Tell me about a time when you showed initiative... (+10 Examples) (2024)


Behavioral Mock Interview

To help you prepare for your next job interview, here are 31 Behavioral interview questions and answer examples.

Our Behavioral Questions were written by Rachelle Enns and updated on October 25th, 2021. Learn more about this page.

Question 17 of 31

  • The Goal

  • How to Answer

  • Pro Tip

  • What to Avoid

  • Answer Example

  • Admin Example

  • Marketing Example

  • Sales Example

  • Teacher Example

  • Manager Example

  • Retail Example

  • Community Answers

The interviewer wants to see that you are confident enough to take the initiative when the opportunity arises. Provide the interviewer with evidence that you are a motivated and passionate person who is ready to be an active leader in the workplace.

Describe any project or learning experience where you saw a chance to lead and took advantage of it. Talk about the success of the project and your biggest takeaway from experience.

Behavioral-based interview questions that begin with 'Tell me about a time...' are best answered using the STAR method. STAR is an acronym for Situation, Task, Action, Result. Organizing your response using this framework will ensure that you provide the interviewer with the right amount of information and detail to form a compelling answer.

Avoid giving a general answer regarding your willingness to take the lead at work, in school, while volunteering, or during extra-curricular activities. Stay away from vague statements like, 'I am very comfortable taking the initiative and acting like a leader. I did this while in school and even during my latest internship.'

"(Situation) In my previous role, I recognized that we needed a better training program to onboard new hires at a quicker rate. (Task) As the leader for onboarding and training, it was up to me to create such a program. (Action) I took the initiative to create this training program, incorporating all the work we did in a way that new hires could easily learn and replicate. (Result) The team loved having this guide and enjoyed feeling empowered when it came to training new hires the right way."

"(Situation) When I first started my current admin role, I took it upon myself to organize the digital files for the company. (Task) The files were a mess, and I was the person who had the time to take care of it. (Action) Organizing these files was a huge challenge, but I tackled 100 documents per day on a schedule that I had created for myself. In 20 days, I finished. (Result) I was pleased with my ability to take on a project that nobody else wanted to do, and my boss was thrilled with the initiative that I showed."

"(Situation) Last year, our company was discussing a potential product launch in the European market. (Task) As an intermediate project researcher, I knew this was my chance to be noticed. (Action) I reached out to the head of the marketing department and asked if I could be the lead product researcher. I stated my case by discussing why I would be the best fit for that opportunity. She agreed and allowed me to take the lead. (Result) The project was a great success, which gave me the confidence to speak up again. Next week I will be starting another project where I'll be the lead product researcher."

"(Situation) Last year, I identified the need for ongoing learning and sales training for my company's junior sales reps. (Task) As the Sales Manager, I knew I had a lot of ideas to offer for mentoring and growing these reps. (Action) I founded Friday lunch-and-learns with a different topic presented every week. I worked across departments to feature guest lecturers and industry experts via Skype. (Result) As a result, I was able to educate the sales team further, improving retention. Today, we are all more effective in our sales pitches, and our numbers have increased by 15% overall."

"(Situation) This year, I took the lead by testing a new tech platform for our online learning students. (Task) I am quite a tech-savvy individual and had already been researching the topic of online learning for quite some time. (Action) I performed more specific research, spoke with many tech gurus, and created a presentation for our Board of Directors that included three viable options. I presented the data in a way that was easy to absorb and considered multiple critical factors to student learning. (Result) The board decided on my top recommendation, and now, four months into the launch, the revised online learning platform has proven very effective."

"(Situation) In my previous role, I took the lead on a critical communication project. (Task) As the morning Shift Manager, I needed help passing along pertinent information to our 2nd and 3rd production shifts in a more effective way. (Action) I recommended hanging announcement screens throughout the building, ensuring that everyone had the same information at all times. (Result) We installed these announcement screens, and we encountered much less stress and confusion during shift changes."

"(Situation) In my current store, when the merchandise for the next season arrives, our team needs to put in a lot of extra hours to get everything out onto the floor. (Task) Although I am not a manager, I see the importance of jumping in to help. (Action) During our last season change, I helped to organize the team while ensuring that the sales floor remained attended. I showed a positive mindset and enthusiasm. (Result) Because of the energy I exuded, others naturally wanted to follow me. The change-over was a success, and our team had more fun than usual."

Anonymous Answer

"I recently sat down with two new sales team members who do not have much experience with our business's technical side. I realized then that if we did not submit the documents needed, we would miss out on a lot of order intake. After reviewing the documents and explaining the technical side for three hours, we were able to submit the proposal to the client and secure the project for the next quarter of order intake."

Rachelle's Feedback

This is a good start! Be sure when you are answering 'Tell me about a time' based questions using the STAR framework that you are also providing enough background information and detail for your answer to have the most impact.

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Anonymous Answer

"During covid, all our team was off and I need to take all responsibility of the project on me

Tight project schedule

Worked very hard

Was able to split the tasks and do good teamwork with the US team, that was at home

Got a bonus for finishing the project"

Stephanie's Feedback

In the "Revised Answer" box, I've suggested an updated response to this question.

"During COVID, most of the team was off, which caused me to take responsibility for an entire project with very little support. Although there was a tight project schedule, I worked very hard and was able to split the tasks and do positive teamwork with the U.S. team members who were working from home. Luckily, I earned a bonus for finishing the project. I have a high level of initiative and I am always willing to go the extra mile at work, even when I do not have the support of a team."

Anonymous Answer

"A few years ago we had a roll out of a new ordering and inventory maintenance system. We were low on staff at the time and the full-time technician was having trouble keeping up with the drug requests from other stores.

I called the makers of the inventory system and spoke to the technician; also I e-mailed corporate office, set up passwords for the new system, and I learned the system. This way I was able to pull drug transfer requests and print out transfer invoices and help pull the drugs to be sent to other stores as well as cycle fill inventory sheets. The full-time technician was able to concentrate on the packaging and mailing of the drugs to other stores.

In less than a week after I learned the system we were totally caught up on our Orderinsite tasks and projects. I also was able to help to keep our inventory up to date and generate cycle fill count sheets which my technicians and I counted. I utilized the system even when I was transfered to Shopko West and assisted with inventory control."

Rachelle's Feedback

This example really showcases your ability to take control in a situation, and create solutions. Very well done!

Anonymous Answer

"I managed all the breakout session room, and producer assignments for our Sales Kick off. With the challenge of the event going completely virtual this year due to COVID, my team wanted to ensure that we were still creating a consistent experience with certain breakouts still occurring simultaneously as others and overall creating a fluid experience.

I created a tracker where I could manage the status of all our breakout rooms, what my team could take, what we need to assign to IT Conferencing support, and gaps we would need to fill with a vendor. In addition to this, I arranged training for my team to attend that would enable them on webinar tools we were not familiar with for the success of the event. It was a heavy lift, but in the end, we were able to pull it off, even when the sessions were changing platforms and times, and as a result, I was recognized by my manager, Director, and LEader of my organization for my success."

Rachelle's Feedback

This sounds like quite the accomplishment, and it seems you worked very hard to maintain some normalcy despite COVID and the events going virtual. It also seems you learned some new approaches along the way. Good ending - showing the interviewer that you earned recognition for your diligence.

Anonymous Answer

"(Situation) During my first days in my previous position as visiting scholar, I learned from one of the HR managers that they aim to better integrate the visitors at the department and therefore had the idea to establish a seminar series for visiting scholars. However, so far, they could not find someone to take the lead. (Task) As I knew that I would stay there for the next two years, I felt that this would be a good opportunity to establish a very valuable event and to being noticed at the department. (Action) Thus, I took the initiative to organize a "˜Visiting Scholar Showcase'. During one day, the visitors had the chance to present their work, to receive valuable feedback, and to come in contact with Ph.D. Students, Post-Docs, and professors from the university. In order to incentivize the faculty to attend, I reached out to the event management and they agreed to advertise the event and to sponsor coffee and lunch. (Result) The seminar turned out very successful. I organized this seminar every three months. Thus, visitors had the chance to present their work at least once during their research stay. For me, it was not only a lot of fun but also a valuable training of my organizational skills and it helped to expand my network"

Marcie's Feedback

Great response! The interviewer will clearly be able to see by this example how you took the initiative to lead a project that was successful over and over again (every three months!) You identified a need, came up with a plan, and effectively managed and organized your resources. You also filled a leadership role. These are all qualities and skills any interviewer will be happy to hear you possess. Nice!

Anonymous Answer

"There was a time when my unit experienced an increase in the number of foley catheter-associated infections. As a member of the best practice committee, I was able to initiate a plan by way of Action Mapping, and my unit discovered and made great improvements on foley-associated problems."

Stephanie's Feedback

Wonderful example! It's evident that your work on the Best Practice committee has impacted your workplace in a very positive way!

Anonymous Answer

"While working as a news reporter, our chief editor gave the team the responsibility of covering stories coming out of an international conference that took place in our country. It would take the whole day and since he left us to our own devices, we needed leadership. I took up the mantle and commissioned an angle to each of my colleagues, and put two of them on background research while I wrote the lead of the story. We put out a satisfyingly long and detailed story, and we kept updating it throughout the day. Towards the end of our shift, the chief editor came in to congratulate the entire team and praised me for being the bonding agent that kept the team together."

Rachelle's Feedback

This is an excellent story and a strong example of your leadership and initiative. It must have felt hugely satisfying to earn this praise from your chief editor.

Anonymous Answer

"We started an initiative in the company where we leverage our cognitive cloud offerings and bring extra revenue to the company. I structured the team and engaged with man colleagues from diverse towers. We showed great enthusiasm where we also got global support from known execs. The whole idea and initiative are still active today where we deliver products to our clients."

Cindy's Feedback

Good! A bit more detail about your responsibilities as a manager or providing an example of how you managed your team would help highlight your leadership skills.

Next QuestionNext Question
  • 17. Tell me about a time when you showed initiative by taking the lead on a team project.

      The Goal

      The interviewer wants to see that you are confident enough to take the initiative when the opportunity arises. Provide the interviewer with evidence that you are a motivated and passionate person who is ready to be an active leader in the workplace.

      Written by Rachelle Enns on December 14th, 2021

      How to Answer

      Describe any project or learning experience where you saw a chance to lead and took advantage of it. Talk about the success of the project and your biggest takeaway from experience.

      Written by Rachelle Enns on December 14th, 2021

      Pro Tip

      Behavioral-based interview questions that begin with 'Tell me about a time...' are best answered using the STAR method. STAR is an acronym for Situation, Task, Action, Result. Organizing your response using this framework will ensure that you provide the interviewer with the right amount of information and detail to form a compelling answer.

      Written by Rachelle Enns on December 14th, 2021

      What to Avoid

      Avoid giving a general answer regarding your willingness to take the lead at work, in school, while volunteering, or during extra-curricular activities. Stay away from vague statements like, 'I am very comfortable taking the initiative and acting like a leader. I did this while in school and even during my latest internship.'

      Written by Rachelle Enns on December 14th, 2021

      Answer Example

      "(Situation) In my previous role, I recognized that we needed a better training program to onboard new hires at a quicker rate. (Task) As the leader for onboarding and training, it was up to me to create such a program. (Action) I took the initiative to create this training program, incorporating all the work we did in a way that new hires could easily learn and replicate. (Result) The team loved having this guide and enjoyed feeling empowered when it came to training new hires the right way."

      Written by Rachelle Enns on December 14th, 2021

      Admin Example

      "(Situation) When I first started my current admin role, I took it upon myself to organize the digital files for the company. (Task) The files were a mess, and I was the person who had the time to take care of it. (Action) Organizing these files was a huge challenge, but I tackled 100 documents per day on a schedule that I had created for myself. In 20 days, I finished. (Result) I was pleased with my ability to take on a project that nobody else wanted to do, and my boss was thrilled with the initiative that I showed."

      Written by Rachelle Enns on December 14th, 2021

      Marketing Example

      "(Situation) Last year, our company was discussing a potential product launch in the European market. (Task) As an intermediate project researcher, I knew this was my chance to be noticed. (Action) I reached out to the head of the marketing department and asked if I could be the lead product researcher. I stated my case by discussing why I would be the best fit for that opportunity. She agreed and allowed me to take the lead. (Result) The project was a great success, which gave me the confidence to speak up again. Next week I will be starting another project where I'll be the lead product researcher."

      Written by Rachelle Enns on December 14th, 2021

      Sales Example

      "(Situation) Last year, I identified the need for ongoing learning and sales training for my company's junior sales reps. (Task) As the Sales Manager, I knew I had a lot of ideas to offer for mentoring and growing these reps. (Action) I founded Friday lunch-and-learns with a different topic presented every week. I worked across departments to feature guest lecturers and industry experts via Skype. (Result) As a result, I was able to educate the sales team further, improving retention. Today, we are all more effective in our sales pitches, and our numbers have increased by 15% overall."

      Written by Rachelle Enns on December 14th, 2021

      Teacher Example

      "(Situation) This year, I took the lead by testing a new tech platform for our online learning students. (Task) I am quite a tech-savvy individual and had already been researching the topic of online learning for quite some time. (Action) I performed more specific research, spoke with many tech gurus, and created a presentation for our Board of Directors that included three viable options. I presented the data in a way that was easy to absorb and considered multiple critical factors to student learning. (Result) The board decided on my top recommendation, and now, four months into the launch, the revised online learning platform has proven very effective."

      Written by Rachelle Enns on December 14th, 2021

      Manager Example

      "(Situation) In my previous role, I took the lead on a critical communication project. (Task) As the morning Shift Manager, I needed help passing along pertinent information to our 2nd and 3rd production shifts in a more effective way. (Action) I recommended hanging announcement screens throughout the building, ensuring that everyone had the same information at all times. (Result) We installed these announcement screens, and we encountered much less stress and confusion during shift changes."

      Written by Rachelle Enns on December 14th, 2021

      Retail Example

      "(Situation) In my current store, when the merchandise for the next season arrives, our team needs to put in a lot of extra hours to get everything out onto the floor. (Task) Although I am not a manager, I see the importance of jumping in to help. (Action) During our last season change, I helped to organize the team while ensuring that the sales floor remained attended. I showed a positive mindset and enthusiasm. (Result) Because of the energy I exuded, others naturally wanted to follow me. The change-over was a success, and our team had more fun than usual."

      Written by Rachelle Enns on December 14th, 2021

      Anonymous Interview Answers with Professional Feedback

      Anonymous Answer

      "I recently sat down with two new sales team members who do not have much experience with our business's technical side. I realized then that if we did not submit the documents needed, we would miss out on a lot of order intake. After reviewing the documents and explaining the technical side for three hours, we were able to submit the proposal to the client and secure the project for the next quarter of order intake."

      Rachelle's Feedback

      This is a good start! Be sure when you are answering 'Tell me about a time' based questions using the STAR framework that you are also providing enough background information and detail for your answer to have the most impact.

      Show More Answers

      Anonymous Answer

      "During covid, all our team was off and I need to take all responsibility of the project on me

      Tight project schedule

      Worked very hard

      Was able to split the tasks and do good teamwork with the US team, that was at home

      Got a bonus for finishing the project"

      Stephanie's Feedback

      In the "Revised Answer" box, I've suggested an updated response to this question.

      "During COVID, most of the team was off, which caused me to take responsibility for an entire project with very little support. Although there was a tight project schedule, I worked very hard and was able to split the tasks and do positive teamwork with the U.S. team members who were working from home. Luckily, I earned a bonus for finishing the project. I have a high level of initiative and I am always willing to go the extra mile at work, even when I do not have the support of a team."

      Anonymous Answer

      "A few years ago we had a roll out of a new ordering and inventory maintenance system. We were low on staff at the time and the full-time technician was having trouble keeping up with the drug requests from other stores.

      I called the makers of the inventory system and spoke to the technician; also I e-mailed corporate office, set up passwords for the new system, and I learned the system. This way I was able to pull drug transfer requests and print out transfer invoices and help pull the drugs to be sent to other stores as well as cycle fill inventory sheets. The full-time technician was able to concentrate on the packaging and mailing of the drugs to other stores.

      In less than a week after I learned the system we were totally caught up on our Orderinsite tasks and projects. I also was able to help to keep our inventory up to date and generate cycle fill count sheets which my technicians and I counted. I utilized the system even when I was transfered to Shopko West and assisted with inventory control."

      Rachelle's Feedback

      This example really showcases your ability to take control in a situation, and create solutions. Very well done!

      Anonymous Answer

      "I managed all the breakout session room, and producer assignments for our Sales Kick off. With the challenge of the event going completely virtual this year due to COVID, my team wanted to ensure that we were still creating a consistent experience with certain breakouts still occurring simultaneously as others and overall creating a fluid experience.

      I created a tracker where I could manage the status of all our breakout rooms, what my team could take, what we need to assign to IT Conferencing support, and gaps we would need to fill with a vendor. In addition to this, I arranged training for my team to attend that would enable them on webinar tools we were not familiar with for the success of the event. It was a heavy lift, but in the end, we were able to pull it off, even when the sessions were changing platforms and times, and as a result, I was recognized by my manager, Director, and LEader of my organization for my success."

      Rachelle's Feedback

      This sounds like quite the accomplishment, and it seems you worked very hard to maintain some normalcy despite COVID and the events going virtual. It also seems you learned some new approaches along the way. Good ending - showing the interviewer that you earned recognition for your diligence.

      Anonymous Answer

      "(Situation) During my first days in my previous position as visiting scholar, I learned from one of the HR managers that they aim to better integrate the visitors at the department and therefore had the idea to establish a seminar series for visiting scholars. However, so far, they could not find someone to take the lead. (Task) As I knew that I would stay there for the next two years, I felt that this would be a good opportunity to establish a very valuable event and to being noticed at the department. (Action) Thus, I took the initiative to organize a "˜Visiting Scholar Showcase'. During one day, the visitors had the chance to present their work, to receive valuable feedback, and to come in contact with Ph.D. Students, Post-Docs, and professors from the university. In order to incentivize the faculty to attend, I reached out to the event management and they agreed to advertise the event and to sponsor coffee and lunch. (Result) The seminar turned out very successful. I organized this seminar every three months. Thus, visitors had the chance to present their work at least once during their research stay. For me, it was not only a lot of fun but also a valuable training of my organizational skills and it helped to expand my network"

      Marcie's Feedback

      Great response! The interviewer will clearly be able to see by this example how you took the initiative to lead a project that was successful over and over again (every three months!) You identified a need, came up with a plan, and effectively managed and organized your resources. You also filled a leadership role. These are all qualities and skills any interviewer will be happy to hear you possess. Nice!

      Anonymous Answer

      "There was a time when my unit experienced an increase in the number of foley catheter-associated infections. As a member of the best practice committee, I was able to initiate a plan by way of Action Mapping, and my unit discovered and made great improvements on foley-associated problems."

      Stephanie's Feedback

      Wonderful example! It's evident that your work on the Best Practice committee has impacted your workplace in a very positive way!

      Anonymous Answer

      "While working as a news reporter, our chief editor gave the team the responsibility of covering stories coming out of an international conference that took place in our country. It would take the whole day and since he left us to our own devices, we needed leadership. I took up the mantle and commissioned an angle to each of my colleagues, and put two of them on background research while I wrote the lead of the story. We put out a satisfyingly long and detailed story, and we kept updating it throughout the day. Towards the end of our shift, the chief editor came in to congratulate the entire team and praised me for being the bonding agent that kept the team together."

      Rachelle's Feedback

      This is an excellent story and a strong example of your leadership and initiative. It must have felt hugely satisfying to earn this praise from your chief editor.

      Anonymous Answer

      "We started an initiative in the company where we leverage our cognitive cloud offerings and bring extra revenue to the company. I structured the team and engaged with man colleagues from diverse towers. We showed great enthusiasm where we also got global support from known execs. The whole idea and initiative are still active today where we deliver products to our clients."

      Cindy's Feedback

      Good! A bit more detail about your responsibilities as a manager or providing an example of how you managed your team would help highlight your leadership skills.

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    Tell me about a time when you showed initiative... (+10 Examples) (2024)
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    Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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    Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

    Birthday: 1992-08-21

    Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

    Phone: +331850833384

    Job: District Real-Estate Architect

    Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

    Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.