, because you’re a failure. Unlike me, you don’t have what it takes to make it. I think it’s really cute that you’re trying to act tough, but…”

Jamie locks eyes with Tay in a hateful glare.

Jamie Hayter: “I can see it in your eyes. You want people to think you're tough, but I can see it in your eyes. I see the fear. I see the doubt. You’re trying to convince people that you’re tough, but no one’s buying it. You think that attempting to fight me - a fight you’ll never win by the way - will cause people to take you serious? Don’t make me laugh. I beat you back with a sneeze last time, and I’ll do it again. Seeing as you’ve already stepped to me…”

Jamie hauls off and slugs Tay right in the jaw. Staggering back slightly Tay only lifts her head up with a smile on her face.

Tay Melo: You got a lucky shot last time and I promise you this is just the beginning. I am not going to sit here and stand for the crap of you thinking you're so damn tough either. Just because I do one thing doesn’t mean I am not good at another. So I am going to help you find your place on the ground.

Coming up with a roundhouse kick that caught the side of Jamie’s head making her move an inch back from the shock Tay would then just smirk.

Tay Melo: I’m not just here to run my mouth Jamie. I am here to make a statement. I am here to make it clear to you of what is about to happen. You want to doubt or think I can’t well let me help you wake up.

Smirking, Tay would then do a spinning elbow for Jamie’s throat. Jamie would dodge it though and Tay would catch her with a side kick to the head then as Jamie stood a little rattled Tay would only continue to smile.

Jamie Hayter: Cute. Very cute. What, you think you’re the bloody karate kid?

Jamie says as she Big Boots Tay in the face, knocking her back. Jamie charges at Tay and slams her into the the wall. Tay, though, took advantage by instinctively locking Jamie into a Guillotine-style choke as Jamie starts punching at Tay’s stomach, wanting to force the air out of Tay’s lungs. Tay starts clubbing Jamie’s back with her forearm. Tay keeps up with the attacks while trying to make Jamie pass out. Jamie starts to fade a little.

Michael Cole: Jamie Hayter looks like she might pass out.

Renee Young: So, what was that again about nobody taking Tay serious?

Corey Graves: Nobody should take Tay serious. She’s a goof. No amount of wanting to try to look tough will ever change that.

Renee Young: Seriously, Corey. What does Jamie have on you that causes you to sing her praises so much?

Right as it seems that Jamie is about to pass out, she lifts Tay up and falls backward, causing Tay to slam hard against the floor from a Northern Lights Suplex. Jamie mounts Tay and starts throwing lefts and rights in her face. Tay has the wherewithal to turn the tables and finds herself mounted atop Jamie, and starts punching Jamie in the face. Jamie manages to block a punch and headbutts Tay right in the nose, forcing Tay off of her.

Michael Cole: Oh my, a vicious headbutt!

Renee Young: That looks like it could’ve broken Tay’s nose.

Corey Graves: I’m not that lucky.

Renee Young: I keep having to say this over and over again, Corey. Jamie’s not going to f*ck you.

Michael Cole: How can you be so sad*stic, Corey?

Once Jamie gets to her feet, she slugs Tay in the jaw again. Tay attempts to throw a punch and Jamie ducks before quickly moving behind her. Before Tay can do anything, Jamie knees her in the spine, forcing her to bend backward. With Tay in such a position, Jamie decides to lock in a chokehold of her own, the dreaded Dragon Sleeper.


Renee Young: Shades of our WrestleMania host, the Undertaker.

Corey Graves: That’s it, Jamie. Make her pass out!

Tay would find herself in the Dragon Sleeper slowly fading but she was able to power through and roll herself with Jamie attached into the wall. The chairs that were there had their legs sticking out and Jamie felt the pressure from the chair leg as she had to break the hold on Tay. Struggling to catch her breath Tay would crawl down the hallway trying to get a moment away from Jamie.

Michael Cole: That was a lucky escape for Tay Melo to get away from Jamie Hayter!

Renee Young: In the backstage area you never know what objects may come in handy. Whether they are in your hand or just lying around!

Corey Graves: That’s not right! Tay doesn’t have the realistic strength to escape from Jamie!

Jamie was back to her feet and looking at Tay who was barely using the wall to get back to her feet. Jamie came in with a dropkick bouncing Tay’s head off the corner of the doorway. Tay staggered into the room and fell to her knees as Jamie was right behind her having gotten up quickly. Jamie came in with a sliding running knee strike for Tay’s back but she moved out of the way. Jamie would hit nothing but air. Tay got to her feet quickly realizing that the two of them had made their way into the parking garage. Grabbing Jamie by the head quickly Tay would throw Jamie into a steel railing and watch her fall over it. Jamie staggered a moment as she was beside a red camaro. Tay would hit a superkick into Jamie who was slowly getting up ricocheting Jamie’s head off the car door.

Michael Cole: That superkick must have Jamie’s head ringing quite loudly after hitting that vehicle!

Renee Young: Yeah too bad it wasn’t a radio style; might've been referred to more as a Sweet Chin Music from HBK in days past!

Corey Graves: You two are sick! Don’t you understand Tay is only getting lucky and Jamie is the real victim here!

Tay grabbed Jamie by the hair and lifted Jamie to her feet. Looking at the car door Tay would grab Jamie by the head going to slam her face first into the car mirror. But Jamie reversed Tay and slammed Tay face first into the car mirror which dented and broke the mirror. Tay turned around to look up at Jamie as Tay was slightly bleeding from her nose that had been hit earlier. Jamie smiled and grabbed Tay and then brought Tay to the front of the car. Giving a few punches to Tay’s face Jamie would bring her along up the hood of the car. Jamie looked down at the windshield and grabbed Tay for a spinebuster onto the windshield. But Tay reversed it quickly into a DDT and slammed Jamie’s head first onto the hood of the camaro. Tay lay there dazed for a moment as Jamie was slowly coming to.

Michael Cole: Can you believe this? Tay is bleeding from a shot into the side view mirror!

Renee Young: And Jamie just took the pressure of a full metal hood face first. Both women are barely managing to stay afloat at this point.

Corey Graves: I’d say even though Jamie just took that shot she has the upper edge since Tay is bleeding from her nose.

Renee Young: You can’t really say that as both women have just taken full facial impacts back to back!

Tay checked her nose holding onto it and wiped the blood onto her clothes. She would grab Jamie Hayter by the hair as the two went toward the top of the camaro. Jamie nailed a few back elbows into Tay who stumbled back down to stand on the hood of the card. Jamie herself was now on the trunk of the car having to catch her own footing. They both looked at each other and ran up as best they could up the front and back ends of the car. They met in the middle with a forced jumping double clothesline which was the only way they could make it to the roof. They both hit one another and rolled off the car hitting the concrete on opposite sides of the camaro.

Michael Cole: Did you see that? Both women went for the same thing and are now paying for the outcome!

Renee Young: They both decided to double down and find themselves struggling to get to their feet. This has been an even turn of events for the two.

Corey Graves: Come on Jamie get up! Don’t let Tay out do you! Let’s go Jamie!

Michael Cole: Is that all you can really think about? Both women are showing us their endurance in this backstage assault that obviously Tay Melo instigated!

Corey Graves: Let me cheer for my choice Cole!

Renee Young: Not every choice is wrong folks but we all have our opinions. Which one of these ladies will be standing first?

Jamie and Tay grab at anything they can in order to pull themselves up. Tay grabs the door to the camaro on her side while Jamie grabs the mirror on her side. Both women slowly but surely pull themselves up. They lock eyes. Both women are filled with rage and pain. They stumble toward one another in front of the car and start throwing punches again, hitting each other in the face.

Michael Cole: This is quite the slugout we got going on here.

Renee Young: I don’t think they’ll stop until one of them drops.

Corey Graves: The first one to drop will be Tay.

Tay starts getting the upper hand and Jamie starts reeling a little bit. Before Tay can take advantage, Jamie hoists her up and runs her toward the car. Both Jamie and Tay go crashing through the windshield.

Michael Cole: Oh, my god! They just went through the windshield!

Renee Young: Someone needs to get back there now!

Corey Graves:Yeah, someone needs to check on Jamie!

Renee Young: And Tay!

Corey Graves: Oh, please. Tay brought this on herself! She got what she deserved, but Jamie didn’t deserve that!

Renee Young: Are you serious?! Jamie’s done worse than this!

Michael Cole: Neither woman deserves this.

Jamie and Tay are still motionless as backstage officials finally arrive on the scene with medical personnel to tend to the both of them as the scene fades to black.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (95)

The scene opened up to the backstage area as both Liv Morgan and MJF could be seen conversing with one another, the crowd here in Houston cheering at the sight of them. That's when loud clapping could be heard that draws both Liv and MJF's attention away from one another. The camera panned out to reveal Jake Anderson and Priscilla Kelly approaching, with Jake sarcastically clapping, a smirk on his face as he would put his arm around Priscilla turning his head towards her.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (96)

Jake Anderson: Babe, would you look at what the cat dragged in.

Jake let out a chuckle turning his attention back to Liv and MJF.

Jake Anderson: It's the scumbag and his... play toy.

Jake let out another chuckle.

Liv Morgan: Real mature Jake.

Liv stopped Max from doing anything, wanting to get the first words in.

Liv Morgan: I guess I shouldn't expect anything less from the guy who's that insecure he has to propose after two dates.

Liv rolled her eyes, she hated the fact she was sinking to his level.

MJF: Two dates? Seriously? I had heard that he moved quickly but didn’t realize he was that desperate..

Yikes. It was a bit awkward but nothing was ever too awkward for Max to be uncomfortable.

MJF: The name is Jake right? I’ve heard a lot about you.. I don’t really go by scumbag, I prefer you call me Max. The best thing she’s ever had.

He would put his arm around her as he had a cheeky grin on his face.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (97)

Jake Anderson: Best thing she's ever had? Who's insecure now.

Jake let out a chuckle.

Jake Anderson: Speaking of insecure...

Jake would turn towards Liv.

Jake Anderson: I find it funny, how you're judging me considering you were in Priscilla's shoes and doing the exact same thing just a few short years ago.

Jake grinned.

Jake Anderson: Not to mention you don't even have your facts right.

Jake turned his attention back to Max.

Jake Anderson: I've gotta ask... Maxwell.

Jake licked his lips, a slight grin forming on his face.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (98)

Jake Anderson: How does it feel to not be accepted by her own mother.

The grin that was on Jake's face widened as he knew he probably struck a nerve there.

Jake Anderson: Oh yeah, I'm aware of her not being very approving of the two of you. Guess I left a lasting impression on Mama Morgan, I mean we still talk believe it or not. Do you have any idea how many times she's asked me to get back with her daughter and how I was perfect for her daughter. How disappointed she is...

Jake glanced in Liv's direction.

Jake Anderson: In your choices as of late. Especially your taste in men or rather lack there of.

Liv Morgan: It's a good job I'm a grown ass woman and don't listen to what my mom wants.

Liv rolled her eyes, she couldn't believe she was lowering herself to Jake's level.

Liv Morgan: It's kinda weird that you still speak to her though, how does that make you feel Priscilla? Or are you just going to stand behind Jake and keep quiet. I know that feeling.

She pauses.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (99)

Liv Morgan: This narcissist has a good way of controlling the people around him, you'll wake up and realize that soon enough, just like I did.

She looks at Jake with disgust and reaches out to hold Max's hand.

Liv Morgan: I know you enjoy demeaning women and trying to make them feel small but you won't do that to me, the best thing I ever did was divorce you because now I'm with someone who actually treats me with respect.

She laughs, turns to Max and plants a big kiss on his lips, directly in front of her ex-husband and Priscilla.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (100)

MJF: I bet you miss that, don’t ya Jake? You officially might be the dumbest man on planet earth. But like the saying goes, one man’s trash… Max mocks a coughing sound dumbass… Max clears his throat is another man’s treasure.

He would then put his arm around Liv with a smug look on his face as he looked towards Jake and Priscilla.

Jake Anderson: You think that bothers me? Pfft.

Jake shook his head, putting his arm around Priscilla.

Jake Anderson: Did I just hear that right? One man's trash is another man's treasure? Did you not just say he treats you with respect? He literally just called you trash.

Jake let out a laugh.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (101)

Jake Anderson: I just find it absolutely hilarious how you say I have a good way of controlling people? Umm... you think he's any better? At least I'm true to who I am and not trying to be something that I'm not, like Maxi-Pad over here. This whole... “good guy” act is a charade and one of these days...

Jake pointed to Liv.

Jake Anderson: She's gonna see that and she'll leave you high and dry. And you... you're just a number to him.

Jake grinned, clearing his throat a bit.

Jake Anderson: Truth be told, Liv... you're dead to me... you're as dead to me as...

Another grin formed on Jake's face as he licked his lips, leaning his head a little closer to her whispering something to her and almost immediately Liv reared back and slapped Jake across the face. Jake grabbed his cheek, having turned on contact as MJF would quickly grab hold of Liv holding her back and that was when Priscilla took a step forward.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (102)

Priscilla Kelly: Bitch.

Priscilla would lunge at Liv, striking her as the two started exchanging shots as MJF did his best to try and pull Liv away, giving Priscilla a bit of a shove trying to get her back and that was when Jake got involved as he quickly went after Max landing a sucker punch. The two men exchanged blows while the women did the same as officials would quickly get involved and separate them. Priscilla and Liv were trying to rip one another's faces off, clawing for another as Jake and MJF would exchange words as the officials managed to get them separated as the scene would fade out.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (103)

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (104)

Match 2: RAW Match

Matt Jackson -Vs- Nick Jackson

Static fills the screen snd can be heard crackling over the speaker and immediately the crowd errputs into boos before Here I Go Again starts playing and the leader of STATIC, Matt Jackson, walks out from the backstage completely immune to the jeers he's receiving from the crowd. He does shout out to the crowd but the confident smile never leaves his face

Samantha Irvin: Introducing first, making his way to the ring by way of Rancho Cucamonga, California, weighing in at 176 pounds, MATT JACKSON!!!

The music can barely be heard over the irritation of the crowd. Matt flexes a single bicep as he makes his way down the ramp. Once at the bottom of the ramp he runs his hands through his hair before flicking them at a memeber of the audience getting them wet. They try and reach out to grab him and Matt just wiggles his fingers and makes a fake scared face before blowing him off and rolling into the ring and posing in the middle of it.


Nick Jackson’s music blares through the speakers and the crowd is on their feet before Nick even makes his way out from the back. When he does, he pauses to look down in the ring at his older brother who is waiting for him. Nodding his head, Nick does his usual strut and makes it out to the center of the stage where he starts pointing out to the crowd and shouting to get them hyped and involved with what’s happening. In similar fashion he starts his way down the ramp.

Samantha Irvin: Introducing his opponent, making his way to the ring by way of Hesperia, California, weighing in at 178 pounds, NICK JACKSON!!

Halfway down the ramp, Nick stops and raises his arms in a tilted double bicep pose. He’s about to shift to the other side when he and the camera pick up Matt in the ring at the ropes nearest to Nick doing his half of the pose. Nick points at him and starts shouting but Matt doesn’t break the pose, instead he gets some sort of satisfaction out of the frustration he’s causing in his younger brother.

Michael Cole: Just as a reminder to everyone out there, this is not a no disqualification match, but one has to believe that the referee is going to give them some leeway here because they are going to need it.

Corey Graves: So you think it would be fine if Nick cheated to win? It’s the only way he stands up against his big brother.

Renee Young: I think we just want to see this thing out to it’s conclusion.

Michael Cole: Exactly. Aaand it looks like we’re not wasting any time!

After the disrespect from his brother, Nick charges to the ring and slides in going right past Matt. Getting to his feet, the two are in one another’s face with their jaws yapping. Before the firsts can start flying though the referee manages to get between the two of them and get them at arms length apart. The problem is, neither Jackson is going any further than that and keep pushing forward to get at the other one. It’s Matt that uses his arm to move the referee, and it’s also Matt that receives the first punch of the match but is quick to return one of his own. With their left hands, Matt and Nick grab on to their opponent and with their right they start raining down shot after shot as they walk the entirety of the ring.

Not seeing any other choice but to start the match we get the familiar DING DING and the match is officially underway.

It doesn’t seem to phase either of the former Bucks that the match has started and certainly doesn’t change their tactics in just brawling with one another. They take turned being pressed up against the ropes while being punched and eventually they are on the ground with Nick overtop of Matt bringing down punch after punch, using both hands now. Getting his foot on the bottom rope, Matt forces the referee to break up the pummeling by having to physically pull Nick off of his older brother. Nick gets to his feet raising his hands and getting the crowd going while Matt rolls out of the ring to catch a breather.

Seeing this, Nick rushes the far ropes and comes rebounding off of them. When he gets to the rope closest to Matt he jumps up, stepping on the top rope and leaping for Matt. Matt has it scouted however and gets out of the way landing a massive uppercut to the falling face of his brother which sends Nick motionless to the ground. Matt points to his head, indicating that he is the smarter of the two, an act that the live crowd doesn’t find very amusing.

Matt is quick to grab Nick and pull him to his feet before slamming him back into the barricade. Taking a step back, Matt runs at Nick and dropkicks him, sending them bother over the barricade and into the audience that give the duo very little room. It’s Matt’s turn to mount Nick and land blows that are barely defended. In the ring, the referee has started a very slow count to ten, that is mostly being ignored.

Standing up, Matt starts laying the boots to Nick and after a few moments of that he steps back and grabs a drink from one of the fans. He smells it and whatever it is it seems strong. Waiting for Nick to get to his feet, Matt splashes the liquid into the face and eyes of Nick who feels the burn of alcohol and lets out a scream. Matt shuts him up with a roundhouse kick to the face that sends Nick careening into some chairs while trying to wipe off his face.

Jumping over the barricade, Matt rolls into the ring and back out to break up the count before going back to Nick. He picks him up, but Nick punches him in the stomach and then in the face. Nick gets kicked in the stomach and is in the suplex position. Matt tries to lift Nick but It’s defended. Nick manages to punch Matt in the midsection and with a subtle adjustment it’s him in control.

Nick steps up on a chair forcing Matt to do the same on another chair. The two then step up on the barricade and stand there for a few seconds, balancing precariously.

Corey Graves: He wouldn’t! Not to his own brother!

Renee Young: I think he is!

Nick lifts Matt for the suplex, and twists while he is in the air sending them both to the hard floor outside of the ring, their backs just inches from the steel steps. The referee is out of the ring checking that both men are able to continue to match. The move garners a replay and a pop from the crowd while the brothers are being checked.

Michael Cole: This might be it. Both men are down and neither of them are moving. They were fractions of an inch from hitting those stairs on the way down. This could have ended both of their careers.

Corey Graves: The absolute content one human being has to have for another to do something like that. Kinslayer!

Renee Young: If the shoe was on the other foot you wouldn’t be saying a word right now. The fact of the matter is, these two have said they’re going all out here tonight and they aren’t disappointing. I just hope they can continue this match so we can get a definitive winner.

It's Nick slowly getting back to his feet first that picks up Matt and rolls him into the ring. As Matt starts to get to his feet Nick springboards off the top rope and leaps through the air flips, and manages to land on Matt crashing him back down to the mat. Nick looks like he's going to go for the pin but thinks better of it. There is no way that he's going to be able to best his brother that easily, not after everything they have been putting one another through. Nick mounts Matt and starts laying down punches. Matt rolls Nick over and starts laying his fists down on Nick. Getting up to his feet he starts laying the boots to the younger Jackson brother.

Nick tried to get away and slides half under the bottom rope and Matt puts a foot on his throat and bares down on it using the ropes for leverage to choke out Nick. The referee is forced to pull Matt off of Nick before checking on the younger Jackson. While the ref is busy checking on Nick, Matt goes to the turnbuckle and unties the padding from the top one. Nick charges at Matt who sees him in time and moves out if the way and Nick hits his knee on the exposed metal. Matt grabs Nick by the back of the head and starts slamming his face into the exposed turnbuckle a half dozen times until he pulls back his hair to reveal Nick is bleeding from above his eyebrow and it's starting to cover half his face.

Whatever love there was between brothers no longer seemed to exist when Matt sees he blood. He grabs his brother with both hands and slams his head hard into the space where the turnbuckle was and is getting warning after warning from he referee. Nick falls backward to the ground and Matt climbs to the top ropes. Looking down at his brother Matt leaps and hits a Swanton Bomb!

More flips!

He goes for the pin.



Nick manages to get his hand on the rope. Furious, Matt pulls his brother to his feet and hits him with a spinning DDT which only serves to open Nick up more. Not wasting any time or trying to go for another pin, Matt hauls the groggy Nick back up to his feet again. The referee is trying to put the padding back on the turnbuckle but is shoved away by Matt. Nick nearly gets his face slammed on the metal ring again but grabs the ropes to stop it. Matt tries to force the issue before getting elbowed in the stomach. Nick spins Matt to face him and jumps up on his shoulders hitting a hurricanrana that sends Matt to the outside of the ring. By the time Matt turns around Nick is already leaping through the ropes and hits him with a suicide dive sending him falling onto the ramp.

Nick is quick to keep the pressure on Matt and whips him into the steel steps. On his knees, Matt is kneeling beside the steps when Nick walks up and grabs him by one arm making sure thay his head is right beside the steel steps. Raising one hand up Nick screams for the BTE trigger and connects with a one man BTE trigger, sandwiching his older brother's head between his knee and the steps. Matt goes limp on the floor on the outside. Nick picks him up and rolls him into the ring before climbing the turnbuckle and signaling for a 450 splash on the motionless Matt who is now bleeeding from the side of his head. Before he leaps, though, Nick's attention turns to the ramp and he hops down and heads to the bottom of the ramp.

Nick pulls out a massive ladder that is set there for the Money In The Bank matches later. He sets it up outside the ring so that its facing Matt who still hasn't moved. Even being set on the floor the ladder is still several feet taller than the top rope. Over exaggerating commentators can be heard saying its st least 15 feet above the top rope. Whatever the distance, Nick climbs the ladder and stands two rungs from the top. Looking over the other side at his motionless brother, Nick hesitates. The crowd are on their feet and encourage Nick who them steps so he is standing at the very top of the ladder the "do not stand here" part. The referee is at the bottom holding it telling Nick to get down.

Nick obliges as he leaps from the top of the ladder and flips into the air for his 450 splash. By some instinct, Matt gets his knees up which drives the air right out of Nick and after an initial flop around on the mat, both men are down and unmoving.







Matt's leg twitches.


Matt's rolled over.


Matt is on his knees.


Matt leaps at the referee to stop the count. He grabs him by the shirt and is screaming in his face. Nick has barely started to move on the mat, favoring his midsection. Matt demands that there not be a count out and turns around to look at Nick. He gets down over top of him and tells him to stay down and goes for the pin.



Nick barely puts a hand under the ropes to break up the count. Matt grabs his hair and yells at Nick before tucking the arm in and goes for the pin again.



Nick gets a foot on the rope.

Matt Jackson: You're going to make me do it! You're going to make me end you aren't you!?

Nick doesn't seem to have the energy to respond as he's haulled up to his feet and leaned against the turnbuckle. Matt takes a step back readying his feet. He tells Nick to quit. Nick gets an ounce of life and yells for Matt to just do it. His hands motion for him to do it and he takes a desperate step away from the ropes.

Matt lurches his foot out in a devastating superkick connects with Nick that sends his body to the mat. His face a crimson mask. Matt looks down at his work and pulls his hair back in shock. He falls down onto his brother for the pin.




Samantha Irvine: And your winner, MATT JACKSON!!

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (105)

Jake Anderson along with the rest of Syndicate are walking backstage, all of them were confident and were ready to dominate here at WrestleMania and walk out of the Grandest Stage of them All with victories underneath their belt, and potentially both the Men's and Women's Money in the Bank briefcases in their possession. As they're walking backstage they all come to a stop having seen something in front of them as Jake Anderson takes a step forward.

Jake Anderson: Look who we got here...

The camera pans over and we get a shot of "The Don of Monday Night RAW" Tony D'Angelo with his Family, Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo, "The Glue" Adriana Rizzo, and his Consigliere, Luca Crusifino. Tony D smiles at Jake Anderson and nods in approval.

Tony D'Angelo: Hey. How ya doin'? Pleasure to make your acquaintance. No need to introduce yourself. I know who you are. Jake Anderson. The Kingpin, right? That's a pretty catchy nickname. I like it. As you probably know already... I'm the Don of Monday Night RAW. Tony D'Angelo.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (106)

Tony D'Angelo: The Capo dei Capi. The Big Boss. The Wealthiest Man in the WWE. I have many names Jake. So many I lose track of 'em myself. But we are getting ahead of ourselves aren't we? Where are my manners? After all Luca has told me all about you. I heard you are doing big things over there on Smackdown, Jake. Big things. I wouldn't be an honest man if I didn't say I wasn't impressed with what I've been hearing. So I extend my hand to you as a show of respect.

With that, Tony D does indeed extend his right hand out towards "The Kingpin" Jake Anderson. Jake glanced down at the extended hand, nodding his head as he would accept the gesture.

Jake Anderson: I appreciate that. It's nice to see someone actually recognize what I've been doing and what I continue to do over on SmackDown. I don't see it enough.

Jake licked his lips a bit.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (107)

Jake Anderson: I look forward to seeing what you and the Family are gonna be doing over on Raw.

D'Angelo smiles and nods his head in agreeance.

Tony D'Angelo: Hey! Just like you, I appreciate what you just said. I can assure you that the Family has got BIG plans for Monday Night RAW. I'm already making moves behind the scenes. Trying to make some new contacts. With that in mind, Jake. I wouldn't mind grabbing your ear for just a few seconds. Let's call a spade a spade here huh? You're a former Universal Champion. You've been at the top of the top. The king of the mountain. You have been THE GUY. I know you got your eyes on getting back that title that you shouldn't have lost in the first place. I myself am looking at taking that WWE Championship and adding it to my empire. Are we reading between the lines here?

Tony D looks over at Stacks who smiles and nods his head up and down.

Tony D'Angelo: What I'm saying is... if the Kingpin and his Syndicate ever needed a favor. Say something that's broken needs to be fixed, right? That you may call upon Tony D'Angelo and the Family and we may step up and help you with your problem. Of course, that would mean that I would be able to call you on a day that I needed you most and you would return the favor. That is, of course, if we have an accord?

The Don of Monday Night RAW fixes his suit jacket a bit while waiting for a response from The Kingpin. Jake smirked, glancing over at the rest of his faction, wanting to get a little bit of an input from them as they all look at one another before nodding their head as Jake turned his attention back to D'Angelo.

Jake Anderson: We have an accord. Come to think of it actually, there possibly is something that you can do for us. You see there's a certain...

Jake paused a bit, letting out a slight chuckle.

Jake Anderson: Scumbag who needs a little... yanno...

Jake would motion with his hand punching into his hand.

Jake Anderson: Needs a little beatdown. Just so happens, said Scumbag is apart of Raw.

Jake shrugged a bit.

Tony D'Angelo: Is that a fact?

Tony D turns around and gets into a small huddle with the rest of the Family. They whisper to each other and after a quick few seconds the Don turns back to Jake Anderson and smiles widely.

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Tony D'Angelo: It just so happens that the Family has a certain panache in dealing with "scumbags" as you call them. My Consigliere has informed me that we just might be able to do this for you. So you need us to teach this kid a lesson or what? Who's the mook in question Jake? Who do the Family need to rub out?

Jake chuckled, moving a little closer to D'Angelo.

Jake Anderson: A mook by the name... MJF. You see a little earlier tonight, my fiancée and I had a little run in with ol' Max and his...

Jake let out a chuckle.

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Jake Anderson: Little play toy. Just to give you a little backstory on this whole thing and get you up to speed. His play toy, used to be with me and for some reason she decided to leave, no reason... none whatsoever. Then I find out, she's with the scumbag. I've got my suspicions he's the reason and that something was going on. So anyway, we had a little run in earlier... words were exchanged and then the man did the most disrespectful thing you could do... took a cheap shot.

Tony D'Angelo: Whoa oh! What a minute here? You're telling me that this stoonad, this MJF... disrespected you?

Jake shakes his head up and down in response.

Tony D'Angelo: I'm also to understand that this... let's just call him a dead man... this dead man decided to corrupt the innocent mind of your previous gooma? Is that right? Is that what I'm hearing?

Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo: That's what he said Don Tony.

D'Angelo shakes his head back and forth in sheer disappointment.

Tony D'Angelo: Kingpin. Jake. I give you my word. Consider this issue with MJF taken care of. Stacks? Tell the rest of the crew. Make a few calls. This guy MJF doesn't take a cab now without me knowing about it. Put out feelers. Kingpin, the Syndicate is now a friend of the Family. Consider yourself a brother to me. And nobody... I mean nobody... messes with my Family.

Tony gets dead serious while staring into the eyes of Jake Anderson.

Jake Anderson: You and I... we're cut from the same cloth, Don Tony especially when it comes to Family.

Jake would point towards the rest of the Syndicate.

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Jake Anderson: I think this is the start of a fruitful alliance. Just imagine this, Don Tony... you as the WWE Champion... me as the Universal Champion. We'd take over the WWE and there wouldn't be anybody who could stand in our way and if they tried... well, we'd be sure to get them straightened out.

Jake would extend his hand out towards Don Tony. The Don looks down at his hand and accepts the shake one more time.

Tony D'Angelo: To the Alliance. See you soon, Champ.

With that, Tony snaps his fingers and the Family joins him as he leaves the scene.

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The scene begins as the Pastor leaves the locker room area with an ice pack on the back of his neck and Brother Eli Cottonwood in toe.

Pastor William Eaver: This is utter foolishness! I'm a Hall of Famer! I have a wonderful speech prepared for the entire crowd here tonight in case they missed anything last night and Oba Femi tried to ruin it all! He is a true reckless behemoth and he needs to be held responsible for my medical bills. Brother Eli, remind me that we need to speak with Miss Stratus about this blatant disrespect. It can no longer to tolerated.

The Leviathan of River Falls just nods his head towards the Blessed in the World. Eaver takes a deep breath and looks forward before his eyes widen at what he sees in front of him. The camera pans to the left and we see the recently returned Hall of Famer... "The Emo Warrior" Jimmy Jacobs. Jimmy stares right at the Pastor and doesn't waver while the Sword of the Lord moves closer towards him.

Pastor William Eaver: Brother James?

Jimmy says nothing in response.

Pastor William Eaver: Your resurrection on Smackdown was something I was not expecting but I must admit something that I am very thankful for. I welcome you back with open arms. But... one must ask... why?

Jimmy continues to just stare at the Pastor, not a word coming out of his mouth. This was only his second show back after two and a half years away from the ring. The Emo Warrior stuck his hands in his pockets, bouncing in place on his heels as he looked from Eli to Eaver, trying to formulate the words that he wanted to say.

Jimmy Jacobs: Why, Bill?

It was a simple question. Why? Why, after all this time did Jimmy return, and why in the fashion that he did. In the middle of Eaver’s beatdown on Orange Cassidy, did he show up and this happened.

Jimmy Jacobs: Why? Why don’t you tell me?

Eaver nods for a moment and gets a sick smile across his face.

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Pastor William Eaver: Oh, I know why. It’s the same reason that brought me back to the WWE. Look at us. We are Hall of Famers. Both of us are strong now. We have been in this business for years. We know exactly what it takes to be at the top of the mountain. I know just like you know what has become of Smackdown. What has become of the WWE. This company is soft. It has lost its way, James. Complacency. Stuck in their ways. I would go so far as to say… boring. What happened to the surprises? What happened to the unimaginable? Everything has become so cookie cutter now. This entire roster has lost two of the KEY components of what makes this company what it can be. They have lost the faith…

Jimmy Jacobs: And they have lost the violence.

The Sword of the Lord’s eyes widen and he nods creepily up and down with the smile still etched on his face.

Pastor William Eaver: The yin and yang, James. You saw it first hand on Smackdown when we split the rotten fruit to the core. Not because he might have deserved it… which he did. Not because it was fun. Which it was. But because it was JUST Because it was right. Because it was written and so it HAD to be done. You came back James because you are needed... now more than ever. WE are needed my brother. We have ascended this mountain before together. And only together can we take it back over once again. The landscape has changed but the fight remains the same. We must put the FEAR back into Smackdown. Either they kneel before the cross and accept my faith…

Jimmy Jacobs: Or they shall get burned to the motherf*cking ground.

The conviction in his voice only served to show much he agreed with Eaver; to show how even after all of his time away, Jimmy Jacobs had never truly changed deep down. He was still the same person that he had always been; the one that had terrorized Smackdown before. The one that would do it again.

Jimmy Jacobs: This new world does not know the fear and terror that we can strike into their hearts. They know stories, murmurs, but they do not know the true definition of fear. What we can and will bring to them. Now that we are both here…and reunited. They won’t know what hit them.

Finally, a smile appeared on his face; not a smile of niceness, of happiness. A sly smile, a grin, one that tells you everything that you need to know.

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Jimmy Jacobs: And there is no one out there that will be able to stop us, brother. No one will be able to stand toe to toe with us and take us down. They all shall fall at our feet, no matter who they are. Not a single person in the world can stand with us.

The entire time that Jimmy was speaking, Eaver was nodding his head up and down in almost sick pleasure. They have teamed before. They might even be “friends”? But worse than that… as an allied unit. These two are very, very dangerous.

Pastor William Eaver: No truer words have ever been said, James. Look at this…

Eaver raises his left hand up to show the Hall of Fame ring that adorns it. Jacobs nods and does the same thing.

Pastor William Eaver: This means everything. It means we have already done our time. Ten times over. We have bled for this company. We have fought… we have battled. We have gone to War for our beliefs. For our convictions. This roster. These simpletons. They don’t know what it truly takes to achieve what we have achieved. They haven’t bled yet. But they will. I will cast them down with my righteous right arm. You will drive the SPIKE of realization into their head. They will learn what it is to BLEED They will learn what it is to feel the holy power of Faith… and the inconceivable sting of Violence. BUT, please… allow me to jest just for a second my dear friend. For I have a surprise for you as well.

The Pastor smiles wide and motions behind Jimmy.

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Jimmy Jacobs: Holy sh*t…

As Jimmy turned around, his eyes went wide at the surprise that Pastor had mentioned for him. His jaw dropped, unable to form words and what exactly it was that he was supposed to say, supposed to do in this moment. The scene cut, showing us exactly what it was that Jimmy was looking at. Or, to be exact, who Jimmy was looking at.

Zelina Vega: Surprise.

It was a woman that knew Jimmy Jacobs all too well. A woman that he shared a deep history with. From the original formation of Timetus Mortem, to everything that happened after the fact. Zelina Vega. He still had no words, still nothing in his brain that could help him figure out what he was supposed to do here. As he looked at her, Eaver stepped forward, throwing his arm around him.

Zelina Vega: Let’s just say…the Pastor and I have had a chat. And I think I can be of help.

Jimmy Jacobs: It’s…it’s you.

He was stunned; silenced. His brain trying to formulate words to talk to her, to talk to Eaver, to just talk in general about this. He looked from her to Eaver, staring into the other man’s face to see if this was a joke. To see if this was all a prank. But he knew it wasn’t, he knew that Eaver was serious.

Jimmy Jacobs: it’s…her.

Pastor William Eaver: Indeed it is, my friend. Indeed it is. Miss Vega and I have had quite the conversation indeed. Why don’t we resume this reunion away from prying eyes. We have MUCH to discuss.

Eaver smiles and motions towards the locker rooms while Jimmy still tries to form the words to express what he is feeling at this exact moment. The entire group moves quickly behind a locker room door and slams it shut before the cameras can follow.

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Match 3: Smackdown Match
Special Referee: Bayley

Emma -Vs- Angelina Love

The camera pans over the Wrestlemania XL arena, showcasing the packed NRG Stadium and enthusiastic crowd.

Tom Phillips: We’re still here at Wrestlemania XL, live from the NRG Stadium in Houston, Texas! What an incredible night it's been so far, Pat.

Pat McAfee: Tom, the energy in this arena is off the charts! We've seen some unbelievable matches tonight, and there's still so much more to come!

Nigel McGuinness: Absolutely, Pat. And up next, we have this highly anticipated showdown between Emma and Angelina Love, with Bayley serving as the special guest referee. This rivalry has been building for months, and tonight, they finally get to settle their differences on the grandest stage of them all.

There ain't no stoppin us now
We celebrate on the floor
Top down, we're ready to go
To all the people across every nation
Turn it up, and give me some more

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The upbeat entrance theme of Bayley hits the speakers, and the crowd erupts with cheers. Bayley emerges from the curtain, already in her referee attire, she stops at the stage and looks around, obvious nerves on her expression.

Mike Rome: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the special guest referee for this next match... BAYLEY!

Tom Phillips: And here comes the special guest referee for this match, Bayley! What a treat to have the beloved former champion officiating this heated encounter.

Pat McAfee: Bayley had been all smiles a couple of months ago, Tom, but she knows the gravity of this moment. She's about to oversee a battle between not only two fierce competitors, but two of her best friends!

Nigel McGuinness: I really question the truthfulness of that statement. I mean, if Emma and Angelina were really her friends, Bayley wouldn’t be in this situation. In fact, this match wouldn’t exist at all.

Bayley continues her entrance, taking a moment to absorb the cheers from the crowd, but there's a visible sense of tension in her demeanor. She reaches the ringside area and starts climbing the steel steps.

Tom Phillips: Bayley seems to be feeling the weight of this moment, gentlemen. She's caught in the middle of a rivalry that she absolutely wants no part of.

Pat McAfee: It's not easy for Bayley to see her friends at odds like this, especially with so much animosity between Emma and Angelina Love.

Nigel McGuinness: Oh, spare me the sentimentality, fellas. Bayley brought this upon herself. I know Matt Striker probably liked her, but she’s not getting any sympathy from me.

Tom Phillips: No, he also hated her.

Nigel McGuinness: Damn. Such a shame he got fired. We definitely lost a good man, there.

Bayley enters the ring and acknowledges the crowd, trying to maintain a composed demeanor as she prepares to officiate the upcoming clash. The arena darkens as Bayley's entrance concludes, and the spotlight shifts to the entrance ramp for Emma's arrival.


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The opening notes of "All About Me" by def Rebel echo through the stadium, signaling the entrance of Emma. A spotlight shines on the entrance ramp, and Emma emerges, wearing her usual attire, seemingly not bothering to dress up for the occasion.

Mike Rome: Introducing first... From Melbourne, Australia... she’s a member of the WWE Hall of Fame... EMMA!

Tom Phillips: Emma looks absolutely focused tonight.

Pat McAfee: She’s got that I’m gonna murder you face is what I would call it.

Nigel McGuinness: Well, the only person that deserves to be murdered here is Bayley, so I hope it happens.

Emma reaches the ring and climbs up onto the apron, then steps through the ropes with purpose. She stands in the center of the ring, ready to face her opponent.


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The opening chords of "Unhinged" by Dale Oliver reverberate throughout the NRG Stadium, signaling the arrival of Angelina Love. The arena darkens, and a crimson spotlight bathes the entrance ramp in a foreboding glow.

Mike Rome: And her opponent... From Toronto, Ontario, Canada... she’s a member of the WWE Hall of Fame... ANGELINA LOVE!

Angelina Love steps onto the stage,. She wears a sleek black leather jacket adorned with spikes, with her ring attire underneath.

Tom Phillips: Angelina Love, one, if not one of the biggest Superstars in the history of WWE.

Nigel McGuinness: No ifs, Phillips. She’ recently been recognized as the most successful female competitors in WWE history. Her insane number of accolades speak for themselves.

Pat McAfee: Absolutely, Nigel. Angelina has won and accomplished everything there is to accomplish in this industry. This is why she’s a hall of famer. It’s incredible we get to see her clash another hall of famer!

Nigel McGuinness: You know who’s not a Hall of Famer? Bayley.


As Angelina Love confidently makes her way down the ramp, she keeps her eyes locked on Emma in the ring. The crowd's excitement reaches a fever pitch as Angelina enters the ring and approaches Emma. Emma glares back at Angelina, both talking trash and engaging in verbal warfare, but Bayley quickly steps between them, trying to maintain order.

Angelina eventually decides to be the bigger woman and starts to walk toward her corner, but before she can fully turn away, Emma seizes the opportunity and delivers a cheap shot from behind, blindsiding Angelina with a vicious attack!

Tom Phillips: Oh come on! Emma with a sneak attack on Angelina Love!

Pat McAfee: The bell hasn't even rung yet, and Emma is already on the offensive!

Nigel McGuinness: Ha! Look at Emma taking matters into her own hands. That's how you take care of business, folks! I only wish Bayley was the recipient of the attack!

The crowd boos loudly as Emma continues her assault on Angelina Love, taking advantage of the sneak attack. Bayley urgently tries to separate them and restore order, but Emma is relentless. Bayley manages to wedge herself between Emma and Angelina, pushing Emma back and checking on Angelina to ensure she's okay.

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Angelina nods, signaling that she's ready to fight. The bell finally rings, officially starting the match, and both competitors waste no time. Emma charges right away at Angelina with a wild swing, but Angelina ducks under and responds with a stiff forearm to Emma's jaw, causing the Australian to stagger back.

Tom Phillips: Angelina Love with a counter! She's not backing down!

Pat McAfee: Well yeah! She’s not just going to let Emma dictate the pace from the start!

Angelina stays on the offensive, delivering a series of sharp kicks to Emma's midsection, looking to wear down her opponent. Emma regains her footing and attempts a clothesline, but Angelina ducks again and counters with a quick snap suplex. Angelina goes for the cover.


Emma kicks out without too much issue. Emma quickly gets back to her feet and the two start trading blows in the center of the ring, neither competitor willing to give an inch. Eventually, Angelina grabs Emma by the hair and pulls her back to her feet, looking to maintain control. She whips Emma into the ropes and as Emma rebounds back, Angelina goes for a powerful clothesline, but Emma ducks this time. As Angelina turns around, Emma hits a jaw-dropping spinning heel kick that catches Angelina right on the jaw!

Tom Phillips: What a kick by Emma! Angelina Love is rocked!

Nigel McGuinness: Right out of the arsenal of fellow Australian and Hall of Famer, Cassie Lee!

Emma seizes the moment, grabbing Angelina's arm and whipping her into the corner turnbuckle with tremendous force. Angelina hits the corner hard, the impact echoing through the stadium. Emma charges in, aiming to follow up with a corner splash, but at the last moment, Angelina sidesteps and Emma crashes chest-first into the turnbuckle! Emma stumbles backward, stunned by the impact. Angelina springs into action, grabbing Emma from behind and executing a textbook German suplex! The crowd erupts as Emma crashes to the mat.

Tom Phillips: What a German suplex by Angelina Love! And now she’s the one taking control of the match!

Pat McAfee: Very rough landing for Emma. She’s gonna be feeling that one in the morning.

Nigel McGuinness: Just like she’s still feeling the sting of Bayley’s betrayal.

Angelina doesn't let up, quickly pulling Emma back up and positioning her for another suplex, but Emma manages to block it with elbow strikes to Angelina's head. Emma breaks free and tries to regain her composure. Emma retaliates with a swift kick to Angelina's midsection, causing Angelina to double over in pain. Emma follows up with a flurry of forearm strikes to Angelina's back, targeting her weakened opponent.

Emma grabs Angelina by the hair and drags her towards the center of the ring, maintaining her grip as she delivers a stiff knee strike to Angelina's ribs. Angelina winces in pain as Emma continues to dictate the pace of the match. Emma whips Angelina into the ropes and waits for her return. As Angelina comes back, Emma attempts a clothesline, but Angelina ducks under and rebounds off the opposite ropes. Angelina charges back with a Botox Injection! Catching Emma off guard and sending her crashing to the mat!

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Tom Phillips: Botox Injection by Angelina! Emma didn’t see it coming!

Angelina seizes the opportunity, pulling Emma back up and delivering a snap DDT! The impact rattles Emma's skull against the canvas, and Angelina goes for the cover.

Tom Phillips: DDT by Angelina Love! Could this be it?

Pat McAfee: Emma might be out cold!

Bayley hesitates but eventually gets into position.



Kickout by Emma!

Tom Phillips: The count only reaches two, but Bayley did take some time to get into position there, guys.

Nigel McGuinness: Unbelievable. So early in the match and Bayley is already thinking of screwing Angelina. This is why she can’t be trusted.

Initially, Angelina looks at Bayley but decides against arguing with her. Instead, Angelina doesn't waste a moment, pulling Emma back up and setting her up for a vertical suplex. However, Emma counters with a sudden knee strike to Angelina's head, stunning her momentarily. Emma takes advantage of the opening and executes a snap suplex of her own. Emma looks to capitalize on her momentum, grabbing Angelina's legs and applying a sharp figure-four leglock! The crowd watches in awe as Emma wrenches back, applying intense pressure to Angelina's knees.

Tom Phillips: Emma with a figure-four leglock! She's targeting Angelina's legs, trying to wear her down!

Nigel McGuinness: That's a classic submission move, Tom. Emma's showing her technical prowess here! This is what Emma is capable of when she's not distracted by Bayley's incompetence!

Angelina grits her teeth in pain, trying to endure the submission hold. She reaches out for the ropes, desperately trying to break free from Emma's hold. Emma maintains the pressure, refusing to release the hold as she torques Angelina's legs. Bayley checks on Angelina, asking if she wants to submit, but Angelina shakes her head defiantly, refusing to give up. After what seems like an eternity in the submission hold, Angelina summons her strength and manages to turn the hold, reversing the pressure onto Emma! The crowd cheers as Emma grimaces in pain.

Tom Phillips: Angelina Love turning the tables on Emma!

Nigel McGuinness: Emma's in trouble now! She underestimated Angelina's determination! Again, even when you’re at your lowest or when you’re in a tough spot, you can also recover like Angelina just did if you cut terrible friends like Bayley out of your life.

Emma finally reaches the ropes, forcing a rope break. The hold released the hold, but the damage has been done to both competitors.

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They each struggle to get back to their feet, the intensity of the match taking its toll on their bodies. Referee Bayley checks on both competitors, ensuring they can continue. Emma, fueled by frustration, rises to her feet first. She closes in on Angelina, targeting her opponent's weakened legs. Emma delivers a series of ruthless stomps to Angelina's knees, aiming to capitalize on the damage inflicted earlier. Angelina grimaces in pain, unable to defend herself effectively against Emma's onslaught.

Tom Phillips: Emma continuing to focus on Angelina's legs. She's relentless in her attack!

Pat McAfee: Emma's targeting that injured limb, trying to take away Angelina's mobility!

Emma drags Angelina towards the corner of the ring, slamming her knee-first into the turnbuckle post! The impact reverberates through the arena as Angelina cries out in agony. The crowd boos loudly as Emma shows no mercy, exploiting every opportunity to gain the upper hand. She pulls Angelina back towards the center of the ring, locking in a single-leg Boston crab, applying excruciating pressure to Angelina's injured leg.

Tom Phillips: Emma now with a single-leg Boston crab! Angelina Love is in serious trouble!

Pat McAfee: The pain must be unbearable for Angelina right now!

Angelina claws at the mat, desperately trying to reach the ropes for a rope break. She’s able to summon another burst of strength and manages to inch her way towards the ropes. With a final burst of effort, Angelina grabs the bottom rope, forcing another rope break. Emma releases the hold but doesn't let up, immediately pulling Angelina back towards the center of the ring. She hoists Angelina up for a vertical suplex. With Angelina suspended in the air, Emma pauses for a moment before executing a devastating brainbuster! The impact rattles Angelina's skull against the canvas, leaving her dazed and vulnerable.

Nigel McGuinness: Holy sh*t! What a brutal brainbuster!

Tom Phillips: A move Emma is certainly not known for but she seems to be pulling all the stops to take down Angelina!

Emma goes for the cover, hooking the leg as the referee begins the count.



Angelina kicks out just in time, refusing to stay down. Emma glares up at Bayley and motions that this was undoubtedly a three count. She continues holding up three fingers, but when Bayley shakes her head, Emma lowers two so that only one finger remains.

Tom Phillips: Well that’s not how you treat a referee.

Nigel McGuinness: Bayley is no referee! I don’t care what the stripes say. She’s what you get when you order a referee off Temu.

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A distraught Bayley turns her head away so she doesn’t have to witness her best friend flipping her off. Without Bayley looking, though, this opens the door for Angelina Love to poke Emma in the eye! As the Aussie stumbles around, Angelina uses the ropes to pull herself to her feet. She waits for Emma to turn around…right into a spear! Angelina hooks the leg and Bayley slides into counting position:



Emma kicks out this time! She rolls out of the ring to regain her composure and motions to Bayley that Angelina cheated.

Nigel McGuinness: Of course they’re in league together. They have been all along.

Pat McAfee: I just don’t think Bayley saw the eye poke.

Emma’s focus on Bayley, however, allows Angelina to come running at the ropes and fly to the outside in a suicide dive. With the fight now on the outside, Bayley initiates a ten count. She counts much faster than most referees would, causing Angelina to chastise her. Instead of backing down, Bayley stands her ground and continues the count. Rather than immediately roll Emma back into the ring, Angelina bounces her head off the apron and then goes to repeat the process on the steel steps. Emma is able to escape with an elbow to the gut, and she drives Angelina’s head against the steel instead. As Angelina slumps next to the steps, Emma backs up and goes for the Taste of Tenille. She winds up crashing through the steps, however, when Angelina moves out of the way. Angelina makes it back inside at the count of seven, but Bayley has stopped counting and is instead leaning through the ropes to make sure Emma is okay. When Angelina asks why she stopped the count, Bayley hesitantly continues.

Tom Phillips: See, Nigel, she isn’t playing favorites. Bayley is calling this as impartially as she can.

Nigel McGuiness: You’re just excusing the fact she doesn’t know how to count to ten.

Emma is able to make it back in just before the ten count, to which Bayley is visibly pleased. Angelina wastes no time in continuing her assault, as she grabs the Aussie by the hair and backs her into the corner. She delivers a series of kicks to Emma’s midsection before climbing to the second rope and shifting to punches. After about five or six punches, Emma shoves Angelina off her. The Canadian rushes forward again, only for Emma to raise her boot. She then backs up on to the second rope and leaps off in a diving crossbody. Emma rolls through and pulls Angelina right back up. She tosses her into the ropes, only to have Angelina reverse it and send Emma running instead. When Angelina attempts another Botox Injection, Emma ducks and lifts her opponent onto her shoulders. She begins spinning Angelina around in an airplane spin to disorient her and make it easier to finish things off.

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The only problem? Emma spins Angelina’s boot right into the referee Bayley.

Pat McAfee: That’ll leave a shiner in the morning.

Tom Phillips: I’m sure Emma didn’t mean to do that. Did she?

Whether she did or not, Emma doesn’t seem overly concerned about it. She looks down at Bayley, shrugs, and slides out of the ring. The non-Samantha Irvin loser moves out of the way and allows Emma to fold up the steel chair. Once back inside, Emma measures Angelina up and waits for her to stand. As soon as she does so, the Aussie swings forward with all her might, only for Angelina to dodge. The chair bounces off the top rope and ricochets straight back into Emma’s face! Angelina Love connects with a Lights Out and makes the pin!

Nigel McGuiness: Bayley picked the perfect time for a nap. Just saying.

Tom Phillips: Wait, she’s back up!

Bayley notices the pin and slowly makes the count:



NO! Before her hand can fall for the three count, she notices the chair lying in the middle of the ring. She goes to collect it and asks Angelina if she used the chair. Why is Emma busted open?! Before Angelina can explain matters, Emma shoves her from behind and sends her crashing right into the chair in Bayley’s hands! The referee stumbles back into the corner while Emma bounces off the ropes and delivers a Spotlight Kick to her opponent. She hooks the leg and screams for Bayley to make the count. Bayley takes a couple seconds to get there, but she finally crawls over:

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Pat McAfee: That’s gotta be it!

Nigel McGuiness: They were working together all along! What a mastermind performance from Emma!



Angelina Love kicks out! Emma can’t believe it. She jumps to her feet, blood gushing down her face, and asks Bayley why she delayed the count. She shoves the referee once, which draws a gasp from the crowd. Bayley tries to explain the delay, but she’s just met with a slap to the face. Emma goes to deliver a second slap, but Bayley catches her hand.

Bayley: I…am not…taking sides! You’re the one who forced me into this!

She shoves Emma back, much to the delight of the crowd and the Aussie’s surprise. Audience murmurs notify Emma of what’s about to happen, and she turns around just in time to avoid another Botox Injection. Angelina comes face to face with Bayley, stopping just before she can hit her former partner with the move. This momentary pause is enough for Emma to hit a modified backstabber. She then applies the Emma Lock! Bayley slides to the mat and positions herself next to Angelina to ask if she wants to submit. The blonde shakes her head, which causes Emma to lurch back even further. The blood has now turned her hair into a Ric Flair-esque crimson dye-job. That doesn’t stop her from yelling out those words Chris Jericho has made infamous.


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Bayley does exactly that, but Angelina refuses to give up. In response, Emma cranks Angelina’s head back with such force that the momentum shifts and Angelina rolls through. She finally succeeds in connecting with that second Botox Injection! Rather than make the pin, tough, Angelina applies Emma’s own submission against her.

Tom Phillips: Is that the Angelina Lock!?

Nigel McGuinness: No, you buffoon! It’s still the Emma Lock! She isn’t even applying it correctly! Look at how she’s failing to interlock the fingers!

Whatever the case, Emma is now caught in her own submission as blood pools around her. She tries to fight for the ropes, but it’s difficult to move while in this particular hold with your opponent’s entire weight on top of you. Emma tries to reach back to yank at Angelina’s hair, but she can’t quite reach.

Bayley: Emma, do you give up?

Emma’s arms continue to wave around, but eventually they stop moving. Her entire body goes limp.

Bayley: Emma!?


Bayley calls for the bell.

Mike Rome: Here is your winner via referee stoppage….Angelina Love!

After the bell rings and Angelina Love is declared the winner, the crowd erupts in cheers while Bayley checks on Emma in the ring. Emma lies there, visibly frustrated and seething with anger. The camera captures Emma's intense expression, her face streaked with crimson from the earlier bloodshed. Bayley tries to help her to her feet.

Bayley: Emma, are you okay? Look, I didn't—

Emma abruptly cuts Bayley off, shoving her away with a forceful gesture. Bayley tries to reach out to her again, attempting to explain herself, but Emma glares at her with pure disdain. Without saying a word, Emma rolls out of the ring and storms up the entrance ramp, her demeanor radiating fury.

The audience watches in silence as Emma disappears backstage, the echoes of her frustration reverberating throughout the arena. Bayley remains in the ring, visibly conflicted and concerned, watching Emma's departure with a mix of regret and disappointment.

Tom Phillips: Emma's clearly not happy with how this match ended.

Nigel McGuinness: Can you blame her, Tom? Bayley threw in the towel when Emma never gave her consent.

Pat McAfee: This situation between Emma and Bayley is far from over, that's for sure!

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The scene opens backstage NRG Stadium, the grandest stage of them all, WrestleMania XL. Byron Saxton waits with the microphone up to his mouth and a smile on his face as he receives the signal in his ear piece to start.

Byron Saxton: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time … actually.

Byron smirks and extends the microphone out to where his guest will be. Out from off camera comes Prince Nana as the entire stadium all break out into cheers. Nana smiles and stares at Byron with wide eyes. Byron brings the microphone back close to his mouth quickly.

Byron Saxton: Welcome back, by the way.

He extends the microphone back out to Nana who smirks and nods at Byron. The crowd all begin chanting “Welcome Back” at Nana. He had only been gone for a short time, but after everything he went through, the crowd was happy to see him back standing and well. He grabs Byron’s hand with the microphone and looks directly into the camera.

Prince Nana: Ladies and Gentlemen, show some respect … for Swerve Strickland.

The crowd all yell the Mogul’s name along with Nana. The second Nana finishes speaking, Swerve walks into frame and the sold out crowd erupts again. He walks over between Byron and Nana and grabs the microphone out of Byron’s hand. He nods at Byron, signaling that he’s got this, and Byron respectfully nods back and then walks off screen. Swerve looks directly into the camera.

Swerve Strickland: Looks like it’s about that time, Ro.

His face is stoic and intense as he stares into the camera. Nana nods alongside him.

Swerve Strickland: We been doing this whole thing for months now, and after everything, I finally get you in the ring, one-on-one, for the first time. And you know, it’s kind of fitting that after everything it’s a Last Man Standing match.

He chuckles a little bit.

Swerve Strickland: See, originally, I just challenged you to this match so I could beat you within an inch of your life, but there’s also some poetic justice in this.

He runs his hand over his pulled back dreads.

Swerve Strickland: See, we’ve spent a lot of time not being the last man standing. Back in that first battle royal? It was Matt Jackson. The Royal Rumble? Kevin Kross. The Elimination Chamber? Adam Cole. We’ve both come up short every time, and now, we get the chance to finally figure out which one of us is better. But you know what, Roman? I can’t lose this match, Big Dog.

Swerve keeps eye contact with the camera, not blinking once.

Swerve Strickland: After everything you’ve done, what kinda man would I be if I just rolled over and took it? Nah. If I lose this match, it’s over, man. Not only would I not be able to look Nana in the eyes anymore, but I would also be proving you right, and then what? To the bottom of the card? Nah. I’ve proven too much since coming back for that to happen.

Swerve gets a little louder as he starts to talk about what might lie in his future.

Swerve Strickland: You’re gonna have your work cut out for you tonight, Ro. You might have your whole family behind you to try and help you get the W tonight, but you’re gonna have to kill me to keep me down for a ten count. You’ve already seen just a taste of how much I can take inside the chamber. You beat the hell outta me, I’ll give you that. But even after the beating I took, after I had blood coating my face and I could hardly see, I still got back up and gave Adam Cole everything I had until he put me down. But you know what? That was just a three count. Give me seven more seconds and I’m back up and giving him hell again. And that was with a title on the line. A title that I want more than anything, yeah … but put it up against how much I care about my family, and you’ll think I didn’t even care about that belt.

Swerve bares his gold teeth to the camera as he clenches them and exhales through them quickly.

Swerve Strickland: You made a big mistake, Ro. And I promise you that after tonight, you’ll know never to f*ck with me, or my people again … Y–You know what, Ro? Bring your family out there tonight. Bring whoever you need to. Cause then I can put them down and take them out right in front of your eyes and show you EXACTLY how it feels. Before No Way Out, I kept telling everyone that it wasn’t personal between me and them. Y’all were just in my way to winning the WWE Title and I would do anything I needed to to get that belt around my waist where it belongs, but you Ro? You MADE this sh*t personal. First by trying to end my career, and then by putting your hands on my boy.

He starts to get physically more angry as Nana from the back places his hand on Swerve’s shoulder. Swerve stops quickly and then looks over at Nana and nods at him.

Swerve Strickland: I hope the medical staff is ready for a busy night. Cause they’re not gonna need a stretcher to carry you out of the arena tonight, nah. They’re gonna need a body bag.

Swerve backs up and smirks as the crowd pops.

Swerve Strickland: Ro, you can believe all you want that you’re on your own island of relevancy, but Houston, tell ‘em whose house this is.

The crowd all yell “SWERVE’S HOUSE” as Nana and Swerve leave and the scene fades.

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Match 4: Cross Brand Match
Tag Team Match
Tag Team Championship

Dakota Kai & Nixon Newell © -Vs- Edge & John Morrison

At the sound of the bell, it appeared Nixon would be starting things for her side while Morrison would be starting things for his team. Nixon cracks Morrison in the jaw with a superkick and a smirk before tagging in Dakota who quickly pounces on Morrison slamming his head to the mat. Dakota is fired up as she gets to her feet dragging Morrison by his hair into the corner. Dakota begins stomping at Morrison before being forced out of the corner by the referee. Dakota holds up her hands innocently before quickly charging into the corner jamming her knee into Morrison. Morrison holds his jaw in pain as Dakota quickly yanks him by his hair dragging him to the center of the ring before slamming his face to the mat! Dakota hooks the leg.



Morrison kicks out. Morrison looks to Edge who'd been eager for the tag but Dakota drags Morrison by his hair once more and jabs an elbow into his face but is lifted up and planted to the mat with a snap suplex. Dakota holds her back, sitting upward before being met with a rolling neck suplex. Morrison hooks the leg.



Dakota gets the shoulder up. Both competitors make it to their feet and Dakota goes for a kick but Morrison catches it and dragonscrew. Morrison barely throws Dakota to the mat before crawling to the corner and making the tag to Edge. Dakota is back to her feet but Edge quickly spears her to the mat. Edge quickly gets to her feet lifting Dakota to hers as he delivers a powerful suplex. Dakota uses the rope to aid herself to her feet in the corner but Edge quickly charges her with a corner splash. Dakota staggers, falling out of the corner and to the mat. As Edge goes to follow up Nixon reaches over the rope and quickly grabs Edge by the hair and slams him to the mat. Edge holds the back of his head as Dakota now gets to her feet and tags in Nixon. Nixon locks up with Edge delivering a powerful headbutt. Edge stumbles though, holding himself up with the rope before Nixon delivers a powerful clothesline sending Edge over the top rope. Nixon rolls out of the ring not giving Edge a moment as she quickly throws him into the barricade. Morrison comes rushing to his aid only to be tackled to the ground by Dakota. The two begin rolling around on the ground as the referee shouts for them to break it up! Nixon uses this opportunity to drive Edge's shoulder into the ring post before rolling him into the ring. Dakota and Morrison continue to brawl outside of the ring. Nixon delivers a shining wizard and hooks Edge's leg for the pin.

Samantha Irvin: Your winner and still the WWE tag team champions....Dakota Kai & Nixon Newell

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (130)


Triple H

Posted: Apr 15 2024, 03:02 AM

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (134)

Group: WWE Owner

Posts: 7869

Points: 11779

Handler's Name:Jessica

Alignment: Heel

Finisher 1:Pedigree

Finisher 2:N/A

Color Code:Green

Theme Music:King of Kings - Motorhead

Other Characters:Alexa Bliss, Julia Hart, Raven, Renee Young, Stephanie McMahon, Toni Storm, Triple H

Tag Team:Shawn Michaels

Faction:Corporate Structure

Relationship:Stephanie McMahon

RP Permission: Yes, but not attacks

Member Inventory: View

Member No.: 2
Joined: 30-July 18

Awards: 7

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (135) The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (136) The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (137) The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (138) The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (139) The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (140) The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (141)

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (142)
The biggest night in wrestling brought all of the stars out. Everyone who was anyone was here tonight for WrestleMania. Between The Undertaker hosting and Beyoncé singing the National Anthem, all eyes were on the WWE. The excitement wasn’t just limited to the WWE universe, the superstars as well were buzzing.

Our scene begins backstage with Montez Ford and his wife Bianca Belair. They’re in the corner of what seems to be a makeshift lounge in the arena

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Montez Ford: So you’re not gonna lose your mind when you meet Beyoncé right?

Bianca shoots Montez a dirty look.

Montez Ford: I’m just saying. Remember when we went to the Renaissance Tour? They almost called security on us.

Bianca Belair: That was not my fault Tez and you know it.

Montez Ford: Ok ok. But she isn’t going to be 30 feet away this time. We’re going to be meeting and talking to her.

Bianca tried to remain calm when Montez said they would be meeting and talking to Beyoncé. She sucked in her lips as a smile formed and responded.

Bianca Belair: You don’t have to worry about me. I will Be on my best behaviour.

Montez Ford: Mhmm.

He said unconvinced by his wife's words.

Bianca Belair: Don’t ‘Mhmm’ me. This is my work environment and I’m gonna keep being myself. Bianca Belair doesn’t need to get ready for Beyoncé because Beyoncé needs to get ready for the EST.

Bianca keeps her confident gaze on Montez.

Bianca Belair: She in my house now.

Montez nodded in agreement.

Montez Ford: You damn right this is your house.

There was a bit of commotion near the door of the private area. It was Chad Gable trying to get in, but security wasn’t having it. There was a melanin requirement for this private party.

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Ron Simmons: That nerd isn’t getting in here tonight.

The trio of MVP, Lashley and Ron Simmons shared high fives before returning to their posts.

Montez Ford: Ya hate to see it. But that dude ain’t cool enough to be up in here.

Montez and Bianca shared a glass of wine as they laughed at the misfortune of Chad. Carmelo then turned up into the shot, dapping up everyone who was already in the shot.

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Carmelo Hayes: What up, y’all. Ay, if it weren’t for the security, I woulda dealt with that dude myself, you know what I’m saying? Got a bone to pick with his dumb ass, show ‘em who the real Alpha ‘round here is.

Montez Ford: Good to see you here though, fam!

Carmelo Hayes: I wasn’t about to miss an opportunity to potentially meet Beyonce! Shii, Trick tripping just thinkin’ about it right now.

MVP then passed a glass over to Carmelo.

Carmelo Hayes: I appreciate it, ‘P.
Jade Cargill walked up to the security guards and Montez motioned to the guards to let her through.

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Jade Cargill: You thought you were going to have a party without Big Money Jade? I just had to join in with all the festivities. Thanks for the invite anyway Montez.

As everyone is continuing to have a good night and enjoy the festivities, past the security guards pushes Apollo Crews and Oba Femi as Oba looks down at the security guards, making them look smaller than they actually are. He walks over to Montez and Bianca and is handed a glass. He raises it to both of them.

Oba Femi: Hello everyone, I would like to thank you for the invite.

Oba looks around at the gathering and smiles.

Oba Femi: I am so pleased to see so many of my people in one place. It is a glorious day. It is good to finally meet you two, I have been wanting to congratulate you on the United States Championship win my brotha.

Apollo Crews: My first few weeks back in the company and I get to participate in this celebration? It is truly a blessing to have been brought back by my oba. You two are truly class.

Apollo and Oba raise their drinks to Montez and Bianca. Oba looks around and sees someone in the corner of the party.

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Oba Femi: Well, it looks like I have some business to attend to, thank you both again, I hope we can get acquainted better later in the night.

Oba walks away and Apollo follows closely after him. All of a sudden, the security guards can be seen dapping someone up, and one of them yells “SWERVE’S HOUSE” as Swerve Strickland walks past them with a smirk on his face and walks straight into the room and looks around at the party, nodding.

Swerve Strickland: Now THIS is what I’m talkin’ about.

Swerve daps up Montez and gives Bianca a quick side hug.

Swerve Strickland: Looks like y’all got it good over there on SmackDown, got a lot higher of a melanin count over there, maybe I got put on the wrong brand.

Swerve chuckles.

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Swerve Strickland: I can’t stay too long, got a lot to prepare for. Gonna be going through hell tonight, but I’ll do my best to make y’all proud.

Swerve throws up a peace sign and pats Tez on the shoulder, walking away to catch up with some other people he sees.

Suddenly, with a burst of energy and a magnetic aura, Trick Williams swaggered into the room. His entrance was as dynamic as ever, catching the attention of everyone in the lounge. Security glanced at each other, momentarily stunned, but Montez Ford gave them a nod and a wide grin, signaling for Trick to be let through.Trick made his way confidently through the lounge, dap'ing up everyone in sight.

Trick Williams: Yo, yo, yo! What's good, what's good? Y'all don't think it's just a coincidence that the Queen B makes her way to WrestleMania the same day that I make my debut, do you? Nah, nah, this is destiny at work, baby!

He flashed a grin, his gaze sweeping over the room.

Trick Williams: But hold up, hold up. I ain't the only one hyped tonight. Look around, we surrounded by queens up in here!

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Trick dapped up Carmelo and Montez with a grin, and shared a friendly nod with Bianca.

Trick Williams: Melo, Tez, Bianca what's crackin'? Good to see y'all here! Am I trippin’ or does Jade look good tonight? I mean, she always look good but damn. Straight fire!

Trick settles with them as he looks around the room. As the party continued, Mercedes Mone made her presence known.

Mercedes Mone: Hey Melo…

Everyone turned their attention to Carmelo, who hadn’t taken his eyes off of Mercedes.

Carmelo Hayes: Sup Mercedes. Looking good, girl.

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Mercedes Mone: You know how I do. This party is lit though. Look at all this black excellence.

Bianca Belair: You know how Tez is. It’s WrestleMania and he wasn’t gonna spare any expense.

Montez shrugged his shoulders. Maybe he did go over the top, but they deserved it. It was WrestleMania and Beyoncé was in the building. They all looked amazing and it was a celebration. Suddenly Montez’s mood changed.

Montez Ford: Oh hell nah!

Everyone turned to see what had caught Montez’s attention.

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Ricky Starks: What? Surprised to see me?

Montez Ford: I mean yea. It’s kind of an invitation only thing.

Montez motioned towards all the guests, who were well…black.

Ricky Starks: Oh oh oh…wow this is like sixth grade all over again.

Montez Ford: I’m just saying bruh, we all been wondering. Like are you?

The fellow partygoers, sheepishly agreed.

Ricky Starks: Wow so ole Ricky has been the talk of the town, huh?

Montez Ford: I’m just saying you do give off that ambiguous vibe.

Ricky Starks: Well I’ll have you know that I’m half black on my daddy’s side.

Montez Ford: One second.

Montez held up a finger while he conferred with the other guests. They huddled up and Ricky stood there awkwardly and whispered among themselves.

Montez Ford: Aight aight aight…we came to a decision. You can stay. It’s the one drop rule.

Ricky Starks: Good because I would’ve hated to call the cops on y’all and get this sh*t shut down if you didn’t let me in.

Montez rolled his eyes as Ricky disappeared into the party and posted up with some women. A few moments later the light went out and a lone spotlight was on the door. This was it. She was here. The DJ began playing “Alien Superstar” when the spotlight revealed the queen herself…

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As cool as they all tried to remain, they lost it once she was there in the flesh. Beyoncé walked in and greeted them all one by one. The scene faded on music royalty hobnobbing with the WWE superstars.

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The scene fades into the locker room of Roman Reigns and Nikki Bella. Inside the lavish space of the power couple was Nikki who was jumping in the spot she stood, attempting to release the nerves lingering inside her. Not that far off was Roman as he uses a resistance band to work his muscles.

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Roman Reigns: Whatever happens out there tonight in my match with Swerve, you stay back here.

Nikki furrowed her eyebrows confused.

Nikki Bella: Wh– why?

Roman Reigns: Because I don’t want you to get hurt. You already disagree with how I handled the Prince Nana situation and you being down there is dangerous.

Nikki Bella: What if Tay Melo is out there with him?

He put the resistance band on the sofa's armrest, gazing back at her.

Roman Reigns: I don’t give a damn what they do. Your safety is my priority. Swerve acts good, but is annoying in the sense that he would do anything to work my last nerve.

He went quiet momentarily as she stared up at him with those big doe eyes.

Roman Reigns: Also, I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you out there.

Nikki Bella: But I can take care of myself.

Roman Reigns: You have proved that time and time again. That’s not in question.

It was rare for Roman to display emotions, so when he did, she knew he was serious.

Nikki Bella: I know that I sound like a broken record when I say that I just want you to be okay and I want to see that with my own eyes. I can help.

Roman Reigns: Tonight is gonna be crazy enough as it is. You’re participating in a women’s Money In The Bank ladder match tonight. Your focus should be on that.

Nikki Bella: It is. Nothing is stopping me from completing my task tonight, but what bothers me is what’s going to happen with you.

Roman listened attentively while strapping on his red and black gauntlets. He understood the importance of being fully prepared for any challenge that lay ahead, and he was ready to face whatever obstacles might come his way.

Roman Reigns: And I’mma handle whatever Swerve throws my way like I always do. This isn’t something that happened overnight. Swerve has been a thorn in my side since he stepped foot into the WWE. Tonight he is meeting his end.

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Nikki Bella: What about Prince Nana? Did you ever think about that?

Roman Reigns: What about him?

Nikki Bella: That he might want to get revenge on you.

With a sudden burst of laughter, he found Nikki's comment to be incredibly humorous. At least his spirits were up. However, Nikki didn’t find anything funny.

Roman Reigns: Don’t make me laugh, Nikki. What I did to that idiot was just a small glimpse of what I do to Swerve and I’mma show them exactly why this is my WWE.

Nikki Bella: Roma—

Roman Reigns: No, stay back here.

The hilarity disappeared when he firmly looked at her to show he was serious. She nodded back without breaking eye contact. The scene fades to black.

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Match 5: RAW Match

Roman Reigns -Vs- Swerve Strickland

Samantha Irvin: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following is a Last Man Standing match! In this match there are no pin-falls, submissions, count outs, or disqualifications. The only way to win is to incapacitate your opponent to the point that they can not make it to their feet by the count of ten.


All 72,000+ fans in attendance rise to their feet and scream “SWERVE’S HOUSE” back, cheering for the man that has won their hearts over the past five months. The camera cuts to the stage where we see it is full of dancers, all led by Prince Nana in the center. As “Big Pressure” plays over the PA, Nana leads the flock of dancers as they all perform his normal dance, but with some more flair.

Michael Cole: Ladies and Gentlemen, if car crashes make you uncomfortable, you may want to look away during this next match. We're about to embark on a deeply personal and hate filled journey between two men who want nothing more than to tear each other limb from limb.

Renee Young: The tension here has been building for months and we are finally getting a one-on-one blow-off here. After everything these men have been through, this is the first time that they will be meeting in that ring alone and it's bound to get out of hand fast.

As the beat drops, the Mogul makes his way out from behind the curtain and walks through the middle of the dancers to stand right next to Nana at the top of the stage as the entire crowd pop even louder. Swerve looks around at the crowd and takes this moment, his first WrestleMania, in.

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Michael Cole: Just five months ago, Swerve Strickland returned to the WWE, a relative unknown, and now he is a certified main event star. He has proven–

Corey Graves: He hasn't proved anything, Cole. All he's done since being back is lose when the lights shine the brightest, and you're going to see tonight that that's the case again. He made the mistake of challenging the Tribal Chief to a Last Man Standing match, and this little Swerve Strickland experiment ends tonight.

Samantha Irvin: Introducing first… from Tacoma, Washington, weighing in at two hundred and thirty-three pounds! SWERVE STRICKLAND!!

Swerve closes his eyes as Samantha says his name and the crowd all yell his name along with her. A chill runs down his back as he opens his eyes and starts down the ramp. He makes his way to the bottom of the ramp and looks up at the ring and just stares at it for a second, knowing how much is on the line for him tonight. Two months ago, he was competing for the WWE Championship, and if he lost tonight, who knows how long it would be until he was back in that position again. He nods at Nana and motions for him to head toward the steps as Swerve walked over to the side of the ring where the hard cam was pointing.

Michael Cole: And as you can see, accompanying Swerve to the ring tonight is his long time friend, colleague, and even an honorary family member … Prince Nana. This match means more to Strickland than just winning. Just a few weeks ago, Prince Nana went missing and we found out a week later that he had been taken by Roman Reigns and the Bloodline.

Renee Young: I can't imagine Swerve has calmed down after all of that. With Nana back in his corner, we are going to see a much more violent and driven Swerve tonight than we have ever seen. You heard him say earlier, this means more to him than even the WWE Championship Chamber match at No Way Out.

Corey Graves: And you don't think the same goes for Roman? The Tribal Chief is going to put Swerve through more pain than he's ever experienced tonight, and we’ll just have to see how long Swerve can endure it before he's finally put out of his misery.

He jumps up and sweeps his leg under the bottom rope, repositioning himself so he is crouched and looking directly into the camera. His eyes scan the arena as he slowly stands up and stares at the hard cam before canning the crowd again

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He enters the ring through the top and middle rope. His face remains unchanged through this all as he stares unfazed into the sea of fans that are on their feet in support of him. He climbs to the second rope and says a quick prayer before lifting his head and lifting his fist, touching his thumb and the side of his index finger to his forehead.

He climbs out of the corner and makes his way to the middle of the ring where he puts his hands in his jacket pockets and stares straight at the entrance as he waits for his opponent to show himself. There is a couple seconds of just pure anticipation from the audience once Swerve’s entrance has finished. Whilst this was a clear battle between good and evil, these were two men who had earnt the respect of the WWE universe. A rivalry which would be etched across history as one of the greatest. Pianos are rolled out onto the stage. An orchestra finally commencing Roman Reigns entrance. Whilst the orchestra played, the titantron showcases an image of the Anoa’i family tree, revealing just how deep the Bloodline truly ran. At the top was none other than Peter Maivia, the High Chief. The further down you go, the more the family grew with iconic names such as Jey Uso, The Rock, Solo Sikoa, The Wild Samoans, all whom left a mark on the business forever.

Then of course, Roman’s name is highlighted. The Tribal Chief. The man who sought to elevate not just himself, but the rest of his family with him. A cheer echoes through the arena, one of respect for the lineage. The orchestra ends its performance. There is still no Roman out on the stage. Nothing but silence until…

Acknowledge me…

Roman’s soft tone is followed by the sudden beat of ‘Head of the Table’ by Def Rebel. Ones are thrown to the sky, a mixture of boos and cheers for the Tribal Chief. The choir marks the arrival of The Head of the Table. Roman finally walks out onto the stage and around his neck is none other than the Ula Fala.

Michael Cole: And here comes the man who once more leads his family. The Ula Fala is a sign of status in Samoan culture. The Rock has called Roman the Tribal Chief numerous times since his return but with the necklace once again around Roman’s neck, it makes it official.

Halted at the top of the stage, Roman scans the entire NRG arena with his eyes. The stoic expression is difficult to deduce what he is feeling at that moment. Taking a deep breath into his lungs, he takes in the moment of being at Wrestlemania once again.

Samantha Irvin: And his opponent… From Pensacola, Florida, weighing in at two hundred and sixty-five pounds! The Tribal Chief, ROMAN REIGNS!!

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Michael Cole: This rivalry burns deep. Starting out as simply a bit of friendly competition from Swerve, it became personal when Roman attacked Swerve in the Elimination Chamber-

Corey Graves: I’m going to stop you right there and correct you, Cole. This became personal after the Elimination Chamber. This became personal when Swerve decided to attack Roman viciously whilst the Tribal Chief had his back turned. This became personal when he decided to do this in front of Nikki Bella. Swerve may lose his career tonight and if you want to blame anyone for making this personal, blame that man standing in the ring right now! He gave the Tribal Chief no option!

Michael Cole: You cannot be serious.

Roman is in peak physical condition. He lowers his head, rubbing his hands together until finally, he calmly raises his index finger to the sky. Those loyal to the Tribal Chief remain with their fingers up to the sky anyway. Pyro begins popping off, underlining the importance of this match. The last battle. The end of a war. Only one man will be standing at the end of this match.

Renee Young: Roman looks like a man on a mission.

Corey Graves: He looks like he was crafted by the Greek Gods themselves! This is a man who is looking to destroy Swerve Strickland. Roman is coming to raze Swerve’s house!

Roman lowers his arm in a controlled fashion, raising his chin as he does so. Despite being so far from each other for now, Roman and Swerve stare at each other intensely. The tension is palpable. Two forces of nature will collide in the ring. Roman rolls his shoulders, cracking his neck. He runs his tongue across his upper teeth before finally making his descent down the stage. He acknowledged the crowd when he was at the stage but now… they aren't there anymore. His sole focus is on Swerve.

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Michael Cole: If there’s anything we can agree on, both men are doing this for family. For Roman, this is no longer about proving that he’s better than Swerve, no. This is about defending his family’s legacy, that mission comes down to what I noted previously. The Ula Fala. On the other hand, you have Swerve. Roman harmed Prince Nana, a man who Swerve considers family. This has become about more than two egos fighting to one up each other. This has become about family.

Renee Young: Both men have a lot riding on this match. We have paramedics on standby, expecting this match to be chaotic. There is the expectation that no matter who the last man standing is, they will both gain scars, reminders of what will happen tonight for the rest of their lives.

Roman finally gets to the bottom of the ramp, looking away from Swerve for a moment.

Michael Cole: We received word earlier that Roman ordered both Solo and The Rock to remain backstage. I repeat, this was a direct order from Roman for the pair to remain in the back and no-

Before Michael can finish what he was saying, the camera captures Swerve running the ropes before gliding through the air to connect with a Tope Con Hilo on Roman who was distracted momentarily.

Michael Cole: AND HERE WE GO! Swerve wasting no time getting this started as he launches himself beautifully over the top rope.

Corey Graves: Of course he attacks Roman while he’s not even looking. He knows that’s the only way he could possibly get a win.

Swerve picks Roman up off of the floor by his hair and hits him in the forehead with a few strong right hands. With Roman disoriented from the quick start to the match, Swerve grabs Roman by the arm and irish whips him into the steel steps! The side of Roman’s head and his back bounce off the steps and he hits the floor, grabbing his back as he lands. The crowd erupts as Swerve looks on at them all. He picks Roman back up off the mat and throws him into the ring. Swerve enters the ring after him and the referee calls for the bell. Roman sits up in the middle of the ring and as he does, Swerve hits him soiree in the side of the head with a HOUSE CALL! Swerve yells out as the crowd erupts again.

Michael Cole: Swerve is doing everything out of the gate to try and end this one early. He seems to really want to humiliate Roman here.

Corey Graves: Don’t worry Cole, it’s gonna take a LOT more than that to keep the Tribal Chief down.

Swerve walks to the corner and climbs up onto the top rope, measuring Roman, but Roman sees this immediately and rolls out of the ring, causing the fans to boo. He waves them off and grabs his head, slightly in pain. Swerve looks at Roman on the outside and launches from the top rope to try and hit him with a diving european uppercut, but Roman catches him with an uppercut right on the jaw! Swerve falls to the floor as Roman stands over him and takes in the boos.

A smirk begins to form on the face of the Tribal Chief as the audience continues to acknowledge him. His attention then snaps back to Swerve who is attempting to crawl away. Roman shakes his head, chuckling to himself.

Roman Reigns: Where do you think you goin’, boy?

Roman proceeds to taunt Swerve by slapping the back of his head, the boos echoing around the arena at Roman’s disrespect towards his opponent.

Renee Young: Is this really necessary?

Corey Graves: Of course it is! This is our Tribal Chief letting Swerve know whose house this is.

Roman proceeds to grab Swerve’s hair, forcing him up before launching him towards the ringpost, Strickland’s shoulder viciously connecting with it. Roman, a predator in this moment, continues to stalk his prey. He runs his tongue across the bottom of his lip as he once more grabs Swerve, dragging him into the ring but ensuring that his head is hanging from the apron. He proceeds to taunt the crowd once again, taking a couple steps back before running towards Swerve, leaping to try to connect with a drive-by but Swerve moves out of the way! He rolls to the middle of the ring, slowly rising to his feet as he demands Roman to get into the ring.

Roman stares up at Swerve, shifting his jaw from side to side as he thinks about it for a second. Reluctantly, he grabs the middle rope, lifting himself to a standing position on the apron. Swerve, flashing his gold teeth towards Roman, continues to antagonize Roman. Roman slowly enters the ring where Swerve just stares at him, eagerly. As Roman gets his first leg in, Swerve runs up to him and grabs the leg in the ring and hits Roman with a dragonscrew! Roman’s full body falls into the ring and he grabs his knee in pain. Swerve capitalizes on this moment and grabs Roman’s leg and puts Roman in a stretch muffler.

Michael Cole: Just a reminder, ladies and gentlemen. There are no submissions in this match, so even if Roman decides to tap out here, it will not result in a win for Swerve.

Renee Young: And unfortunately, for Roman, it means this doesn’t matter either.

Roman drags himself over to the bottom rope and grabs hold, but since there are no rope breaks, Swerve keeps the hold tight as he wrenches on Roman’s knee, trying to weaken the Tribal Chief’s base. After another minute, Roman is finally able to use his other leg to heel kick Swerve in the head. Swerve shakes it off and keeps the hold in, but another kick to the head forces him to release the hold. Roman grabs his knee on the mat as Swerve gets up and shakes off the blow from Roman. Swerve drops to the mat and rolls out of the ring and walks over to where Nana is. Nana, while Swerve and Roman were scrapping in the ring, had taken it upon himself to start looking for stuff to use under the ring. He hands Swerve a trash can and Swerve tosses it into the ring. He hands him two steel chairs as well and Swerve throws those in too. As this is happening, the crowd starts to chant “WE WANT TABLES” in the hope the Mogul will provide them with that they want. Finally, both of them pull a table out from under the ring as the crowd breaks out into cheers, happily getting their wish. Swerve looks out to the crowd and pounds on his chest.

Swerve Strickland: I got y’all

Swerve gets in the ring and grabs one of the steel chairs as Nana starts to set the table up outside. He looks at Roman who is finally getting to his feet, and as he does, he takes the top edge of the chair and drives it into the back of Roman’s knee, sending him to the mat once again. He then takes the chair and lifts it high above his head, and brings it down on the side of Roman’s knee, which causes Roman to yell out in pain.

Michael Cole: This is smart by Swerve, trying to take the legs out from underneath Roman in an attempt to stop Roman from being able to get to his feet.

Renee Young: Not only that, but he’s probably just really enjoying this as well.

Corey Graves: Of course he is, Swerve is a sick freak who gets his kicks from injuring innocent people.

Renee Young: I don’t know how innocent Roman really is …

Swerve lifts the chair again and goes to hit Roman in the leg, harder than before, but Roman is able to roll out of the way which causes Swerve to hit the mat with the chair and send vibrations up his arms, causing him to drop the chair. He turns around in pain and as he turns back around Roman is back on his feet and he hits him with a jumping clothesline! As Roman hits the mat though he buckles slightly, but gets himself back to a solid base and hits his knee with his fist, as if telling it who’s boss. Roman proceeds to crawl towards the nearest corner, almost dragging his leg as he winces slightly.

Renee Young: Roman is clearly struggling with his knee now.

Roman proceeds to pull himself up, using the ropes to help him up. He clenches his jaw, moving strands of hair in the way of his eyes. Swerve in the meantime is recovering from the vicious clothesline. Reigns begins to saunter his way towards Swerve though quickly stops in tracks as he sees the steel chair that Strickland dropped. He ran his tongue across the bottom of his lip, making his way towards it and picking it up. With one hand, he raises the chair for the whole audience to see. Retaliation was coming. Roman aggressively smacks the chair against the ring as Swerve crawls towards the nearest ropes. Nana rushes to the side Swerve’s on to warn him but its too late. Roman proceeds to smack the chair against Swerve’s back, the sound of steel against skin rippling through the arena. Swerve though doesn’t fall to the ground, instead he stands up straight, smiling as if he enjoyed the pain. Roman takes this as an act of defiance, once more smacking the chair against Swerve’s back over and over again until he finally collapses onto the mat.

Roman aggressively grabs the referee, forcing them to begin the count.

Michael Cole: Roman is demanding for the referee to begin the count!

Corey Graves: He’s not gettin-



After the mere count of two, Swerve begins crawling towards the corner again. Roman begins to nod.

Roman Reigns: It’s all good! I got time today!

Roman proceeds to roll out of the ring, heading towards the announcer's desk where the trio are quick to stand up to their feet, not wanting to involve themselves in any of this chaos. Reigns proceeds to remove everything off the desk. As he turns around, Swerve has already begun to run the ropes and is charging in his direction, diving through the ropes for a suicide dive but Roman catches him at the last second, instinctively turning around so he was now facing the announcers desk once again before driving Swerve onto the desk with a Uranage, the desk collapsing at the impact. Roman himself stumbles back onto the ground, his knee buckling once again. The crowd begins chanting ‘Holy sh*t!’. Roman crawls towards the steel steps, sitting up against them as the referee begins counting.





Swerve begins to stir…



Swerve then uses the barricade to help himself up. Roman witnesses all of this, shaking his head as he can’t believe that Swerve was once again finding a way back onto his feet.

Corey Graves: What the hell is this man made of?!

Roman gets to his feet and starts toward Swerve but as he takes one step, one of the announcer’s chairs comes flying at Roman and hits him in the head! The crowd erupt as Swerve stumbles backward after chucking the chair and catches himself on the barricade before he falls once again to the floor. The WWE Universe in NRG stadium begin to chant “WHOSE HOUSE?!” “SWERVE’S HOUSE” back and forth at each other while the mogul makes his way over to Roman. Swerve glances over at the apron and decides to check under there instead. He grabs something nd pulls it out, holding a kendo stick high above his head. He looks back toward Roman who is keeled over, trying to get up, but Swerve hits Roman across the back with the Kendo stick which sends Roman to his knees. Swerve hits him again across the back, forcing Roman onto all fours, and then one more time which sends Roman to the floor, sprawled out. In this moment, a look of pure anger comes across Swerve’s face as he looks over at Nana who is yelling out to him. Swerve then looks back down at Roman and starts to hit him over and over and over again with the kendo stick until the stick begins to splinter and the top of the stick falls off.

Michael Cole: This is the rage that has been building inside of Swerve for weeks, he’s finally able to let it out after everything that’s happened.

Swerve starts to breathe heavily as Roman lays lifeless on the floor and the ref begins to count.



Before the ref can continue his count, Roman sits up and instead of letting the ref continue to count, Swerve runs at Roman and hits him with another House Call! Swerve looks at the ref and shakes his head, letting him know not to count yet.

Renee Young: I don’t like that look on Swerve’s face, it looks like he’s got much more planned for Roman here.

Swerve grabs Roman by the hair once more and lifts him to his feet, he looks at the apron and throws Roman onto the apron as he lays precariously on the edge of the mat. Swerve follows him up to the apron and then grabs Roman once more, lifting him to his feet with bad intentions. He lifts Roman onto his shoulders.

Michael Cole: Oh no, what is Swerve thinking here?!

Swerve drops Roman with an apron death valley driver causing Roman to grab his back and begin to fall off the apron, but his feet swing under the bottom rope a bit and get caught, causing him to hang by his bottom feet off of the apron, hovering over the floor. Swerve runs into the ring and grabs the top rope right over Roman. He jumps and sends himself flying at Roman, hitting him with a slingshot double foot stomp! Roman hits the floor and Swerve rolls through and comes up to one knee, staring at Roman. He looks at the ref.

Swerve Strickland: Count that sh*t.

The ref looks at Roman and begins to count.




Roman starts to stir on the mat, Swerve shakes his head a bit.



Before the ref can reach a six count, Roman makes his way back to his feet. Swerve stands up and clasps both hands behind his head, staring at Roman. Swerve approaches Roman from behind and spins him around, hitting him on the chest with a hard knife edge chop. Roman clutches his chest but Swerve moves his hands and hits him with another one. As Swerve goes for a third, Roman retaliates and hits him with a hard uppercut to the jaw. Swerve reels backward slightly but recovers and hits Roman with a dropkick to the bad knee! This sends Roman to one knee, but before he can be hit anymore, Roman takes his right arm as Swerve gets back to his feet and clubs both of Swerve’s legs, sweeping them out from under him, causing him to hit the mat hard.

Roman quickly capitalizes on this, proceeding to mount Swerve and begin delivering blow after blow to Swerve’s face. Roman was in a frenzy, with the Mogul raising his arms to his face to shield his face from this sudden offense from Reigns. He then stood back up, clenching his jaw once again. Swerve proceeded to turn onto his stomach but once again, Roman mounted him, this time delivering a flurry of elbows to the back of Swerve’s neck. There was no longer movement from Swerve after 6 or 7 of Roman’s shots but he wasn’t stopping. Finally, he rose back up to his feet, the referee was in his way. Roman flung his hand back as if he was about to backhand the referee which caused them to flinch. Luckily for the referee, he wasn’t the recipient of Roman’s anger. No, his eyes were now on Nana who was watching helplessly.

The Tribal Chief sauntered towards him, a look of disgust on his face as he pointed towards Swerve.

Roman Reigns: What kinda family are you, huh?! You should be protecting him from me! You should be protecting him from ME! TELL HIM TO STOP FIGHTING!

Roman grabbed Nana by his collar, boos erupting from the audience as Reigns waved them off, unfazed by their feelings.

Roman Reigns: Get your ass out of my way!

Roman then launched Nana into one of the barricades. This was his attempt at trying to agitate Swerve who was scowling from the floor, clawing to get himself back up. Reigns began chuckling as he watched Swerve scratch his way towards him. The Tribal Chief walked towards him, tilting his head to the right, crouching down in front of him, grinning.

Swerve clutched onto Roman’s trousers, the hot mics of the camera capturing a growl coming from Swerve. Roman proceeded to slap Swerve in the face over and over again.

Roman Reigns: All this is your fault. You did this, you understand me?

Roman clutched Swerve’s hair, lifting him up before wrapping his arms around him, launching him with an Overhead belly to belly suplex. Reigns quickly stood back, feeling like he was invincible in that moment. The trash talking continued, a demand to be acknowledged by the crowd in the NRG stadium but like Swerve, they were defiant. Roman began looking under the ring for a kendo stick, wanting to exact revenge on Swerve for his earlier attack. There was no luck so he continued looking on all sides of the ring. He got to the side of the ring which faced the stage, finally finding himself a kendo stick. He waved it around, a malicious smirk bright as day on his face.

As he turned the corner, his face dropped to see Swerve against the barricade. Reigns debated for a second in his mind, looking between the stick and Swerve who was against the barricade until finally, he dropped the stick and…


Roman, with adrenaline on his side, ignored the pain in his knee and ran into a full sprint, charging towards Swerve like a bull with the thought of a spear in mind but at the last second, Swerve moves out of the way, causing Roman to go running through the barricade!

Michael Cole: Oh my god! No!

Corey Graves: Swerve moved out of the way at the last second!

Renee Young: Those few seconds cost Roman

Michael Cole: We need to stop this damn match!

Roman’s body is completely lifeless. That moment of wanting to punish Swerve completely backfired on him and the referee began the count whilst Swerve clutched his side, laughing whilst pointing at his head.








Corey Graves: The Tribal Chief has beaten himself tonight…


A second wind from Roman and he was quickly stirring. Forcing himself to his feet as Swerve’s eyes widened.

Corey Graves: And that’s why he’s the Tribal Chief!!

Michael Cole: Roman doesn’t even look like he knows where he is right now

With Roman back to his feet, he turns around to look for Swerve. As he does, he sees the Mogul running at him from on top of the barricade and Swrve hits him with a pump kick, right between the eyes! Roman begins to teeter as he looks for something to keep him standing. He falls his side and grabs hold of the end of the broken barricade. Swerve gets down off of the barricade and walks over to the apron, lifting it and searching for something. He brings another trash can out from beneath the ring, as well as a trash can lid and a stop sign. He takes the trash can lid in hand and smacks Roman over the head with it, which dents the lid badly and causes Roman to reel again. He then takes the stop sign and hits Roman over the head with it once … Roman remains on his feet. Twice … Roman drops to one knee and then pops back up. Three times … Roman now falls to both knees and Swerve grabs him and throws him onto the table that Nana had set up earlier. Swerve sits Roman up on the table and grabs the trash can, throwing it over Roman’s head and placing him inside of it.

Swerve looks around at the crowd and bares his gold teeth to them as they all begin to cheer loudly. Swerve glances over and sees Nana who is now back on his feet but holding the back of his head.

Swerve Strickland: You good?

Nana gives Swerve a thumbs up, and with that, Swerve slides into the ring and climbs up to the top rope. He pauses for a second and looks down on Roman who is sitting upright on top of the table with a trashcan on his head. He points down at Roman as the crowd all rise to their feet with him.

Michael Cole: On no. Don’t do this. Come on, Swerve, this is unnecessary!

Renee Young: You may be right, Michael, ut look at Swerve’s eyes. He doesn’t just want to do this, he NEEDS to do this.


One second, Swerve is on the to rope as the commentators are yelling from comedy, the next, he is crashing through the table with Roman as he hits him ith a Swerve stomp onto the trash can and through the table! The crowd all begin chanting “Holy sh*t” again as both men stir on the floor, Roman’s head still in the trash can for the time being. Swerve grabs the top of the barricade as the ref counts.




Swerve makes it to his feet and just watches as Roman hardly moves on the floor.




Roman finally gets the trash can off of his head and flings it out of the way. He scrambles to the apron and grabs the cloth of the apron, trying to pull himself to his feet, his bad leg making it hard for him to get up.




Roman makes it to his feet and the crowd break out into a mixed reaction. Half booing because they do not want to see Roman win, andthe other half cheering because this match gets to continue. Swerve places his head on the barricade and pounds his fist on it, unsure what it will take to finish Roman off at this point. He looks around and contemplates what he wants to do. He looks over at the steel steps and picks the top half of them up, he runs over at Roman hand clocks Roman right in between the eye with the steps and then throws them down at his side. He looks at the other, larger part of the steps and grabs Roman by the hair.

Michael Cole: What cound Swerve possibly be thinking now …

He pulls Roman up by the hair and points his face at the camera as he looks into the camera too.

Swerve Strickland: This one’s for all y’all in the bloodline … And for you too Nikk.

Swerve winks at the camera and drags Roman over to the steps, climbing on top of them. He brings Roman onto them as well. Swerve stands there with Roman’s hair in one hand and Roman on all fours in front of him. He closes his eyes briefly and takes this moment in as he thinks of putting this to an end. Before he’s able to though, Roman has enough sense to know something bad is going to happen, and out of desperation he hits Swerve right between the legs with a low blow!

Renee Young: Well, Roman may have just saved himself from taking a J.M.L. Driver on top of those steps, but it wasn’t the most valiant way to do so.

Corey Graves: Who cares, Renee?! That idiot Swerve could have ended Roman’s career if he did that, Roman was just trying to save himself!

Swerve drops onto his knees in front of Roman who is still trying to get his wits about him. Shaking his head, both men are fatigued.

Roman Reigns: I warned you.

Roman was groggy but out of nowhere, Roman had now wrapped his arm around Swerve’s neck like an anaconda, tensing his bicep as much as he could. He didn’t care if his muscle ripped, so long as it stopped Swerve from fighting back. So long as it finally put Swerve down for good. There was an urgency about Swerve, instinctively trying to fight his way out of this hold. Slapping Roman’s back, reaching for something to grab onto, nothing was working. Nana was on the side helpless, fighting an inner battle with himself as to whether to involve himself or not. With each passing second, Swerve moved less and less. Roman wasn’t going to let go. The referee was attempting to pry Roman’s arm so he could stop this but Roman was far too strong, beginning to shake his head.

Roman Reigns: Get your damn hands off me!

Roman barked which made the referee stumble back. There was no movement from Swerve and finally, Roman let go of the hold for which felt like an eternity. Swerve’s body was limp and fell back and the referee attempted to begin the count. Roman on the other hand found the kendo stick that he planned on using earlier, returning back to Swerve to finally get revenge on the Mogul for the attack earlier in the match. The ferocity in which he lashed the Kendo Stick across Swerve’s body was enough to wake Swerve up from the effects of the Guillotine. The noise sounded like a whip, shots of the audience cringing at the brutality of the stick were shown as Roman continued until the stick finally splintered.

Roman then stumbled back against the barricade, running his fingers through his hair as he devised a plan on the fly. He looked up to the stage and then back towards Swerve. He scrunched his nose, his attention now turning towards Nana. He pointed at him and then back at Swerve, barking demands.

Roman Reigns: Take his ass up the ramp… NOW!

Nana at that moment just wanted to simply help Swerve, helping him up to his feet. Swerve too was groggy now, leaning most of his weight onto Nana who began walking him up the ramp. Unbeknownst to Roman, Swerve was getting his bearings together.

Meanwhile, Roman secured himself another steel chair before stalking both his enemies up the ramp.

Renee Young: Uhhh where are they going??

Corey Graves: I don’t know, but no doubt it’s an act of genius from Roman.

Once they reached the top of the stage, Roman co*cked the steel chair back, gathering enough strength to deliver a shot to Nana’s back until Swerve met him with a superkick out of no where! This forced Roman to stumble back, dropping the chair in the process. Swerve, with whatever strength he has left, makes his way towards Roman and the two begin exchanging shots to the face, dangerously close to the edge where there is a big drop.

The crowd are on their feet, some even covering their mouths in shock at how brutal this match has been. Swerve is able to kick Roman in the gut and keel him over briefly. Swerve grabs Roman’s head and lifts him high into the air, he holds him there for a second and then drops him on his head for a brainbuster! Both men, with adrenaline pumping through their systems get to their feet relatively quickly and Swerve turns around and dodges a big boot from Roman. Roman stumbles forward, almost falling off the stage but finding his balance. He turns around and is met with Swerve somersaulting in front of him and hitting a flatliner! Both men hit the stage hard and all of a sudden feel all of the pain that has been dealt to them throughout this match. Both men move slightly as the ref starts the count.




Roman and Swerve begin to crawl around the stage, trying to pull themselves to their feet.

Michael Cole: This has been a grueling match so far, both of these men will have pain in their bodies to remember this for the rest of their careers.





Roman finds a set piece on the stage to start bringing himself up with, around thirty feet away from him, Swerve does the same.



Both men make it to their feet just before the count of 10 and they just stare at each other, breathing heavily and trying to catch their breaths. As this happens, the crowd all raise to their feet and give the two men a standing ovation, showing their respect for both of them. The two of them look around at the crowd and Roman scowls, not wanting to acknowledge Swerve’s resiliency. This wasn’t a match about respect for either men, this was about pride and finishing this, once and for all.

Renee Young: These people are really showing both of these men some love. As brutal as this match has been, they have been putting on a show.

Swerve gets to a vertical base, not breaking eye contact with Roman. Roman does the same. Swerve runs at Roman and as they meet, Swerve grabs Roman’s shoulders and tries to launch himself up to hit him with a hurricanrana, but as Swerve is in the air, Roman adjusts and hits Swerve with a Superman Punch! Swerve hits the floor and Roman looks around, spotting the chair he had brought up here. Roman slowly walks over to the chair and grabs it, wanting to put an end to this and get his revenge. All he can think about is being battered by Swerve and the sound it made when Nikki was dropped with a Tay-KO by Tay Melo all those weeks ago. His rage begins to build. He turns back to Swerve who has now gotten to his feet and he lifts the chair, swatting Swerve over the head with it. Swerve stumbles and drops to both knees as he loses consciousness quickly, but quickly snaps back to reality. He looks up at Roman and laughs maniacally as blood starts to poor down his forehead.

Swerve Strickland: THAT ALL YOU GOT, BIG DOG?!

Roman starts to breath heavier and the immense anger inside of him begins to show on his face, he lifts the chair to hit Swerve one more time as both men are dangerously close to the edge of this stage. Roman roars as Swerve continues to laugh but just before Roman swings the chair against Swerve’s head, Nikki comes running out from the back, stepping between the two men.

Michael Cole: Thank god for Nikki Bella! Roman was going to end Swerve’s career!

Corey Graves: Roman was doing this for her! For his family! What is she doing out here?!

Roman Reigns: What are you doing?

A question that the hot mic picks up. Nikki is seen pleading with Roman to stop, extending her hand out so he could pass her the chair. Roman shakes his head, refusing to. He needed to finish this once and for all. His name would be etched across history as the winner of this war. Nikki continues to plead with him, begging him to do this the right way.

Renee Young: It’s no secret that Nikki has been against the way Roman has operated in recent weeks. From brutal attacks on Swerve to what happened with Prince Nana. If anyone can stop Roman from going too far, it’s her!

Some in the audience are sighing a breath of relief. With how dangerously close Swerve was to the edge of the stage, he would have certainly fallen off the top of the stage. Roman lowers the chair but still doesn’t give it to Nikki, his eyes lowering. She instead opts to gently take it from Roman who is in so much pain at that point, he takes a couple of steps back and goes down onto one knee to recover. Now holding the steel chair, Nikki goes to step away from the two men to let them finish this off the right way. Blood continues pouring down Swerve’s face who is now wearing a crimson mask. There is resilience in the Mogul who is now standing on both feet, demanding for this to be finished off.


Nikki in a split second turned around and connected with the steel chair on Swerve’s head again! The audience is in shock.

Michael Cole: NO! DAMN YOU NIKKI!!

Swerve swings his arms out as he is balancing backwards towards the edge. Once he regains that, he remains planted on his two feet, not dropping down to his knees again. Once more, he was defiant, his sights were on Nikki that he forgot about Roman. With enough time to recover and the last bit of adrenaline he had left, Roman charged towards Swerve, launching himself at Swerve and connecting with a spear. The two men fell down into and through the tables that had been set up.

Michael Cole: NO! NO! NO!

Corey Graves: That’s it, they’re dead.

Corey’s comments were exactly what most were thinking in the NRG stadium. The referee’s first course of action was to check on both Roman and Swerve’s health. Nikki remained on top of the stage, her hands on her head before she disappeared, finding a way down to where the two men were. There was no movement from either. They looked like a pile of corpses.






There was still no movement from either.



There is finally movement on Roman’s side, who is a broken mess with Swerve’s blood smeared on his body. Swerve too begins stirring but there’s no strength left in either man.


Nikki arrives at Roman’s side and begins helping him up to his feet.


She successfully helps Roman back onto his feet.


Samantha Irvin: Here is your winner, ROMAN REIGNS!!

Roman drops back down onto his knees after the 10 count, though the job is finished. He got the victory with the help of Nikki who was being booed by every single person in the arena. Her main focus is on Roman who is struggling. With the bell having been rung finally, doctors and EMTs come out to check on both men. There is a minute or two of this happening before Roman, clutching his body and wincing in pain, throws a one to the sky. Nikki joins him in throwing her index finger up too.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (162)

It's Wrestlemania, it's already been a big night as it is in Houston, but the biggest event in WWE history isn't quite over by a long shot with the cameras moving backstage to see Trista standing there, who happened to be one of eight SmackDown Women that will be in the battle royal tonight competing for a future (unnamed opportunity), while she was in the middle of a conversation with a few of the producers.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (163)

Trista: Yeah, last few weeks haven't gone exactly the way I wanted. Sitting out wasn't something I wanted either, but at least I'm cleared and ready to go. It's time for this Spitfire to get herself right back on track and that all starts tonight, at Wrestle-f*cking-Mania!

Which she also knew it was going to be some tough competition when she heads out there for the Battle Royal, but this was her first Wrestlemania in five years and she wasn't going to let anything or anyone stop her.

Trista: So I appreciate the check-in gentlemen, but I'm good to go.

Giving them a nod and Tris. turned, walked away from them. As she did that, Tris. would also notice a familiar face heading towards her way as they were getting ready for their match. Someone she hasn't been face to face with in awhile.

Trista: Awe sh* that, Ohhh it is. Mister Future Money In The Bank and My UCEEEEE.

The camera panned out to find Jey Uso appearing in the scene. He had a big smile on his face as he was happy to see Trsta.

Jey Uso: Yoooo. Are my eyes playin' tricks on me, Uce? the flesh?

Uso walked closer to where Trista was standing.

Jey Uso: I know you ain't been listening, but do I have to ask the doctors permission to give y'all a hug?

Trista snickered as Jey looked on with a smile. Jey put his arm around Trista as the two had a seemingly strong bond formed since their St. Valentine's Day Massacre pairing. After a brief hug during their reunion, Jey backed away a couple steps.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (164)

Jey Uso: For real, Uce, how you holdin' up?

Trista: Better than I was last month when I felt like I was in a horror movie being stabbed repeatedly by an angry slasher.

Chuckling. Graphic? Probably, but that's the only way she could describe how she felt.

Trista: Things are getting better though, slowly but surely. Most importantly though after a long process I was cleared for the ring again and of course I couldn't miss my first Wrestlemania in five years. It took me by no surprise though to find out that you qualified for Money in the Bank.

Outside of Zelina, Christy, and Shane, their wasn't many people that Tris. built a great strong bond with on SmackDown, but Jey was one of them. It might not be by blood, but he was family to her now.

Trista: If anyone knows how hard you've been busting your ass this year, it's me.

Uso nodded his head in appreciation.

Jey Uso: Aye, I appreciate that, Uce. That's what Wrestlemania's all about. It's all about showing that hard work, showing that dedication. This, this where those moments happen. We 'bouta show out tonight, you feel?

A slight pause from Uso. He now wanted to boost Trista's spirits as only a friend could.

Jey Uso: I know when you step through that curtain, you 'bout to feel that rush again; especially after all you've gone through.

Uso looked to his side as the crew that Trista was originally speaking to dispersed. He leaned in and spoke softer.

Jey Uso: Hey, I, uh, gotta get something off my chest.

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (165)

Trista leaned her head up towards Jey to lend an open ear. Uso seemed to weigh if he should speak or not, but Trista's inquisitive look led Uso to speak.

Jey Uso: With the whole Bloodline thing going on at RAW, I've been thinkin-

Uso shook his head.

Jey Uso: Aye, you know what? Nevermind. Forget I said something. We gotta focus on tonight because we 'bout to get some dubs!

Uso smiled again to try to mask what he was about to say.

Jey Uso: And by dubs, I mean a Money in the Bank briefcase, you feel me?!

Trista: Yeet!

It's been awhile, and she just had to. Tris. definitely understood where UCE was coming from, but she also noticed how he stopped himself.

Trista: Aye Uce, this is ME you're talking too. After everything we went through during the tournament, you can talk to me about anything, so what's that mind of yours cookin'?

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Uso smiled. He tilted his head and put his hands on his hips.

Jey Uso: You a real one, you know that Tris?

His hands fell from his hips and he pointed to the ground.

Jey Uso: But we gotta focus on tonight. That's where our heads need to be. I'mma watch you go get that future opportunity. You gon' watch me become Mr. Money in the Bank. And TrisYEET is 'bout to run Friday nights.

Uso let out a laugh. He smiled once more in Trista's direction.

Trista: You're right though. Focus on tonight, come on the winners, get what we want, then after the show, catch up again so you can tell me what's running through your head before you stopped yourself, but for right now...let's get it tonight,

Jey held out his fist for a fist bump as Trista didn't hesitate for a moment and hit her fist with his. After their mini-reunion, that's when they went their separate ways for the time being to focus on their respective matches.

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The crowd is just starting to settle back down after the last fantastic Wrestlemania match of the night. Out of nowhere, "A Seat at the Table" by Def Rebel starts up and the crowd stands up and looks over at the massive Wrestlemania stage to see "The Don of Monday Night RAW" Tony D'Angelo emerge into view. The rest of the Family is in tow and the Houston crowd welcomes them with a chorus of boos. Tony just smiles and adjusts his extremely expensive suit before motioning for the Family to follow him down to the ring. He sidesteps any attempt by the crowd to put their filthy hands on him on his way to the ring. Once at ringside he quickly heads up the stairs but Stacks beats him to the apron by jumping up from the ground. Stacks opens the ropes for the Don and he enters with a smile from ear to ear. "The Consigliere' Luca Crusifino heads over and takes the microphone out of the hand of the ring announcer and brings it back to his Capo. D'Angelo stands defiantly in the center of the ring surrounded by the entire Family. They are all here. Stacks, Luca, "The Glue" Adriana Rizzo, "The Godfather" Little Guido Maritato, and Big Sal E. Graziano. The music finally starts to lower and Tony looks around at the crowd who get louder in their jeers.


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The crowd pops if nothing else than for themselves.

Tony D'Angelo: How you doin'?

He looks around and smiles at the boos he gets in return.

Tony D'Angelo: To be perfectly fair it doesn't really matter how you're doin’. The only thing that matters is how the Family is doing and I gotta be honest with you. Business is boomin'. It's really coming together. But hey, before we get into all that I don't think we've been formally introduced. In case you've been living under a rock for the past few weeks I am the fastest rising star on Monday Night RAW. You can call me the Don. You can call me the next WWE Champion. If matters not which. All that matters is that I'm Tony D'Angelo and this is my Family.

The crowd boos as Tony motions behind him at the Family. He looks back at the crowd with disgust this time at their disrespect.

Tony D'Angelo: I gotta be honest with you. A modicum of gratitude would not be out of line here. We are making Monday Night RAW watchable again. Let's be honest with each other huh? RAW has been in a deep tailspin for years. Right? It's been a popularity vacuum. This roster is absolutely stacked with talentless boring stunads. We ain't impressed. These guys are the kinda guys you keep your children away from. You know what I'm saying? These are the kind of people that if they came to the old neighborhood... they'd be leaving in a trunk and tossed into the Hudson River.

The rest of the Family cheer and agree with that statement from the Don.

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Tony D'Angelo: With that in mind, there are some guys in the back right now that we have a massive problem with. A group that tends to believe that they hold all the POWER around here. This ain't just some shift at the office for me, capiche? This is my life. This is what I've been waiting for my entire life. Everything that I've worked for. I'll be damned if I'm going to stand here and try to share MY spotlight with some phony mooks and a guy that shoulda hung up the boots a long long time ago. If yous guys got a problem with anything I'm saying then why don't you come down here and DO something about it?

Tony and the rest of the Family turn towards the entrance ramp in unison with the NRG crowd.

Enzo Amore: Alright, bro, if you’re going to try to steal my catch phrase, you have got to do it RIGHT. Not like a complete freaking bozo.

There wasn’t a chance for any entrance music to hit; Enzo Amore immediately came out onto the stage, followed by Santino Marella and Sting. The steam coming out of Enzo’s ears was insane, you could tell just how angry that he was about what Tony had been saying prior to this. The Power Shift stood at the top of the Wrestlemania Ramp, looking down at The Family.

Enzo Amore: If you’re going to do it, you’ve got to put your heart and soul into it, you cheap cologne wearing buffoon. HOUSTON TEXAS…HOW YOU DOIN’?!

That caused the crowd to pop, loving the fact that Enzo had done it properly. That was the opening that this large crowd wanted. The Power Shift still stood at the top of the stage, not having moved from their position yet. Enzo still held the only microphone, not giving it over to Sting or Santino.

Enzo Amore: Tony, Tony, Tony, you can come out here and talk all you want about you and your family and whatever other garbage you want to sit here and talk about. But you don’t know half the sh*t that we’ve been through. Me and ‘Tino? We’ve taken bullets. We’ve seen people get hurt, more times than we can count.

Tony D'Angelo: Whoa whoa whoa, tough guy. Let me stop you right there. That’s the entire point. You see these people behind me? These people that rally around me? They’ve never had to worry about somebody comin’ around and hurtin’ them. You understand what I’m saying? I keep this Family safe. I make sure that when there is something that needs to be done. It gets done. That’s your problem, Enzo. Everything is a big joke to you until someone gets hurt. Right? It’s all fun and games and then somebody takes a bullet and then you gotta come out here. Like you just did. You gotta puff out your chest. Like you are right now. And you gotta act like a big, strong man. Like you are trying to be right this very moment. Am I supposed to be afraid of you? Huh? Is this supposed to scare me? What are you? Five foot nine in eight inch heels? I’ve got stool samples bigger than you my friend. So I’d drop the act and I’d drop it quick. The reason I called you out here was because I got a big problem with yous guys calling yourselves the “Power Shift”. Tell me this. What exactly have you done the past… oh I don’t know… year and half? Anything of note? Anything at all? Anything to show for yourselves except for your names which I gotta be honest with you… ain’t meaning much anymore. You lost something along the way. This man here, the Godfather… he told me that you used to be somebody Zo. Somebody worth something. I wish I was looking at that guy. I wish he was standing up there right now. Cause he’d come down here and look me right in the eyes like a man. Not stand up there like a little bitch.

“OHHHHH” from the Family rings out which coincides with the crowd doing it as well.


That really flared emotions, as Enzo rapidly made his way down the ramp, with Santino and Sting close behind him. Without hesitation, Enzo slid into the ring, popping up and getting right in Tony’s face; their chests touching, absolutely no space in between the two men as the heated exchange was pushing Enzo to the edge. The rest of The Power Shift finally entered the ring, backing up Enzo as he held the microphone up to his mouth.

Enzo Amore: I’m right here now, bitch. And you’re going to listen to every f*cking word that I say, got it? You want to come here, insult me, insult my family, my friends. Who are you? What have you done to talk trash? I’m a Hall of Famer. I’ve busted my ass in this ring to get where I am. To do what I’ve done. You don’t match up to me in the slightest.

The Don chuckles to himself but decides to hold his words for a moment… or maybe not.

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Tony D'Angelo: You’re a real funny guy, Zo. A real funny guy. You’re like a clown. You amuse me. How does that make you feel? Huh? Going from a WWE Hall of Fame career… to a sideshow clown. A runnin’ gag side act to that guy.

Tony points towards “The Icon” Sting.

Tony D'Angelo: I ain’t got a problem with Tino. He seems well enough. But that guy? You’re taking orders from that guy? This face painted stunad over here? You shouldn’t be coming down here and insulting me, tough guy. You should be looking at yourself in the mirror and questioning why in the hell you’d run up and down these streets with this whack job. You’re a stooge. Your insults mean nothing anymore. They can’t. Cause you got no backbone no more. The Godfather is disgusted by you. Which means the Family is disgusted by you. So why don’t you just hit the bricks junior and get the hell out of my ring. I’m gonna deal with the Leader of your little group. Come on up ol’ man.

Tony waves at Sting to step up.Sting narrows his eyes and chuckles a bit before he slowly walks up and approaches Tony before he gets in his face, snarling at the man who had the gall to call him out over this nonsense as he snatches the mic from him.

Sting: I’m sorry, but let me ask you this question….

Sting looks over at Enzo and Santino before he leans into Tony’s ear.


Sting laughs and shakes his head over and over again before he gets serious.

Sting: Sorry about that, had to make sure you get a verbal reality check…what is it, Tony? Is that your name? First of all, you got a lot of nerve to be calling this old man out and thinking I am some kind of joke. Second, trying to break up what me, Enzo AND Santino have together as a group is impossible. That man over there in Enzo Amore is the LEADER of the group, not me, not Santino, not ANYONE! I may be the rock that holds the group together but at the end of the day, Enzo makes the calls around here so get that through your thick skull you fake tough wannabe Tony Soprano Godfather rip off!

The crowd cheers and laughs at the same time causing Sting to pause before he continues on.

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Sting: How long have you and your group of soldiers been on the main roster? Have you been through the ups and downs of the Power Shift since day one? Before I even came here? No, you haven’t and when my time is done for good in the business, it’ll continue on with men and ladies who’ll make Enzo over here proud. So how about you and your group take whatever you have, stick it between your legs, beat it and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine bum?

A grin appeared on Tony’s face as Sting ranted at him, yelling and questioning everything in retaliation. Once he had finished, Tony looked around at the rest of the members of The Family. They all had the same impressed look on their faces; almost as if they were proud of Sting for actually saying something. Tony turned back to look at him.

Tony D'Angelo: I’ve got to say, I’m impressed, Stinger. Those were some real powerful words you just threw out there. Who am I to call you out. Calling me a..fake tough wannabe Tony Soprano. Real powerful words. I’m surprised you were actually able to come up with something.

Tony took a step back from Enzo, creating space so that he could have a conversation with someone and deal with a toddler in his space. Eyes locking with Sting’s, not breaking contact with him.

Tony D'Angelo: But Stinger..All I really just heard was a bunch of words from a pathetic excuse of a person. Someone like you, trying to say you take orders from him? That’s sad, that’s real sad. Because everyone can do better than this Oompa Loompa, and that’s a fact. This is just sad.

Sting: No, what’s sad and pathetic is YOU coming out here to try and divide, to KILL The Power Shift and what is sad. As for orders? ORDERS? The Stinger doesn’t take orders from ANYBODY, every single one of us in this group…we are our very OWN men. Unlike you, The Power Shift isn’t a wannabe pretender mafia group whose leader is hell bent on dividing the group, being drunk with power and fame, stroking so many egos it’ll only blow up in the faces of those who stand with you. So here’s the thing…

Sting thought of what he was going to say next and then nodded his head.

Sting: Whatever you're selling, I don’t believe any of us are buying. You want to join and make the Power Shift better and stronger? That’s not up to me…that’s up to Enzo, but from what we’ve been hearing is nothing of just juke and crap at the end of the day.

Tony D'Angelo: Me? Join your little group? No no no, I don’t need to join a bunch of wannabes that have no business being here anymore. I’m happy right where I am now. And I know all of my family behind me agree. So listen up, Stinger.

He reached forward, past Enzo and poking Sting right in his chest.

Tony D'Angelo: If your group is as…tight knit as it seems that you’re claiming to be. Then why don’t you do something about it, huh? You all come out here, rough and tough and throwing down some big words. Why don't you do something about it then? I know pipsqueak over here is looking for a fight. So come on, do something.

Tony dropped the microphone and stepped back, the rest of the family ready to square up and fight alongside him. As this happened, Enzo and Santino stepped back, both throwing their hands up, getting ready to fight. They stood behind Sting, who was still staring down Tony before dropping his own mic. Sting motioned for Tony to come at him, mouthing words that the audience wouldn’t pick up.

As Sting waited, Santino was the one who made the first move but-


Before the crowd can even react to what is happening, Santino starts laying in boots on Sting, stomping into him as Enzo stands there stunned. The crowd begins to half boo Santino and chant for Enzo, before Enzo STARTS LAYING IN BOOTS ON STING AS WELL, AND THE CROWD BEGINS RAINING DOWN BOOS.

As Enzo and Santino beat down on Sting, Tony stands there, chuckling and watching them take it to the man that is supposed to be their ally. Santino picks Sting up, holding him by his arms before letting him go so Enzo can hit him with a dropkick, knocking him back to the ground. Finally, Tony steps in, looking down at the helpless Sting. Shaking his head, he bends down, patting Sting on the side of the face before lifting his hand up and motioning for The Family to do something. As they pick him up, Tony looks at both Santino and Enzo, nodding his head.

Santino Marella: Do it.

As The Family lifts him up, Tony takes him, holding him before grappling him and HITTING HIM WITH THE FUHGEDDABOUDIT! Sting lays on the mat, helpless and motionless as The Family stands there. Enzo and Santino slowly step next to Tony, one on each side of him as they stare into the hardcam. Wrestlemania slowly fades into what’s next.

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Match 6: Smackdown Match
Future Opportunity Battle Royal

AJ Lee -Vs- Becky Lynch -Vs- Bianca Belair -Vs- Candice LeRae -Vs- Saraya -Vs- Tatum Paxley -Vs- Trista -Vs- Sol Ruca

Mike Rome: The following contest is a Battle Royal match. You can only eliminate your opponent by throwing them over the top rope and both feet must touch the floor. Per order of Smackdown GM Trish Stratus, the winner of the match will receive a future Smackdown Women’s Championship opportunity and the runner up a future Goddess Championship opportunity, ladies good luck

Mike leaves the ring and the bell rings. All the women break off into pairs. Sol Ruca and Tatum Paxley start fighting off, exchanging punches back and forth but Tatum’s relative veteran instinct gets one over on Sol and lifts Sol up and over onto the apron and goes to eliminate her but Sol gets out the way of the shoulder tackle and delivers a boot to the side of Tatum as her head sticks between the rope. Sol hurriedly gets back into the ring and tries to eliminate Tatum but Paxley is holding onto the ropes. On the other side, Becky and Bianca are duking it out and Bianca gets the advantage, getting Becky up on her shoulders and looks to hit the KOD to send her out but Becky slips off and grabs Biancas braid, pulling her into a Bexsploder and planting Bianca onto the mat, Becky goes to through her out but Bianca gets out of the throw and whips Becky with her braid, the sound echoing through the arena. Trista and AJ Lee have paired off, the two veterans trying to eliminate each other, each reversing the throw attempts with AJ getting the advantage and tries for the Black Widow but Trista manages to reverse it into a Sidewalk Slam, AJ letting go of the hold. Saraya and Candice are paired up and Candice has Saraya in the corner, delivering stomps to her seated opponent. Candice reels back and goes for Corner Clothesline but Saraya gets out the way and Candice is hung up on the turnbuckle, Saraya pulls her down by her hair.

Pat McAfee: All these women fighting for an opportunity, sure the runner up goes away with something but that doesn’t mean they’re fighting for second.

Tom Phillips: Nope even though a Goddess Championship shot isn’t a bad prize, I don’t envy who needs to go up against Kay Lee Ray and then the winner needs to go up against Asuka or Arriana Grace

Nigel McGuinness: I’m not doubting Miss Graces skills in the ring but if I was the winner of this, i’d want her over Asuka.

Back in the ring and Saraya continues to pull on the hair of Candice while also delivering stomps to her. Saraya lets go and saunters round the ring around her prone opponent but when she goes back to her Candice gets a Snap DDT onto Saraya, planting her on the mat and then picks Saraya up and delivers a German Suplex to her. Saraya seems out of it after this flurry of offense from Candice and Candice finishes the job with another DDT before throwing Saraya over the top rope and out of the ring.

Mike Rome: Saraya has been eliminated.

Candice smirks at Saraya as she is thrown out and then turns her attention to the rest of the field. Tatum and Sol are still fighting over who’s going to eliminate who but currently its Tatum trying to lift Sol over the rope. Candice see’s the opportunity and goes to help Tatum lift Sol up but Sol holds onto the ropes and manages to get an Elbow off onto Candice and then boots Tatum back. Sol grabs Tatum and goes to throw her over but Tatum skins the cat and turns the momentum into a Clothesline. Meanwhile Bianca is trying to eliminate Lynch and does throw her over and turns round but Becky has landed on the apron. Becky gets back in the ring to the pop of the crowd and Bianca turns round and is immediately hit with a Manhandle Slam by Becky and Bianca is then thrown out.

Mike Rome:Bianca Belair has been eliminated

Pat McAfee: Two back to back eliminations first Saraya and now Bianca Belair, both women are going to be unhappy with that.

Tom Phillips: We’re now down to six and honestly I feel we’re just getting started gentlemen and any of these women could make a splash on Smackdown if they win or come runner up.

Nigel McGuinness: I agree Tom you have the veterans in Trista and AJ. Then Becky Lynch and Candice Lerae who have had their career successes in the past and then we got Tatum Paxley and Sol Ruca, two women who are comparably move to this business, hell this is Sol Rucas first televised match, so you gotta expect she’s feeling the pressure.

Back in the ring and Trista and AJ Lee are still battling to eliminate each other, AJ throws Trista onto the apron but Trista holds onto AJ’s arm as she does and both women end up on the apron. Battling back and forth with punches and forearms. Trista gets an elbow off which causes AJ Lee to teeter slightly but AJ holds on. Trista charges for a Big Boot but AJ grabs the leg, swings it through the ropes and hits an Axe Kick to Tristas middle. Trista manages to roll back in instead of falling out and AJ goes to follow her back in but Sol Ruca and Tatum are fighting over a headlock and Sol accidentally backs into AJ at force and AJ falls off the apron.

Mike Rome: AJ Lee has been eliminated.

Sol immediately realizes what she’s done and feels bad about it, apologizing to AJ Lee as she makes her way back up the ramp. The distraction allows Tatum to try and throw Sol over but Sol holds onto the ring ropes tightly, even as Tatum tries to lift her over with all her strength, Sol’s knuckles going white as she holds on with all her grip. Tatum eventually gives up and turns round into Trista who picks Tatum up and hits her with a Death Valley Driver. Instead of capitalizing on Tatum, Trista lines up the Last Breath on Sol but the rookie gets out of the way and Trista is hung up on the ropes. Sol goes to throw Trista out but Trista holds on with her hands and thighs, getting a good grip on the ropes. Tatum recovers and goes to help Sol.

Pat McAfee: Tatum Paxley putting aside her issues with Sol Ruca for now as they both try to eliminate Trista.

Tom Phillips: Yeah Tatum and Sol have really been battling it out this whole time, I guess to prove who is the better Smackdown new start but they put aside those differences temporarily

Nigel McGuinness: This is the name of the game in a Battle Royal, rivals will become Allies for a common purpose. The current common purpose being to throw out Trista.

Trista manages to push both new starts off of her and she gets back into the ring, delivering a DVD to Sol and then one to Tatum. Trista stands in the middle as Becky and Candice, who were fighting, turn to face her. The three womens veterans face off to a cheer from the crowd. Becky and LeRae start teeing off on Trista, sending her back into a corner, Becky reels back for the Corner Forearm but is cut off by LeRae who hits Becky with a Dropkick. Candice charges Trista who hoofs Lerae up and over onto the ring apron and hits a snap, Last Breath onto LeRae, sending LeRae to the outside.

Mike Rome: Candice Lerae has been eliminated

Pat McAfee: With LeRae gone that brings us down to the final four. Either Trista, Becky, Tatum or Sol will walk out of here as number one contender and the runner up will face off against Kay Lee Ray.

Tom Phillips: I know its an opportunity for a title but I don’t envy any woman who needs to face KLR and potentially Asuka.

Nigel McGuinness: Don’t rule out Arriana Grace just yet Tom for all we know she could be the true counter to Asuka no one has been able to find yet.

Back in the ring and the four women take a corner each, staring off with each other they all know this is entering the endgame now. Tatum and Sol continue their back and forth and Becky and Trista get their hands on each other. Tatum throws Sol off into the ropes and Trista sees Sol incoming and drops down to the mat, Sol hops over Trista and as she returns, Trista leapfrogs over Sol and Sol knocks Tatum into the ropes with a Jumping Shoulder Tackle. Tatum comes off the ropes and hits Sol with a head full of steam with a Clothesline which sends Sol into a corner, Tatum charges Sol but Sol flips out of the corner into a Cutter, hitting the Sol Snatcher onto Tatum. Sol throws Tatum over the ropes.

Mike Rome: Tatum Paxley has been eliminated.

Sol takes a moment to breath in the corner as Becky and Trista begin fighting each other, Becky backs Trista up into the corner that Sol is sitting in and goes for the Forearm again but Trista gets out the way and Becky goes knee first into Sol, who slumps to the ground. Becky lets out a grimace as she realises what she’s done but turns round into a Swinging DDT from Trista. Trista see’s her opportunity and picks Becky up and throws her over but Becky skins the cat, uses her legs to grab Trista and pulls Trista up over and out of the ring.

Mike Rome: Trista has been eliminated

Pat McAfee: And then there were two, either Becky Lynch or Sol Ruca will walk out number one contender to Asuka or Arriana Grace and the other to Kay Lee Ray.

Tom Phillips: I don’t think anyone expected Sol to last this long in this match and not all the way to the final two.

Nigel McGuinness: I gotta admit I was skeptical about her but she’s shown she can do the work but now she has to face off against a woman who many call the best women's wrestler alive right now and if i’m Sol, i’m beginning to count the seconds down.

Sol gets back to her feet with the help of the ring ropes and stands in the corner as she stands across from Becky Lynch who herself is beginning to feel the effects of the match. They both nod at each other and immediately lock up. Sol uses her height advantage to get the headlock in and starts wrenching on it. Becky pushes Sol off into the ropes and Sol goes for the jumping tackle but Becky gets out of the way of it and Sol lands on the mat. Becky locks in the Dis-Armher onto Sol and wrenches back on it, looking to get rid of the Sol Snatcher. Sol manages to plant a foot and the duo stumble over the ropes and onto the apron.

Pat McAfee: Both women are in no mans land right now, this is the spot you don’t want to be in.

Tom Phillips: Its a thin bit of apron that separates these women from the win and both are starting to feel the effects.

Nigel McGuinness: These are the moments we watch Wrestlemania for.

Becky and Sol start teeing off on each other on the ropes, Becky getting a forearm that rocks Sol, Sol just barely holding on from spilling to the outside. Becky goes for another one but Sol gets an elbow up which rocks Becky and sends her into a ring post. Sol sees her moment and charges Becky but “The Man” uses Sols momentum and lifts her up and down onto the top of the post. Sol grabs her face and Becky turns Sol around and delivers a Manhandle Slam to Sol, Sol falling to the outside.

Mike Rome: Sol Ruca has been eliminated, therefore your winner of this match….. BECKY LYNCH

Becky gets back into the ring as the referee lifts her arm up in victory. The camera cuts to Sol on the outside who is now bleeding from the ring post but is still somehow smiling.

Pat McAfee: Well you can say a lot of things about Sol Ruca but the kid has heart and now a date with destiny with Kay Lee Ray but once again Becky Lynch stands tall and i’m sure she is going to be watching the Smackdown’s Women’s Championship match with interest.

Tom Phillips: All the women in this match gave it their all but only one who could stand tall and that one is Becky Lynch.

Nigel McGuinness: Becky Lynch again proving why she’s The Man on Smackdown and honestly if i’m Asuka or Arriana i’m already thinking about my meeting with her.

The camera focuses on Becky Lynch as she goes to the second turnbuckle and makes a championship motion around her waist, making her intentions known.

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The arena is absolutely buzzing with excitement as WrestleMania is in full swing. The atmosphere changes in an instant when Dominik’s face shows up on the big screen. A cheesy, albeit confident grin is his expression. He can hear the boos even from the belly of the backstage area which brings a shake to his head and a silent laugh.

Dominik Mysterio: I guess-

Without even being out in the ring the boos interrupt him bringing a hiss out of Dom while he makes a face.

Dominik Mysterio: I know you’re all just mad that I’m not out there right now in front of you in person. I know it would boost the ratings to have a legitimate legend go out there and address you rather than the old washed up graveyard man, but I don’t want to go out there right now. Hell, I might not even go out there for the Money In The Bank match that I’m headlining, all because Texas is the last place I want to be right now.

The crowd likes the sound of him not showing up and they cheer, much to the annoyance of Dom.

Dominik Mysterio: But as much as I hate each and every one of you, I love myself even more. You think you all have the power to stop me from fulfilling my destiny? You don’t have that type of control over me, you don’t have any control! That’s why I’m going to go out there in front of each and every one of you and I’m going to climb that ladder and I’m going to pull down that briefcase and become Mr. Money in the bank. Unlike that chump you all have to call a champion over there on RAW, I’m not going to wait a year to cash it in. In fact

Dom looks around to make sure that nobody is listening in on him before looking back at the camera. Stroking his chin it’s evident that he’s come up with some sort of idea.

Dominik Mysterio: In fact, I mean to make sure that there is a new champion of Smackdown crowned here tonight!

The support of the crowd for the current champion, Ricky Starks, emanates from the crowd.

Dominik Mysterio: There was a time where I might have told you that it’s because I don’t like the way it’s been represented since my boy Jake Anderson lost it. How it’s reputation has been marred by the likes of Jey Uso and Ricky Starks and soon to be Karrion Kross. There was a time where that mattered because we wanted to liberate you all from the crap you had to witness. Not anymore. Now, the sole reason that I want that championship is so that nobody else can have it. I want it so that we in the Syndicate run the show without there being any question about it. Just like tonight, I’m going to run this show because for one night, and one night only.

Dom licks his bottom lip and rubs his hands together, his grin turning to one of more wicked intent. He lowers his gaze and sucks his teeth.

Dominik Mysterio: Houston, Texas… the NRG Stadium arena is… MY HOUSE!

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In the Syndicate locker room, the only light casts long shadows across JD McDonagh as he sits solemnly, methodically wrapping his wrists with tape. The camera zooms in, capturing the intensity of his focus, and the steely resolve in his eyes. It’s moments before the Money in the Bank ladder match, and the weight of the opportunity before him is palpable.

JD McDonagh: WrestleMania XL, the grandest stage of them all, and here's me, ready for me first of many. It's one of the biggest nights of me career, just mere hours away. I’ve been biding me time, waiting for the perfect moment to turn dreams into reality, and silence the doubters... I'm battling every whisper of doubt, every shadow of defeat that’s ever dared to cloud me path. What better time than now? And what better way to mark it than by settin' a few things straight?

His lips curled into a grin.

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JD McDonagh: Ospreay, Dar, Jey Uso, and even you, Dominik, me own brother - despite all the love I hold for ya, lad — I can't let any of you, or anyone else for that matter, stand in me way tonight. This is something I must do, and I'll stop at absolutely nothin' to make sure it's done. When you corner a kind dog, and force it to lash out, you soon find out just how fierce a loyal pooch can turn when pushed to the edge. Tonight, I'm that animal. I'm stoppin' at nothin'.

He frowned.

JD McDonagh: Let me cast yer minds back... Since that night against Ricky Starks at Fastlane, me chance to get me paws on that coveted Universal Championship...and it all went wrong. Not a wink of sleep has come easy. Every time I close me eyes, I see that moment...the moment I didn’t get the job done. But tonight, that changes. Winnin' this briefcase isn’t just a response to me shortcomings...

He runs a hand across his stubbled beard.

JD McDonagh: It’s the answer. It’s me chance to flip the script...

He pauses, adjusting the tape, his gaze hardened with determination.

JD McDonagh: Securin' that briefcase puts everyone, especially Ricky, on edge. He won’t know when I’ll strike, when I’ll cash in and take back what should’ve been mine. This...this is how I take control.

JD’s expression shifts as he mentions his relentless antagonist, Finn Balor.

JD McDonagh: And then there's Finn - me so-called demonic shadow, lurkin', always tryin' to darken me path.

He winced at the very mention of his former trainer's name.

JD McDonagh: He's made it his mission to turn me life into a misery, but I won't stand for it. Winnin' tonight does more than secure me shot at whichever belt I digs under Finn’s skin, and I plan to enjoy every moment of his despair.

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The camera captures every flicker of emotion across JD’s face, from steely resolve to simmering anger.

JD McDonagh: Tonight, I climb that ladder, and with each rung, I’m steppin' further away from the past and closer to me future—a future where I hold the power. Finn, Ricky...they both should watch their backs. Because the man they’ll face after tonight will stop at nothin' to get what he wants.

He finishes taping his wrists and stands, his silhouette a stark contrast against the dim light, a symbol of readiness and anticipation.

JD McDonagh: This briefcase, it’s more than just a championship contract... It’s a promise - a promise of retaliation, redemption, and reign. I will stop at nothing to become Mr. Money in the Bank. For me. And, of course, The Syndicate.

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JD steps out of the frame, leaving the light flickering in the empty locker room, the sound of his footsteps echoing as he heads toward destiny, ready to change the course of his career and confront his demons.

Noam Dar: Oi, JD, is this the way to catering? I'm starvin' mate.

JD McDonagh: What the f*ck are you doing here?!

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Noam Dar: Tetchy.


Noam shrugged and left. McDonagh was seething, as Dar dampened the mood that McDonagh had set. The camera panned out.

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Match 7: Cross Brand Match
Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Men's Money in the Bank

Will Ospreay -Vs- Maxwell Jacob Freidman -Vs- Noam Dar -Vs- Jey Uso -Vs- Dominik Mysterio -Vs- JD McDonagh

The camera returns to the ring where all the competitors where in the ring already. The all stepped aside as Samantha Irvin made her way into the ring for ring announcing

Samantha Irvin: The following contest is a ladder match and is the mens money in the bank ladder match. To win one man must climb the ladder and unhook the briefcase. That man will be Mr Money in the Bank and for one calendar year can cash in his opportunity for a title match at any time against any of the men's champions.

Samantha exits the ring as the bell rings. All six men immediately bail out of the ring and immediately begin grabbing ladders. MJF is the first to grab a ladder trying to slide it in to the ring but the man with the forehead, JD McDonagh cuts him off with an elbow to the back of the head, MJF falling to the floor and JD gets the ladder in the ring and starts setting it up but Jey Uso spots this from the outside, charging at JD and JD goes for a Lariat but Jey ducks it and knocks JD down with a Shoulder Block. Jey finishes setting up the ladder and goes to climb it but the Assassin, Will Ospreay springboards onto Jeys back and starts clubbing him trying to knock him off the ladder. Jey and Will both take a tumble as the ladder is pushed over by Noam Dar who smirks when they fall off. Noam goes to set the ladder back up but Dominik enters the ring via the top rope, hitting a Crossbody onto Noam and Noam rolls out, Dominik doesn’t have a chance to capitalize before he’s knocked down with a Clothesline by MJF who begins to climb.

Michael Cole: What an epic start to this Money in the Bank ladder match, Michael Cole here representing RAW with one of the voices of Smackdown, Pat McAfee

Pat McAfee: Good to be back in the booth with you Cole after calling the mens Rumble and I concur, this has been an explosive start but what I can’t help but notice is we have two members of the ELITE in this match in MJF and Ospreay, they haven’t faced off yet but time will tell if they work together to bring that briefcase back to The ELITE or if one man goes for glory for himself.

Max starts to climb the ladder and makes it to the top but quick as a cat a recovered JD McDonagh meets Max at the top and the two trade blows back and forth before JD uses his head, quite literally and headbutts Max, MJF falling to the mat below. JD sees his chance and climbs to the very top to go for the briefcase but before he can grab it, the ladder is pushed over by Will Ospreay and Jey Uso, JD falling to the outside. Will and Jey put the ladder back on its feet but both realize they both have the opportunity to climb. Neither man gets the option to climb as Dominik and Noam both club each man in the back of head with elbows, delivering a beatdown. Dominik and Noam back up into each other and look like they’re going to go for each other but both nod and start beating down on Will and Jey.

Michael Cole: JD McDonagh of Smackdown taking a spill to the outside her and now Noam and Dominik making a temporary alliance of sorts it seems to take out Will Ospreay of RAW and Jey Uso of Smackdown

Pat McAfee: Got to wonder if its maybe a call back to Dominik teaming up with Noams friend, Tyler Bate at the Royal Rumble, Tyler and Dom worked well as a duo there, guess we’ll see if Noam and Dom can do the same.

Dom picks up Jey and Noam picks up Will, Dom and Will irish whip their respective men to the ropes but as they go for Lariats, Will ducks Noam and Jey ducks Dominik. Jey pops up Dominik and hits a Samoan Drop onto him and Will hits Noam with a Brainbuster. Dominik and Noam roll out the ring and Jey holds the ropes open for Will who hits a Suicide Forearm onto both men on the outside. Jey smirks and see’s his opportunity, climbing the ladder and reaching for the briefcase as he gets closer to it but Ospreay sees this and runs back in climbing the ladder and meeting Jey at the top, the two deliver back and forth punches until Wills ELITE stablemate, MJF grabs the foot of Jey and pulls him off the ladder and hits him with a Superkick, Jey going to the outside. MJF climbs the ladder and Will and MJF meet at the top.

Michael Cole: Here we go, decision time, do MJF and Will agree to set personal gain aside for the ELITE or does one man pick the selfish path and go for personal glory

Pat McAfee: Both seem slightly indecisive about it Cole, not going to lie, these two are like brothers of war in the ELITE but recently Britt Baker has questioned Wills loyalty to the ELITE, yes Cole I watch RAW as well.

Before either man can make their decision, JD McDonagh pushes the ladder over, sending MJF and Will to the outside like Will did to him earlier. Being the only man standing in the ring JD realizes his opportunity. Checking the coast is clear before he does so, JD says a quick prayer and begins to climb the now upright ladder, always making sure no one is following him. On the outside Noam and Dominik are setting up a table for surely nefarious purposes, meanwhile Will and MJF get to their feet, Will helping Max up before pulling him into a Hidden Blade, Will knocking Max to the ground. Jey Uso meets JD at the top and the two begin trading blows back and forth. JD gets the advantage and in a move of potential desperation grabs Jeys arm and pulls him into the Devil Inside and they fall off the ladder out of the ring and onto the table set up by Noam and Dominik.



The EMTs go to check on the duo with JD slowly recovering but Jey seems to be completely out as he took most of the fall through the table. The EMTs help Jey to his feet and begin to take him to the back but Jey pushes them off, not wanting to leave it like this. Jey hobbles back to the ring and Ospreay goes for a Hidden Blade to him but Jey just barely ducks it and hits Will with a Superkick, sending Will into the Astrodome audience. Jey climbs the barricade and Will and Jey brawl through the crowd. Meanwhile at ringside, Noam and Dom look at each other and then at the set up ladder in the ring and then back at each other and both men start teeing off on each other, the temporary alliance going the way of all temporary alliances in wrestling. Dominik gets the advantage and grabs Noams head, using the commentary table to deliver a Tornado DDT onto Noam. Dominik then bridges a ladder between the ring and the commentary desk and delivers a Suplex to Noam onto it, hanging Noam up onto it. Dominik then gets into the ring and starts his climb.

Michael Cole: That has been a chaotic few minutes. MJF is still down on the outside after that Hidden Blade. Will and Jey are fighting through the audience. JD is still recovering here on the outside getting to his feet and Noam just took a Suplex onto a ladder Pat.

Pat McAfee: That leaves Dominik Mysterio the only man standing and the only man able to climb and grab that briefcase, i’m sure whatever Syndicate member brings it back, Jake Anderson has the biggest grin on his face right now.

Dominik has a smirk on his face as well as he takes his time to climb the ladder, the man is by himself and even rests on the ladder mid climb to wave out to the audience. This co*ckiness invariably costs him as a heated MJF rushes up the ladder and meets Dom at the top, Doms face breaking out into one of “Oh sh*t”. Dom goes for a punch but Max grabs his arm and pulls it through the ladder and locks in the Salt of the Earth. Dom howls in pain as his arm is tortured. Meanwhile Jey and Will have made it back to ringside and have got into the ring and set up a ladder next to Dom and Max’s one. Both men climb while on the outside, Noam has finally recovered but not for long as he walks into a Headbutt from JD who then delivers a Devil Inside onto Noam onto that still set up ladder. JD then sets up tables on the outside.

Michael Cole: What is JD McDonagh doing here folks, he’s setting up more tables and has just put Noam Dar through that set up ladder.

Pat McAfee: JD realises the ring isn’t the best place to be right now, there are four men all on ladders battling it out so he’s using that large noggin of his to set up something.

Meanwhile back in the ring and the four men on ladders are battling it out, just swinging for the fences. Dom manages to use his other arm to bash MJF’s head onto the ladder and MJF lets go of the arm bar, Dominik hooks MJF for a Suplex off the ladder but Max takes advantage of that weakened arm and manages to get out, pushing Dominik off as Dom can’t hold on. Dom lands on the outside. Meanwhile Will and Jeys ladder is slightly wobbly but the two men are duking it out but not for long as Max uses the ladders wobbliness and pushes it over, sending Will and Jey to the outside onto the tables JD set up. Max see’s his moment and reaches for the briefcase but before he can do it, JD gets in the ring and grabs Max into a Powerbomb and throws him out of the ring with it onto the pile of Will, Noam, Jey and Dominik. JD climbs the ladder and unhooks the briefcase.


JD holds the briefcase aloft from the top of the ladder and smirks proudly before looking down at the briefcase and smiles.

Michael Cole: Well Pat, the briefcase comes to the blue brand at the hands of JD McDonagh and if i’m Ricky Starks or Karrion Kross or Adam Cole or Drew McIntyre, i’m going to keep my head on a swivel from now on.

Pat McAfee: The Irish Ace does it for team blue but mostly himself and the Syndicate and I agree Cole, JD isn’t going to rest on this for long.

The camera focuses on JD one last time before we move on.

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The camera cuts to backstage after the Women’s Battle Royal, Sol Ruca is sitting on an equipment box and holding an icepack over her busted forehead but she still has a smile on her face, perplexed by said smile is Charly Caruso who is standing by to interview Sol.

Charly Caruso:Hey WWE Universe, what a Wrestlemania it has been so far and i’m here with Sol Ruca who made both her WWE and Wrestlemania debut tonight and despite that Battle Royal, I can’t help but notice you’re smiling Sol?

Sol nods and chuckles

Sol Ruca: Yeah guess I am, just even though I lost out there, I still feel I proved a point out there, that while I might be the newest woman on this roster, I got what it takes to make it out there.

Charly nods and smiles.

Charly Caruso: Well like you said you are the newest woman in WWE, not just from a signing point of view but also in ring wise, you only joined the PC a few months ago, were there any pre match jitters related to that?

Sol nodded

Sol Ruca:Yeah there were definitely a lot of them. You know how many people can say they had their first ever match at the biggest Wrestlemania ever or at Wrestlemania at all. I know a lot of people expected me to walk out there and fall flat on my face but as someone said to me, won’t say who, before I stepped through that curtain, all you can do is go out there and give it your all and the results will show themselves.

Charly nods in agreement

Charly Caruso: Well whoever said that i’m sure they’re looking pretty impressed with you right now. Now before I let you go and get yourself checked out by a medic, so you said you lost the battle royal, coming up short to Becky Lynch but you still got a title, shot you’ll be taking on Kay Lee Ray at some point, how do you feel about that.

Sol takes a moment to think

Sol Ruca: First off I want to say congratulations to Becky, the better woman won out there tonight and there is a reason she is The Man. She was great to work with. As for Kay Lee Ray, am I nervous, course I am. For one Kay Lee is one of the best women on this roster. She can grapple, she can strike and if it comes to it go hardcore. She also has the whole of Queendom backing her up as well and well I got just me but does that mean i’m going to back down from the challenge, hell no. Am I expecting to beat Kay Lee, god no but will I give her a fight, yeah I will. If theres one thing that I am Charly, it's a fighter, now if all I got was someone to mentor me a bit, then i’d be sorted.

Charly nods, satisfied with this answer.

Charly Caruso: Well thanks for that Sol, i’ll let you get checked out and for the rest of the WWE Universe, I hope you all enjoy Wrestlemania.

Sol and Charly wave at the camera as it fades.

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La, la, La, la
La, la, La, la

A heavy guitar rift and drums roar throughout the NRG Stadium as “Judgement Day” by Five Finger Death Punch, begins playing.

“You gotta watch for the shot, beware the ricochet
Dance, dance motherf*cker 'til the fat bitch sings
You get one for the chamber, two for good health
Know a little 'bout evil and a lot about hell

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The song begins to pick up as a heavier guitar rift could be heard as Jake Anderson would step out onto the stage, surprisingly by himself as three of the members of the Syndicate were in big matches here tonight and likely preparing for those while Jake competed earlier tonight on the Kickoff Show. Jake was showing the wounds from that match, walking a little gingerly. He glanced out at the crowd, a scowl adorning his face as he started to walk down the ramp, obviously he had something he wanted to say.

“I'm no angel, I'm no savior and I've never been a saint
Well, I know I'm not the devil 'cause I still can feel the pain
I walked through fire and through brimstone and there were no pearly gates
I'll be sure to ask about it on my final Judgement Day
Judgement Day

Pat McAfee: I thought we were about to see Dakota Kai and Nixon Newell defend their Tag Team Championships, but it looks as though we're being graced by the presence of the Kingpin, Jake Anderson.

Tom Phillips: He must have something on his mind as we all saw him compete earlier tonight on the Kickoff Show.

Nigel McGuinness: This man went from being in the main event at last year's WrestleMania, winning the Universal Championship to competing on the Kickoff Show a year later. Talk about a fall from grace.

Jake would make it to the bottom of the ramp as he hopped up onto the ring apron before entering the ring as he immediately made his way over to the corner, demanding a microphone as he would make his way back to the middle of the ring, motioning to his throat for the music to be cut off.

Jake Anderson: Cut it! Cut the music!

Jake gritted his teeth, the crowd continuing to try and drown him out with their boos. Jake went to speak however he stopped as the boos were deafening.

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Jake Anderson: Houston, your Kingpin has something to say... so shut it! When I've got one of these in my hand, that's your cue.

Even more boos rained down on him as he shook his head.

Jake Anderson: Typical Houston, no wonder nobody wants to live here. You're all a bunch of neanderthals. What's so special about Houston anyway?

Jake asked.

Jake Anderson: It's a cesspool. I mean it is one of the worst smelling and dirtiest cities in the entire world after all. It's a trash pit.

Jake let out a chuckle as the crowd showered him with boos.

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Jake Anderson: Boo it all you want, but the truth and you all just can't handle the truth. You all remember Hurricane Harvey?

Jake smirked, before continuing licking his lips.

Jake Anderson: It's a real shame that it didn't complete wipe out Houston from the map, because I think the world would be better off for it. There is not a single good thing about Houston. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact WrestleMania is even here when they are plenty other better choices to host WrestleMania, I most certainly hope we never come here again.

The crowd started a ‘Shut the f*ck up’ chant towards Anderson who merely grinned, shaking his head.

Jake Anderson: Me? No. Not a single one of you has the guts to make me.

Jake moved a little closer to the ropes, pointing towards some of the fans in the front row.

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Jake Anderson: You think you can make me?

Jake singled out a certain fan who was yelling explicits towards Anderson.

Jake Anderson: What are you gonna do?! Go ahead cross that line and step into my world, I'll drop you on your ass faster then you can make it over that barricade. Sit down and shut up you piece of trash.

Jake turned his attention away from that particular fan.

Jake Anderson: You know what would of been a better location for WrestleMania? Dallas would of been so much better.

The boos got louder as Anderson started laughing. The rivalry between Dallas and Houston was well documented.

Jake Anderson: Now I―


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The crowd popped loudly at the sound of the trademark gong of the Undertaker as the lights would proceed to go out in the stadium.

Pat McAfee: OH BOY!

Tom Phillips: The lights are out, that can only mean one thing! I think Anderson is about to regret saying all that he just said about Houston, Texas.

Nigel McGuinness: For once we actually agree on something, Phillips.

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Nobody could see anything as the lights remained out as many flashes could be seen from the crowd trying to take pictures, videos of what was going on right now.


The lights would proceed to come back on and standing directly behind Anderson was in fact the Undertaker as the crowd came unglued.

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Nigel McGuinness: I've got a bad feeling about this.

Jake chuckled a bit, believing this to be a hoax, a scare tactic as he looked out at the crowd shaking his head, mouthing to them that he's not actually here. Jake would slowly turn around, eyes widening as he saw Undertaker standing there in front of him staring a hole right through him. Jake glanced out at the crowd before back at the Undertaker, fear written all over his face as he would grit his teeth before attempting to strike the Deadman, however he would quickly grab Jake by the throat.

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Pat McAfee: Anderson's about to go for a ride!

Tom Phillips: Jake Anderson you just made the biggest mistake of your life and now you're about to pay the price.

Taker would throw Jake's arm over his head before lifting him up and delivering an emphatic chokeslam, bringing the crowd to their feet. The so called Kingpin had been silenced by the Undertaker as he gave the WWE Universe another WrestleMania moment as the scene faded out.


Triple H

Posted: Apr 15 2024, 03:03 AM

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (195)

Group: WWE Owner

Posts: 7869

Points: 11779

Handler's Name:Jessica

Alignment: Heel

Finisher 1:Pedigree

Finisher 2:N/A

Color Code:Green

Theme Music:King of Kings - Motorhead

Other Characters:Alexa Bliss, Julia Hart, Raven, Renee Young, Stephanie McMahon, Toni Storm, Triple H

Tag Team:Shawn Michaels

Faction:Corporate Structure

Relationship:Stephanie McMahon

RP Permission: Yes, but not attacks

Member Inventory: View

Member No.: 2
Joined: 30-July 18

Awards: 7

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The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (203)
The scene opened to Jake Anderson sitting on a crate holding a pack of ice on the back of his neck after his altercation with the Undertaker earlier tonight. Not exactly the kind of WrestleMania moment that Jake had in mind, some would say that Jake got a good dose of karma here tonight considering all that he's done to others in the past. As he sat there he would be approached by his fiancée, Priscilla Kelly. She had a concerned look on her face as the two made eye contact with one another.

Jake Anderson: Hey.

Jake offered her a small smile before wincing a bit, keeping the bag of ice on his neck, moving it a bit trying to get some more feeling in it. Priscilla took the bag of ice and held it for him.

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Priscilla Kelly: I swear you seem to get yourself into things more than I do. I got this for you babe you just sit down and take it easy. If I'd had been with you I'd have hit Taker with a low blow so you wouldn't be writhing in pain. What happened exactly?

Holding the bag of ice to his neck she got some medical tape off the table and taped it in place. Priscilla came around and sat on the edge of the table directly in front of Jake.

Priscilla Kelly: I love you I do and I get it. You need to be more careful. We have family with us and we have to be okay for them. My brother and your nephew are up in the box together right now. I'm glad Dominik and JD are helping us out when we aren't busy. I came in here since it isn't my turn to compete. I had to check on you and get a little breathing room.

Jake slowly nodded his head, doing his best not to move his neck too much.

Jake Anderson: What happened?

Jake let out a small chuckle.

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Jake Anderson: Undertaker happened, basically sums it up.

He offered her another smile, before hearing her say that she needed a little breathing room.

Jake Anderson: Breathing room? You okay?

Looking at Jake she leaned in to give him a soft kiss on the cheek before sitting back up straight. Priscilla loved having the smile from him and then looked down to her ring at how happy she was.

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Priscilla Kelly: I mean from the VIP sky box that we have everyone in. I wanted to take a minute for myself. Sometimes you need to get away from the cheering of everyone. Your nephew and my brother are getting along great by the way which I am happy for. Up there cheering the same people and sharing snacks. The only thing that was the difference is that your nephew is wearing your shirt and my brother wanted Cody Rhodes shirt. Seems kinda awkward for me if you remember.

Laughing a little Priscilla would then relax and placed her hand within his. Jake nodded, letting out a small chuckle.

Jake Anderson: Yeah, little awkward. But I'm sure in no time he'll be wearing one of mine, especially the more I get to know him.

He glanced down at her placing her hand within his own as he gave it a bit of a squeeze.

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Jake Anderson: You ready to grab that briefcase?

Jake let out a small sigh, remembering back to earlier in the night when him and Priscilla had their little run in with Liv Morgan and MJF. He gritted his teeth a little.

Jake Anderson: Especially after our little scuffle with Liv and MJF earlier, I bet you're just itching to get a hold of her. I mean she did slap me.

Jake put his free hand to his cheek but Priscilla would move his hand and rubbed it softly.

Priscilla Kelly: Oh trust me I am not a big fan of Liv, and I vowed to remover her if at all possible. I'm the one who started to hurt her before Sasha finished it. But I am the woman that helped move Liv Morgan off our show. I know she is your ex isn't she?

Taking a breath as she continued to rub his cheek. Priscilla was a little curious in her mind now as she stared at Jake more.

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Priscilla Kelly: So with Liv was she married to you and how long had you been together? I don't want to be another passing phase with you Jake. I mean you've been across the spectrum with how many women? You deserve one who wants to stay and wants to do right by you. I am that.

Jake glanced at her nodding his head.

Jake Anderson: Yeah, three years. Then all of a sudden she decided to call it quits, no explanation... no nothing. But it's the past and besides, looks like it ended up being a good thing as had she not... we wouldn't be having this conversation right now and you wouldn't have that...

Jake pointed at the ring on Priscilla's finger.

Jake Anderson: On your finger.

He gave her a smile, before he leaned and gave her a kiss on the lips. Priscilla kissed back enjoying the intimacy between the two. The kiss broke as much as either didn't want to.

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Priscilla Kelly: I have this on my finger cause it is what you offered me after the mistake was made. I told you a promise ring was okay but you took it to the next level. I wasn't going to deny it because that kind of love is hard to come by. As for us dealing with Liv and MJF it is a good thing they are on opposite shows. I would love to get my hands on Liv again in a singles match. Not everything goes the way we want it but we will have to make the most of tonight.

Standing to her feet Priscilla would check on the ice bag that was on Jake's neck making sure the tape was still secure.

Priscilla Kelly: I am going to be dealing with Asuka next, she is my prime target one way or another. I know my goals after mania and I promise you she is it. But if you need to keep that on your neck maybe before whatever you do next you should join me and our family in the VIP sky box for a little bit. You've sure as hell earned it.

Jake shook his head, clutching the bag of ice as he took it off his neck, setting it down next to him.

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Jake Anderson: Babe, I'll be fine. Besides it's gonna take a lot more then Undertaker chokeslamming me to keep me down. Guess he was hell bent on going on a rampage here tonight from the looks of things. But let's not dwell on it, tonight we've got something to celebrate after JD did exactly what we knew he was going to do and that's win that Money in the Bank briefcase. I think he's up in the VIP suite, let's go meet up with him.

Priscilla nodded as Jake got off the crate, wincing a bit as there was still a bit of pain in his neck as him and Priscilla would interlock their fingers together before exiting the scene as it faded out.

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The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (212)

Match 8: RAW Match
Intercontinental Championship

Tyler Bate © -Vs- Kenny Omega

Samantha Irvin: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for... THE WWE INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP….. Introducing first the challenger.

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One Winged Angel begins playing over the sound system, flame themed pyro blasting out of the ramp as Kenny Omega makes his entrance.

Samantha Irvin: From Transcona, Manitoba, Canada, weighing in tonight at 230lbs….. THE BEST BOUT MACHINE….. KENNY OMEGA.

Kenny makes his way out onto the ring and raises his arm, the One Wing synonymous with the Final Fantasy villain prominent on his jacket. Kenny turns his back to the ring and the crowd as the flame pyro continues. One Winged Angel slowly fades into….

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Kenny turns to the camera and smirks, before marching his way down to the ring to Battle Cry removing his jacket as he reaches the ring.

Michael Cole: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to what will be a real match of the night contender.

Renee Young: Two of the best in the world are about to go at it, Kenny Omega giving off real final boss vibes here as he is set to square up with Tyler Bate.

Corey Graves: For Tyler Bate, Kenny could be seen as the Final Boss, the Final Boss towards legitimacy as Intercontinental Champion. Kenny has wrestled all over the world, Japan, Canada, Mexico, Europe and the United States and he will be a true litmus test for Tyler Bate.

Kenny gets in the ring and takes his corner, lying in the corner as a tribute to his husband and Smackdown GM, Tyler Breeze.

Samantha Irvin: And his opponent, being played to the ring by Jack White...

The camera cuts to Jack White standing on stage with his band, the opening chords of Love is Blindness playing as the Intercontinental Champion, Tyler Bate makes his way from Gorilla to the stage, Noam bringing up the flank. Unlike his opponent there is no flash in Tylers entrance as he lifts the championship as the chorus kicks in.


Samantha Irvin: And his opponent, weighing in tonight at 175lbs, from Dudley, England, being accompanied to the ring by Noam Dar... HE IS THE WWE INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION. TYLER BATE!!

Tyler gives a fist bump to Jack White and walks down the ramp, title proudly around his waist, he gets to the ring and stares up at it, this is it he made it to the dance.

Michael Cole: There he is, looking up at the ring he holds sacred, maybe even more than that championship, Tyler Bate.

Renee Young: Many have already ruled Tyler out coming into this match, saying that Kenny Omega is too much for him and they may be right folks.

Corey Graves: They might be right Renee but people are forgetting that this isn’t the Tyler Bate we are all familiar with, gone are the days of being just thankful for a roster slot, now Tyler Bate is grown up and he’s meaner than we’ve ever seen him and that new edge might help him.

Tyler gets into the ring and hands off the belt to the referee before going onto his corner and doing his signature mustache twirl and pose before jumping off and getting into his corner.

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The referee holds up the belt however takes a second to check Tyler, finding a pair of Brass Knuckles in his boots, removing the illegal object from play.

Michael Cole: Referee doing a good job there, removing the Brass Knuckles that Bate has been using in previous weeks to get the win.

Renee Young: There's that new attitude that Corey was talking about.

Corey Graves: Bate doesn’t need them to win, he’s won without them, they’re just an insurance policy.

The bell rings and Kenny gets off the turnbuckle he was lying on. Tyler and Kenny meet in the middle of the ring, Kenny goes for a handshake and Tyler goes to take it but Kenny turns it into his signature “Bang” taunt, Tyler goes for a Lariat but Omega ducks it and gets Tyler up on his shoulders, looking for an early One Winged Angel but Tyler slips off the shoulders and grabs Omegas waist for a German Suplex, hitting it but Kenny lands on his feet and runs off the ropes, hitting a seated Tyler with a running knee to the back of the head, Tyler slumps to the mat and Kenny dives into a cover, only hooking one leg.

Michael Cole: There we see the mind games of Omega come into play with Omega, offering that hand before pulling it away and using that “Bang” taunt he is famous for.

Renee Young: Just a warning shot from Omega if you will, thats him saying to Tyler that he isn’t fazed by the younger competitor.

Corey Graves: Time will tell if that is advantageous to Omega or not, many have counted out Bate in the past and it usually doesn’t work well for them but first Tyler needs to get out this pinning predicament.



Kick Out!! Tyler gets the shoulder up as the camera cuts to Noam at ringside who breathes a sigh of relief, Kenny gets back to his feet and dusts his shoulders off, The Best Bout Machine looking for an easy night and easy mania paycheck here. Tyler gets to his feet and Omega starts laying into him with punches but as Omega goes for a fourth punch, Tyler ducks it and starts delivering some strikes of his own until Kenny is in the corner, Tyler wheels back and hits a handspring Stinger Splash, in reference to his significant other, Tiffany Stratton. Kenny slumps out of the corner and now Bate goes for the cover, Noam cheering him on from the outside.

Michael Cole: Little bit of a reference to the woman who many say is the cause of the change in Tyler Bate, his significant other, Tiffany Stratton.

Renee Young: I mean put the dots together Cole, Tyler starts dating Tiffany and at first he’s still the Tyler we knew but over the weeks he changed willing to use dirtier tactics and attacking his fellow roster members backstage and I think his new found partnership with the equally dastardly, Noam Dar cements that.

Corey Graves: Renee, something you won’t understand by not being an in ring competitor is us wrestlers need to change with the times, we need to change things up or else we run the risk of the well running dry and Tyler has made sure that his well is still producing water.



Kick Out!! Tyler slams the mat in frustration, but that frustration turns to shock as Kenny sits up next to him. The two hurriedly scramble back to their feet and again exchange in a back and forth of punches but this time Kenny gets the advantage and goes to Tylers torso with a Palm Thrust and then throws Tyler into the ropes to send him to the outside but Tyler rebounds with the Lariat, Kenny ducks it and hits Tyler with a V-Trigger, sending Tyler to the outside. Kenny then gets to a knee and starts hitting the mat in tune with the Terminator theme.

Michael Cole: Omega with that V-Trigger and now looking for that patented Suicide Somersault Senton.

Renee Young: Kenny looking to Rise like a Terminator tonight and if i’m Tyler Bate, i’m beginning to worry a little bit here.

Corey Graves: Like we said during their entrances, Kenny Omega is a competitor like no other and while Bate has said he prepared for this match, I don’t how much preparing you can do for Omega.

Kenny goes for the Rise of the Terminator on Tyler and hits it to Bate, Bate landing on the mats outside. Kenny gets to his feet and begins to clear the commentary table. Taking a sip of Coreys water and then ditching the bottle. Kenny picks Tyler up but Bate manages to get Omega's waist and rams him back first into the commentary table, Omega clutching his back when he does. Tyler doesn’t let go and turns it into a Northern Lights Suplex onto the outside. Tyler hears the referee reach a count of 5 and picks Kenny back up, rolling him back into the ring and following him back in.

Michael Cole: Tyler Bate looking to soften up that surgically repaired back of Kenny Omegas, both of Kenny Omegas finishing moves, the One Winged Angel and Croyts Wrath require a lot of back strength to lift his opponents onto his shoulders.

Renee Young: Smart move by Bate, might not be the cleanest way to go about it but I think Tyler doesn’t want to end this match on a count out, rolling Kenny back into the ring there when he heard the referee get to 5.

Corey Graves: I don’t know why Tyler wouldn’t take the count out, he gets the count out sure he might lose but he still keeps the gold around his waist, maybe its the side of the old more honorable Tyler still shining through a bit.

Back in the ring and Tyler starts delivering stomps to Kenny back before locking in a Dragon Sleeper to deliver more damage to it. Omega is close enough to the ropes to get a foot on the bottom one and Tyler uses all of the referees five count to keep the hold on before letting go. He might be a bastard but he doesn’t want to lose by DQ. Tyler gets to his feet and goes to hook Omega for the Tyler Driver but Omega back body drops Tyler over and as Tyler gets to his feet, Kenny hits him with a V-Trigger and then gets Tyler in position for Tylers own Gotch Style Piledriver, hitting the move and then going for a cover.


Renee Young: God this would sting for Tyler if he lost like this.

Corey Graves: And the amount of bragging we would hear from Omega if he did win from this.



Kick Out!! The crowd gasps in shock as Bate gets the shoulder up and Kenny looks shocked himself, checking with the referee that it was indeed a 2.5 count. The referee nods and Kenny turns his attention back to Tyler, revving his arm up like a chainsaw and hitting Tyler with the Chainsaw Arms, raking his forearm against his kneeling opponent. Kenny gets Tyler on his shoulders again looking for the One Winged Angel but Tyler slips off and gets Kenny onto his shoulders before throwing him off them and catching him into Croyts Wrath, Tyler bridging for the pin.


Renee Young: Tyler taking offense to Kenny stealing his Piledriver, sort of an anything you can do I can do better situation.

Corey Graves: Tyler bridging into the pin, he could retain right here.



Kick Out!! Kenny barely gets his shoulder up in time and Tyler lets go of the wait lock, rolling over in frustration, slamming the mat. Both men have taken a lot of damage by now but both don’t want to slow down. Both kneeling opponents tee off on each other with a combination of fists and elbows, fighting till they’re back on their feet. Kenny goes for a Superick but Tyler grabs the leg, pulling him into an Exploder Suplex attempt but Kenny gets multiple elbows off onto the side of Tyler's head, causing Tyler to let go and stumble back, Kenny hits him with the Superkick and then gets behind Tyler and lifts him onto his shoulders for the Electric Chair position, Tyler doesn’t have the were with all to get out this time and Omega hits the One Winged Angel and locks in the pin.


Renee Young: NEW CHAMPION.

Corey Graves: Its been a ride Tyler but maybe back to the drawing board after tonight.



KICK OUT!! As the referee is about to hit the mat for the three, Bate gets the shoulder up just in time, the crowd breaking out into a “This is Awesome” chant. Kennys eyes are wide as he realises Tyler kicked out of the strongest move in his arsenal. On the outside Noam is leaning on the ring apron and shaking his head more in shock as he shouts for Tyler to get up. Tyler grabs the ring ropes and groggily pulls himself up, Omega doing the same but less groggily. Tyler and Omega stand in opposite corners both men spent. They both nod and charge, Tyler ducking a Lariat from Omega and hitting Omega with a Superkick of his own this time and hooking Omegas arms and hitting him with a Tyler Driver and falling into a pin.

Michael Cole: Both men are spent and Bate just hit the Tyler Driver. This has to be it, one of these men needs to accept they’re not walking out of here with the belt.

Renee Young: Yeah there's times when you need to put pride aside for your health and we’re getting to that time before one of these men is going to risk serious injury, just stay down Kenny.

Corey Graves: That's the thing about either of these men, they don’t want to give up and I don’t think they will until they can’t physically move anymore, for Kenny this is to prove that despite surgery on his back and knees he is still the man to beat, for Tyler this is to prove that despite being a young champion he is deserving of that belt.



Kick Out!! Another kick out at three but this time its Omega kicking out at three and like Kenny earlier Tyler rolls off in frustration. Both men are breathing hard and Kenny is clutching at his back, having taken the full brunt of the Tyler Driver on it. Noam gets onto the apron and goes to untie one of the turnbuckle pads but the referee sees this and Noam tries to play it off. The referee sends Noam to the back but Noam was close enough to Tyler for Tyler to pull out something from Noams sock, the camera catches the glint of the Brass Knuckles as Tyler slips them on. Noam is doing his best to distract the referee as Kenny walks over shakily to his opponent. He leans down to pick Tyler up but Tyler clocks him with the Knuckles, not once but twice, Kenny dropping to the mat. Tyler ditches the knuckles to the outside and Noam raises his hands to the referee and walks to the back. Tyler makes the cover, the referee diving for the count.

Michael Cole: And there is the whole reason Noam Dar was out here tonight, to make sure Tyler Bate got the win no matter what.

Renee Young: We all said Tyler would need to do what was necessary to win but I didn’t expect this, I probably should have.

Corey Graves: We all should have Renee and now Tyler Bate gets to etch his name into history as one of the few men that has beat Kenny Omega on a grandstage.





The crowd erupts into boos as Tyler is handed back the Intercontinental Championship, tears flowing down his face as he holds the belt close to himself. The camera turns to the EMT’s checking on Kenny who had rolled to the outside. Kenny pushes them off and makes his way back up the ramp on the power of his own feet. The camera cuts to Tyler who holds the belt aloft as we move on.

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The camera cuts backstage to Kayla Braxton, who is standing with a microphone already in hand, sporting a bright smile.

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Kayla Braxton: Hello there, WWE Universe! I'm Kayla Braxton, and tonight at Wrestlemania XL, we're witnessing history unfold right here in Houston, Texas. We’ve already experienced so many exciting matches and still have so many more to look forward to, and judging from what we’ve seen and from the incredible talent on display, this is shaping up to be an unforgettable evening!

Kayla smiles warmly before turning her attention to the members of Queendom gathered before her.

Kayla Braxton: And speaking of incredible talent, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guests at this time... Queendom!

Kayla flashes them a welcoming smile before addressing them.

Kayla Braxton: Ladies, first of all, obviously, congratulations are in order. Kay Lee Ray, earlier tonight you managed to capture the Goddess Championship after defeating Giulia, then Nixon Newell and Dakota Kai, you guys successfully defended your WWE Tag Team titles against Edge and John Morrison. Your accomplishments tonight have been nothing short of impressive. How does it feel to have achieved such significant victories on this grand stage?

KLR looks to her side, smiling at Team Kick with their freshly retained championships before bringing her hand to the gold on her shoulder, smirking.

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KLR: Let me tell ye this Kayla, mate, it feels correct. Ye see, a’ve - nah, we’ve busted our arses off for this brand, this company for an age. The last year was tough, aye, but we came together, we boned, we fixed old wounds and tae be standing here with Nixon and Dakota, all of us with gold around our waists? It feels poetic, it feels like something we spoke about night after night as we checked intae wee sh*tehole motels, driving from town tae town tae beat each other up. But here we are, pure shiny and golden.

She puts her hand out to Dakota’s shoulder.

KLR: A year ago at this very event, four of us walked in tae Wrestlemania, walked intae the main event and we tore the house down; we fought over one championship, one dream and now? A’ve got my shiny, cheers Guila, good match - I’ll circle back tae you another night; Nixon and Dakota got theirs, Asuka is obviously going tae kick Arianna’s teeth in, and Rhea will win her briefcase. We are unstoppable mate, we are the standard, we are the creme de le creme. Am just buzzing that after a year of feeling like a’d lost a wee limb or something, I finally have a shiny back around my waist, yer Forever champion is back in the game.

She turns to Nixon and Dakota, beaming with pride.

KLR: A dream has been realised tonight girls, pure dead brilliant this is.

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Nixon Newell: We did that right? We won at WrestleMania?

Nixon lets out a laugh.

Nixon Newell: We just beat one of the greatest of all time...and a man with as many names as I have colours in my hair at WrestleMania to retain these Tag Team Championships. We were the ones who walked into WrestleMania with everything to prove and everything to lose and we proved that we are everything we said we are.

Dakota smiled.

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Dakota Kai: As you know, Kayla, it has always beem our dream to become Tag Team Champions, ever since we got started. And to be standing here, at WrestleMania of all places, still Champions? — it's beyond anything we could have imagined.

She chuckled.

Dakota Kai: Nixon and I have worked so hard for this, and sharing this victory with her tonight—it's a highlight of my career.

Nixon looked over to Dakota and smiled at her but she was still serious when talking to Kayla

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Nixon Newell:In that ring, we are untouchable. They put every team they could up against us and we beat them. They put us in an Elimination Chamber and we beat them too. Kayla, I had a freaking panic attack at WrestleMania World the other day and STATIC still weren’t good enough to beat us. You know why?

Nixon put her arm around Dakota’s shoulders and pulled her close

Nixon Newell: Cause as long as I have this badass beside me and these three badasses watching my back; we are the best tag team in the world.

Kayla Braxton: Now, of course, we know that the other members of Queendom will also be involved in high-profile matches. Rhea, you're set to compete in the Women’s Money in the Bank match later tonight. How are you preparing mentally for this big opportunity?

Rhea took a second as she took a deep breath before finally responding to Kayla.

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Rhea Ripley: The moment I lost my title to Becky Lynch last year, I’ve been itching to get back into the title scene. I’ve seeked opportunity after opportunity but as you know, I’ve had a few roadblocks along the way. Tonight.. the only roadblock is the ladder that will be in the middle of that ring. Tonight the the best opportunity I’m going to get… I can’t let it go to waste..

Kayla Braxton: And of course, last but not least, Asuka, you will be defending your Smackdown Women’s Championship against Arianna Grace. What can we expect from you in this championship defense, and do you have any words for your challenger?

Asuka looks down at her title before responding.

Asuka: Arianna Grace has fame for fifteen minutes and think she able to challenge Asuka in Asuka’s sacred ring. No one find this serious. Tonight Asuka use the words of Arianna Grace cousin Ariana Grande and say “Thank you, next.” She not ready for the Wrestlemania, and she definitely not ready for Asuka. When tonight over, Asuka move on to next challenge. But that challenge not come from Money in Bank.

She turns and pats Rhea Ripley on the shoulder.

Asuka: After the Rhea Ripley win briefcase, she convince WWE bosses she fight for WWE Women’s Championship. Queendom expands to Raw, because nothing left to do on Smackdown. This also means Asuka safe from coward with no honor who cash in briefcase when Asuka no look. Tonight the Rhea Ripley become shield of Asuka.

Rhea arches an eyebrow, clearly not too pleased with Asuka’s assumption.

Rhea Ripley: Oh, is that so? That’s really interesting, especially since it’s news to me...

Dakota Kai steps in, eager to steer the conversation in a different direction.

Dakota Kai: But seriously, how great is it that we've all done so well at WrestleMania? And like Asuka says, with Rhea winning the her match, we're all on our way to holding gold and the Money in the Bank briefcase.

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Dakota Kai: I don’t know about you, guys, but I think a celebration is in order. I mean, last year we were trying to kill each other. Fighting amongst ourselves for one single title and now we’re about to hold almost everything that there is to be held.

While Dakota is speaking, the atmosphere shifts slightly as the rest of Queendom suddenly become distracted, their gazes shifting behind Dakota. Unaware at first, Dakota continues

Dakota Kai: It's incredible how far we've come, isn't it? It just goes to show what we can achieve when we–

Dakota finally notices a presence behind her. Her expression turns from confidence to nervousness as she slowly turns around, following the cue of her teammates. The camera pans to reveal Beyoncé standing behind Dakota. Dakota's heart sinks visibly as she realizes who is standing behind her.

Nixon Newell: Oh...MY...GAAAAAAAAWD!

KLR: Holy sh*t. Is that really...

Beyoncé smiles warmly, and the camera captures the awe on the faces of Queendom as they realize who has appeared.

Beyoncé: Queendom, right? I’ve been really looking forward to meeting you all!

Asuka: Honor belongs to Asuka. Music of Beyonce very big in Japan. All time favorite song of Asuka is water-fall song.


KLR: Mate, that’s TLC.

Asuka: No, no. Asuka not like TLC. Ladder too high. Asuka not do ladder match.

Beyoncé's eyes sweep over the members of Queendom, acknowledging each of them with genuine interest. As her gaze lands on Dakota Kai, Dakota noticeably tries to avoid making eye contact.

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Beyoncé: Honestly, my agent has been trying to dissuade me all day from wandering around here. He warned me about the backstage chaos and potential risks of being attacked for no reason or approached by someone named Jake Anderson... but I insisted on meeting you all. You ladies are elusive—quite a challenge to track down, you know?!

Beyoncé's smile remains warm and welcoming as she continues.

Beyoncé: It's such an honor to meet you all. I'm thrilled to see such a talented and empowering group of women in WWE. You're all incredible role models, and I'm proud to see women like you leading the way in this industry. It's really rare to find an all-female group in this type of medium...

Beyonce pauses, her gaze lingering on Dakota Kai, who meets her eyes with a mix of nerves and awe.

Beyoncé:At least one that young women can look up to...

Dakota clears her throat.

Dakota Kai: Alright, I-uh… I think I left the um... stove on.

She exchanges nervous glances with the other members of Queendom.

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Dakota Kai: T-the one in the locker room? Better get that taken care of, haha... excuse me.

Dakota tries to slip away.

Beyoncé: Dakota Kai... it’s been a long time.

Beyonce's calm voice catches Dakota's attention, causing her to pause and turn back but not before swallowing the lump in her throat.

Beyoncé: Is that really you, or am I mistaken? You look so different! It’s almost as if you're trying to avoid being recognized or something.

Dakota lets out an involuntary chuckle.

Dakota Kai: Oh... not at all, I just–

Beyonce turns to address the other members of Queendom.

Beyoncé: Did you guys know that Dakota and I are old acquaintances?

Rhea arches an eyebrow and glances at Dakota with a curious look.

Rhea Ripley: Really, now?

Dakota Kai: I wouldn’t put it like... I-I mean...

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Beyoncé: Oh, absolutely. Some people would even say we’re very good friends, isn’t that right?

Dakota Kai hesitates, clearly flustered by Beyonce's assertion.

Dakota Kai: I, uh...

Beyoncé: Don’t tell me... oh, Dakota. You haven’t told them?

She clicks her tongue and shakes her head.

Beyoncé: I mean, I suppose they could have watched it themselves if they wanted, but who goes back to watch old shows, am I right?

Dakota Kai: Look, I–

Beyoncé: I actually came prepared with a video of the time Dakota and I met. Would you guys join me in taking a trip down memory lane?

Asuka: 文字通り、あなたが私のフォントの色を盗んだことに今気づきました。

KLR: Sounds interesting.

Rhea Ripley: Absolutely.

Dakota Kai: I don’t think that’s nece–

Beyoncé: Great! I think you guys will enjoy it, especially people watching at home who never got a chance to see it live.

Ignoring Dakota’s discomfort, Beyonce presses play on her phone a video starts playing on the monitor.

A title card appears on the screen:


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The footage cuts to Dakota already in the ring, holding a microphone.

Dakota Kai: Watching Monday Night RAW, the show the three of us took on our backs and made the show to watch every single night. The show we represented as cross branded champions every single night, on RAW and on Smackdown, because we went above and beyond! To watch what this show has become in our absence ... a whipping boy for Smackdown ... well ... it makes me sad. It makes me angry ..... It makes me want to take my freshly healed foot, and crack it over someone's skull. And that's exactly what I feel like doing tonight!

The crowd cheer loudly for this as Dakota grins and looks back at Billie and Peyton, who are in the ring with her.

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The footage once again fast forwards.


Dakota Kai: Sooooo... are you guys ready to show the WWE Universe what it takes to be a survivor?

Peyton and Billie look a little unsure, scratching their chins, thinking it over.

Peyton Royce: I don't know...

Billie Kay: It's hard to say...

Peyton Royce: Billie, can you handle this?

Billie Kay: Dakota, can you handle this?

Dakota Kai: Peyton, can you handle this?

The three women in the ring all turn and look at each other, before looking at the WWE Universe and laughing.


Dakota Kai: So without further ado, let’s give all these people what they’ve been looking for! Right here, right now!

Billie Kay: Three on Three Survivor Series Match!

Peyton Royce: It’s gonna be … Dakota Kai, Billie Kay and Peyton Royce … the IIIconics! …. Against …

The three women all look at each other before saying at the same time.


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Impromptu Match: RAW Match
Survivor Series Match

The IIIconics (Billie Kay, Dakota Kai and Peyton Royce) -Vs- Destiny’s Child (Beyoncé Knowles, Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams)

Michael Cole: ….. Did I hear that right? Did they jus-... There’s no way they ju-.. Destiny’s Child??

Renee Young: The whole lot of them?? Surely not?

Corey Graves: This is the IIIconics, guys! There’s absolutely nothing these three can’t accomplish together! They can get anything and anyone at the snap of a finger!

I'm a survivor (what), I'm not gon' give up (what)
I'm not gon' stop (what), I'm gon' work harder (what)

Three Destiny's Child impersonators make their way out onto the stage and the crowd is so confused by what’s going on. The three women all pose to their classic song ‘Survivor’ on the top of the stage before making their way down the ramp.

Michael Cole: Well … Here we go, everyone! Only at Survivor Series! A uhh … dream match … of sorts, the IIIconics square off against Destiny’s Child! Elimination rules!

Corey Graves: I’ve been dreaming of this match for as long as I can remember, Michael!


The footage cuts to Billie holding Michelle into a side headlock. Dakota and Peyton applaud Billie on the apron. Billie wrenches in the hold tighter and Michelle is already screaming for mercy.



Dakota Kai: WITH TWO L’S!


The scene jumps ahead to another moment in the match.

Billie gets back into the ring where Michelle Williams is waiting. Billie tells the referee she’s okay and the match continues. Michelle walks towards Billie who immediately drops her with a crushing Shades of Kay! Billie hooks the leg and gets the three count and Michelle is out of here!!

JoJo: Michelle Williams has been eliminated!

Billie starts laughing hysterically as she shouts at Michelle, who is being helped out by the referee.


The clip jumps ahead once more.

Peyton Royce: Come on, Kelly!! Can you keep up? Baby boy, make me lose my breath!!

Peyton cackles at her own jab before kicking Kelly hard in the ribs.


Kelly is desperately crawling towards Beyoncé but Peyton grabs her by the foot and drags her back to the IIIconics corner. She pulls Kelly into position and connects with the Ugh! Peyton gets the pin and the referee counts the three! We are down to 3 on 1!

JoJo: Kelly Rowland has been eliminated!


The footage cuts to a different section now.

Beyoncé is seen entering the ring, looking incredibly nervous.

Dakota Kai: Okay, ladies. Now let’s get in formation.

Billie and Peyton smirk and each of the IIIconics take a different section of the ring and all three climb up onto the apron at once. Beyoncé is turning on the spot, looking from woman to woman, knowing full well, she’s at a massive disadvantage in the numbers game.

Renee Young: The IIIconics are circling Beyoncé like sharks!

The three women get in the ring at the same time and they all attack Beyoncé at once, Beyoncé immediately falling victim to the numbers game. Billie grabs Beyoncé by the cheek and shouts in her face.

Billie Kay: You were right about one thing, Beyoncé! Girls do run the world!

Peyton Royce: You’re looking at the three that do!

Billie then shoves Beyoncé’s face into the mat before calling for Dakota to stand her up. Dakota stands a dazed Beyoncé up as Billie has a wild look in her eye.

Billie Kay: You got me looking so crazy right now!!

Shades of Kay to Beyoncé! Billie’s turn to pick Beyoncé back up to her feet now as Peyton claps her hands and gears up.

Peyton Royce: If you like it then you shouldn’t have put OUR ring on it!

Peyton the steps forward as Billie pushes her into a spinning heel kick from Peyton! Peyton then grabs Beyoncé up, the damage already done, but one final blow to be dealt. Dakota gears up, taking a deep breath.

Dakota Kai: Sorry, I ain’t sorry.

Roundhouse kick to the skull! Beyoncé is unconscious! Dakota drops down to cover her and the referee counts the three!

JoJo: Here are your winners, Billie Kay, Peyton Royce and Dakota Kai …. The IIIconics!!!


The IIIconics all stand tall together over the beaten body of Beyoncé, united as one. Survivors.

After the video concludes, the scene shifts back to the backstage area where Queendom and Beyonce are gathered. Dakota appears visibly mortified, probably wishing for the ground to open up and swallow her whole. In contrast, Beyonce can be seen laughing and clapping.

Beyoncé: Oh, it never gets old. Hard to believe it’s been 8 years. I mean, 8 years! Can you guys believe it? Time sure does fly.

Beyonce's laughter softens, her smile fading slightly as she turns to look at Dakota.

Beyoncé: I mean, obviously it seems that way now... but of course, back then? Man, those years really, really crawled by, didn't they?

Her expression subtly shifts, her friendly demeanor and tone becoming more serious, almost sinister. Dakota avoids direct eye contact with Beyonce

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Beyoncé: This meeting has been 8 years in the making... 8 long years that I’ve waited for this moment.

Dakota Kai: Look, that? I... I really didn’t—

Beyoncé: Do you have any idea how many people believed those were actually us? It's astonishing— to this very day, there are countless fans out there who think the real Destiny’s Child walked into that building that night. Many of them found the impersonators too convincing. Some always knew they were fake, but over the years, the idea became so ingrained that they started to assume it was true, like some sort of Mandela effect. Now, they genuinely believe we were the ones in the ring, being mocked and made a spectacle of…

Dakota Kai: Again, I just want to—

Beyoncé: Even the higher-ups here in WWE seem to believe it. Why else do you think they asked me to be here? "You gotta come sing at WrestleMania. You already have history with the company. The fans would appreciate it so much if you could make an appearance."

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Dakota Kai: Can I please say some–

Beyoncé: It might have seemed a bit peculiar to you that only Kelly and Michelle pursued legal action afterward, didn’t it? See, I was too busy selling out stadiums, shaping cultural trends, and molding an entire generation. I simply didn’t have time to even think about joining their suit. But as time passed, the impact on my brand became more apparent. So now I ask you... what about me? Where's my compensation for the emotional toll this took on me? For the damage to my image and reputation throughout all these years? Where’s my justice?

Dakota fidgets nervously.

Dakota Kai: Listen, I-I’m really sorry. I... I was a completely different person back then. I had no idea it was this serious. I’m sure we can come to an arrangement. I’ll definitely pay—

Beyonce chuckles.

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Beyoncé: Oh, this isn’t about money anymore. This is personal. This is about a story that has been left unfinished...

Beyonce looks at the other members of Queendom before locking eyes with Dakota again.

Beyoncé: And guess what, baby? Queen Bey always finishes her stories.

Without warning, Beyonce's hand connects with Dakota's face, the sharp sound echoing across the hall. Dakota staggers back, caught by the other members of Queendom. As she steadies herself, a red handprint is already visible on her cheek. When they look up, Beyonce is already gone.

Rhea Ripley: Did... did you just get slapped by Beyoncé?

Rhea seemed to be more impressed than upset.

Nixon Newell: Hey! I don’t care who you are...Get back he...

When Nixon saw Beyonce wasn’t going to come back, she stammered in rage


The camera remained on the group as Dakota nursed her face before the scene slowly faded to black.

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The scene opened to the backstage area to one of SmackDown's backstage correspondents Jackie Redmond who had a bright smile on her face.

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Jackie Redmond: What a night so far here at WrestleMania 40, we've already had some WrestleMania moments tonight including an appearance from the Undertaker which really brought this Houston crowd to their feet. Surely we're in store for plenty more WrestleMania moments as the night goes on―

Jake Anderson: WrestleMania moment?!

The camera turned to reveal Jake Anderson approach Redmond, just by the look on his face you could tell he was furious after his little run in with the Undertaker earlier tonight. Jake was clutching the back of his neck.

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Jake Anderson: Oh was it funny? Did you enjoy it?!

Jackie would glance down towards the floor.

Jake Anderson: Yeah, that's what I thought. You know the Undertaker, he's lucky that he got the jump on me because had my family been around? He would of been a literal Deadman and I can guarantee you that it would of been the end of the Undertaker. Guess he just like everybody here in Houston, couldn't handle the truth that this place is such a cesspool.

Loud boos are heard from the crowd, as Jake shook his head as he would mouth ‘It's true’.

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Jackie Redmond: Looking at the positive of this, you were in the ring with the Undertaker for the first time ever, a Hall of Famer. Many would call it a WrestleMania moment for you.

Jake would scoff.

Jake Anderson: Positive? The man attacked me for no reason, probably did it because he need to do his little obligatory gong, show up, chokeslam, leave schtick. It's what he's been doing for over thirty years now.

Jake shook his head again.

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Jake Anderson: WrestleMania moment? No. That was not a WrestleMania moment, you want to know what a WrestleMania moment is? It happened last year at WrestleMania when I beat CM Punk to become the Universal Champion. That right there is what a WrestleMania moment looks like Jackie. Now here we are a year later and I go from being in the main event to being on the Kickoff show. The disrespect shown to me in the last year? An absolute disgrace.

Jake paused slightly.

Jake Anderson: But you know what? After tonight is all said and done, it's a reset. A clean slate, it's like a new year beginning and I've got a lot of receipts with people's names on them, I've got a lot of unresolved issues with a lot of people here in the locker room and you best believe that I am going to settles those issues and I will once again be Universal Champion. Last year wasn't just a once in a lifetime or a one and done, it was a glimpse into the future.

For the first time during this little impromptu interview, a smirk would form across the face of the former Universal Champion.

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Jackie Redmond: Speaking of a glimpse into the future, earlier we saw yourself and the Syndicate cross paths with Tony D'Angelo and the Family. It looked as though some sort of alliance formed between the two of you despite D'Angelo being a member of the Raw roster. What was the meaning of that?

Jake chuckled shaking his head, waving his finger back and forth towards Jackie.

Jake Anderson: That is none of your concern. That is between myself and the Don. You see Don Tony, he's a visionary... like me. He sees the bigger picture and he's a smart businessman as well. He's all about what's doing best for the family and I'm the same way and that's why I'm very much looking forward to this business partnership. Think about it... two powerful families coming together as one. There isn't gonna be anyone who will be able to stop us, consider the entire locker room both Raw and SmackDown on notice. When the dust is all settled, the Family and the Syndicate... are gonna be on the top of the mountain.

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Match 9: Smackdown Match
United States Championship

Montez Ford © -Vs- Cody Rhodes -Vs- Samoa Joe -Vs- Kyle Fletcher

The bell rings as the other three opponents look focused on the champ at the start of things, but Montez rolls out of the ring to take a breather. He shouts that they’re on his time as Kyle and Cody meet him on the outside, forcing him back in the ring as they confront the champ and then lay into him in the corner! The other three men take turns beating up on the champ as Joe sends the champ out of the ring. Cody and Kyle go after Joe, and all three end up being equal on the offense with a standoff that’s interrupted by the champion. They send Montez away before going back at each other, with Kyle getting the upper hand as he sends them out of the ring, but Montez cuts Kyle off! Kyle gets sent out of the ring as Montez hits the ropes, ending with a strut and showing off on the crowd but Cody makes him pay for it, sending him out of the ring with a dive! Kyle hits a dive of his own, first on Cody and then on Montez and both men as they get back to their feet! Joe climbs up top, hitting a shooting star press just as the other three men get to their feet! This ends up with all four men down on the outside, until Joe makes it back to his feet first, bringing Kyle back in the ring before setting him and even Cody up for some trouble but Kyle catches Joe with a German suplex, sending Joe and Cody flying into Montez as he approaches! Kyle finally able to get out of the tree of woe, hitting a big lariat on Montez in the process before connecting with a poison rana on Joe for the nearfall. Cody’s back on his feet now, going corner to corner with attacks on Montez and Kyle before hitting Montez down hard before connecting with a headlock takeover for a nearfall of his own! Joe sends Cody away before attacking Kyle on the outside and catches a diving Cody with a cutter to the floor! Back in the ring is Joe, hitting a splash on the champ and a dive to the outside…and then a frog splash on Montez for a pinfall!



Kickout! Montez slowly gets to his feet but is set up on the turnbuckle by Joe only to bite at the head of Joe, attacking Cody and Kyle before getting a nearfall on Joe. Montez hits a headlock takeover on Cody, followed by a nasty looking driver for another nearfall! Montez taunts Cody, spitting on him before berating him and the challengers until Joe and Kyle stop him. Joe drops Montez, Kyle drops Joe, and Colby drops Joe, leaving all four men laying inside the ring. Cody uses the ropes to pull himself up before hitting a Cross Rhodes on the champ, but takes a Muscle Buster from Samoa Joe, who gets dropped by Kyle before Montez hits a Cross Rhodes on him for another pinfall!



Kickout! Montez is about to pick Joe up until Joe catches him in a small package for a nearfall! Joe looks for Muscle Buster but Montez reverses only for Joe to lock in the Coquina Cluthc! Montez grabs the ropes to break the count! Cody catches Kyle coming into the ring, locking in a Sharpshooter! Chaos ensues after this, leading to a four-way submission lock leaving them tied up in the middle of the ring! Montez is finally able to get out of the hold first as things finally settle down, but Cody catches Montez with a Cross Rhodes only to take one from Joe, who takes one from Kyle for the pinfall!



Kickout! Perry gets to his feet using the turnbuckle, before leaping off the backs of Sammy and Darby to hit a Destroyer on MJF…but only gets a nearfall for his efforts! Perry catches Sammy with a sitout tiger powerbomb for a nearfall, but ends up on the outside as Darby attacks him and MJF, sending them both over the barricade into the crowd!

Corey Graves: Ladies and Gentlemen, I don't know why Jack Perry, Sammy Guevera and Darby Allin all decided to get into this match for one paragraph but it's WrestleMania! Anything can happen!

Cody finally makes it back to his feet as he brings the men back to ringside. He climbs up the turnbuckle but is intercepted by Joe, who hits a Muscle Buster sending both men onto a now-standing Kyle and Montez! All four men are down on the outside, but slowly begin to stir as they end up back in the ring and they are all struggling to get back to their feet here.They get to their knees before trading blows, slowly rising to their feet as the strikes get even harder. Kyle takes one that nearly drops him, but he’s back to his feet and Montez responds with an eyepoke for each of his opponents, which gets him a dropkick from them in the process! They work together again to punish the champ some more, as Joe sends Montez to the outside only to get rolled up by Cody, who gets rolled up by Joe before things turn to chaos with nearfalls for each of them! After all that, it’s an Implant DDT sending Kyle to the outside before Cody catches him with a pinfall!



Kickout! Cody climbs up top for a Cross Rhodes but gets intercepted by Montez , getting dropped hard onto the ropes before Montez hits a massive powerbomb shades of Chris Candido off the top rope to the canvas! Both men are still down before Montez slowly makes a pin, but it’s broken up by Joe and then intercepted by Kyle, who goes for a quick cover on each man to try and take a pinfall win here. Kyle focuses his attention on Joe now, taking him to the corner as Joe tries to fight back and hits a cutter on Kyle to the canvas for the cover.



Kickout! Kyle rolls to the outside from the damage, leaving Joe alone as the last man standing before he goes after the champ who hits a low blow on Samoa Joe! Montez pulls out his ring but takes a blow to the back of the head by Cody, who hits a Cross Rhodes and a headlock takeover before making the cover, but Kyle stops it! Cody and Joe are standing now, and they trade strikes, before they both end up falling to the canvas and knocking into the ref who's down. Montez slides into the ring, waiting for someone to get up. Kyle’s up first and Montez goes for it, but Joe runs in sending Montez over the top to the outside leaving Kyle standing in the ring! Kyle stares at Cody, waiting for Rhodes to get up. Once Kyle goes at Cody, Cody reverses the rollup for a pinfall.



Kickout! Joe runs in now, hitting Muscle Buster on Kyle only to get dropped off the turnbuckle by Cody. Cody goes for the Cross Rhodes, unaware that Montez has placed the title on Kyle’s chest causing a bit of damage to Cody. Montez rolls Kyle away, hitting a Lariat Tubman on Cody for the pin with the ref making the count!




Greg Hamilton: And your winner, Montez Ford!

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Suddenly the lights in the arena dimmed out and a cold chill filled the air.

Michael Cole: Oh My! It can't be... The Undertaker is coming back out.

Corey Graves: Well Cole, he is the Host of WrestleMania despite his earlier... uh transgressions.!


When there is no more room in the depths of hell, The dead will walk the earth. During this invasion, the gates of mankind will be stormed by the agents of darkness. It is at this point when certain men will take on an impossible task, to stop the insurrection from beyond the grave. That is when the judgment will be passed down.

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The idea that light will somehow always win over darkness is nothing but a rumor. A rumor created by agents of darkness. If a man believed that evil would defeat good, how many men would continue to fight the good fight? Without incentive, there's no passion, no hope. But with that rumored hope, destiny is only delayed.


The plague of darkness is coming and all encompassing evil from which there is no escape. No mercy. No hope.


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Offer your sacrifices to The Undertaker and he will judge them, but remember any sacrifice offered by the pure agent of darkness is welcomed but unnecessary. A sacrifice offered by the weak and cowardly reeks with the fowl stench of their own profanity.


The Undertaker is the Reaper of Myth, The Chaser of Souls, The Weaver of Nightmares, The Heart of Darkness. The Undertaker is now and forever the Purity of Evil... Are you Scared?


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He's Here!


Once again the air was sucked out of NRG Stadium as the Awe Inspiring Undertaker stepped out onto the entrance ramp and stared down the ring towards the scene of the crime from earlier when he left Triple H crippled and bloodied..

I can hear what you're thinkin'
All your doubts and fear
And if you look in my eyes in time
You'll find the reason I'm here

The Undertaker began his decent down the entrance ramp with a nervous WWE Universe looking on to see what The Undertaker would do this time.

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Pat McAfee: I am sure The Undertaker has a reason for doing what he did earlier. I don't know what it is... But I am certainly going to go out there and tell him to leave.

Tom Phillips: Agreed Pat, he attacked Triple H, that seems like a RAW problem to me and SmackDown should stay out of this.

And in time, all things shall pass away
In time, you may come back someday
To live once more or die once more
But in time, your time will be no more

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With eyes trained on The Undertaker as he continued to stalk to the ring. The WWE Universe and commentary teams continued to speculate over what The Undertaker would do or say this time.

Renee Young: Maybe The Undertaker will give us an explanation... Explain why he brutally assaulted Triple H to start off the show. What reasons could The Undertaker have for doing that?

Corey Graves: I don't know Renee, Triple H and The Undertaker have had a legendary friendship. I can't imagine what could have happened to lead to that kind of breakdown and at WrestleMania XL of all places.

You know your days are numbered
Count 'em one by one
Like notches in the handle of an outlaw's gun
You can outrun the Devil if you try
But you will never outrun the hands of time

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As The Undertaker continued closer to the ring he made no attempt to look at the members of the WWE Universe around ringside and only kept his focus solely in the middle of the ring.

In time there'll surely come a day
In time, all things shall pass away
In time, you may come back some say
To live once more or die once more
But in time, your time will be no more

Michael Cole: From what we understand, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon have left WrestleMania and are currently at a local medical facility where Triple H is being checked out for some pretty extensive injuries.

Renee Young: The Undertaker is going to have a lot of explaining to do and maybe that's why he's coming out here right now to explain himself to the WWE Universe and to Triple H and Stephanie McMahon.

Die once more.
Why don't you die once more
Die once more.

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As The Undertaker finally made his way down to the ring after a nearly 5 minute walk down to the ring. The lights of the arena coming back to illuminate the arena.


With the lights of the arena back on and a visibly shaken Samantha Irvin staring back across the ring at the demonic Undertaker while a nervous Samantha Irvin surrendered the microphone to Th Undertaker to address the WWE Universe once again.

The Undertaker: The attendance is 75,364.

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Backstage Priscilla Kelly stands against a black and starlit backdrop. Sitting on a ladder as a creepy smile comes over her face.

Priscilla Kelly: Tonight is a night that dreams will be made and hearts will be broken. Tonight is the kind of night where memories will either be your newest happy thought or the worst case scenario you didn’t want. Wrestlemania sets its own precedence every year as the showcase where men and women come to capture their dreams and childhood hopes. This very night is important because not only will championships change hands but opportunities may be given to new stars or old ones trying to rise back upon a pedestal they once fell off. The dealt out fates are made on the desires each person carries. The fate we carry for ourselves is in our hands. We are the people that shape our destiny and rise to the stars to shine of those from days gone by.

Priscilla held a purple rose in her hands as she looked at it closely.

Priscilla Kelly: It hasn’t even been a year since I made my return and I’ve already collected a championship under my name. But it doesn’t stop there. I haven’t yet begun to let the shadows of my desires envelop you all into a shadow realm. While I go on to shine I will leave the rest of you to seep in madness of whatever I take control of. There is women here who think they are my better, whom think they are the standard of what is to come and what is needed. There are women who try to embrace a balance between two realms and yet they falter in their meaning. They falter within themselves forgetting their place. I shall place a rose down for everyone that I ever cross paths with. A way to remember the fallen souls at my feet that have been placed into their misery at my own hands. I’ve left a rose especially for Liv Morgan. A rose that dedicates to the pain she has suffered. The pain that was inflicted that she so deserved. I’ve given each rose a color according to them all. Five other women will see these roses by their door and their names on their doors like tombstones to come. Here lies Sasha left in misery for all she had was ego to believe she was the boss. Here lies Nikki given a rose that may be in full bloom but will die quickly as beauty withers and doesn’t last forever. Here lies Rhea believing herself the entity of a monster with power above others. Here lies Liv Morgan self absorbed with personal redemption. And Here lies Scarlett, an entity who wishes to rise to a better occasion as not to be just another valet. Those will be the words given as each rose has been dropped.

Priscilla slowly started down the ladder and slowly was at the base. Her smile was one of pure madness.

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Priscilla Kelly: All of you at Wrestlemania are just another Alice going down the rabbit hole hoping to face off against the red queen hoping to return to your dreamed of place afterward. I’ll sit back and be the cheshire cat as I have been before but not some stagnant npc in your story book. But the one who comes here with their claws readied and their teeth ever so sharm for you to see gleaming in the darkness. Listen the shadows whisper in your ears. The failure that those will face and taste only sorrow. I will only vow to cheer on those of The Syndicate. My vow is for those whom face me to understand how sharp these claws have come to be. As the timer moves forward and the opportunity in my own sight becomes more real I feel confident. I feel ready to purge the bulk of inadequacy that lies before me. I feel as if it is my night, like it will be the opportunity I’ve been chasing. If I somehow lose I promise to the victor they will see me within the next card because I will not let anyone escape my violence. My mind is fixated on this goal and climbing a ladder to reach it is the literal meaning to come to fruition.

Looking to the false sea of stars behind her Priscilla would smile.

Priscilla Kelly: I am ready to bleed for this opportunity. I am ready to face whatever calamity sits before me in this sea of madness. I can ride these waves in the darkness without even seeing. I feel it all! I understand the waves that are crashing against the shore of everyone’s fear. I feed off it to power my own desire and hope that I am the woman that stops dreams from becoming true. Speaking of failing, I really hope tonight I watch Asuka blow her chance and be bound without gold upon her waist. Dedication to yourself is the only way to truly move forward. So take a chance to stop and smell the roses. I’ll bring one by to you if you needed because this is now my garden and the vines will come forth from the shadows to purge all that stand before me. Welcome to my Hell, welcome to the mind of Hell’s Favorite Harlot!

With that Priscilla would hand a rose toward the camera man as if she was handing it to the camera itself. She left a kiss on the camera as her outfit suggested she was supposed to be Poison Ivy from the DC Universe.

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Match 10: Cross Brand Match
Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Women's Money in the Bank

Sasha Banks -Vs- Nikki Bella -Vs- Liv Morgan -Vs- Scarlett -Vs- Rhea Ripley -Vs- Priscilla Kelly

The camera cuts to all the competitors in the ring as Samantha Irvin makes her way into the ring to make the match introduction.

Samantha Irvin: The following contest is the Women’s Money in the Bank ladder match. The objective of the match is as follows. Above the ring is the coveted money in the bank briefcase. To win the match one of these women must climb a ladder and unhook the briefcase. That briefcase entitles the winner to a women’s championship match at any time over the next calendar year. Ladies, good luck and be safe.

Samantha leaves the ring as the bell sounds and immediately the rest of the competitors turn to the biggest threat in the match, Rhea Ripley. The Eradicator looks at the crowd and instead of backing off beckons them to make a shot. The first to go for it is Priscilla Kelly who charges at Rhea and is given a Headbutt for her troubles which sends Priscilla out of the ring. Scarlett tries a running corner splash but Rhea leaves her hanging on the turnbuckle and hits her with a German Suplex, eventually however the rest of the field gets some space and starts delivering a beat down to Ripley, Ripley has to roll out of the ring to safety but Liv Morgan comes flying through the ropes with a Suicide Dive to send Rhea back first into the barricade. Liv grabs a ladder from underneath the ring and slides it into the ring but Sasha Banks hits a Baseball Slide to the ladder, sending it into Liv’s face, Liv falls to the mat. Sasha pulls the ladder into the ring but is caught by Nikki Bella with a Spinebuster onto the ladder, Sasha clutching her back as her back meets the metal of the ladder. Nikki goes to set up the ladder but Priscilla Kelly recovers and runs in to the run and hits a Forearm Smash to the back of Nikkis head, Bella now rolling out of the ring. Priscilla sets up the ladder and makes sure the coast is clear before attempting her climb but like a shadow, Scarlett appears in the ring with a chair and hits Priscilla over the back with it twice, causing Priscilla to drop from the ladder and roll to the outside. Scarlett makes her climb being the only woman left in the ring.

Renee Young: Folks welcome to what i’m sure is going to be a chaotic Women’s Money in the Bank ladder match as one of these women tries to secure their future. Renee Young from RAW joined by the most well dressed commentator in the game, Smackdowns Nigel McGuiness

Nigel McGuiness: Thank you for that Renee, looking splendid yourself but back to the match and I think the chaos has already began. We saw all the women try to team and take out Rhea Ripley and while they were eventually successful I can guarantee you that Rhea is not going to be down for long. I may have only just joined Smackdown recently but Rhea is a force to be reckoned with.

As Scarlett climbs she eventually reaches the top rung of the ladder and starts to try to grab the briefcase as it swings above the ladder. Scarlett almost has a grasp on it before she notices the ladder start to move, looking down she see’s Rhea begin to tip the ladder over. As the ladder falls, Scarlett hangs on to the briefcase but eventually has to drop straight into a Headbutt from Rhea which knocks Scarlett into the ropes, coming back to eat a Big Boot from Rhea. Scarlett slides out the ring to the safety of the outside, leaving Rhea to set up the ladder. Before Rhea can even consider climbing, from off camera Liv Morgan comes flying in with a Running Hurricanrana to Rhea, sending Rhea to the mat. Liv has brought a chair in with her and hits Rhea over the back with it, sending Rhea to the mat. Liv delivers a stomp to Rhea for good measure. Setting up the ladder she makes sure the coast is clear but when she looks she’s hit in the mush with a Diving Meteora from Sasha Banks which sends Liv to the mat. Sasha grabs the chair Liv dropped and hits her rival twice with it before adding a third. Before she can go for a fourth Sasha is hit with a Bella Spear by Nikki Bella who may have caught some of the chair on the attack as she clutches her head. This allows Priscilla Kelly to get in with a table, setting it up she forgoes any offense and decides to climb the ladder but not before giving a Roundhouse Kick to a kneeling Bella. Priscilla makes sure everyone is still down and climbs the now set up ladder.

Renee Young: Well in that exchange of chaos, it looks like Priscilla Kelly of Smackdown is the one left standing and now the one climbing as she tries to secure the briefcase.

Nigel McGuiness: If you asked me what two women would relish in the chaos of this match, my first answer would be Rhea Ripley and my second answer would be Priscilla Kelly. Hell’s Favourite Harlot loves herself some chaos and its showing here.

Priscilla reaches the top of the ladder and looks around to make sure no one is getting to their feet, when she’s happy enough that everyone else is still on the mat she goes to grab the briefcase but due to this doesn’t notice Scarlett making her way up the other side of the ladder. Scarlett meets Priscilla at the top and the pair engage in an exchange of strikes, Scarlett winning the exchange with a Backhand Chop, Priscilla is a bit wobbly on top of the ladder but is still holding on. Scarlett sees this and grabs Priscilla into a Suplex position, hooking Priscilla and driving both of them off the ladder and through the table that ironically Priscilla had set up earlier. On the mat, Rhea, Liv, Nikki and Sasha have recovered, watching the other two women fall from the heavens and through a table. Nikki, Liv and Sasha look at each other and then Rhea, realizing she is the only Smackdown woman left standing. Rhea also realises this and like at the start of the match beckons the rest of them to take a shot. Instead of attacking one on one, the three women attack Rhea in a group, Rhea getting a lucky Headbutt onto Liv to send her back but Nikki and Sasha manage to bring the Eradicator to her knees and Nikki hits a Spinebuster into the corner onto Rhea followed up by the corner knees by Sasha Banks. Nikki tries for a Suplex onto Sasha but Sasha slips behind and hits a Neckbreaker onto Nikki. Sasha climbs the ladder.

Renee Young: Jesus, Scarlett just sent herself and Priscilla through that table and sorry to say it Nigel, I think Smackdowns women’s chances of winning this match just got cut down by half with Rhea out of it in the corner now.

Nigel McGuiness: I hate to agree Renee but this doesn’t look good for Team Blue right now, Scarlett and Priscilla have rolled out near our announce table here and Rhea has rolled out close to the ramp and now the only person capable of climbing is RAW’s Sasha Banks, wait Liv Morgan is beginning to stir.

Nigel is right and Liv begins to get to her feet, looking up to see Sasha almost at the top of the ladder. Liv hurries to her feet and up the ladder as quick as she can and meets Sasha at the top, the two rivals go back and forth and on the outside, Rhea has set up two tables. Nikki Bella eventually recovers enough to tip the ladder over but Liv see’s this coming and drops from the ladder to the mat as it falls, leaving Sasha to crash through one of the tables on the outside. Rhea grabs the prone Sasha and hits her with the Riptide on the outside. Back in the ring and Liv is left at the hands of Nikki Bella who hits her with a Rack Attack 2.0, leaving Liv on the mat. Nikki sets the ladder up and makes her climb. Rhea hurries back into the ring and climbs opposite to Nikki. The duo fight back and forth on top of the rungs of the ladder until Nikki gets the better and stands on the very top of the ladder to reach the briefcase. Rhea doesn’t allow her to for long and looks at the final table set up on the outside. Rhea grabs Nikki, locks in a Riptide and says a small player before plunging the both of them off the ladder and through the table on the outside, the crowd exploding into “This is Awesome” chant.


Nigel McGuiness: This is pandemonium and shows the lengths Rhea will go to to make sure even if she doesn’t win the match, that Mami always comes out on top.

Back in the ring and Scarlett and Priscilla have recovered enough to set up a ladder and make their climb, fighting their way up the ladder as they do. At the top the duo get into a slugfest but this time Priscilla gets the advantage and sweeps Scarlett’s legs through the rungs. Priscilla then delivers a Roundhouse Kick to the side of Scarletts head and causes her to drop to the mat. Priscilla realises everyone else is down and no one can stop her, making her climb she reaches the briefcase and goes to unhook it but is suddenly met face to face with Liv Morgan who smirks and then mists Priscilla with the green mist. Priscilla is left blind and swinging wildly but Liv delivers one boot to the midsection and causes the blind woman to fall off. Liv then climbs and grabs the briefcase, unhooking it.

Samantha Irvin: Your winner of this match and….. MISS MONEY IN THE BANK... LIV MORGAN.

The camera cuts to Liv sitting atop the ladder with her briefcase, clutching it like a mother would a child as she then holds it up.

Renee Young: Well after a long hard fought battle, Liv Morgan comes away with the briefcase and a guaranteed title opportunity. These women out here put their bodies on the line and should be proud of their efforts.

Nigel McGuiness: I agree Renee but the most proud woman should be Liv Morgan who brings the briefcase home for the red brand. Well done Liv.

The camera focuses on the carnage on the outside before cutting to Liv one last time who is still atop the ladder.

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The camera shows a far view if the stage and slowly pans in as trumpets sound in the background a very regal, royal song. Just as we get to the top of the stage the music and atmosphere changes.


Booker T's music starts playing in the arena and in short order Booker T is out on the stage accompanied by his wife Sharmell. Both of them wearing crowns on their heads and red velvet cloaks draped over their shoulders. Unsurprisingly the crowd is on their feet for the hometown legend, the couple waves out to the crowd and are all smiles. To the right of the stage is a heavy cloth that is draped over something large. The duo walk over to that and stand on either side of it. Sharmell waves her hand side to side in that signature royalty wave while Booker's is higher and more of a whole arm wave.

Booker T: What's good, Houston, Texas!

The crowd blows the roof off the place (figuratively) with Booker raising his microphone high in the air. It's not needed to catch the deafening sound.

Sharmell: I think they're having a good time, my king.

Booker T: That's how we do it here in the WWE, my queen. That's how we do it here at WrestleMania! That's how we di it right here in my hometown!

A cheap pop but the crowd eats it up, unashamedly.

Booker T: As much as I'd love to have this just be a check in n' hang out, we are here for something important. A very important announcement that's only fit to be told by KING BOOKAH AND HIS QUEEN SHARMELL!.

Sharmell: The WWE Network will be hosting an exclusive tournament on their platform starting March first in which the men and women of both RAW and Smackdown will be competing against one another vying for the crown!

Booker T: And the cape!

The two pull off the cloth revealing they there are two thrones set up on the side of the stage.

Both: And the throne!

The crowd is ecstatic with the news.

Booker T: Ya'll are sure to have it by now, we are bringing you the return of the King and Queen of The Ring! Each week a group of superstars will be facing off in elimination matches until there is only one man and one woman who will be our King and Queen.

Sharmell: If that isn't exciting enough at the end of that, the two of them will face one another to determine who reigns Supreme as WWE Royalty!

With a final wave, the two remove their crowns and cloaks and set them on the chair. The camera zooms in on them before it cuts to the next scene.

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We went backstage, moments before the WWE Championship match.

Byron Saxton: Ladies and gentlemen my guest at this time, he is the challenger for the WWE Championship, The Scottish Warrior - Drew McIntyre.

Drew stepped into the frame. He looms over Byron with a strong presence, laser focused on the match ahead.

Byron Saxton: Drew, you are moments away from your match with Adam Cole, where the winner will walk out WWE Champion. Last year you were in the same position and won the title, how do you think you’ll fare this time?

Byron nervously held the microphone up to Drew, who still hadn’t made any eye contact with the interviewer.

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Drew McIntyre: How do I think I’ll fare? Well I don’t think it’ll be the same as last year. Last year I beat MJF in a matter of minutes because he dropped the ball. Adam Cole doesn’t do that. In fact apart from one man he has the most accolades in WWE history. It’s going to be my pleasure kicking his damn head off and reclaiming the title I held last year.

Byron Saxton: Well speaking of last year, you were champion and held the belt for 49 days, a reign I’m sure you would’ve liked to be longer. Are there any tactics in place to make sure that if you do win tonight, you stay on top?

Drew met the eyes of Byron for the first time.

Drew McIntyre: What are you getting at Byron?

Byron hesitated, not expecting the question to be turned back on him.

Drew McIntyre: Go on, spit it out.

Byron hesitated again. Drew’s focus had clearly made him even more intimidating than usual.

Byron Saxton: There have been… signs of an alliance between yourself and sworn enemies Tyler Bate and Noam Dar. Even earlier tonight they were seen going into your locker room.

Drew just smiled.

Drew McIntyre: They did? That must’ve been why it stank of beard oil and Lynx Africa. If they did go in there it was when I wasn’t there. Which asks questions about the security in this place if I’m honest.

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Drew McIntyre: I know it’s fun to talk about conspiracies. God knows I loved them when I was a kid, but there’s nothing going on. It’s going to be a clean match with one winner and if that’s boring to you then you’re watching the wrong sport.

Drew shrugged at the camera.

Drew McIntyre: Adam, I recently shed a big weakness of mine, my sword Angela, named after my late mum. It was becoming an albatross around my neck, something I leaned on to get me through tough times. But no longer. Who knows what kind of man I’ll be now without that guiding hand. Will I be good? Will I be bad? One thing’s for sure, starting from tonight I’ll be fighting fire with gasoline, and that includes taking your title. See you out there mate.

He smirked, leaving Byron on his own and heading to Gorilla.

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Match 11: RAW Match
WWE Championship

Adam Cole © -Vs- Drew McIntyre

What’s that metronome I hear?
Perhaps the end is drawing near…
You’ll never hear the shot that takes you down…

The anticipation around the arena only rose after the crowd heard the classic and much-missed Drew McIntyre theme. It then transitioned to Gallantry, his current theme, with the ferocious drumbeat and bagpipes thundering all around.

Michael Cole: Just like last year, Drew McIntyre finds himself challenging for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania. Can he repeat those heroics of last year?

Renee Young: I believe he can. Drew was down on his luck just a month or so ago but he’s turned it around. That to me suggests a big match player, a guy who pulls out all the stops at just the right moment.

Corey Graves: If you guys think this is going to be a clean match like Drew said, you’re very naive. I smell something fishy.

Michael Cole: Innocent until proven guilty Corey.

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McIntyre marched to the ring, clad in all leather like a badass. His eyes were set on the ring in front of him and didn’t waver for a second to acknowledge the positive crowd reception to his entrance. He climbed inside and ascended the second turnbuckle, stretching out his arms and roaring while fire shot from the other buckles. He then fixated on the entranceway for his opponent.

You know it’s all about the BOOM!
Adam Cole Bay Bay!

A huge ovation for the WWE Champion! The camera panned around to various Adam Cole and The Elite supporters in the crowd, carrying signs, the most notable being a giant BAY BAY with 6 people each holding a letter. Great form by Houston.

Michael Cole: A lot has been made lately about Adam Cole being highly decorated and the numbers don’t lie - only John Cena has won more WWE Championships than Cole since 2005.

Renee Young: He has to be the favourite here. McIntyre has the size and the presence, but Cole has proved time and time again it’s not all about that. The sheer numbers and consistency don’t lie.

Corey Graves: I just hope Adam Cole has brought some back up for when he inevitably gets screwed out of the title!

Renee Young: Oh will you stop!

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Cole strode confidently down to the ring and climbed onto the apron. Like the true pro he is, he waited for the perfect point in his music, and then… BOOM! He slipped between the ropes and circled Drew with his arms outstretched, before provocatively waving the WWE title in the Scottish Warrior’s face. The referee separated the two men, and Samantha Irvin did her thing.

Samantha Irvin: The following contest is for the WWE CHAMPIONSHIPPP! Introducing first the challenger, from Ayr, Scotland. Weighing in at 275lbs, he is the Scottish Warrior - DREWWW! MCINTYREEE!

A stern look from Drew to Adam.

Samantha Irvin: Introducing next from Panama City, Florida. Weighing in at 200lbs, he is the reigning and defending WWE Champion - ADAMMM COLEEE!

BAY BAY! Cole casually chewed his gum in the face of the evening’s adversity. The championship was removed from the ring, and then the bell rang! Cole: If you’re up to something, you’re gonna pay for it. Drew: I’m not up to bloody anything, we doing this or what? Cole nodded in agreement and the men circled each other like lions. Drew offered a test of strength, but Cole knew he wasn’t winning that one. He gave Drew a forearm instead which rocked him into a corner. Drew checked his jaw for signs of damage and seemed uncomfortable.

Michael Cole: I don’t think Drew was expecting that forearm from Cole! He looks in some discomfort.

Renee Young: He’s not in any rush to move from that corner. God I hope he hasn’t suffered some damage here.

The referee waved Cole away to check on Drew’s jaw. But almost immediately after…

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Michael Cole: What the hell is he doing here?!

With Drew having his jaw seen to, Tyler Bate slipped in the ring and BLASTED Adam Cole with his IC title! Both Drew and the referee turned around to see Cole laid out in the middle of the ring. A confused Drew took his shot, and…

Renee Young: CLAYMORE!

Corey Graves: I knew it! I knew it! Drew’s about to become champion!



Michael Cole: COLE GOT HIS FOOT ON THE ROPES! God that was close! That damn Tyler Bate just nearly ended things in record time!

Corey Graves: The fix is totally in!

Renee Young: Come on Graves! Drew clearly didn’t see anything!

Drew held his head in his hands. Glancing around the ring, he spotted Bate and started arguing with him. Drew looked incensed at Bate’s mere presence, but Noam Dar limped down to play peacemaker.

Michael Cole: And now this goof!

Drew went to confront the two men on the outside, but Adam Cole spun him around. Cole: You think I’m some kind of idiot?! You think I don’t see what’s going on here?! Drew: Want me to prove it? Bate and Dar were on the apron now… GLASGOW KISS to Bate! GLASGOW KISS to Dar! Drew turned to seek Cole’s approval, but Cole met him with a thrust kick to the stomach, followed by The Boom! Cover!



Michael Cole: MCINTYRE WITH HIS FOOT ON THE ROPE! Almost in parallel to a minute ago!

Renee Young: Wait a minute! On the ramp!

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Corey Graves: Here comes the cavalry!

MJF, accompanied by Nick Jackson, sprinted down to the ring. The 2 members of the Elite picked up Bate and Dar and threw them into the crowd. They were still out of sorts from McIntyre headbutting them so couldn’t put up much of a fight, and after almost no time they had all disappeared to the back.

Michael Cole: How smart is Adam Cole! He clearly didn’t trust McIntyre after what happened on RAW so he got his faction mates ready to equalise.

Corey Graves: You guys clearly need to listen to me more often!

Renee Young: I still don’t think Drew’s given us any reason not to trust him!

The situation was now back to 1 on 1. McIntyre was up first. He loaded himself up for another Claymore but Cole rolled out of the ring. Drew followed. He chop blocked Cole right to the knee that had given Drew the Boom a minute ago. Drew pulled Cole up, almost a deadlift, and into a Belly to Belly Suplex on the outside! Cole hit hard on the protective mats. He grabbed Cole again and drove him spine-first into the turnbuckle, then rolled in and out of the ring to break the 10 count. Drew went for the Future Shock DDT, but this was reversed into a Back Body Drop, Drew hitting the outside floor for the first time. Cole clutched his back and rolled back into the ring. Drew followed him, Cole hit a DDT of his own, then covered.



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Adam Cole stretched out his back out of view of McIntyre, not wanting to show any weakness. He grabbed Drew into a Backstabber, but Drew held onto his opponent and turned it into a Spinebuster. Drew then hit Cole with a couple of forearms, and Cole responded with the same. Drew went to grab his jaw but Cole wouldn’t allow him any space. The champ hit some knife-edge chops to the massive chest of Drew. A couple more forearms, and then a Thrust Kick to the head. Drew wobbled on his feet but then came back with a Glasgow Kiss! Cole only went down to one knee though. Cole tried to come back with a clothesline but Drew ducked and hit a Neckbreaker.

Michael Cole: Both men down now after an exciting start to this match!

Corey Graves: It’s settled down into a fierce battle which we knew it would be, nothing to separate champion and challenger so far.

Drew prepared Cole for the Future Shock DDT again, which was reversed. Cole showed unbelievable strength by powering Drew up into a Ushigoroshi and nailed the move. Cole then hit a Destroyer and covered.



Drew just kicked out! Cole went up top for what looked like the Panama Sunrise. He jumped towards Drew but Drew moved and Cole tweaked the knee Drew had chop blocked earlier. Drew created space, then a CLAYMO- but Cole moved! Cole went for the Boom - Drew moved! Then a Future Shock DDT!



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Michael Cole: Shoulder up! Cole kicked at 2!

Renee Young: McIntyre thinking what do I need to do to beat this man?!

Drew got a devilish look in his eye. He sat on the second rope - and went for the Panama Sunrise! But no one knows that move better than Adam Cole, and Cole reversed into a roll-up.



McIntyre immediately popped up and delivered a Backbreaker, followed by a Glasgow Kiss!



Corey Graves: Kick out! You have got to be kidding me! He still can’t put Cole away!

A visibly annoyed Drew rolled to the outside and started clearing the announcer’s table. Drew hauled Cole underneath the bottom rope and towards the table, but Cole jabbed Drew in the face. He slammed McIntyre’s head off the table a few times and then hit a Thrust Kick to the top of the head. Drew flopped on top of the table and Cole jumped on a foreign language table just beside it. After a run up, the Boom! Drew’s head smacked off the table and he fell to the floor. Cole rolled Drew back into the ring and covered.




Renee Young: Just like Adam Cole, Drew won’t go down!

Cole exhaled deeply and rolled down his knee pad. He took a run up and nailed Drew with another Boom! But immediately started to roll around in agony!

Corey Graves: Cole just hit Drew with another Boom, but I think that’s the same knee Drew worked on earlier!

Michael Cole: I think you’re right Corey!

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The referee crouched down to check on the champion but he was waved away. To make things worse for Cole, Drew rolled out of the ring to safety. Drew shook the cobwebs away from taking 2 finishers to the head, but then spotted a hurt Cole on the inside. McIntyre smirked, smelling blood. He slipped back into the ring and went to grab Cole, but Cole turned it into a roll-up!



McIntyre only just kicked out! Was Cole playing possum, or did he get an adrenaline rush? Drew was angry with himself for falling for it. He slapped himself in the head a few times and pulled at his hair.

Michael Cole: Drew is losing it here, we’re now seeing some of that temper that caused him to flip out on Tyler Bate a couple times during all that business with Drew’s sword.

Corey Graves: That’s how Drew’s year started! When the sword got broken so did Drew’s mind seemingly! He’s gotta stay focused.

McIntyre readied himself for the Claymore, and GETS IT! Cover!



Michael Cole: Kickout by Adam Cole!! How the hell did he do that?!

Corey Graves: Because it’s all on the line Michael!

Renee Young: Well if Drew wasn’t pissed before, he will be now!

Drew rolled to the outside and picked up the WWE title. The crowd got out of their seats and readied themselves for shenanigans. Drew gazed at a title that wasn’t his, then back at Cole. Drew then realised he was meant to be a hero, and put the belt down. He got back in the ring and was met by a kick to the stomach from Cole. The momentum took Drew into the corner, where Cole climbed to the second rope - PANAMA SUNRISE!



The referee was pulled out of the ring! But by who?

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Michael Cole: Dammit! Noam Dar is back, I thought The Elite took care of him!

Corey Graves: Obviously not!

A furious Adam Cole pulled Dar up to the ring apron and gave him a big right hand. Dar went limp and fell to the floor, but then Cole was jumped by Tyler Bate!

Renee Young: Tyler Bate?!

Corey Graves: Do you seriously believe there’s no conspiracy now Renee?!

Cole got the better of the IC Champ, and gave him a Clothesline over the top rope. But then Cole turned into a CLAYMORE! Drew covered!



ADAM COLE KICKED OUT! McIntyre couldn’t believe it. Bate and Dar began to shout at Drew from ringside. Bate then slid Drew a bottle of Jack Daniels! Drew opened the bottle and took a few gulps. He then looked at the camera with a sinister grin. Drew: I’ve had a smashing time lads! He waited until Cole got to his feet, and SMASH!!! DREW BROKE THE BOTTLE OF JACK OVER COLE’S HEAD!!!




Samantha Irvin: Here is your winner, AND THE NEW WWE CHAMPION! DREWWW MCINTYREEE!!!

Drew rolled off of Cole and let out a guttural roar while Bate and Dar celebrated on the outside. The referee received the WWE title and somewhat reluctantly began to present it to Drew.

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Drew raised his prize high above his head. He beckoned Bate and Dar inside the ring, and then, a group hug!

Michael Cole: This is a damn disgrace! What the hell has happened to Drew McIntyre?!

Corey Graves: I’ll tell you what happened Michael! Drew was in league with Bate and Dar this whole time! Maybe even going back to that first interaction after the Royal Rumble!

Renee Young: How much of a fool do I feel? I defended Drew against the accusations and he goes and does this! I knew he wanted back on top of the mountain, but not this badly!

The 3 men jumped around like idiots, followed by Drew blowing the KO’d Adam Cole a kiss. Pyro shot off from the stage to herald the arrival of the new champion, the second year in a row Drew had won the title at WrestleMania. But the circ*mstances behind this win were much, much different.

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Mike Rome: NRG STADIUM!!!

The sold out crowd in Houston pops loudly for ring announcer Mike Rome.

Mike Rome: Please welcome the newest inductee into the WWE Hall of Fame... WWE GRAND SLAM CHAMPION... THE BLESSED IN THE WORLD... PASTOR... WILLIAM... EAVER!!!


"Personal Jesus" by Depeche Mode explodes into the arena to a chorus of loud boo's from the sea of humanity that is this Wrestlemania audience.

Nigel McGuinness: Yes! It's finally time for the moment we've all been waiting for! The special Hall of Fame three hour speech! This is going to be the greatest moment in Wrestlemania history!

Pat McAfee: I'm glad you're excited Nigel. I can't stand this guy. Hopefully they cut the mic after five minutes.

Tom Phillips: It sounds like you are not alone in that sentiment, Pat. The crowd here in NRG doesn't seem pleased with the Pastor's arrival.

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Before long, Pastor William Eaver emerges from behind the large screens that make up the entrance ramp for this Wrestlemania 40 extravaganza. The boo's become louder for the Hall of Famer as he stands defiant at the top of the entrance ramp with a huge smile across his bearded face. Unlike most of the times when we are graced with the presence of the Blessed in the World... he stands alone. Eaver extends his arms out to increase the anger and boo's from the sold out Houston crowd.

Nigel McGuinness: Why are these disgusting people booing the Pastor!? They should be showing him the respect he has earned! He's a Hall of Famer!

Pat McAfee: It's because they don't like him. Crazy enough, I agree with them.

After several minutes of soaking up the hatred at the top of the ramp the Wrath of God finally starts to make his way down towards the ring. He slowly starts to circle around the ring looking out into the disgusting crowd in NRG Stadium while they scream things at him in return. He smiles wide unaffected by their disgusting foul language. Once the Pastor completes the circle around the ring he slowly makes his way up the steel steps at one of the turnbuckles and climbs inside the ring. Immediately he moves towards the ropes and slides on his knees with his hands extended to another nice chorus of boos.

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After laughing to himself at the insane people in the crowd he backs away from the ropes and asks for a microphone. He moves to center ring and his theme music finally starts to die down which makes the boos that much more noticeable. He waits patiently, staring out into the sea of humanity, waiting for them to quiet down so he can begin.

Pastor William Eaver: Thank you so much for that warm reception!

Here comes the boos again. Eaver just smiles and looks down at the Hall of Fame ring that adorns the ring finger of his left hand.

Nigel McGuinness: Man these people are so disrespectful.

Tom Phillips: It's crazy to think that he would expect anything less with the way he has been acting since he returned to the WWE.

Nigel McGuinness: He's been a wonderful and welcomed addition to the Smackdown roster.

Pat McAfee: In his own mind.

Pastor William Eaver: For the benefit of those of you that did not join us for the Hall of Fame reception last night, I have come here tonight to stand in the middle of this ring and deliver unto you a consolidated and jubilant speech that you will sit down and listen too without so much as a peep in response. Is that understood?

Naturally, that was not understood.

Pastor William Eaver: First and foremost, before we really get started I would like to say something about the rest of the Hall of Fame class of 2024 that I got to share the stage with last night. So with that being said thank you so much to Shane McMahon...

A nice pop for Shane.

Pastor William Eaver: Thank you so much to Alicia Fox.

Another nice pop for the fellow Hall of Famer.

Pastor William Eaver: Thank you to the uber talented... Peyton Royce.

A loud pop for the announcement of Royce. The Pastor stops and lowers his head for a moment before saying the last name. The fans already know who is coming up next and the fireflies start to shine throughout the building.

Pastor William Eaver: And thank you so... so much to a man that I shared this very ring with on numerous occasions. A man that always brought the best out of me and everybody he worked with. A man that I ASSURE you is putting on one heck of a show right now for everybody up there beyond the pearly gates.

Eaver pauses and looks up towards the Heavens.

Pastor William Eaver: Thank you Windham. Thank you. We love you. We miss you. And I'll look forward to seeing you once again down the line.

The crowd cheers for the Pastor finally as he crosses himself and puts his head down again in silent prayer. Once the crowd starts to settle down he continues.

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Pastor William Eaver: I am truly honored to be among this company. I have worked for this my entire life. This is all I've ever wanted to do. Since I was a kid, I wanted to be a professional wrestler. I got to live my dream. You all gave me that opportunity so I also wanted to thank all of you so so much.

The Pastor seems sincere in his words and the crowd cheers in response.

Pastor William Eaver: I do have quite a few more people to thank. I'd like to thank Johnny Gargano by bringing out the absolute best in me. There was a time when we headlined Wrestlemania and we tore the house down of every building we visited on the way to that encounter. I'd also like to thank Orange Cassidy for being the first man that really tested me on my return. I'd like to thank MYSELF for throwing both of them out of the ring earlier tonight and making sure that this was the worst Wrestlemania in both of their careers. You're welcome!

How quickly the boos return.

Nigel McGuinness: Thank you Pastor

Pastor William Eaver: I'd like to also thank me for my incredible accomplishments during my Hall of Fame career. World Heavyweight Champion. NXT Champion. Intercontinental Champion. United States Champion. European Champion. Tag Team Champion. Multiple time Hardcore Champion. One of the few Grand Slam champions in this company. Slammy award winner. Must I go on? Not to mention flooding your lives with positive reinforcement and faithful words that you can apply to your otherwise disgusting cesspools of existence.

Now he's really asking for the boos.

Pastor William Eaver: But listen. I could stand out here for the next few hours and go on and on about how much I have changed your lives for the better. But you know that already. So instead I will take all of your applause and all of your love for the one accomplishment that I hold above all else. The one thing that I've done in my time in the WWE that is better than any championship victory. Better than winning a Royal Rumble or a Money in the Bank contract. Even better than being given this Hall of Fame ring. My greatest accomplishment. My tour de force. My masterpiece. Don't let anybody fool you for I AM the man that retired the biggest piece of human garbage the WWE has ever seen. The most disgusting, sin ridden, spawn of Satan to ever walk the face of the Earth. I infiltrated his Ministry of Darkness. I destroyed it from the inside. And yes... it was ME that retired the despicable... poisonous... monstrous... UNDERTAKER!!!

Eaver's eyes widen and he gets another massive smile across his face. The boos are so loud at this point that our announce team can barely be heard.

Pastor William Eaver: Yes! Thank you! Thank you! It is because of me that we will no longer have to suffer having that seed of darkness cast his shadow down upon all of us. It is because of me that we no longer have to hear that stupid gong that precedes his arrival. So thank you so much to me... your Pastor... William Eaver... for getting rid of the Deadman for good!

The Sword of the Lord extends his hands away from his body again to another loud chorus of boos. That is, of course, until...


Pat McAfee: OH. MY. GOD!!!

Nigel McGuinness: Oh no.

The crowd goes ballistic while the smile immediately leaves the face of the Pastor but his eyes widen even larger. Within seconds the lights go pitch black and the crowd screams in anticipation. We can't see anything that is going on in the ring until the lights finally come back after the bell tolls another time.

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The crowd explodes as the Undertaker has appeared directly behind the Pastor. Eaver looks around at the crowd going crazy and he lowers his head as he soon realizes exactly what is going on. He shakes his head back and forth in disappointment before turning around and coming face to face with his past. The Undertaker towers over the Blessed in the World and he sneers at him with bad intentions in his eyes. Eaver seems to be apologizing for his words and he puts his hands up in a defensive manner before backing away from the Deadman much to the dismay of the crowd in NRG. The Pastor nods his head and starts to leave the scene only to smile and rush back towards the Undertaker looking for the Clothesline From Heaven! Unfortunately Taker saw that coming a mile and a half away and grabbed him by the throat and screaming in his face. The fans are going ballistic while the Undertaker lifts the Pastor high into the air.

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Pat McAfee: This is one of the greatest Wrestlemania moments of all time!

Nigel McGuinness: It was before the Undertaker ruined it!

The Pastor is sprawled out on the mat in a great deal of pain. The Undertaker just shakes his head back and forth while the bell tolls again and one more time the lights go out. When they come back on Eaver is still lying flat on his back in the center of the ring with the crowd still cheering his demise. The Congregation finally runs down the ramp and slides into the ring to tend to their Father who stays flattened in the ring clutching at the back of his head. His Hall of Fame Speech. His Wrestlemania moment. Ruined.

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The scene cut to the backstage area once again in the evening this time into the locker room of The NEW WWE Champion, Drew McIntyre and the special guest referee for the RAW WrestleMania Main Event, Alexa Bliss who was still preparing for her big match.

Alexa Bliss: I think I am going to do great… I’ve been training with Earl Hebner all month… I know exactly what to do.

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Alexa Bliss: I am going to call it right down the middle… no bias… no favoritism… as a matter of fact I hate both of those dumb bitches. I should be the one in the Women’s Championship match. What makes Britt Baker so great anyway? She’s just a stupid dentist… that’s like not even a real doctor… and how redundant is her name? Doctor Britt Baker, Doctor of Medical Dentistry… yeah, we get it you’re a doctor.

Alexa rolled her eyes about Britt Baker but she wasn’t done ranting yet there was still another half of the match she has not addressed yet.

Alexa Bliss: And Tiffany Stratton… don’t even get me started on Tiffany Stratton, she’s just a younger, dumber less talented version of me. The only thing she has going for her is this ‘Daddy’. And you know what? I don’t think Tiffy’s Daddy even exists… have you ever seen him? I haven’t… I bet he’s a poor slob back in backwater Minnesota with a beer belly and a receding hairline.

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Alexa Bliss: And another thing…

But before Alexa could say anymore, Drew who was holding his newly won WWE Championship said…

Drew McIntyre: Lexi! Lexi… for the love of God, Lexi I love you, but would you please shut the hell up… I just won the WWE Championship and I…

Alexa Bliss: I said congratulations…

Drew McIntyre: I know, and I am…

Before Drew could say any more there was a ruckus at the door as a few of Drew’s friends finally arrived at the locker room with a bottle of whisky in hand while Alexa was changing out of her regular shirt into her referee’s shirt.

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Alexa Bliss: Uh, excuse YOU! this is a private locker room… I am not even dressed! I am not prepared for guests I have a big WrestleMania Main Event match to get ready for. GET OUT!

Tyler Bate and Noam Dar stood at the door, Bate holding his IC title and Dar holding a bottle of Jack Daniels, the smashed one used to win the WWE title already replaced.

Drew McIntyre: There they are, my boys!

Drew brushed past his girlfriend and gave Bate and Dar another group hug. They paid Alexa no attention as she scrambled to cover herself up.

Tyler Bate: We got you 2 bottles mate, one to smash and one to devour.

Noam Dar: As long as we can both have a swig, aye?

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Drew McIntyre: Of course you can boys, it's a bloody celebration! Get some chairs will you, I wanna crack this open in style.

Bate and Dar each got a chair and set them up either side of Drew. They stepped on their chairs, and once the bottle was opened, starting pouring it into Drew's mouth from above.

Drew McIntyre: That's good stuff. You wanna get in on this Lexi?

Alexa Bliss: Eww no. Also, were you gonna tell me about this whole alliance thing?

Drew McIntyre: Must've forgot. If you're not gonna join in get out of here and ref your little title match, we've got plans to discuss.

For the first time in her life Alexa was experiencing a brush off, as a laughing McIntyre, Bate and Dar passed the bottle around. Now fully dressed, Alexa exited the locker room and slammed the door behind her.


Triple H

Posted: Apr 15 2024, 03:03 AM

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (284)

Group: WWE Owner

Posts: 7869

Points: 11779

Handler's Name:Jessica

Alignment: Heel

Finisher 1:Pedigree

Finisher 2:N/A

Color Code:Green

Theme Music:King of Kings - Motorhead

Other Characters:Alexa Bliss, Julia Hart, Raven, Renee Young, Stephanie McMahon, Toni Storm, Triple H

Tag Team:Shawn Michaels

Faction:Corporate Structure

Relationship:Stephanie McMahon

RP Permission: Yes, but not attacks

Member Inventory: View

Member No.: 2
Joined: 30-July 18

Awards: 7

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (285) The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (286) The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (287) The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (288) The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (289) The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (290) The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (291)

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (292)
Asuka: 人生、山あり、谷あり.

120 seconds.

The Smackdown Women’s Champion stared down at her entrance attire in the suitcase. It was the exact same suitcase with which she had first arrived in the United States all those years ago. Worse for wear—but still fully functional. The same could be said for Asuka. She’d been around the globe four score and seven times. She was no longer the spry young unknown who had taken SHIMMER by storm in the early 2010s. When she’d first arrived on American soil with little more than that suitcase and a pocket full of dreams, no one had known her name.

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90 seconds.

That was no longer the case. Everyone knew the name Asuka. It terrorized their nightmares and struck fear into their waking hours. That young joshi sensation had become an international star. She had won titles worldwide. She had main evented Wrestlemania just last year.

Yes, everyone knew her name. But guess what?

They still weren’t f*cking ready.

Asuka: 人生、山あり、谷あり.

She repeated the earlier message; a mantra from her past. Life had its peaks and valleys. Just last year, she had been in a similar spot. Wrestlemania main event. Smackdown Women’s Championship on the line. The difference between this year and last? She wasn’t crawling her way toward the top of the mountain; she was already seated atop the peak. The Empire of the Rising Sun had been nothing more than a future promise; now it was the present reality. The biggest different, though?

This year she was not alone.

KLR: Ye ready, mate?

Asuka looked up to see the four other members of Queendom standing in front of her. Her friends. Her family.

One year ago they’d stood across that ring from each other and delivered a Wrestlemania classic. Now they were all on the same page, and they were all ready to cheer Asuka on to victory.

Asuka: Yes.

60 seconds.

Asuka rose from her chair. The four Queendom members flanked her two on each side as they escorted her down the hallway in a similar fashion to Goldberg’s WCW security guards. This already had a big fight feel, and the badass image of Queendom walking in unison down the corridor only added to that. As they walked, Asuka taunted Arianna Grace through the camera.

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Asuka: One minute. Arianna Grace have one minute until spotlight shines down. She used to light shine down when crown is put on head. She smile. She wave at fans. “Thank you. Thank you. Such happy.”

Asuka pretended she was accepting a Miss Universe award.

Asuka: Tonight Arianna Grace only wear one crown—crown of own blood. And tonight Arianna Grace only thank one person. She thank Asuka for giving fame for 15 minutes. Then she thank Asuka for mercy.

As they continued walking, Ricky Starks stood in the background—ready for his own title defense later in tonight’s main event. He nodded at Asuka, and she nodded back.

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Ricky Starks: Slay.

She smirked, then looked to the other side of the room, where Priscilla Kelly was standing looking thoroughly annoyed at this entire parade.

Asuka raised her hands up into a heart.

Asuka: <3

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30 seconds.

In thirty seconds, Asuka would walk through that curtain. She would soak in the fans’ adulation, and she would do what she did better than anyone else in the world.

Asuka: Thirty seconds. Arianna Grace nervous? Big moment. Maybe too big for little girl. Wrestlemania bigger than pretty girl pageant. World watch coronation and remember it until next day. World watch Wrestlemania…and remember it forever. Wrestlemania where Arianna Grace have chance become immortal. Lot of pressure. No mess it up. But no pressure for Asuka….

She chuckled.

Asuka: Because memory of Asuka already live forever.

15 seconds.

Asuka and Queendom reached the gorilla position to see Trish Stratus standing there. As impartial GM, she couldn’t play favorites. But she rolled her eyes, smirked, and gave Asuka a thumbs up anyway.

Trish Stratus: Don’t lose, ok.

Asuka: That question or….?



Trish stepped aside so that Asuka could walk up to curtain leading into the entrance ramp. There was still one person standing in the way, though—Himari. She stared down her mother for a second, before rushing forward and wrapping her arms around Asuka.

Himari: Mom, f*ck her up.

Asuka glanced over at KLR, who just shrugged.




Asuka turned back toward the camera.

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Asuka: 私は避けられない。

Her music started, the pyros kicked off, and she disappeared through the curtain.

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Match 12: Smackdown Match
Smackdown Women's Championship

Asuka © -Vs- Arianna Grace

Both women look like they're ready to tear each other a part and it seems like that will happen as the referee signals for the bell. Asuka charges at Arianna and just begins to strike her with vicious fists to the head and stikes to the legs where Arianna gets pushed up against a corner. The referee has no choice but to tell Asuka to stop, which she does. Arianna decides to exit the ring, much to the dismay of the crowd. Arianna doesn't care though. Asuka annoyed exits the ring and chases after Arianna. Panicking, Arianna runs back into the ring followed by Asuaka. Arianna begins to stomp on Asuka over and over again and knocking her down with a lariat. She then grabs her head by her hair and rubs it into the mat a few times, causing more jeers. co*cky in herself, Arianna picks up Asuka while trash talking her before Irish whipping her. On the rebound, Arianna looks to be going for a clothesline, but Asuka ducks under it, grabs her from behind, and hits her with a forward Russian leg sweep. Asuka then goes for the pin.




Pat McAfee: The champ showing Arianna why she's the champ.

Tom Phillips: Arianna can't win the title running She has to stand toe to toe with Asuka.

Nigel McGuinness: That's not something many can do or want to do.

Asuka picks up Arianna and it appears as if she's going for a double knee facebreaker but she ends up getting pushed chest-first into a corner by Arianna. The blow knocks a bit of the air out of Asuka, but Asuka delivers a spin kick and Arianna is in trouble again.

Pat McAfee: I think Arianna is way over her head here with the champion.

Tom Phillips: Maybe she's starstruck by it being Wrestlemania but she has to get her head back in the game or this match is over.

Nigel McGuinness: Asuka's just too much for her.

Asuka was looking to end this match and hit Arianna with a spinning back fist, before dropping her with an inverted DDT. Arianna is seeing stars and Asuka drops down and applies the Asuka lock. Arianna has no choice but to tap to the Asuka lock.

Mike Rome: your winner and still Smackdowns women's champion...Asuka..

The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (300)

The camera cuts backstage to Kayla Braxton standing by dressed up for WrestleMania. She smiles with a microphone in hand as she gets the signal to introduce her guest.

Kayla Braxton: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome my guest t this time, earlier today he won the SmackDown men’s battle royal and is the new number one contender for the Universal Championship, Oba Femi.

The crowd inside NRG Stadium all boo as Oba, accompanied by Apollo Crews, walks on set. Some people in the crowd can be heard grunting and barking in support of the Nigerian Prince. He stands with his head held high.

Kayla Braxton: Oba, congratulations on the win earlier today. You have been in the company for a little over a month now and you already have a World Championship match in your future, could you ever have imagined things going this well for you?

Oba laughs heartily and nudges Apollo who stands there with a smile on his face.

Oba Femi: Kayla, I did not have to imagine anything. Everything that has happened since I have come to SmackDown has been written and is destiny. I do not take it lightly that I will be facing the winner of tonight’s main event, I just hope both men are prepared for me.

Oba chuckles again.

Kayla Braxton: Well, how do you feel about your performance earlier tonight, do you think you sent a message?

He shakes his head and sighs at Kayla.

Oba Femi: My performance earlier was dominant. Not a single man could bring me down by himself, they had to team up to take me down and even that was not enough. I commend all nine other men for the fight they put up, but it was futile. There was no way they could throw me over the top rope.

He strokes his beard quickly before looking at Kayla again.

Oba Femi: But yes, I do believe I sent a message. I may not have been victorious in my first match, but I was still able to come to WrestleMania and become the next number one contender to the Universal Championship. I can guarantee that Ricky Starks and Karrion Kross both have that on their mind as they walk into their match tonight. They know that whoever walks out of that match, has to deal with me next. I would not want to be in their place.

Oba smiles confidently down the camera as if speaking directly to the Universal Champion and his challenger. Kayla now shifts her focus to Apollo who stands by.

Kayla Braxton: And with you, you brought back a veteran here in the WWE who seems to have brought back an attitude of his that we haven’t seen for a while. First of all, Apollo, welcome ba–

Before she can finish her statement, Oba puts his hand on her microphone to stop her and then brings the mic closer to him.

Oba Femi: No, no, no. This man will no longer be known by the colonizer name that you have all given him to make him fit in with your culture properly. You will refer to him by the name given to him by his parents that represents his heritage. You will call him Sesugh Uhaa.

Kayla blinks rapidly, confused in the moment, but proceeds.

Kayla Braxton: Okay … well … Sesugh

Kayla looks over to Oba for approval as he nods, allowing her to continue.

Kayla Braxton: Sesugh, it has been some time since we have seen you in the WWE, what exactly was it about Oba that brought you back?

Apoll– Sesugh nods next to Oba and looks up at him, smirking.

Sesugh Uhaa: This man here, like myself, is a warrior. And not only is he a warrior, he is a war LEADER. An olori ogun. I saw in him what he has been telling everyone, that he is destined for greatness, and if I were smart, I would ride along with him as his right hand man and rise to the top with him. You see, even a man as big as Oba needs people in his corner to watch his interests. He has not been wrestling for a long time, but he has a higher ceiling and more potential than most other people in this company and he has shown that already.

Oba pats Sesugh on the shoulder and adjusts his suit jacket.

Kayla Braxton: In the main event tonight, Ricky Starks and Karrion Kross will be competing for the Universal Championship that you have your eyes on, do you have a preference as to which one of them walks out the victor?

Oba chuckles.

Oba Femi: It does not matter which man walks out as champion tonight, Kayla. Both men have been impressive lately. Ricky has held that championship well and has defeated many challengers on his way to this main event, and Karrion has been on a real roll since winning the Royal Rumble … But I do not care which one it is.

He looks directly into the camera and the expression on his face becomes deadly serious.

Oba Femi: Whichever one of you holds the championship above your head after tonight, just remember, there is a large dominant Nigerian man waiting for you around the corner, and he will destroy you and take his place as ruler of SmackDown. And that is not an IF, it is a WHEN, because THAT … is my destiny.

Oba walks off scene as the crowd boos and Sesugh stars at the camera and crosses his arms over his chest and beats his chest with his fist.

Sesugh Uhaa: HUUU.

Sesugh grunts/barks into the camera as some of the crowd follow suit. He walks of screen and leaves Kayla alone, confused and intimidated.

Kayla Braxton: Back to you guys.

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Our scene opens backstage, where we see Britt Baker, fixing her boots before her match. She appears nervous, trying to mentally prepare for her upcoming championship match against Tiffany Stratton. Britt begins to quietly chant under her breath.

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Dr. Britt Baker, DMD: Alright, Britt, focus. Just focus. You’ve got this.

Suddenly, looks up. The camera pans to reveal her friend and newly crowned Hardcore Champion, Nikkita Lyons, standing in the doorway. The crowd can be heard cheering in the background

Nikkita Lyons: Didn't know you were one of those who talk to themselves.

Britt's expression softens into a smile at Nikkita's remark

Dr. Britt Baker, DMD: Shut up.

The two friends move in for an embrace. After they break the hug, Britt pats Nikkita’s new title.

Dr. Britt Baker, DMD: Look at you. Congratulations, Champ.

She chuckles and shakes her head.

Dr. Britt Baker, DMD: Not gonna lie, I thought you weren’t gonna make it,

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Nikkita Lyons: I just thought about a conversation that you and I had about me not being here.

Nikkita paused for a moment and took a deep breath after.

Nikkita Lyons: I mean, we both knew that I was going to be here, but I wasn’t scheduled to be part of Wrestlemania. I thought, hmm that’s fine. But the more I was thinking about it, I was like, dang last year I was in one of the biggest matches of my life.

Nikkita ran her fingers through her thick blonde hair.

Nikkita Lyons: And now I’m just sidelined. And it was my own fault, we both know that. I thought, I have to do something to shake it up. I have to be part of Wrestlemania, so, I wanted to surprise everyone, and I put effort for the hardcore title and I won, I did it. But you inspired me B, you always do. You’re great,..and now.

Nikkita placed her hand on Britt’s shoulder.

Nikkita Lyons: You get to go out there, and give daddy’s girl the asskicking that she deserves yet again.

Nikkita held onto her title.

Nikkita Lyons: It’s not the tag titles, but you and I about to run this place again.

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Nikkita places both hands firmly on Britt’s shoulders, giving her an enthusiastic smack, trying to hype her up.

Nikkita Lyons: Show her what you’re made of. Go get her!

Britt nods, a confident smile returning to her lips.

Dr. Britt Baker, DMD: Oh, you know I will.

Britt then exits the room, presumably heading toward the gorilla position, looking more determined than ever. Nikkita can’t help but smile.

Nikkita Lyons: Atta, girl. See you on the other side.

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Match 13: RAW Match
Special Referee: Alexa Bliss
WWE Women's Championship

Tiffany Stratton © -Vs- Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D.

The camera pans over the crowd at WrestleMania, a sea of signs and flashing lights and signs filling the arena.

Michael Cole: What a night it's been here at WrestleMania XL! The energy in this stadium is off the charts. We've witnessed incredible matches, memorable moments, and now we're gearing up for the highly anticipated Women's Championship match between the current WWE Women’s Champion, Tiffany Stratton and Dr. Britt Baker!

Renee Young: Absolutely, Michael! WrestleMania always delivers, and tonight has been no exception. The WWE Universe is in for a treat with this match coming up next!



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The arena darkens momentarily as the familiar theme of Alexa Bliss, "Blissful," fills the air. The audience knows what this signifies—Alexa Bliss is making her way to the ring as the special guest referee for the upcoming Women's Championship match. Alexa emerges from behind the curtain, dressed in her referee attire. She walks with purpose down the entrance ramp, her gaze focused on the ring.

Samantha Irvin: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the special guest referee for the Women’s championship match, from Columbus, Ohio... Alexa Bliiiiiiss!

Michael Cole: Here comes our special guest referee for tonight's Women's Championship match, Alexa Bliss. A match that I’m sure she would rather be involved in as a competitor, rather than the referee.

Renee Young: Well, tonight little Miss Bliss will have to settle with playing this role. A very crucial role, might I add. The question is, will she call it down the middle, or does she have other intentions in mind?

Corey Graves: Come on, Renee. Alexa has already expressed several times that she's here to ensure fairness. She's a professional and will handle her duties with integrity. Besides, she knows both Britt Baker and Tiffany Stratton well. I have no doubt she'll officiate this match with impartiality.

Alexa climbs the steel steps and enters the ring, taking her position in the ring as she awaits for the competitors. The arena darkens once more, and a spotlight illuminates the entrance ramp as "The Epic" by Downstait begins to echo throughout the stadium.


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The crowd erupts into cheers as Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D., emerges from the curtain, a big smile on her face and sporting a specially crafted WrestleMania attire. She wears a sparkling, custom-made ring jacket adorned with sequins that catch the light. With a confident smile, Britt looks out at the sea of fans, soaking in the cheers and applause. She locks eyes with the camera, her gaze full of determination. As the crowd roars in anticipation, Britt turns and confidently strides towards the big screen. She raises her hands, and display of pyrotechnics lights up the area around the titantron and the stage. Britt stands at the top of the ramp, taking in the magnitude of the moment. The cheers and chants of the fans fuel her as she begins her march towards the ring-

Corey Graves: Britt Baker knows how to make an impact. She's got the entire WWE Universe on their feet!

Michael Cole: Britt looks ready for war tonight. She's got her sights set on reclaiming the Women's Championship in what could be the biggest match of her career!

Renee Young: This is a pivotal moment for Britt Baker. She's been on a journey of redemption. Slowly climbing back to the top of the mountain, winning the Tag Team Championships with Nikkita Lyons, becoming a two time Royal Rumble winner. Tonight could be the culmination of all her hard work and dedication.

Britt reaches the ring and climbs the steel steps. She enters the ring and poses on the turnbuckle, her signature D…M…D eliciting a loud chant from the audience. Climbing down from the turnbuckle, her theme starts to die down. Britt fixes her gaze on the WrestleMania stage, awaiting her opponent.


The arena lights shift to a vibrant pink hue as "It’s Tiffy Time" by Def Rebel blasts through the speakers. The boos echo throughout the stadium as the Women's Champion, Tiffany Stratton, emerges with an entourage of paparazzi-like cameramen capturing her every move. Tiffany poses, soaking in the spotlight.

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She extends her arms outward, then raises the Championship above her head, reveling in the adoration of her entourage. The stadium lights up with flashes, Tiffany’s lavish attire sparkling under the glow.

Michael Cole: Tiffany Stratton is making quite the entrance here at WrestleMania XL. She's a true showwoman, and the crowd is letting her hear it!

Tiffany begins her confident stride down the ramp, each step oozing with arrogance. She struts around the ringside area, blowing kisses to the booing crowd, her smirk never fading. The champion's gaze locks onto Britt Baker in the ring, a smile playing on her lips.

Michael Cole: Love her or hate her, Tiffany knows how to command attention. Not only that, but the 24 year old is already a two times Women’s Champion. Her attitude might get her in trouble more often than not but sky’s the limit for someone with Stratton in ring abilities.

Renee Young: No doubt, Michael, but tonight, she's up against a challenger who's more determined than ever to reclaim the Women's Championship.

Tiffany climbs onto the apron, blowing kisses to the crowd before confidently stepping through the ropes. The champion's gaze locks onto Britt Baker, a smirk playing on her lips. Alexa manages to separate them, each going to opposite sides of the ring to allow Samantha to begin with her announcement.

Samantha Irvin: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the WWE Women's Championship! Introducing first, the challenger, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, she is the 2023 and 2024 Royal Rumble Winner, Dr. Britt Baker, D...........M...........D!

The crowd chants along with Samantha's announcement as Britt Baker directs them with her finger. Britt smiles widely and nods before turning her gaze toward Tiffany.

Samantha Irvin: And her opponent, from Prior Lake, Minnesota, she is the Women's Champion and winner of the 2024 Women’s Elimination Chamber match, Tiffany Straaaaaatton!

Loud booing can be heard as Tiffany poses with her Championship. A few seconds later, the champion's gaze returns to her challenger, a mix of disdain and confidence in her expression. The camera captures the intense stare-down between the two competitors. Alexa ensures both competitors are ready before calling for the bell.

Michael Cole: And here we go! The Women's Championship match is underway at WrestleMania XL!

The match begins with Britt Baker and Tiffany Stratton cautiously circling each other in the ring. They lock up in a tight collar-and-elbow tie-up, each jockeying for position. Tiffany gains the upper hand momentarily with her strength advantage, pushing Britt back against the ropes. Alexa Bliss, steps in to enforce a clean break.

Michael Cole: Both Britt Baker and Tiffany Stratton looking to gain an early advantage.

Renee Young: Alexa Bliss already showing she’s really been paying attention in referee class.

Corey Graves: What did I tell you, Renee. Like I said, Alexa is a professional.

Back in the center of the ring, Britt and Tiffany engage in a series of chain wrestling maneuvers, each countering the other's attempts. Britt manages to transition into a wristlock, applying pressure to Tiffany's arm. The champion wriggles free and responds with a swift arm drag, taking Britt down to the canvas. Tiffany attempts to gain control with a headlock, but Britt counters into a hammerlock. Tiffany maneuvers out of the hold with a slick reversal, but Britt quickly kips up and regains her composure. This time, it’s Britt who manages to take down Tiffany with an armdrag. Suddenly, as Tiffany gets back to her feet, Britt charges forward... and connects with a Curbstomp out of nowhere!

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The impact echoes throughout the arena as Tiffany's head is driven into the canvas!

Renee Young: OH MY GOD!



Britt quickly goes for the pin, hooking Tiffany's leg as Alexa Bliss slides into position.



But Tiffany kicks out just in the nick of time, breaking free before Alexa’s hand hits the mat for the three-count!

Renee Young: No! Kickout! Despite catching her by surprise, Tiffany Stratton showing resilience early on.

Michael Cole: That Curbstomp could have ended it right there, but Tiffany’s clearly determined to retain her championship!

Britt Baker, unfazed by Tiffany's resilience, rises back to her feet with a confident smirk. She wastes no time and quickly moves back in to capitalize on her momentum. Britt targets Tiffany's grounded position, aiming to maintain control of the match. Britt attempts to pull Tiffany up, but the champion counters with a sudden burst of energy, stunning Britt with a stiff forearm to the jaw! The impact staggers Britt, allowing Tiffany to roll out of the ring, seeking refuge on the ringside floor.

Corey Graves: Smart move by Tiffany Stratton! She's taking a breather, regrouping after taking that stomp from Baker!

The WWE Universe voices their disapproval with a chorus of boos as Tiffany strategizes outside the ring. Alexa Bliss keeps a close eye on the action, ensuring both competitors stay within the boundaries. Meanwhile, Britt Baker, not willing to let Tiffany recover, slides out of the ring and pursues the Women's Champion around the ringside area. The crowd's energy intensifies as Britt closes in on Tiffany, who attempts to evade her grasp.

Michael Cole: Britt Baker not giving Tiffany Stratton any room to breathe. She's relentless in her pursuit of the Women's Champion!

Tiffany, seeking a moment to catch her breath, attempts to re-enter the ring to evade Britt's pursuit. However, Britt seizes the opportunity and grabs Tiffany by the leg, yanking her back out to the ringside floor! The impact jars Tiffany, who finds herself at the mercy of Britt's relentless assault. Britt slams Tiffany's back against the barricade, eliciting groans from the crowd. She then drives Tiffany's shoulder into the steel steps, further wearing down the Women's Champion.

Corey Graves: Britt Baker is relentless! She's not just aiming to win the title; she's looking to dismantle Tiffany Stratton!

Renee Young: Well, she did warn Tiffany that she would be taking her very seriously and that’s exactly what she’s doing!

By this point, Alexa has already begun the ringout count.





As the count reaches seven, Britt Baker throws Tiffany back inside the ring, breaking the count. However, Tiffany quickly seizes the opportunity and rolls out of the ring on the opposite side, seeking another moment of respite. The WWE Universe roars with disapproval once more but Britt, undeterred, wastes no time and slides out of the ring, determined to keep the pressure on the Women's Champion. As Britt approaches Tiffany, intent on continuing her assault, the crafty champion quickly grabs hold of Britt's wrist and pulls her forward, ramming Britt's shoulder into the steel ring post! The impact leaves Britt reeling in pain, clutching her injured shoulder.

Michael Cole: Tiffany Stratton with a vicious counter! Slamming Britt Baker's shoulder to that steel post!

Britt winces in pain as Tiffany seizes the opportunity to regain control. The champion rolls Britt back into the ring, following closely behind. Back inside the ring, Tiffany delivers precise stomps and kicks to Britt's shoulder, exploiting the damage inflicted during their brawl outside.

Corey Graves: Tiffany Stratton is showing why you can never underestimate her!

Renee Young: And now the champion methodically is wearing down Britt, capitalizing on Britt Baker's weakened shoulder. This could shift the momentum in Tiffany's favor!

The WWE Universe's boos grow louder as Tiffany taunts the crowd while maintaining her aggressive assault on Britt. With a smirk on her face, Tiffany pulls Britt up to her feet and whips her into the ropes. As Britt rebounds back, Tiffany catches her with a stiff clothesline! The impact sends Britt crashing to the canvas. The champion then pulls Britt back up and executes a snap suplex.

Tiffany maintains her aggressive assault, applying a modified armbar to further strain Britt's injured shoulder. The challenger grits her teeth, enduring the pain as Tiffany wrenches her arm back with precision. The referee checks on Britt's condition, but the determined challenger refuses to submit. As the assault continues, Tiffany transitions into a shoulder lock, adding more pressure to the already injured joint. As Tiffany looks to maintain her control, she attempts to whip Britt into the corner. However, Britt counters, reversing the Irish whip and sending Tiffany crashing into the turnbuckle instead.

Michael Cole: Despite the constant focus on her shoulder, Tiffany manages to send Tiffany into the corner. She's finding a way back into this match, just in time to cut Tiffany’s momentum.

With Tiffany stunned in the corner, Britt seizes the moment and charges in, delivering a series of stiff forearm shots and chops to the champion's chest. Each strike resonates through the arena, drawing cheers from the WWE Universe. The champion reels under the onslaught as Britt gains momentum. With the crowd firmly behind her, Britt whips Tiffany across the ring toward the opposite turnbuckle. Upon rebounding, Britt connects with a powerful clothesline, sending Tiffany sprawling to the canvas. Britt goes for a quick cover.



Tiffany kicks out just in time!. Undeterred, Britt maintains her focus and pulls Tiffany back up, looking to continue her offensive assault. However, Tiffany, sensing an opportunity, targets Britt's injured shoulder once again as she executes a shoulder breaker, eliciting a pained cry from Britt. Tiffany seizes Britt's injured arm and wrenches it behind her back, applying a textbook hammerlock. The challenger grimaces in pain as Tiffany exerts pressure on. Tiffany then transitions into an armbar, further exacerbating Britt's discomfort.

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Renee Young: Tiffany Stratton is dissecting Britt Baker's arm and shoulder! She's zeroing in on it with surgical precision.

Corey Graves: Well, so far it seems to be doing wonders for the Champion, so why change the strategy if it’s working?

The champion maintains her grip on Britt's arm, twisting and torquing the joint to wear down the challenger. Britt manages to muster a burst of energy. She attempts to counter Tiffany's hold, but the champion maintains control, managing to keep Britt grounded. However, the challenger refuses to stay down. With grit and determination, Britt manages to create separation, pushing Tiffany away and regaining her footing.

Britt, visibly in pain but fueled by adrenaline, attempts to mount a comeback. She charges at Tiffany, unleashing a series of forearm strikes with her good arm, aimed at the champion's head. Tiffany manages to defend herself against the first few but after the third, every single one of them seems to land, forcing Tiffany into the corner. With the WWE Universe firmly behind her, Britt whips Tiffany across the ring, sending the champion crashing into the opposite turnbuckle. Seizing the moment, Britt charges in for yet another corner clothesline, but Tiffany sidesteps, causing Britt to crash shoulder-first into the turnbuckle padding. Tiffany capitalizes on Britt's vulnerability, targeting the injured shoulder once again. The champion delivers a vicious shoulder block to Britt's injured arm. She then goes for the cover.



Kickout by Britt. Tiffany stays on the offensive, applying a modified armbar to further strain Britt's injured arm. The challenger grits her teeth, fighting through the pain as she desperately tries to break free from Tiffany's hold. Eventually, Britt manages to reach the ropes. Alexa calls for the rope break but Tiffany refuses to let go. The former Champion begins to count until finally Tiffany complies after the three count. As Tiffany releases the hold, she doesn't let up, immediately stomping down on Britt's injured shoulder before pulling her back to the center of the ring. Pulling Britt up, she quickly connects with an impactful DDT! Once again, Tiffany looks for the cover.



Kickout! Tiffany gives Alexa a quick glare despite her count being fairly normal. Alexa doesn’t pay mind to this but its obvious Tiffany’s frustrations are growing. Tiffany’s attention goes back to the challenger but Britt Baker finds a crucial opening during the distraction and surprises the champion with a lightning-fast roll-up, catching Tiffany off guard.

Michael Cole: Roll-up by Britt Baker! Could this be it?



Kickout! Tiffany manages to escape the pin attempt just in the nick of time and both competitors make their way to their feet. Tiffany attempts to swing at Britt but the Doctor ducks under the arm and kicks Tiffany in the mid-section, right before delivering a flawless butterfly suplex, showcasing her technical prowess despite the pain radiating through her injured shoulder. Britt grits her teeth, fueled by determination. Despite the lingering pain, she continues her offensive assault on Tiffany. The challenger unleashes a barrage of strikes and kicks, targeting Tiffany’s head and ribs to wear down the champion. Britt then hoists Tiffany up and executes a second butterfly suplex, driving Tiffany into the canvas. The WWE Universe rallies behind Britt, cheering her on as she pushes herself back to her feet. She pulls Tiffany up too and then hooks her arms, lifting her up for a third and final, thunderous butterfly suplex!

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Britt goes for the cover after the trifecta.



But Tiffany kicks out defiantly, refusing to relinquish her title just yet. Britt pulls Tiffany back up, looking to capitalize on her momentum. Britt hammers Tiffany with stiff forearm shots to the jaw, followed by a spinning backfist that staggers the champion. Britt follows this by whipping Tiffany into the corner turnbuckle. The impact reverberates through the ring as Tiffany slumps against the corner, dazed. Britt charges forward, delivering a series of thunderous corner clotheslines, each one driving the air out of Tiffany's lungs.

Michael Cole: Britt Baker is taking back control of this match! A showcase of true tenacity and determination by the challenger!

Corey Graves: That can only take you so far, Michael. That shoulder injury is a ticking time bomb, and as long as Tiffany continues to exploit it, things can take a turn for the worse for Baker just like that.

With Tiffany reeling in the corner, Britt backs up and charges in for a devastating knee strike to the midsection. The impact doubles Tiffany over, gasping for air. Britt then grabs Tiffany by the arm and executes an Air Ride Crash! Britt capitalizes on her momentum and ascends the turnbuckle, perched on the top rope. She waits for Tiffany to make her way up to her feet then leaps off the top rope, connecting with a missile dropkick right on target! Tiffany is sent crashing to the mat, reeling from the impact. Britt goes for the cover, hooking Tiffany's leg as Alexa Bliss slides into position.



Kickout by Stratton!

Michael Cole: Another kickout by the Champion. What is it gonna take to put her away?!

Corey Graves: Nobody said this would be easy, Cole. I’m sure Britt Baker knew what she was signing up when it comes to facing someone like Tiffany Stratton.

With the crowd rallying behind her, Britt rises to her feet. She signals for the end of the match, producing her signature glove amidst a huge positive reaction from the crowd.

Michael Cole: There's the glove! Britt Baker is looking to capitalize and secure victory right here, right now!

Renee Young: I don’t care how good Tiffany is, if Britt manages to put her into the Lockjaw at this stage of the match, the Champion could be in some serious trouble!

Britt slides the glove onto her hand, her gaze fixed on Tiffany. She wastes no time approaching the champion, ready to execute her finishing maneuver and potentially secure the victory. She sits next to Tiffany and begins to maneuver to try to set up Tiffany into the Lockjaw, but Britt’s injured shoulder slows the process. She positions herself next to Tiffany, intent on maneuvering her into the Lockjaw submission hold, but her injured shoulder slows the process.

As Britt begins to set up her signature submission, Tiffany senses the danger and reacts swiftly. The champion manages to shift her weight, slipping out of Britt's grasp before the Lockjaw can be fully applied. Regaining her composure, Tiffany wastes no time capitalizing on her advantage. The champion delivers a quick kick to Britt’s mid-section as they both get to their feet almost at the same time. With a sense of urgency, Tiffany hoists Britt on her shoulders and hits a Rolling Fireman's Carry and, in a breathtaking display of athleticism, Tiffany quickly jumps on the first, second, and finally leaps off the top rope, executing the Prettiest Moonsault Ever! The crowd erupts as Tiffany's body arcs through the air, crashing down onto Britt with pinpoint accuracy!

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Corey Graves: Oh my god! The speed of Tiffany Stratton is unmatched!

Michael Cole: Prettiest Moonsault Ever by Tiffany! She could have retained the championship right here!

With Britt reeling from the devastating maneuver, Tiffany goes for the cover, hooking the leg as Alexa Bliss slides into position.



Britt gets the shoulder up just before the three! The WWE Universe erupts with disbelief as Britt manages to kick out.

Corey Graves: How?! How?! How?!

Michael Cole: Unbelievable! Britt Baker somehow found the strength to kick out of that moonsault! The same moonsault that has put so many opponents away!

Renee Young: This is pure heart and determination from Britt Baker! She's refusing to stay down, even against the odds!

Michael Cole: And Tiffany cannot believe it! She thought she had this one in the bag!

Britt's resilience leaves Tiffany visibly shocked and frustrated. The champion's eyes widen in disbelief as she stares down at Britt, unable to comprehend how her best efforts were not enough to secure the victory. Tiffany's frustration boils over into anger, her demeanor shifting to pure outrage. Tiffany turns her attention to Alexa Bliss.

Corey Graves: Oh no, what’s going on now?!

The champion storms over to Alexa, her face contorted with anger as she begins to berate the special guest referee, convinced that the count was too slow.

Tiffany Stratton: What the hell is your problem?! That was a three-count! Are you kidding me?!

Michael Cole: Tiffany Stratton is losing her composure here.

Renee Young: Come on, Tiffany. That was a perfectly normal count! Tiffany is just looking for someone to blame.

Alexa points to her shirt, demanding respect from Tiffany and clarifying that there was nothing wrong with her count. As Tiffany continues to argue with Alexa, Britt Baker slowly begins to stir, showing signs of recovery. Britt catches Tiffany off guard, swiftly rolling her up into a surprise schoolboy pin. However, the crafty champion manages to roll through the pin, swiftly regaining her footing. Before Britt can react, Tiffany unleashes a devastating kick, striking Britt right in the face with precision.

Michael Cole: Oh, what a kick by Tiffany Stratton! Britt Baker is rocked!

Seizing the moment, Tiffany swiftly ascends to the top turnbuckle in the same fashion she did before. With lightning speed and agility, Tiffany scales up the ropes and launches herself into the air, executing another flawless Prettiest Moonsault Ever!

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Corey Graves: No way. NO WAY!


Tiffany quickly hooks Britt's leg for the cover, her confidence radiating. Alexa Bliss slides into position.



Alexa deliberately holds her palm up in the air for way longer than normal. Tiffany’s elation quickly turns to disbelief and then to seething anger as Alexa Bliss deliberately slows down her count.


Tiffany is losing her mind as Alexa once again delays the count. Each moment feels like an eternity to Tiffany, her frustration boiling over as she watches her anticipated victory slip further away.


Kickout by Baker!

Michael Cole: Now wait a minute.

Corey Graves: Um... guys? Did anyone notice a slower count there?!

Renee Young: Well, well, well... maybe Tiffany finally has a valid reason to complain.

Alexa smiles as Tiffany's eyes widen in fury, her jaw clenched tight. The veins in her neck bulge as she grits her teeth, unable to contain her rage any longer. With each deliberate pause from Alexa, Tiffany's temper flares hotter, her fists clenching at her sides. Tiffany explodes from her seated position, her hands curling into fists as she storms toward Alexa, once again getting in her face.

Alexa Bliss: Now that was a slow count. See the difference?

Corey Graves: I’m not saying I condone a slow count, but it seems Alexa was demonstrating the difference between a regular and a slow count to make sure Tiffany doesn’t make the same mistake again!

Alexa smirks. Tiffany cannot take it anymore. Her face contorts with anger and she suddenly shoves Alexa forcefully, causing the crowd to gasp. As Tiffany seethes with anger, fixated on Alexa Bliss, precious seconds tick away. Her focus entirely on the referee, Tiffany fails to notice Britt Baker rising to her feet behind her. In a sudden turn of events, Britt lunges forward and connects with a thunderous superkick as soon as Tiffany turns around.

Michael Cole: Superkick by Britt Baker! Tiffany never saw it coming!

Tiffany staggers backward, momentarily stunned by the unexpected strike. Regaining her composure quickly, the champion retaliates with a superkick of her own, catching Britt off guard and sending her stumbling toward the ropes. Britt regains her footing and responds with another superkick, driving Tiffany backward toward the ropes! Before Tiffany can recover, Britt charges forward, attempting to capitalize on her advantage. However, Tiffany swiftly counters with a clothesline attempt, only for Britt to dodge at the last moment. With Tiffany off balance, Britt seizes the opportunity and executes a lightning-fast slingblade, sending the champion crashing to the mat!

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Corey Graves: Slingblade by Baker, and she’s going for the cover!

Britt immediately goes for the cover, hooking Tiffany's leg as Alexa Bliss slides into position.



Tiffany kicks out just in time, refusing to surrender her championship without a fight. As the crowd's cheers crescendo, Britt Baker starts to feel the energy from the fans. She gets back to her feet. The challenger's eyes narrow as she zeroes in on Tiffany's vulnerable hands. With ruthless precision, Britt delivers repeated stomps to Tiffany's outstretched fingers and wrists, over and over again.

Michael Cole: Oh my goodness! Look at the ruthlessness of Britt Baker! She's not holding back at all!

Corey Graves: is like a woman possessed! It’s like she really wants to fulfill her promise of breaking Tiffany’s fingers!

Tiffany grimaces in pain with each stomp. The champion struggles to fend off Britt's assault, trying to protect her hands from the onslaught. However, Britt's relentless barrage proves too much to withstand, and now Britt moves to kick Tiffany in the face. Sensing an opportunity to further dismantle her opponent, Britt pauses momentarily. With a ruthless gleam in her eyes, Britt seizes Tiffany's arms, preventing the champion from defending herself effectively. Without hesitation, Britt resumes her assault, unleashing a series of targeted stomps aimed at Tiffany's face. The impact of Britt's boots against Tiffany's face draws blood, a crimson trickle emerging from the champion's nose. The sight of blood only fuels Britt's aggression as she continues her assault, her relentless stomps leaving Tiffany reeling.

Renee Young: Oh my god! Britt might have just broken Tiffany’s nose!

Michael Cole: This is too much!

Initially, Alexa was just enjoying the brutality of the assault, but she finally snaps out of her reverie and decides to intervene. Alexa’s pleas for restraint fall on deaf ears as Britt remains focused on incapacitating her opponent. Alexa has to physically pull Britt away from Tiffany to prevent any more damage. Britt manages to free herself from Alexa, and with Tiffany still reeling, Britt charges forward, aiming to deliver her signature Curbstomp to the champion. However, just as Britt leaps into the air, Tiffany instinctively rolls out of harm's way, narrowly avoiding the devastating maneuver.

For a fleeting moment, relief washes over Tiffany's face, but her respite is short-lived. As she quickly turns around to regain her bearings, she's met with another boot to the face—this time from a lightning-fast superkick by Britt Baker. The impact sends Tiffany staggering backward, dazed and disoriented.

Renee Young: Another superkick! Tiffany's in serious trouble here!

Britt wastes no time capitalizing on her advantage. She seizes Tiffany's stunned form, dragging her toward the corner of the ring. The crowd's anticipation reaches a fever pitch as Britt ascends the turnbuckle, positioning herself on the second rope. Britt leaps off the ropes, delivering a Panama Sunrise to Tiffany! The impact reverberates through the ring as Tiffany sprawls on the canvas

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Corey Graves: Panama Sunrise, executed to perfection!

Michael Cole: Tiffany is out! She has to be!

Instead of going for an immediate pinfall, Britt remains focused and swiftly transitions, positioning herself next to Tiffany. Fighting through the pain, Britt swiftly puts the wounded Tiffany in the Lockjaw. Tiffany's face contorts in agony as the pressure mounts. The WWE Universe erupts with anticipation!

Michael Cole: And now the Lockjaw! The Lockjaw is cinched in tight!

Corey Graves: Britt doesn’t want to leave it to chance! She can’t afford Tiffany to kick out again!

Tiffany, caught in the clutches of Britt's devastating submission, struggles against the pain coursing through her upper body. Despite her valiant efforts, the champion's resilience begins to wane under the relentless pressure of the Lockjaw. As the tension in the arena reaches its peak, Tiffany's resolve ultimately gives way. The champion, overwhelmed and unable to withstand the excruciating hold any longer, makes the agonizing decision to tap out.

Renee Young: It's over! Tiffany Stratton has tapped out! We have a new champion!

Alexa calls for the bell, and the WWE Universe erupts with cheers. Britt remains on the mat, breathing heavily, her body exhausted but exhilarated from the intense battle she's just emerged from as her theme blasts throughout the arena.


As the adrenaline begins to ebb, Britt Baker slowly rises to her feet. Her expression reflects a mix of exhaustion and elation, knowing she's just achieved a career-defining moment. Alexa Bliss approaches Britt with the Women's Championship title in hand. Alexa extends it towards Britt who accepts it before her hand is raised in victory.

Michael Cole: What a match! Britt Baker has done it! For the fourth time in her career, she's captured the Women's Championship!

Corey Graves: She couldn’t allow herself to fail after that second Royal Rumble victory. Britt fought tooth and nail for this moment, and she's earned every bit of it!

Renee Young: Tiffany put up an incredible fight, but tonight belongs to Britt Baker. She's overcome the odds and secured the championship!

Britt takes a moment to soak everything in, a genuine smile of satisfaction lights up her face. Britt hoists the Women's Championship high above her head, the gold glinting under the arena lights. The audience responds with an even louder cheer as pyrotechnics explode around the arena. She continues celebrating as the pyro fades, the scene gradually fades to black, leaving behind the lingering echoes of cheers and the image of Britt Baker standing tall with the Women's Championship held aloft.

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As WrestleMania continued on The Undertaker was walking through the backstage area after meeting with several other WWE Superstars throughout the night. However, while many Superstars would be happy to see the Undertaker there was one person backstage who was not.

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Stephanie McMahon-Hemsley: MARK! What the hell was that?

Stephanie was furious but The Undertaker seemed to be operating as normal despite the controversial way WrestleMania kicked off.

The Undertaker: Stephanie, good to see you.

Stephanie McMahon-Hemsley: How dare you, how dare you walk around here all night acting like everything is fine and dandy! Do you have any idea what you did to Hunter?

The Undertaker: Oh, I have an idea or two about what I did to him.

Stephanie McMahon-Hemsley: Then how could you? After everything we’ve done for you. After everything he has done for you. You’re just going to throw it all away!?

The Undertaker: Everything you and Hunter did for me? Yeah, let’s talk about everything you and Hunter have ever done for me.

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The Undertaker: Better yet, why don’t you ask his broken and bloodied carcass what exactly he has done to and for The Undertaker and then maybe you’ll figure out why I will have my revenge.

Michael Cole: The Revenge of The Undertaker? What is he talking about?

Stephanie McMahon-Hemsley: I want you out of here! I want you out of here right now you don’t deserve to be honored at WrestleMania! As a matter of fact, I never want to see you around here ever again!

The Undertaker: Oh, Stephanie… dear sweet Stephanie. I am not going anywhere, Darlin’.

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The Undertaker smirked again as he walked past Stephanie McMahon as she was furious that The Undertaker seemingly did not care about the damage, he caused to Triple H.

Corey Graves: I don’t know what has gotten into The Undertaker but he seems to have an ax to grind with Triple H and Stephanie McMahon.

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Main Event: Smackdown Match
Universal Championship

Ricky Starks © -Vs- Karrion Kross

Tom Phillips: Ladies and Gentlemen what a night it’s been, another Wrestlemania in the books and perhaps our greatest yet but it’s finally time for the main event! This year's men’s Royal Rumble winner, Karrion Kross will challenge our dominant champion, Ricky Starks for the WWE Universal Championship.

Nigel McGuiness: Ricky Starks has done a good job as champion, I’ll give him that but the lad has done an even better job of getting under the skin of all his challengers since his reign started but I think he’s finally bitten off more than he can chew with the sinister Karrion Kross.

Pat Mcafee: I never thought I’d say this but I might have to agree with Nigel here. Ricky has never faced someone quite like Karrion and with Scarlett looming in the shadows, something tells me this might be the end of the longest Universal Championship reign in company history.

A video package airs highlighting the short history between Karrion and Ricky, the video starts with the moment Ricky won his first world title and the emotion and celebrations that followed. The screen flickers and the mood changes as we witness the rise of Karrion Kross at this year's Royal Rumble where he dominated the match to claim victory and a guaranteed shot at the Universal Championship. The video fast forwards to Ricky’s last title defense against JD McDonagh and the brutality and beating that he suffered at the hands of the sinister Irishman and then the closing shots of Fastlane where Scarlett left a symbol of what was to come for Ricky, the hourglass that was counting down his demise at Wrestlemania. The final seconds of the video show Karrion attacking Ricky and proving himself to be Ricky’s biggest threat yet. However, the final shot is of Ricky Starks holding up his title in defiance, showing that he had the heart and the passion to remain champion.

Pat McAafee: The decks are stacked against my man Ricky Starks but what a champion he’s been, if he loses tonight he’s still going to go down as one of the best champions in recent history.

Nigel McGuiness: Who cares?? That doesn’t pay his bills. Ricky needs to fight for his life tonight or this is the beginning of the end for the so called “Starks season”

The eerie darkness and whispers of Scarlett sets the tone for what was to be the challenger's entrance. The lights in the arena dim as smoke begins to rise from the floor and the methodical and dangerous presence of Karrion sends a shiver down the spine of everyone in attendance. Scarlett, who had competed in the women’s money in the bank ladder match earlier in the evening was nowhere to be seen, only Karrion stood on the top of the stage, his arms folded as the stoic expression on his face painted a picture of what Karrion felt in this moment.

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He is time
Famine, war
You cannot endure

The end is here
The end is here

Fall and pray
Fall and pray
Fall and pray

Although she wasn’t accompanying him to the ring, Scarlett’s presence was felt in his theme song if nothing else. Karrion slowly walks down the long ramp to the ring, his eyes not flinching from the mission at hand. The fans booed his every move but nothing was going to distract him from this very moment. A moment that he’d been waiting for since the moment he was crowned as this year’s Royal Rumble victor.

Fall and pray
Fall and pray
Fall and pray

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Once in the ring Karrion finally breaks his silence and roars into the camera as the line “Fall and pray” echoes through the stadium. Fire bursts out of the corner of the ring as the fans watch on at the impressive and somewhat terrifying display. Karrion circles the ring, his eyes locked onto the entrance again as he awaits his opponent and the man he was ready to dethrone as the face of Smackdown and the Universal Champion.

Nigel McGuiness: This man is like a Greek GOD and none of you can tell me that he isn’t about to break Ricky Starks in half.

Pat McAfee: Yeah, I might have to agree with Nigel here Tom, I’m sweating for Ricky right now. I’m a chorus away from falling and praying myself!

Tom Phillips: I think Karrion has probably the biggest chance of all of Ricky’s challengers to walk away with the title tonight but I also know what Ricky Starks has in him, and if anyone can leave Wrestlemania as champion, it’s him.

Pat McAfee: Actually, I think Tom might be right here.

Nigel McGuiness: Fickle.

Eventually the mysterious entrance of the challenger begins to fade out and the lights in the arena beam brightly again.

"What makes a champion?

Is it the respect on his name?

Is it the commas in his bank account?

Is it the foes he’s conquered?

Maybe, what makes a champion is what he’s destined to do, and who he’s destined to be.

And this man’s destiny isn’t written in stone, but in gold.

A future this bright. A legacy this heavy can only belong to one champion.

And he is..."

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Ricky slowly walks out onto the entrance ramp, his eyes already welling up from the emotions of the moment he was about to partake in. A contrast to that of Karrion who was stoic and emotionless, Ricky was never afraid to embrace how he was feeling and the fans appreciated him for that.

Nigel McGuiness: Is this man crying??

Pat McAfee: Ricky Starks is soaking in the moment as he should Nigel! He dreamed of getting to the Wrestlemania main event and he’s here, in the state he calls home.

Tom Phillips: Exactly, I don’t think you can shame any man or woman who loves this business for showing emotion.

Nigel McGuiness: But he’s about to compete against the most dangerous challenge of his reign so far, wipes the tears away and get on with it!

After soaking it all in and wiping away any emotion on his face Ricky falls back into character and poses at the top of the long entrance way as pyro goes off around him in the most obnoxious but hilarious way possible. Ricky saunters down the entrance ramp, as fans show him appreciation, screaming and cheering for the champion who still couldn’t quite believe where he was.

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Once in the ring Ricky climbs one of the corners and holds his title above his head to more pyro and loud cheers from the crowd. Karrion has moved or changed his stance from earlier, he was just staring straight at the Universal Championship now, the only thing that seemingly mattered to him in this moment. Seeing that Ricky holds the title up in Karrion’s face and smirks.

Nigel McGuiness: I don’t think it’s a very good idea to taunt a man like Karrion Kross but since I ‘m ready for a new champion I think Ricky should carry on!

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Ricky’s theme song finally begins to fade out as the assigned official stands between both men and Mike Rome enters the ring to make the official announcements.

Mike Rome: Ladies and Gentlemen the following contest is our main event and is for the WWE Universall Championship!!!

The crowd is electric.

Mike Rome: Introducing first, the challenger! From SIN CITY, weighing in at two hundred and sixty five pounds, he is the WINNER of the 2024 men’s Royal Rumble match… KARRION KROSS!

The fans begin to boo loudly, as Karrion doesn’t change his stance in the slightest, his eyes pierce straight through Ricky Starks as he remains fixed onto nothing but the Universal Championship.

Mike Rome: And his opponent, from New Orleans, Louisiana, weighing in at one hundred and ninety four pounds, he is the UNIVERSAL CHAMPION, “ABSOLUTE” RICKY STARKS!

Ricky, unlike Karrion, shows much more emotion, he holds his Universal Championship into the air and even climbs the turnbuckle again to showcase it to the fans as they scream and cheer for him. The official steps between him and Karrion, making sure that the challenger doesn’t do anything before the official bell is rung. When Ricky finally steps down he hands over his title to the match official and Mike Rome exits the ring as we wait for the match to begin.

Tom Phillips: What an atmosphere here tonight in Houston, Texas! The fans haven’t got any less loud even though we’ve been here for hours now.

Pat McAafee: Because this is WWE! And we’ve saved the best until last.

The match official signals for the bell and Ricky steps towards the middle of the ring as Karrion, his arms still folded, walks towards the champion, an air of disrespect in his stance as he doesn’t show any defensive tactics where he believed Ricky might take the first shot. Ricky notices this and smirks, he shrugs his shoulders and can be heard mouthing “f*ck it” and then suddenly swings his arm back and slaps Karrion ferociously across his face. Karrion barely acknowledges it but the fans in the stadium gasp at the sight of it.

Nigel McGuiness: It’s official, I knew it anyway but Ricky Starks has just proven in front of the entire world that he’s an idiot!

Pat McAfee: I gotta say, I can’t defend it either! Why would Ricky poke the bear like this??

Karrion stares at Ricky and begins to laugh as he tilts his head to the side. Suddenly he grabs Ricky by the throat and launches him across the ring with so much force that you might think Ricky would implode on impact! The fans gasp at the sight of the champion being thrown around like a ragdoll as Karrion sneers at Ricky and continues his aggressive assault. He grabs Ricky around the neck again and launches him up into the air before throwing him over the top to the outside, Ricky lands hard onto the floor as the faces of people in the front row are grimacing.

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Karrion begins to stalk his prey, watching as Ricky uses the barricade to pull himself up with the fans in the front row willing him on. Ricky’s mother who was sitting at ringside looks at her son with concern in her eyes and yells for him to get up as Karrion laughs at her, he slowly approaches Ricky’s mom and she steps back, intimidated by her presence. This immediately wakes Ricky up and the Universal Champion starts to throw haymakers in every direction, he lands several on Karrion as the fans finally start to cheer for the heart of the champion.

Pat McAfee: Fellas, I think Karrion Kross just made his first mistake of the match, you don’t taunt a man’s mom, and listening to his story you definitely don’t cross the line with Ricky Starks!

Tom Phillips: I agree completely Pat, Karrion has awoken something in Ricky Starks that he might regret in the long run.

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The referee begins to shout at both men, warning them that they needed to get back in the ring but Ricky was ignoring everything that was being said. He was so angry by the actions of Karrion that he was more interested in unleashing an assault on his challenger than successfully defending his title. Karrion attempts to block Ricky’s flurry of offense, pushing the champion out of the way, but when he does so Ricky runs forward and nails Karrion with a spear, sending him into the barricade that separates them from the ring crew!!

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Pat McAfee: Holy sh*t! This has only just started and Ricky has just put everything on the line with that spear. Karrion is out!

Nigel McGuiness: But so is Ricky! Both men are out and if the official decides to start his ten count then the main event of Wrestlemania could end in a no contest! That’s unheard of.

The fans start a loud “Holy sh*t” chant as the referee slides out of the ring to check on both men, Ricky is on his knees, still recovering. He points at his mom in the front row but when he turns his attention back to Karrion, the ruthless and dangerous challenger immediately rises from the ashes like a villain from your favourite horror movie. He grabs Ricky around the neck and they fall to the floor as Kross locks in his ‘Kross Jacket’ submission manouver, a move that had defeated many a foe in the past. The referee is screaming at both competitors to get back in the ring but Kross has seen red and was almost certainly about to choke out the champion in front of his friends and family.

When it seemed like Ricky might have passed out the champion uses the cheers from the fans to show signs of life, the referee who had re-entered the ring at this point decided the only course of action was to begin a 10 count that would end the match if he reached that final number.




Karrion notices what the referee was doing and starts to drags Ricky from where they were to the ring, the submission was still fully locked in at ringside and Ricky's face was now beet red from the sheer strength of Karrion and the submission.

Nigel McGuiness: What a genius the challenger is, he's using his strength to drag Ricky back towards the ring whilst still holding that submission move in.

Pat McAfee: If Stark-man don't think of something soon he's gonna be handing over that Universal Championship to Karrion.



At this point Karrion starts walking up the ring steps with Ricky, the move still locked in, he manhandles Ricky into the ring and the referee is able to stop his count meaning the match would not end by count out. However, it seemed inevitable that the match would be over soon because Ricky was flat on the mat as Karrion entered the ring again. He once again stalks Ricky as the fans will the champion on, Ricky reaches his hand out as Karrion kicks it away and laughs. Boos rain down on the challenger as he holds his arms out and enjoys the moment. Ricky grabs the bottom rope and uses it to pull himself as Karrion shakes his head at the heart of the champion, unimpressed by the display he was seeing.

Karrion moves forward towards Ricky but the champion seemed to be playing possum and quickly rolls Karrion up with a schoolboy.



KICKOUT! A loud gasp from the crowd as they believed that might have been 3, Karrion gets to his feet the same time Ricky does and the men begin trading blows again as the WWE Universe screams in support of Ricky who was fighting for his life in this title match.

Pat McAfee: Come on Ricky, show Karrion why you're champion!

Nigel McGuiness: You're supposed to be unbiased idiot.

Pat McAfee: Sir, you've only been here a few weeks and you haven't been unbiased once!

Ricky ducks out of the way of a Karrion clothesline and rebounds off the ropes with an attempt at a spear! However, Karrion sees it coming and his a running forearm smash to Ricky who almost takes his head off. He immediately scoops Ricky up and throws him across the ring with a Saito Suplex, followed by another that has a damning impact on Ricky.

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Karrion thinks about his next move for a moment but seemed to be enjoying the aggression he was showing and the beating he was putting on Ricky, he follows the champion to the corner of the ring and drags him up to his feet. He then uses his well trained feet to deliver stiff kicks to Ricky's mid-section as Ricky falls back down, sitting upright in the corner of the ring. The official yells at Karrion to stop it and counts to 5, getting to 4 before Karrion stops what he is doing and backs away.

Tom Phillips: This is brutal, I'm starting to think Ricky should give up at this point.

Nigel McGuiness: Finally you make a good point, it's only taken you the whole show!

Ricky was defiant though, when the official checks on him he shakes his head and starts to pull himself back up, even shocking Karrion who thought he was about to win. Karrion's arrogance in the moment comes back to bite him though because when he moves forward towards Ricky, the champion uses the ropes to kick his legs up and catches Karrion in the chin, he stumbles back and Ricky, angry and emotional runs towards Karrion and nails him with a SPEAR!




KICKOUT!!! Karrion kicks out as the fans gasp, Ricky thought the spear was enough but Karrion had more to give. Frustrated, Ricky slams his hands down on the mat and thinks about his next move. He climbs the turnbuckle and yells at Karrion to get to his feet, when Karrion does he launches into the air and kicks Karrion in the head with a missile dropkick. The fans seem impressed by the champions athleticism but Ricky knew it wasn't enough to get the win so moves back to the corner of the ring again, deciding he was going to try another spear. He stalks Karrion and yells for him to get up but when Karrion does, and Ricky darts forward for the spear Karrion kicks him in the head in retaliation and wraps his arms around Ricky before hitting him with a over the head suplex, sending him over the top rope again to the outside of the ring.

Nigel McGuiness: The strength of Karrion Kross is impressive! What a machine.

Ricky is hurting on the outside but Karrion wastes no time allowing Ricky to recover, he slides out of the ring and grabs Ricky by the head before launching him into the steel steps. Ricky's head rebounds off them and he falls to the floor in a heap again as Karrion laughs at his diabolical actions. The referee again starts a count of 10 but Karrion gives him little to worry about, he drags Ricky back to his feet for just a second then smirks when he starts slamming his head back into the steps, Ricky is broken at this point as fans start booing for Karrion who seemed pleased by his actions, he once again gets Ricky to his feet and forces the broken body into the ring.

Tom Phillips: This is disgusting from Karrion Kross, he's crossed a line.

He slowly crawls over to Ricky and covers him, believing that he'd done enough to win the match.



NO!! At the last second Ricky is able to get his shoulder up, if by nothing less than instinct he doesn't allow Karrion to walk away with the title. Karrion can't believing it, he was seething with anger at the fact Ricky was able to kick out after the punishment. He shakes his head and decides it was time now, and again applies his KROSS JACKET submission, only this time they were in the ring and Ricky could be defeated. The referee checks on Ricky who seemed unconscious at this point, the color from his face was drained and it appeared inevitable that Karrion was about to win.

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Nigel McGuiness: This is over! I told you both, Karrion is about to be crowned as Universal Champion.

Tom Phillips: It's not over until its over Nigel.

The referee moves towards Ricky and lifts his arm up, when he's about to drop it to check if Ricky was still able to continue Ricky is able to keep his arm up to a huge pop from the WWE Universe, everyone including Ricky's mom in the front row seemed elated but shocked by this. Karrion was seething again, angry that he couldn't get the job done. He pulls at Ricky's neck again, continuing to choke Ricky out but the champion does something unbelievable, he's able to use his moment and flip himself over into a pinfall.



KICKOUT! Karrion kicks out at the very last second and immediately releases the submission. When he gets back to his feet Ricky fights back, for the first time he seemed back in control with elbows to the side of Karrion's head, who couldn't believe what was happening. Ricky was furious and frustrated with himself but he didn't give up in this moment, using the fans support to take it to Karrion who for the first time was rattled. Ricky's impressive moveset was finally being showcased with an impressive Fisherman's suplex into a bridging pin.




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Once again Karrion kicks out but Ricky shows no signs of frustration this time, he decides to continue looking for ways to beat Karrion.

Tom Phillips: The heart of Ricky Starks needs to be studied, this man has endured so much in this match and yet he won't give up, he wont relinquish this Universal Championship without a fight!

Loud "Let's go Ricky" chants break out in the stadium but this seemed to anger Karrion Kross who snarled at the sound of them and crawls towards Ricky who was taunting his challenger with a smile, they suddenly start trading lefts and rights in the middle of the ring, both hammering one another in the side of the head but Karrion's power seemed to be too much and he's able to connect with a hit so hard that it rocks Ricky back into the corner, Karrion's eyes pierce through Ricky as he walks towards him and forces him back into his Kross Jacket submission, only this time Karrion backs into the corner and uses the momentum of the turnbuckle to hoist himself up. He sits on the top of the turnbuckle with Ricky dangling down, a symbol of intent from Karrion who was draining the life out of Ricky.

Pat McAfee: This is too much, somebody stop this!

The official warns Karrion and eventually the challenger lets go and drops Ricky down to the mat. He enjoys the moment though, soaking in the boos from the top of the tunbuckle as he looks down at Ricky who was a broken shell of a man.

Tom Phillips: This has got to be over now, Ricky can't continue.

Karrion closes his eyes, still on the turnbuckle, he seemed to be praying or at least calling to someone, perhaps Scarlett but the seconds wasted doing so cause a catalyst of events that you wouldn't believe, instinctively Ricky kicks the ropes and Karrion stumbles on the top, Ricky who seemed to be running on adrenaline gets up to his feet and unbelievably hooks Karrion up onto his back and slowly moves to the middle of the ring and drops his challenger with a ROSHAMBO from the top rope! He'd never done anything like it before but it worked this time and when he went for the cover the fans couldn't believe there eyes.

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"It's Live" hits again as Ricky is motionless on top of Karrion Kross, no one could believe what they had just witnessed, it seemed inevitable that Karrion was about to win but Ricky found something within him and was able to put Karrion away with a modified Roshambo from the top rope.


The WWE offcial hands the champion his title as Ricky seemed confused by the fact he had actually won, he shakes his head trying to regain composure as he cradles his beloved championship and has his arm raised by the referee.


Nigel McGuiness: The reign of terror continues. I can't believe that Karrion Kross wasted this opportunity in front of 75 thousand fans or whatever it is.

Pat McAfee: Ricky Starks might not be everyone's favourite and I get that, hell I think he gets that but he just fought for his life against Karrion Kross and now he gets to close Wrestlemania celebrating with his friends and family to millions around the world.

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Ricky does just that, raising his Universal Championship into the air he watches as his family, including his mom enter the ring to celebrate with him. Pyro is going wild for Ricky as the closing shot of Wrestlemania is of him raising his title again with his friends and family all aruond him.

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The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (338)

Match Writers:
1: Shane
2: SJay
3: Shane

1: Nathan
2: Granger
3: Erica & Matt
4: Kendall
5: Shane & Dre
6: Gunn
7: Gunn
8: Gunn
9: Nathan
10: Gunn
11: OJay
12: Kendall
13: Erica
14: Ryan


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The WWE E-Fed -> WrestleMania XL (2024)
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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.