The Sacramento Bee from Sacramento, California (2024)

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The Sacramento Beei

Sacramento, California

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Sacramento California THE SACRAMENTO BEE SATURDAY APRIL 3 1954 Page 26 LOST AND FOUND DEATHS 11 Birds Rabbits Pets Sale and Wanted Mock Seed Bulbs Sale Civic Leaders Plan 12)-mPersonal Services Services 'Services 12G--Special Services Notices Instructions Etc and Female LOANS To Loan Estate Loan Wanted Investments Eta CaticlidateSays Bad Government Burdens County KEYs Lost' On No 8 Bus Reward GI 2-8144 153 Seavey Circle P- KEYS In Leather Case lost Reward Ida Sne11 HI 7-0520 PARAKEET GREW LOST MARCI-1 24th Band on right leg No 38 very visible reward for re- turn of "Peewee Phone Rio Linda 4121 collect nLuE Parakeet Lost In Parker Homes area RewarcilDial WA 5-4398 TERRIER Female Found Anawer giving description phone number Mrs Taylor cio Bee Bit Y1880-24 LADY'S Purse Green Leather Lost Near Stockton Blvd Florin Rd $5- reward McHenry HU 6-4059 GERMAN Shepherd Light Pearl GraY Ans to name Tango Last seen vic 22nd A St Reward HU 4-5089 1412 22nd St LOST White Jersey No 5 On Sleeve Return to 360 Les Palmas NORTH sAcTo Reward WA 5-0775 TERRIER Show White male "Boots" Brighton Cafe Foloom Blvd Reward CAT Smoke Persian White Paws And chest Reward 811 29th St AIREDALE Female "Quennie" Lost had collar with County license Reward Phone Colusa 2301 or 65R EMPLOYMENT 22-7-Agents Salesmen and Wanted-7Mals'and Female TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Baby Sitter Home from 7:30 A to 4 10 Dial GI 3-5671 WEST Sacramento Clearrri Bdrm house range refrigerator furnished $45 HU 1-0705 FOR SALE Or Trade '42 Buick Spec Std (3L1569) Om sharp looking Not Junk Will take in power tools typewriter power mower boat outboard motor Might consider pickup 3700 Jai- fery Ave Hle 6-0909 BANTAMS Fancy Black Cochina Nice pets In pairs or trios Also Toulouse goslings HI 7-2682 BIJOU Lake Tahoe Lot A Bargain for 8800 cash 50 100 Free harbor Nr Ski run GI 3-8462 2 PC Setni Chartreuse Frieze 835 Call eves Sunday IV 9-9478 COMPLETELY Furn 3 Bedroom home All util includ 8120 mo Suitable 2 couples or 3 bachelors -WA 5-6496 POWER Mowers Tillers Garden tractors New Used Terms Bell St Bell ro 925 30th St Between Dial GI 3-3312 GLIDER SWING AU Metal Mike new 810 6 yr crib with Beauty Rest mattress $10 HI 5-9148 WANTED Meat Rabbits 26e 27c lb -Pugh Perkins Calif HI 6-5107 HAVING Dissolved The partnership we will no longer be responsible for any debts contracted by West Market 109 15th St West William DeVazio Anna Rose DeFazio 503- Webster -West Sacramento FarnilyWithAcre FiveChildren Wins Frisky Tina Tina has a new home and five children are the happier font Tina chosen as The Bee's Dog of the Week found a pew RENTALS years Friends are invited to attend the funeral from the Latter Dav Saints Church in lone at 2 o'clock Iiiiontray Interment Ione Cemetery this city 7 March 31 1954 Hi 'ma -Amanda Edebohis beloved wife of Alfred Edebohls loving mother of Hans Edebohls in Korea sister of Herman and Alfred Hodemann of Germany: a native of Germane aged 52 pears Funeral announcement later Miller Skelton Service this city April 2 1954 Carroll Emerson beloved husband of Anna Marian Emerson loving father of James and Harry Emerson of Sacramentn Mrs Helen Garland of Fairfax Calif and Mrs Jean Nelson of San Francisco Also sur vived by 9 grandchildren a native of Iowa aged 86 years Friends may call at the Citizens Mortuary Home 2301 1 Street and are invited to attend the funeral Monday at 200 PM in East Lawn Chapel 43rd St and Folsom Blvd Interment East Lawn (San Francisco Papers 1311We My) Sacramento April 2 1954 Helen A Fingland dearly beloved daughter of Hattie and the late Leeds Ping land loving sister of Leeds Fine land of Sacramento: a native of Sacramento A member of First Evangelical United Brethren Church Friends may call today tSaturdaYi and Sunday from 3 to 5 and from 7 to 9 o'clock at the family residence 819 0 Street and are invited to attend the funeral Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the Firet EUB Church 1516 10th Street Interment Masonic Lawn (Sierra View Funeral Chapel) Brvte April 2 1954 Thee Rose beloved wife of Joe Rose loving sister of Louie ()leen of San Jose Olaf Olsen and Mrs Gertrude Jacobson of Fort Benton Mont Mikal and Gustav Olsen and Mrs Eli Roy of Norway: a native of Norway aged 65 years Friends are welcome at the MinSiOn Chapel of Andrews Grellich 'until 12 noon Tuesday end are invited to attend the funeral st Bethel Temple 21st and Streets Tuesday at 2 Interment East Lawn REAL ESTATE For Sale Wanted to Estate to Estate Estate Estate Sale and Mining For Sale Ranches Land-- For Sale Ranches For Rent and Lease Estate Properties Properties Sale Lots and Sites Sale For Suburban dential and Industrial Pronertv stato DiAnlav William Mayer of 6351 Jan- owner xooay in tJ VV rwbuigu sen Drive former newspaper- Of Route 7 Box 3490 his wife man who filed his candidacy for and five -children Reseigh the Sacramento County Board held the -lucky number when of Supervisors from the second a drawing was held this district today issued the fol- morning at- the Animal Shellowing statement: ter "I have decided to become a Reseigh said he has nearly Candidate for supervisor in the an acre of land at his home second district because Sacra- ust what is needed for a 2 mento County is burdened with month old German shepherd the worst goverriment in its his- Reseigh stated he formerly tory and the record proves it raised collies and recently the kids have been after me "With six months to go before to get them a dog" the time to draw up a new The children range in age budget the present achninistra- from 31i months to 14 years tion found itself without any funds for general relief The Each Friday The Bee pub- lishes the picture and story of chairman of the board of super- an animal in the shelter visors now says the thing to do Is go to the state government and ask for money to feed Sac- I avanaughSeeks ramento County's hungry I Firtra Voinfic ramento County's hungry 11U I Extra Funds I owner today in Reseigh of Route 7 Box 3490 his wife and five -children Reseigh held the -lucky number when a drawing was held this morning at- the Animal Shelter Reseigh said he has nearly an acre of land at his home just what is needed for a 2 month old German shepherd Reseigh stated he formerly raised collies and recently "the kids have been after me to get them a dog" The children range in age from 31i months to 14 years Each Friday The Bee publishes the picture and story of an animal in the shelter Junior League Talks Mrs Russell Graham Jr chairman of provisionals of the Sacramento Junior League today announced 10 business and civic leaders will address the incoming provisional class next week in a special course on community education The course will be given in the California Junior Museum auditorium on the State Fair ground from 10 AM until noon Monday through Friday The meetings will be open to the public This is the program: Monday through yriday The ley Cavanaugh and Joseph Bill executive directof of the redevelopment agency Tuesday Hal Buckingham city public health educator and Reg Renfree city recreation director Judge James Oakley and Thomas Richards Jr vice president of Bercut Richards Packing Company Executive Charles Deterding and Ernest Van Harlingen director of the Crocker Art Gallery Grace Taylor Dean city librarian and Dr Melvyn Lawson of the Sacramento City Unified School District TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY CLOSE-IN 2 Room Cottage Bath Adults HU 4-3818 or HU 1-0775 SIAMESE Kittens Beauties Ex celient pedigree Dial HI 6-7697 712 17TH 'sr-1 Rm Kitchenette furn utilities pd Adults $8 wk BEDROOM Rome Walking Distance downtown In excellent dition Dial GI 2-2071 EAST SACTO By OWNER 815 Bear Flag Way Nr 47th Sta 5 rm home 6 yrs old Assume GI loan 4 Sprinkling system front back Fenced back yard Dial HI 6-9385 BOSTON Pups AKC Reg Fad turn 5931 60th St HI 6-5255 eves: USED Salo 2 $110 ARDENS District 3 Bdrm unfurn home Fireplace sFull elec kitchen HT 7-0756 Nit McCLELLAN 1 Bdrm Unf urn $45 mo Mil paid WA 2-1422 27 FT "Glider" Housetraller Elec refrig apt size butane gas rage Cooler awning electric brakes $480 Mrs Dunn 7107 34th St trearl RIO LINDA FRIGIDAIRE Refrig $25 White table top gas range $30 washer $10 2 pc divan set $3'0 rock- ing chair $5 chest of drawers $6 set of bunk beds complete $20 'mattress $5: springs $5 book case $5: blood bedroom set- $40 Rollaway bed $23 small piano $125 DIrs 2431 Street IFireman's Ouster CARD OF THANKS Tops IN USED CARS 52 FORDS TOPS IN mo Who Loans Money? The family or the late Ned Farr Wish to express to their many friends their heartfelt thanks for the tokens of sympathy tendered them during their recent bereavement For Outside Job IT-R Four to chhose from Tudors Fordors MR low miles All sharp and clean $1295 to $1395 FI7NERAL DIRECTORS Exchanges To Rent Rent Rent And Rent And Convalescent Homes Care And Nurseries Rooms Auto and Trailer For Rent Rent Flats For Rent --Furnished Flats For Rent Trucking Storage 39--Business Rent and Wanted Rent and Wanted Rent Francisco Hotels Apts Around The Bay Houses and RoomS---Ff3r Rent Rent la Houses and Rooms Rent and Wanted FOR SALE Household Goods rnstruments For Sale and Wanteri Sales Service Equipment For Sale Camping Equipment Sporting Sale Sale and 1 For Rent Materials Tractors For Sale Tractors- Wanted FARM CLASSES Products Grain and For Sale and Wanted and Supplies Poultry and Feed Lots and Supplies Se Fur Farm 51 FORD $895 dbc'ellise 1A1 Ton Pickup Heaters 4 speed benz absbumopenervtoplynettrese Very sharp GORMLEY SONS 2018 Capitol Ave Dial GI 3-6513 THOMPSON'S FUNERAL HOME 1411 ith Inexpensive service HU 4-2622 CUINIS FUNERAL HOME rriendlY Personal serv 2231 GI 3-2898 GEORGE KLUMPP Chapel of Flowers 808 0 Street pia! GI 34917 LAND PARK Dist Lovely' Lge rme priv bath ext ph heat cooling system Gentleman KU 4-3983 att 6 110ME OF DREAMS JUST OFF RIVERSIDE BLVD 3 bedroom modern new 2 baths 2 car garage Close in Must sell or lease at once Owner leaving Call owner GI 3-8507 Or 808 bleClatchy Way Vital Statistics 49 MERCURY S895 City Manager Bartley I Cavanaugh today announced he will ask the unanimous consent i of the city council to dismiss' Mike Riggs of 3333 Street1 a city fireman for "faking an illness engaging in outside work contrary to the charter and leaving the city without permission" Riggs was suspended yesterday by Fire Chief Terence Mull ligan who with his adminis-1 lev ul tuz ILI aL LUC LI Icli Mt and leaving the city without permission" was suspended yester- day by Fire Chief Terence Mul- ligan who with his atiminis- 4 Door It JP black finish Runs fine Tires like new 50 FORD $995 You II find the answer by reading the Fidel in classifications 68 and 69 POWER Mower Glad Iron Electric sewing machine Century camera tripod new spotlight piano tuning tools almost new waffle Iron Nutone chimes misc odds ends hdw Ajl max HI 6-0992 YOUNG WOMAN Take Full Charge NATIONAL INSURANCE ORGANIZATION BRANCH OFFICE Good typist required Reply in handwriting giving experience and qualifications PO Box 936 Lovely Riverside Blvd district home that's different 3 bedrooms 2 baths central heat 2 car garage etc New Close in near high and jr schools Owner leaving will sacrifice Terms GI 3-8507 REDECORATE NOW! HAVE A NEW Halal SAME OLD ADDRESS Let our COLOR CONSULTANT call at your home No Charge No Obligations EASY TERMS HI 7-7492 If no answer HI 7-7044 MUST SACRIFICE FOR QUICK SALE BEAUTY SHOP BIRTHS Officially Recorded Mr and Mrs Nor-Riggs man McClelland of 1719 Street EIMANc-LP qanix9504f es 43th Avenue March trative assistant James Lane Mr and Mrs Luther said they followed Riggs to Frazier of 6117 37th street March 23 4 a son CIPPA N1COLETTI FUNERAL HOME Corner 28th and 0 Ste Dial HI 8-5478 DAGGETT FUNERAL HOME Modem Reasonable Service GI 2-0753 HARRY A NA113AN ON 2021 28th Street Dial HI 6-3827 ANDREWS GREILICH 2221 28th Street Dial HI 6-3987 V-R Tudor Cuitom rtgrIT spotlight motor A-1 paint perfect whitewall tires A nice one 50 CHRYSLER -31195 Roseville Placer County a di To Mr and Mrs James V71OP 19S SAst volt rireta Mareh A WOUV L11 1 ACIAV-J 'sok" LA I I 57 CI II 1A Circle March Royal 6' Has automatic drive heater Low orig miles gray orig finish One owner car 51 FORD $1195 Fordor 17-8 Deluxe On nice gray finish low miles The beet buy TODAY JAMES It GARLICK Funeral Director 2001 Street Dial GI 2-3296 MORTTIAIrtY HOME Robert Titus Funeral Director 2101 Street Dial MI 2-2969 MORGAN' JONES MORTUARY 1200 "Chapel of Climes" GI 3-9292 CLARK BOOTH YARDLEY A HOLMES President Est Over 100 Yrs 917 11 St GI 3-1731 i MILLER SKELTON "In Satramento Since 1869" 1015 20th Street Dial GI 2-3824 SIERRA VIEW FUNERAL CHAPEL Hugh Kennedy Mineral Director 2701 North Fair Oaks Blvd CARMICHAEL IV 9-0271 FLORISTS A RAY MOTORS SKI PANTS Lady's Custom Made wool gabardine 14-16 Like new Cost $27 sell $1250 GI 2-7996 -PIANO Baldwin Acrosonle Spinet blond oak like new $600 (Cost nearly 81000) Owner IV 9-8790 CAMERA Automatic Rolleiflex III: case Heiland synch() flash like new 8150 Dial IV 7-3777 Proper Care Of Your baby Nr Cptl Park HU 4-0695 POWER Mower Glad Iron Elec: sew mach Century camera az trpa ow optit piano tng tonic aim nw waffle iron misc odds ends All HI 6-0692 Hghts-2 Bdrm Unturn hm Cln At bs et HU 6-1850 FURN A PT--4 Large ROOMS rbath service porch 18th Sts 865 Dial GI 3-0124 49 OLDS "88'' 4 Door (5A36428) Hydra radio heater Needs 3 tires $750 Dial HI 7-1576 CLEAN Furri Flats 4 Rm 855: 2 840 TV ant Adults no pets Restricted 1724 llth St PORTED English Bone Dinner set service for 8 Also lead crystal stemware Other various bone china items Dial HU 6-2605 1514 FT SANTA CRUZ Runabout with outboard motor Can be converted to inboard A-1 cond See to appreciate 1741 Los Robles Blvd NO SACTO WA 5-5874 LADY With Child Desires Work As housekeeper in respectable motherless home Wrt Bx Y298-21 Bee 3 WOOL Rugs Sectional Couch coffee table 2 end tables Breakfast set Dial HI 7-9327 -2-924 1-4 Lg Rms Nicely Furn Heat garage expos Adults 885 HAVE Permanent Pasture For calves or saddle horses IV 9-4664 "Every sensible businessman keeps some eitr1 money in the bank for emergencies Every reasonable housewife tries to have a little spare case somewhere in case something goes wrong "Where was the county's emergency fund? "There never was a reserve of cash set aside that was enough to meet real trouble Not that the unemployment situation here was ever that bad It would have been easy to care for our needy with only a little extra money "But the present board of su' pervisors didn't put enough money in the budget to finish the Sacramento Hospital And when they had to pay for that job they gambled They used the cash that had been set aside as a reserve fund and hoped everything would come out all right "But things didn't work out quite the Way they hoped A few people lost their jobs and the welfare rolls got a little enlarged And no extra cash "That's why there's a welfare crisis in Sacramento County That's why people a going' hungry Covered Meetings "There's a- lot more that could I be said about the crowd that's running our county government As a newspaperman I coyd ered the board of supervisors for more than four years know what I'm talking about Only by sitting at those meetings week after week and seeing these me running the works can anybody have any idea how bad things are "I mean to talk about these other- things later on: I will have things to say on the silly cash and carry policy which makes us pay all the cost of those four new floors in the hospital now During the next 50 years tens of thousands of new people will move here and use those facilities- Our taxes have gone up year by year These people now living in oth- er states will ride free "That's why there isn't enough money for a real emergency fund If there were taxes would have to go higher still But money could be saved a smart board of 1 In Palo Alto Good going business Has 4 year lease Dial IV 7-6623 2920 BROADWAY USED Salo 2 3 BEDROOM NAVLET THE FLORIST 16th St GI 3-3989 SENATOR FLORISTS GI 3-2547 907 8th GI 3-2548 bilOREPECK'S FLOWER SHOP 1223 21st Street Dia HU 1-0033 VILLAGE FLOWER SHOP Town Caurtry Village IV 9-5287 SUNSHINE Florist "Flower Time Is All The Time" 5309 Franklin Blv HU 6-1188 watched him make deliveries of 222atTegtvey supplies to three taverns in a Mr rid Mrs Manuel Martinez of 500 2nd Avenue commercial truck March 23 1954 a son Mr and Mrs Rodolfo Cavanaugh said the fire de- Estrella Of 1816 Ray Street North partment had received re rt po 19a HEsacramento March 24 4 a son that Riggs was engaging in out- le Inv xx-- f712 Mr Mrs James daughter Avenue March side work Under the charter 25 1954 a dau Mr and Mrs Lester a member of the fire de par Holden of 1821 6th Street March 25 ment is not permitted to engage 1954 a son VII LA Mr and in outside compensatory activi- Stree of 1690 mrt MI- chael Villanueva March 25 1954 a daughter ties Mr and Mrs Surkiow of 2204' )than wayBimllyarcEu The city manager explained 26 1954 a son 1Riggs was to go to work in the Mr an Mr I i fire department at 6 PM Thurs- Henson of '2200 flowers' M'o aruytIville meRtlilaidLesarcL2t3htr1954 adaughter day but reported he was con-Mrs Fred McMil fined to bed with a wrenched 26 1954 lan of Rout Mr m1128 March a daughter back MINCE and Mrs Willie Cavanaugh declared he is la pry ofcd015 2nd Street March 27 recommending Riggs' dismissal "sILIR)-- a TougithltreLand Mrs Pedro 5536 Ventura from the department because d42114daughter of three infractions of the rules Mr: a Schinkel of 201 14'th Stre a Street rkl He added: 27 1954 a daughter Mr and Mrs Lee "We are very proud of our ofgi a 0 so al37111view Avenue fire department with its corn- Marmcr 28 19 To Mr end Mrs Ah Gong or plement of some 260 men and 3aVamenToe a March rille1945 a augh- Road North 41 we do not want one man cast- ing a reflection on those em- Mr and Mra James ployes who are striving to do Hilts of 515 Street March 211954 an excellent job for the city as giVint-l-rr Mr and Mrs Bradford Iguedz oL1220 IJ Street March 21 Riggs has taken advantage of the good working conditions Mr and Mrs Donald the rest of the department by ttilllel9r :4 ullaau lhtBroz 6043 March hard work have been able to ob- Mr and eMrs Waiter starch of Box daughter Highlands tam and apparently he still was Mr and gMrs Edwin not satisfied" FenniL a of 4tig Slat Street March Riggs who was assigned -to Mr and Mrs Edgar the central firehouse on 9th 0195111: aolgerkshire Way Street II and 1 joined the de- Mar4'dS'' Mr and Mrs John Gill of partment July 1 1952 I 1912 37th Street March 22 1954 a Mr and Mrs Rodolfo Estrella Of 1816 Ray Street North Sacramento March 24 1954 a son Mr and Mrs James Hendrix of 2243 22nd Avenue March 25 1954 a daughter Mr and Mrs Lester Holden of 1821 6th Street March 25 1954 a son Mr and Mrs Michael Villanueva of 1820 Street March 25 1954 a daughter Mr and Mrs Billy Burkiow of 2204 Ethan Way March 26 1954 a son Mr and Mrs Louis Henson of '2200 Lower Marysville Road March 26 1954 a daughter Mr and Mrs Fred McMillan of Route 3 Box 1128 March 26 1954 a daughter MI CE Mr and Mrs Willie Mincey of 2015 2nd Street March 27 1954 a daughter Mr and Mrs Pedro Rosillo of Route 1 Box 5536 Ventura Avenue March 27 1954 a daughter Mr and Mrs Caryl Schinkel of 201 18th Street March 27 1954 a daughter Mr and Mrs Lee Harmon of 5780 Beliview Avenue March 28 1954 a son Mr and Mrs Ah Gong of 2390 Lower Marysville Road North Sacramento March 21 1954 a daughter Mr and Mini James Hilts of 515 Street March 21 1954 a daughter Mr and Mrs Bradford Kennedy of 1220 IJ Street March 21 1954 a son Mr and Mrs Donald Miller of Route 1 Bog 6043 March 21 1954 a daughter Mr and Mrs Walter Polls of Box 326 North Highlands March 21 1954 a daughter Mr and Mrs Edwin Roenspie of 4629 Slat Street March 21 1954 a son Mr and Mrs Edgar Edwards of 3116 Berkshire Way March 22 1954 a son Mr and Mrs John Gill of 1912 37th Street March 22 1954 a son Mr and Mn a Russell Siegismund of 3480 West Capitol North Sacramento March 22 1954 a MONUMENTS I RUHKALA MONUMENT CO 1001 Broadway Sacramento Calif LUCIC MONUMENTAL WORKS 1800 28t11 St HI 5-2457 CARLA BROS MEMORIALS 10th Sta Since "1879" GI 34938 LODGE NOTICES Attractive fine location Hagginwood Attached garage large land- seeped lot MUST SELL FAST ONLY $7450 REASONABLE DOWN PAYMENT PHILPOT SON 914 14th St GI 377A7 WINCH On Small Swing Boom For truck Reasonable WA 5-8653 2 BEDROOM Un- restricted $5500 $750 down Eveningsdial WA '3-4908 WORKING PARTNER For Nevada bar $2000 investment required for interest HU 6-9640- HOLLYWOOD PARK! 2 Blocks from shopping center 14x14 bedroom fireplace etc This and more only 69950 A Lewis HI 7-3768 HU 1-2741 A gt 22ND And Rooms And Bath Furnished $50 HU 4-9779 $4250----1 Bdrm Mod-Cot Range refrig fried yd Water paid Cor 2tyl and Sta RIO LINDA 3 GOOD Saddle Horses 1 Child's pony 1 colt 1527 North Ave DEL PASO HOHTS WA 5-0091 FURNACE New Rheem Dual floor furn Fred to sell HI 6-5943 LET Your Property With Reg Da- via Bkr Personal seri HU 1-2629 34 FORD 14 Ton Trade On Equity in 14 to lb ft metal housetrailer Dial IV 7-4773 '49 PONTIAC "6" Sedanette (426- 5655) Excellent condition Low milegae $665 2477 5th Ave WILL Trade 5 Rooms Of Good furniture for house trailer Dial WA 5-3119 CHROME Dining Set With 4 Chrs 36x59 inches with leaf Ladies' model 80 bass Soprani accordion Reasonable IV 9-4725 2216 St Sptiss Cln Bchlr Qtrs for neat quiet rotimn HI 7-6392 TOO LATE TO CLASSIEV Classified Index AUTOMOBILES Sale Trailer For Sale Rent Trailer Repasr utes and Trailer Wanted Sale Trucks For Rent Service Tires Parts Supplies Sale and Wanted -OUTER CIRCLE NO 379 of Regular meeting Monday Anrii 5th Odd Fellows Hall 3741 34th Street Visitors welcome ANNIE THOMAS SACTO NO SOL SPECIAL meating in Odd Fellows Hall 34th Bdwy Monday April 5th All members please attend HENRY OTT Master LOST AND WOUND LADIES Purse Containing Reys License No 1A68490 lost vicinity 15th Reward HU 1-0982 NOTICES and Business Services Trades Services and Garden Servico Alhambra it Broadway IV '') 2 Alhambra and -41 COZ glital NEW- 0 54 rorto V-8 Victoria Ford- 1 1951 DeSoto omsiti lots of ex- tras Drive in miles $2695 3 951 Mercury! 54 MERCURY Sport 2 Dr 5 1951 Chevrolet-1 Afercomatic and all the ex- 3 1951 Fords tras 400 miles 42795 2 1949 Dodges i 54 FORD V-A Sport Coune 3 1930 pontiacs a I 43 eater overdrive tinted glass leather int 2 1950 Ruicks 11 a a 1 I a SMART one 3 1953 Ceyrolets $2395 '48 Jeep 4 53 CHEV Bel Air 4-1r- '51 Suburban sedan radio heater wsw 52 MG tires power steering power 20 1-ton xi -ton Pickups glides etc $2145 From $145 UP i "ZolMeoreAre AtroMeMe "Me ACIAWA1 A UnCLIPOin 171o ri to THE HOME OF SAFE BUYS OPEN SUNDAY 53 LINCOLN OOOOOO II $3 795 Hatdtop Coupe Hydra radio beater 53 OLDSMOBILE $2995 Holiday Power brakes and steering Autronic eye Hydramatic radio heater 1 52 LINCOLN $2595 Cosmo Coupe Power equipment Hydramatic radio and heater 52 FORD $1495 LN Customline VS Fordor Fordomatic radio and heater 50 FORD OO Custom V8 Sedan Overdrive radio heater '8 52 DODGE 095 34 Ton Pickup 4 speed Synchromesh transmission cabin type construction over bed Lundstrom Motors uu 19th Wised 'Cars HU 4-8204 ars A fm ez iro sezi rm 4 ZA WIA WIZA AS WroforA Ce A WO WO fe "WOW4WOMMWor Brother Relays Ike's Message As Museum Opens uluilicu ilclay3 essane I Museum OPenS DIAMOND Ring Ladies Engagement Gold Lost Reward HU 1-1596 "KEETA" Chartreuse Parakeet Lost No tall feathers Dial WA 5-3620 BLACK co*ckER Female Puppy Red harness answers to "ChristY" Lost vicinity 28th 'St Reward Dial HI 7-9576 LADY'S BLACK Bill Fold Lost April 2nd vicinity 9th Please dial WAbash 5-2654 Sacramento Reward TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 12 Story Plunge Kills 16 Year Old Girl son Mr and Mrs Walden Westlake of 3800 61st Street March 23 1954 a son Mr and Mrs Don 3417V3ilkr9s54o fa 4443 hit)rt: hMS treeot 1 a rcl*t Moore of 3680 San Ysidro Way March 24 1954 a daughter II 'FVAt-Hlir LDG :1 I nLAINC DE JE Evans 18 of Del Paso Hereffaulnng Diana Edith Hildebrand 16 of Fair Oaks Earl Jones 48 of North Sacramento and Laura Baker BiNagi-allotILSITIramerloOrge Raye Bromley 22 of Mather Air Force Base and Virginia Gladys Van Vleet town of the president as 1000 26 of Jackson Mich braved the chill wind to attend'BEAN-LOFTI'S Marvin Bean of Mather Air Force Base and the ceremony I Florence Mabel Suzanne Loftus 28 of cramento The opening came almost tmi qa ST flea Stehr lg years to the day since the first i zndlielen Louise Hicks 16 both of rwlntn and Helen Louise flicks 16 both of Sacra mento Sacramento ABILENE Kan AP The Eisenhower Museum was opened formally to the public today in this boyhood home ABILENE Kan AP The Eisenhower Museum was opened formally to the public today in this boyhood home- CLEVELAND AP --Lucy Shepard 16 plunged to her death today from the 12th story roof garden of the swank Shaker Towers She was the daughter of William Clark Shepard secretary to United States Senator Thomas A Burke Colonel Samuel Gerber is investigating the case further before returning a report s' NPJ" :7 1 )1 li 'I 4-- e-- a SAY 4434 IAPt 4 -A 41- i4 STO 79' fr- if 1-7 1 -s i 4171: 0 Ai' a Another Heckes Hurst Development OAKS OPENDaily Sunday 10-5 Bedrooms or 3 Bedrooms Den Priced From $18750 Excellent FHA Terms spade of earth was turned rne orinoLDER-mtmlixAN Robert Walter the handsome native stone Holder 43 Of Redding Shasta County and Frances Elaine McMillan 34 of stockton San Joaquin County SC liciAg ett)e11-111AI sng 'rag el Junior en-a124E9 both Of North Sacramento Gayls'fD exY Sue 27 Chamber Will Meet The CarmiChael Chamber of Commerce will hold a membership meeting Monday at 8 PM in the Carmichael Park Clubhouse Donald Petersen president announced the members Will consider a proposal for a television program about the community GIFTS For Weddings Showers Anniversaries Birthdays Parties Eta 1)1 All Improvements Paid Ce 2 Fireplaces in Some Plans (CO Tiled Vanities Choice of Colors Linoleum Wallpaper etc Formica Kitchen Counter Top Aluminum Sash (i) Knotty Pine or Mahogany Cabinets tymr a It A- uction Divan Chrome and Bedroom Sets Box Springs and Mattresses Rockers Rugs Lamps Refrigerators Stove 8 Garden Furniture Electric Mixers Coffee Makers Toasters Waffle irons and Blenders Dises Silverware end -Linen And many other items for vou to set your own price Friday and Saturday 7 PM Sunday 2 PM Easy terms 119911 1: A uction Obituaries DIRECTIONS: Out Arden Way past Watt Ave to Rolling Hills Road Follow our big red arrow EXCLUSIVE AGENTS building A red white and blue ribbon stretched across the main entrance was cut by Dr Milton Eisenhower youngest of the five living Eisenhower brothers who represented the family at the opening program Sam Heller president of the Eisenhower Foundation opened the fete with a few remarks and then introduced Governor Edward Am who has been active in the museum project- Am after a brief talk introduced Dr Eisenhower who read this brief message from President Eisenhower: "To all who with loving care are developing a project not to memorialize a man but ideas and principles I send affection ate greetings I trust I shall be with you when the completed project is dedicated" Foundation officials are hopeful of having the second wing of the museum completed and ready for official dedication by the president some time this fall building A red white and blue ribbon stretched across the main trance was cut by Dr Milton TUXEDOS Accessories Rented Capital Costumes 81322 7 St HU 4-0328 CORRECT SOCIAL ENGRAVINGS Weinstock-Lubin Co at 12th WEDDING CAKES Birthday Cakes Fancy Cookies and Pastries Our Specialty BART'S 919 St CI 3-2521 TEE BRIDE REGISTER Helps you select the gifts each bride to be herself bag chosen as her preference RREUNER'S Ath IC Dial 3-80A1 WEDDING GIFT WRAP All Kinds of Bridal Stationery Sleeper Stamp Stationer's Co Stores 1015 Ath Street and 29206 Street Wedding Announcements Invitations Process embossing our specialty Also steel and copper plate engraving Sacramento's finest and oldest social engraver! Mai GI 3-1301 PROTZMAN'S 1317 Street DEATHS You WON'T FIND -ANY! You W( LIQUIDATORS Williams Williams Heckes Hurst 3091 Fair Oak' Blvd 801 9th St HU 1-3051 IV 9-3646 Suburban Office IV 9-6880 3012 Auburn Blvd Hiwarl 40 99E Between Watt Fulton CLASSIFIED DISPLAY CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Cieaner Used Cars In Town than the fine buys at Newton A cope Buick Co Open Sunday Dial GI 3-2554 Cieaner Used Ca at Newtol Open Sunday Thea Rose Funeral services for Mrs Thea Rose 65 a native of who had lived in Bryte Yo to County 26 years will be conducted at 2 PM Tuesday in the Bethel Temple Mrs Rose died yesterday in her home at 107 Yolo Street following a long illness Surviving are her husband Joe brothers and sisters Louie Olsen of San Jose Olaf Olsen and Mrs Gertrude Jacobson of Montana Mikal and Gustav Olsen and Mrs Eli Roy of Norway Friends are invited to the Andrews Greilich Funeral Home until noon the day of the funeral 51 Cadillac "62" $2595 51 Cadillac IS THE KEYSTONE OF OUR AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE Jackson April 2 1954 William Covington beloved husband of Edith Covington loving father of Viva Truitt Mary Lou Hull of Sacramento and Billie Thomas of Marysville beloved son or Vora Covington of Denver Colo ail survived by five grandchildren three sisters and two brothers a native of Colorado aged 54 WI4ERSHIP 4 Dr Sect Hydra radio heater new white wall tires 49 Plymouth All metal A hard to find item Very clean OME NIL FUNERAL DIRECTORS FENELIAL DIRECTORS I tt 08114 111 441 wo 74Z L101 A 52 Buick RivieraS1795 Room Homes AN AMAZING LOW COST PLAN TO ELIMINATE FUNERAL EXPENSES FOR YOUR FAMILY 4 Dr Dynat low radio heater wily tires tinted iglututone green -t 1 50 Ford Vs8 Club CpeS795 iwo Radio and beater Low Mileage' COMPLETE 501ludsoll Comm The following Sacramento Funeral Homes are now able to recommend a plan which completely eliminates funeral bills For only a few cents a day you can make full provision in advance out of present income The FOREF LAWN PROTECTION PLAN issued by the Forest Lawn Life Insurance Company an Old Line Legal Reserve Company eliminates the worry of funeral expenses by making instantly available funds for funeral and inter- ment expenses Built on your own lot anywhere in Northern Terms to suit your budget Not pre-cut or California pre-fa 4 Dr Has radio heater overdrive 50 Pontiac Chief 8 $795 I 4 Dr Seri Has radio heater Hydra Carroll Emerson Final rites will be held Mon day for Carroll Emerson 86 a retired San Francisco Municipal Railway conductor who lived in Sacramento 16 years The services will begin at 2 PM in the East Lawn Cemetery Chapel Burial will be in East Lawn The funeral will be directed by the Citizens Mortuary- Emerson died yesterday in Ids home at 1544 Santa Inez Way He was born in Iowa and was graduated from the Alfred NY University with -a degree In law He belonged to the institution's alumni association He retired from the railway system after serving about 27 years He practiced law during a short period in an Francisco Surviving are his wife Anna Marian: sons James and Harry both of Sacramento daughters Mrs Helen Garland of Fairfax and Mrs Jean Nelson of San Francisco and nine grandchildren eatttrtng 1 Conventional roofs 4 Tan bath 2 Conventional sub floors 5 Insulation 3 Formica sink top 6 Choies of colors 7 HARDWOOD FLOORS go 000 1011 rvA 7 gAti I Cull's Funeral Home James Garlick Gormley Sons Miller Skelton I Andrews Greilich I Cippa lc Nicoletti I Citizens Mortuar'y Clark Booth Yardley KENNETH SIES milk 1 0111oli Contractor and and Insured 61 3-8657 Evehings WA 5-7907 HOP tram cr (Eire 1714 Capifol Mon 1i JOHN FOX Sacrknento Agent FOREST LAWN PROTECTION PLAN 1662 4th Avenue Dial GI 2-2660 1 tuck Co GI 3 PIWC14d- kfaltieW oek Alco sPI 1161N210 V14" eso141 okb 'N a0 rook omoranomownomungq 15th Et.

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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Author information

Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.