The Standard-Herald from Warrensburg, Missouri (2024)

PERSONAL. axvV ford, Jefferson township, loo two 14-foot aprons. Warrant $206 ordered t0 Robertson, salary as prosecuting an? ney and fees u- Adj mriied. Caught in the Eietor ST. Joseph.

Angus, 3-Yes, erda. morning, when thn fire broke out the Wyeth factory, J. Forsee the foreman of the paint shop Were tempting to carry a hose up the vator to an upper floor, when the gineer shut off the steam, leaving the suspended half way between The elevator chute is boxed and the was no way of escape except to null the elevator to a landing by hand The boys were alarmed, but by a com! bined effort succeeded in making if They will be grayheaded by morning Birth Recorded. To the wife of Geo. A.

Tuttle, Holden, a son. Kingsville Items. Wm. Zion is reported very ill. Born, to Douglas and Sallie London, onthe3lst of July, 1887, a daughter.

Miss Eva Johnston has returnad from Nebraska to her home near this city. Mrs. Mollie Houston, of Kaymore, Cass county, is in Kingsville this week. Mrs. Mary J.

Short, of Benton City, was visiting her daughter iu Kingsville on the 1st inst. Mr. Henry Gromractt and two sons of Mr. Ira Gloyd, were the guests of Mr. W.

B. Wallace, proprietor of Clover Lawn Farm. A protracted meeting of the Cumberland Presbyterians, will commence on the second Sabbath in this month, at the Bock Spring church, conducted by Rev. C. C.

Connell, who will ue assisted by an Evangelist, Rev. Z. II. Mock Died, in Kingsville on the 28th of July, 1887, of paralysis, Mr. Josiah Martin, aged GO years, 8 months and 28dajs.

The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J.A. Morrow at the United Presbyterian church on the 29th inst. Died, at her home three and a half miles southwest of Kingsville, of consumption, on the 25th of July, 1887, Mrs. Katie Anderson, aged 33 years.

She was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. The remains were taken to Holden for interment on the 27th inst. Rev. F. V.

L003 conducted the funeral exercises. If you wish to borrow Money at 0 per cent on the best security call and see Crisaey Lemmon. I-tf G. H. Sack Co.

are wide awake in buying and selling all kinds of real estate on commission. Office ou Holden street. 29j Money to Loan, by the Warrensburg Building Association, Second Tuesday in each month, at my office, Warrensburg. Apply to CHAS. W.


Dunn's Bookstore Bohool Bolsters Dutnot Records, (malic. Etmots. Zlatas, New and Secondhand Bohool Books, Etc. Dunns Bookstore Varronsbnrg, Mow W. B.

O. The regular meeting of Col. Grover corps No. 20 will be held at Grand Army ball Saturday afternoon at 3 oclock. G.

A. B. The regular meeting of Col. Grover Post will bo held at Grand Army hall Saturday night. A general attendance is desired.

An Infant Dead. The three-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. George Thornton died dur ing Monday night, and was buried at 3 Tuesday afternooD, by McManigal Huff. MONEY MONEY MONEY 8530.000 of home Eastern funds to loan, also farms and city propert for sale, for terms, call or address J.

U. Gaty, f6-3m Warrensburg Mo. Business Change. The Upton Brothers have sold ou' their store on Pine street to Mr Charles Wirth, who will enlarge am extend the business at the old stand. Arch McDonald will be the managing clerk.

Just Like It's Papa." Special Correspondence of the Daily Standard. Howard, August 1. Born to the wife of L. H. Ilyer, a ten-pound son, the very image of patei familias.

Good crops are reported in this (Elk) county. We have had rain enough tc satisfy us ou this point. Fayetteville Items. Ben Simpson has rented the 8. L.

Borthick farm. Miss Mattie Poach is visiting at Capt. Dawsons this week. MissPlora Neighbors was visiting the family of II. II.

Shackelford, Friday. Elder Edwin Wilks will preach at the Christian church, next Sunday, at 11 a. m. Jessie Downing, of Post Oak, was visiting relatives and friends here Sunday. Dr.

G. L. Mock and H. H. Itussell, of Warrensburg, attended the Masonic lodge Saturday.

Miss Olive Neighbors was visiting friends in the Salem neighborhood the first of the week. Rev. J. M. Jones was in attendance at the conference of the Baptist ministers at Pittsville Friday and Saturday.

The Colorado surveyors pitched their tents in our town Monday. They will be iu this township about a week. Mr. George G. Mathena, engineer for Harrison Devasher, has been oft duty for a day or two on account of sickness.

he had been to an the large spunk knot over the right eye. We would advise him to tackle one of his size next time, and for the present to use a flax seed poultice. James Griffin met with a very painful and almost serious accident Sunday night. After preaching at the Baptist church, James started to get his horse, when he accidently ran into a barbed wire fei ce, resulting in a deep cut on the upper lip and several severe cuts on the neck, one cut nearly severing the large vein. James was taken to Dr.

Cases office, where the wounds were stripped up. Messrs. Darrah and Coursey, well drillers, are engaged in drilling a well in James Pools yard, six miles north of town feet a hissing noise was heard at the bottom of the shaft. Some one remarked that water had been found and would soon be flowing out of the top. Upon removing the drill a peculiar smell attracted the attention of those Clio looks like Irish wake, from When at ibe depth of "lCO County Conrt.

FIR8T DAY MONDAY, AUGUST 1. Court met at 9 oclock, all present. M. J. and J.

S. Thelps, petition fir change of public road iu Madison and Kingsville townships, dismissed fur want of legal notice. E. W. Huux el al, petition for new puolu; road iu Ceuierview township; commissioner ordered to view and make report at the next term of court.

Daniel Marr, petition for new public road in Post Oak township, same entry. S. E. Walker, petition of new public road and remonstrance of Cyrus Stratton, road examined, proof of notice made, and continued until August 20. Jane Mock et al, petition for new public road dismissed at request of petitioners.

George W. Potts, found by probate court to be insane; sheriff ordered to take him to insane asylum at Fulton as county patient. The court finding that he has no estate sufficient to maintain him, and warrant for 605 drawn on county revenue. A. J.

Dunham et al, petition for new public road "in Chilhowee and Post Oak townships; commissioner ordered to view and report at next term of court. C. H. Zoll, road and bridge commissioner, asks continuance on reports on certain roads continued until August 29th. James H.

Crumbaugh loaned 6500, Joseph Howard 8800 and Milton B. Meily 61,500 from capital school fund. J. II. Garrison, petition for new public road, continued to next term, and jury appointed to assess damages to Mrs.

Utt and heirs, II. R. Garrisons heirs, Gas. Beerman, Henry Rose, A. Garrison, Mrs.

Buchanan, Mrs. L. Fox and Twombly heirs, and report at next term. Adjourned. SECOND DAY AUGUST 2.

Court met at 9 oclock, present as yesterday. The report of Charles H. Zoll, surveyor and road and bridge commissioner, on bridge at Chester ford, Walnut creek, Grover township, examined and approved, and a warrant of 6102 ordered to J. H. Donaldson for building the same.

The report of commissioner on road petition of Joe West et al, approved, and A. S. Campbell, Wm. Carlyle and John Porter are appointed commissioners to assess damages to Chas. and report to the next term of this court.

The report of the commissioner of road petitioned for by Sarah Wood examined and approved, and change granted and ordered opened within six months, and ordered certified to proper road overseer. Warrant 810 issued to J. H. Knaus for benefit of Hannah Thornton, pauper. Report of commissioner on road pe titioned for by Morris Hodges et al, approved, and Wiley Carrington, Carey Elliott and R.

N. Raker appointed commissioners to assess damages to John Weir, and report next term. Report ot commissioner on road petitioned for by J. II. McElwee et al, examined and continued until August 29, and commissioner ordered to make more definite report on ssid road at the above date.

Report of commissioner on road petitioned for by G. W. Hilterbrand et al, approved, and Silas Greer, Thornton Woodford and J. M. Ward, are appointed commissioners to assess damages to John Wash, and report at next term.

Warrant tor 8121.50 ordered to Cris-sey Hunt for rent of three months, August, September and October, 1887. Petition of Jacob Fitterling for swamp land patent to the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of 3, 46, 26, examined, and proof of payment made, and swamp land patent ordered to Jacob Fitterling. D. M. Raker makes report of sale of southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of 16, 46, 20.

Report approved proof of full payment made ou former sale this sale to be made to perfect title to the land. Certified. C. II Zoll, county road and bridge commissioner, ordered to let contracts for wooden bridges, at the court house, in Warrensburg, on the 30th day cf August, 1887, as follows. Bridge over littlejBlackwater, on Columbus and Holden road, 40 feet span, two 12-foot aprons.

Bridge over Lizzard branch, on Holden and Columbus road, 30 feet span, 12-foot aprons. Bridge over Bear creek on Warrensburg and Warsaw road, 40 feot span, two 12-foot aprons. Bridge over east prong of Bear Creek Warrensburg and Warsaw road, 120 feet of trestle. Bridge over Middle fork of Black-water, on range line on Chapel Hill and Kingsville road, 40 feet span, two 12-foot aprom. Bridge over south Blackwater, on Holden and Columbus road, 40 feet span, two i2-foot aprons.

Repairing burned bridge over Post Oak, in Chilhowee township. Bridge over Derlton branch, Patrick road, 30 feet kpan, two 12-foot aprons. Bridge over Cleatforfc. at Sprague T. H.

Greenup, ot Centertown, was visiting his son Friday. John T. Brooks, of Kansas City, spent Sunday iu WanenaUurg. Mr Hinkle, of this city, lefr for his home at Centertown, Friday. Mrs.

Julia Wall went to Warrensburg Tuesday morning. Sedalia Democrat. Mrs. Hayden, son and daughter, returned from a visit to Mayview, Monday. Miss Bertha Heermans, of St.

Louis, and her nephew. Master Rolph Gauss, are visiting Mrs. E. A. Nickerson, in this city.

N. B. Klaine, of Dodge City, Kas. is in the city visiting old friends. He is taking in the Springs with all that the term implies.

B. S. Couch, of Grover township, who has been attending the Chautauqua meetings at the Springs, left for his home Tuesday night. J. N.

McDonald, of the Real Estate firm of McDonald. Strode of Kansas City, was in town Monday. He gave good reports of his firms work in the great boom in the city by the mouth of the Kaw. AT HOTEL MINNEU AWA. II Wall.

Windsor. Z. Case, Fayetteville. Reasor, Carthage. J.

W. Ellis, Plattgburg. O. G. Felkncr, Warsaw Allie Cormean, Fairfax.

A Pugh, Kansas City. II. T. Davis, Monroe, Mo. Edw A Allen, Columbia.

C. G. Blair, Kansas City. T. R.

Gilmore, New York. II. T. Davis, Monroe, Mo. Mrs.

D. Golliday, Holden. Mrs. R. Jennings, Sedalia.

Mrs. Judge McClung, City. Chas Colston, Hannibal. James Parker, Fayetteville. Powell, Lone Tree, Mo.

Mrs. A. C. Gould, Windsor. II Spalding, Philadelphia.

R. Pendleton, Independence. Mrs. D. Boyle, Ottawa, Kas.

A Holloway, Gilliam, Mo. Klaine, Cimarron, Kas. Ellen Hatchett, Kansas City. W. M.

Knapp, Caldwell, Kas. D. C. Kelley, Nashville, Tenn. George D.

Leech, New York Tharrington, Knob Noster. Joe S. Tharington, Knob Noster. L. B.

Ely, A. Trotter, Carrollton. Miss Cora Delaney, McKinney, Tex. Miss Narcissa E. White, Mercer Pa.

Theo. Loos, Mrs. A. Plesner, Holden. C.

E. Bolton, M. J. Stewart, Cleveland. Joseph Byter, wife and son, Boone ville.

Frank Russell, Rodney Hull, Center-view. DR McAnually, Felton, St, Louis. Mrs. J. A.

Stewart, G. V. Ridley, Warrensburg. Sam Rathall, C. B.

Hill, Rev. B.E. Reed, St Louis. A Leake, II Sinnett, II Parke, Sedalia. G.

A. Kennedy and sister, Lon Hank, Holden. Mrs. H. G.

Wylie, Mrs. Harry A. Pratt, Sedalia. Frank D. Findley, Miss Anna Hill, Independence.

Miss T. J. Woodward, T. J. Woodward, Cameron.

A Shoemaker, Seth Bradley, Mrs Golladay, Holden. Mi S3 Blanche Latour, John McGin-ley, J. J. OBrien, sedalia. J.

A. Brightwell, T. C. Morgan, Harry Beazell, Bell Yrernon, Pa. Miss Jessie co*ck.

Miss Susie Adair, Clay Adair, Hale Montgomery, Clinton. J. A. Kellogg. R.

II. Colay, E. L. Brown, Frank II. Cordell, Pleasant Hill.

C. B. Hill, Sam T. Rathell, II. E.

White, A. C. Orrick, Felix Coste, St. Louis. Wm McBride, Knox, Barclay Meador, Findlay, Wm Brishey, Independence.

A. J. Evarts, Sam King, II R. Tinke. W.

A. Hudson, W. H. Clements, St. Louis.

Kelley, Mr and Mrs A Logan, Russell, Pennington, James Campbell, Warrensburg. A. M. Donald, Mrs. Nathan Scar-ritt, Chas.

W. Scarritt, Miss Mattie Scarritt, Mrs. M. J. Blair, Kansas City.

Mrs. D. Gollidav, Mrs. R. A.

Long iss M. Rowe, Miss Lillie Stearns, Miss Laura Stearns, R. A. Long, Holden. Mrs.

Henry Russell, Mrs. Charles Oglesby, W. H. Anderson, Miss Mary Anderson, Miss Plummer, Warrensburg. Henry Arnold, Isaac Neale, Geo Schooling, Dan lloefer, Gussie Bear, Ed Bear, Sam McFarland, As-bury, Harry Hawkins, Higginsville r.

M. C. A. James E. Powell, Cbas.

P. Bryant. W. J. Neiswanger, J.

L. Karnes, W. W. Nelson, James M. Sessions, W.

R. Hogsett, H. A. Dixon, Shirley Strong, Wm. G.

Bird, John T. Brooks, Miss Juliette Bird, Kansas City. O. G. Markham, Clara Spencer, C.

M. Thornton, Rev. D. K. Steele, Mrs.

M. E. Steele, Miss Jessie Steele, D. D. Williams, Mrs.

It. Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.

Smith, Miss Laura Smith, Frank A. Steele, W. L. Hickman, Miss Jennie Hickman, Chas. Anderson, C.

E. Clark, W. H. Anderson, Chas. L.

Johnston. U. Grant Cord, Mrs. C. H.

Calvin, H. H. Russell, W. H. Beazell J.

C. Thornton, W. L. Hyer, F. S.

DeGarmo, M. Yroungs, B. F. Ross. Miss Ella Robinson, Miss Fannie Thornton, Mr.

and Mrs. C. H. Harrison, R. M.

Spencer, Miss Cora Shields, "Warrens burg. YS. VVD 'VO. Grover Items. Dry and dusty.

Nothing would be injured by a good rain. Farmers generally plowing for wheat. E. J. Ogden paid a visit to Clinton last week.

Several Grover folks were in the Burg Tuesday. Rev. W. T. Pyles preached at Union Chapel Sunday night.

No threshing machine in this immediate neighborhood. The convention talk has died away a very proper thing. Slieck Cash and Tom Williams are in from Cass county visiting relatives. Mr. Duke Y.

Prigmore and daughter, of Pettis county, were visiting the family of Mrs. Dorsey, last week. The Colorado company have once more run a survey through our township. That the Colorado will run through Grover township, is believed by many, but there are no certainties in regard to the Colorado. Let the road come, all are willing and ready for it.

Cash Hanna had the misfortune to get the strawstacker and the carrier of their threshing machine burned last week, while threshing at Mr. Push Maxwells, The stacker caught lire from a red hot boxing, and it was with no little trouble that the sepa rator was saved. The loss is estimated at about 6150. Mr. Hanna was in Sedalia getting repairs the latter part of last week.

Got an -L bom Owens, the negro arrested for an assault upon Miss Edith Hatfield on the 20th of July, was tried before Justice Ilouts and a jury Monday afternoon. The jury wa3 out but a short time, and returned with a ver puninh-ment at aline of 650 and the costs of the suit. lie boards with Sheriff Raker for the next month or two. BUILDING. Licenses.

John B. Wallace Kansas City Mary L. Ronan. Kansas City Charles Swarthout Holden Rebecca L. Miles.

Vernon Ind. NOTICE. Ladies and Gents of "Warrensburg i I have opened a first class Cleaning and Dying Works in Sedalia, where you can send your faded and soiled garments and have them either steam cleaned or colored. I can save von money by doing over your clothing. All kinds of Cleaning, Dying and Repairing done in first class style.

All work guaranteed to be perfect. All orders by mail or express promptly a i bonded to. F. R. HURLBUBT, Proa, 408 Ohio Sedalia, If Goodfbllow.

The Red Ribbon Club will meet next Sunday afternoon at the first Presbyterian church, at 3 oclock. A special programme has been arranged, consisting of music by choir, speech by Rev. Irvine, a recitation by Miss Cora Elliott, Solo by Miss Ella Fike. recitation by Miss Mi za Seawell, quartette, Everybody is in- Red. Farmers wanting Corn by retail or in Car load lots Will save money by I uying from Hartman Mark ward at the Magnolia Mills.

tf Call on B. Harris Co. be foreselling: yonr wool. OFFICIAL DPRECTORyT COUNTY OFFICERS. Sheriff David M.

Raker. Treasurer Geo. R. Hunt. Probate Judge Robert N.

Warniek Circuit Clerk-W. K. Morrow County Clerk-John M. Rice. Recorder William A.

Porter Prosecuting Attorney Richard Roiw.w. Collector-Geo. W. Lemmon KOl)ertw-Assessor William Hamilton Public Administrator B. F.

MeClune-Supt. Public Schools W.F. Bahlman County Surveyor Chas. Zoll Coroner Dr. Samuel C.

Janies." TIMES OF HOLDING COURT Circuit Court Second Monday in Fehm. and June, and third Monday in October rv? Sloane, Judge. Criminal Court First Monday is May and n. ember. John E.

Bvland, Judge. aMD() Probate Court Second Monday in lYbrno ay, August and November. ruarj County Court First Monday in Fehrnt May, August and November. UWJ TRUSTEES SALE. Whereas, John G.

Schaffer ami Sarah Schaffer, his wife, by their deed of irmt dated November 7th, 1881, and re! corded in deed of trust book at page 20 in the office of recorder of deeds within lni for the county of Johnson and state of Mis. souri, conveved to L. Houti trustee, the following described real es! tate, situate in Johnson county, Mo to wit The west half of the northeast quarter, and the west hulf of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter, all in section seven teen (17), township forty-seven (47), range twenty-tive (25). to secure the py. ment ot a certain promissory note in said deed described: and whereas, default has been made in the payment of intereit on said note, Now, therefore 1, the undersigned trustee, will on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5TH, 1887.

At the request of the legal holder of said note. proceed under the provisions of said deed of trust to sell the said property at public auction, at the Court House door in Warrensburg, Johnion County, Missouri, be. ween the hours of 9 oclock in the forenoon and 5 in the afternoon of that day, to the highest bidder, for cash, to satisfy the purposes of said trust. aug-4 O. L.

HOUTS, Trustee. 100 DOZEN For which I will pay THE J. H. CHRISTOPHER. THERE IS NO Royal Road to Forte Bur you will find an easy one to it if you will PRACTICE ECONOMY AND BUY YODR GROCERIES -from S.

H. SUMMERS, Holden Si, opposite Bwk of finwS The stock is always the prices are cut down suit the times. TBT ITS and MOO OTX8 Hey, there; hello! Whats low? Why, the prices on the new lines of prints, muslins, shirtings, opened at DeGARMOS this week. And next week we open a. superb line of Press Ginghams in new shades, for early Fall wear, just as good for now, too.

at 10c a yard. Summer Stuff Going at Sacrifice Prices. Those who bought last week of us realized that It Pays to Trade at WOOLEX Trotter movements of this animal. The fact is becoming plain to horsem*n that Geo. W.

Ray hill, of this city, lias a young horse which bids fair, with Pr0Per triniuK- to lead all trotters in 1 this country. George has known this for some time, and modestly refrains from boasting, but when the possessors of fast trotters challenge him for a trial of speed, he surprises them. He thinks of entering his horse in the present, and upon examination it was iecn iace at the Holden Fair. The found that gas had been struck. Mr.

orse rao an(l Abdallah stock, Darrah lighted a match and held it wkich races furnish many good trot-over the escaping gas, when it ignited crs Standard representative and leaped up to a height of five feet. P00 a sPn with Mr. Rayliill, the The well has been burning since Sat- i otier ay Jxncl was well pleased with urday, and at writing shows no signs of abating. About 500 people i names hi 01 Did Honesty. If no ac- visited the well Saturday.

We under- cident befalls him, he will become re- stand that Mr. P. has had offers for nowne( as a trotter. pipe lines by liis neighbors. We con- gratulate him on his lucky find andImrxjQ vm a a tttd expect some day to find the new Fay- 4-virvo.

Ji D1A 1 DA lo, etteville lighted by natural gas from the above or some other well in the TfOTBr 01 Frfffl 311(1 MllSIC, I Will receive pupils at her residence, Buy the best The Light Running xt Fin? Domestic Hewing Machine -for sale 8treet. Terms For Music, usual by John Barton, over Doolie's store PDces, French, reasonable charges. oafioUes street. lsiunly w2-aug4 1.

The Standard-Herald from Warrensburg, Missouri (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

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Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.